Some of the quality control parameters have ended up in the persistence step. This needs rearranging:
description = "TRAP dataset"
dataset_id = -1
rms_est_sigma = 4 ; Sigma value used for iterative clipping in RMS estimation
rms_est_fraction = 8 ; Determines size of image subsection used for RMS estimation
rms_est_history = 2 ; how many images used for calculating rms histogram
rms_est_max = 1.0 ; global maximum acceptable rms
rms_est_min = 0.0 ; global minimum acceptable rms
rms_rej_sigma = 0.1 ; threshold for rejecting images using rms histogram
bandwidth_max = 0.0 ; if non zero override bandwidth of image, determines which images fall in same band
oversampled_x = 30 ; threshold for oversampled check
elliptical_x = 2.0 ; threshold for elliptical check
low_bound = 1 ; multiplied with noise to define lower threshold
high_bound = 80 ; multiplied with noise to define upper threshold
oversampled_x = 30 ; threshold for oversampled check
elliptical_x = 2.0 ; threshold for elliptical check
min_separation = 10 ; minimum distance to a bright source (in degrees)
description = "TRAP dataset"
dataset_id = -1
rms_est_sigma = 4 ; Sigma value used for iterative clipping in RMS estimation
rms_est_fraction = 8 ; Determines size of image subsection used for RMS estimation
bandwidth_max = 0.0 ; if non zero override bandwidth of image, determines which images fall in same band
low_bound = 1 ; multiplied with noise to define lower threshold
high_bound = 80 ; multiplied with noise to define upper threshold
rms_est_history = 100 ; how many images used for calculating rms histogram
rms_est_max = 100. ; global maximum acceptable rms
rms_est_min = 0.0 ; global minimum acceptable rms
rms_rej_sigma = 0.1 ; threshold for rejecting images using rms histogram
oversampled_x = 30 ; threshold for oversampled check
elliptical_x = 2.0 ; threshold for elliptical check
min_separation = 10 ; minimum distance to a bright source (in degrees)
Some of the quality control parameters have ended up in the persistence step. This needs rearranging: