trakt / Plex-Trakt-Scrobbler

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Cannot access Trakt plugin in Plex #533

Open agneevX opened 5 years ago

agneevX commented 5 years ago


Just to clarify, I am able to access the plug-in settings, but not able to click on the plugin itself (to access the Sync menu).

This is probably because of a recent change to the Plex interface and the discontinuation of plugins.

Is there a workaround around this?


Webdoc-01 commented 5 years ago

I too am having the same problem with this plug-in, not working in the new plex for windows, edge, chrome, or firefox, however it was working in the old plex media player.

agneevX commented 5 years ago

@Webdoc-01 It's still accessible if you go to [PLEX_IP]:32400/web, but Plex devs have said that they intend to completely discontinue plugins, so this is temporary.

Webdoc-01 commented 5 years ago

I think trakt or something like it should be a feature in plex itself.

Webdoc-01 commented 5 years ago

Just tried your above solution, this also now looks like it no longer works, be a problem if I ever need to reinstall my system, would be unable to get data back from trakt

agneevX commented 5 years ago

@Webdoc-01 Are you sure about that?

Seems to be working fine for me.

image image
Webdoc-01 commented 5 years ago

using local IP :32400/web in edge is not working would need to load another browser to try, done a fresh windows install not got that far yet.

Webdoc-01 commented 5 years ago

Latest google chrome 76.0.3809.100 (Official Build) (64-bit) also not working

agneevX commented 5 years ago

@Webdoc-01 By local IP, you do mean the local IP address of your Plex Server, right?

Webdoc-01 commented 5 years ago

the machine the plex server is on yes

agneevX commented 5 years ago

@Webdoc-01 That's strange. Have you changed the port it runs on, by any chance?

Webdoc-01 commented 5 years ago

not that I know of but will check

agneevX commented 5 years ago

@Webdoc-01 Are you able to access it on the machine itself (localhost:32400/web)?

Webdoc-01 commented 5 years ago

Port ok page loads, but cannot click on trakt to open, I have recently updated the plex server to the latest maybe that is why

Webdoc-01 commented 5 years ago

using machine plex server is on, is still a no go

agneevX commented 5 years ago

@Webdoc-01 Hmm... you're on version Are you sure that you're logging in directly via the IP address and not via Plex Web ( What version does it show under Settings -> General?

Webdoc-01 commented 5 years ago

I have this like I said above I have recently updated

agneevX commented 5 years ago

@Webdoc-01 it seems like you're on the Plex Beta.

Webdoc-01 commented 5 years ago

any updates I get come on the plex pass channel

agneevX commented 5 years ago

@Webdoc-01 Yeah that is the beta, cuz version is the latest on the stable channel.

Webdoc-01 commented 5 years ago

It was only working for me in the old plex media player, and no browsers before I updated the server, now I cannot get the old media player, so I would be stuck now

agneevX commented 5 years ago

@Webdoc-01 You could try changing the channel to Stable and see if that improves anything.

Webdoc-01 commented 5 years ago

Have just found a copy of plex media player (not the new plex for windows) I can click trakt and it works in that, will have to use that until a solution is found.

Webdoc-01 commented 5 years ago

looking at blog found this

At the same time, we recognize there are some exceptions, so we will keep updating Plex Media Player until Jan 30, 2020 (you can find the downloads here).

nemchik commented 5 years ago

FWIW the Android app still has the ability to load the plugins interface (albeing kind of clumsily)

image image image

I imagine this will be removed eventually.

agneevX commented 5 years ago

After updating the iOS and the Android apps to 6.0, it appears that this is no longer possible.

FormBurden commented 5 years ago

From what it seems, if you put the settings from the plugin to: "Sync - Run after library updates" checked, and make sure everything is "Synchronize (Pull + Push)" you will be able to update everything.

Now it seems as though Trakt has released a new type of deal with PLEX called Plex Scrobbler, and you do it through having Trakt VIP: . BUT there is a big downfall: If you start with a clean installation of PLEX (like I did today) and you wanted to get all of your watches and unwatches synced, for some reason it does now sync your watches. But will sync what you are watching and what you just finished.

But do it this way, and hopefully in the future the Trakt/ Plex Scrobbler will be better (the missing features from above that I mentioned.).

rectifyer commented 5 years ago

Yeah, we released a webhook based scrobbler knowing that Plex is phasing out their plugin support. It seems like they are moving closer and closer to fully dropping plugins unfortunately 😦. Our hope is they expand webhook support to be 2 way so we can send data to Plex to backfill your history and sync your plays from other Trakt enabled apps and media centers.

It would also be awesome if webhooks could send individual collection data (including metadata) to sync with your Trakt collection. They send a webhook but in my testing that only is telling us your collection was updated, but the event isn't sent for each individual item that was added.

The reason this is a Trakt VIP feature is to cover the additional infrastructure needed to listen for and process the webhooks.

FormBurden commented 5 years ago

It seems through some experimenting the above statement that I stated about refreshing your library, the Sync and Pull only works for Movies, and TV shows or different type of Movies do not update. Man, real shame :(

agneevX commented 5 years ago

There are years old threads on Plex Forums requesting full Trakt integration and that hasn’t happened yet.

preacher65 commented 5 years ago

It seems through some experimenting the above statement that I stated about refreshing your library, the Sync and Pull only works for Movies, and TV shows or different type of Movies do not update. Man, real shame :(

I was in a similar situation to that posted above, a clean PMS install and wanting to only carry over watched status. After reading this thread I was able to sync watched status for TV shows by using the Trakt plugin from PMP 2.40.0 - as far as I know this is the latest...? Seems to have worked.

