traitecoevo / plant

Trait-Driven Models of Ecology and Evolution :evergreen_tree:
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[simplify interface] Some renaming of functions, files, classes #206

Open dfalster opened 5 years ago

dfalster commented 5 years ago

Gradually thinking some renaming of functions, files, classes will help make the material more accessible. For example:

Variables and functions:


aornugent commented 4 years ago

It strikes me that there is significant duplication for simple environments. K93Environment and FF16Environment are effectively the same.

Brainstorming, with no consideration for how this will affect compilation, there might be room for components that are not specific to one strategy but part of a larger class of models.

For example:

|   ├── evolutionary
|   |   ├── StochasticPatch.h
|   |   └── StochasticSpecies.h
|   ├── fish
|   |   └── 3DEnvironment.h
|   ├── generic
|   |   ├── Cohort.h
|   |   ├── Environment.h
|   |   ├── Individual.h
|   |   ├── Patch.h
|   |   ├── Species
|   |   └── Strategy.h
|   ├── models
|   |   ├── FF16.h
|   |   ├── FF16evo.h
|   |   ├── FF16r.h
|   |   └── K93.h
|   ├── numeric
|   |   ├── QAG.h
|   |   ├── Lorenz.h
|   |   ├── QK.h
|   |   |    .....
|   ├── plant
|   |   ├── LightEnvironment.h
|   |   └── WaterEnvironment.h
|   └── SCM.h
└── RcppR6_classes.yml

would permit FF16 and K93 to use the same plant\LightEnvironment, while still providing room to specialise.

aornugent commented 3 years ago
aornugent commented 3 years ago
dfalster commented 2 years ago

Note @devmitch - I added something to the list, rename cohort to node

dfalster commented 6 months ago