trailsjs / trailpack-express

:package: Express Trailpack
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Missing validate fields #21

Open jaumard opened 8 years ago

jaumard commented 8 years ago

@mib4fun we miss some useful options with the validate feature :

errorFields - an optional object with error fields copied into every validation error response.

failAction - determines how to handle invalid requests. Allowed values are:

  • 'error' - return a Bad Request (400) error response. This is the default value.
  • 'log' - log the error but continue processing the request.
  • 'ignore' - take no action.
  • a custom error handler function with the signature function(request, reply, source, error) where:
    • request - the request object.
    • reply - the continuation reply interface.
    • source - the source of the invalid field (e.g. 'headers', 'params', 'query', 'payload').
    • error - the error object prepared for the client response (including the validation function error under

options - options to pass to Joi. Useful to set global options such as stripUnknown or abortEarly (the complete list is available here). Defaults to no options. If you don't have time to do it this is not a problem I just want to let you know ^^

Also need unit tests about these new fields.

jvkassi commented 8 years ago

@jaumard, hey dude! Didn't know about that. I'll try to implement it ! Don't have much time now though :disappointed:

jaumard commented 8 years ago

@mib4fun no problem at all :) it's not urgent, just nice to have.