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How to Enable Individual Trakt Accounts to Sync with Individual Plex Accounts Using rg9400's Fork #642

Open jeff15110168 opened 6 months ago

jeff15110168 commented 6 months ago

So i have trakttv.bundle plugin (which has been updated a few times since the original plugin got "deprecated", i'm using @rg9400 8/18/22 commit) alongside kitana to correctly two-way sync all my data between trakt to plex and back. This continues to work perfectly as of March-2024 so i have had no reason to switch or use anything else (though i know there's now other alternatives like PlexTraktSync container native on Unraid docker, recently found iamkroot's Trakt-Scrobbler which looks to be updated 11 hours ago which i would take as a positive of working etc.)

While my old-yet-functional Trakt plugin from 8/18/22 is syncing perfectly for me (as the owner of the Plex server), I was looking to see how to have my friends setup Trakt and be able to sync their own trakt accounts to their own plex accounts which have access to my library. I am using the website to create new users and link their Plex (via the 4-digit authentication on + trakt (via the 6 digit trakt API code) together, which then correctly show up in Kitana.

What I can't figure out is how to get them correctly sync'ing - i'm getting the error message below when i try to run a full sync on the friend's accounts under kitana. Any idea what settings i may need to change in the trakttv.bundle plugin to get this working? I briefly looked through the prior historical issues for "multiple user" and it seems supported but many of those threads are from 2014-2016. If i click the gear icon on the below image, i do have "Global Filter - Users (comma separated)" set to my main username. I don't want other people's viewing history syncing to my own trakt/plex account so i haven't change that yet.


karadoulis commented 1 month ago

I set up a new computer and lost my old settings. traktv bundle was working fine but now I get to fix it. I have tried every bundle that it is out there without any help. I think the main problem is that it doesn't sync with plex and it gets the auth token. Can you help me? Since it is a dead threat.

zluckytraveler commented 1 month ago

Trakt authentication no longer works. Someone needs to update/maintain this project or fork it and add the fixes. As this project has basically been abandoned by its devs.