traitecoevo / plant

Trait-Driven Models of Ecology and Evolution :evergreen_tree:
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Review list of TODO #188

Closed dfalster closed 3 months ago

dfalster commented 6 years ago

Scattered through the code

R/equilibrium.R:  min_seed_rain <- 1e-10 # TODO: should also be in the controls?
R/equilibrium.R:  ## TODO: This is annoying, but turns out to be a problem for getting
R/equilibrium.R:    ## TODO: most of the plant_log_eq things here should be DEBUG not INFO?
R/equilibrium.R:  ## TODO: don't do anything if we don't have at least 2 species?
R/equilibrium.R:  ## TODO: This was p$control$equilibrium_inviable_test, but I think
R/ff16.R:  ## TODO: k_I should actually be in default parameter set, so perhaps don't pass into function?
R/ff16.R:    ## TODO: Remove the 0.5 hardcoded default for k_I here, and deal
R/fitness_trait_space.R:    ## TODO: It seems a crying shame to throws all this information
R/plant.R:  ## TODO: This could also be done by better configuring the
R/plant.R:      ## TODO: Consider making this an error, or making the test a bit better.
R/scm_support.R:  ## TODO: This needs to be made to work with the output of
R/util.R:  ## TODO: This uses an implementation detail of RcppR6 that is not
src/ff16_strategy.cpp:// TODO: Document consistent argument order: l, b, s, h, r
src/ff16_strategy.cpp:// TODO: Document ordering of different types of variables (size
src/ff16_strategy.cpp:// TODO: Consider moving to activating as an initialisation list?
src/ff16_strategy.cpp:// TODO: Ordering below here needs working on, probably as @dfalster
src/ff16_strategy.cpp:// TODO: Change top two to use mass_live_dt
src/ff16_strategy.cpp:// TODO: Do we not track root mass change?
src/ff16r_strategy.cpp:// TODO: Document consistent argument order: l, b, s, h, r
src/ff16r_strategy.cpp:// TODO: Document ordering of different types of variables (size
src/ff16r_strategy.cpp:// TODO: Consider moving to activating as an initialisation list?
src/ff16r_strategy.cpp:// TODO: Ordering below here needs working on, probably as @dfalster
src/ff16r_strategy.cpp:// TODO: Change top two to use mass_live_dt
src/ff16r_strategy.cpp:// TODO: Do we not track root mass change?
src/plant_plus.cpp:// TODO: These will disappear once the templated functions are
src/plant_plus.cpp:// TODO: This actually can't easily be done with the RcppR6 approach
src/plant_plus_internals.cpp:// TODO: Some of these start at zero, others at NA_REAL.  Work out
src/plant_plus_internals.cpp:// TODO: Some are d<foo>_dt, others are foo_rate.  I'm OK with time
src/tk_spline.cpp:   // TODO sort x and y, rather than returning an error
inst/docs/R/ms.R:## TODO: move this into remake
inst/docs/R/ms.R:## TODO: options for saying what command is being run
inst/include/plant/control.h:// TODO: Eventually I need to make sure that the numbers here are
inst/include/plant/get_state.h:// TODO: Might be worth moving this into the main interface?  Not sure
inst/include/plant/get_state.h:  // TODO: this should work (also up in get_state(Cohort<T>, ...)).
inst/include/plant/ode_solver.h:// TODO: Need to go through and sort out the logic here; it might be
inst/include/plant/ode_solver.h:    // TODO: Not clear that this is the right thing here; should just
inst/include/plant/parameters.h:// TODO: I will possibly move out the "Patch" parameters out into
inst/include/plant/parameters.h:// TODO: Will require some free functions on the R side:
inst/include/plant/parameters.h:// TODO: Consider adding this to scm_utils.h perhaps?
inst/include/plant/patch.h:// TODO: We should only be recomputing the light environment for the
inst/include/plant/plant_plus.h:    // TODO: in the original version of the model, all of plant size
inst/include/plant/plant_plus.h:  // TODO: This is temporary -- it should be called by
inst/include/plant/RcppR6_support.hpp:    // TODO: need to deal with failure here (i.e. R_NilValue), or we
inst/include/plant/scm.h:  // TODO: These are liable to change to return all species at once by
inst/include/plant/scm.h:  // TODO: This causes this to happen too often, given we usually get
inst/include/plant/scm.h:  // all the errors I think? (see TODO in class definition)
inst/include/plant/scm.h:  // TODO: I think we need to scale this by total area; that should be
inst/include/plant/species.h:  // TODO: Should the seed be recomputed here?
inst/include/plant/stochastic_patch.h:  // TODO: No support here for setting *vectors* of species.  Might
inst/include/plant/stochastic_patch_runner.h:  // TODO: consider renaming CohortSchedule -> Schedule
inst/include/plant/stochastic_species.h:  // TODO: Here, and elsewhere, consider using a
inst/include/plant/stochastic_species.h:// TODO: This is going to change...
inst/include/plant/stochastic_species.h:  // TODO: also simplify r_heights for Species?
inst/include/plant/util.h:// TODO: Probably move these out to their own file?
inst/RcppR6_classes.yml:  # TODO: This is broken:
inst/RcppR6_classes.yml:    # TODO: Not 100% sure this is needed from R:
inst/RcppR6_classes.yml:    # TODO: Not 100% sure this is needed from R:
inst/reference_plant_ff16/extra.R:  ## TODO: These are hard-coded for now, but the upper limit could be
dfalster commented 5 years ago

