transistorsoft / flutter_background_geolocation

Sophisticated, battery-conscious background-geolocation & geofencing with motion-detection
637 stars 235 forks source link

After upgrade from 1.10.3 to 4.3.0, headless task does not fire. #644

Closed spatialbits closed 2 years ago

spatialbits commented 2 years ago

Your Environment

final _bgConfig = bg.Config( desiredAccuracy: bg.Config.DESIRED_ACCURACY_HIGH, distanceFilter: 5.0, debug: kDebugMode, logLevel: bg.Config.LOG_LEVEL_WARNING, reset: true, activityRecognitionInterval: 3000, stopOnTerminate: false, allowIdenticalLocations: false, enableHeadless: true, preventSuspend: true, notification: bg.Notification( title: "App", text: "Location service", ), locationAuthorizationRequest: 'Always', disableStopDetection: false, showsBackgroundLocationIndicator: true, // ios only, backgroundPermissionRationale: bg.PermissionRationale( title: "Allow {applicationName} to access to this device's location in the background?", message: "When a tracking is active, {applicationName} needs to be able to collect locations while running in the background, please enable {backgroundPermissionOptionLabel} location permission. ", positiveAction: "Change to {backgroundPermissionOptionLabel}", negativeAction: "Cancel"), );

Future _configure() async { Completer configComplete = Completer(); bg.BackgroundGeolocation.onLocation(_onLocationSuccess, _onLocationFail); bg.BackgroundGeolocation.onMotionChange(_onMotionChange); bg.BackgroundGeolocation.onConnectivityChange(_onConnectivityChange); bg.BackgroundGeolocation.onEnabledChange(_onEnabledChange); bg.BackgroundGeolocation.ready(_bgConfig).then((bg.State state) { _log.fine('background tracking is ready. Enabled: ${state.enabled}'); _configured = true; configComplete.complete(); }, onError: (err) { _configured = false; configComplete.completeError(err); }); return configComplete.future; }

Future start() async {

if (!_configured) { await _configure(); }

final bgState = await bg.BackgroundGeolocation.state; if (bgState.enabled) { return Future.value(bgState); }

Future startFuture;

startFuture = bg.BackgroundGeolocation.start().then( (state) { if (!state.enabled) { _log.severe('failed to start.'); } return state; }, onError: (err) { _log.severe('start error: ${err.toString()}'); return err; }, );

return startFuture; }

#### in `main.dart`
void main() async {


  // Register your headlessTask:
  await bg.BackgroundGeolocation.registerHeadlessTask(

in main app widget

  void didChangeAppLifecycleState(AppLifecycleState state) {
    _log.finest('App state changing to $state');

    switch (state) {
      case AppLifecycleState.resumed:
        // Try to start the location monitor service on app resume.
        // Try to start the location monitor service on app start.
       // Some exception handling removed for clarity


Expected Behavior

TrackMonitor.headlessGeolocationTask should be called when location events fire.

Actual Behavior

TrackMonitor.headlessGeolocationTask does not fire.

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Start app.
  2. Wait for background tasks to be called.


Track locations in the foreground and background on Android.

Debug logs

Logs ``` --------- beginning of kernel --------- beginning of system --------- beginning of crash --------- beginning of main 09-29 14:29:18.066 11268 11310 I TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.logger.LoggerFacade$a a] 09-29 14:29:18.066 11268 11310 I TSLocationManager: ╔═════════════════════════════════════════════ 09-29 14:29:18.066 11268 11310 I TSLocationManager: ║ TSLocationManager version: 3.1.33 (389) 09-29 14:29:18.066 11268 11310 I TSLocationManager: ╠═════════════════════════════════════════════ 09-29 14:29:18.066 11268 11310 I TSLocationManager: ╟─ Google sdk_gphone_arm64 @ 11 (flutter) 09-29 14:29:18.066 11268 11310 I TSLocationManager: { 09-29 14:29:18.066 11268 11310 I TSLocationManager: "activityRecognitionInterval": 3000, 09-29 14:29:18.066 11268 11310 I TSLocationManager: "allowIdenticalLocations": false, 09-29 14:29:18.066 11268 11310 I TSLocationManager: "authorization": {}, 09-29 14:29:18.066 11268 11310 I TSLocationManager: "autoSync": true, 09-29 14:29:18.066 11268 11310 I TSLocationManager: "autoSyncThreshold": 0, 09-29 14:29:18.066 11268 11310 I TSLocationManager: "backgroundPermissionRationale": { 09-29 14:29:18.066 11268 11310 I TSLocationManager: "title": "Allow {applicationName} to access to this device's location in the background?", 09-29 14:29:18.066 11268 11310 I TSLocationManager: "message": "When tracking is active, {applicationName} needs to be able to collect locations while running in the background, please enable {backgroundPermissionOptionLabel} location permission. ", 09-29 14:29:18.066 11268 11310 I TSLocationManager: "positiveAction": "Change to {backgroundPermissionOptionLabel}", 09-29 14:29:18.066 11268 11310 I TSLocationManager: "negativeAction": "Cancel" 09-29 14:29:18.066 11268 11310 I TSLocationManager: }, 09-29 14:29:18.066 11268 11310 I TSLocationManager: "batchSync": false, 09-29 14:29:18.066 11268 11310 I TSLocationManager: "configUrl": "", 09-29 14:29:18.066 11268 11310 I TSLocationManager: "debug": false, 09-29 14:29:18.066 11268 11310 I TSLocationManager: "deferTime": 0, 09-29 14:29:18.066 11268 11310 I TSLocationManager: "desiredAccuracy": -1, 09-29 14:29:18.066 11268 11310 I TSLocationManager: "desiredOdometerAccuracy": 100, 09-29 14:29:18.066 11268 11310 I TSLocationManager: "disableAutoSyncOnCellular": false, 09-29 14:29:18.066 11268 11310 I TSLocationManager: "disableElasticity": false, 09-29 14:29:18.066 11268 11310 I TSLocationManager: "disableLocationAuthorizationAlert": false, 09-29 14:29:18.066 11268 11310 I TSLocationManager: "disableMotionActivityUpdates": false, 09-29 14:29:18.066 11268 11310 I TSLocationManager: "disableStopDetection": false, 09-29 14:29:18.066 11268 11310 I TSLocationManager: "distanceFilter": 5, 09-29 14:29:18.066 11268 11310 I TSLocationManager: "elasticityMultiplier": 1, 09-29 14:29:18.066 11268 11310 I TSLocationManager: "enableHeadless": true, 09-29 14:29:18.066 11268 11310 I TSLocationManager: "enableTimestampMeta": false, 09-29 14:29:18.066 11268 11310 I TSLocationManager: "extras": {}, 09-29 14:29:18.066 11268 11310 I TSLocationManager: "fastestLocationUpdateInterval": -1, 09-29 14:29:18.066 11268 11310 I TSLocationManager: "foregroundService": true, 09-29 14:29:18.066 11268 11310 I TSLocationManager: "geofenceInitialTriggerEntry": true, 09-29 14:29:18.066 11268 11310 I TSLocationManager: "geofenceModeHighAccuracy": false, 09-29 14:29:18.066 11268 11310 I TSLocationManager: "geofenceProximityRadius": 1000, 09-29 14:29:18.066 11268 11310 I TSLocationManager: "geofenceTemplate": "", 09-29 14:29:18.066 11268 11310 I TSLocationManager: "headers": {}, 09-29 14:29:18.066 11268 11310 I TSLocationManager: "headlessJobService": "com.transistorsoft.flutter.backgroundgeolocation.HeadlessTask", 09-29 14:29:18.066 11268 11310 I TSLocationManager: "heartbeatInterval": -1, 09-29 14:29:18.066 11268 11310 I TSLocationManager: "httpRootProperty": "location", 09-29 14:29:18.066 11268 11310 I TSLocationManager: "httpTimeout": 60000, 09-29 14:29:18.066 11268 11310 I TSLocationManager: "isMoving": true, 09-29 14:29:18.066 11268 11310 I TSLocationManager: "locationAuthorizationRequest": "Always", 09-29 14:29:18.066 11268 11310 I TSLocationManager: "locationTemplate": "", 09-29 14:29:18.066 11268 11310 I TSLocationManager: "locationTimeout": 60, 09-29 14:29:18.066 11268 11310 I TSLocationManager: "locationUpdateInterval": 1000, 09-29 14:29:18.066 11268 11310 I TSLocationManager: "locationsOrderDirection": "ASC", 09-29 14:29:18.066 11268 11310 I TSLocationManager: "logLevel": 2, 09-29 14:29:18.066 11268 11310 I TSLocationManager: "logMaxDays": 3, 09-29 14:29:18.066 11268 11310 I TSLocationManager: "maxBatchSize": -1, 09-29 14:29:18.066 11268 11310 I TSLocationManager: "maxDaysToPersist": 1, 09-29 14:29:18.066 11268 11310 I TSLocationManager: "maxRecordsToPersist": -1, 09-29 14:29:18.066 11268 11310 I TSLocationManager: "method": "POST", 09-29 14:29:18.066 11268 11310 I TSLocationManager: "minimumActivityRecognitionConfidence": 75, 09-29 14:29:18.066 11268 11310 I TSLocationManager: "motionTriggerDelay": 0, 09-29 14:29:18.066 11268 11310 I TSLocationManager: "notification": { 09-29 14:29:18.066 11268 11310 I TSLocationManager: "layout": "", 09-29 14:29:18.066 11268 11310 I TSLocationManager: "title": "TheApp", 09-29 14:29:18.066 11268 11310 I TSLocationManager: "text": "Location service", 09-29 14:29:18.066 11268 11310 I TSLocationManager: "color": "", 09-29 14:29:18.066 11268 11310 I TSLocationManager: "channelName": "TSLocationManager", 09-29 14:29:18.066 11268 11310 I TSLocationManager: "smallIcon": "", 09-29 14:29:18.066 11268 11310 I TSLocationManager: "largeIcon": "", 09-29 14:29:18.066 11268 11310 I TSLocationManager: "priority": 0, 09-29 14:29:18.066 11268 11310 I TSLocationManager: "sticky": false, 09-29 14:29:18.066 11268 11310 I TSLocationManager: "strings": {}, 09-29 14:29:18.066 11268 11310 I TSLocationManager: "actions": [] 09-29 14:29:18.066 11268 11310 I TSLocationManager: }, 09-29 14:29:18.066 11268 11310 I TSLocationManager: "params": {}, 09-29 14:29:18.066 11268 11310 I TSLocationManager: "persist": true, 09-29 14:29:18.066 11268 11310 I TSLocationManager: "persistMode": 2, 09-29 14:29:18.066 11268 11310 I TSLocationManager: "schedule": [], 09-29 14:29:18.066 11268 11310 I TSLocationManager: "scheduleUseAlarmManager": false, 09-29 14:29:18.066 11268 11310 I TSLocationManager: "speedJumpFilter": 300, 09-29 14:29:18.066 11268 11310 I TSLocationManager: "startOnBoot": false, 09-29 14:29:18.066 11268 11310 I TSLocationManager: "stationaryRadius": 25, 09-29 14:29:18.066 11268 11310 I TSLocationManager: "stopAfterElapsedMinutes": 0, 09-29 14:29:18.066 11268 11310 I TSLocationManager: "stopOnStationary": false, 09-29 14:29:18.066 11268 11310 I TSLocationManager: "stopOnTerminate": false, 09-29 14:29:18.066 11268 11310 I TSLocationManager: "stopTimeout": 5, 09-29 14:29:18.066 11268 11310 I TSLocationManager: "triggerActivities": "in_vehicle, on_bicycle, on_foot, running, walking", 09-29 14:29:18.066 11268 11310 I TSLocationManager: "url": "", 09-29 14:29:18.066 11268 11310 I TSLocationManager: "useSignificantChangesOnly": false, 09-29 14:29:18.066 11268 11310 I TSLocationManager: "enabled": true, 09-29 14:29:18.066 11268 11310 I TSLocationManager: "schedulerEnabled": false, 09-29 14:29:18.066 11268 11310 I TSLocationManager: "trackingMode": 1, 09-29 14:29:18.066 11268 11310 I TSLocationManager: "odometer": 940022.75, 09-29 14:29:18.066 11268 11310 I TSLocationManager: "isFirstBoot": false, 09-29 14:29:18.066 11268 11310 I TSLocationManager: "didLaunchInBackground": false, 09-29 14:29:18.066 11268 11310 I TSLocationManager: "didDeviceReboot": false 09-29 14:29:18.066 11268 11310 I TSLocationManager: } 09-29 14:29:18.068 11268 11305 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.http.HttpService startMonitoringConnectivityChanges] 09-29 14:29:18.068 11268 11305 D TSLocationManager: 🎾 Start monitoring connectivity changes 09-29 14:29:18.068 11268 11310 I TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.logger.LoggerFacade$a a] 09-29 14:29:18.068 11268 11310 I TSLocationManager: ╔═════════════════════════════════════════════ 09-29 14:29:18.068 11268 11310 I TSLocationManager: ║ DEVICE SENSORS 09-29 14:29:18.068 11268 11310 I TSLocationManager: ╠═════════════════════════════════════════════ 09-29 14:29:18.068 11268 11310 I TSLocationManager: ╟─ ✅ ACCELEROMETER: {Sensor name="Goldfish 3-axis Accelerometer", vendor="The Android Open Source Project", version=1, type=1, maxRange=39.300007, resolution=2.480159E-4, power=3.0, minDelay=10000} 09-29 14:29:18.068 11268 11310 I TSLocationManager: ╟─ ✅ GYROSCOPE: {Sensor name="Goldfish 3-axis Gyroscope", vendor="The Android Open Source Project", version=1, type=4, maxRange=16.460001, resolution=0.001, power=3.0, minDelay=10000} 09-29 14:29:18.068 11268 11310 I TSLocationManager: ╟─ ✅ MAGNETOMETER: {Sensor name="Goldfish 3-axis Magnetic field sensor", vendor="The Android Open Source Project", version=1, type=2, maxRange=2000.0, resolution=0.5, power=6.7, minDelay=10000} 09-29 14:29:18.068 11268 11310 I TSLocationManager: ╟─ ⚠️ SIGNIFICANT_MOTION: none. Motion-detection system performance will be degraded 09-29 14:29:18.068 11268 11310 I TSLocationManager: ╚═════════════════════════════════════════════ 09-29 14:29:18.068 11268 11310 I TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.logger.LoggerFacade$a a] 09-29 14:29:18.068 11268 11310 I TSLocationManager: ✅ Google Play Services: connected (version code:12451000) 09-29 14:29:18.068 11268 11310 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.logger.LoggerFacade$a a] 09-29 14:29:18.068 11268 11310 D TSLocationManager: ℹ️ Load last odometer location: Location[TSLocationManager 57.443398,-125.084000 hAcc=5 t=?!? et=?!? vAcc=??? sAcc=??? bAcc=??? {Bundle[{odometer=940022.75}]}] 09-29 14:29:18.074 11268 11317 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.http.HttpService a] 09-29 14:29:18.074 11268 11317 D TSLocationManager: ╔═════════════════════════════════════════════ 09-29 14:29:18.074 11268 11317 D TSLocationManager: ║ 📶 Connectivity change: connected? true 09-29 14:29:18.074 11268 11317 D TSLocationManager: ╠═════════════════════════════════════════════ 09-29 14:29:18.076 11268 11305 I TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.a.BackgroundGeolocation d] 09-29 14:29:18.076 11268 11305 I TSLocationManager: 🎾 Start monitoring location-provider changes 09-29 14:29:18.086 11268 11318 D TSLocationManager: [ prune] 09-29 14:29:18.086 11268 11318 D TSLocationManager: ℹ️ PRUNE -1 days 09-29 14:29:18.102 11268 11305 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.a.BackgroundGeolocation a] 09-29 14:29:18.102 11268 11305 D TSLocationManager: 🔴 Cleared callbacks 09-29 14:29:18.103 11268 11305 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.f.b.streams.StreamHandler register] com.transistorsoft/flutter_background_geolocation/events/location 09-29 14:29:18.104 11268 11305 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.f.b.streams.StreamHandler register] com.transistorsoft/flutter_background_geolocation/events/motionchange 09-29 14:29:18.105 11268 11305 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.f.b.streams.StreamHandler register] com.transistorsoft/flutter_background_geolocation/events/activitychange 09-29 14:29:18.105 11268 11305 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.f.b.streams.StreamHandler register] com.transistorsoft/flutter_background_geolocation/events/geofenceschange 09-29 14:29:18.105 11268 11305 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.f.b.streams.StreamHandler register] com.transistorsoft/flutter_background_geolocation/events/geofence 09-29 14:29:18.106 11268 11305 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.f.b.streams.StreamHandler register] com.transistorsoft/flutter_background_geolocation/events/heartbeat 09-29 14:29:18.106 11268 11305 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.f.b.streams.StreamHandler register] com.transistorsoft/flutter_background_geolocation/events/http 09-29 14:29:18.106 11268 11305 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.f.b.streams.StreamHandler register] com.transistorsoft/flutter_background_geolocation/events/schedule 09-29 14:29:18.106 11268 11305 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.f.b.streams.StreamHandler register] com.transistorsoft/flutter_background_geolocation/events/connectivitychange 09-29 14:29:18.107 11268 11305 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.f.b.streams.StreamHandler register] com.transistorsoft/flutter_background_geolocation/events/enabledchange 09-29 14:29:18.107 11268 11305 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.f.b.streams.StreamHandler register] com.transistorsoft/flutter_background_geolocation/events/providerchange 09-29 14:29:18.107 11268 11305 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.f.b.streams.StreamHandler register] com.transistorsoft/flutter_background_geolocation/events/powersavechange 09-29 14:29:18.107 11268 11305 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.f.b.streams.StreamHandler register] com.transistorsoft/flutter_background_geolocation/events/notificationaction 09-29 14:29:18.108 11268 11305 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.f.b.streams.StreamHandler register] com.transistorsoft/flutter_background_geolocation/events/authorization 09-29 14:29:19.704 11268 11268 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.f.b.streams.StreamHandler onListen] location 09-29 14:29:19.704 11268 11268 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.f.b.streams.StreamHandler onListen] motionchange 09-29 14:29:19.705 11268 11268 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.f.b.streams.StreamHandler onListen] connectivitychange 09-29 14:29:19.705 11268 11268 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.f.b.streams.StreamHandler onListen] enabledchange 09-29 14:29:19.715 11268 11268 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.adapter.TSConfig d] ℹ️ Persist config, dirty: [activityRecognitionInterval, backgroundPermissionRationale, backgroundPermissionRationale.title, backgroundPermissionRationale.message, backgroundPermissionRationale.positiveAction, backgroundPermissionRationale.negativeAction, desiredAccuracy, distanceFilter, enableHeadless, extras, headers, headlessJobService, isMoving, logLevel, notification, notification.title, notification.text, params, schedule, stopOnTerminate] 09-29 14:29:19.727 11268 11320 I TSLocationManager: - Enable: true → true, trackingMode: 1 ```
christocracy commented 2 years ago

