transifex / transifex-client

The Transifex command-line tool.
GNU General Public License v2.0
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Installing on CI using bash script #312

Open sterankin opened 3 years ago

sterankin commented 3 years ago

I am using a script task in Bamboo to install the TX client, but often it fails to install and I am hoping you can tell me why.

This is the relevant line in the script task:

    # install Transifex client
    pip install transifex-client --force-reinstall

Here is the output from the script:

build   07-Dec-2020 06:26:30    Collecting transifex-client
build   07-Dec-2020 06:26:30      Downloading (211 kB)
build   07-Dec-2020 06:26:30    Collecting gitpython<4.0.0
build   07-Dec-2020 06:26:30      Downloading (159 kB)
build   07-Dec-2020 06:26:30    Collecting gitdb<5,>=4.0.1
build   07-Dec-2020 06:26:30      Downloading (63 kB)
build   07-Dec-2020 06:26:30    Collecting python-slugify<5.0.0
build   07-Dec-2020 06:26:30      Downloading (11 kB)
build   07-Dec-2020 06:26:31    Collecting requests<3.0.0,>=2.19.1
build   07-Dec-2020 06:26:31      Using cached (61 kB)
build   07-Dec-2020 06:26:31    Collecting certifi>=2017.4.17
build   07-Dec-2020 06:26:31      Using cached (147 kB)
build   07-Dec-2020 06:26:31    Collecting chardet<4,>=3.0.2
build   07-Dec-2020 06:26:31      Using cached (133 kB)
build   07-Dec-2020 06:26:31    Collecting idna<3,>=2.5
build   07-Dec-2020 06:26:31      Using cached (58 kB)
build   07-Dec-2020 06:26:31    Collecting six<2.0.0
build   07-Dec-2020 06:26:31      Using cached (10 kB)
build   07-Dec-2020 06:26:31    Collecting smmap<4,>=3.0.1
build   07-Dec-2020 06:26:31      Downloading (25 kB)
build   07-Dec-2020 06:26:31    Collecting text-unidecode>=1.3
build   07-Dec-2020 06:26:31      Downloading (78 kB)
build   07-Dec-2020 06:26:31    Collecting urllib3<2.0.0,>=1.24.2
build   07-Dec-2020 06:26:31      Using cached (136 kB)
build   07-Dec-2020 06:26:31    Using legacy ' install' for transifex-client, since package 'wheel' is not installed.
build   07-Dec-2020 06:26:31    Using legacy ' install' for python-slugify, since package 'wheel' is not installed.
build   07-Dec-2020 06:26:31    Installing collected packages: smmap, urllib3, text-unidecode, idna, gitdb, chardet, certifi, six, requests, python-slugify, gitpython, transifex-client
build   07-Dec-2020 06:26:32      Attempting uninstall: six
build   07-Dec-2020 06:26:32        Found existing installation: six 1.15.0
build   07-Dec-2020 06:26:32        Uninstalling six-1.15.0:
build   07-Dec-2020 06:26:32          Successfully uninstalled six-1.15.0
build   07-Dec-2020 06:26:32        Running install for python-slugify: started
build   07-Dec-2020 06:26:32        Running install for python-slugify: finished with status 'done'
build   07-Dec-2020 06:26:32        Running install for transifex-client: started
build   07-Dec-2020 06:26:32        Running install for transifex-client: finished with status 'done'
build   07-Dec-2020 06:26:32    Successfully installed certifi-2020.12.5 chardet-3.0.4 gitdb-4.0.5 gitpython-3.1.11 idna-2.10 python-slugify-4.0.1 requests-2.25.0 six-1.15.0 smmap-3.0.4 text-unidecode-1.3 transifex-client-0.14.2 urllib3-1.26.2
error   07-Dec-2020 06:26:32    /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/temp/ line 15: tx: command not found
error   07-Dec-2020 06:26:32    /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/temp/ line 18: tx: command not found

Note that sometimes it works and somtimes not. Any ideas? Is there some pip command I should be setting?

In the script task, it seems its using these versions of python:

Python 2.7.16 pip 18.1

Note that python3 also seems to be available on the build agent - is there anyway to force the TX client to use python3?

I tried using:

pip3 install transifex-client

And when tx does install correctly I then receive the following error:

tx ERROR: HTTPSConnectionPool(host='', port=443): Max retries exceeded with url: /api/2/project/my_project/resource/config_locales_default_en/stats/ (Caused by ProtocolError('Connection aborted.', ConnectionResetError(104, 'Connection reset by peer')))