Closed dfalster closed 6 years ago
I wrote a function to convert austraits into a matrix with each species as a row and each column as a trait. I also divided the traits into types so max and min values for traits have separate columns (this can be easily changed by editing the "value_type"column to be the same for all values for a trait). for numeric traits I took the mean of the values for each species with data. For categorical traits I took the first trait value for each species. It looks like for most traits there are many species with multiple records reporting different trait values. Below is a table summarizing this problem (zero is for species with no data and one means there is only one value reported for these species etc.).
What can we do about this?
The function outputs a list with four data frames. The first data frame is the trait values for each species The second data frame is the number of data points for each species The third data frame is the number of values per species for categorical traits The fourth data frame is the SD values for the means from numeric traits
below is the code for the function.
#### function for Long to wide Format using austraits ####
## set up data
#rm(list = ls())
austraits <- remake::make('austraits')
austraits_data <- austraits$data
list_traits <- unique(austraits_data$trait_name)
## the Function
long_to_wide <- function(list_traits, austraits_data) {
### Prep data
austraits_data[austraits_data == "NA"] <- NA
austraits_data1 <- austraits_data[!$value),]
austraits_data1 <- austraits_data1[austraits_data1$trait_name %in% list_traits, ]
### make trait names
austraits_data1$trait_type <- paste(austraits_data1$trait_name, austraits_data1$value_type, sep = "_")
list_traits2 <-$trait_name, austraits_data1$value_type, sep = "/")))
continuous_traits <- c("leaf_area", "leaf_length", "leaf_width", "leaf_area_per_sapwood_area", "leaf_area_ratio",
"seed_mass", "seed_volume", "seed_length", "seed_width", "wood_density",
"seed_breadth", "leaf_C_per_dry_mass", "leaf_cell_wall_fraction", "leaf_cell_wall_N",
"bark_mass_area", "bark_thickness", "branch_mass_fraction", "diaspore_mass", "flowering_time",
"fruit_diameter", "fruit_length", "fruiting_time", "genome_size", "glaucous",
"leaf_cell_wall_N_fraction", "leaf_chlorophyll_per_dry_mass", "leaf_CN_ratio", "leaf_dark_respiration_per_area", "leaf_dark_respiration_per_dry_mass",
"leaf_delta13C", "leaf_delta15N", "leaf_dry_mass", "leaf_dry_matter_content", "leaf_elastic_modulus",
"leaf_fracture_force", "leaf_K_per_area", "leaf_K_per_dry_mass", "lignotuber", "leaf_lifespan",
"leaf_lobed", "leaf_mass_fraction", "leaf_N_per_area", "leaf_N_per_dry_mass", "leaf_P_per_area",
"leaf_P_per_dry_mass", "leaf_photosynthetic_nitrogen_use_efficiency", "leaf_photosynthetic_water_use_efficiency", "leaf_saturated_water_content_per_mass", "leaf_specific_conductivity",
"leaf_thickness", "leaf_toughness", "leaf_water_content_per_area", "leaf_water_content_per_mass", "nitrogen_fixing",
"photosynthetic_rate_per_area", "photosynthetic_rate_per_dry_mass", "plant_height", "root_wood_density", "sapwood_specific_conductivity",
"seed_mass_reserve", "seed_P_concentration", "seed_size_less_than_10mm", "seed_size_over_10mm", "serotiny",
"specific_leaf_area", "specific_leaf_area_SE", "stem_cross_section_area", "stem_cross_section_area_no_bark", "stem_density",
"stem_tissue_density", "stomatal_conductance_per_area", "storage_organ_present", "succulent", "water_use_efficiency")
Categorical_traits <- c("aquatic", "dispersal_syndrome", "fire_response", "flower_colour", "fruit_type",
"fruit_type_botany", "fruit_type_function", "growth_habit", "leaf_arrangement", "leaf_compoundness",
"leaf_margin", "leaf_phenology", "leaf_shape", "leaf_type", "life_history",
"lifespan", "lineage", "photosynthetic_pathway", "plant_growth_form", "regen_strategy",
"root_structure", "seed_shape", "woodiness", "dispersal_appendage")
Species_list <-$species_name))
colnames(Species_list) <- "sp_name"
aus_continuous <- austraits_data1[austraits_data1$trait_name %in% continuous_traits,]
aus_continuous$value1 <- as.numeric(aus_continuous$value)