Have you consulted the changelog and reviewed the Setup Steps for chsnges?

spatialbits commented 2 years ago

Yes, I did look through both the Changelog and Android set up steps. Nothing stood out, but it's possible I could have missed something.

christocracy commented 2 years ago

Are you observing unfiltered $ adb logcat for errors?

spatialbits commented 2 years ago

This is the output from running adb logcat filterspecs '*:W'

(or in details if you prefer)

Logs ``` 09-30 09:28:03.120 2917 3211 W DeviceStorageMonitorService: updateBroadcasts(/data) oldLevel:0, newLevel:0, seq:1 09-30 09:28:03.120 2917 3211 W DeviceStorageMonitorService: updateBroadcasts_filenode(/data) fn_oldLevel:0, fn_newLevel:0, seq:1 09-30 09:28:16.969 2917 3442 E Watchdog: !@Sync 597 [2021-09-30 09:28:16.969] 09-30 09:28:20.688 30931 30931 E adbd : recv: OPEN 000099f7 00000000 005b:73 68 65 6C 6C 2C 76 32 2C 54 45 52 4D 3D 78 74 65 72 6D 2D 32 35 36 63 6F 6C 6F 72 3A 65 78 70 6F 72 74 20 41 4E 44 52 4F 49 44 5F 4C 4F 47 5F 54 41 47 53 3D 22 27 27 22 3B 20 65 78 65 63 20 6C 6F 67 63 61 74 20 27 66 69 6C 74 65 72 73 70 65 63 73 27 20 27 2A 3A 57 27 00 09-30 09:28:21.800 2917 2917 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user:$1.onReceive:278$ReceiverDispatcher$Args.lambda$-android_app_LoadedApk$ReceiverDispatcher$Args_54380:1355 09-30 09:28:30.343 30931 30931 E adbd : recv: OPEN 00009a00 00000000 0015:73 68 65 6C 6C 2C 76 32 2C 72 61 77 3A 67 65 74 70 72 6F 70 00 09-30 09:28:31.312 30931 30931 E adbd : recv: OPEN 00009a05 00000000 001a:73 68 65 6C 6C 3A 6C 6F 67 63 61 74 20 2D 76 20 74 69 6D 65 20 2D 74 20 31 00 09-30 09:28:31.460 30931 30931 E adbd : recv: OPEN 00009a08 00000000 002d:73 68 65 6C 6C 3A 6C 6F 67 63 61 74 20 2D 76 20 74 69 6D 65 20 2D 54 20 27 30 39 2D 33 30 20 30 39 3A 32 38 3A 33 31 2E 33 31 37 27 00 09-30 09:28:46.890 30931 30931 E adbd : recv: OPEN 00009a14 00000000 002a:73 68 65 6C 6C 2C 76 32 2C 72 61 77 3A 61 6D 20 66 6F 72 63 65 2D 73 74 6F 70 20 63 61 2E 6B 77 75 73 65 6E 2E 6B 63 62 6D 00 09-30 09:28:46.976 2917 3442 E Watchdog: !@Sync 598 [2021-09-30 09:28:46.976] 09-30 09:28:46.999 2917 2932 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.PACKAGE_RESTARTED flg=0x10 (has extras) } to android/ 09-30 09:28:47.000 2917 2932 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.PACKAGE_RESTARTED flg=0x10 (has extras) } to 09-30 09:28:47.003 2917 4306 W ActivityManager: Permission Denial: Accessing service ComponentInfo{} from pid=4428, uid=10016 that is not exported from uid 10100 09-30 09:28:47.023 30931 30931 E adbd : recv: OPEN 00009a17 00000000 002d:73 68 65 6C 6C 2C 76 32 2C 72 61 77 3A 70 6D 20 6C 69 73 74 20 70 61 63 6B 61 67 65 73 20 63 61 2E 6B 77 75 73 65 6E 2E 6B 63 62 6D 00 09-30 09:28:47.643 31131 31131 W ADebug : Failed to get property 09-30 09:28:47.650 31131 31131 E appproc : Enhanced Zygote ASLR: ro.knox.enhance.zygote.aslr != 1. Enhanced Zygote ASLR is DISABLED! 09-30 09:28:47.866 31131 31131 E SemAffinityControl: SemAffinityControl: registerfunction enter 09-30 09:28:47.909 31131 31140 W MessageQueue: Handler (android.os.Handler) {f5fa26e} sending message to a Handler on a dead thread 09-30 09:28:47.909 31131 31140 W MessageQueue: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Handler (android.os.Handler) {f5fa26e} sending message to a Handler on a dead thread 09-30 09:28:47.909 31131 31140 W MessageQueue: at android.os.MessageQueue.enqueueMessage( 09-30 09:28:47.909 31131 31140 W MessageQueue: at android.os.Handler.enqueueMessage( 09-30 09:28:47.909 31131 31140 W MessageQueue: at android.os.Handler.sendMessageAtTime( 09-30 09:28:47.909 31131 31140 W MessageQueue: at android.os.Handler.sendMessageDelayed( 09-30 09:28:47.909 31131 31140 W MessageQueue: at 09-30 09:28:47.909 31131 31140 W MessageQueue: at android.os.ResultReceiver$MyResultReceiver.send( 09-30 09:28:47.909 31131 31140 W MessageQueue: at$Stub.onTransact( 09-30 09:28:47.909 31131 31140 W MessageQueue: at android.os.Binder.execTransact( 09-30 09:28:47.969 30931 30931 E adbd : recv: OPEN 00009a1a 00000000 0039:73 68 65 6C 6C 2C 76 32 2C 72 61 77 3A 63 61 74 20 2F 64 61 74 61 2F 6C 6F 63 61 6C 2F 74 6D 70 2F 73 6B 79 2E 63 61 2E 6B 77 75 73 65 6E 2E 6B 63 62 6D 2E 73 68 61 31 00 09-30 09:28:48.057 30931 30931 E adbd : recv: OPEN 00009a1d 00000000 0032:65 78 65 63 3A 63 6D 64 20 70 61 63 6B 61 67 65 20 27 69 6E 73 74 61 6C 6C 27 20 27 2D 74 27 20 27 2D 72 27 20 2D 53 20 31 32 36 38 32 30 32 37 38 00 09-30 09:28:48.137 2917 4306 W StorageManager: getStorageFullBytes DEFAULT_FULL_THRESHOLD_BYTES : 20971520, threadhold : 20971520 09-30 09:28:48.145 2646 2646 E audit : type=1400 audit(1633019328.131:607): avc: denied { getattr } for pid=2705 comm="Binder:2670_1" path="/data/app/rpmbd" dev="dm-0" ino=28 scontext=u:r:installd:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:rpmbd_socket:s0 tclass=sock_file permissive=0 SEPF_SM-T580_8.1.0_0008 unfiltered 09-30 09:28:48.146 2646 2646 E audit : type=1300 audit(1633019328.131:607): arch=40000028 syscall=327 per=8 success=no exit=-13 a0=8 a1=f268edc4 a2=f268edcc a3=100 items=0 ppid=1 pid=2705 auid=4294967295 uid=0 gid=0 euid=0 suid=0 fsuid=0 egid=0 sgid=0 fsgid=0 tty=(none) ses=4294967295 comm="Binder:2670_1" exe="/system/bin/installd" subj=u:r:installd:s0 key=(null) 09-30 09:28:48.148 2646 2646 E audit : type=1327 audit(1633019328.131:607): proctitle="/system/bin/installd" 09-30 09:28:48.157 2917 2949 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user:$AuditFileObserver.onEvent:84 android.os.FileObserver$ObserverThread.onEvent:123 android.os.FileObserver$ObserverThread.observe:-2 android.os.FileObserver$ 09-30 09:28:48.189 31149 31149 E Zygote : isWhitelistProcess - Process is Whitelisted 09-30 09:28:48.191 31149 31149 E libpersona: scanKnoxPersonas 09-30 09:28:48.191 31149 31149 E libpersona: Couldn't open the File - /data/system/users/0/personalist.xml - No such file or directory 09-30 09:28:48.196 31149 31149 W SELinux : SELinux selinux_android_compute_policy_index : Policy Index[2], Con:u:r:zygote:s0 RAM:SEPF_SM-T580_8.1.0_0008, [-1 -1 -1 -1 0 1] 09-30 09:28:48.290 2917 4306 W StorageManager: getStorageFullBytes DEFAULT_FULL_THRESHOLD_BYTES : 20971520, threadhold : 20971520 09-30 09:28:48.295 2646 2646 E audit : type=1400 audit(1633019328.281:608): avc: denied { getattr } for pid=2705 comm="Binder:2670_1" path="/data/app/rpmbd" dev="dm-0" ino=28 scontext=u:r:installd:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:rpmbd_socket:s0 tclass=sock_file permissive=0 SEPF_SM-T580_8.1.0_0008 unfiltered 09-30 09:28:48.295 2646 2646 E audit : type=1300 audit(1633019328.281:608): arch=40000028 syscall=327 per=8 success=no exit=-13 a0=8 a1=f268ec44 a2=f268ec4c a3=100 items=0 ppid=1 pid=2705 auid=4294967295 uid=0 gid=0 euid=0 suid=0 fsuid=0 egid=0 sgid=0 fsgid=0 tty=(none) ses=4294967295 comm="Binder:2670_1" exe="/system/bin/installd" subj=u:r:installd:s0 key=(null) 09-30 09:28:48.297 2646 2646 E audit : type=1327 audit(1633019328.281:608): proctitle="/system/bin/installd" 09-30 09:28:48.297 2917 2949 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user:$AuditFileObserver.onEvent:84 android.os.FileObserver$ObserverThread.onEvent:123 android.os.FileObserver$ObserverThread.observe:-2 android.os.FileObserver$ 09-30 09:28:48.376 2917 4306 W StorageManager: getStorageFullBytes DEFAULT_FULL_THRESHOLD_BYTES : 20971520, threadhold : 20971520 09-30 09:28:48.380 2646 2646 E audit : type=1400 audit(1633019328.371:609): avc: denied { getattr } for pid=2705 comm="Binder:2670_1" path="/data/app/rpmbd" dev="dm-0" ino=28 scontext=u:r:installd:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:rpmbd_socket:s0 tclass=sock_file permissive=0 SEPF_SM-T580_8.1.0_0008 unfiltered 09-30 09:28:48.380 2646 2646 E audit : type=1300 audit(1633019328.371:609): arch=40000028 syscall=327 per=8 success=no exit=-13 a0=8 a1=f268ec44 a2=f268ec4c a3=100 items=0 ppid=1 pid=2705 auid=4294967295 uid=0 gid=0 euid=0 suid=0 fsuid=0 egid=0 sgid=0 fsgid=0 tty=(none) ses=4294967295 comm="Binder:2670_1" exe="/system/bin/installd" subj=u:r:installd:s0 key=(null) 09-30 09:28:48.381 2646 2646 E audit : type=1327 audit(1633019328.371:609): proctitle="/system/bin/installd" 09-30 09:28:48.382 2917 2949 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user:$AuditFileObserver.onEvent:84 android.os.FileObserver$ObserverThread.onEvent:123 android.os.FileObserver$ObserverThread.observe:-2 android.os.FileObserver$ 09-30 09:28:57.911 31170 31170 E Zygote : isWhitelistProcess - Process is Whitelisted 09-30 09:28:57.911 31170 31170 E libpersona: scanKnoxPersonas 09-30 09:28:57.911 31170 31170 E libpersona: Couldn't open the File - /data/system/users/0/personalist.xml - No such file or directory 09-30 09:28:57.913 31170 31170 E libpersona: scanKnoxPersonas 09-30 09:28:57.913 31170 31170 E libpersona: Couldn't open the File - /data/system/users/0/personalist.xml - No such file or directory 09-30 09:28:57.913 31170 31170 W SELinux : SELinux selinux_android_compute_policy_index : Policy Index[2], Con:u:r:zygote:s0 RAM:SEPF_SM-T580_8.1.0_0008, [-1 -1 -1 -1 0 1] 09-30 09:28:57.987 2917 2964 W StorageManager: getStorageFullBytes DEFAULT_FULL_THRESHOLD_BYTES : 20971520, threadhold : 20971520 09-30 09:28:57.992 2646 2646 E audit : type=1400 audit(1633019337.981:610): avc: denied { getattr } for pid=2705 comm="Binder:2670_1" path="/data/app/rpmbd" dev="dm-0" ino=28 scontext=u:r:installd:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:rpmbd_socket:s0 tclass=sock_file permissive=0 SEPF_SM-T580_8.1.0_0008 unfiltered 09-30 09:28:57.992 2646 2646 E audit : type=1300 audit(1633019337.981:610): arch=40000028 syscall=327 per=8 success=no exit=-13 a0=8 a1=f268ec44 a2=f268ec4c a3=100 items=0 ppid=1 pid=2705 auid=4294967295 uid=0 gid=0 euid=0 suid=0 fsuid=0 egid=0 sgid=0 fsgid=0 tty=(none) ses=4294967295 comm="Binder:2670_1" exe="/system/bin/installd" subj=u:r:installd:s0 key=(null) 09-30 09:28:57.994 2646 2646 E audit : type=1327 audit(1633019337.981:610): proctitle="/system/bin/installd" 09-30 09:28:57.994 2917 2949 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user:$AuditFileObserver.onEvent:84 android.os.FileObserver$ObserverThread.onEvent:123 android.os.FileObserver$ObserverThread.observe:-2 android.os.FileObserver$ 09-30 09:28:58.069 2917 2964 W StorageManager: getStorageFullBytes DEFAULT_FULL_THRESHOLD_BYTES : 20971520, threadhold : 20971520 09-30 09:28:58.073 2646 2646 E audit : type=1400 audit(1633019338.061:611): avc: denied { getattr } for pid=2705 comm="Binder:2670_1" path="/data/app/rpmbd" dev="dm-0" ino=28 scontext=u:r:installd:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:rpmbd_socket:s0 tclass=sock_file permissive=0 SEPF_SM-T580_8.1.0_0008 unfiltered 09-30 09:28:58.073 2646 2646 E audit : type=1300 audit(1633019338.061:611): arch=40000028 syscall=327 per=8 success=no exit=-13 a0=8 a1=f268ed04 a2=f268ed0c a3=100 items=0 ppid=1 pid=2705 auid=4294967295 uid=0 gid=0 euid=0 suid=0 fsuid=0 egid=0 sgid=0 fsgid=0 tty=(none) ses=4294967295 comm="Binder:2670_1" exe="/system/bin/installd" subj=u:r:installd:s0 key=(null) 09-30 09:28:58.074 2646 2646 E audit : type=1327 audit(1633019338.061:611): proctitle="/system/bin/installd" 09-30 09:28:58.075 2917 2949 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user:$AuditFileObserver.onEvent:84 android.os.FileObserver$ObserverThread.onEvent:123 android.os.FileObserver$ObserverThread.observe:-2 android.os.FileObserver$ 09-30 09:28:58.166 30645 30645 E Finsky : [2] VerifyPerSourceInstallationConsentInstallTask.d(2): Package name null is not an installed package 09-30 09:28:58.215 30645 31186 W Settings: Setting install_non_market_apps has moved from android.provider.Settings.Global to android.provider.Settings.Secure, returning read-only value. 09-30 09:29:00.360 2917 2964 W PackageManager: verifying app can be installed or not 09-30 09:29:00.390 2917 2964 W SELinux : SELinux: set fc_digest(/data/app/ 09-30 09:29:00.397 2917 2964 E PackageManager.DexOptimizer: Well this is awkward; package had UID -1 09-30 09:29:00.397 2917 2964 E PackageManager.DexOptimizer: java.lang.Throwable 09-30 09:29:00.397 2917 2964 E PackageManager.DexOptimizer: at 09-30 09:29:00.397 2917 2964 E PackageManager.DexOptimizer: at 09-30 09:29:00.397 2917 2964 E PackageManager.DexOptimizer: at 09-30 09:29:00.397 2917 2964 E PackageManager.DexOptimizer: at 09-30 09:29:00.397 2917 2964 E PackageManager.DexOptimizer: at 09-30 09:29:00.397 2917 2964 E PackageManager.DexOptimizer: at Source:0) 09-30 09:29:00.397 2917 2964 E PackageManager.DexOptimizer: at$ 09-30 09:29:00.397 2917 2964 E PackageManager.DexOptimizer: at android.os.Handler.handleCallback( 09-30 09:29:00.397 2917 2964 E PackageManager.DexOptimizer: at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage( 09-30 09:29:00.397 2917 2964 E PackageManager.DexOptimizer: at android.os.Looper.loop( 09-30 09:29:00.397 2917 2964 E PackageManager.DexOptimizer: at 09-30 09:29:00.397 2917 2964 E PackageManager.DexOptimizer: at 09-30 09:29:00.405 2917 2932 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.DROPBOX_ENTRY_ADDED flg=0x10 (has extras) } to 09-30 09:29:00.406 2917 2932 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.DROPBOX_ENTRY_ADDED flg=0x10 (has extras) } to$PersistentTrustedReceiver 09-30 09:29:03.179 2917 3211 W StorageManager: getStorageFullBytes DEFAULT_FULL_THRESHOLD_BYTES : 20971520, threadhold : 20971520 09-30 09:29:03.180 2917 3211 W DeviceStorageMonitorService: updateBroadcasts(/data) oldLevel:0, newLevel:0, seq:1 09-30 09:29:03.180 2917 3211 W DeviceStorageMonitorService: updateBroadcasts_filenode(/data) fn_oldLevel:0, fn_newLevel:0, seq:1 09-30 09:29:03.254 2917 2964 W SELinuxMMAC: assignseinfovalue, = = untrusted:targetSdkVersion=29 = untrusted:targetSdkVersion=29 = 1023 09-30 09:29:03.255 2917 2964 W PackageManager: Code path for changing from /data/app/ to /data/app/ 09-30 09:29:03.255 2917 2964 W PackageManager: Resource path for changing from /data/app/ to /data/app/ 09-30 09:29:03.690 2670 2705 E : Secure Storage PM failed! 