tralph3 / Steam-Metadata-Editor

An easy to use GUI that edits the metadata of your Steam Apps
GNU General Public License v3.0
161 stars 18 forks source link

Flatpak support added #2

Closed tijder closed 1 year ago

tijder commented 3 years ago

I have packaged this application as a Flatpak. The nice thing about Flatpak is that it runs on most Linux distributions. The Flatpak comes with all the needed libraries. I also included a desktop file/icon so it can be started from the start menu. afbeelding

tralph3 commented 3 years ago

Oh nice. I'll review this further when I get home. I'm no designer but I may try my hand at making some kind of logo. If you know somebody who's better suited for that task I'd appreciate it.

tijder commented 3 years ago

Let me known what you think of it. You can get it building if you installed flatpak.

With this command you can build and install it:

flatpak-builder --user --install .flatpak-build-dir flatpak/com.github.tralph3.Steam-Metadata-Editor.yml

With this command you can build it and get a Flatpak file to share:

flatpak-builder .flatpak-build-dir flatpak/com.github.tralph3.Steam-Metadata-Editor.yml --force-clean --repo=.flatpak-repo
flatpak build-bundle .flatpak-repo Steam-Metadata-Editor.flatpak com.github.tralph3.Steam-Metadata-Editor 

I´m also not a designer. That´s why I took just a screenshot.

tralph3 commented 3 years ago

Ok what about this for a logo? Not great but I can't design to save my life, and it's better than a screenshot. logo

tijder commented 3 years ago

Looks good. Is much better then a screenshot.

tralph3 commented 3 years ago

Could you replace the flatpak logo with it? Once you're done I'll test it out on a fresh VM to see how it works.

tijder commented 3 years ago

I changed it. If you get errors from a runtime not found you need to add the flathub repo:

flatpak remote-add --if-not-exists flathub
tralph3 commented 3 years ago

Btw, I made a fresh arch install on a separate disk to test. I couldn't manage to make it work. But I guess the problem is me not knowing how to use flatpaks rather than the packaging being wrong.

tijder commented 3 years ago

Weird, what was your log output?

tralph3 commented 3 years ago

No really, I don't know how to use flatpaks because I don't like them (but for python program distribution they are neat, since they bundle everything needed). I see that the commands ask for a "flatpak-build-dir", a " flatpak-repo" and so on. What do I need to replace all these with?

tijder commented 3 years ago

If you installed flatpak and flatpak-builder my command should work, when you in the root dir of this project.

Simply run:

flatpak-builder .flatpak-build-dir flatpak/com.github.tralph3.Steam-Metadata-Editor.yml --force-clean --repo=.flatpak-repo
flatpak build-bundle .flatpak-repo Steam-Metadata-Editor.flatpak com.github.tralph3.Steam-Metadata-Editor 

it creates al need dirs. If everything was succesfull you can install the flatpak with:

flatpak install Steam-Metadata-Editor.flatpak
Rhomagus commented 1 year ago

Anyway we could get this added to the Discover store for Steam Deck users?

kevin-wijnen commented 1 year ago

@tijder Any additional steps you took to get the build-bundle command working? It seems like .flatpak-repo is considered "an invalid directory". I could not get the flatpak exported in any way because of said error. Building it in an Ubuntu environment however does install it on the system. I've tried following your exact commands to follow along.

Another couple notes I made during me attempting to compile it (for exporting it into a bundle for the Steam Deck). I have not attempted any modifications as I'm new to Flatpak development:

Would love to get this repository a Flatpak version for Steam Deck users in the Flathub repo whenever possible. I've been wanting a Linux-based Steam metadata editor for the Deck for a while since I've had it.

tralph3 commented 1 year ago

Steam Metadata Editor has officially been accepted to Flathub! Take a look here. Thank you @tijder, I have used your manifest file to figure out how to bundle tkinter. It needed some tweaking for the rest, but I got it there.