trailheadapps / lwc-recipes

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Issues pushing into a Spring19 DevHub preview org #5

Closed jonny2k9 closed 5 years ago

jonny2k9 commented 5 years ago

Hi There,

I am pushing the source into a Spring19 DevHub preview org and receiving the following errors:

PROJECT PATH ERROR ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── force-app\main\default\flexipages\Hello.flexipage-meta.xml We couldn't retrieve the design time component information for component c:hello. force-app\main\default\flexipages\Events.flexipage-meta.xml We couldn't retrieve the design time component information for component c:eventSimple. force-app\main\default\flexipages\X3rd_Party_Libs.flexipage-meta.xml We couldn't retrieve the design time component information for component c:libsD3. force-app\main\default\flexipages\Wire.flexipage-meta.xml We couldn't retrieve the design time component information for component c:apexWireMethodToProperty. force-app\main\default\flexipages\Data_Service.flexipage-meta.xml We couldn't retrieve the design time component information for component c:lds. force-app\main\default\flexipages\Contact_Record_Page.flexipage-meta.xml We couldn't retrieve the design time component information for component c:recordFormDynamicContact. force-app\main\default\flexipages\Composition.flexipage-meta.xml We couldn't retrieve the design time component information for component c:compositionBasics. force-app\main\default\flexipages\Aura_Interoperability.flexipage-meta.xml We couldn't retrieve the design time component information for component c:pubsubContactList. force-app\main\default\flexipages\Apex.flexipage-meta.xml We couldn't retrieve the design time component information for component c:apexWireMethodToProperty. force-app\main\default\aura\auraPubsubPublisher\auraPubsubPublisher.cmp No COMPONENT named markup://c:auraPubsub found : [markup://c:auraPubsubPublisher] force-app\main\default\aura\auraPubsubSubscriber\auraPubsubSubscriber.cmp No COMPONENT named markup://c:auraPubsub found : [markup://c:auraPubsubSubscriber] force-app\main\default\aura\auraDomEventListener\auraDomEventListener.cmp No COMPONENT named markup://c:categoryFilter found : [markup://c:auraDomEventListener] force-app\main\default\flexipages\Misc_Techniques.flexipage-meta.xml We couldn't retrieve the design time component information for component c:miscGetUserId. force-app\main\default\flexipages\Navigation.flexipage-meta.xml We couldn't retrieve the design time component information for component c:navToHome. force-app\main\default\flexipages\Parent_to_Child.flexipage-meta.xml We couldn't retrieve the design time component information for component c:apiProperty. force-app\main\default\flexipages\Pub_Sub.flexipage-meta.xml We couldn't retrieve the design time component information for component c:pubsubSearchBar. N/A Main markup cannot be empty. If you are trying to delete the Lightning definition bundle, directly delete the bundle instead. N/A Main markup cannot be empty. If you are trying to delete the Lightning definition bundle, directly delete the bundle instead. N/A Main markup cannot be empty. If you are trying to delete the Lightning definition bundle, directly delete the bundle instead. force-app\main\default\tabs\ In field: flexiPage - no FlexiPage named Navigation found force-app\main\default\tabs\ In field: flexiPage - no FlexiPage named Misc_Techniques found force-app\main\default\tabs\ In field: flexiPage - no FlexiPage named Hello found force-app\main\default\tabs\ In field: flexiPage - no FlexiPage named Events found force-app\main\default\tabs\ In field: flexiPage - no FlexiPage named Data_Service found force-app\main\default\tabs\ In field: flexiPage - no FlexiPage named Composition found force-app\main\default\applications\ In field: tab - no CustomTab named Hello found force-app\main\default\tabs\ In field: flexiPage - no FlexiPage named Apex found force-app\main\default\tabs\ In field: flexiPage - no FlexiPage named X3rd_Party_Libs found force-app\main\default\tabs\ In field: flexiPage - no FlexiPage named Wire found force-app\main\default\tabs\ In field: flexiPage - no FlexiPage named Pub_Sub found force-app\main\default\tabs\ In field: flexiPage - no FlexiPage named Parent_to_Child found force-app\main\default\tabs\ In field: flexiPage - no FlexiPage named Aura_Interoperability found force-app\main\default\permissionsets\recipes.permissionset-meta.xml In field: tab - no CustomTab named Apex found N/A We couldn't validate your component. Review it and try again. The following code has invalid references which caused safe validation failure. AuraDefinition [ id:null deftype:null format:null source: null] (0:0) N/A We couldn't validate your component. Review it and try again. The following code has invalid references which caused safe validation failure. AuraDefinition [ id:null deftype:null format:null source: null] (0:0) N/A We couldn't validate your component. Review it and try again. The following code has invalid references which caused safe validation failure. AuraDefinition [ id:null deftype:null format:null source: null] (0:0)

muenzpraeger commented 5 years ago

Can you please verify that you're actually using the pre-release dev hub? That error looks like you're pushing to a Winter '19, and not a Spring '19 org.

Run sfdx force:org:list, that'll show you the authenticated orgs. If your dev hub is not the default dev hub (has a (D) before it's name), then you've to pass the parameter -v yourdevhubname when creating a scratch org.

jonny2k9 commented 5 years ago

I can verify that I am using a Spring 19 dev hub as Einstein is wheeling on his bicycle when I open the scratch org. I tried logging out of my old dev hub, re-authing with my Spring 19 dev hub, and the errors are still showing up when pushing the source.

muenzpraeger commented 5 years ago

If you run sfdx plugins —core - do you run the needed pre-release version of the salesforcedx plugin, as documented in the readme?

jonny2k9 commented 5 years ago

Thankyou @muenzpraeger!

AnamikaRathoreJandu commented 5 years ago

@jonny2k9 Did you ever find a solution for this? I'm having the same issue deploying to a sandbox which is on cs102. According to salesforce this was fixed on cs102 as part of Spring 19 patch fix but it still persists? Right now the only way I can get a green build is if I add the flexipage in gitognore. I'd be really glad if you could help me out :)


muenzpraeger commented 5 years ago

@AnamikaRathoreJandu The issue from @jonny2k9 can't exist as of today.

Please post your error message, so that we can drill down on your issue.

AnamikaRathoreJandu commented 5 years ago

this is the build error that I get when deploying a lightning app called workforce monitor which is added to our consoles.

Error deploy_build/flexipages/eco_sales_UtilityBar.flexipage eco_sales_UtilityBar We couldn't retrieve the design time component information for component mwm:WorkforceMonitor. Error deploy_build/flexipages/eco_service_UtilityBar.flexipage eco_service_UtilityBar We couldn't retrieve the design time component information for component mwm:WorkforceMonitor.

muenzpraeger commented 5 years ago

That’s not related to the Recipes application. I recommend to reach out on Stackexchange.

AnamikaRathoreJandu commented 5 years ago

@muenzpraeger Oh no, I only paid attention to the actual error so thought could get some help here. Thanks for that :)