#### same thing for all birds just without "sex_M.1" as a extra subsetting factor
Trait_by_species<-ddply(aus_continuous,c("trait_type", "species_name"),summarise,
N_pop=sum(!, trait_mean=mean(value1),
### Get missing data
missing_Species_1 <-[!Species_list$sp_name %in% Trait_by_species$species_name,])
colnames(missing_Species_1) <- "species_name"
matrix_1 <- ,nrow(missing_Species_1), length(unique(Trait_by_species$trait_type))))
colnames(matrix_1) <- c(unique(Trait_by_species$trait_type))
missing_Species_1 <- cbind(missing_Species_1, matrix_1)
## mean
Trait_mean <- Trait_by_species[,c("trait_type", "species_name", "trait_mean")]
mean_wide <- spread(Trait_mean, trait_type, trait_mean)
mean_wide <- rbind(mean_wide, missing_Species_1)
mean_wide <- mean_wide[order(mean_wide$species_name),]
## n
Trait_n <- Trait_by_species[,c("trait_type", "species_name", "N_pop")]
n_wide <- spread(Trait_n, trait_type, N_pop)
n_wide <- rbind(n_wide, missing_Species_1)
n_wide <- n_wide[order(n_wide$species_name),]
## SD
Trait_SD <- Trait_by_species[,c("trait_type", "species_name", "SD_trait")]
SD_wide <- spread(Trait_SD, trait_type, SD_trait)
SD_wide <- rbind(SD_wide, missing_Species_1)
SD_wide <- n_wide[order(SD_wide$species_name),]
SD_for_values <- SD_wide
rm(Trait_mean, Trait_n, Trait_SD, missing_Species_1, matrix_1)
aus_categorical <- austraits_data1[austraits_data1$trait_name %in% Categorical_traits,]
Trait_by_species2<-ddply(aus_categorical,c("trait_name", "species_name"),summarise,
N_pop=sum(!, trait_mean=paste0(unique(value)))
missing_Species_2 <-[!Species_list$sp_name %in% Trait_by_species2$species_name,])
colnames(missing_Species_2) <- "species_name"
matrix_2 <- ,nrow(missing_Species_2), length(unique(Trait_by_species2$trait_name))))
colnames(matrix_2) <- c(unique(Trait_by_species2$trait_name))
missing_Species_2 <- cbind(missing_Species_2, matrix_2)
## n
n_wide_2 <- spread(Trait_by_species2, trait_name, N_pop)
n_wide_2 <- rbind(n_wide_2, missing_Species_2)
n_wide_2 <- n_wide_2[order(n_wide_2$species_name),]
Species_list2 <- as.character(Species_list$sp_name)
Cat_traits<- c(unique(aus_categorical$trait_name))
all_traits <- list()
for(i in 1:length(Cat_traits)){
trait <- aus_categorical[aus_categorical$trait_name == Cat_traits[i],]
df <- list()
for(ii in 1:length(Species_list2)){
species <- trait[trait$species_name == Species_list2[ii],]
sp <-[i])
colnames(sp) <- "trait_name"
sp$species_name <- Species_list2[ii]
sp$trait_value <- if(nrow(species)>0) { paste0(unique(species$value)[1]) } else {NA}
sp$no_trait_values <- length(unique(species$value))
df[[ii]] <- sp
all_traits[[i]] <-"rbind",df)
rm(i, ii, list_traits, Categorical_traits, continuous_traits)
Trait_mean2 <-"rbind", all_traits)
Trait_mean3 <- Trait_mean2[,c("trait_name", "species_name", "trait_value")]
mean_wide_2 <- spread(Trait_mean3, trait_name, trait_value)
mean_wide_2 <- mean_wide_2[order(mean_wide_2$species_name),]
Trait_mean4 <- Trait_mean2[,c("trait_name", "species_name", "no_trait_values")]
mean_n_trait_2 <- spread(Trait_mean4, trait_name, no_trait_values)
mean_n_trait_2 <- mean_n_trait_2[order(mean_n_trait_2$species_name),]
rm(Species_list2, all_traits, missing_Species_2, matrix_2, trait, df, species, sp,
Trait_mean3, Trait_mean4)
trait_values <- cbind(mean_wide, mean_wide_2[,2:length(mean_wide_2)])
number_of_observations <- cbind(n_wide, n_wide_2[,2:length(n_wide_2)])
number_of_catergorical_values <- mean_n_trait_2
rm(mean_wide, mean_wide_2, n_wide, n_wide_2, mean_n_trait_2, SD_wide,
Trait_by_species, Trait_by_species2, Trait_mean2, Species_list)
output <- list()
output[[1]] <- trait_values ## trait values for each species
output[[2]] <- number_of_observations ## number of data points for each species
output[[3]] <- number_of_catergorical_values ## number of values per species for categorical traits
output[[4]] <- SD_for_values ## SD for means calculated for numeric traits
I made some edits and corrections for the long to wide function. For categorical traits the function now selects the value that has been reported the most times when more than one value has been reported for a species. Before it was just giving the top value from the list of reported values. This changed the output quite a bit for plant growth form but it is still probably not perfect.
