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Trait-Driven Models of Ecology and Evolution :evergreen_tree:
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Make most vignettes part of regular build and testing #298

Closed dfalster closed 1 year ago

dfalster commented 3 years ago

These quickly fall into disrepair if they're not run as part of the regular testing.

The vignettes are currently in another directory as some are slow to build. It's probably only one or two that are slowing things down.

dfalster commented 3 years ago

Some good advice here from Ben Bolker:

We can also make better examples in the roxygen code and run these as tests, all we need is a new test file with:

test_examples(path = "../..")

However, atm there are few examples included.

aornugent commented 3 years ago

Vignettes are now broken following #297 and should be updated as part of this issue.

dfalster commented 1 year ago

completed some time ago