traitecoevo / plant

Trait-Driven Models of Ecology and Evolution :evergreen_tree:
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Recover a version of FF16Plus #296

Closed dfalster closed 9 months ago

dfalster commented 3 years ago

We removed PlantPlus object (#159) as it was impeding generalisations about strategy.

Now that all that has settled, would be good to make a new version of FF16 that enables the type of probing we did with plant plus.

PlantPlus gave access to more variables in the growth model. This is now supported via ability to track auxiliary variables in the internals. Following these changes we need to:

dfalster commented 9 months ago

Key functionality introduced via 65da50ab8550436ac32d50817b871903f86d469b

@itowers1 recent analyses using plant have effectively demonstrated the capability.