## set up data
austraits <- remake::make('austraits')
austraits_data <- austraits$data
list_traits <- unique(austraits_data$trait_name)
## the Function
long_to_wide <- function(list_traits, austraits_data) {
### Prep data
austraits_data[austraits_data == "NA"] <- NA
austraits_data1 <- austraits_data[!$value),]
austraits_data1 <- austraits_data1[austraits_data1$trait_name %in% list_traits, ]
### make trait names
austraits_data1$trait_type <- paste(austraits_data1$trait_name, austraits_data1$value_type, sep = "_")
list_traits2 <-$trait_name, austraits_data1$value_type, sep = "/")))
continuous_traits <- c("leaf_area", "leaf_length", "leaf_width", "leaf_area_per_sapwood_area", "leaf_area_ratio",
"seed_mass", "seed_volume", "seed_length", "seed_width", "wood_density",
"seed_breadth", "leaf_C_per_dry_mass", "leaf_cell_wall_fraction", "leaf_cell_wall_N",
"bark_mass_area", "bark_thickness", "branch_mass_fraction", "diaspore_mass", "flowering_time",
"fruit_diameter", "fruit_length", "fruiting_time", "genome_size", "glaucous",
"leaf_cell_wall_N_fraction", "leaf_chlorophyll_per_dry_mass", "leaf_CN_ratio", "leaf_dark_respiration_per_area", "leaf_dark_respiration_per_dry_mass",
"leaf_delta13C", "leaf_delta15N", "leaf_dry_mass", "leaf_dry_matter_content", "leaf_elastic_modulus",
"leaf_fracture_force", "leaf_K_per_area", "leaf_K_per_dry_mass", "lignotuber", "leaf_lifespan",
"leaf_lobed", "leaf_mass_fraction", "leaf_N_per_area", "leaf_N_per_dry_mass", "leaf_P_per_area",
"leaf_P_per_dry_mass", "leaf_photosynthetic_nitrogen_use_efficiency", "leaf_photosynthetic_water_use_efficiency", "leaf_saturated_water_content_per_mass", "leaf_specific_conductivity",
"leaf_thickness", "leaf_toughness", "leaf_water_content_per_area", "leaf_water_content_per_mass", "nitrogen_fixing",
"photosynthetic_rate_per_area", "photosynthetic_rate_per_dry_mass", "plant_height", "root_wood_density", "sapwood_specific_conductivity",
"seed_mass_reserve", "seed_P_concentration", "seed_size_less_than_10mm", "seed_size_over_10mm", "serotiny",
"specific_leaf_area", "specific_leaf_area_SE", "stem_cross_section_area", "stem_cross_section_area_no_bark", "stem_density",
"stem_tissue_density", "stomatal_conductance_per_area", "storage_organ_present", "succulent", "water_use_efficiency")
Categorical_traits <- c("aquatic", "dispersal_syndrome", "fire_response", "flower_colour", "fruit_type",
"fruit_type_botany", "fruit_type_function", "growth_habit", "leaf_arrangement", "leaf_compoundness",
"leaf_margin", "leaf_phenology", "leaf_shape", "leaf_type", "life_history",
"lifespan", "lineage", "photosynthetic_pathway", "plant_growth_form", "regen_strategy",
"root_structure", "seed_shape", "woodiness", "dispersal_appendage")
Species_list <-$species_name))
colnames(Species_list) <- "species_name"
aus_continuous <- austraits_data1[austraits_data1$trait_name %in% continuous_traits,]
aus_continuous$value1 <- as.numeric(aus_continuous$value)
#### same thing for all birds just without "sex_M.1" as a extra subsetting factor
if(nrow(aus_continuous) > 0 ) {
Trait_by_species<-ddply(aus_continuous,c("trait_type", "species_name"),summarise,
N_pop=sum(!, trait_mean=mean(value1),
### Get missing data
missing_Species_1 <-[!Species_list$species_name %in% Trait_by_species$species_name,])
colnames(missing_Species_1) <- "species_name"
matrix_1 <- ,nrow(missing_Species_1), length(unique(Trait_by_species$trait_type))))
colnames(matrix_1) <- c(unique(Trait_by_species$trait_type))
missing_Species_1 <- cbind(missing_Species_1, matrix_1)
## mean
Trait_mean <- Trait_by_species[,c("trait_type", "species_name", "trait_mean")]
mean_wide <- spread(Trait_mean, trait_type, trait_mean)
mean_wide <- rbind(mean_wide, missing_Species_1)
