transhumandesign / kag-base

King Arthur's Gold base folder.
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[Feature Pitch] Blob fire (trees, logs, other players) spreads to players + better fire particles #195

Open MrPotatobird opened 6 years ago

MrPotatobird commented 6 years ago

Fire is kinda useless right now except as a counter to big wooden structures, which rarely get built. To give it more uses, if flaming blobs such as trees + logs were to spread to players who walk by them, archers could use fire to attack teams and cut them off with a big flaming tree. Fire should also spread to other players a flaming person touches.

However, a flaming tree looks pretty much the same as a regular tree - the fire animation is very unimpressive, and there's no smoke. So flaming blobs should look more "on fire", currently only tile fires look good. Also, for the implementation, the entire tree should spread fire to players all the way up to the top and not just the "blob" part at the bottom where the current fire animation is.

Franrek commented 6 years ago

Spreading fire by touch would be really annoying in pub since most of the people don't know whats going on and would set you on fire all the time. Also main fire problem is that it's spread is random. That's why you sometimes burn 1 and sometimes 5 doors with 1 firearrow. I was already talking about it with Geti and he suggested adding 3x3 splash of fire at ignition. That would work really nicely for making it not such a pain to use coz of randomness and also would be a small buff.

asumagic commented 6 years ago

Fire particles all over the tree would sure be great if well done (especially as the tree falls). I could see it being implemented as "generic fire areas" but there's some things to consider (interaction with water, spreading).

I have to agree that such spreading might end up a little overpowered. If those logs could set fire to tiles though that might be okay because grass will only burn once, it would only serve as a propagating factor.

Fire deterministic spreading is good, a 3x3 cross seems good but a 3x3 square seems far too large (if that's what you meant).

Mazey commented 5 years ago

This feature pitch has been selected by the community as a bounty for 35$

To complete this bounty you should open a pull request with: -Fire spreads to players faster -Improved visuals for fire trees (the entire tree should be on fire visually and there should be smoke) -If the tree is on fire, the entire tree should affect characters touching it, not just the bottom of the tree.