transistorsoft / cordova-background-geolocation-lt

The most sophisticated background location-tracking & geofencing module with battery-conscious motion-detection intelligence for iOS and Android.
655 stars 277 forks source link

I captured continuous coming ENTER without being EXIT (Geofencing) #1363

Closed sumitjaind1987 closed 2 weeks ago

sumitjaind1987 commented 1 year ago

Your Environment

@Injectable({ providedIn: 'root', }) export class BackgroundgeoserviceService { EmployeeDeviceToken: string = ''; objESSEmployee: ESSEmployee;

constructor( public toastCtrl: ToastController, public Platform: Platform, public storage: StoreserviceService, ) { console.log('BackgroundgeoserviceService'); } async requestPermission() { BackgroundGeolocation.requestPermission(); } async ConfigGeolocatioandFencing(objESSEmployee: ESSEmployee) { if ('cordova')) { let HTTPURl = ''; if (objESSEmployee.CloudAccountName.toLowerCase() === 'abcd') { HTTPURl = ''; } BackgroundGeolocation.getGeofences().then(geofences => { this.ShowMessage('[getGeofences] : ' + geofences.length); }) BackgroundGeolocation.ready( { desiredAccuracy: BackgroundGeolocation.DESIRED_ACCURACY_HIGH, distanceFilter: 0, locationUpdateInterval: 15 * 1000, geofenceModeHighAccuracy: true, locationAuthorizationRequest: 'Always', allowIdenticalLocations: false, backgroundPermissionRationale: { title: "Allow access to this device's location in the background?", message: "In order to allow tracking, please enable 'Allow all the time permission.", positiveAction: 'Change to Allow all the time', negativeAction: 'Cancel', }, stopTimeout: 1, // Application config logLevel: BackgroundGeolocation.LOG_LEVEL_VERBOSE, stopOnTerminate: false, // <-- Allow the background-service to continue tracking when app terminated. startOnBoot: true, // <-- Auto start tracking when device is powered-up. // HTTP / SQLite config url: HTTPURl, batchSync: false, // <-- Set true to sync locations to server in a single HTTP request. autoSync: true, headers: { // <-- Optional HTTP headers 'Content-Type': 'application/json', }, extras: { EmployeeId: objESSEmployee.EmployeeId.toString(), MobileIMEINumber: objESSEmployee.EmployeeDeviceToken, UserIMEINumber: objESSEmployee.EmployeeDeviceToken, IsEnableAutoGeoFence: objESSEmployee.IsEnableAutoGeoFence, ApiAccountName: objESSEmployee.ApiAccountName, TimeStamp: moment(new Date()).format('YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss'), Name: objESSEmployee.EmployeeName, MobilePlatform: 'Android', App: 'SOSLight' }, }, (state) => { this.ShowMessage( '- BackgroundGeolocation is configured and ready: '+ state.enabled ); if (!state.enabled) { if (objESSEmployee.IsSubscribeAutoLocationFetch && objESSEmployee.IsEnableAutoLocationFetch) { BackgroundGeolocation.start(function () { //BackgroundGeolocation.startSchedule();'IsAutoLocationFetchStarted', true).then(() => { console.log('- Start success'); }); }); } if (objESSEmployee.IsSubscribeAutoLocationFetch && objESSEmployee.IsEnableAutoGeoFence){ //BackgroundGeolocation.removeGeofences(); this.ConfigGeofencing(objESSEmployee); } this.ShowMessage( '- BackgroundGeolocation is configured and ready: ' + state.enabled ); } } ).catch((error) => { this.ShowMessage('[Background state] FAILURE: ' + error); }); } }

async ConfigGeofencing(objESSEmployee: ESSEmployee) { await BackgroundGeolocation.addGeofence({ identifier: 'Office', radius: objESSEmployee.Radius, latitude: objESSEmployee.GeoFenceLattitude, longitude: objESSEmployee.GeoFenceLongitude, notifyOnEntry: true, notifyOnExit: true, notifyOnDwell: true, extras: { radius: objESSEmployee.Radius, center: { latitude: objESSEmployee.GeoFenceLattitude, longitude: objESSEmployee.GeoFenceLongitude, }, }, }) .then((success) => { console.log('[addGeofence] success');'IsAutoGeofenceFetchStarted', true).then(() => { BackgroundGeolocation.startGeofences(); this.ShowMessage('Geofence Service Started !'); }); }) .catch((error) => { console.log('[addGeofence] FAILURE: ' + error); }); } async ShowMessage(message) { const toast = await this.toastCtrl.create({ message, duration: 3000, }); toast.present(); } }

Expected Behavior

plugin hitting ENTER continuously without being EXIT (Geofencing)

Actual Behavior

once user enter in radius its hitting ENTER , after that it is continuously hitting ENTER even user is idle

Steps to Reproduce

1. 2. 3. 4.


whenever my user comes in defined radius it should ENTER (IN Punch) and whenever out should come EXIT (Out Punch) .