Updated list, from develop branch, commit ee692a705e3c444207c361ee1d6424ee5aca8e98:

➜  plant git:(develop) grep -r TODO .
./man/Internals.Rd:\title{Internals TODO}
./man/Internals.Rd:Internals TODO
./vignettes/physiology.Rmd:# TODO: can we get groups as headers spanning multiple columns?
./tests/testthat/test-stochastic-patch-runner.R:    ## TODO: more tests on collect output
./tests/testthat/test-species.R:## TODO: The tests here really warrant splitting into different chunks
./tests/testthat/test-strategy-ff16-reference-comparison.R:  ## TODO: Check with Daniel here -- might need updating.
./tests/testthat/test-strategy-ff16-reference-comparison.R:  ## TODO: This is due to issues with how we think about size; see notes
./tests/testthat/test-strategy-ff16-reference-comparison.R:  ## TODO: Check what growth variables look like before running
./tests/testthat/test-strategy-ff16-reference-comparison.R:  ## TODO: add lcp_whole_plant test to refference comparison
./tests/testthat/test-build-schedule.R:## TODO: Not yet done.
./tests/testthat/test-cohort.R:## TODO: This is all just ported over from tree1 and needs splitting
./tests/testthat/test-cohort.R:  ## TODO: Not done yet:
./tests/testthat/test-plant-runner.R:## TODO: another useful function could be to construct splines for
./tests/testthat/test-scm.R:    ## TODO: The unlist here is annoying...
./tests/testthat/test-scm.R:  ## ## TODO: This is a fairly inadequate set of tests; none of the failure
./tests/testthat/test-scm.R:  ##   # TODO: This needs implementing; requires get/set of the ODE solver
./tests/testthat/test-patch.R:## TODO: Test add_seeds(vector<double>)
./tests/testthat/test-patch.R:    ## TODO: This is something that needs validating: the seed_rain and
./tests/testthat/test-patch.R:    ## TODO: This is not really a test, but we need to look at this and
./r/plant.R:  ## TODO: This could also be done by better configuring the
./r/plant.R:  # TODO: size index uses index from 0
./r/plant.R:      ## TODO: Consider making this an error, or making the test a bit better.
./r/plant.R:  # TODO: size index uses index from 0
./r/scm_support.R:  ## TODO: This needs to be made to work with the output of
./r/equilibrium.R:  min_seed_rain <- 1e-10 # TODO: should also be in the controls?
./r/equilibrium.R:  ## TODO: This is annoying, but turns out to be a problem for getting
./r/equilibrium.R:    ## TODO: most of the plant_log_eq things here should be DEBUG not INFO?
./r/equilibrium.R:  ## TODO: don't do anything if we don't have at least 2 species?
./r/equilibrium.R:  ## TODO: This was p$control$equilibrium_inviable_test, but I think
./r/fitness_trait_space.R:    ## TODO: It seems a crying shame to throws all this information
./r/ff16.R:  ## TODO: k_I should actually be in default parameter set, so perhaps don't pass into function?
./r/ff16.R:    ## TODO: Remove the 0.5 hardcoded default for k_I here, and deal
./r/util.R:  ## TODO: This uses an implementation detail of RcppR6 that is not
Binary file ./.git/index matches
./.git/COMMIT_EDITMSG:# modified:
./inst/RcppR6_classes.yml:  # TODO: This is broken:
./inst/RcppR6_classes.yml:    # TODO: Not 100% sure this is needed from R:
./inst/RcppR6_classes.yml:    # TODO: Not 100% sure this is needed from R:
./inst/include/plant/plant.h:    // TODO:  maybe reuse intervals? default false
./inst/include/plant/control.h:// TODO: Eventually I need to make sure that the numbers here are
./inst/include/plant/stochastic_patch.h:  // TODO: No support here for setting *vectors* of species.  Might
