trailblazer / trailblazer-loader

Require concept files, models and more without any autoloading magic.
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Representers not properly autoloaded using trailblazer #23

Open HoneyryderChuck opened 6 years ago

HoneyryderChuck commented 6 years ago

I'm defining representers in the nested-plural way. So I have the following representer:

# app/concepts/users/representer/user_representer.rb
class UserRepresenter < Representable::Decorator
  property :name
  collection :tax_residencies, decorator: TaxResidencyRepresenter

# app/concepts/tax_residencies/representer/tax_residency_representer.rb
class TaxResidencyRepresenter < Representable::Decorator

When I try to run any of my rails-defined tasks, for db or running specs, I get this error:

 uninitialized constant UserRepresenter::TaxResidencyRepresenter

my "quick-fix" was to add the following line above the user representer definition:

require_dependency Rails.root.join("app", "concepts", "tax_residencies", "representer", "tax_residency_representer")

but I think this is broken behaviour, indicating a bug in the loader logic.