transifex / transifex-old-core

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[Android strings.xml] xliff tags are not supported and strings containing them are dropped. #236

Open rhdunn opened 11 years ago

rhdunn commented 11 years ago

If a strings.xml file contains xliff attributes, e.g.:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<resources xmlns:xliff="urn:oasis:names:tc:xliff:document:1.2">
  <string name="sample_text">Esta é uma amostra de texto falado em <xliff:g>%s</xliff:g></string>

the website and the web editor preserve the tags, e.g.:

Esta é uma amostra de texto falado em <xliff:g>%s</xliff:g>

However, if I download the file for use, or use the tx pull command to get the updated file content, I get a blank string:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
  <string name="sample_text"></string>

Also note that the xmlns:xliff has been removed from the resource file.

nsallembien commented 11 years ago

Filed in our internal tracking system

eighthave commented 9 years ago

This is still a problem, and it is really painful in our app ChatSecure. I'm using transifex-client 0.10 to push/pull. Here's the source string:

  <string name="add_account">Add <xliff:g id="account">%1$s</xliff:g> account</string>

here's what transifex returns using tx pull:

 <string name="add_account">&lt;xliff:g id="ACCOUNT"&gt;%1$s&lt;/xliff:g&gt;-Konto hinzufügen</string>
eighthave commented 9 years ago

More info here:!topic/transifex-devel/B8_dRQX0bqM

eighthave commented 9 years ago

updating to 0.11.1 fixed the tx push --source part, the <xliff> tags now are received intact, but the tx pull part is still messing it up.

korelstar commented 7 years ago

Does Transifex handle the xliff tag in an Android string resource file correctly, now? Or is there still a problem when pulling the translations from Transifex?