tran-brian / yolo-unity-integration

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Interested in helping work with Yolo-v3-tiny with Unity Barracuda + AR Foundation? #3

Open ROBYER1 opened 3 years ago

ROBYER1 commented 3 years ago


I saw your repo on using Barracuda in Unity with Yolo and felt inspired by it, I have got v2-tiny working with Unity using Barracuda with AR Foundation for AR object detection, however I am having difficulty understanding and reading Yolo v3 tiny output to create bounding boxes as it seems different.

I wondered if you would be interested on investigating using yolo v3 tiny with barracuda - I have made my repo open here you are welcome to have a look and use it

The current plan is to share it with the Unity AR community as (hopefully) an official Unity Barracuda Object Detection example project once I have cracked v3-tiny

See a bit more about the progress I made here, currently I can pull the highest % detected classes from Yolo v3 tiny, but the logic for bounding boxes and confidence scores doesn't work the same for v3 as it did with v2

Kind Regards****