./inst/include/plant/stochastic_patch_runner.h:  // TODO: consider renaming CohortSchedule -> Schedule
./inst/include/plant/get_state.h:// TODO: Might be worth moving this into the main interface?  Not sure
./inst/include/plant/get_state.h:  // TODO: this should work (also up in get_state(Cohort<T>, ...)).
./inst/include/plant/internals.h:// TODO: extra_state bounds, upper and lower limits
./inst/include/plant/parameters.h:// TODO: I will possibly move out the "Patch" parameters out into
./inst/include/plant/parameters.h:// TODO: Will require some free functions on the R side:
./inst/include/plant/parameters.h:// TODO: Consider adding this to scm_utils.h perhaps?
./inst/include/plant/stochastic_species.h:  // TODO: Here, and elsewhere, consider using a
./inst/include/plant/stochastic_species.h:// TODO: This is going to change...
./inst/include/plant/stochastic_species.h:  // TODO: also simplify r_heights for Species?
./inst/include/plant/RcppR6_support.hpp:    // TODO: need to deal with failure here (i.e. R_NilValue), or we
./inst/include/plant/ff16_strategy.h:  // TODO : expose this so can access state_names directly
./inst/include/plant/cohort.h:// TODO: Eventually change to growth rate given size
./inst/include/plant/species.h:  // TODO: Should the seed be recomputed here?
./inst/include/plant/util.h:// TODO: Probably move these out to their own file?
./inst/include/plant/patch.h:// TODO: We should only be recomputing the light environment for the
./inst/include/plant/scm.h:  // TODO: These are liable to change to return all species at once by
./inst/include/plant/scm.h:  // TODO: This causes this to happen too often, given we usually get
./inst/include/plant/scm.h:  // all the errors I think? (see TODO in class definition)
./inst/include/plant/scm.h:  // TODO: I think we need to scale this by total area; that should be
./inst/include/plant/ode_solver.h:// TODO: Need to go through and sort out the logic here; it might be
./inst/include/plant/ode_solver.h:    // TODO: Not clear that this is the right thing here; should just
./inst/docs/vignettes/physiology.Rmd:# TODO: can we get groups as headers spanning multiple columns?
./inst/docs/R/utils.R:#TODO - everything from here down can be deleted I think
./inst/docs/patch.Rmd:<!-- TODO: should really start here using a patch with fixed seed rain -->
./inst/docs/Individuals.Rmd:<!-- TODO: next bit is a bit vague -->
./inst/docs/Individuals.Rmd:<!-- TODO: PlantPlus
./inst/docs/Individuals.Rmd:TODO: Revise with new Plant Plus
./inst/docs/Individuals.Rmd:TODO: Revise with new Plant Plus
./inst/docs/Individuals.Rmd:<!-- # TODO: PlantPlus revise once LCP available
./inst/docs/Individuals.Rmd:<!-- TODO: Remove below once lap works -->
./inst/docs/Individuals.Rmd:<!-- # TODO: PlantPlus revise once LCP available
./inst/docs/physiology.Rmd:# TODO: can we get groups as headers spanning multiple columns?
./inst/reference_plant_ff16/extra.R:  ## TODO: These are hard-coded for now, but the upper limit could be
./src/ff16_strategy.cpp:// TODO: Document consistent argument order: l, b, s, h, r
./src/ff16_strategy.cpp:// TODO: Document ordering of different types of variables (size
./src/ff16_strategy.cpp:// TODO: Consider moving to activating as an initialisation list?
./src/ff16_strategy.cpp:// TODO: Ordering below here needs working on, probably as @dfalster
./src/ff16_strategy.cpp:// TODO: Change top two to use mass_live_dt
./src/ff16_strategy.cpp:// TODO: Do we not track root mass change?
./src/tk_spline.cpp:   // TODO sort x and y, rather than returning an error
dfalster commented 3 months ago

Too boring to even consider!