Debug logs

Logs ``` PASTE_YOUR_LOGS_HERE {8/27/2022 10:26:42 AM}--><---{ "location": { "event": "geofence", "is_moving": false, "uuid": "aa2753ac-045d-41c6-aa5e-4f3c001f7fe0", "timestamp": "2022-08-27T04:56:42Z", "odometer": 382751, "coords": { "latitude": 12.9752074, "longitude": 77.566526, "accuracy": 20.4, "speed": 0.89, "speed_accuracy": 3.04, "heading": 175, "heading_accuracy": 88.48, "altitude": 812.8, "altitude_accuracy": 5.6 }, "activity": { "type": "still", "confidence": 100 }, "battery": { "is_charging": false, "level": 0.88 }, "geofence": { "identifier": "Office", "action": "ENTER", "extras": { "radius": 200, "route_id": 1234, "center": { "latitude": "12.9742361", "longitude": "77.56668839999999" } } }, "extras": { "EmployeeId": "5125", "MobileIMEINumber": "d20edf2e-0a7b-483d-a05b-fc8652ddebde", "UserIMEINumber": "d20edf2e-0a7b-483d-a05b-fc8652ddebde", "IsEnableAutoGeoFence": true, "ApiAccountName": "companyname", "TimeStamp": "2022-08-16 15:14:23", "Name": "Ritesh singh", "MobilePlatform": "Android", "App": "SOSLight" } } } {8/27/2022 10:26:43 AM}--><---{ "location": { "event": "motionchange", "is_moving": false, "uuid": "d94921d0-6e49-4ec2-946c-a5b40aacdd78", "timestamp": "2022-08-27T04:56:42Z", "odometer": 382887.3, "coords": { "latitude": 12.9752074, "longitude": 77.566526, "accuracy": 20.4, "speed": 0.89, "speed_accuracy": 3.04, "heading": 175, "heading_accuracy": 88.48, "altitude": 812.8, "altitude_accuracy": 5.6 }, "activity": { "type": "still", "confidence": 100 }, "battery": { "is_charging": false, "level": 0.88 }, "extras": { "EmployeeId": "5125", "MobileIMEINumber": "d20edf2e-0a7b-483d-a05b-fc8652ddebde", "UserIMEINumber": "d20edf2e-0a7b-483d-a05b-fc8652ddebde", "IsEnableAutoGeoFence": true, "ApiAccountName": "companyname", "TimeStamp": "2022-08-16 15:14:23", "Name": "Ritesh singh", "MobilePlatform": "Android", "App": "SOSLight" } } } {8/27/2022 10:26:43 AM}--><---Called LocationService {8/27/2022 10:26:43 AM}--><---{ "location": { "event": "providerchange", "provider": { "network": false, "gps": true, "enabled": true, "status": 3, "accuracyAuthorization": 0, "airplane": false }, "is_moving": false, "uuid": "0d0a664f-3055-469b-ba28-2e94a87cdc56", "timestamp": "2022-08-27T04:56:42Z", "odometer": 382887.3, "coords": { "latitude": 12.9752074, "longitude": 77.566526, "accuracy": 20.4, "speed": 0.89, "speed_accuracy": 3.04, "heading": 175, "heading_accuracy": 88.48, "altitude": 812.8, "altitude_accuracy": 5.6 }, "activity": { "type": "still", "confidence": 100 }, "battery": { "is_charging": false, "level": 0.88 }, "extras": { "EmployeeId": "5125", "MobileIMEINumber": "d20edf2e-0a7b-483d-a05b-fc8652ddebde", "UserIMEINumber": "d20edf2e-0a7b-483d-a05b-fc8652ddebde", "IsEnableAutoGeoFence": true, "ApiAccountName": "companyname", "TimeStamp": "2022-08-16 15:14:23", "Name": "Ritesh singh", "MobilePlatform": "Android", "App": "SOSLight" } } } {8/27/2022 10:26:43 AM}--><---{ "location": { "event": "providerchange", "provider": { "network": false, "gps": false, "enabled": false, "status": 3, "accuracyAuthorization": 0, "airplane": false }, "is_moving": false, "uuid": "8d17ce06-f030-475c-b3be-4605c8800183", "timestamp": "2022-08-27T04:56:41.98Z", "odometer": 382887.3, "coords": { "latitude": 12.9752074, "longitude": 77.566526, "accuracy": 20.4, "speed": 0.89, "speed_accuracy": 3.04, "heading": 175, "heading_accuracy": 88.48, "altitude": 812.8, "altitude_accuracy": 5.6 }, "activity": { "type": "still", "confidence": 100 }, "battery": { "is_charging": false, "level": 0.88 }, "extras": { "EmployeeId": "5125", "MobileIMEINumber": "d20edf2e-0a7b-483d-a05b-fc8652ddebde", "UserIMEINumber": "d20edf2e-0a7b-483d-a05b-fc8652ddebde", "IsEnableAutoGeoFence": true, "ApiAccountName": "companyname", "TimeStamp": "2022-08-16 15:14:23", "Name": "Ritesh singh", "MobilePlatform": "Android", "App": "SOSLight" } } } {8/27/2022 10:26:55 AM}--><---{ "location": { "event": "geofence", "is_moving": false, "uuid": "1f8a40d9-6d2e-42c5-8034-a7dc600c2e9a", "timestamp": "2022-08-27T04:56:42Z", "odometer": 382887.3, "coords": { "latitude": 12.9752074, "longitude": 77.566526, "accuracy": 20.4, "speed": 0.89, "speed_accuracy": 3.04, "heading": 175, "heading_accuracy": 88.48, "altitude": 812.8, "altitude_accuracy": 5.6 }, "activity": { "type": "still", "confidence": 100 }, "battery": { "is_charging": false, "level": 0.88 }, "geofence": { "identifier": "Office", "action": "ENTER", "extras": { "radius": 200, "route_id": 1234, "center": { "latitude": "12.9742361", "longitude": "77.56668839999999" } } }, "extras": { "EmployeeId": "5125", "MobileIMEINumber": "d20edf2e-0a7b-483d-a05b-fc8652ddebde", "UserIMEINumber": "d20edf2e-0a7b-483d-a05b-fc8652ddebde", "IsEnableAutoGeoFence": true, "ApiAccountName": "companyname", "TimeStamp": "2022-08-16 15:14:23", "Name": "Ritesh singh", "MobilePlatform": "Android", "App": "SOSLight" } } } {8/27/2022 10:26:59 AM}--><---{ "location": { "event": "providerchange", "provider": { "network": false, "gps": true, "enabled": true, "status": 3, "accuracyAuthorization": 0, "airplane": false }, "is_moving": false, "uuid": "6fadf19e-7e4a-4fb5-b107-d46fb7d1d416", "timestamp": "2022-08-27T04:56:53.448Z", "odometer": 382887.3, "coords": { "latitude": 12.9749134, "longitude": 77.5661458, "accuracy": 11.6, "speed": -1, "speed_accuracy": -1, "heading": -1, "heading_accuracy": -1, "altitude": 816.3, "altitude_accuracy": 2.1 }, "activity": { "type": "still", "confidence": 100 }, "battery": { "is_charging": false, "level": 0.88 }, "extras": { "EmployeeId": "5125", "MobileIMEINumber": "d20edf2e-0a7b-483d-a05b-fc8652ddebde", "UserIMEINumber": "d20edf2e-0a7b-483d-a05b-fc8652ddebde", "IsEnableAutoGeoFence": true, "ApiAccountName": "companyname", "TimeStamp": "2022-08-16 15:14:23", "Name": "Ritesh singh", "MobilePlatform": "Android", "App": "SOSLight" } } } {8/27/2022 10:27:00 AM}--><---{ "location": { "event": "motionchange", "is_moving": false, "uuid": "717071e0-9969-458a-83b4-30010c8ad895", "timestamp": "2022-08-27T04:56:53.448Z", "odometer": 382939.8, "coords": { "latitude": 12.9749134, "longitude": 77.5661458, "accuracy": 11.6, "speed": -1, "speed_accuracy": -1, "heading": -1, "heading_accuracy": -1, "altitude": 816.3, "altitude_accuracy": 2.1 }, "activity": { "type": "still", "confidence": 100 }, "battery": { "is_charging": false, "level": 0.88 }, "extras": { "EmployeeId": "5125", "MobileIMEINumber": "d20edf2e-0a7b-483d-a05b-fc8652ddebde", "UserIMEINumber": "d20edf2e-0a7b-483d-a05b-fc8652ddebde", "IsEnableAutoGeoFence": true, "ApiAccountName": "companyname", "TimeStamp": "2022-08-16 15:14:23", "Name": "Ritesh singh", "MobilePlatform": "Android", "App": "SOSLight" } } } {8/27/2022 10:27:01 AM}--><---Called LocationService {8/27/2022 10:27:01 AM}--><---{ "location": { "event": "geofence", "is_moving": false, "uuid": "561d7533-a7b2-4c7a-b6e5-2d6111fc6c1c", "timestamp": "2022-08-27T04:56:53.448Z", "odometer": 382939.8, "coords": { "latitude": 12.9749134, "longitude": 77.5661458, "accuracy": 11.6, "speed": -1, "speed_accuracy": -1, "heading": -1, "heading_accuracy": -1, "altitude": 816.3, "altitude_accuracy": 2.1 }, "activity": { "type": "still", "confidence": 100 }, "battery": { "is_charging": false, "level": 0.88 }, "geofence": { "identifier": "Office", "action": "ENTER", "extras": { "radius": 200, "route_id": 1234, "center": { "latitude": "12.9742361", "longitude": "77.56668839999999" } } }, "extras": { "EmployeeId": "5125", "MobileIMEINumber": "d20edf2e-0a7b-483d-a05b-fc8652ddebde", "UserIMEINumber": "d20edf2e-0a7b-483d-a05b-fc8652ddebde", "IsEnableAutoGeoFence": true, "ApiAccountName": "companyname", "TimeStamp": "2022-08-16 15:14:23", "Name": "Ritesh singh", "MobilePlatform": "Android", "App": "SOSLight" } } } {8/27/2022 10:27:01 AM}--><---{ "location": { "event": "geofence", "is_moving": false, "uuid": "3dbea666-89b5-4b33-b4c0-0410e096a2da", "timestamp": "2022-08-27T04:56:53.448Z", "odometer": 382939.8, "coords": { "latitude": 12.9749134, "longitude": 77.5661458, "accuracy": 11.6, "speed": -1, "speed_accuracy": -1, "heading": -1, "heading_accuracy": -1, "altitude": 816.3, "altitude_accuracy": 2.1 }, "activity": { "type": "still", "confidence": 100 }, "battery": { "is_charging": false, "level": 0.88 }, "geofence": { "identifier": "Office", "action": "DWELL", "extras": { "radius": 200, "route_id": 1234, "center": { "latitude": "12.9742361", "longitude": "77.56668839999999" } } }, "extras": { "EmployeeId": "5125", "MobileIMEINumber": "d20edf2e-0a7b-483d-a05b-fc8652ddebde", "UserIMEINumber": "d20edf2e-0a7b-483d-a05b-fc8652ddebde", "IsEnableAutoGeoFence": true, "ApiAccountName": "companyname", "TimeStamp": "2022-08-16 15:14:23", "Name": "Ritesh singh", "MobilePlatform": "Android", "App": "SOSLight" } } } {8/27/2022 10:27:12 AM}--><---{ "location": { "event": "providerchange", "provider": { "network": false, "gps": false, "enabled": false, "status": 3, "accuracyAuthorization": 0, "airplane": false }, "is_moving": false, "uuid": "9acd7feb-fc28-4213-b2ac-b25cfbbfe62d", "timestamp": "2022-08-27T04:57:04.637Z", "odometer": 382939.8, "coords": { "latitude": 12.9749134, "longitude": 77.5661458, "accuracy": 11.6, "speed": -1, "speed_accuracy": -1, "heading": -1, "heading_accuracy": -1, "altitude": 816.3, "altitude_accuracy": 2.1 }, "activity": { "type": "still", "confidence": 100 }, "battery": { "is_charging": false, "level": 0.88 }, "extras": { "EmployeeId": "5125", "MobileIMEINumber": "d20edf2e-0a7b-483d-a05b-fc8652ddebde", "UserIMEINumber": "d20edf2e-0a7b-483d-a05b-fc8652ddebde", "IsEnableAutoGeoFence": true, "ApiAccountName": "companyname", "TimeStamp": "2022-08-16 15:14:23", "Name": "Ritesh singh", "MobilePlatform": "Android", "App": "SOSLight" } } } {8/27/2022 10:27:12 AM}--><---Called LocationService {8/27/2022 10:27:12 AM}--><---{ "location": { "event": "motionchange", "is_moving": false, "uuid": "ddfd054f-fe33-4cd0-8e67-db1f7e415b39", "timestamp": "2022-08-27T04:57:09.245Z", "odometer": 382939.8, "coords": { "latitude": 12.9749156, "longitude": 77.5661442, "accuracy": 12.6, "speed": -1, "speed_accuracy": -1, "heading": -1, "heading_accuracy": -1, "altitude": 816.3, "altitude_accuracy": 1.9 }, "activity": { "type": "still", "confidence": 100 }, "battery": { "is_charging": false, "level": 0.88 }, "extras": { "EmployeeId": "5125", "MobileIMEINumber": "d20edf2e-0a7b-483d-a05b-fc8652ddebde", "UserIMEINumber": "d20edf2e-0a7b-483d-a05b-fc8652ddebde", "IsEnableAutoGeoFence": true, "ApiAccountName": "companyname", "TimeStamp": "2022-08-16 15:14:23", "Name": "Ritesh singh", "MobilePlatform": "Android", "App": "SOSLight" } } } {8/27/2022 10:27:12 AM}--><---Called LocationService {8/27/2022 10:27:12 AM}--><---{ "location": { "event": "providerchange", "provider": { "network": false, "gps": true, "enabled": true, "status": 3, "accuracyAuthorization": 0, "airplane": false }, "is_moving": false, "uuid": "225064ab-85fd-4c5a-aa88-4da9af33f886", "timestamp": "2022-08-27T04:57:09.245Z", "odometer": 382939.8, "coords": { "latitude": 12.9749156, "longitude": 77.5661442, "accuracy": 12.6, "speed": -1, "speed_accuracy": -1, "heading": -1, "heading_accuracy": -1, "altitude": 816.3, "altitude_accuracy": 1.9 }, "activity": { "type": "still", "confidence": 100 }, "battery": { "is_charging": false, "level": 0.88 }, "extras": { "EmployeeId": "5125", "MobileIMEINumber": "d20edf2e-0a7b-483d-a05b-fc8652ddebde", "UserIMEINumber": "d20edf2e-0a7b-483d-a05b-fc8652ddebde", "IsEnableAutoGeoFence": true, "ApiAccountName": "companyname", "TimeStamp": "2022-08-16 15:14:23", "Name": "Ritesh singh", "MobilePlatform": "Android", "App": "SOSLight" } } } {8/27/2022 10:27:13 AM}--><---Called LocationService {8/27/2022 10:27:13 AM}--><---{ "location": { "event": "geofence", "is_moving": false, "uuid": "f015fbd5-d46b-48ef-9417-c19f58f93d10", "timestamp": "2022-08-27T04:57:09.245Z", "odometer": 382939.8, "coords": { "latitude": 12.9749156, "longitude": 77.5661442, "accuracy": 12.6, "speed": -1, "speed_accuracy": -1, "heading": -1, "heading_accuracy": -1, "altitude": 816.3, "altitude_accuracy": 1.9 }, "activity": { "type": "still", "confidence": 100 }, "battery": { "is_charging": false, "level": 0.88 }, "geofence": { "identifier": "Office", "action": "ENTER", "extras": { "radius": 200, "route_id": 