transcendentprogressivism / manifesto

The Transcendent Progressivism (t/prog) Manifesto: A Vision for Humanity's Future
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OPEN DISCUSSION: TO-DO List for t/prog #3

Open vmfunc opened 3 months ago

vmfunc commented 3 months ago

any other suggestions?

vmfunc commented 3 months ago

we might want to establish a council to validate most manifesto changes, then pass those through a public vote

xzi commented 3 months ago

Current things I can think of.

melqtx commented 3 months ago
  • [ ] we need to figure out a way to validate manifesto changes on PRs
  • [ ] we need to add a new font and redesign the site a little bit
  • [ ] we need to make a proper logo
  • [ ] replace the default astros template any other suggestions?
vmfunc commented 3 months ago

Current things I can think of.

  • [ ] The manifesto needs a full proofread and lint if that hasn't been done already.
  • [ ] Automate converting the markdown readme to PDF, EPub (someone mentioned they wanted this), and the site (all can be done via GH actions as far as I'm concerned)

Automating to PDF would be really useful, for the site, we already use a git submodule so it builds on the fly

melqtx commented 3 months ago

should we translate the manifesto into multiple languages, to target more people?

vmfunc commented 3 months ago

should we translate the manifesto into multiple languages, to target more people?


edecampo commented 3 months ago

we might want to establish a council to validate most manifesto changes, then pass those through a public vote

I definitely agree with this, making sure the manifesto accurately represents our beliefs should be top priority. I think having a delegation check changes first and then a public vote is a good idea.

xzi commented 3 months ago

should we translate the manifesto into multiple languages, to target more people?

There is a tool out there to manage these but I'm blanking on the name.

xzi commented 3 months ago

should we translate the manifesto into multiple languages, to target more people?

There is a tool out there to manage these but I'm blanking on the name.

Weblate. Upon googling it tho doesn't seem like it'll work all that well for what we are doing :/

TessavWalstijn commented 3 months ago

should we translate the manifesto into multiple languages, to target more people?

There is a tool out there to manage these but I'm blanking on the name.

I think translation by community is more powerful and accurate then using a tool.

(saying it as a bilingual who experiences generated translations when using websites in my native language)

edecampo commented 3 months ago

should we translate the manifesto into multiple languages, to target more people?

There is a tool out there to manage these but I'm blanking on the name.

I think translation by community is more powerful and accurate then using a tool.

(saying it as a bilingual who experiences generated translations when using websites in my native language)

If we have enough people/support community translation shouldn't be too hard. It'll also definitely be more accurate, I agree.

edecampo commented 3 months ago

I also think at some point, once the manifesto is fleshed out and we have our feet under us, we host a seminar where we explain who we are and what the manifesto is saying, and then answer questions. It'd help spread awareness, help people get some questions answered, and probably get a bunch of people on board.

vmfunc commented 3 months ago

I believe we should maybe re-write the first part of the manifesto and focus more on decentralized governance directly through the intro. We should make it easy to digest at first then delve down into the details

vikingSec commented 3 months ago

I also think at some point, once the manifesto is fleshed out and we have our feet under us, we host a seminar where we explain who we are and what the manifesto is saying, and then answer questions. It'd help spread awareness, help people get some questions answered, and probably get a bunch of people on board.

I watched something similar happen when I briefly engaged with the US Pirate Party. There were several brainstorming sessions where national and state chapters figured out what their core belief structures would be. It was very empowering and got a lot of folks on board and lead to some great discussion.