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King Arthur's Gold base folder.
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[fixed] Queue button doesn't turn grey when other player changes team #2010

Open mugg91 opened 2 months ago

mugg91 commented 2 months ago



[fixed] Queue button doesn't turn grey when other player changes team


This PR changes code in to fix a bug where the queue button in the top right corner turns grey whenever a different player changes teams. The culprit is the line client_selected = -99; in onPlayerChangedTeam().

Since the newteam == this.getSpectatorTeamNum() check and the oldteam != this.getSpectatorTeamNum() && player.isMyPlayer() check are basicly the same (player changes from red/blue team to spectator), I mixed both code blocks and also moved the line client_selected = -99; inside it. SetupQueueGUI(this); also should only run if player.isMyPlayer() is true.

I tested in a dedicated CTF server with bots. Although the queue logic doesn't work well with bots, when there are enough bots it is possible to queue for one team without instantly entering it, allowing me to test the bug scenario. When queuing for a team and having a bot player change its team, my button previously turned grey but after applying the above fix it doesn't.

The sound for successfully getting entered into a team will still play at the correct time. It plays only when switching from spectator to red/blue via the queue.

Current build After this PR
Switch from spectator to red/blue via queue Sound plays Sound plays
Switch from spectator to red/blue via team button while queuing Sound doesn't play Sound doesn't play
Switch from red/blue to red/blue Sound doesn't play Sound doesn't play
Switch from red/blue to spectator Sound doesn't play Sound doesn't play