transistorsoft / cordova-background-geolocation-lt

The most sophisticated background location-tracking & geofencing module with battery-conscious motion-detection intelligence for iOS and Android.
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Is there any possible that the device might stop to record location when the dialog pop up, until the user choose "Always Allow"? #1371

Closed ccyy915 closed 2 weeks ago

ccyy915 commented 1 year ago

Your Environment

Expected Behavior

Background Geolocation records location every 30 meters while user is moving.

Actual Behavior

Seems like bg geolocation doesn't work after dialog pop up and asked "allow to access your location?" despite selected "Always Allow". Is there any possible that the device might stop to record location when the dialog pop up, until the user choose "Always Allow"?

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Turn on the “Always” geolocation permission and Health and Fitness at the first time when installed app.
  2. Record user's location every 30 meters movement.
  3. The device pop up a dialog to ask the permission again around 3 days (uncertainly).
  4. New Locations are taking time to upload say after 15 minutes OR 2-3 kms, in between data is not captured. Please refer to the picture below. As you can see, there is no any data captured around 15:50 (red section) to 16:15 (black section). trackingRoute


The issue is still happening but it's aperiodicity. We are trying to reproduce the issue by tracking on the other devices.

Debug logs

Logs ``` { "coords": { "speed_accuracy": -1, "speed": -1, "longitude": 120.68085292841776, "floor": null, "heading_accuracy": -1, "latitude": 24.12039868604753, "accuracy": 35, "altitude_accuracy": 16.5, "altitude": 74.799999999999997, "heading": -1 }, "extras": {}, "is_moving": false, "event": "motionchange", "odometer": 313907.29999999999, "uuid": "AB1C993B-45F2-4601-AC4E-7321627718A3", "activity": { "type": "still", "confidence": 33 }, "battery": { "level": 0.95999997854232788, "is_charging": false }, "timestamp": "2022-10-12T16:00:17.755Z" },{ "coords": { "speed_accuracy": -1, "speed": -1, "longitude": 120.65762659863368, "floor": null, "heading_accuracy": -1, "latitude": 24.129512465353898, "accuracy": 40, "altitude_accuracy": 22.399999999999999, "altitude": 78.299999999999997, "heading": -1 }, "extras": {}, "is_moving": true, "event": "motionchange", "odometer": 316501.5, "uuid": "CBAE87C7-A833-4519-AAD8-D6363CAF4807", "activity": { "type": "in_vehicle", "confidence": 100 }, "battery": { "level": 0.94999998807907104, "is_charging": false }, "timestamp": "2022-10-12T16:15:44.554Z" } ```
github-actions[bot] commented 1 month ago

This issue is stale because it has been open for 30 days with no activity.

github-actions[bot] commented 2 weeks ago

This issue was closed because it has been inactive for 14 days since being marked as stale.