either above the photo and destination description or between that and the additional info, the carless team would like a section on taking transit to the outdoor destination. something that conveys ease, excitement and having transit be a part of the adventure. along with a photos (slide show maybe) of the point to point excursion - getting on the bus/train, enjoying the ride, scenic views, comfy seats, time with friends/family, napping, nice restrooms, etc. and then getting off and transferring to next bus or hopping on bike and making way to outdoor destination or camp/lodging.
this is for phase 2
either above the photo and destination description or between that and the additional info, the carless team would like a section on taking transit to the outdoor destination. something that conveys ease, excitement and having transit be a part of the adventure. along with a photos (slide show maybe) of the point to point excursion - getting on the bus/train, enjoying the ride, scenic views, comfy seats, time with friends/family, napping, nice restrooms, etc. and then getting off and transferring to next bus or hopping on bike and making way to outdoor destination or camp/lodging.