1234, "center": { "latitude": "12.9742361", "longitude": "77.56668839999999" } } }, "extras": { "EmployeeId": "5125", "MobileIMEINumber": "d20edf2e-0a7b-483d-a05b-fc8652ddebde", "UserIMEINumber": "d20edf2e-0a7b-483d-a05b-fc8652ddebde", "IsEnableAutoGeoFence": true, "ApiAccountName": "companyname", "TimeStamp": "2022-08-16 15:14:23", "Name": "Ritesh singh", "MobilePlatform": "Android", "App": "SOSLight" } } } {8/27/2022 10:27:14 AM}--><---{ "location": { "event": "geofence", "is_moving": false, "uuid": "006c5c58-8a43-4616-b1a6-babf56054abe", "timestamp": "2022-08-27T04:57:09.245Z", "odometer": 382939.8, "coords": { "latitude": 12.9749156, "longitude": 77.5661442, "accuracy": 12.6, "speed": -1, "speed_accuracy": -1, "heading": -1, "heading_accuracy": -1, "altitude": 816.3, "altitude_accuracy": 1.9 }, "activity": { "type": "still", "confidence": 100 }, "battery": { "is_charging": false, "level": 0.88 }, "geofence": { "identifier": "Office", "action": "DWELL", "extras": { "radius": 200, "route_id": 1234, "center": { "latitude": "12.9742361", "longitude": "77.56668839999999" } } }, "extras": { "EmployeeId": "5125", "MobileIMEINumber": "d20edf2e-0a7b-483d-a05b-fc8652ddebde", "UserIMEINumber": "d20edf2e-0a7b-483d-a05b-fc8652ddebde", "IsEnableAutoGeoFence": true, "ApiAccountName": "companyname", "TimeStamp": "2022-08-16 15:14:23", "Name": "Ritesh singh", "MobilePlatform": "Android", "App": "SOSLight" } } } {8/27/2022 10:44:14 AM}--><---{ "location": { "event": "providerchange", "provider": { "network": false, "gps": false, "enabled": false, "status": 3, "accuracyAuthorization": 0, "airplane": false }, "is_moving": false, "uuid": "7b1d0bed-4627-4fe8-b2b6-13ec9b9839a7", "timestamp": "2022-08-27T05:08:38.041Z", "odometer": 382939.8, "coords": { "latitude": 12.9749141, "longitude": 77.5661455, "accuracy": 12.8, "speed": -1, "speed_accuracy": -1, "heading": -1, "heading_accuracy": -1, "altitude": 816.3, "altitude_accuracy": 2.2 }, "activity": { "type": "still", "confidence": 100 }, "battery": { "is_charging": false, "level": 0.87 }, "extras": { "EmployeeId": "5125", "MobileIMEINumber": "d20edf2e-0a7b-483d-a05b-fc8652ddebde", "UserIMEINumber": "d20edf2e-0a7b-483d-a05b-fc8652ddebde", "IsEnableAutoGeoFence": true, "ApiAccountName": "companyname", "TimeStamp": "2022-08-16 15:14:23", "Name": "Ritesh singh", "MobilePlatform": "Android", "App": "SOSLight" } } } {8/27/2022 10:44:15 AM}--><---{ "location": { "event": "providerchange", "provider": { "network": true, "gps": true, "enabled": true, "status": 3, "accuracyAuthorization": 0, "airplane": false }, "is_moving": false, "uuid": "652dd127-7d21-4471-aa6f-25778a5f6ce5", "timestamp": "2022-08-27T05:14:09.753Z", "odometer": 382939.8, "coords": { "latitude": 12.9749068, "longitude": 77.5661365, "accuracy": 12.9, "speed": -1, "speed_accuracy": -1, "heading": -1, "heading_accuracy": -1, "altitude": 816.3, "altitude_accuracy": 2.1 }, "activity": { "type": "still", "confidence": 100 }, "battery": { "is_charging": false, "level": 0.86 }, "extras": { "EmployeeId": "5125", "MobileIMEINumber": "d20edf2e-0a7b-483d-a05b-fc8652ddebde", "UserIMEINumber": "d20edf2e-0a7b-483d-a05b-fc8652ddebde", "IsEnableAutoGeoFence": true, "ApiAccountName": "companyname", "TimeStamp": "2022-08-16 