09-30 09:29:03.693 2917 2964 W PackageManager: Can't run secure_storage_pm! 09-30 09:29:04.211 2670 2705 E : Couldn't opendir /data/app/vmdl1515275925.tmp: No such file or directory 09-30 09:29:04.211 2670 2705 E installd: Failed to delete /data/app/vmdl1515275925.tmp: No such file or directory 09-30 09:29:04.252 30931 30931 E adbd : recv: OPEN 00009a28 00000000 0068:73 68 65 6C 6C 2C 76 32 2C 72 61 77 3A 65 63 68 6F 20 2D 6E 20 30 31 32 62 36 36 63 65 34 35 37 39 36 62 39 38 63 30 38 66 34 64 66 31 65 37 32 37 36 66 38 39 38 64 34 35 66 66 35 62 20 3E 20 2F 64 61 74 61 2F 6C 6F 63 61 6C 2F 74 6D 70 2F 73 6B 79 2E 63 61 2E 6B 77 75 73 65 6E 2E 6B 63 62 6D 2E 73 68 61 31 00 09-30 09:29:04.291 2917 3624 W ActivityManager: Permission Denial: Accessing service ComponentInfo{} from pid=4428, uid=10016 that is not exported from uid 10100 09-30 09:29:04.304 30931 30931 E adbd : recv: OPEN 00009a2b 00000000 001a:73 68 65 6C 6C 3A 6C 6F 67 63 61 74 20 2D 76 20 74 69 6D 65 20 2D 74 20 31 00 09-30 09:29:04.321 31321 31321 E Zygote : isWhitelistProcess - Process is Whitelisted 09-30 09:29:04.322 31321 31321 E libpersona: scanKnoxPersonas 09-30 09:29:04.322 31321 31321 E libpersona: Couldn't open the File - /data/system/users/0/personalist.xml - No such file or directory 09-30 09:29:04.326 31321 31321 W SELinux : SELinux selinux_android_compute_policy_index : Policy Index[2], Con:u:r:zygote:s0 RAM:SEPF_SM-T580_8.1.0_0008, [-1 -1 -1 -1 0 1] 09-30 09:29:04.343 31332 31332 E Zygote : isWhitelistProcess - Process is Whitelisted 09-30 09:29:04.344 31332 31332 E libpersona: scanKnoxPersonas 09-30 09:29:04.344 31332 31332 E libpersona: Couldn't open the File - /data/system/users/0/personalist.xml - No such file or directory 09-30 09:29:04.346 31332 31332 W SELinux : SELinux selinux_android_compute_policy_index : Policy Index[2], Con:u:r:zygote:s0 RAM:SEPF_SM-T580_8.1.0_0008, [-1 -1 -1 -1 0 1] 09-30 09:29:04.349 2917 2917 E SDAgentPackageStateReceiver: Not going to handle ''! 09-30 09:29:04.366 2917 4308 W ActivityManager: Permission Denial: Accessing service ComponentInfo{} from pid=4428, uid=10016 that is not exported from uid 10100 09-30 09:29:04.381 2917 4306 W ActivityManager: Permission Denial: Accessing service ComponentInfo{} from pid=4428, uid=10016 that is not exported from uid 10100 09-30 09:29:04.404 30931 30931 E adbd : recv: OPEN 00009a2e 00000000 002d:73 68 65 6C 6C 3A 6C 6F 67 63 61 74 20 2D 76 20 74 69 6D 65 20 2D 54 20 27 30 39 2D 33 30 20 30 39 3A 32 39 3A 30 34 2E 33 33 38 27 00 09-30 09:29:04.427 30931 30931 E adbd : recv: OPEN 00009a31 00000000 0118:73 68 65 6C 6C 2C 76 32 2C 72 61 77 3A 61 6D 20 73 74 61 72 74 20 2D 61 20 61 6E 64 72 6F 69 64 2E 69 6E 74 65 6E 74 2E 61 63 74 69 6F 6E 2E 52 55 4E 20 2D 66 20 30 78 32 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 20 2D 2D 65 7A 20 65 6E 61 62 6C 65 2D 62 61 63 6B 67 72 6F 75 6E 64 2D 63 6F 6D 70 69 6C 61 74 69 6F 6E 20 74 72 75 65 20 2D 2D 65 7A 20 65 6E 61 62 6C 65 2D 64 61 72 74 2D 70 72 6F 66 69 6C 69 6E 67 20 74 72 75 65 20 2D 2D 65 7A 20 65 6E 61 62 6C 65 2D 63 68 65 63 6B 65 64 2D 6D 6F 64 65 20 74 72 75 65 20 2D 2D 65 7A 20 76 65 72 69 66 79 2D 65 6E 74 72 79 2D 70 6F 69 6E 74 73 20 74 72 75 65 20 2D 2D 65 7A 20 73 74 61 72 74 2D 70 61 75 73 65 64 20 74 72 75 65 20 63 61 2E 6B 77 75 73 65 6E 2E 6B 63 62 6D 2F 69 6F 2E 66 6C 75 74 74 65 72 2E 65 6D 62 65 64 64 69 6E 67 2E 61 6E 64 72 6F 69 64 2E 46 6C 75 74 74 65 72 41 63 74 69 76 69 74 79 00 09-30 09:29:04.431 31363 31363 E Zygote : isWhitelistProcess - Process is Whitelisted 09-30 09:29:04.432 31363 31363 E libpersona: scanKnoxPersonas 09-30 09:29:04.432 31363 31363 E libpersona: Couldn't open the File - /data/system/users/0/personalist.xml - No such file or directory 09-30 09:29:04.434 31363 31363 W SELinux : SELinux selinux_android_compute_policy_index : Policy Index[2], Con:u:r:zygote:s0 RAM:SEPF_SM-T580_8.1.0_0008, [-1 -1 -1 -1 0 1] 09-30 09:29:04.460 2917 10198 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.PACKAGE_REMOVED flg=0x4000010 (has extras) } to android/ 09-30 09:29:04.482 2917 10198 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.PACKAGE_REMOVED flg=0x4000010 (has extras) } to$RegisteredReceiver 09-30 09:29:04.493 2917 2932 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.PACKAGE_REMOVED flg=0x4000010 (has extras) } to 09-30 09:29:04.543 2917 4306 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.PACKAGE_REMOVED flg=0x4000010 (has extras) } to 09-30 09:29:04.548 2917 2932 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.PACKAGE_REMOVED flg=0x4000010 (has extras) } to 09-30 09:29:04.556 2917 2932 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.PACKAGE_REMOVED flg=0x4000010 (has extras) } to$PersistentTrustedReceiver 09-30 09:29:04.556 2917 2932 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.PACKAGE_REMOVED flg=0x4000010 (has extras) } to 09-30 09:29:04.556 2917 2932 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.PACKAGE_REMOVED flg=0x4000010 (has extras) } to 09-30 09:29:04.557 2917 3067 W Choreographer: Frame time is 7.660696 ms in the future! Check that graphics HAL is generating vsync timestamps using the correct timebase. 09-30 09:29:04.557 2917 3624 W SamsungActivityManager: Too many (100) PendingIntent are generated 09-30 09:29:04.559 2917 2932 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.PACKAGE_REMOVED flg=0x4000010 (has extras) } to 09-30 09:29:04.559 2917 2932 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.PACKAGE_REMOVED flg=0x4000010 (has extras) } to 09-30 09:29:04.559 2917 2932 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.PACKAGE_REMOVED flg=0x4000010 (has extras) } to 09-30 09:29:04.560 2917 2932 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.PACKAGE_REMOVED flg=0x4000010 (has extras) } to 09-30 09:29:04.577 4275 30389 E AudioSource: Stop listening is called on already closed AudioSource 09-30 09:29:04.580 2567 3682 E audio_hw_primary: adev_close_input_stream, set jack_in to null 09-30 09:29:04.586 2917 2932 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.PACKAGE_REMOVED flg=0x4000010 (has extras) } to 09-30 09:29:04.588 31399 31399 E Zygote : isWhitelistProcess - Process is Whitelisted 09-30 09:29:04.589 31399 31399 E libpersona: scanKnoxPersonas 09-30 09:29:04.589 31399 31399 E libpersona: Couldn't open the File - /data/system/users/0/personalist.xml - No such file or directory 09-30 09:29:04.594 31399 31399 W SELinux : SELinux selinux_android_compute_policy_index : Policy Index[2], Con:u:r:zygote:s0 RAM:SEPF_SM-T580_8.1.0_0008, [-1 -1 -1 -1 0 1] 09-30 09:29:04.595 2917 2932 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.PACKAGE_REMOVED flg=0x4000010 (has extras) } to 09-30 09:29:04.599 4275 4451 W SearchServiceCore: Abort, client detached. 09-30 09:29:04.622 31407 31407 E Zygote : isWhitelistProcess - Process is Whitelisted 09-30 09:29:04.623 31407 31407 E libpersona: scanKnoxPersonas 09-30 09:29:04.623 31407 31407 E libpersona: Couldn't open the File - /data/system/users/0/personalist.xml - No such file or directory 09-30 09:29:04.624 2917 3475 W SamsungActivityManager: Too many (100) PendingIntent are generated 09-30 09:29:04.626 31407 31407 W SELinux : SELinux selinux_android_compute_policy_index : Policy Index[2], Con:u:r:zygote:s0 RAM:SEPF_SM-T580_8.1.0_0008, [-1 -1 -1 -1 0 1] 09-30 09:29:04.638 2917 3475 W SamsungActivityManager: Too many (100) PendingIntent are generated 09-30 09:29:04.738 31363 31363 W zygote : Verification of void ryz.a(boolean, boolean) took 134.938ms 09-30 09:29:04.754 2917 3475 W ActivityManager: Unable to start service Intent { } U=0: not found 09-30 09:29:04.758 2917 3624 W ActivityManager: Unbind failed: could not find connection for android.os.BinderProxy@63b3c89 09-30 09:29:04.758 4428 4544 E GmsClient: unable to connect to service: on 09-30 09:29:04.770 30931 30931 E adbd : recv: OPEN 00009a32 00000000 000b:6A 64 77 70 3A 33 31 33 39 39 00 09-30 09:29:04.790 30931 30931 E adbd : recv: OPEN 00009a33 00000000 004a:73 68 65 6C 6C 3A 73 74 61 74 20 2D 63 20 25 75 20 2F 70 72 6F 63 2F 33 31 33 39 39 20 7C 20 78 61 72 67 73 20 2D 6E 20 31 20 63 6D 64 20 70 61 63 6B 61 67 65 20 6C 69 73 74 20 70 61 63 6B 61 67 65 73 20 2D 2D 75 69 64 00 09-30 09:29:04.985 31407 31407 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.content.ContextWrapper.startService:669 android.content.ContextWrapper.startService:669 09-30 09:29:05.128 30328 30328 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.content.ContextWrapper.startService:669 09-30 09:29:05.177 31471 31471 E Zygote : isWhitelistProcess - Process is Whitelisted 09-30 09:29:05.178 31471 31471 E libpersona: scanKnoxPersonas 09-30 09:29:05.178 31471 31471 E libpersona: Couldn't open the File - /data/system/users/0/personalist.xml - No such file or directory 09-30 09:29:05.182 31471 31471 W SELinux : SELinux selinux_android_compute_policy_index : Policy Index[2], Con:u:r:zygote:s0 RAM:SEPF_SM-T580_8.1.0_0008, [-1 -1 -1 -1 0 1] 09-30 09:29:05.192 2917 4308 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 51ms so far, now at startProcess: returned from zygote! 09-30 09:29:05.192 2917 4308 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 51ms so far, now at startProcess: done updating battery stats 09-30 09:29:05.192 2917 4308 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 51ms so far, now at startProcess: building log message 09-30 09:29:05.192 2917 4308 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 52ms so far, now at startProcess: starting to update pids map 09-30 09:29:05.192 2917 4308 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 52ms so far, now at startProcess: done updating pids map 09-30 09:29:05.192 2917 4308 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 52ms so far, now at startProcess: done starting proc! 09-30 09:29:05.207 2917 3104 E MdnieScenarioControlService: Exception : /sys/class/mdnie/mdnie/scenario (No such file or directory) , in : null , value : null , length : 0 09-30 09:29:05.208 2917 3104 W System.err: /sys/class/mdnie/mdnie/scenario (No such file or directory) 09-30 09:29:05.208 2917 3104 W System.err: at Method) 09-30 09:29:05.208 2917 3104 W System.err: at 09-30 09:29:05.208 2917 3104 W System.err: at 09-30 09:29:05.208 2917 3104 W System.err: at 09-30 09:29:05.208 2917 3104 W System.err: at 09-30 09:29:05.208 2917 3104 W System.err: at Source:0) 09-30 09:29:05.208 2917 3104 W System.err: at$MSCSControlHandler.handleMessage( 09-30 09:29:05.208 2917 3104 W System.err: at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage( 09-30 09:29:05.208 2917 3104 W System.err: at android.os.Looper.loop( 09-30 09:29:05.208 2917 3104 W System.err: at 09-30 09:29:05.340 2917 2931 W ResourceType: ResTable_typeSpec entry count inconsistent: given 30, previously 36 09-30 09:29:05.340 31363 31363 W ProviderHelper: Unknown dynamite feature providerinstaller 09-30 09:29:05.352 2917 2931 W ResourceType: ResTable_typeSpec entry count inconsistent: given 2149, previously 2146 09-30 09:29:05.352 2917 2917 E SDAgentPackageStateReceiver: Not going to handle ''! 09-30 09:29:05.360 2917 2931 W ResourceType: ResTable_typeSpec entry count inconsistent: given 268, previously 1512 09-30 09:29:05.403 2917 3067 E WindowManager: win=Window{7f51d2a u0 EXITING} destroySurfaces: appStopped=false win.mWindowRemovalAllowed=false win.mRemoveOnExit=false win.mViewVisibility=8, 09-30 09:29:05.486 31494 31494 E Zygote : isWhitelistProcess - Process is Whitelisted 09-30 09:29:05.487 31494 31494 E libpersona: scanKnoxPersonas 09-30 09:29:05.487 31494 31494 E libpersona: Couldn't open the File - /data/system/users/0/personalist.xml - No such file or directory 09-30 09:29:05.489 31494 31494 W SELinux : SELinux selinux_android_compute_policy_index : Policy Index[2], Con:u:r:zygote:s0 RAM:SEPF_SM-T580_8.1.0_0008, [-1 -1 -1 -1 0 1] 09-30 09:29:05.546 2917 22954 W ActivityManager: Scheduling restart of crashed service com.sec.bcservice/.BroadcastService in 1000ms 09-30 09:29:05.548 31508 31508 E Zygote : isWhitelistProcess - Process is Whitelisted 09-30 09:29:05.550 31508 31508 E libpersona: scanKnoxPersonas 09-30 09:29:05.550 31508 31508 E libpersona: Couldn't open the File - /data/system/users/0/personalist.xml - No such file or directory 09-30 09:29:05.552 2917 3067 W Choreographer: Frame time is 15.9577875 ms in the future! Check that graphics HAL is generating vsync timestamps using the correct timebase. 09-30 09:29:05.553 31508 31508 W SELinux : SELinux selinux_android_compute_policy_index : Policy Index[2], Con:u:r:zygote:s0 RAM:SEPF_SM-T580_8.1.0_0008, [-1 -1 -1 -1 0 1] 09-30 09:29:05.700 2671 2671 W keystore: ENTER remove operation from uid 10034 09-30 09:29:05.710 2671 2671 W keystore: ENTER remove operation from uid 10034 09-30 09:29:05.713 30645 30683 E Finsky : [1466] amuq.t(3): Error while reading encrypted model 09-30 09:29:05.713 30645 30683 E Finsky : decryption failed 09-30 09:29:05.713 30645 30683 E Finsky : at apkr.a(PG:7) 09-30 09:29:05.713 30645 30683 E Finsky : at amuq.t(PG:2) 09-30 09:29:05.713 30645 30683 E Finsky : at afzr.apply(PG:3) 09-30 09:29:05.713 30645 30683 E Finsky : at j$ 09-30 09:29:05.713 30645 30683 E Finsky : at agam.(PG:6) 09-30 09:29:05.713 30645 30683 E Finsky : at afkp.apply(PG:3) 09-30 09:29:05.713 30645 30683 E Finsky : at j$$3$1.accept( 09-30 09:29:05.713 30645 30683 E Finsky : at j$$2$1.accept( 09-30 09:29:05.713 30645 30683 E Finsky : at j$.util.AbstractList$RandomAccessSpliterator.forEachRemaining( 09-30 09:29:05.713 30645 30683 E Finsky : at j$ 09-30 09:29:05.713 30645 30683 E Finsky : at j$ 09-30 09:29:05.713 30645 30683 E Finsky : at j$$ForEachOp.evaluateSequential( 09-30 09:29:05.713 30645 30683 E Finsky : at j$$ForEachOp.evaluateSequential( 09-30 09:29:05.713 30645 30683 E Finsky : at j$ 09-30 09:29:05.713 30645 30683 E Finsky : at j$ 09-30 09:29:05.713 30645 30683 E Finsky : at aflc.a(PG:13) 09-30 09:29:05.713 30645 30683 E Finsky : at afov.a(PG:40) 09-30 09:29:05.713 30645 30683 E Finsky : at apgb.c(PG:2) 09-30 09:29:05.713 30645 30683 E Finsky : at 09-30 09:29:05.713 30645 30683 E Finsky : at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker( 09-30 09:29:05.713 30645 30683 E Finsky : at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$ 09-30 09:29:05.713 30645 30683 E Finsky : at 09-30 09:29:05.713 30645 30683 E Finsky : at 09-30 09:29:05.738 2917 3067 W Choreographer: Frame time is 14.829192 ms in the future! Check that graphics HAL is generating vsync timestamps using the correct timebase. 09-30 09:29:05.754 2671 2671 W keystore: ENTER remove operation from uid 10034 09-30 09:29:05.757 2671 2671 W keystore: ENTER remove operation from uid 10034 09-30 09:29:05.766 2671 2671 W keystore: ENTER remove operation from uid 10034 09-30 09:29:05.810 2671 2671 W keystore: ENTER remove operation from uid 10034 09-30 09:29:05.814 2671 2671 W keystore: ENTER remove operation from uid 10034 09-30 09:29:05.820 2671 2671 W keystore: ENTER remove operation from uid 10034 09-30 09:29:05.837 2671 2671 W keystore: ENTER remove operation from uid 10034 09-30 09:29:05.841 2671 2671 W keystore: ENTER remove operation from uid 10034 09-30 09:29:05.846 31528 31528 E Zygote : isWhitelistProcess - Process is Whitelisted 09-30 09:29:05.847 31528 31528 E libpersona: scanKnoxPersonas 09-30 09:29:05.847 31528 31528 E libpersona: Couldn't open the File - /data/system/users/0/personalist.xml - No such file or directory 09-30 09:29:05.850 31528 31528 W SELinux : SELinux selinux_android_compute_policy_index : Policy Index[2], Con:u:r:zygote:s0 RAM:SEPF_SM-T580_8.1.0_0008, [-1 -1 -1 -1 0 1] 09-30 09:29:05.852 2671 2671 W keystore: ENTER remove operation from uid 10034 09-30 09:29:05.900 2671 2671 W keystore: ENTER remove operation from uid 10034 09-30 09:29:05.907 2671 2671 W keystore: ENTER remove operation from uid 10034 09-30 09:29:05.933 2671 2671 W keystore: ENTER remove operation from uid 10034 09-30 09:29:05.938 2671 2671 W keystore: ENTER remove operation from uid 10034 09-30 09:29:05.943 2671 2671 W keystore: ENTER remove operation from uid 10034 09-30 09:29:06.008 2671 2671 W keystore: ENTER remove operation from uid 10034 09-30 09:29:06.022 2671 2671 W keystore: ENTER remove operation from uid 10034 09-30 09:29:06.023 2917 7840 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.PACKAGE_REMOVED flg=0x4000010 (has extras) } to 09-30 09:29:06.026 2917 2932 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.PACKAGE_REMOVED flg=0x4000010 (has extras) } to 09-30 09:29:06.027 2917 2932 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.PACKAGE_REMOVED flg=0x4000010 (has extras) } to 09-30 09:29:06.027 2917 2932 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.PACKAGE_REMOVED flg=0x4000010 (has extras) } to 09-30 09:29:06.024 2671 2671 W keystore: ENTER remove operation from uid 10034 09-30 09:29:06.032 2671 2671 W keystore: ENTER remove operation from uid 10034 09-30 09:29:06.050 31553 31553 E Zygote : isWhitelistProcess - Process is Whitelisted 09-30 09:29:06.051 31553 31553 E libpersona: scanKnoxPersonas 09-30 09:29:06.051 31553 31553 E libpersona: Couldn't open the File - /data/system/users/0/personalist.xml - No such file or directory 09-30 09:29:06.054 31553 31553 W SELinux : SELinux selinux_android_compute_policy_index : Policy Index[2], Con:u:r:zygote:s0 RAM:SEPF_SM-T580_8.1.0_0008, [-1 -1 -1 -1 0 1] 09-30 09:29:06.084 2917 2932 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 56ms so far, now at startProcess: building log message 09-30 09:29:06.084 2917 2932 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 56ms so far, now at startProcess: starting to update pids map 09-30 09:29:06.084 2917 2932 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 56ms so far, now at startProcess: done updating pids map 09-30 09:29:06.084 2917 2932 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 56ms so far, now at startProcess: done starting proc! 09-30 09:29:06.157 4072 4153 W Launcher.Model: checkFinderState return, operation is not matched 09-30 09:29:06.162 2917 7840 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.PACKAGE_REMOVED flg=0x4000010 (has extras) } to com.wssnps/.stubdownload.smlNpsPackageReceiver 09-30 09:29:06.181 31568 31568 E Zygote : isWhitelistProcess - Process is Whitelisted 09-30 09:29:06.182 31568 31568 E libpersona: scanKnoxPersonas 09-30 09:29:06.182 31568 31568 E libpersona: Couldn't open the File - /data/system/users/0/personalist.xml - No such file or directory 09-30 09:29:06.184 31568 31568 W SELinux : SELinux selinux_android_compute_policy_index : Policy Index[2], Con:u:r:zygote:s0 RAM:SEPF_SM-T580_8.1.0_0008, [-1 -1 -1 -1 0 1] 09-30 09:29:06.197 2917 3104 E MdnieScenarioControlService: Exception : /sys/class/mdnie/mdnie/scenario (No such file or directory) , in : null , value : null , length : 0 09-30 09:29:06.197 2917 3104 W System.err: /sys/class/mdnie/mdnie/scenario (No such file or directory) 09-30 09:29:06.197 2917 3104 W System.err: at Method) 09-30 09:29:06.197 2917 3104 W System.err: at 09-30 09:29:06.197 2917 3104 W System.err: at 09-30 09:29:06.197 2917 3104 W System.err: at 09-30 09:29:06.197 2917 3104 W System.err: at 09-30 09:29:06.197 2917 3104 W System.err: at Source:0) 09-30 09:29:06.197 2917 3104 W System.err: at$MSCSControlHandler.handleMessage( 09-30 09:29:06.197 2917 3104 W System.err: at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage( 09-30 09:29:06.197 2917 3104 W System.err: at android.os.Looper.loop( 09-30 09:29:06.197 2917 3104 W System.err: at 09-30 09:29:06.259 31568 31582 E AASAservice-TokenRule: parseToken() : TokenFile is null 09-30 09:29:06.263 31332 31332 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.content.ContextWrapper.startService:669 android.content.ContextWrapper.startService:669 09-30 09:29:06.277 2917 7374 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.PACKAGE_ADDED flg=0x4000010 (has extras) } to$RegisteredReceiver 09-30 09:29:06.281 2917 10198 E AASATokenParser: set xml file does not exist 09-30 09:29:06.288 31568 31582 E AASAservice-IntentThread: AASAIntentThread : myrule is null. 09-30 09:29:06.306 2917 10198 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.PACKAGE_ADDED flg=0x4000010 (has extras) } to 09-30 09:29:06.307 2917 2932 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.PACKAGE_ADDED flg=0x4000010 (has extras) } to 09-30 09:29:06.307 2917 2932 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.PACKAGE_ADDED flg=0x4000010 (has extras) } to$PersistentTrustedReceiver 09-30 09:29:06.308 2917 2932 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.PACKAGE_ADDED flg=0x4000010 (has extras) } to 09-30 09:29:06.308 2917 2932 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.PACKAGE_ADDED flg=0x4000010 (has extras) } to 09-30 09:29:06.312 2917 2932 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.PACKAGE_ADDED flg=0x4000010 (has extras) } to 09-30 09:29:06.312 2917 2932 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.PACKAGE_ADDED flg=0x4000010 (has extras) } to 09-30 09:29:06.312 2917 2932 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.PACKAGE_ADDED flg=0x4000010 (has extras) } to 09-30 09:29:06.313 2917 2932 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.PACKAGE_ADDED flg=0x4000010 (has extras) } to 09-30 09:29:06.313 2917 2932 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.PACKAGE_ADDED flg=0x4000010 (has extras) } to 09-30 09:29:06.313 2917 2932 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.PACKAGE_ADDED flg=0x4000010 (has extras) } to 09-30 09:29:06.317 31407 31407 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.content.ContextWrapper.startService:669 android.content.ContextWrapper.startService:669 09-30 09:29:06.346 18192 31586 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.content.ContextWrapper.startService:669 android.content.ContextWrapper.startService:669 09-30 09:29:06.371 2917 7374 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.PACKAGE_ADDED flg=0x4000010 (has extras) } to 09-30 09:29:06.371 2917 2932 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.PACKAGE_ADDED flg=0x4000010 (has extras) } to 09-30 09:29:06.377 2917 10198 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.PACKAGE_ADDED flg=0x4000010 (has extras) } to com.wssnps/.stubdownload.smlNpsPackageReceiver 09-30 09:29:06.387 2917 7374 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.PACKAGE_REPLACED flg=0x4000010 (has extras) } to 09-30 09:29:06.389 2917 2932 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.PACKAGE_REPLACED flg=0x4000010 (has extras) } to 09-30 09:29:06.390 2917 2932 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.PACKAGE_REPLACED flg=0x4000010 (has extras) } to 09-30 09:29:06.391 2917 2932 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.PACKAGE_REPLACED flg=0x4000010 (has extras) } to 09-30 09:29:06.391 2917 2932 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.PACKAGE_REPLACED flg=0x4000010 (has extras) } to 09-30 09:29:06.391 2917 2932 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.PACKAGE_REPLACED flg=0x4000010 (has extras) } to$PersistentTrustedReceiver 09-30 09:29:06.391 2917 2932 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.PACKAGE_REPLACED flg=0x4000010 (has extras) } to 09-30 09:29:06.395 31407 31407 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.content.ContextWrapper.startService:669 android.content.ContextWrapper.startService:669 09-30 09:29:06.450 2917 3067 W Choreographer: Frame time is 5.369613 ms in the future! Check that graphics HAL is generating vsync timestamps using the correct timebase. 09-30 09:29:06.473 2917 13521 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.PACKAGE_REPLACED flg=0x4000010 (has extras) } to 09-30 09:29:06.473 2917 2932 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.PACKAGE_REPLACED flg=0x4000010 (has extras) } to 09-30 09:29:06.474 2917 2932 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.PACKAGE_REPLACED flg=0x4000010 (has extras) } to 09-30 09:29:06.474 2917 2932 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.PACKAGE_REPLACED flg=0x4000010 (has extras) } to 09-30 09:29:06.557 2646 2646 E audit : type=1400 audit(1633019346.541:612): avc: denied { read } for pid=31399 comm="" name="max_map_count" dev="proc" ino=247420 scontext=u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:proc:s0 tclass=file permissive=0 SEPF_SM-T580_8.1.0_0008 audit_filtered 09-30 09:29:06.557 2646 2646 E audit : type=1300 audit(1633019346.541:612): arch=40000028 syscall=322 per=8 success=no exit=-13 a0=ffffff9c a1=c74603ef a2=20000 a3=0 items=0 ppid=2661 pid=31399 auid=4294967295 uid=10171 gid=10171 euid=10171 suid=10171 fsuid=10171 egid=10171 sgid=10171 fsgid=10171 tty=(none) ses=4294967295 comm="" exe="/system/bin/app_process32" subj=u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c512,c768 key=(null) 09-30 09:29:06.558 2646 2646 E audit : type=1327 audit(1633019346.541:612): proctitle="" 09-30 09:29:06.560 31603 31603 E Zygote : isWhitelistProcess - Process is Whitelisted 09-30 09:29:06.560 31603 31603 E libpersona: scanKnoxPersonas 09-30 09:29:06.561 31603 31603 E libpersona: Couldn't open the File - /data/system/users/0/personalist.xml - No such file or directory 09-30 09:29:06.563 31603 31603 W SELinux : SELinux selinux_android_compute_policy_index : Policy Index[2], Con:u:r:zygote:s0 RAM:SEPF_SM-T580_8.1.0_0008, [-1 -1 -1 -1 0 1] 09-30 09:29:06.674 31603 31603 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.content.ContextWrapper.bindService:703 com.sec.bcservice.BroadcastService.onCreate:177 09-30 09:29:07.123 4072 4153 W ResourceType: ResTable_typeSpec entry count inconsistent: given 15, previously 23 09-30 09:29:07.124 4072 4153 W ResourceType: ResTable_typeSpec entry count inconsistent: given 2519, previously 2536 09-30 09:29:07.124 4072 4153 W ResourceType: ResTable_typeSpec entry count inconsistent: given 272, previously 1686 09-30 09:29:07.132 4072 4153 W ResourceType: ResTable_typeSpec entry count inconsistent: given 30, previously 36 09-30 09:29:07.134 4072 4153 W ResourceType: ResTable_typeSpec entry count inconsistent: given 2149, previously 2146 09-30 09:29:07.134 4072 4153 W ResourceType: ResTable_typeSpec entry count inconsistent: given 268, previously 1512 09-30 09:29:07.242 30931 30931 E adbd : recv: OPEN 00009a38 00000000 000a:74 63 70 3A 36 30 30 35 34 00 09-30 09:29:07.378 2917 2917 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user:$2.handleMessage:519 09-30 09:29:07.510 4072 4153 W ResourceType: ResTable_typeSpec entry count inconsistent: given 1310, previously 1354 09-30 09:29:07.972 30931 30931 E adbd : recv: OPEN 00009a39 00000000 000a:74 63 70 3A 36 30 30 35 34 00 09-30 09:29:14.536 2917 2932 W ActivityManager: Launch timeout has expired, giving up wake lock! 09-30 09:29:16.534 4275 4451 W ThreadPoolDumper: Queue length for executor EventBus is now 11. Perhaps some tasks are too long, or the pool is too small. 09-30 09:29:16.981 2917 3442 E Watchdog: !@Sync 599 [2021-09-30 09:29:16.980] 09-30 09:29:17.331 2917 3067 E WindowManager: win=Window{1d1c4b6 u0 Splash Screen EXITING} destroySurfaces: appStopped=false win.mWindowRemovalAllowed=true win.mRemoveOnExit=true win.mViewVisibility=0,$-com_android_server_wm_DisplayContent_21578:476 09-30 09:29:17.438 2917 3104 E MdnieScenarioControlService: Exception : /sys/class/mdnie/mdnie/scenario (No such file or directory) , in : null , value : null , length : 0 09-30 09:29:17.438 2917 3104 W System.err: /sys/class/mdnie/mdnie/scenario (No such file or directory) 09-30 09:29:17.438 2917 3104 W System.err: at Method) 09-30 09:29:17.438 2917 3104 W System.err: at 09-30 09:29:17.438 2917 3104 W System.err: at 09-30 09:29:17.438 2917 3104 W System.err: at 09-30 09:29:17.438 2917 3104 W System.err: at 09-30 09:29:17.438 2917 3104 W System.err: at Source:0) 09-30 09:29:17.438 2917 3104 W System.err: at$MSCSControlHandler.handleMessage( 09-30 09:29:17.438 2917 3104 W System.err: at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage( 09-30 09:29:17.438 2917 3104 W System.err: at android.os.Looper.loop( 09-30 09:29:17.438 2917 3104 W System.err: at 09-30 09:29:17.675 2917 5177 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage:106 09-30 09:29:20.408 3660 3755 W GetToken: [GetToken]GetToken failed with status code: BadAuthentication 09-30 09:29:20.425 3660 3755 W GLSActivity: 09-30 09:29:20.425 3660 3755 W GLSActivity: BadAuthentication 09-30 09:29:20.425 3660 3755 W GLSActivity: at gdi.getAuthToken( (040304-330018294):26) 09-30 09:29:20.425 3660 3755 W GLSActivity: at android.accounts.AbstractAccountAuthenticator$Transport.getAuthToken( 09-30 09:29:20.425 3660 3755 W GLSActivity: at android.accounts.IAccountAuthenticator$Stub.onTransact( 09-30 09:29:20.425 3660 3755 W GLSActivity: at android.os.Binder.transact( 09-30 09:29:20.425 3660 3755 W GLSActivity: at ctg.onTransact( (040304-330018294):2) 09-30 09:29:20.425 3660 3755 W GLSActivity: at android.os.Binder.transact( 09-30 09:29:20.425 3660 3755 W GLSActivity: at aaod.onTransact( (040304-330018294):17) 09-30 09:29:20.425 3660 3755 W GLSActivity: at android.os.Binder.execTransact( 09-30 09:29:20.601 3660 3755 W GetToken: [GetToken]GetToken failed with status code: BadAuthentication 09-30 09:29:20.625 3660 3755 W GLSActivity: 09-30 09:29:20.625 3660 3755 W GLSActivity: BadAuthentication 09-30 09:29:20.625 3660 3755 W GLSActivity: at gdi.getAuthToken( (040304-330018294):26) 09-30 09:29:20.625 3660 3755 W GLSActivity: at android.accounts.AbstractAccountAuthenticator$Transport.getAuthToken( 09-30 09:29:20.625 3660 3755 W GLSActivity: at android.accounts.IAccountAuthenticator$Stub.onTransact( 09-30 09:29:20.625 3660 3755 W GLSActivity: at android.os.Binder.transact( 09-30 09:29:20.625 3660 3755 W GLSActivity: at ctg.onTransact( (040304-330018294):2) 09-30 09:29:20.625 3660 3755 W GLSActivity: at android.os.Binder.transact( 09-30 09:29:20.625 3660 3755 W GLSActivity: at aaod.onTransact( (040304-330018294):17) 09-30 09:29:20.625 3660 3755 W GLSActivity: at android.os.Binder.execTransact( 09-30 09:29:20.980 3660 14761 W GetToken: [GetToken]GetToken failed with status code: BadAuthentication 09-30 09:29:21.006 3660 14761 W GLSActivity: 09-30 09:29:21.006 3660 14761 W GLSActivity: BadAuthentication 09-30 09:29:21.006 3660 14761 W GLSActivity: at gdi.getAuthToken( (040304-330018294):26) 09-30 09:29:21.006 3660 14761 W GLSActivity: at android.accounts.AbstractAccountAuthenticator$Transport.getAuthToken( 09-30 09:29:21.006 3660 14761 W GLSActivity: at android.accounts.IAccountAuthenticator$Stub.onTransact( 09-30 09:29:21.006 3660 14761 W GLSActivity: at