mean_wide <- mean_wide[order(mean_wide$species_name),]
## n
Trait_n <- Trait_by_species[,c("trait_type", "species_name", "N_pop")]
n_wide <- spread(Trait_n, trait_type, N_pop)
n_wide <- rbind(n_wide, missing_Species_1)
n_wide <- n_wide[order(n_wide$species_name),]
## SD
Trait_SD <- Trait_by_species[,c("trait_type", "species_name", "SD_trait")]
SD_wide <- spread(Trait_SD, trait_type, SD_trait)
SD_wide <- rbind(SD_wide, missing_Species_1)
SD_wide <- SD_wide[order(SD_wide$species_name),]
SD_for_values <- SD_wide
rm(Trait_mean, Trait_n, Trait_SD, missing_Species_1, matrix_1)
} else {
n_wide <- Species_list
mean_wide <- Species_list
SD_for_values <- Species_list
aus_categorical <- austraits_data1[austraits_data1$trait_name %in% Categorical_traits,]
if(nrow(aus_categorical) > 0) {
Trait_by_species2<-ddply(aus_categorical,c("trait_name", "species_name"),summarise,
N_pop=sum(!, trait_mean=paste0(unique(value)))
missing_Species_2 <-[!Species_list$species_name %in% Trait_by_species2$species_name,])
colnames(missing_Species_2) <- "species_name"
matrix_2 <- ,nrow(missing_Species_2), length(unique(Trait_by_species2$trait_name))))
colnames(matrix_2) <- c(unique(Trait_by_species2$trait_name))
missing_Species_2 <- cbind(missing_Species_2, matrix_2)
## n
n_wide_2 <- spread(Trait_by_species2, trait_name, N_pop)
n_wide_2 <- rbind(n_wide_2, missing_Species_2)
n_wide_2 <- n_wide_2[order(n_wide_2$species_name),]
Species_list2 <- as.character(Species_list$species_name)
Cat_traits<- c(unique(aus_categorical$trait_name))
all_traits <- list()
for(i in 1:length(Cat_traits)){
trait <- aus_categorical[aus_categorical$trait_name == Cat_traits[i],]
df <- list()
for(ii in 1:length(Species_list2)){
species <- trait[trait$species_name == Species_list2[ii],]
species2 <-[,"value"]))
if(nrow(species2)>0) { species2 <- species2[order(species2$Freq, decreasing = TRUE),]}
sp <-[i])
colnames(sp) <- "trait_name"
sp$species_name <- Species_list2[ii]
sp$trait_value <- if(nrow(species2)>0) { paste0(unique(species2$Var1)[1]) } else {NA}
sp$no_trait_values <- length(unique(species$value))
df[[ii]] <- sp
all_traits[[i]] <-"rbind",df)
rm(i, ii, list_traits, Categorical_traits, continuous_traits)
Trait_mean2 <-"rbind", all_traits)
Trait_mean3 <- Trait_mean2[,c("trait_name", "species_name", "trait_value")]
mean_wide_2 <- spread(Trait_mean3, trait_name, trait_value)
mean_wide_2 <- mean_wide_2[order(mean_wide_2$species_name),]
Trait_mean4 <- Trait_mean2[,c("trait_name", "species_name", "no_trait_values")]
mean_n_trait_2 <- spread(Trait_mean4, trait_name, no_trait_values)
mean_n_trait_2 <- mean_n_trait_2[order(mean_n_trait_2$species_name),]
rm(Species_list2, all_traits, missing_Species_2, matrix_2, trait, df, species, sp,
Trait_mean3, Trait_mean4)
trait_values <- cbind(mean_wide, mean_wide_2[,2:length(mean_wide_2), drop=FALSE])
number_of_observations <- cbind(n_wide, n_wide_2[,2:length(n_wide_2), drop=FALSE])
number_of_catergorical_values <- mean_n_trait_2
rm(mean_wide, mean_wide_2, n_wide, n_wide_2, mean_n_trait_2, SD_wide,
Trait_by_species, Trait_by_species2, Trait_mean2, Species_list)
output <- list()
output[[1]] <- trait_values ## trait values for each species
output[[2]] <- number_of_observations ## number of data points for each species
output[[3]] <- number_of_catergorical_values ## number of values per species for categorical traits
output[[4]] <- SD_for_values ## SD for means calculated for numeric traits
Hi @SamCAndrew ,
Thanks for this! So there are two key steps here:
You've gone down the path of species average first, but i wonder if the other way around is more useful? The reason is that there are cases where we may want to go from long to wide, without taking means.