15:14:23", "Name": "Ritesh singh", "MobilePlatform": "Android", "App": "SOSLight" } } } {8/27/2022 10:44:15 AM}--><---{ "location": { "event": "motionchange", "is_moving": false, "uuid": "3f7120e5-ce98-4767-889e-0c4100a5294e", "timestamp": "2022-08-27T05:14:09.753Z", "odometer": 382939.8, "coords": { "latitude": 12.9749068, "longitude": 77.5661365, "accuracy": 12.9, "speed": -1, "speed_accuracy": -1, "heading": -1, "heading_accuracy": -1, "altitude": 816.3, "altitude_accuracy": 2.1 }, "activity": { "type": "still", "confidence": 100 }, "battery": { "is_charging": false, "level": 0.86 }, "extras": { "EmployeeId": "5125", "MobileIMEINumber": "d20edf2e-0a7b-483d-a05b-fc8652ddebde", "UserIMEINumber": "d20edf2e-0a7b-483d-a05b-fc8652ddebde", "IsEnableAutoGeoFence": true, "ApiAccountName": "companyname", "TimeStamp": "2022-08-16 15:14:23", "Name": "Ritesh singh", "MobilePlatform": "Android", "App": "SOSLight" } } } {8/27/2022 10:44:15 AM}--><---Called LocationService {8/27/2022 10:44:15 AM}--><---{ "location": { "event": "geofence", "is_moving": false, "uuid": "0c4bf5eb-2209-4ca3-a285-28edd4c7f6c6", "timestamp": "2022-08-27T05:14:09.753Z", "odometer": 382939.8, "coords": { "latitude": 12.9749068, "longitude": 77.5661365, "accuracy": 12.9, "speed": -1, "speed_accuracy": -1, "heading": -1, "heading_accuracy": -1, "altitude": 816.3, 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816.3, "altitude_accuracy": 2.3 }, "activity": { "type": "still", "confidence": 100 }, "battery": { "is_charging": false, "level": 0.86 }, "geofence": { "identifier": "Office", "action": "ENTER", "extras": { "radius": 200, "route_id": 1234, "center": { "latitude": "12.9742361", "longitude": "77.56668839999999" } } }, "extras": { "EmployeeId": "5125", "MobileIMEINumber": "d20edf2e-0a7b-483d-a05b-fc8652ddebde", "UserIMEINumber": "d20edf2e-0a7b-483d-a05b-fc8652ddebde", "IsEnableAutoGeoFence": true, "ApiAccountName": "companyname", "TimeStamp": "2022-08-16 15:14:23", "Name": "Ritesh singh", "MobilePlatform": "Android", "App": "SOSLight" } } } {8/27/2022 10:44:34 AM}--><---{ "location": { "event": "geofence", "is_moving": false, "uuid": "c53ea876-b333-463c-a6fa-1315d2c60680", "timestamp": "2022-08-27T05:14:29.721Z", "odometer": 382939.8, "coords": { "latitude": 12.974913, "longitude": 77.5661483, "accuracy": 13, "speed": -1, "speed_accuracy": -1, "heading": -1, "heading_accuracy": -1, "altitude": 816.3, "altitude_accuracy": 2.3 }, "activity": { "type": "still", "confidence": 100 }, "battery": { "is_charging": false, "level": 0.86 }, "geofence": { "identifier": "Office", "action": "DWELL", "extras": { "radius": 200, "route_id": 1234, "center": { "latitude": "12.9742361", "longitude": "77.56668839999999" } } }, "extras": { "EmployeeId": "5125", "MobileIMEINumber": "d20edf2e-0a7b-483d-a05b-fc8652ddebde", "UserIMEINumber": "d20edf2e-0a7b-483d-a05b-fc8652ddebde", "IsEnableAutoGeoFence": true, "ApiAccountName": "companyname", "TimeStamp": "2022-08-16 15:14:23", "Name": "Ritesh singh", "MobilePlatform": "Android", "App": "SOSLight" } } }
christocracy commented 1 year ago

