Closed gijzelaerr closed 9 years ago
this has been implemented per
and for VLSS
It is useful to be able to supplement the view that Banana gives of the output of the TraP with information from other survey projects. The most commonly requested are NVSS and WENSS, but it would be nice to build features that are generic enough to support others (notably MSSS) in future.
These surveys typically provide two different types of data, both of which are relevant: images and catalogues.
The basic functionality we should aim for in Banana all relates to the information displayed when a user is examining a particular source (through either the Transient or the Running Catalogue view). Within those pages, we should display:
Thumbnail images from DSS, NVSS, WENSS. Links to perform a cone-search for the area around the source on the NVSS and WENSS catalogues (supplementing Simbad, which is already provided). A convenient way to provide the thumbnail data is, of course, to use the Aladin Lite widget. For bonus points, all these thumbnails could be provided in one widget, and the user would be able to fade between them.
The position of the source in question should be clearly marked on the thumbnail. At least for the initial version, it is not necessary to plot other catalogue sources.
For performing cone searches on catalogue data, note that the appropriate service to use is Vizier rather than Simbad.