android.os.Binder.transact( 09-30 09:29:21.006 3660 14761 W GLSActivity: at ctg.onTransact( (040304-330018294):2) 09-30 09:29:21.006 3660 14761 W GLSActivity: at android.os.Binder.transact( 09-30 09:29:21.006 3660 14761 W GLSActivity: at aaod.onTransact( (040304-330018294):17) 09-30 09:29:21.006 3660 14761 W GLSActivity: at android.os.Binder.execTransact( 09-30 09:29:21.008 2917 3118 W SamsungActivityManager: Too many (100) PendingIntent are generated 09-30 09:29:21.021 3660 14761 W GetToken: [GetToken]GetToken failed with status code: BadAuthentication 09-30 09:29:21.050 3660 14761 W GLSActivity: 09-30 09:29:21.050 3660 14761 W GLSActivity: BadAuthentication 09-30 09:29:21.050 3660 14761 W GLSActivity: at gdi.getAuthToken( (040304-330018294):26) 09-30 09:29:21.050 3660 14761 W GLSActivity: at android.accounts.AbstractAccountAuthenticator$Transport.getAuthToken( 09-30 09:29:21.050 3660 14761 W GLSActivity: at android.accounts.IAccountAuthenticator$Stub.onTransact( 09-30 09:29:21.050 3660 14761 W GLSActivity: at android.os.Binder.transact( 09-30 09:29:21.050 3660 14761 W GLSActivity: at ctg.onTransact( (040304-330018294):2) 09-30 09:29:21.050 3660 14761 W GLSActivity: at android.os.Binder.transact( 09-30 09:29:21.050 3660 14761 W GLSActivity: at aaod.onTransact( (040304-330018294):17) 09-30 09:29:21.050 3660 14761 W GLSActivity: at android.os.Binder.execTransact( 09-30 09:29:21.459 3660 14761 W GetToken: [GetToken]GetToken failed with status code: BadAuthentication 09-30 09:29:21.472 3660 14761 W GLSActivity: 09-30 09:29:21.472 3660 14761 W GLSActivity: BadAuthentication 09-30 09:29:21.472 3660 14761 W GLSActivity: at gdi.getAuthToken( (040304-330018294):26) 09-30 09:29:21.472 3660 14761 W GLSActivity: at android.accounts.AbstractAccountAuthenticator$Transport.getAuthToken( 09-30 09:29:21.472 3660 14761 W GLSActivity: at android.accounts.IAccountAuthenticator$Stub.onTransact( 09-30 09:29:21.472 3660 14761 W GLSActivity: at android.os.Binder.transact( 09-30 09:29:21.472 3660 14761 W GLSActivity: at ctg.onTransact( (040304-330018294):2) 09-30 09:29:21.472 3660 14761 W GLSActivity: at android.os.Binder.transact( 09-30 09:29:21.472 3660 14761 W GLSActivity: at aaod.onTransact( (040304-330018294):17) 09-30 09:29:21.472 3660 14761 W GLSActivity: at android.os.Binder.execTransact( 09-30 09:29:21.479 3660 14761 W GetToken: [GetToken]GetToken failed with status code: BadAuthentication 09-30 09:29:21.492 3660 14761 W GLSActivity: 09-30 09:29:21.492 3660 14761 W GLSActivity: BadAuthentication 09-30 09:29:21.492 3660 14761 W GLSActivity: at gdi.getAuthToken( (040304-330018294):26) 09-30 09:29:21.492 3660 14761 W GLSActivity: at android.accounts.AbstractAccountAuthenticator$Transport.getAuthToken( 09-30 09:29:21.492 3660 14761 W GLSActivity: at android.accounts.IAccountAuthenticator$Stub.onTransact( 09-30 09:29:21.492 3660 14761 W GLSActivity: at android.os.Binder.transact( 09-30 09:29:21.492 3660 14761 W GLSActivity: at ctg.onTransact( (040304-330018294):2) 09-30 09:29:21.492 3660 14761 W GLSActivity: at android.os.Binder.transact( 09-30 09:29:21.492 3660 14761 W GLSActivity: at aaod.onTransact( (040304-330018294):17) 09-30 09:29:21.492 3660 14761 W GLSActivity: at android.os.Binder.execTransact( 09-30 09:29:21.740 2917 7840 W Binder : Outgoing transactions from this process must be FLAG_ONEWAY 09-30 09:29:21.740 2917 7840 W Binder : java.lang.Throwable 09-30 09:29:21.740 2917 7840 W Binder : at android.os.BinderProxy.transact( 09-30 09:29:21.740 2917 7840 W Binder : at$ParcelTransferReader.fetchData( 09-30 09:29:21.740 2917 7840 W Binder : at$ParcelTransferReader.go( 09-30 09:29:21.740 2917 7840 W Binder : at 09-30 09:29:21.740 2917 7840 W Binder : at$1.send( 09-30 09:29:21.740 2917 7840 W Binder : at 09-30 09:29:21.740 2917 7840 W Binder : at$Stub.onTransact( 09-30 09:29:21.740 2917 7840 W Binder : at 09-30 09:29:21.740 2917 7840 W Binder : at android.os.Binder.execTransact( 09-30 09:29:21.953 3363 3363 W SKBDC : TymeCore key count 48 09-30 09:29:21.959 3660 3660 W kxx : Pending fill request while another request in the same session was triggered. [CONTEXT service_id=177 ] 09-30 09:29:21.970 3363 3363 E SKBD : ako Editor info is null 09-30 09:29:22.028 3363 3363 W SKBDC : TymeCore key count 51 09-30 09:29:22.030 3363 3363 E SKBDC : SSTAC init()::current version is 3.01.01.U1.T1 09-30 09:29:22.030 3363 3363 E SKBDC : SSTAC [init] mLanguageCode : 589872, tempLanguageCode : 589872, getPreloadLmLoadSuccessState() : 1 09-30 09:29:22.040 3363 3363 W SKBDC : SSTAC SSTAC: 0 49 21 12 115 72 09-30 09:29:22.040 3363 3363 W SKBDC : SSTAC SSTAC: 1 50 127 12 221 72 09-30 09:29:22.040 3363 3363 W SKBDC : SSTAC SSTAC: 2 51 233 12 327 72 09-30 09:29:22.040 3363 3363 W SKBDC : SSTAC SSTAC: 3 52 339 12 433 72 09-30 09:29:22.040 3363 3363 W SKBDC : SSTAC SSTAC: 4 53 445 12 539 72 09-30 09:29:22.040 3363 3363 W SKBDC : SSTAC SSTAC: 5 54 551 12 645 72 09-30 09:29:22.040 3363 3363 W SKBDC : SSTAC SSTAC: 6 55 657 12 751 72 09-30 09:29:22.040 3363 3363 W SKBDC : SSTAC SSTAC: 7 56 763 12 857 72 09-30 09:29:22.040 3363 3363 W SKBDC : SSTAC SSTAC: 8 57 869 12 963 72 09-30 09:29:22.040 3363 3363 W SKBDC : SSTAC SSTAC: 9 48 975 12 1069 72 09-30 09:29:22.040 3363 3363 W SKBDC : SSTAC SSTAC: 10 -1003 1081 12 1179 72 09-30 09:29:22.040 3363 3363 W SKBDC : SSTAC SSTAC: 11 113 21 81 115 165 09-30 09:29:22.040 3363 3363 W SKBDC : SSTAC SSTAC: 12 119 127 81 221 165 09-30 09:29:22.040 3363 3363 W SKBDC : SSTAC SSTAC: 13 101 233 81 327 165 09-30 09:29:22.040 3363 3363 W SKBDC : SSTAC SSTAC: 14 114 339 81 433 165 09-30 09:29:22.040 3363 3363 W SKBDC : SSTAC SSTAC: 15 116 445 81 539 165 09-30 09:29:22.040 3363 3363 W SKBDC : SSTAC SSTAC: 16 121 551 81 645 165 09-30 09:29:22.040 3363 3363 W SKBDC : SSTAC SSTAC: 17 117 657 81 751 165 09-30 09:29:22.040 3363 3363 W SKBDC : SSTAC SSTAC: 18 105 763 81 857 165 09-30 09:29:22.040 3363 3363 W SKBDC : SSTAC SSTAC: 19 111 869 81 963 165 09-30 09:29:22.040 3363 3363 W SKBDC : SSTAC SSTAC: 20 112 975 81 1069 165 09-30 09:29:22.040 3363 3363 W SKBDC : SSTAC SSTAC: 21 -5 1081 81 1179 165 09-30 09:29:22.040 3363 3363 W SKBDC : SSTAC SSTAC: 22 97 75 174 169 258 09-30 09:29:22.040 3363 3363 W SKBDC : SSTAC SSTAC: 23 115 181 174 275 258 09-30 09:29:22.040 3363 3363 W SKBDC : SSTAC SSTAC: 24 100 287 174 381 258 09-30 09:29:22.040 3363 3363 W SKBDC : SSTAC SSTAC: 25 102 393 174 487 258 09-30 09:29:22.040 3363 3363 W SKBDC : SSTAC SSTAC: 26 103 499 174 593 258 09-30 09:29:22.040 3363 3363 W SKBDC : SSTAC SSTAC: 27 104 605 174 699 258 09-30 09:29:22.040 3363 3363 W SKBDC : SSTAC SSTAC: 28 106 711 174 805 258 09-30 09:29:22.040 3363 3363 W SKBDC : SSTAC SSTAC: 29 107 817 174 911 258 09-30 09:29:22.040 3363 3363 W SKBDC : SSTAC SSTAC: 30 108 923 174 1017 258 09-30 09:29:22.040 3363 3363 W SKBDC : SSTAC SSTAC: 31 10 1029 174 1179 258 09-30 09:29:22.040 3363 3363 W SKBDC : SSTAC SSTAC: 32 -400 21 267 115 351 09-30 09:29:22.040 3363 3363 W SKBDC : SSTAC SSTAC: 33 122 127 267 221 351 09-30 09:29:22.040 3363 3363 W SKBDC : SSTAC SSTAC: 34 120 233 267 327 351 09-30 09:29:22.040 3363 3363 W SKBDC : SSTAC SSTAC: 35 99 339 267 433 351 09-30 09:29:22.040 3363 3363 W SKBDC : SSTAC SSTAC: 36 118 445 267 539 351 09-30 09:29:22.040 3363 3363 W SKBDC : SSTAC SSTAC: 37 98 551 267 645 351 09-30 09:29:22.040 3363 3363 W SKBDC : SSTAC SSTAC: 38 110 657 267 751 351 09-30 09:29:22.040 3363 3363 W SKBDC : SSTAC SSTAC: 39 109 763 267 857 351 09-30 09:29:22.040 3363 3363 W SKBDC : SSTAC SSTAC: 40 -124 869 267 963 351 09-30 09:29:22.041 3363 3363 W SKBDC : SSTAC SSTAC: 41 -122 975 267 1069 351 09-30 09:29:22.041 3363 3363 W SKBDC : SSTAC SSTAC: 42 -410 1081 267 1179 351 09-30 09:29:22.041 3363 3363 W SKBDC : SSTAC SSTAC: 43 -1000 21 360 115 444 09-30 09:29:22.041 3363 3363 W SKBDC : SSTAC SSTAC: 44 -102 127 360 221 444 09-30 09:29:22.041 3363 3363 W SKBDC : SSTAC SSTAC: 45 64 233 360 327 444 09-30 09:29:22.041 3363 3363 W SKBDC : SSTAC SSTAC: 46 32 339 360 752 444 09-30 09:29:22.041 3363 3363 W SKBDC : SSTAC SSTAC: 47 59 764 360 858 444 09-30 09:29:22.041 3363 3363 W SKBDC : SSTAC SSTAC: 48 -114 870 360 964 444 09-30 09:29:22.041 3363 3363 W SKBDC : SSTAC SSTAC: 49 -1001 976 360 1070 444 09-30 09:29:22.041 3363 3363 W SKBDC : SSTAC SSTAC: 50 -1002 1082 360 1179 444 09-30 09:29:22.043 3363 3363 W SKBDC : MovAreaStore File Error while reading 1 09-30 09:29:22.043 3363 3363 E TIPLib : [setActivateKeypad] The function setActivateKeypad is deprecated! Please, use setActiveKeypad. 09-30 09:29:22.046 3363 3406 W zygote : Checksum mismatch for dex SamsungIMEv3.2.apk 09-30 09:29:22.046 3363 3406 W zygote : Checksum mismatch for dex SamsungIMEv3.2.apk 09-30 09:29:22.056 3363 3363 E SKBD : anw setInputMode, Cannot set Ambiguous or MultiTap with INPUT_QWERTY 09-30 09:29:22.069 3363 3363 E SKBD : avw live message package not found 09-30 09:29:22.069 3363 3363 E SKBD :$NameNotFoundException: 09-30 09:29:22.069 3363 3363 E SKBD : at 09-30 09:29:22.069 3363 3363 E SKBD : at 09-30 09:29:22.069 3363 3363 E SKBD : at avw.g(SourceFile:88) 09-30 09:29:22.069 3363 3363 E SKBD : at avw.(SourceFile:25) 09-30 09:29:22.069 3363 3363 E SKBD : at avw.(SourceFile:16) 09-30 09:29:22.069 3363 3363 E SKBD : at avw$a.(SourceFile:33) 09-30 09:29:22.069 3363 3363 E SKBD : at avw$a.a(SourceFile:28) 09-30 09:29:22.069 3363 3363 E SKBD : at avw.a(SourceFile:37) 09-30 09:29:22.069 3363 3363 E SKBD : at ako.k(SourceFile:2430) 09-30 09:29:22.069 3363 3363 E SKBD : at ako.f(SourceFile:1861) 09-30 09:29:22.069 3363 3363 E SKBD : at ako.b(SourceFile:1777) 09-30 09:29:22.069 3363 3363 E SKBD : at 09-30 09:29:22.069 3363 3363 E SKBD : at 09-30 09:29:22.069 3363 3363 E SKBD : at android.inputmethodservice.InputMethodService.doStartInput( 09-30 09:29:22.069 3363 3363 E SKBD : at android.inputmethodservice.InputMethodService$InputMethodImpl.restartInput( 09-30 09:29:22.069 3363 3363 E SKBD : at android.inputmethodservice.InputMethodService$InputMethodImpl.dispatchStartInputWithToken( 09-30 09:29:22.069 3363 3363 E SKBD : at android.inputmethodservice.IInputMethodWrapper.executeMessage( 09-30 09:29:22.069 3363 3363 E SKBD : at$MyHandler.handleMessage( 09-30 09:29:22.069 3363 3363 E SKBD : at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage( 09-30 09:29:22.069 3363 3363 E SKBD : at android.os.Looper.loop( 09-30 09:29:22.069 3363 3363 E SKBD : at 09-30 09:29:22.069 3363 3363 E SKBD : at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method) 09-30 09:29:22.069 3363 3363 E SKBD : at$ 09-30 09:29:22.069 3363 3363 E SKBD : at 09-30 09:29:22.145 3363 3363 E SKBD : bbd [USICM][getSelectedText] updated, but null is returned 09-30 09:29:22.382 3660 4589 W ksi : Infinite Data has no result for [CONTEXT service_id=177 ] 09-30 09:29:22.383 3660 4590 W ksi : Infinite Data has no result for [CONTEXT service_id=177 ] 09-30 09:29:22.394 3660 14761 W GetToken: [GetToken]GetToken failed with status code: BadAuthentication 09-30 09:29:22.397 3660 7190 W ksi : Infinite Data has no result for [CONTEXT service_id=177 ] 09-30 09:29:22.399 3660 7190 W ksi : Infinite Data has no result for [CONTEXT service_id=177 ] 09-30 09:29:22.412 3660 14761 W GLSActivity: 09-30 09:29:22.412 3660 14761 W GLSActivity: BadAuthentication 09-30 09:29:22.412 3660 14761 W GLSActivity: at gdi.getAuthToken( (040304-330018294):26) 09-30 09:29:22.412 3660 14761 W GLSActivity: at android.accounts.AbstractAccountAuthenticator$Transport.getAuthToken( 09-30 09:29:22.412 3660 14761 W GLSActivity: at android.accounts.IAccountAuthenticator$Stub.onTransact( 09-30 09:29:22.412 3660 14761 W GLSActivity: at android.os.Binder.transact( 09-30 09:29:22.412 3660 14761 W GLSActivity: at ctg.onTransact( (040304-330018294):2) 09-30 09:29:22.412 3660 14761 W GLSActivity: at android.os.Binder.transact( 09-30 09:29:22.412 3660 14761 W GLSActivity: at aaod.onTransact( (040304-330018294):17) 09-30 09:29:22.412 3660 14761 W GLSActivity: at android.os.Binder.execTransact( 09-30 09:29:22.422 3660 14761 W GetToken: [GetToken]GetToken failed with status code: BadAuthentication 09-30 09:29:22.427 30645 31685 W PlayCommon: [1552] ammr.k(226): Deferring log upload because couldn't retrieve auth token 09-30 09:29:22.463 3660 14761 W GLSActivity: 09-30 09:29:22.463 3660 14761 W GLSActivity: BadAuthentication 09-30 09:29:22.463 3660 14761 W GLSActivity: at gdi.getAuthToken( (040304-330018294):26) 09-30 09:29:22.463 3660 14761 W GLSActivity: at android.accounts.AbstractAccountAuthenticator$Transport.getAuthToken( 09-30 09:29:22.463 3660 14761 W GLSActivity: at android.accounts.IAccountAuthenticator$Stub.onTransact( 09-30 09:29:22.463 3660 14761 W GLSActivity: at android.os.Binder.transact( 09-30 09:29:22.463 3660 14761 W GLSActivity: at ctg.onTransact( (040304-330018294):2) 09-30 09:29:22.463 3660 14761 W GLSActivity: at android.os.Binder.transact( 09-30 09:29:22.463 3660 14761 W GLSActivity: at aaod.onTransact( (040304-330018294):17) 09-30 09:29:22.463 3660 14761 W GLSActivity: at android.os.Binder.execTransact( 09-30 09:29:22.470 30645 31683 W PlayCommon: [1551] ammr.k(226): Deferring log upload because couldn't retrieve auth token 09-30 09:29:22.477 3660 14761 W GetToken: [GetToken]GetToken failed with status code: BadAuthentication 09-30 09:29:22.502 3660 14761 W GLSActivity: 09-30 09:29:22.502 3660 14761 W GLSActivity: BadAuthentication 09-30 09:29:22.502 3660 14761 W GLSActivity: at gdi.getAuthToken( (040304-330018294):26) 09-30 09:29:22.502 3660 14761 W GLSActivity: at android.accounts.AbstractAccountAuthenticator$Transport.getAuthToken( 09-30 09:29:22.502 3660 14761 W GLSActivity: at android.accounts.IAccountAuthenticator$Stub.onTransact( 09-30 09:29:22.502 3660 14761 W GLSActivity: at android.os.Binder.transact( 09-30 09:29:22.502 3660 14761 W GLSActivity: at ctg.onTransact( (040304-330018294):2) 09-30 09:29:22.502 3660 14761 W GLSActivity: at android.os.Binder.transact( 09-30 09:29:22.502 3660 14761 W GLSActivity: at aaod.onTransact( (040304-330018294):17) 09-30 09:29:22.502 3660 14761 W GLSActivity: at android.os.Binder.execTransact( 09-30 09:29:22.516 3660 14761 W GetToken: [GetToken]GetToken failed with status code: BadAuthentication 09-30 09:29:22.560 3660 14761 W GLSActivity: 09-30 09:29:22.560 3660 14761 W GLSActivity: BadAuthentication 09-30 09:29:22.560 3660 14761 W GLSActivity: at gdi.getAuthToken( (040304-330018294):26) 09-30 09:29:22.560 3660 14761 W GLSActivity: at android.accounts.AbstractAccountAuthenticator$Transport.getAuthToken( 09-30 09:29:22.560 3660 14761 W GLSActivity: at android.accounts.IAccountAuthenticator$Stub.onTransact( 09-30 09:29:22.560 3660 14761 W GLSActivity: at android.os.Binder.transact( 09-30 09:29:22.560 3660 14761 W GLSActivity: at ctg.onTransact( (040304-330018294):2) 09-30 09:29:22.560 3660 14761 W GLSActivity: at android.os.Binder.transact( 09-30 09:29:22.560 3660 14761 W GLSActivity: at aaod.onTransact( (040304-330018294):17) 09-30 09:29:22.560 3660 14761 W GLSActivity: at android.os.Binder.execTransact( 09-30 09:29:22.576 2917 10198 W ActivityManager: Unable to start service Intent { } U=0: not found 09-30 09:29:22.579 2917 3475 W ActivityManager: Unbind failed: could not find connection for android.os.BinderProxy@24ac3bd 09-30 09:29:22.580 4428 4544 E GmsClient: unable to connect to service: on 09-30 09:29:22.657 4428 4676 E cliv : *~*~*~ Channel {0} was not shutdown properly!!! ~*~*~* 09-30 09:29:22.657 4428 4676 E cliv : Make sure to call shutdown()/shutdownNow() and wait until awaitTermination() returns true. 09-30 09:29:22.657 4428 4676 E cliv : java.lang.RuntimeException: ManagedChannel allocation site 09-30 09:29:22.657 4428 4676 E cliv : at cliu.