trailofbits / sinter

A user-mode application authorization system for MacOS written in Swift
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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Preference/rules configuration with .plist/managed preferences #93

Open wmehilos opened 4 years ago

wmehilos commented 4 years ago

I love .json as much as the next person but being able to set the config.json settings and add rules via an MDM profile would be awesome. Ultimately, I'm lazy, and having APNS and my MDM do all the deployment for me saves me the time having to package up json files for pkg installation or test scripts to change/add rules programmatically. Depending on how folks configure/manage their fleets, it also allows admins to lean on their MDM's grouping and scope capabilities to send allow/deny lists to specific groups of machines/users (say, to stop my graphics design users from running Xcode, which my developers absolutely need).

Probably a stretch goal given how young this app is, but I figured I'd throw the suggestion out there nonetheless.