tranquvis / SimpleSmsRemote

Android app for remotely controlling a phone through sms messages
MIT License
129 stars 37 forks source link

SMS Alternatives for Control Message Transmission #5

Open CrimsonFork opened 7 years ago

CrimsonFork commented 7 years ago

Basicly this is a great app but you don't really want to pay for sms so it would be great if you could at least just send the commands via BT or local network.

Even better if you had a live rc center on an other smartphone/PC.

The greatest feature would be if you could implement something from Endoscope so you could use it like Bluetooth SpyCam.

tranquvis commented 7 years ago

An SMS alternative would be great. Some other people have already requested this feature. I think BT and local network is too limited. Many people would like to remotely controll the phone from a far away position. So the internet must be used for communication.

I don't want to create my own communication server and a client application. (At least for now) That's why I have tried to keep the controll commands simple and intuitive. Maybe you have noticed that not only the commands work, which are displayed in the module. I want that you can simply try a command text and it should work.

Would you like sending commands over email? Or do you have another idea?

CrimsonFork commented 7 years ago

I'm not sure about E-Mail:

  1. It's much easier to hack an E-Mail account or even send E-Mails with a specific sender in the headline (phishing) then get access to someone's phone number.
  2. You probably don't want your E-Mail provider to get these informations, especially things like GPS
  3. You have to (again) mess with you account trying to remember your password and probably switching E-Mail's settings (Google)
  4. Also using E-Mail don't let you stream anything which I want most from an RC, as I've mentioned before

While Number 3 is the most confusing part, 1 and 2 can be solved (more or less) easily with the use of encryption.

Number 4 won't be able with a messenger/E-Mail/SMS anyway.

Since this is a FLOSS app in my opinion it could (or maybe even should) work very likely with FLOSS messengers (please note that Signal isn't a FLOSS app because of the server-side software).

I am using Kontalk and K-9/p≡p but that's only me.

I think, the best (easiest for the user) solution is to make a desktop client which you can use as RC itself as well as a server (and maybe client too):


tranquvis commented 7 years ago

Good arguments against email.

A standalone client and server application is probably the best solution. I would prefer the following implementation.

The Server should be opensource and can be installed on your own device. For those people, who do not want to run their own server, I could provide a limited server financed by donations.

But frankly speaking, at the moment I am not willing to spend that much time in this application.

CrimsonFork commented 7 years ago

Well, I understand if there are other things you would prefer to do, but I ask you to please don't give it up, there are much awsome but dead FOSS projects and I don't want this one to belong to them.

Besides, I would like to help you in any way I can (not programming, sry).

tranquvis commented 7 years ago

Thank you for your great engagement! Because of people like you I have invested as much time in this project.

I will wait some time and watch how the project evolves. Then I can better assess the potential. I will consider the following points in my decision.

  1. I will offer a bitcoin account for donations and check the income.
  2. Play Store development. (Downloads reached a peek of 83 downloads yeesterday. I was really excited ;) )
  3. Engagement and feedback on github.
ghost commented 5 years ago

Hello. I have read the whole discussion and would like to propose to use Tutanota:

Here the official website [] Here the link on F-Droid [] Here the page on Wikipedia []

I think it is a valid alternative to SMS, and in addition, being an email service, it offers encryption, privacy (in theory it cannot be associated with a single phone number), security and accessibility (if I do not have a mobile phone available I can use any computer) as well as being open source.

CrimsonFork commented 5 years ago

Hi. Actually, I have thought of a different solution, though I kind of never came to listing it. In my opinion, using implementing Matrix is an even better solution, since not only does it allow you to set up custom servers, but it also allows you to verify devices individually.

Also it would allow to transmit live feedback such as audio and/or video.

CrimsonFork commented 2 years ago

@tranquvis So, how's the potential going? :)

tranquvis commented 2 years ago

Hi @CrimsonFork , my feeling is that something like a Matrix Integration will have very limited users, so my motivation is not been high enough to implement it. How did your programming skills develop? Would be cool to have a second programmer working on this project ;)

TupambaeNet commented 4 months ago

Hi there, just stumbled over this conversation while surfing f-droid!

Are you aware of GtalkSMS? It's also available in an earlier version on f-droid yet I couldn't make it work. It uses XMPP for communication. Some people on the net claim that calling numbers doesn't work since android9 because restrictions increased.

I live off grid in south america for a environmental protection project, on solar panels and my connection to a cell tower is somewhere in a specific point in the roof, in a space 40x40cm, no kidding! Other options are some place outside the house, a branch in a tree, a specific spot on the terrace. There for I use one cellphone only for the internet connection as a WIFI hotspot. It is connected to a battery , a solarcharge controler with USB and a solar panel. I can handle SMS over kdeconnect with my laptop yet can't place calls. I use bluetooth hands free for microphone and headset so I can receive calls and even call the last dialed number as my headset is actually for a motorcycle helmet (Vnetphone).

In general I'm on a linux laptop and also have a second cellphone without a SIM card. Yet what I can't manage to do is place a phone number to call. :(

GTalkSMS uses XMPP and has an input field for another address to be enabled to place the commands.

I also stumbled on f-droid over an app called FMD (find my device): They code on gitlab. Anyway maybe you find ideas or implementation you can use and or adapt, or even you people can join efforts.

You (tranquvis) talked about GPS not being possible to turn off in newer android versions. Personally I find that even scary and would probably never buy a device that can't turn it off. It's a personal safety and privacy issue in my opinion! My GPS is always turned off unless I really want to make a picture with GPS or look something up in OSM or googleMaps. My cellphones have all google apps turned off by default and when I start my phone for the first time I never accept wifi-hotspot and start them without SIM card so I can switch to f-droid once initial startup is done. Yet the day I need to find my stolen phone in my stolen vehicle I would be delighted to send it a "turn notificationtonethingy off/turn GPS on/send me location data" message by XMPP or or SMS!

Please be aware that my "nearly offline/offgrid" usecase isn't to uncommon, actually I live in the country with best internet coverage around here yet there are lot's of places that are "in the middle of nowhere" or where the cell tower coverage "just in this specific place" is terrible.

I actually could buy a special device with extra antennas and what not, yet only would have Internet connection via WIFI-hotspot but not the phone part, and that device could cost me more than a common cheap cellphone. So for use-cases like mine an android6/7/8 device just for the antenna would be first choice probably for decades to come, if I only could something like GTalkSMS get to work. XMPP isn't going anywhere and with OMEMO encryption even security issues that I found in GTalkSMS discussion would be solved if you can integrate it into your project!

I will try to install your app and try to send SMS to myself via kdeconnect to see if that way I can use the possibilities your app offers me already.

thx for your efforts!

btw there is the "abandoned" MobileWebCam APP too, also on f-droid: It works somehow, I just started testing it (while writing). Same as XMPP this works for me just by WIFI and I'm about to turn an android phone into a spy/motion/animalCamera device I will be able to manage over WIFI distance. Handling over XMPP, that APP would be another incredible option, so I'm all for XMPP. Even matrix/element can handle XMPP if I'm not wrong. I guess I could manage to organize a XMPP server for testing in the fediVerse if needed and if not I'll setup one my own if that helps you, even tho I guess best would be to make it work with, that's kinda perfect standard I guess.

.. ah and there is DELTAchat as encrypted mail client too, another FLOSS project in heavy progress!