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Contexts not being "used" #745

Closed ehwenk closed 1 year ago

ehwenk commented 1 year ago

I noticed in the data for Canham_2023 (on branch), there were not nearly enough plot_id values - there are 77 "elevation values" (plot_id) and 17 "inundation duration" values (also plot_id). Filtering contexts to this study

austraits$contexts %>% filter(dataset_id == "Canham_2023") %>% View()

lots of the context values don't have a link_id - and apparently aren't being used, despite appearing in the data.csv file. I'm not at all sure what is happening.

yangsophieee commented 1 year ago

Witkowski_1991 also has the same issue. Lizzy figured out that if you change the context column to as.character() in the custom_R_code it solves the issue. This seems like something that can be easily fixed in process.R, probably somewhere around line 426.

yangsophieee commented 1 year ago

Moved this issue to