transistorsoft / cordova-background-geolocation-lt

The most sophisticated background location-tracking & geofencing module with battery-conscious motion-detection intelligence for iOS and Android.
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Location is not recording while in sleep mode #1441

Open Rajam0310 opened 1 week ago

Rajam0310 commented 1 week ago

Your Environment

Expected Behavior

Track the GPS Location when mobile is sleep mode even in stationery position

Actual Behavior

Its Not tracking after 15 seconds in sleep mode

Steps to Reproduce

1. 2. 3. 4.


App which is running in foreground or background or sleep we have to track the live location even in stationery position.

Debug logs

      Logs ``` PASTE_YOUR_LOGS_HERE ```
christocracy commented 1 week ago

even in stationery position.

Read the wiki “Philosophy of Operation”. This plugin does not record location while the device is in the stationary state (that would be pointless).

if you want periodic location updates, implement background-fetch (already imported as a dependency) and call .getCurrentPosition in your fetch callback. See its readme.

Rajam0310 commented 1 week ago

We have to track the realtime location of user even they are in stationary position and mobile app running in background or fore ground or in sleep ,so we have issue in sleep.Our query is getCurrentPosition will satisfy all the requirement?

christocracy commented 1 week ago

Have you read the API docs for .getCurrentPosition? Why don’t you experiment and see?

Rajam0310 commented 1 week ago

Already tried. Not working in android 11 and above, actually its stop tracking after 15 seconds while sleep mode

christocracy commented 1 week ago

Within a background-fetch handler?

christocracy commented 1 week ago

if you want periodic location updates, implement background-fetch (already imported as a dependency) and call .getCurrentPosition in your fetch callback. See its readme.

Rajam0310 commented 1 week ago

okay, thanks, will look into it and get back to you.