transformerlab / transformerlab-app

Open Source Application for Advanced LLM Engineering: interact, train, fine-tune, and evaluate large language models on your own computer.
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MacOS-X using mlx - Missing parameters: lm_head.biases lm_head.scales. #70

Open prashantnayak-edu opened 3 months ago

prashantnayak-edu commented 3 months ago

Getting this error running a local fine-tune using mlx. Unclear where to set these parameters

Training beginning:
Adaptor will be saved as: /Users/pnayak/.transformerlab/workspace/plugins/mlx_lora_trainer/my-adaptor-1.npz
Writing logs to: /Users/pnayak/.transformerlab/workspace/tensorboards/job5/20240404-181024
Loading pretrained model

Fetching 7 files:   0%|          | 0/7 [00:00<?, ?it/s]
Fetching 7 files: 100%|██████████| 7/7 [00:00<00:00, 84368.18it/s]
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/Users/pnayak/.transformerlab/workspace/plugins/mlx_lora_trainer/mlx-examples/lora/", line 321, in <module>
    model, tokenizer, _ = lora_utils.load(args.model)
  File "/Users/pnayak/.transformerlab/workspace/plugins/mlx_lora_trainer/mlx-examples/lora/", line 171, in load
  File "/Users/pnayak/.transformerlab/envs/transformerlab/lib/python3.11/site-packages/mlx/nn/layers/", line 206, in load_weights
    raise ValueError(f"Missing parameters: {missing}.")
ValueError: Missing parameters: lm_head.biases lm_head.scales.
Finished training.
dadmobile commented 3 months ago

What model are you training against? Maybe post the config from your train run and I can give it a shot. I can check to see if this is a known issue on the MLX side or possibly fixed in a newer release.