transcend-io / terragrunt-atlantis-config

Generate Atlantis config for Terragrunt projects.
MIT License
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Parent Terragrunt is included as dependency #235

Open enarmontas opened 2 years ago

enarmontas commented 2 years ago

Here is my parent terragrunt.hcl:

locals {
  account_vars = read_terragrunt_config(find_in_parent_folders("account.hcl"))
  project_vars = read_terragrunt_config(find_in_parent_folders("project.hcl"))
  region_vars  = read_terragrunt_config(find_in_parent_folders("region.hcl"))

  aws_account_id  = local.account_vars.locals.account_id
  aws_region_name = local.region_vars.locals.region_name

# Generate backend
remote_state {
  backend = "consul"
  generate = {
    path      = ""
    if_exists = "overwrite"
  config = {
    lock         = true
    path         = "terraform-state/${path_relative_to_include()}/terraform.tfstate"
    scheme       = "http"

# Generate provider
generate "provider" {
  path      = ""
  if_exists = "overwrite_terragrunt"
  contents  = <<-EOF
provider "aws" {
  region              = "${local.aws_region_name}"
  allowed_account_ids = ["${local.aws_account_id}"]

Here is my child terragrunt.hcl

terraform {
  source = ""

include {
  path = find_in_parent_folders()

inputs = {
  name = "example-two"

Here is the command I run:

terragrunt-atlantis-config generate --output atlantis.yaml --autoplan --create-workspace --parallel --ignore-parent-terragrunt

And here is the resulting Atlantis config:

automerge: false
parallel_apply: true
parallel_plan: true
- autoplan:
    enabled: true
    - '*.hcl'
    - '*.tf*'
    - ../../../../../terragrunt.hcl
  dir: test/example/global/iam-user/example-two
  workspace: test_example_global_iam-user_example-two
version: 3

Why does it include the parent config ../../../../../terragrunt.hcl? Is there a bug or I am doing something wrong? I am using the latest version.

enarmontas commented 2 years ago

After some digging I found out that this behavour was introduced in v1.14.0 with the release of

It mentions the changes but doesn't reflect them in documentation:

There is an important caveat to this approach however, every include block is added as an implicit dependency, including any parent module. This means that irrespective of the state of --ignore-parent-terragrunt the parent terragrunt.hcl will be included as there is no easy way differentiate between includes to find the "real" parent.

I'll keep this issue open in case I'll find the time to work on the is_parent_terragrunt_file idea mentioned in the same issue.

gurpalw commented 2 years ago

same issue here on latest 1.15.0

file below is the parent nonprod/terragrunt.hcl which i want to exclude from plans.

remote_state {
  backend = "s3"
  config = {
    bucket         = "redacted-${get_env("TF_VAR_account_alias", "")}-${get_env("AWS_DEFAULT_REGION", "")}-infra"
    region         = get_env("AWS_DEFAULT_REGION", "")
    key            = "state/${path_relative_to_include()}/redacted.tfstate"
    encrypt        = true
    dynamodb_table = "redacted-redacted-redacted"

terraform {
  extra_arguments "common" {
    commands = get_terraform_commands_that_need_vars()

    arguments = [
      "redacted=redacted-${get_env("TF_VAR_account_alias", "")}-${get_env("AWS_DEFAULT_REGION", "")}-infra",

locals {
  global = yamldecode(file("${find_in_parent_folders("global.yaml")}"))

inputs = {
  redacted            =
  redacted            =
  redacted =
  redacted    =
  redacted            = "${get_env("redacted")}/${path_relative_to_include()}"

file below is the child in nonprod/eu-west-1/dev/acm/terragrunt.hcl

include {
  path = find_in_parent_folders()

terraform {
  source = "git::git@github.redacted/terraform.git//acm"

inputs = {

  domain_name = ""

  route53_enabled = false


sample from atlantis.yaml created by version 1.15: terragrunt-atlantis-config generate --ignore-dependency-blocks --ignore-parent-terragrunt true --filter aws/accounts/ --autoplan --output ./atlantis.yaml

  dir: aws/accounts/nonprod/eu-west-1/dev/acm
- autoplan:
    enabled: true
    - '*.hcl'
    - '*.tf*'
    - ../../../terragrunt.hcl

sample from atlantis.yaml created by version 1.13 with same command

   dir: aws/accounts/nonprod/eu-west-1/dev/acm
- autoplan:
    enabled: true
    - '*.hcl'
    - '*.tf*'

not sure if this comment belongs here, or in so i've posted in both. sorry!

jmreicha commented 2 years ago

Was just about to open an issue, I am seeing the same problem. It would be nice to have a way to ignore the extra top-level terragrunt.hcl file that is being added to the when_modified block.

jmreicha commented 2 years ago

Has anyone been able to find a work around for this?

enarmontas commented 2 years ago

Has anyone been able to find a work around for this?

I use this hacky workaround in Atlantis config. Since my directory structure is consistent, I just remove the root file from all projects each time terragrunt-atlantis-config generates a new config.

- run: >
    terragrunt-atlantis-config generate --output atlantis.yaml --autoplan
    --workflow terragrunt --create-workspace --parallel &&
    sed -i -r '/^\s+-\s\.\.\/\.\.\/\.\.\/\.\.\/\.\.\/terragrunt\.hcl$/d' atlantis.yaml
jmreicha commented 2 years ago

@enarmontas I was thinking about doing something similar. Glad to hear it wasn't as crazy as I thought! Thanks for the reply, I will give something like that a try.

crazy-matt commented 1 year ago

I think there might be a misunderstanding here on the feature supported by --ignore-parent-terragrunt. You get the parent terragrunt config listed because of the use of an include block in your child terragrunt config. This --ignore-parent-terragrunt flag prevents the creation of a project for the parent terragrunt.hcl within, based on my understanding of the test suit implemented in this repo.

So if you want to avoid triggering a plan/apply for all your projects each time there's a change in the parent terragrunt config and you are using include blocks, there's for now no other way than using a sed as suggested by @enarmontas .