traitecoevo / mortality_bci

Tropical tree mortality model using Barro Colorado Island as a case study
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Very large stan outputs #79

Closed jscamac closed 9 years ago

jscamac commented 9 years ago

Stan has very large outputs by default. Especially when we are fitting 180,000 observations.

I'm trying to reduce this by thinning but also by implementing the following code before saving.

I've also implemented the following line of code prior to saving outputs stanfit@.MISC <- emptyenv() As recommended here!searchin/stan-users/stanfit@.MISC$20%3C-$20new.env(parent$20$3D$20globalenv())/stan-users/mp4wF42zjws/t6B7-MCMcSkJ

This means that to examine summary outputs the following must be run after the model output is loaded

load("savefile.Rdata") stanfit@.MISC <- new.env(parent = globalenv())