transcript / samsa2

SAMSA pipeline, version 2.0. An open-source metatranscriptomics pipeline for analyzing microbiome data, built around DIAMOND and customizable reference databases.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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error #77

Open arianlundberg opened 1 year ago

arianlundberg commented 1 year ago

Hello, I am having issues with script I am getting an IndexError in line 138

I've modified your master_script_for_sample_files.bash file and the error comes after STEP4 is DONE

command from your script:


for file in $starting_files_location/step_4_output/*RefSeq_annotated*
    python $python_programs/ -I $file -D $RefSeq_db -O
    python $python_programs/ -I $file -D $RefSeq_db -F


Now reading through the m8 results infile.

Analysis of /projects/ complete. Number of total lines: 574668 Number of unique sequences: 574668 Time elapsed: 1.8101940155 seconds.

then "Starting database analysis now." message pops and goes until

198M lines processed so far in 2025.08801007 seconds.

Then I get this error:

Traceback (most recent call last): File "/projects/tools/samsa2/python_scripts/", line 138, in db_entry = db_entry[1][:-1] IndexError: list index out of range

Here is an snapshot of your script from line 127 to 138

for line in db:
    if line.startswith(">") == True:
        db_line_counter += 1
        splitline = line.split("[",1)

        # ID, the hit returned in DIAMOND results
        db_id = str(splitline[0].split()[0])[1:]

        # name and functional description
        db_entry = line.split("[", 1)
        db_entry = db_entry[0].split(" ", 1)
        db_entry = db_entry[1][:-1]

Thanks in advance

transcript commented 1 year ago

Hi Arian,

Sorry about that, let's see if we can figure out an answer!

A couple things to check:

First, are you using the standard bacterial RefSeq database that is available for distribution with SAMSA2, or is this a custom-built database?

Second, it looks from this error like there's at least one entry where there's an ID but no description. Could you try re-running with the following code added to replace the existing line 138 of the script?

    db_entry = db_entry[1][:-1]
except IndexError:
    print("this occurs at line: " + str(db_line_counter))

The idea here is to see the offending line, as well as where in your reference database this line occurs (for easy fixing, if there's an issue with it). This would require you to re-run the script, although you don't need to re-run the whole master_script; you could just run the command:

python $python_programs/ -I $file -D $RefSeq_db -O

(You'll need to correct the pathways and replace the variables with your output file and the RefSeq_db path.)

Essentially, this looks to be an issue with the reference database; happy to help identify where it's occurring and what, specifically, is causing it.

arianlundberg commented 1 year ago

Hi Sam! Thanks for your quick response. I appreciate it. I actually use a custom-built database containing information on three different organisms. While working with the data, I noticed that the Fungi dataset (which is included in the combined database) only had IDs and no descriptions. I've taken care of this by downloading new data from Ensembl and creating a new database for DIAMOND. It's currently running, but I'll let you know if I run into any issues.

By the way, I mentioned earlier that I downloaded Fungi protein sequences from Ensembl. Do you have any suggestions for other good sources or databases to use? I used NCBI refseq as well but I believe the sequence files were corrupted/weird, because the sequences had numbers or "_" in between which resulted an error with DIAMOND as well.

Thank you again for your help.

arianlundberg commented 1 year ago

Hello again Sam,

After replacing my old Fungi database with the one I downloaded from Ensembl, I've got list index out of range error in line 159. :/

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/projects/tools/samsa2/python_scripts/", line 159, in <module>
    db_org = split_db_org[1] + " " + split_db_org[2]
IndexError: list index out of range

here is the the python script from line 144 to 159:

            db_org = splitline[line.count("[")].strip()[:-1]
            if db_org[0].isdigit():
                split_db_org = db_org.split()
                    if split_db_org[1] == "sp.":
                        db_org = split_db_org[0] + " " + split_db_org[1] + " " + split_db_org[2]
                        db_org = split_db_org[1] + " " + split_db_org[2]
                except IndexError:
                        db_org = split_db_org[1]
                    except IndexError:
                        db_org = splitline[line.count("[")-1]
                        if db_org[0].isdigit():
                            split_db_org = db_org.split()
                            db_org = split_db_org[1] + " " + split_db_org[2]

I think the fungi dataset causes this issue, perhaps the annotations in the fasta files are not compatible with your script. Do you know where I could find a fungi dataset compatible with DIAMOND/your script? Thanks.

BTW, here is an example the header/description of Fungi data which causes the error (I think?):

>KGQ13519 pep supercontig:BBA1.0:contig00047:97669:98940:-1 gene:BBAD15_g702 transcript:KGQ13519 gene_biotype:protein_coding transcript_biotype:protein_coding description:tRNA-(ms[2]io[6]A)-hydroxylase

JSSaini commented 1 year ago

Any solution for this?