trampster / JsonSrcGen

Json library that uses .NET 5 Source Generators
MIT License
148 stars 4 forks source link

Struct and Ref ReadOnly Struct support added #47

Closed hugobritobh closed 3 years ago

hugobritobh commented 3 years ago

Added test case for Struct

Decimal type added

Benchmark project changed

Contains for AttributeSyntax. Example: [assembly: JsonSrcGen.JsonArray(typeof(int))]

Is Number: Details in BenchmarksNumber

Update packages Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Analyzers (3.3.1) Microsoft.NET.Test.Sdk (16.8.0) NUnit3TestAdapter" Version (3.17.0)

Unit Tests Outcomes 347 Passed 4 Failed (It seems that an error occurred just for me, so it could be a time zone) Do some testing with internationalization (Example: DecimalPropertyTests)

trampster commented 3 years ago

Thanks for you contribution :)