If you're re-adding geofences with each launch of your app, then you'll get a geofence ENTER event every time your app is re-launched.

christocracy commented 1 year ago

Are you observing the plugin logs in $ adb logcat *:S TSLocationManager:V?

sumitjaind1987 commented 1 year ago

its not re-adding i have given "identifier: 'Office - ' + crypto.randomUUID()," , i am getting same identifier whenever ENTER comes if it read then my identifier also changes. { "location": { "event": "geofence", "is_moving": true, "uuid": "0d19b632-969b-40f3-99c6-a98fbbe4faf0", "timestamp": "2022-08-30T05:01:13Z", "odometer": 12229, "coords": { "latitude": 12.9755172, "longitude": 77.5653819, "accuracy": 41, "speed": 1.09, "speed_accuracy": 1.29, "heading": 160.26, "heading_accuracy": 70.63, "altitude": 813, "altitude_accuracy": 10.5 }, "activity": { "type": "walking", "confidence": 100 }, "battery": { "is_charging": false, "level": 0.9 }, "geofence": { "identifier": "Office - c8f9b607-4ed6-4abc-ae17-9f5a4f25161d", "action": "ENTER", "extras": { "radius": 250, "center": { "latitude": "12.9742361", "longitude": "77.56668839999999" } } }, "extras": { "EmployeeId": "5125", "MobileIMEINumber": null, "UserIMEINumber": null, "IsEnableAutoGeoFence": true, "ApiAccountName": "smart365g", 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{ "location": { "event": "providerchange", "provider": { "network": true, "gps": true, "enabled": true, "status": 3, "accuracyAuthorization": 0, "airplane": false }, "is_moving": false, "uuid": "56fdb122-3286-4e01-99cd-f7ea6ebb3e69", "timestamp": "2022-08-30T05:26:48.325Z", "odometer": 12438.4, "coords": { "latitude": 12.9749539, "longitude": 77.5661677, "accuracy": 13.5, "speed": -1, "speed_accuracy": -1, "heading": -1, "heading_accuracy": -1, "altitude": 817.3, "altitude_accuracy": 1.1 }, "activity": { "type": "still", "confidence": 100 }, "battery": { "is_charging": false, "level": 0.88 }, "extras": { "EmployeeId": "5125", "MobileIMEINumber": null, "UserIMEINumber": null, "IsEnableAutoGeoFence": true, "ApiAccountName": "smart365g", "TimeStamp": "2022-08-29 14:20:33", "Name": "Ritesh singh", "MobilePlatform": "Android", "App": "SOSLight" } } } {8/30/2022 10:56:52 AM}--><---Called LocationService {8/30/2022 10:56:52 AM}--><---{ "location": { "event": "geofence", "is_moving": false, "uuid": "b7e4f675-1ebf-42a6-8cb3-d3e0ddee90a9", "timestamp": "2022-08-30T05:26:48.325Z", "odometer": 12438.4, "coords": { "latitude": 12.9749539, "longitude": 77.5661677, "accuracy": 13.5, "speed": -1, "speed_accuracy": -1, "heading": -1, "heading_accuracy": -1, "altitude": 817.3, "altitude_accuracy": 1.1 }, "activity": { "type": "still", "confidence": 100 }, "battery": { "is_charging": false, "level": 0.88 }, "geofence": { "identifier": "Office - c8f9b607-4ed6-4abc-ae17-9f5a4f25161d", "action": "DWELL", "extras": { "radius": 250, "center": { "latitude": "12.9742361", "longitude": "77.56668839999999" } } }, "extras": { "EmployeeId": "5125", "MobileIMEINumber": null, "UserIMEINumber": null, "IsEnableAutoGeoFence": true, "ApiAccountName": "smart365g", "TimeStamp": "2022-08-29 14:20:33", "Name": "Ritesh singh", "MobilePlatform": "Android", "App": "SOSLight" } } }

{ "location": { "event": "geofence", "is_moving": false, "uuid": "78e99059-e64f-4710-b15b-a658ec8f78e3", "timestamp": "2022-08-30T05:26:48.325Z", "odometer": 12438.4, "coords": { "latitude": 12.9749539, "longitude": 77.5661677, "accuracy": 13.5, "speed": -1, "speed_accuracy": -1, "heading": -1, "heading_accuracy": -1, "altitude": 817.3, "altitude_accuracy": 1.1 }, "activity": { "type": "still", "confidence": 100 }, "battery": { "is_charging": false, "level": 0.88 }, "geofence": { "identifier": "Office - c8f9b607-4ed6-4abc-ae17-9f5a4f25161d", "action": "ENTER", "extras": { "radius": 250, "center": { "latitude": "12.9742361", "longitude": "77.56668839999999" } } }, "extras": { "EmployeeId": "5125", "MobileIMEINumber": null, "UserIMEINumber": null, "IsEnableAutoGeoFence": true, "ApiAccountName": "smart365g", "TimeStamp": "2022-08-29 14:20:33", "Name": "Ritesh singh", "MobilePlatform": "Android", "App": "SOSLight" } } }

christocracy commented 1 year ago

Your logs show a bunch of providerchange events. When location-servivces are disabled, the plugin re-registers geofences. If the user is currently within a particular geofence, the ENTER event is fired once again.

"event": "providerchange",
    "provider": {
      "network": false,
      "gps": false,
      "enabled": false,   // <-----------------------------
      "status": 3,
      "accuracyAuthorization": 0,
      "airplane": false
sumitjaind1987 commented 1 year ago

When does this provider change event call?

christocracy commented 1 year ago

When the nature of the device’s location providers changes. Eg:

github-actions[bot] commented 1 month ago

This issue is stale because it has been open for 30 days with no activity.

github-actions[bot] commented 2 weeks ago

This issue was closed because it has been inactive for 14 days since being marked as stale.