In any case, it is easier once #94 is implemented (unique identifiers).
Here'a a prototype:
spread_traits_data <- function(data) {
vars <- c("value", "unit", "value_type", "replicates", "precision", "methodology_ids")
ret <- list()
for(v in vars) {
ret[[v]] <-
data %>% rename(to_spread = !!v) %>%
select(dataset_id, species_name, site_name, observation_id, trait_name, to_spread, original_name) %>%
spread(trait_name, to_spread)
austraits <- remake::make("austraits")
## < MAKE > austraits
x <- extract_dataset(austraits, "Falster_2005_1")$data %>% spread_traits_data()
We then a list with elements giving the values:
## # A tibble: 45 x 11
## dataset_id species_name site_name observation_id original_name branch_mass_fraction leaf_area leaf_N_per_dry_mass seed_mass specific_leaf_area wood_density
## <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr>
## 1 Falster_2005_1 Acronychia acidula Atherton Falster_2005_1_2 Acronychia acidula 0.48 14302 24.3 <NA> 11.7647058823529 0.525
## 2 Falster_2005_1 Aleurites rockinghamensis Cape Tribulation Falster_2005_1_12 Aleurites rockinghamensis 0.02 73984 18.4 7077 8.84955752212389 0.28
## 3 Falster_2005_1 Alphitonia petriei Atherton Falster_2005_1_3 Alphitonia petriei 0.42 6820 16.3 27.2 6.71140939597315 0.413
## 4 Falster_2005_1 Alstonia scholaris Cape Tribulation Falster_2005_1_13 Alstonia scholaris 0.46 6182 22.3 1.53 9.34579439252336 0.361
## 5 Falster_2005_1 Argyrodendron peralatum Cape Tribulation Falster_2005_1_14 Argyrodendron peralatum 0.71 3201 11.9 433 4.0983606557377 0.726
## 6 Falster_2005_1 Atractocarpus hirtus Cape Tribulation Falster_2005_1_15 Atractocarpus hirtus 0.28 11374 15.7 <NA> 13.8888888888889 0.804
## 7 Falster_2005_1 Cardwellia sublimis Cape Tribulation Falster_2005_1_17 Cardwellia sublimis 0.56 4352 12.8 582.3 7.8740157480315 0.603
## 8 Falster_2005_1 Castanospermum australe Cape Tribulation Falster_2005_1_18 Castanospermum australe 0.37 2765 23.7 14851 8.54700854700855 0.587
## 9 Falster_2005_1 Cleistanthus oblongifolius Cape Tribulation Falster_2005_1_19 Cleistanthus myrianthus 0.56 4828 22.8 <NA> 12.8205128205128 0.588
## 10 Falster_2005_1 Cryptocarya laevigata Cape Tribulation Falster_2005_1_20 Cryptocarya laevigata 0.65 2682 15.6 1281 11.4942528735632 0.64
## # ... with 35 more rows
the units
## # A tibble: 45 x 11
## dataset_id species_name site_name observation_id original_name branch_mass_fraction leaf_area leaf_N_per_dry_mass seed_mass specific_leaf_area wood_density
## <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr>
## 1 Falster_2005_1 Acronychia acidula Atherton Falster_2005_1_2 Acronychia acidula dimensionless mm2 mg/g <NA> mm2/mg mg/mm3
## 2 Falster_2005_1 Aleurites rockinghamensis Cape Tribulation Falster_2005_1_12 Aleurites rockinghamensis dimensionless mm2 mg/g mg mm2/mg mg/mm3
## 3 Falster_2005_1 Alphitonia petriei Atherton Falster_2005_1_3 Alphitonia petriei dimensionless mm2 mg/g mg mm2/mg mg/mm3
## 4 Falster_2005_1 Alstonia scholaris Cape Tribulation Falster_2005_1_13 Alstonia scholaris dimensionless mm2 mg/g mg mm2/mg mg/mm3
## 5 Falster_2005_1 Argyrodendron peralatum Cape Tribulation Falster_2005_1_14 Argyrodendron peralatum dimensionless mm2 mg/g mg mm2/mg mg/mm3
## 6 Falster_2005_1 Atractocarpus hirtus Cape Tribulation Falster_2005_1_15 Atractocarpus hirtus dimensionless mm2 mg/g <NA> mm2/mg mg/mm3
## 7 Falster_2005_1 Cardwellia sublimis Cape Tribulation