I notice from the Plex blog post that the section on discontinuing PMP has been struck through and it looks as if they're continuing PMP support for now, though only temporarily.

agneevX commented 5 years ago

@FormBurden what version is your PMS?

preacher65 commented 5 years ago

Good point - 3.108.2 as I hadn't switched to the beta channel yet. So possibly that oversight was why I was able to sync? (Edit; Sorry replied to a question aimed at @FormBurden but hope the info is useful.)

FormBurden commented 5 years ago

@FormBurden what version is your PMS?

It is Version 3.108.2

agneevX commented 5 years ago

@preacher65 @FormBurden Where did you get this number from?

FormBurden commented 5 years ago

@preacher65 @FormBurden Where did you get this number from?

Under the settings tab when you open Plex Media Server. Straight up at the top.

agneevX commented 5 years ago

(Edit; Sorry replied to a question aimed at @FormBurden but hope the info is useful.)

Yeah, no my fault for tagging him, instead of you.

preacher65 commented 5 years ago

Sorry, too many browser windows open. That's the web client version, PMS is

agneevX commented 5 years ago

It does indeed appear to be working with PMP. I'm on (Stable).

FormBurden commented 5 years ago

Oh snap, so aparently what @preacher65 posted about downloading the Plex Media Player, it still works. So if you want to update everything, go through that instead.

agneevX commented 5 years ago

From what it seems, if you put the settings from the plugin to: "Sync - Run after library updates" checked, and make sure everything is "Synchronize (Pull + Push)" you will be able to update everything.

Does this work?

FormBurden commented 5 years ago

From what it seems, if you put the settings from the plugin to: "Sync - Run after library updates" checked, and make sure everything is "Synchronize (Pull + Push)" you will be able to update everything.

Does this work?

It only works for the Movies (original), if you have another Movies thing (like I do, Anime Movies), it does not work. This method only works for movies and nothing else for the currently new Trakt Plex Scrobbler. It is in Beta after all, hopefully it'll be improved in the future.

So from this link:

I would save that download somewhere in case you're like me and end up re-installing windows in the future. So you can get Plex good to go on your watch history and such for everything on Trakt. Use that download and save it, I would only use that player to update (that's what I'm doing) since everything works. Probably best to not update it either.

preacher65 commented 5 years ago is apparently latest PMS beta, so that must have been what I downloaded and installed, as the server update channel is still set to public in Settings.

I have the Trakt settings as described above, although originally I'd just put them as pull, as I wasn't sure how well the conflict resolution would work since the Plex updates.

I don't think anything synced on library updates, and I had to use the manual "Pull from" option to update, but that could just have been lag while it was pulling down new metadata. Depends how it defines a library update, though as I hadn't added any new files since installing the plugin, though I did re-scan and also refreshed metadata.

I was more concerned with getting it to sync than working out the behaviour :) so wasn't particularly scientific about not making multiple changes at once.

I've only added a TV Shows library so far, but it's the default one and not a custom library.

Relieved it's working though! Definitely keeping a copy of PMP 2.40.0 tucked away safe, although it'll probably be a long while before I do another OS rebuild.

Webdoc-01 commented 5 years ago

Don't know if this has already been posted, the other day I had to reload windows on my server meaning I had lost my data, I already knew that the old plex media player would work to get my data back.

So as I had a virgin install of plex server I took the opportunity to move my plex media server data file to another NTFS NON POOLED DRIVE, (if the data folder is placed on a pooled drive as I found out, no images show) if I have to install windows again I should have no need to pull any data back from trakt.

agneevX commented 5 years ago

We can only assume that in future builds of PMS, they will remove the ability to browse plugins from PMP.

Definite disappointment from Plex by not adding full trakt integration and removing plugins.

agneevX commented 5 years ago

At this point, I just wish Trakt could launch a standalone app that would sync the databases in the background.

FormBurden commented 5 years ago

Yeah I feel you. Like I said, just keep that download somewhere safe so when you have to re-download or whatever windows, or even just update your Trakt for Plex, you can do it through that PMP. Who knows when they'll update PMP to get rid of the plugin-support. So keep that PMP somewhere safe, just in case they sadly never add full integration for Trakt to Plex through their new Scrobbler.

nemchik commented 5 years ago

A standalone app would be great actually. I've got another app that interacts directly with the Plex database to add new media differently than Plex's built in scanner, so a trakt app to sync watched status would be amazing.

scottrobertson commented 5 years ago

The Plex API is pretty good, so building an app on top of it may be possible. I may have a look at building something if Trakt don't get to it themselves.

agneevX commented 5 years ago

... For there is hope

rectifyer commented 5 years ago

The Plex API is pretty good, so building an app on top of it may be possible. I may have a look at building something if Trakt don't get to it themselves.

We don't have any plans to work on anything standalone, so if you're interested please do 😄 We of course are happy to help and answer any questions, we just don't have any availability to code it ourselves right now.