traitecoevo / APCalign

R package for accessing, matching and updating species names of Australian flora
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multicore #162

Closed wcornwell closed 4 months ago

wcornwell commented 11 months ago

written for the annuals project, @ehwenk is this useful for austraits workflow?

split_vector <- function(v, N=(detectCores() - 1)) {
  # Check for edge cases
  if (N <= 0) stop("N should be greater than 0")
  if (length(v) == 0) return(vector("list", N))

  # Calculate chunk size
  chunk_size <- floor(length(v) / N)

  # Compute number of chunks that get an extra element
  extras <- length(v) %% N

  chunks <- vector("list", N)
  start_idx <- 1

  for (i in 1:N) {
    end_idx <- start_idx + chunk_size - 1
    # Assign extra elements to the first few chunks
    if (i <= extras) {
      end_idx <- end_idx + 1
    chunks[[i]] <- v[start_idx:end_idx]
    start_idx <- end_idx + 1


multicore_tax_update <- function(data_vec, cores = detectCores() - 1,resources=resources,taxonomic_splits) {
  # Split the vector into a list of individual elements
  data_list <- split_vector(data_vec, N=detectCores() - 1)

  results <- mclapply(data_list, function(x) create_taxonomic_update_lookup(x,resources=resources,taxonomic_splits=taxonomic_splits), mc.cores = cores)

  # Bind all results together into a single dataframe
  result_df <-, results)

wcornwell commented 4 months ago

now fixed via #215