Falster_2005_1_17 Cardwellia sublimis dimensionless mm2 mg/g mg mm2/mg mg/mm3
## 8 Falster_2005_1 Castanospermum australe Cape Tribulation Falster_2005_1_18 Castanospermum australe dimensionless mm2 mg/g mg mm2/mg mg/mm3
## 9 Falster_2005_1 Cleistanthus oblongifolius Cape Tribulation Falster_2005_1_19 Cleistanthus myrianthus dimensionless mm2 mg/g <NA> mm2/mg mg/mm3
## 10 Falster_2005_1 Cryptocarya laevigata Cape Tribulation Falster_2005_1_20 Cryptocarya laevigata dimensionless mm2 mg/g mg mm2/mg mg/mm3
## # ... with 35 more rows
and so forth
## [1] "value" "unit" "value_type" "replicates" "precision" "methodology_ids"
The challenge is that the above does not work when there are two rows with the same observation_id
and trait_name
. this can occur when we have min and max values, which come from original columns like leaf_width_min
& leaf_width_max
Connects with #124
As a result of the above, I'm a bit stumped about how to handle range values just now. Wondering whether we instead encode a range, e.g. 20-30, instead of splitting it into min and max, as we have mostly done.
Here's example of duplication which causes the above to break:
df <- austraits$data %>%
select(dataset_id, species_name, site_name, observation_id, trait_name, original_name)
i <- duplicated(df) | duplicated(df, fromLast = TRUE)
# A tibble: 63,542 x 12
dataset_id species_name site_name observation_id trait_name value unit value_type replicates precision methodology_ids original_name
<chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr>
1 Bean_1997 Baeckea leptocaulis NA Bean_1997_3 plant_height 0.3 m min unknown unknown unknown Baeckea leptocaulis
2 Bean_1997 Baeckea leptocaulis NA Bean_1997_3 plant_height 1 m max unknown unknown unknown Baeckea leptocaulis
3 Bean_1997 Baeckea frutescens NA Bean_1997_1 leaf_length 5.5 mm min unknown unknown unknown Baeckea frutescens
4 Bean_1997 Baeckea linifolia NA Bean_1997_2 leaf_length 6 mm min unknown unknown unknown Baeckea linifolia
5 Bean_1997 Baeckea leptocaulis NA Bean_1997_3 leaf_length 4.5 mm min unknown unknown unknown Baeckea leptocaulis
6 Bean_1997 Baeckea imbricata NA Bean_1997_4 leaf_length 2.4 mm min unknown unknown unknown Baeckea imbricata
7 Bean_1997 Baeckea diosmifolia NA Bean_1997_5 leaf_length 2.1 mm min unknown unknown unknown Baeckea diosmifolia
8 Bean_1997 Baeckea trapeza NA Bean_1997_6 leaf_length 3 mm min unknown unknown unknown Baeckea trapeza
9 Bean_1997 Baeckea omissa NA Bean_1997_7 leaf_length 2 mm min unknown unknown unknown Baeckea omissa
10 Bean_1997 Baeckea gunniana NA Bean_1997_8 leaf_length 1.9 mm min unknown unknown unknown Baeckea gunniana
And here's where the errors are araising from:
> austraits$data[i,] %>% pull(trait_name) %>% table()
leaf_length leaf_width plant_growth_form plant_height seed_breadth seed_length seed_width
18110 16512 10 13854 530 8300 6226
or by dataset_id
> austraits$data[i,] %>% pull(dataset_id) %>% table() %>% sort()
Keighery_2004 Wilson_2008 Craven_2010 Crisp_1984 Trudgen_2005 Rye_2013_2 Rye_2009_1 Bean_1997 Rye_2002 Rye_2009_2 Rye_2013_1 Rye_2006 Trudgen_2014 Toelken_1996
8 17 28 30 38 40 48 62 64 78 80 84 94 195
Rye_2015 Thompson_2001 Craven_1987 Chandler_2002 TMAG_2009 Brock_1993 Chinnock_2007 NTH_2014 CPRR_2002 Wheeler_2002 SAH_2014 WAH_1998 Kooyman_2011
220 299 408 672 1088 1688 2683 3866 5330 5544 9456 10620 20802
We could then replace the min/max/quantile values with a median?