( (040304-330018294):3) 09-30 09:29:22.657 4428 4676 E cliv : at cliv.( (040304-330018294):2) 09-30 09:29:22.657 4428 4676 E cliv : at clck.b( (040304-330018294):21) 09-30 09:29:22.657 4428 4676 E cliv : at srs.a( (040304-330018294):27) 09-30 09:29:22.657 4428 4676 E cliv : at srs.a( (040304-330018294):34) 09-30 09:29:22.657 4428 4676 E cliv : at rfj.b( (040304-330018294):15) 09-30 09:29:22.657 4428 4676 E cliv : at rfd.c( (040304-330018294):1) 09-30 09:29:22.657 4428 4676 E cliv : at rey.a( (040304-330018294):2) 09-30 09:29:22.657 4428 4676 E cliv : at rey.a( (040304-330018294):31) 09-30 09:29:22.657 4428 4676 E cliv : at (040304-330018294):16) 09-30 09:29:22.657 4428 4676 E cliv : at (040304-330018294):2) 09-30 09:29:22.657 4428 4676 E cliv : at qtu.onHandleIntent( (040304-330018294):4) 09-30 09:29:22.657 4428 4676 E cliv : at (040304-330018294):5) 09-30 09:29:22.657 4428 4676 E cliv : at (040304-330018294):10) 09-30 09:29:22.657 4428 4676 E cliv : at (040304-330018294):2) 09-30 09:29:22.657 4428 4676 E cliv : at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker( 09-30 09:29:22.657 4428 4676 E cliv : at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$ 09-30 09:29:22.657 4428 4676 E cliv : at 09-30 09:29:22.681 3660 7086 W GetToken: [GetToken]GetToken failed with status code: BadAuthentication 09-30 09:29:22.707 4428 4676 W Auth : [GoogleAuthUtil] GoogleAuthUtil 09-30 09:29:22.709 4428 4676 W ChromeSync: 09-30 09:29:22.709 4428 4676 W ChromeSync: rbb: BadAuthentication 09-30 09:29:22.709 4428 4676 W ChromeSync: at rfj.b( (040304-330018294):16) 09-30 09:29:22.709 4428 4676 W ChromeSync: at rfd.c( (040304-330018294):1) 09-30 09:29:22.709 4428 4676 W ChromeSync: at rey.a( (040304-330018294):2) 09-30 09:29:22.709 4428 4676 W ChromeSync: at rey.a( (040304-330018294):31) 09-30 09:29:22.709 4428 4676 W ChromeSync: at rca.b( (040304-330018294):2) 09-30 09:29:22.709 4428 4676 W ChromeSync: at rbu.a( (040304-330018294):5) 09-30 09:29:22.709 4428 4676 W ChromeSync: at (040304-330018294):11) 09-30 09:29:22.709 4428 4676 W ChromeSync: at (040304-330018294):2) 09-30 09:29:22.709 4428 4676 W ChromeSync: at sxf.b( (040304-330018294):12) 09-30 09:29:22.709 4428 4676 W ChromeSync: at (040304-330018294):7) 09-30 09:29:22.709 4428 4676 W ChromeSync: at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker( 09-30 09:29:22.709 4428 4676 W ChromeSync: at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$ 09-30 09:29:22.709 4428 4676 W ChromeSync: at (040304-330018294):0) 09-30 09:29:22.709 4428 4676 W ChromeSync: at 09-30 09:29:22.709 4428 4676 W ChromeSync: Caused by: BadAuthentication 09-30 09:29:22.709 4428 4676 W ChromeSync: at gbm.a( (040304-330018294):3) 09-30 09:29:22.709 4428 4676 W ChromeSync: at gbg.a( (040304-330018294):0) 09-30 09:29:22.709 4428 4676 W ChromeSync: at gbm.a( (040304-330018294):8) 09-30 09:29:22.709 4428 4676 W ChromeSync: at gbm.c( (040304-330018294):15) 09-30 09:29:22.709 4428 4676 W ChromeSync: at gbm.b( (040304-330018294):1) 09-30 09:29:22.709 4428 4676 W ChromeSync: at gbf.a( (040304-330018294):17) 09-30 09:29:22.709 4428 4676 W ChromeSync: at sss.b( (040304-330018294):0) 09-30 09:29:22.709 4428 4676 W ChromeSync: at sre.d( (040304-330018294):4) 09-30 09:29:22.709 4428 4676 W ChromeSync: at srs.a( (040304-330018294):35) 09-30 09:29:22.709 4428 4676 W ChromeSync: at rfj.b( (040304-330018294):15) 09-30 09:29:22.709 4428 4676 W ChromeSync: ... 13 more 09-30 09:29:22.710 4428 4676 E AsyncOperation: serviceID=80, operation=ListAffiliations [CONTEXT service_id=259 ] 09-30 09:29:22.710 4428 4676 E AsyncOperation: OperationException[Status{statusCode=Internal error., resolution=null}] 09-30 09:29:22.710 4428 4676 E AsyncOperation: at rbu.a( (040304-330018294):13) 09-30 09:29:22.710 4428 4676 E AsyncOperation: at (040304-330018294):11) 09-30 09:29:22.710 4428 4676 E AsyncOperation: at (040304-330018294):2) 09-30 09:29:22.710 4428 4676 E AsyncOperation: at sxf.b( (040304-330018294):12) 09-30 09:29:22.710 4428 4676 E AsyncOperation: at (040304-330018294):7) 09-30 09:29:22.710 4428 4676 E AsyncOperation: at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker( 09-30 09:29:22.710 4428 4676 E AsyncOperation: at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$ 09-30 09:29:22.710 4428 4676 E AsyncOperation: at (040304-330018294):0) 09-30 09:29:22.710 4428 4676 E AsyncOperation: at 09-30 09:29:22.710 4428 4676 E AsyncOperation: Caused by: rbb: BadAuthentication 09-30 09:29:22.710 4428 4676 E AsyncOperation: at rfj.b( (040304-330018294):16) 09-30 09:29:22.710 4428 4676 E AsyncOperation: at rfd.c( (040304-330018294):1) 09-30 09:29:22.710 4428 4676 E AsyncOperation: at rey.a( (040304-330018294):2) 09-30 09:29:22.710 4428 4676 E AsyncOperation: at rey.a( (040304-330018294):31) 09-30 09:29:22.710 4428 4676 E AsyncOperation: at rca.b( (040304-330018294):2) 09-30 09:29:22.710 4428 4676 E AsyncOperation: at rbu.a( (040304-330018294):5) 09-30 09:29:22.710 4428 4676 E AsyncOperation: ... 8 more 09-30 09:29:22.710 4428 4676 E AsyncOperation: Caused by: BadAuthentication 09-30 09:29:22.710 4428 4676 E AsyncOperation: at gbm.a( (040304-330018294):3) 09-30 09:29:22.710 4428 4676 E AsyncOperation: at gbg.a( (040304-330018294):0) 09-30 09:29:22.710 4428 4676 E AsyncOperation: at gbm.a( (040304-330018294):8) 09-30 09:29:22.710 4428 4676 E AsyncOperation: at gbm.c( (040304-330018294):15) 09-30 09:29:22.710 4428 4676 E AsyncOperation: at gbm.b( (040304-330018294):1) 09-30 09:29:22.710 4428 4676 E AsyncOperation: at gbf.a( (040304-330018294):17) 09-30 09:29:22.710 4428 4676 E AsyncOperation: at sss.b( (040304-330018294):0) 09-30 09:29:22.710 4428 4676 E AsyncOperation: at sre.d( (040304-330018294):4) 09-30 09:29:22.710 4428 4676 E AsyncOperation: at srs.a( (040304-330018294):35) 09-30 09:29:22.710 4428 4676 E AsyncOperation: at rfj.b( (040304-330018294):15) 09-30 09:29:22.710 4428 4676 E AsyncOperation: ... 13 more 09-30 09:29:22.722 3660 7086 W jsr : [CONTEXT service_id=177 ] 09-30 09:29:22.722 3660 7086 W jsr : rsw: 8: Internal error. 09-30 09:29:22.722 3660 7086 W jsr : at skj.a( (040304-330018294):2) 09-30 09:29:22.722 3660 7086 W jsr : at rbo.a( (040304-330018294):12) 09-30 09:29:22.722 3660 7086 W jsr : at rbi.a( (040304-330018294):0) 09-30 09:29:22.722 3660 7086 W jsr : at cpk.onTransact( (040304-330018294):8) 09-30 09:29:22.722 3660 7086 W jsr : at android.os.Binder.execTransact( 09-30 09:29:22.937 2917 2933 W Looper : Dispatch took 103ms on android.ui, h=Handler (android.os.Handler) {83cfb0c}$Lambda$CJSLmckRMp4fHqnN2ZN5WFtAFP8$2@b46f536 msg=0 09-30 09:29:23.076 3660 7086 W GetToken: [GetToken]GetToken failed with status code: BadAuthentication 09-30 09:29:23.090 3660 31415 W Conscrypt: Could not set socket write timeout: Socket closed 09-30 09:29:23.090 3660 31415 W Conscrypt: at (040304-330018294):2) 09-30 09:29:23.090 3660 31415 W Conscrypt: at (040304-330018294):0) 09-30 09:29:23.096 3660 7086 W GLSActivity: 09-30 09:29:23.096 3660 7086 W GLSActivity: BadAuthentication 09-30 09:29:23.096 3660 7086 W GLSActivity: at gdi.getAuthToken( (040304-330018294):26) 09-30 09:29:23.096 3660 7086 W GLSActivity: at android.accounts.AbstractAccountAuthenticator$Transport.getAuthToken( 09-30 09:29:23.096 3660 7086 W GLSActivity: at android.accounts.IAccountAuthenticator$Stub.onTransact( 09-30 09:29:23.096 3660 7086 W GLSActivity: at android.os.Binder.transact( 09-30 09:29:23.096 3660 7086 W GLSActivity: at ctg.onTransact( (040304-330018294):2) 09-30 09:29:23.096 3660 7086 W GLSActivity: at android.os.Binder.transact( 09-30 09:29:23.096 3660 7086 W GLSActivity: at aaod.onTransact( (040304-330018294):17) 09-30 09:29:23.096 3660 7086 W GLSActivity: at android.os.Binder.execTransact( 09-30 09:29:23.107 3660 6906 W GetToken: [GetToken]GetToken failed with status code: BadAuthentication 09-30 09:29:23.123 3660 6906 W GLSActivity: 09-30 09:29:23.123 3660 6906 W GLSActivity: BadAuthentication 09-30 09:29:23.123 3660 6906 W GLSActivity: at gdi.getAuthToken( (040304-330018294):26) 09-30 09:29:23.123 3660 6906 W GLSActivity: at android.accounts.AbstractAccountAuthenticator$Transport.getAuthToken( 09-30 09:29:23.123 3660 6906 W GLSActivity: at android.accounts.IAccountAuthenticator$Stub.onTransact( 09-30 09:29:23.123 3660 6906 W GLSActivity: at android.os.Binder.transact( 09-30 09:29:23.123 3660 6906 W GLSActivity: at ctg.onTransact( (040304-330018294):2) 09-30 09:29:23.123 3660 6906 W GLSActivity: at android.os.Binder.transact( 09-30 09:29:23.123 3660 6906 W GLSActivity: at aaod.onTransact( (040304-330018294):17) 09-30 09:29:23.123 3660 6906 W GLSActivity: at android.os.Binder.execTransact( 09-30 09:29:23.151 3660 31415 W Conscrypt: Could not set socket write timeout: Socket closed 09-30 09:29:23.151 3660 31415 W Conscrypt: at (040304-330018294):2) 09-30 09:29:23.151 3660 31415 W Conscrypt: at (040304-330018294):0) 09-30 09:29:23.447 3660 7086 W GetToken: [GetToken]GetToken failed with status code: BadAuthentication 09-30 09:29:23.464 3660 7086 W GLSActivity: 09-30 09:29:23.464 3660 7086 W GLSActivity: BadAuthentication 09-30 09:29:23.464 3660 7086 W GLSActivity: at gdi.getAuthToken( (040304-330018294):26) 09-30 09:29:23.464 3660 7086 W GLSActivity: at android.accounts.AbstractAccountAuthenticator$Transport.getAuthToken( 09-30 09:29:23.464 3660 7086 W GLSActivity: at android.accounts.IAccountAuthenticator$Stub.onTransact( 09-30 09:29:23.464 3660 7086 W GLSActivity: at android.os.Binder.transact( 09-30 09:29:23.464 3660 7086 W GLSActivity: at ctg.onTransact( (040304-330018294):2) 09-30 09:29:23.464 3660 7086 W GLSActivity: at android.os.Binder.transact( 09-30 09:29:23.464 3660 7086 W GLSActivity: at aaod.onTransact( (040304-330018294):17) 09-30 09:29:23.464 3660 7086 W GLSActivity: at android.os.Binder.execTransact( 09-30 09:29:23.474 3660 7086 W GetToken: [GetToken]GetToken failed with status code: BadAuthentication 09-30 09:29:23.490 3660 7086 W GLSActivity: 09-30 09:29:23.490 3660 7086 W GLSActivity: BadAuthentication 09-30 09:29:23.490 3660 7086 W GLSActivity: at gdi.getAuthToken( (040304-330018294):26) 09-30 09:29:23.490 3660 7086 W GLSActivity: at android.accounts.AbstractAccountAuthenticator$Transport.getAuthToken( 09-30 09:29:23.490 3660 7086 W GLSActivity: at android.accounts.IAccountAuthenticator$Stub.onTransact( 09-30 09:29:23.490 3660 7086 W GLSActivity: at android.os.Binder.transact( 09-30 09:29:23.490 3660 7086 W GLSActivity: at ctg.onTransact( (040304-330018294):2) 09-30 09:29:23.490 3660 7086 W GLSActivity: at android.os.Binder.transact( 09-30 09:29:23.490 3660 7086 W GLSActivity: at aaod.onTransact( (040304-330018294):17) 09-30 09:29:23.490 3660 7086 W GLSActivity: at android.os.Binder.execTransact( 09-30 09:29:24.304 3363 3363 E SKBD : bbl Dismiss keyPreviewView is null 09-30 09:29:24.373 31399 31399 W IInputConnectionWrapper: getExtractedText on inactive InputConnection 09-30 09:29:24.401 3363 3363 W SKBDC : TymeCore key count 51 09-30 09:29:24.426 3363 3363 E SKBD : brl get previous 09-30 09:29:24.438 3363 3363 W SKBDC : TymeCore key count 51 09-30 09:29:24.440 3363 3363 W SKBDC : MovAreaStore File Error while reading 1 09-30 09:29:24.441 3363 3363 E TIPLib : [setActivateKeypad] The function setActivateKeypad is deprecated! Please, use setActiveKeypad. 09-30 09:29:24.452 3363 3363 E SKBD : anw setInputMode, Cannot set Ambiguous or MultiTap with INPUT_QWERTY 09-30 09:29:24.576 2917 3067 E WindowManager: win=Window{3c5853c u0 PopupWindow:82a8da3 EXITING} destroySurfaces: appStopped=false win.mWindowRemovalAllowed=true win.mRemoveOnExit=true win.mViewVisibility=0, 09-30 09:29:24.820 31399 31399 W IInputConnectionWrapper: getExtractedText on inactive InputConnection 09-30 09:29:24.833 3363 3363 W SKBDC : TymeCore key count 51 09-30 09:29:24.847 3363 3363 E SKBD : brl get previous 09-30 09:29:24.849 2917 2935 E BatteryExternalStatsWorker: no controller energy info supplied for bluetooth 09-30 09:29:24.850 3347 3347 E PhoneInterfaceManager: [PhoneIntfMgr] queryModemActivityInfo: Empty response 09-30 09:29:24.852 3363 3363 W SKBDC : TymeCore key count 51 09-30 09:29:24.854 3363 3363 W SKBDC : MovAreaStore File Error while reading 1 09-30 09:29:24.854 3363 3363 E TIPLib : [setActivateKeypad] The function setActivateKeypad is deprecated! Please, use setActiveKeypad. 09-30 09:29:24.859 3363 3363 E SKBD : anw setInputMode, Cannot set Ambiguous or MultiTap with INPUT_QWERTY 09-30 09:29:24.861 2917 2935 E BatteryExternalStatsWorker: modem info is invalid: ModemActivityInfo{ mTimestamp=0 mSleepTimeMs=0 mIdleTimeMs=0 mTxTimeMs[]=[0, 0, 0, 0, 0] mRxTimeMs=0 mEnergyUsed=0} 09-30 09:29:24.972 3363 3363 E SKBD : bbl Dismiss keyPreviewView is null 09-30 09:29:25.098 31399 31399 W IInputConnectionWrapper: getExtractedText on inactive InputConnection 09-30 09:29:25.116 3363 3363 W SKBDC : TymeCore key count 51 09-30 09:29:25.126 3363 3363 E SKBD : brl get previous 09-30 09:29:25.131 3363 3363 W SKBDC : TymeCore key count 51 09-30 09:29:25.133 3363 3363 W SKBDC : MovAreaStore File Error while reading 1 09-30 09:29:25.133 3363 3363 E TIPLib : [setActivateKeypad] The function setActivateKeypad is deprecated! Please, use setActiveKeypad. 09-30 09:29:25.138 3363 3363 E SKBD : anw setInputMode, Cannot set Ambiguous or MultiTap with INPUT_QWERTY 09-30 09:29:25.157 3363 3363 E SKBD : bbl Dismiss keyPreviewView is null 09-30 09:29:25.288 31399 31399 W IInputConnectionWrapper: getExtractedText on inactive InputConnection 09-30 09:29:25.304 3363 3363 W SKBDC : TymeCore key count 51 09-30 09:29:25.313 3363 3363 E SKBD : brl get previous 09-30 09:29:25.318 3363 3363 W SKBDC : TymeCore key count 51 09-30 09:29:25.319 3363 3363 W SKBDC : MovAreaStore File Error while reading 1 09-30 09:29:25.319 3363 3363 E TIPLib : [setActivateKeypad] The function setActivateKeypad is deprecated! Please, use setActiveKeypad. 09-30 09:29:25.324 3363 3363 E SKBD : anw setInputMode, Cannot set Ambiguous or MultiTap with INPUT_QWERTY 09-30 09:29:25.341 3363 3363 E SKBD : bbl Dismiss keyPreviewView is null 09-30 09:29:26.234 3363 3363 E SKBD : bbl Dismiss keyPreviewView is null 09-30 09:29:27.201 3363 3363 E SKBD : bbl Dismiss keyPreviewView is null 09-30 09:29:27.234 31399 31399 W IInputConnectionWrapper: getExtractedText on inactive InputConnection 09-30 09:29:27.254 3363 3363 W SKBDC : TymeCore key count 51 09-30 09:29:27.291 3363 3363 E SKBD : brl get previous 09-30 09:29:27.295 3363 3363 W SKBDC : TymeCore key count 51 09-30 09:29:27.296 3363 3363 W SKBDC : MovAreaStore File Error while reading 1 09-30 09:29:27.296 3363 3363 E TIPLib : [setActivateKeypad] The function setActivateKeypad is deprecated! Please, use setActiveKeypad. 