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My understanding of Unreal Engine 5's GameplayAbilitySystem plugin with a simple multiplayer sample project.
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In UE5 AbilitySystemComponent->AddReplicatedLooseGameplayTag() #85

Open markuslement opened 2 years ago

markuslement commented 2 years ago

In UE5 Added method - AbilitySystemComponent->AddReplicatedLooseGameplayTag(). As I understand it, this is how we can send replicated tags. But it doesn't work and I can't figure out why. Have you used anything like this by any chance?

tranek commented 2 years ago

I have not used that yet. I prefer using GameplayEffects applied on the server since that can encapsulate more meta information about where the tag came from.

reisandbeans commented 10 months ago

@markuslement I had issues with that function and spent some time debugging it. If I got it correctly, it doesn't set the tag on the server side, it just sets it on a separate data structure that is used for replication. I'd recommend using UAbilitySystemBlueprintLibrary::AddLooseGameplayTags instead, since it takes care of setting it in both the server, and replicating it

krovma commented 10 months ago

Confirmed the same issue before. ReplicatedLooseGameplayTag also has problems with tag counts. Just stick on MinimalReplicationTags