here's the original (rows with duplicate keys only)
> austraits$data[i,] %>% arrange(dataset_id, species_name)
# A tibble: 63,532 x 12
dataset_id species_name site_name observation_id trait_name value unit value_type replicates precision methodology_ids original_name
<chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr>
1 Bean_1997 Baeckea brevifolia NA Bean_1997_12 leaf_length 1 mm min unknown unknown unknown Baeckea brevifolia
2 Bean_1997 Baeckea brevifolia NA Bean_1997_12 leaf_length 2.3 mm max unknown unknown unknown Baeckea brevifolia
3 Bean_1997 Baeckea brevifolia NA Bean_1997_12 leaf_width 0.7 mm min unknown unknown unknown Baeckea brevifolia
4 Bean_1997 Baeckea brevifolia NA Bean_1997_12 leaf_width 1 mm max unknown unknown unknown Baeckea brevifolia
5 Bean_1997 Baeckea diosmifolia NA Bean_1997_5 leaf_length 2.1 mm min unknown unknown unknown Baeckea diosmifolia
6 Bean_1997 Baeckea diosmifolia NA Bean_1997_5 leaf_length 4.5 mm max unknown unknown unknown Baeckea diosmifolia
7 Bean_1997 Baeckea diosmifolia NA Bean_1997_5 leaf_width 0.5 mm min unknown unknown unknown Baeckea diosmifolia
8 Bean_1997 Baeckea diosmifolia NA Bean_1997_5 leaf_width 1.5 mm max unknown unknown unknown Baeckea diosmifolia
9 Bean_1997 Baeckea diosmifolia NA Bean_1997_5 seed_length 0.5 mm min unknown unknown unknown Baeckea diosmifolia
10 Bean_1997 Baeckea diosmifolia NA Bean_1997_5 seed_length 0.5 mm max unknown unknown unknown Baeckea diosmifolia
# ... with 63,522 more rows
And now the median
> austraits$data[i,] %>%
+ group_by(dataset_id, species_name, site_name, observation_id, trait_name) %>%
+ summarise(value = as.character(mean(as.numeric(value))), value_type = "median") %>%
+ arrange(dataset_id, species_name)
# A tibble: 30,916 x 7
# Groups: dataset_id, species_name, site_name, observation_id [14,195]
dataset_id species_name site_name observation_id trait_name value value_type
<chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr>
1 Bean_1997 Baeckea brevifolia NA Bean_1997_12 leaf_length 1.65 median
2 Bean_1997 Baeckea brevifolia NA Bean_1997_12 leaf_width 0.85 median
3 Bean_1997 Baeckea diosmifolia NA Bean_1997_5 leaf_length 3.3 median
4 Bean_1997 Baeckea diosmifolia NA Bean_1997_5 leaf_width 1 median
5 Bean_1997 Baeckea diosmifolia NA Bean_1997_5 seed_length 0.5 median
6 Bean_1997 Baeckea frutescens NA Bean_1997_1 leaf_length 8.5 median
7 Bean_1997 Baeckea frutescens NA Bean_1997_1 leaf_width 0.6 median
8 Bean_1997 Baeckea frutescens NA Bean_1997_1 seed_length 0.5 median
9 Bean_1997 Baeckea gunniana NA Bean_1997_8 leaf_length 2.85 median
10 Bean_1997 Baeckea gunniana NA Bean_1997_8 leaf_width 1.15 median
Ok, after thinking about this and looking at @SamCAndrew and my approaches, it is obvious there is no single best approach. Depending on use case, we might want to
(and give correct value types: character, integer, etc)