trane293 / DDSM-Software-Chris-Rose

This is a mirror repository for hosting the important DDSM Software written by Dr. Chris Rose, University of Manchester. This is just in case when the official website ( is down.
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DDSM Software Now Moved to GitHub #1

Open multinormal opened 8 years ago

multinormal commented 8 years ago


I just found this repo after moving my DDSM software from my personal domain ( to GitHub. My repo is at and in addition to the PDF manual, I have written a README file that explains how to use the code.

If you'd like to link to that repo (or even contribute to it — my code is pretty old now) that would be great.


— Chris

trane293 commented 8 years ago

Hi Chris!

Thanks a lot for writing in! Your utility is awesome and it has been helping people a lot for as long as I can remember. :)

Recently I wrote a MATLAB wrapper (sort-of) that can automate the calls to your software so that users can do batch normalization/conversion. The utility is here -

I will remove my mirror of your software since now you have moved to GitHub. I had it in place since there were a number of instances when your website ( was down and inaccessible, and a lot of people were writing in to me regarding this issue.

Thanks again for this awesome piece of software. If you ever consider, in the future, releasing the source codes of jpeg.exe and ddsmpnm2raw.exe files please do let me know, it would be awesome! In any case, thanks again!

multinormal commented 8 years ago


I'm glad people have been finding the code useful.

Please don't feel you have to remove your repo, although I think it would ideally be useful to centralize things.

I'm haven't worked on digital mammography for a long time now, so have been neglecting my site and the software — hence my eventually moving it to GitHub, via which I hope other people will be able to contribute and allow the DDSM to continue to be used. To that end, would you be interested in merging your DDSMUtility into my ddsm repo, including adding a section to the README? (If not, I should link to your repo from mine — let me know.)

I'm afraid I don't have the source code for the jpeg program. It is simply based on the source code published on the DDSM webpage. Since I do not own the copyright to that source code, I did not want to redistribute it (and unless the license allows, it should not be put on GitHub). However, IIRC, I did need to make quite significant modifications to it to get it to compile under a modern compiler. It would be great to have a version that compiles and runs across Windows, Linux, and Mac. Perhaps that is a project someone could do (again, subject to its license terms) — though I'm afraid that someone won't be me.

I would need to dig around a bit for the source code for the ddsmpnm2raw.exe executable. It's not obviously on my system, so it's likely that has been lost, I'm afraid. However, perhaps it's actually straightforward to recode.

Thanks again for mirroring the original zip file — as I said I had neglected that site and didn't know it was as unreliable as you say — apologies!


— Chris