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Trait-Driven Models of Ecology and Evolution :evergreen_tree:
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Add extra ODE(s) for water or soil resources #205

Closed dfalster closed 2 months ago

dfalster commented 5 years ago

Would like to start adding competition for water and / or nitrogen. But more generally, any depleting resource.

@johnWilshire and I started to map how this could work. We need to add some extra odes to track the level of different resources (e.g. water, nitrogen) in the soil. Key implementation feature are as follows

Current idea is

The other option would be to make a single environment class that catches all possible uses by strategy. For now templating seems safer.

dfalster commented 5 years ago

Have been thinking what to call the different types of competition and resources. Both light and water are resources, and access and uptake rates may be determined by a combination of state, traits and current environment. the key difference is the timescale over which renewal happens.

light is a resource whose dynamics are very fast -- it's constantly arriving and can't be stored up in the patch, because losses happen very quickly

stare and nitrogen(by contrast) are resource whose dynamics are very slow -- they arrive slowly and can accumulate within the soil.

dfalster commented 4 years ago

Revisiting this with @rafaqz

made some necessary progress, step as we see it presently

Steps towards the latter

At first, we could implement resource extraction with some fixed rates (e.g. per leaf area), before making photosynthesis also depend on the resource level (i.e. no feedback). This will enable us to make sure the ode stepper and integration is working.

Finally, implement dependency of photosynthesis on resource level.

dfalster commented 4 years ago

238 enables templated environments, i.e. a different environment object to go with each strategy. Moreover, the environments have their own ODE for water and resources. Also included is a placeholder for a new water strategy.

Next steps are to

also make sure to

aornugent commented 2 years ago

Underway as part of #328