transformsai / UnityWebGLInterop

Allows Easy Interoperation between Unity and Js in webgl builds
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Todo: Add documentation for JsRuntime.cs #1

Open MHDante opened 2 years ago

marcusx2 commented 2 years ago

How can I use this library? How does it compare with this one?

MHDante commented 2 years ago

Hahaha! Sorry I haven't had the time (in almost a year) to document this lib.

The purpose of this library is to write c# code to access browser functions:

For example

// csharp code.

var window = JsRuntime.GetGlobalValue("window");
var location = window.GetProp("location").GetProp("href");

var console = JsRuntime.GetGlobalValue("console");
console.Call("log", "Outputting our location", location);

While this library is highly optimized to reduce allocations in the unity heap, it's still slower than direct interop and something like tinyutils.

The primary objective of the library is to allow you to write algorithms in C# that may need access Javascript libraries.

I used this to implement

I decided to do this since it would facilitate writing a C# HTTP handler while degating calls to JS Fetch.

One of the main benefits of using this library is the ability to hold references to JS objects in C#, for example:

// We're still in C#
var element =  JSRuntime.GetGlobalValue("document").Call("getElementById", "some-element-id");
var element2 =  JSRuntime.GetGlobalValue("document").Call("getElementById", "some-other-element-id");

element2.Call("appendChild", element2);

There's also some cool stuff in this library like:

Support for callbacks Support for awaiting JS promises from inside Csharp (!!!) Avoiding garbage collection (and segfaults )for long-lived callbacks. Two-way garbage collection synchronization. Support for sharing memory across C# and JS.

That said, I've moved to a different project at TransformsAI and haven't had time to continue working on this stack. Hopefully this comment helps :)