trancong12102 / Chrome-OS-kde

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Application Launcher Icon Not Rendering + Hotfix #1

Open GalGreenfield opened 4 years ago

GalGreenfield commented 4 years ago

I configured Latte Dock to use the layout file and switched to it.

It loaded and works, except that the Application Launcher has no icon.

I changed in the layout file: icon=/home/nopain/Pictures/launcher.svg to icon=launcher.svg- I assumed it'd work with a relative path. It didn't work. Neither did changing the value to./launcher.svg`. I also tried a hard-coded value for a path (and copied the SVG there beforehand), and that also didn't work.

GalGreenfield commented 4 years ago

I found out that the Applicatoin Launcher was not set to have an icon at all - meaning that probably didn't assign an icon to it. I don't know if it was a path issue.

So I found a hotfix:

  1. Right-click on the Application Launcher
  2. Click on Configure Application Launcher
  3. Click on the empty Icon box
  4. Select Other icons and then click Browse...
  5. Navigate to the extracted directory of the repo and choose launcher.svg
  6. Click on Apply/Okay to apply changes

It solves the issue but it's just a hotfix - the theme should be able to set on its own the icon.

trancong12102 commented 4 years ago

Sorry for the inconvenience, I'll fix it soon.

GalGreenfield commented 4 years ago

Out of curiosity, do you know the reason for this problem? If so, what is it?