trannguyenle95 / arm-tutorial

Elfin robot controller package
MIT License
5 stars 2 forks source link

run on real robot #1

Open crNewton opened 3 years ago

crNewton commented 3 years ago

nice work to get this to work in gazebo with the Elfin!

Did you try to run these controllers on a real robot? I'm trying to, but can't figure out how. It seems that you used a forcesensor for impedance & admittance control? ("/elfin/elfin/ft_sensor_topic")

trannguyenle95 commented 3 years ago

Hi, thanks for your interest in the package and your compliment! I didn't have a chance to try this on a real Elfin robot. But from my understanding, it is feasible to do so since the controllers are implemented in a ros_control manner. You just need to modify the parameters of the sim to the real robot. There are a couple of videos on youtube that guides you on how to run a ROS controller on a real robot.

About the ft_sensor_topic, what I used is a "synthesis" ft sensor to simulate the behavior of the real ft_sensor. In your case, if you have a real FT sensor you can just simply change the topic to the one that your sensor publishes. (Remember to check the message format)

crNewton commented 3 years ago

Thank you for your reply. I will give it a try (though It's not really clear to me yet how to add a controller to ros_control) I was hoping it would be possible to implement a controller that behaves similair as the 'teach mode' , and also a controller that can detect collisions with the joint effort. Your controllers are a good start for this goal I think!