//locationUpdateInterval: 5,
//batchSync: true,
useSignificantChangesOnly: Platform.isAndroid,
maxRecordsToPersist: 25,
url: 'https://${GetIt.I.get<EnvironmentsManager>().appDomain}${Endpoints.locationFlutterReport}',
params: {'profile_id': profileId, 'location_token': securityToken.isSuccess ? : ''},
autoSync: true,
//transistorAuthorizationToken: token,
backgroundPermissionRationale: bg.PermissionRationale(
title: "Allow MotorMouth to always access this device's location",
message: 'MotorMouth collects location data to enable recording your trips,'
' geofence entries and exits, and to calculate distance-travelled even '
'when the app is closed or not in use. '
'Motormouth does not sell location data to any 3rd parties.',
positiveAction: 'Change to "{backgroundPermissionOptionLabel}"',
negativeAction: 'Cancel'),
notification: bg.Notification(title: 'Motor Mouth', text: 'Location Service'),
desiredAccuracy: bg.Config.DESIRED_ACCURACY_HIGH,
distanceFilter: 50.0,
/*** stop receiving location updates when the app is terminated ***/
stopOnTerminate: false,
startOnBoot: true,
/*** set to true to star location tracking immediately ***/
isMoving: true,
/*** enable headless mode for android, must be set to true! ***/
enableHeadless: true,
/*** et to false in release mode ***/
debug: false,
logLevel: bg.Config.LOG_LEVEL_VERBOSE));```
Expected Behavior
We expect the geofences to be saved with whatever Geofence Radius we set.
Actual Behavior
When we retrieve the Geofences using (await bg.BackgroundGeolocation.geofences) all of the radii are set to 150. Is the plugin automatically setting the geofence radius to 150M?
Steps to Reproduce
Create a geofence with a radius below 150
Call the geofences from the plugin to check the radii
Your Environment
Plugin config:
Expected Behavior
We expect the geofences to be saved with whatever Geofence Radius we set.
Actual Behavior
When we retrieve the Geofences using (await bg.BackgroundGeolocation.geofences) all of the radii are set to 150. Is the plugin automatically setting the geofence radius to 150M?
Steps to Reproduce