09-30 09:29:27.304 3363 3363 E SKBD : anw setInputMode, Cannot set Ambiguous or MultiTap with INPUT_QWERTY 09-30 09:29:27.557 31399 31399 W IInputConnectionWrapper: getExtractedText on inactive InputConnection 09-30 09:29:27.574 3363 3363 W SKBDC : TymeCore key count 51 09-30 09:29:27.582 3363 3363 E SKBD : brl get previous 09-30 09:29:27.585 3363 3363 W SKBDC : TymeCore key count 51 09-30 09:29:27.586 3363 3363 W SKBDC : MovAreaStore File Error while reading 1 09-30 09:29:27.586 3363 3363 E TIPLib : [setActivateKeypad] The function setActivateKeypad is deprecated! Please, use setActiveKeypad. 09-30 09:29:27.591 3363 3363 E SKBD : anw setInputMode, Cannot set Ambiguous or MultiTap with INPUT_QWERTY 09-30 09:29:27.683 3363 3363 E SKBD : bbl Dismiss keyPreviewView is null 09-30 09:29:27.772 31399 31399 W IInputConnectionWrapper: getExtractedText on inactive InputConnection 09-30 09:29:27.791 3363 3363 W SKBDC : TymeCore key count 51 09-30 09:29:27.803 3363 3363 E SKBD : brl get previous 09-30 09:29:27.807 3363 3363 W SKBDC : TymeCore key count 51 09-30 09:29:27.808 3363 3363 W SKBDC : MovAreaStore File Error while reading 1 09-30 09:29:27.808 3363 3363 E TIPLib : [setActivateKeypad] The function setActivateKeypad is deprecated! Please, use setActiveKeypad. 09-30 09:29:27.814 3363 3363 E SKBD : anw setInputMode, Cannot set Ambiguous or MultiTap with INPUT_QWERTY 09-30 09:29:27.894 3363 3363 E SKBD : bbl Dismiss keyPreviewView is null 09-30 09:29:27.977 31399 31399 W IInputConnectionWrapper: getExtractedText on inactive InputConnection 09-30 09:29:27.996 3363 3363 W SKBDC : TymeCore key count 51 09-30 09:29:28.003 3363 3363 E SKBD : brl get previous 09-30 09:29:28.006 3363 3363 W SKBDC : TymeCore key count 51 09-30 09:29:28.008 3363 3363 W SKBDC : MovAreaStore File Error while reading 1 09-30 09:29:28.008 3363 3363 E TIPLib : [setActivateKeypad] The function setActivateKeypad is deprecated! Please, use setActiveKeypad. 09-30 09:29:28.013 3363 3363 E SKBD : anw setInputMode, Cannot set Ambiguous or MultiTap with INPUT_QWERTY 09-30 09:29:28.095 3363 3363 E SKBD : bbl Dismiss keyPreviewView is null 09-30 09:29:28.196 31399 31399 W IInputConnectionWrapper: getExtractedText on inactive InputConnection 09-30 09:29:28.208 3363 3363 W SKBDC : TymeCore key count 51 09-30 09:29:28.216 3363 3363 E SKBD : brl get previous 09-30 09:29:28.219 3363 3363 W SKBDC : TymeCore key count 51 09-30 09:29:28.220 3363 3363 W SKBDC : MovAreaStore File Error while reading 1 09-30 09:29:28.220 3363 3363 E TIPLib : [setActivateKeypad] The function setActivateKeypad is deprecated! Please, use setActiveKeypad. 09-30 09:29:28.225 3363 3363 E SKBD : anw setInputMode, Cannot set Ambiguous or MultiTap with INPUT_QWERTY 09-30 09:29:28.282 3363 3363 E SKBD : bbl Dismiss keyPreviewView is null 09-30 09:29:28.545 31399 31399 W IInputConnectionWrapper: getExtractedText on inactive InputConnection 09-30 09:29:28.560 3363 3363 W SKBDC : TymeCore key count 51 09-30 09:29:28.569 3363 3363 E SKBD : brl get previous 09-30 09:29:28.572 3363 3363 W SKBDC : TymeCore key count 51 09-30 09:29:28.573 3363 3363 W SKBDC : MovAreaStore File Error while reading 1 09-30 09:29:28.573 3363 3363 E TIPLib : [setActivateKeypad] The function setActivateKeypad is deprecated! Please, use setActiveKeypad. 09-30 09:29:28.578 3363 3363 E SKBD : anw setInputMode, Cannot set Ambiguous or MultiTap with INPUT_QWERTY 09-30 09:29:28.639 3363 3363 E SKBD : bbl Dismiss keyPreviewView is null 09-30 09:29:29.127 3363 3363 E SKBD : bbd [USICM][getSelectedText] updated, but null is returned 09-30 09:29:29.150 3363 3363 E SKBD : bbd [USICM][getSelectedText] updated, but null is returned 09-30 09:29:29.202 3363 3363 E SKBD : bbl Dismiss keyPreviewView is null 09-30 09:29:30.240 3363 3363 W SKBDC : TymeCore key count 51 09-30 09:29:30.308 3363 3363 W SKBDC : TymeCore key count 48 09-30 09:29:30.308 3363 3363 E SKBDC : SSTAC init()::current version is 3.01.01.U1.T1 09-30 09:29:30.308 3363 3363 E SKBDC : SSTAC [init] mLanguageCode : 589872, tempLanguageCode : 589872, getPreloadLmLoadSuccessState() : 1 09-30 09:29:30.317 3363 3363 W SKBDC : SSTAC SSTAC: 0 49 21 12 115 72 09-30 09:29:30.317 3363 3363 W SKBDC : SSTAC SSTAC: 1 50 127 12 221 72 09-30 09:29:30.317 3363 3363 W SKBDC : SSTAC SSTAC: 2 51 233 12 327 72 09-30 09:29:30.317 3363 3363 W SKBDC : SSTAC SSTAC: 3 52 339 12 433 72 09-30 09:29:30.317 3363 3363 W SKBDC : SSTAC SSTAC: 4 53 445 12 539 72 09-30 09:29:30.317 3363 3363 W SKBDC : SSTAC SSTAC: 5 54 551 12 645 72 09-30 09:29:30.317 3363 3363 W SKBDC : SSTAC SSTAC: 6 55 657 12 751 72 09-30 09:29:30.317 3363 3363 W SKBDC : SSTAC SSTAC: 7 56 763 12 857 72 09-30 09:29:30.317 3363 3363 W SKBDC : SSTAC SSTAC: 8 57 869 12 963 72 09-30 09:29:30.317 3363 3363 W SKBDC : SSTAC SSTAC: 9 48 975 12 1069 72 09-30 09:29:30.317 3363 3363 W SKBDC : SSTAC SSTAC: 10 -1003 1081 12 1179 72 09-30 09:29:30.317 3363 3363 W SKBDC : SSTAC SSTAC: 11 113 21 81 115 165 09-30 09:29:30.317 3363 3363 W SKBDC : SSTAC SSTAC: 12 119 127 81 221 165 09-30 09:29:30.317 3363 3363 W SKBDC : SSTAC SSTAC: 13 101 233 81 327 165 09-30 09:29:30.317 3363 3363 W SKBDC : SSTAC SSTAC: 14 114 339 81 433 165 09-30 09:29:30.317 3363 3363 W SKBDC : SSTAC SSTAC: 15 116 445 81 539 165 09-30 09:29:30.317 3363 3363 W SKBDC : SSTAC SSTAC: 16 121 551 81 645 165 09-30 09:29:30.317 3363 3363 W SKBDC : SSTAC SSTAC: 17 117 657 81 751 165 09-30 09:29:30.317 3363 3363 W SKBDC : SSTAC SSTAC: 18 105 763 81 857 165 09-30 09:29:30.317 3363 3363 W SKBDC : SSTAC SSTAC: 19 111 869 81 963 165 09-30 09:29:30.317 3363 3363 W SKBDC : SSTAC SSTAC: 20 112 975 81 1069 165 09-30 09:29:30.318 3363 3363 W SKBDC : SSTAC SSTAC: 21 -5 1081 81 1179 165 09-30 09:29:30.318 3363 3363 W SKBDC : SSTAC SSTAC: 22 97 75 174 169 258 09-30 09:29:30.318 3363 3363 W SKBDC : SSTAC SSTAC: 23 115 181 174 275 258 09-30 09:29:30.318 3363 3363 W SKBDC : SSTAC SSTAC: 24 100 287 174 381 258 09-30 09:29:30.318 3363 3363 W SKBDC : SSTAC SSTAC: 25 102 393 174 487 258 09-30 09:29:30.318 3363 3363 W SKBDC : SSTAC SSTAC: 26 103 499 174 593 258 09-30 09:29:30.318 3363 3363 W SKBDC : SSTAC SSTAC: 27 104 605 174 699 258 09-30 09:29:30.318 3363 3363 W SKBDC : SSTAC SSTAC: 28 106 711 174 805 258 09-30 09:29:30.318 3363 3363 W SKBDC : SSTAC SSTAC: 29 107 817 174 911 258 09-30 09:29:30.318 3363 3363 W SKBDC : SSTAC SSTAC: 30 108 923 174 1017 258 09-30 09:29:30.318 3363 3363 W SKBDC : SSTAC SSTAC: 31 10 1029 174 1179 258 09-30 09:29:30.318 3363 3363 W SKBDC : SSTAC SSTAC: 32 -400 21 267 115 351 09-30 09:29:30.318 3363 3363 W SKBDC : SSTAC SSTAC: 33 122 127 267 221 351 09-30 09:29:30.318 3363 3363 W SKBDC : SSTAC SSTAC: 34 120 233 267 327 351 09-30 09:29:30.318 3363 3363 W SKBDC : SSTAC SSTAC: 35 99 339 267 433 351 09-30 09:29:30.318 3363 3363 W SKBDC : SSTAC SSTAC: 36 118 445 267 539 351 09-30 09:29:30.318 3363 3363 W SKBDC : SSTAC SSTAC: 37 98 551 267 645 351 09-30 09:29:30.318 3363 3363 W SKBDC : SSTAC SSTAC: 38 110 657 267 751 351 09-30 09:29:30.318 3363 3363 W SKBDC : SSTAC SSTAC: 39 109 763 267 857 351 09-30 09:29:30.318 3363 3363 W SKBDC : SSTAC SSTAC: 40 -124 869 267 963 351 09-30 09:29:30.318 3363 3363 W SKBDC : SSTAC SSTAC: 41 -122 975 267 1069 351 09-30 09:29:30.318 3363 3363 W SKBDC : SSTAC SSTAC: 42 -410 1081 267 1179 351 09-30 09:29:30.318 3363 3363 W SKBDC : SSTAC SSTAC: 43 -1000 21 360 115 444 09-30 09:29:30.318 3363 3363 W SKBDC : SSTAC SSTAC: 44 -102 127 360 221 444 09-30 09:29:30.318 3363 3363 W SKBDC : SSTAC SSTAC: 45 32 233 360 965 444 09-30 09:29:30.318 3363 3363 W SKBDC : SSTAC SSTAC: 46 -1001 977 360 1071 444 09-30 09:29:30.318 3363 3363 W SKBDC : SSTAC SSTAC: 47 -1002 1083 360 1179 444 09-30 09:29:30.319 3363 3363 W SKBDC : MovAreaStore File Error while reading 1 09-30 09:29:30.319 3363 3363 E TIPLib : [setActivateKeypad] The function setActivateKeypad is deprecated! Please, use setActiveKeypad. 09-30 09:29:30.324 3363 3363 E SKBD : anw setInputMode, Cannot set Ambiguous or MultiTap with INPUT_QWERTY 09-30 09:29:30.332 3363 3363 E SKBD : brl get previous 09-30 09:29:30.334 3363 3363 W SKBDC : TymeCore key count 48 09-30 09:29:30.336 3363 3363 W SKBDC : MovAreaStore File Error while reading 1 09-30 09:29:30.336 3363 3363 E TIPLib : [setActivateKeypad] The function setActivateKeypad is deprecated! Please, use setActiveKeypad. 09-30 09:29:30.341 3363 3363 E SKBD : anw setInputMode, Cannot set Ambiguous or MultiTap with INPUT_QWERTY 09-30 09:29:31.350 3363 3363 E SKBD : bbl Dismiss keyPreviewView is null 09-30 09:29:31.722 3363 3363 E SKBD : bbl Dismiss keyPreviewView is null 09-30 09:29:31.972 3363 3363 E SKBD : bbl Dismiss keyPreviewView is null 09-30 09:29:32.269 3363 3363 E SKBD : bbl Dismiss keyPreviewView is null 09-30 09:29:32.720 3363 3363 E SKBD : bbl Dismiss keyPreviewView is null 09-30 09:29:33.104 3363 3363 E SKBD : bbl Dismiss keyPreviewView is null 09-30 09:29:33.455 3363 3363 E SKBD : bbl Dismiss keyPreviewView is null 09-30 09:29:33.726 3363 3363 E SKBD : bbl Dismiss keyPreviewView is null 09-30 09:29:34.253 3363 3363 E SKBD : anw TymeDatatype.STATUS_NO_MATCHING_WORDS 09-30 09:29:34.622 3363 3363 E SKBD : bbw getInstance start 09-30 09:29:34.623 3363 3363 E SKBD : bbw sendSIPInformation state: 6 isAbstractKeyboardView : true 09-30 09:29:34.624 3363 31812 E SKBD : bbw sending null keyboardInfo as SIP is closed 09-30 09:29:38.459 2917 2933 W Looper : Dispatch took 106ms on android.ui, h=Handler (android.view.Choreographer$FrameHandler) {4d614a1} cb=android.view.Choreographer$FrameDisplayEventReceiver@ef606c6 msg=0 09-30 09:29:38.637 2917 3094 E TLC_TIMA_PKM_initialize: tima_pkm : ro.ddr_start_type does not exist 09-30 09:29:41.176 31399 31399 W AutofillManager: setSaveUiState(-1186731974, false) called on existing session -1186731974; cancelling it 09-30 09:29:41.628 2917 3067 W AppOps : Finishing op nesting under-run: uid 1000 pkg android code 24 time=0 duration=0 nesting=0 09-30 09:29:45.062 2917 3860 W ActivityManager: REQUEST_PERMISSIONS Action. 09-30 09:29:45.223 31893 31893 E Zygote : isWhitelistProcess - Process is Whitelisted 09-30 09:29:45.224 31893 31893 E libpersona: scanKnoxPersonas 09-30 09:29:45.224 31893 31893 E libpersona: Couldn't open the File - /data/system/users/0/personalist.xml - No such file or directory 09-30 09:29:45.227 31893 31893 W SELinux : SELinux selinux_android_compute_policy_index : Policy Index[2], Con:u:r:zygote:s0 RAM:SEPF_SM-T580_8.1.0_0008, [-1 -1 -1 -1 0 1] 09-30 09:29:45.516 2917 3104 E MdnieScenarioControlService: Exception : /sys/class/mdnie/mdnie/scenario (No such file or directory) , in : null , value : null , length : 0 09-30 09:29:45.516 2917 3104 W System.err: /sys/class/mdnie/mdnie/scenario (No such file or directory) 09-30 09:29:45.517 2917 3104 W System.err: at Method) 09-30 09:29:45.517 2917 3104 W System.err: at 09-30 09:29:45.517 2917 3104 W System.err: at 09-30 09:29:45.517 2917 3104 W System.err: at 09-30 09:29:45.517 2917 3104 W System.err: at 09-30 09:29:45.517 2917 3104 W System.err: at Source:0) 09-30 09:29:45.517 2917 3104 W System.err: at$MSCSControlHandler.handleMessage( 09-30 09:29:45.517 2917 3104 W System.err: at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage( 09-30 09:29:45.517 2917 3104 W System.err: at android.os.Looper.loop( 09-30 09:29:45.517 2917 3104 W System.err: at 09-30 09:29:46.989 2917 3442 E Watchdog: !@Sync 600 [2021-09-30 09:29:46.989] 09-30 09:29:47.626 2917 3104 E MdnieScenarioControlService: Exception : /sys/class/mdnie/mdnie/scenario (No such file or directory) , in : null , value : null , length : 0 09-30 09:29:47.627 2917 3104 W System.err: /sys/class/mdnie/mdnie/scenario (No such file or directory) 09-30 09:29:47.627 2917 3104 W System.err: at Method) 09-30 09:29:47.627 2917 3104 W System.err: at 09-30 09:29:47.627 2917 3104 W System.err: at 09-30 09:29:47.627 2917 3104 W System.err: at 09-30 09:29:47.627 2917 3104 W System.err: at 09-30 09:29:47.627 2917 3104 W System.err: at Source:0) 09-30 09:29:47.627 2917 3104 W System.err: at$MSCSControlHandler.handleMessage( 09-30 09:29:47.627 2917 3104 W System.err: at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage( 09-30 09:29:47.627 2917 3104 W System.err: at android.os.Looper.loop( 09-30 09:29:47.627 2917 3104 W System.err: at 09-30 09:29:47.631 2917 3067 E WindowManager: win=Window{7c2e005 u0 EXITING} destroySurfaces: appStopped=false win.mWindowRemovalAllowed=true win.mRemoveOnExit=true win.mViewVisibility=8,$-com_android_server_wm_DisplayContent_21578:476 09-30 09:29:47.698 3455 3497 E RequestManager_FLP: [FusedLocationApi] Location request d09cf20 PRIORITY_HIGH_ACCURACY interval=0 from 09-30 09:29:47.726 3660 4542 W GCoreFlp: No location to return for getLastLocation() 09-30 09:29:47.730 3455 3497 E RequestManager_FLP: [FusedLocationApi] Location request 5af197f PRIORITY_HIGH_ACCURACY interval=0 from 09-30 09:29:47.795 3455 3497 E RequestManager_FLP: [FusedLocationApi] Location request e61f195 PRIORITY_HIGH_ACCURACY interval=0 from 09-30 09:29:47.807 3455 3497 E RequestManager_FLP: [FusedLocationApi] Location remove 5af197f from 09-30 09:29:47.829 3660 4542 W GCoreFlp: No location to return for getLastLocation() 09-30 09:29:47.852 2917 3067 E WindowManager: win=Window{69eff77 u0 EXITING} destroySurfaces: appStopped=false win.mWindowRemovalAllowed=false win.mRemoveOnExit=false win.mViewVisibility=8, 09-30 09:29:47.884 3660 4542 W GCoreFlp: No location to return for getLastLocation() 09-30 09:29:47.885 2917 3362 E WindowManager: win=Window{d40a40c u0} destroySurfaces: appStopped=false win.mWindowRemovalAllowed=false win.mRemoveOnExit=false win.mViewVisibility=8, android.view.IWindowSession$Stub.onTransact:288 09-30 09:29:47.911 3455 3497 E RequestManager_FLP: [FusedLocationApi] Location request fa5ce9b PRIORITY_HIGH_ACCURACY interval=0 from 09-30 09:29:47.948 3455 3497 E RequestManager_FLP: [LocationManagerService] Location request 22b6d1f gps interval=0 from 09-30 09:29:47.951 2917 3860 E PermissionMonitor: (NameNotFoundException) ApplicationInfo for ( is null! UserId: 0 09-30 09:29:47.962 2917 3443 E GnssLocationProvider_ex: mPositionMode set to GPS_POSITION_MODE_STANDALONE because of WiFi only model. 