trainfarb / B.0.9-Onboarding-Platform

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Introduce Governance Platform Documentation Website (A3 Debrief workPad) #26

Closed trainfarb closed 5 months ago

trainfarb commented 5 months ago

2024.04.01 Situation: Completed the sketches for the Onboarding Website Wireframes today. It was an iterative process where the final strategy became clear halfway through. Complication: It took a while to finalize the onboarding approach, so we don’t have time to work through the B.0.9.2 Documentation and B.0.9.3 Models. The priority is the B.0.9.2 Documentation Website so we can turn the sketches into an onboarding website for the community. Resolution: Creating the 3D Large Language Model will be delayed and rescheduled throughout the year as part of the recovery schedule, and our efforts will go into publishing the community onboarding website by 2024.04.06.

Recovery Schedule:

trainfarb commented 5 months ago

Governance Platform Copy

Header Copy


Create header copy for the governance platform page. Introduce that this is how people transform their training strategy into a go-to-market strategy based on clear goals, transparent agreements, and decentralized wallets that help contributors add value to the platform as autonomous actors.


Header Copy:

💼🤝🏽 Governance Platform: Cultivating Collective Wisdom for Mutual Benefits 💡🌳

Craft a grassroots go-to-market strategy based on explicit objectives, radiant contracts, and decentralized pocketbooks. Enable contributors to sow value seeds as sovereign agents, united under a unifying umbrella of collaboration.

Nurture a shared vision, germinated from individual voices and thriving collectively.


Craft a grassroots go-to-market strategy based on clear objectives, transparent agreements, and decentralized wallets to enable contributors to add value to platforms autonomously.

Goals Copy


Create copy for the goals section of the governance platform page. Explain how the training platform turns into clear goals so the developers can encode a go-to-market strategy into the platform.


Goals: Training Foundation for Market Odyssey

Translate training efforts into chiseled goals, furnishing developers with a compass to integrate a go-to-market strategy within the platform. Direct their code contributions towards common objectives, knitted tightly by consensus and collaboration.

Goals Golden Rules:

  1. Pinpoint measurable benchmarks, gauging progress with cold, hard facts.
  2. Sequence tasks chronologically, plotting mile markers along the journey.
  3. Facilitate regular reviews, updating priorities and reprioritizing as necessary.

Anchor your developers in terra firma, sailing smoothly towards the horizon.


Translate training lesson plans into clear goals, furnishing developers with a compass to integrate a go-to-market strategy within the platform.

Agreements Copy


Create copy for the agreements section of the governance platform page. Explain how the goals are turned into smart contracts that track and maintain the agreed upon contributions of your platform's goals.


Agreements: Smart Contracts for Verifiable Commitments

Refashion goals into smart contracts, binding commitments encoded onto the platform. Track obligations automatically, guaranteeing parties honor their pledges and responsibilities.

Smart Contract Tenets:

  1. Automate transaction verification, eradicating manual checks and double entries.
  2. Trigger penalties instantly, discouraging malevolent behavior and safeguarding sanctity.
  3. Enlist neutral arbitrators, dissolving disputes fairly and squarely.

Secure your platform's future, locked within tamper-proof promises sealed by smart contract magic.


Turn goals into smart contracts to encode agreements into the platform. Transparently track obligations to ensure parities honor their pledges and responsibilities.

Wallets Copy


Create copy for the wallets section of the governance platform page. Explain how the smart contracts from the agreements section are encoded into self-managed wallets for contributors.


Wallets: Autonomous Haven for Self-Managed Treasure Troves

Encode agreement-derived smart contracts into self-governed vaults, placing contributors in control of their riches. Bestow independence, empowering constituents to administer funds and execute transactions freely.

Wallet Ethos:

  1. Preserve privacy, sheltering sensitive data from unwanted exposure.
  2. Uphold portability, liberating users to transport tokens effortlessly.
  3. Foster liquidity, lubricating trading and swapping with minimal hassle.

Endow contributors with keys to their own castle, reigning supreme over their personal wealth within the platform walls


Encode agreement-derived smart contracts into self-governed wallets, placing contributors in control of the value that they bring to the platform.

trainfarb commented 5 months ago

[tf] Add copy for governance platform page