transistorsoft / cordova-background-geolocation-firebase

Firebase Adapter for Cordova Background Geolocation
MIT License
7 stars 5 forks source link

Locations not recorded in collection whilst moving #7

Closed servicesoftuk closed 5 years ago

servicesoftuk commented 5 years ago

Locations recorded using getCurrentPosition() are recorded to the firebase collection but events that are recorded whilst moving with the device are not recorded at all. I have attached a log that shows the location events being triggered and only shows 3 firebase inserts that were triggered manually using getCurrentPosition().

{ "activityRecognitionInterval": 10000, "allowIdenticalLocations": true, "autoSync": true, "autoSyncThreshold": 0, "batchSync": false, "debug": true, "deferTime": 0, "desiredAccuracy": -1, "desiredOdometerAccuracy": 100, "disableElasticity": false, "disableStopDetection": false, "distanceFilter": 10, "elasticityMultiplier": 2, "enableHeadless": true, "enableTimestampMeta": false, "extras": { "engineerId": "93b9dff9-764e-4438-a954-d5eb90153c46", "eventTypeId": 90, "eventDate": "2019-06-12 16:26:04.617", "appointmentId": null, "destination": { "number": "26", "street": "HANSON CLOSE", "town": "WEST DRAYTON", "postcode": "UB7 9NY", "latitude": "51.503976", "longitude": "-0.466066" } }, "fastestLocationUpdateInterval": -1, "forceReloadOnBoot": false, "forceReloadOnGeofence": false, "forceReloadOnHeartbeat": false, "forceReloadOnLocationChange": false, "forceReloadOnMotionChange": false, "forceReloadOnSchedule": false, "foregroundService": true, "geofenceInitialTriggerEntry": true, "geofenceModeHighAccuracy": false, "geofenceProximityRadius": 1000, "geofenceTemplate": "", "headers": {}, "headlessJobService": "com.transistorsoft.cordova.bggeo.BackgroundGeolocationHeadlessTask", "heartbeatInterval": 120, "httpRootProperty": ".", "httpTimeout": 60000, "isMoving": false, "locationTemplate": "", "locationTimeout": 60, "locationUpdateInterval": 1000, "locationsOrderDirection": "ASC", "logLevel": 5, "logMaxDays": 3, "maxBatchSize": -1, "maxDaysToPersist": 3, "maxRecordsToPersist": -1, "method": "POST", "minimumActivityRecognitionConfidence": 75, "notificationColor": "", "notificationLargeIcon": "", "notificationPriority": 0, "notificationSmallIcon": "", "notificationText": "Location Service activated", "notificationTitle": "", "params": {}, "persist": true, "persistMode": 2, "schedule": [], "speedJumpFilter": 300, "startOnBoot": true, "stationaryRadius": 25, "stopAfterElapsedMinutes": 0, "stopOnStationary": false, "stopOnTerminate": false, "stopTimeout": 5, "triggerActivities": "in_vehicle, on_bicycle, on_foot, running, walking", "url": "", "useSignificantChangesOnly": false, "enabled": false, "schedulerEnabled": false, "trackingMode": 1, "odometer": 192575.171875, "isFirstBoot": false }


servicesoftuk commented 5 years ago

I solved this by upgrading the version of cordova-background-geolocation from 3.0.0 to 3.0.6.