trainfarb / B.0.9-Onboarding-Platform

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Create Model for beatDrop Story for oS3 Meeting Debrief workBook #37

Open trainfarb opened 3 months ago

trainfarb commented 3 months ago


Problem 1: Create header copy Platform Page

A Communications Platform based on Decentralized Applications. Transform your sales process into a communications strategy with theories, experiments, and essays.

An Event Streaming Story Platform based on AI Problem Formulation, Platform Design Engineering, and Decentralized Applications. Transform your communications process into a story strategy with world building, operations, and maintenance mythologies.


Problem Formulation 2: Create Copy for OWNER Polymath Problem Header and Sub-header

Problem Header

Problem Sub-header

Problem Formulation 3: Create Copy for PRODUCER Focus Problem Header and Sub-header

Problem Formulation 4: Create Copy for PROVIDER Productivity Problem Header and Sub-header

Problem Formulation 5: Create Copy for CONSUMER Creativity Header and Sub-header


Problem Formulation 6: Create Copy for OWNER Polymath Solution Header and Sub-header

Solution Header

Solution Sub-header

Problem Formulation 7: Create Copy for PRODUCER Focus Solution Header and Sub-header

Problem Formulation 8: Create Copy for PROVIDER Productivity Solution Header and Sub-header

Problem Formulation 9: Create Copy for CONSUMER Creativity Solution and Sub-header


Problem Formulation 10: Create Copy for Empathy and Authority Section


Problem Formulation 11: Create Copy for OWNER Polymath Process Header and Sub-header

Problem Formulation 12: Create Copy for PRODUCER Focus Process Header and Sub-header

Problem Formulation 13: Create Copy for PROVIDER Productivity Process Header and Sub-header

Problem Formulation 14: Create Copy for CONSUMER Creativity Process and Sub-header


Problem Formulation 15: Create Copy for OWNER Polymath FAQ Header and Sub-header

Problem Formulation 16: Create Copy for PRODUCER Focus FAQ Question and Answer

Problem Formulation 17: Create Copy for PROVIDER Productivity FAQ Question and Answer

Problem Formulation 18: Create Copy for CONSUMER Creativity FAQ Question and Answer


Problem Formulation 19: Create Copy for Call to Action Header and Sub-header

Problem Formulation 20: Create Copy for Call to Action Button


Problem Formulation 21: Update Photos for Landing Page

trainfarb commented 3 months ago

[tf] Platform Sales Page Header, Problem Header, and Problem Sub-header copy

trainfarb commented 3 months ago

[tf] Create Copy for PRODUCER, PROVIDER, and CONSUMER Problem Statements

trainfarb commented 3 months ago

[tf] Create Platform Solution Header and Subheader

trainfarb commented 3 months ago

[tf] Create Solution Statements for Platforms

trainfarb commented 3 months ago

[tf] Create Platform Empathy and Authority Statements

trainfarb commented 3 months ago

[tf] Create Platform 3-Step Processes

trainfarb commented 3 months ago

[tf] Complete Platform FAQ Sections

trainfarb commented 3 months ago

[tf] Add Platform Images and send to DEG for review