09-30 09:29:47.983 3455 3497 E RequestManager_FLP: [FusedLocationApi] Location request 13d1211 PRIORITY_HIGH_ACCURACY interval=0 from 09-30 09:29:48.005 3455 3497 E RequestManager_FLP: [LocationManagerService] Location request 22b6d1f gps interval=0 from 09-30 09:29:48.034 3455 3497 E RequestManager_FLP: [LocationManagerService] Location request 22b6d1f gps interval=0 from 09-30 09:29:48.054 3660 4542 W GCoreFlp: No location to return for getLastLocation() 09-30 09:29:48.096 3660 4542 W GCoreFlp: No location to return for getLastLocation() 09-30 09:29:48.121 3455 3497 E RequestManager_FLP: [LocationManagerService] Location request 22b6d1f gps interval=0 from 09-30 09:29:48.144 3455 3497 E RequestManager_FLP: [LocationManagerService] Location request 22b6d1f gps interval=0 from 09-30 09:29:48.275 2917 3860 W AppOps : Bad call: specified package under uid 10171 but it is really 10016 09-30 09:29:48.275 2917 3860 W AppOps : java.lang.RuntimeException: here 09-30 09:29:48.275 2917 3860 W AppOps : at 09-30 09:29:48.275 2917 3860 W AppOps : at 09-30 09:29:48.275 2917 3860 W AppOps : at$Stub.onTransact( 09-30 09:29:48.275 2917 3860 W AppOps : at android.os.Binder.execTransact( 09-30 09:29:48.302 2917 3860 W AppOps : Bad call: specified package under uid 10171 but it is really 10016 09-30 09:29:48.302 2917 3860 W AppOps : java.lang.RuntimeException: here 09-30 09:29:48.302 2917 3860 W AppOps : at 09-30 09:29:48.302 2917 3860 W AppOps : at 09-30 09:29:48.302 2917 3860 W AppOps : at$Stub.onTransact( 09-30 09:29:48.302 2917 3860 W AppOps : at android.os.Binder.execTransact( 09-30 09:29:48.432 2917 3098 E GnssLocationProvider: Error getting cell location info. 09-30 09:29:49.500 31399 31592 E flutter : [ERROR:flutter/lib/ui/] Unhandled Exception: SocketException: Reading from a closed socket 09-30 09:29:49.500 31399 31592 E flutter : #0 (dart:io/secure_socket.dart:662:7) 09-30 09:29:49.500 31399 31592 E flutter : #1 _Socket._onData (dart:io-patch/socket_patch.dart:2165:28) 09-30 09:29:49.500 31399 31592 E flutter : #2 _rootRunUnary (dart:async/zone.dart:1436:47) 09-30 09:29:49.500 31399 31592 E flutter : #3 _CustomZone.runUnary (dart:async/zone.dart:1335:19) 09-30 09:29:49.500 31399 31592 E flutter : #4 _CustomZone.runUnaryGuarded (dart:async/zone.dart:1244:7) 09-30 09:29:49.500 31399 31592 E flutter : #5 _BufferingStreamSubscription._sendData (dart:async/stream_impl.dart:341:11) 09-30 09:29:49.500 31399 31592 E flutter : #6 _BufferingStreamSubscription._add (dart:async/stream_impl.dart:271:7) 09-30 09:29:49.500 31399 31592 E flutter : #7 _SyncStreamControllerDispatch._sendData (dart:async/stream_controller.dart:733:19) 09-30 09:29:49.500 31399 31592 E flutter : #8 _StreamController._add (dart:async/stream_controller.dart:607:7) 09-30 09:29:49.500 31399 31592 E flutter : #9 _StreamController.add (dart:async/stream_controller.dart:554:5) 09-30 09:29:49.500 31399 31592 E flutter : #10 _RawSecureSocket._sendReadEvent (dart:io/secure_socket.dart:991:19) 09-30 09:29:49.500 31399 31592 E flutter : #11 _rootRun (dart:async/zone.dart:1420:47) 09-30 09:29:49.500 31399 31592 E flutter : #12 (dart:async/zone.dart:1328:19) 09-30 09:29:49.500 31399 31592 E flutter : #13 _CustomZone.runGuarded (dart:async/zone.dart:1236:7) 09-30 09:29:49.500 31399 31592 E flutter : #14 _CustomZone.bindCallbackGuarded. (dart:async/zone.dart:1276:23) 09-30 09:29:49.500 31399 31592 E flutter : #15 _rootRun (dart:async/zone.dart:1428:13) 09-30 09:29:49.500 31399 31592 E flutter : #16 (dart:async/zone.dart:1328:19) 09-30 09:29:49.500 31399 31592 E flutter : #17 _CustomZone.bindCallback. (dart:async/zone.dart:1260:23) 09-30 09:29:49.500 31399 31592 E flutter : #18 Timer._createTimer. (dart:async-patch/timer_patch.dart:18:15) 09-30 09:29:49.500 31399 31592 E flutter : #19 _Timer._runTimers (dart:isolate-patch/timer_impl.dart:395:19) 09-30 09:29:49.500 31399 31592 E flutter : #20 _Timer._handleMessage (dart:isolate-patch/timer_impl.dart:426:5) 09-30 09:29:49.500 31399 31592 E flutter : #21 _RawReceivePortImpl._handleMessage (dart:isolate-patch/isolate_patch.dart:184:12) 09-30 09:29:49.500 31399 31592 E flutter : 09-30 09:29:49.667 31399 31592 E flutter : [ERROR:flutter/lib/ui/] Unhandled Exception: SocketException: Reading from a closed socket 09-30 09:29:49.667 31399 31592 E flutter : #0 (dart:io/secure_socket.dart:662:7) 09-30 09:29:49.667 31399 31592 E flutter : #1 _Socket._onData (dart:io-patch/socket_patch.dart:2165:28) 09-30 09:29:49.667 31399 31592 E flutter : #2 _rootRunUnary (dart:async/zone.dart:1436:47) 09-30 09:29:49.667 31399 31592 E flutter : #3 _CustomZone.runUnary (dart:async/zone.dart:1335:19) 09-30 09:29:49.667 31399 31592 E flutter : #4 _CustomZone.runUnaryGuarded (dart:async/zone.dart:1244:7) 09-30 09:29:49.667 31399 31592 E flutter : #5 _BufferingStreamSubscription._sendData (dart:async/stream_impl.dart:341:11) 09-30 09:29:49.667 31399 31592 E flutter : #6 _BufferingStreamSubscription._add (dart:async/stream_impl.dart:271:7) 09-30 09:29:49.667 31399 31592 E flutter : #7 _SyncStreamControllerDispatch._sendData (dart:async/stream_controller.dart:733:19) 09-30 09:29:49.667 31399 31592 E flutter : #8 _StreamController._add (dart:async/stream_controller.dart:607:7) 09-30 09:29:49.667 31399 31592 E flutter : #9 _StreamController.add (dart:async/stream_controller.dart:554:5) 09-30 09:29:49.667 31399 31592 E flutter : #10 _RawSecureSocket._sendReadEvent (dart:io/secure_socket.dart:991:19) 09-30 09:29:49.667 31399 31592 E flutter : #11 _rootRun (dart:async/zone.dart:1420:47) 09-30 09:29:49.667 31399 31592 E flutter : #12 (dart:async/zone.dart:1328:19) 09-30 09:29:49.667 31399 31592 E flutter : #13 _CustomZone.runGuarded (dart:async/zone.dart:1236:7) 09-30 09:29:49.667 31399 31592 E flutter : #14 _CustomZone.bindCallbackGuarded. (dart:async/zone.dart:1276:23) 09-30 09:29:49.667 31399 31592 E flutter : #15 _rootRun (dart:async/zone.dart:1428:13) 09-30 09:29:49.667 31399 31592 E flutter : #16 (dart:async/zone.dart:1328:19) 09-30 09:29:49.667 31399 31592 E flutter : #17 _CustomZone.bindCallback. (dart:async/zone.dart:1260:23) 09-30 09:29:49.667 31399 31592 E flutter : #18 Timer._createTimer. (dart:async-patch/timer_patch.dart:18:15) 09-30 09:29:49.667 31399 31592 E flutter : #19 _Timer._runTimers (dart:isolate-patch/timer_impl.dart:395:19) 09-30 09:29:49.667 31399 31592 E flutter : #20 _Timer._handleMessage (dart:isolate-patch/timer_impl.dart:426:5) 09-30 09:29:49.667 31399 31592 E flutter : #21 _RawReceivePortImpl._handleMessage (dart:isolate-patch/isolate_patch.dart:184:12) 09-30 09:29:49.667 31399 31592 E flutter : 09-30 09:29:49.712 31399 31592 E flutter : [ERROR:flutter/lib/ui/] Unhandled Exception: SocketException: Reading from a closed socket 09-30 09:29:49.712 31399 31592 E flutter : #0 (dart:io/secure_socket.dart:662:7) 09-30 09:29:49.712 31399 31592 E flutter : #1 _Socket._onData (dart:io-patch/socket_patch.dart:2165:28) 09-30 09:29:49.712 31399 31592 E flutter : #2 _rootRunUnary (dart:async/zone.dart:1436:47) 09-30 09:29:49.712 31399 31592 E flutter : #3 _CustomZone.runUnary (dart:async/zone.dart:1335:19) 09-30 09:29:49.712 31399 31592 E flutter : #4 _CustomZone.runUnaryGuarded (dart:async/zone.dart:1244:7) 09-30 09:29:49.712 31399 31592 E flutter : #5 _BufferingStreamSubscription._sendData (dart:async/stream_impl.dart:341:11) 09-30 09:29:49.712 31399 31592 E flutter : #6 _BufferingStreamSubscription._add (dart:async/stream_impl.dart:271:7) 09-30 09:29:49.712 31399 31592 E flutter : #7 _SyncStreamControllerDispatch._sendData (dart:async/stream_controller.dart:733:19) 09-30 09:29:49.712 31399 31592 E flutter : #8 _StreamController._add (dart:async/stream_controller.dart:607:7) 09-30 09:29:49.712 31399 31592 E flutter : #9 _StreamController.add (dart:async/stream_controller.dart:554:5) 09-30 09:29:49.712 31399 31592 E flutter : #10 _RawSecureSocket._sendReadEvent (dart:io/secure_socket.dart:991:19) 09-30 09:29:49.712 31399 31592 E flutter : #11 _rootRun (dart:async/zone.dart:1420:47) 09-30 09:29:49.712 31399 31592 E flutter : #12 (dart:async/zone.dart:1328:19) 09-30 09:29:49.712 31399 31592 E flutter : #13 _CustomZone.runGuarded (dart:async/zone.dart:1236:7) 09-30 09:29:49.712 31399 31592 E flutter : #14 _CustomZone.bindCallbackGuarded. (dart:async/zone.dart:1276:23) 09-30 09:29:49.712 31399 31592 E flutter : #15 _rootRun (dart:async/zone.dart:1428:13) 09-30 09:29:49.712 31399 31592 E flutter : #16 (dart:async/zone.dart:1328:19) 09-30 09:29:49.712 31399 31592 E flutter : #17 _CustomZone.bindCallback. (dart:async/zone.dart:1260:23) 09-30 09:29:49.712 31399 31592 E flutter : #18 Timer._createTimer. (dart:async-patch/timer_patch.dart:18:15) 09-30 09:29:49.712 31399 31592 E flutter : #19 _Timer._runTimers (dart:isolate-patch/timer_impl.dart:395:19) 09-30 09:29:49.712 31399 31592 E flutter : #20 _Timer._handleMessage (dart:isolate-patch/timer_impl.dart:426:5) 09-30 09:29:49.712 31399 31592 E flutter : #21 _RawReceivePortImpl._handleMessage (dart:isolate-patch/isolate_patch.dart:184:12) 09-30 09:29:49.712 31399 31592 E flutter : 09-30 09:29:50.984 2917 3118 E VibratorService: vibratorOff command failed (1). 09-30 09:29:53.414 31949 31949 E Zygote : isWhitelistProcess - Process is Whitelisted 09-30 09:29:53.415 31949 31949 E libpersona: scanKnoxPersonas 09-30 09:29:53.415 31949 31949 E libpersona: Couldn't open the File - /data/system/users/0/personalist.xml - No such file or directory 09-30 09:29:53.420 31949 31949 W SELinux : SELinux selinux_android_compute_policy_index : Policy Index[2], Con:u:r:zygote:s0 RAM:SEPF_SM-T580_8.1.0_0008, [-1 -1 -1 -1 0 1] 09-30 09:29:53.433 3603 3603 E wpa_supplicant: Cmd 35609 not handled 09-30 09:29:53.754 3660 31415 E ctxmgr : [NetworkUtil] No active synchronizable contexts. [CONTEXT service_id=47 ] 09-30 09:29:53.777 3660 31415 W GetToken: [GetToken]GetToken failed with status code: BadAuthentication 09-30 09:29:53.794 3660 31415 W Auth : [GoogleAuthUtil] GoogleAuthUtil 09-30 09:29:53.794 3660 31415 W AuthSessionAuthenticato: Auth related exception is being ignored: BadAuthentication 09-30 09:29:53.808 3660 31415 E ctxmgr : [BaseServerTask] Server task (RegisterDeviceTask) got error statusCode=-1. [CONTEXT service_id=47 ] 09-30 09:29:53.808 3660 31415 E ctxmgr : Unable to obtain auth token - is the device online? 09-30 09:29:53.808 3660 31415 E ctxmgr : at dmp.a( (040304-330018294):40) 09-30 09:29:53.808 3660 31415 E ctxmgr : at (040304-330018294):2) 09-30 09:29:53.808 3660 31415 E ctxmgr : at dhh.handleMessage( (040304-330018294):4) 09-30 09:29:53.808 3660 31415 E ctxmgr : at (040304-330018294):2) 09-30 09:29:53.808 3660 31415 E ctxmgr : at sxf.b( (040304-330018294):12) 09-30 09:29:53.808 3660 31415 E ctxmgr : at (040304-330018294):8) 09-30 09:29:53.808 3660 31415 E ctxmgr : at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker( 09-30 09:29:53.808 3660 31415 E ctxmgr : at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$ 09-30 09:29:53.808 3660 31415 E ctxmgr : at (040304-330018294):0) 09-30 09:29:53.808 3660 31415 E ctxmgr : at 09-30 09:29:53.811 3660 31415 E ctxmgr : [DeviceRegistrationSync]Failed device registration sync: network status=-1 [CONTEXT service_id=47 ] 09-30 09:29:58.332 3455 3497 E RequestManager_FLP: [FusedLocationApi] Location remove fa5ce9b from 09-30 09:29:58.428 3455 3497 E RequestManager_FLP: [FusedLocationApi] Location request 388b977 PRIORITY_HIGH_ACCURACY interval=1000 from 09-30 09:29:58.467 3455 3497 E RequestManager_FLP: [FusedLocationApi] Location remove d09cf20 from 09-30 09:29:58.517 3455 3497 E RequestManager_FLP: [FusedLocationApi] Location remove 388b977 from 09-30 09:29:58.567 3455 3497 E RequestManager_FLP: [FusedLocationApi] Location request 2c369e4 PRIORITY_HIGH_ACCURACY interval=1000 from 09-30 09:29:58.593 3455 3497 E RequestManager_FLP: [FusedLocationApi] Location remove 13d1211 from 09-30 09:29:58.598 3455 3497 E RequestManager_FLP: [FusedLocationApi] Location remove e61f195 from 09-30 09:29:58.681 3455 3497 E RequestManager_FLP: [FusedLocationApi] Location remove 2c369e4 from 09-30 09:29:58.691 3455 3497 E RequestManager_FLP: [FusedLocationApi] Location request 1cfbe4d PRIORITY_HIGH_ACCURACY interval=1000 from 09-30 09:29:58.742 3455 3497 E RequestManager_FLP: [LocationManagerService] Location request 22b6d1f gps interval=0 from 09-30 09:29:58.771 3455 3497 E RequestManager_FLP: [FusedLocationApi] Location request 1457613 PRIORITY_HIGH_ACCURACY interval=0 from 09-30 09:29:58.788 3455 3497 E RequestManager_FLP: [FusedLocationApi] Location request 66f249 PRIORITY_HIGH_ACCURACY interval=0 from 09-30 09:29:58.844 3455 3497 E RequestManager_FLP: [LocationManagerService] Location request 22b6d1f gps interval=1000 from 09-30 09:29:58.867 3455 3497 E RequestManager_FLP: [LocationManagerService] Location remove 22b6d1f from 09-30 09:29:58.995 3455 3497 E RequestManager_FLP: [LocationManagerService] Location request 570ae4c gps interval=1000 from 09-30 09:29:58.996 2917 3118 E PermissionMonitor: (NameNotFoundException) ApplicationInfo for ( is null! UserId: 0 09-30 09:29:58.996 2917 3443 E GnssLocationProvider_ex: mPositionMode set to GPS_POSITION_MODE_STANDALONE because of WiFi only model. 09-30 09:29:59.046 2917 2932 E NotificationService: Package enqueue rate is 5.2126856. Shedding 0||9942585|null|10171. 09-30 09:29:59.067 3455 3497 E RequestManager_FLP: [LocationManagerService] Location request 570ae4c gps interval=0 from 09-30 09:29:59.107 3455 3497 E RequestManager_FLP: [LocationManagerService] Location request 570ae4c gps interval=0 from 09-30 09:29:59.191 2917 3362 W AppOps : Bad call: specified package under uid 10171 but it is really 10016 09-30 09:29:59.191 2917 3362 W AppOps : java.lang.RuntimeException: here 09-30 09:29:59.191 2917 3362 W AppOps : at 09-30 09:29:59.191 2917 3362 W AppOps : at 09-30 09:29:59.191 2917 3362 W AppOps : at$Stub.onTransact( 09-30 09:29:59.191 2917 3362 W AppOps : at android.os.Binder.execTransact( 09-30 09:29:59.193 2917 3362 W AppOps : Bad call: specified package under uid 10171 but it is really 10016 09-30 09:29:59.193 2917 3362 W AppOps : java.lang.RuntimeException: here 09-30 09:29:59.193 2917 3362 W AppOps : at 09-30 09:29:59.193 2917 3362 W AppOps : at 09-30 09:29:59.193 2917 3362 W AppOps : at$Stub.onTransact( 09-30 09:29:59.193 2917 3362 W AppOps : at android.os.Binder.execTransact( 09-30 09:29:59.196 2917 3475 W AppOps : Bad call: specified package under uid 10171 but it is really 10016 09-30 09:29:59.196 2917 3475 W AppOps : java.lang.RuntimeException: here 09-30 09:29:59.196 2917 3475 W AppOps : at 09-30 09:29:59.196 2917 3475 W AppOps : at 09-30 09:29:59.196 2917 3475 W AppOps : at$Stub.onTransact( 09-30 09:29:59.196 2917 3475 W AppOps : at android.os.Binder.execTransact( 09-30 09:29:59.201 2917 3475 W AppOps : Bad call: specified package under uid 10171 but it is really 10016 09-30 09:29:59.201 2917 3475 W AppOps : java.lang.RuntimeException: here 09-30 09:29:59.201 2917 3475 W AppOps : at 09-30 09:29:59.201 2917 3475 W AppOps : at 09-30 09:29:59.201 2917 3475 W AppOps : at$Stub.onTransact( 09-30 09:29:59.201 2917 3475 W AppOps : at android.os.Binder.execTransact( 09-30 09:29:59.202 2917 11271 W AppOps : Bad call: specified package under uid 10171 but it is really 10016 09-30 09:29:59.202 2917 11271 W AppOps : java.lang.RuntimeException: here 09-30 09:29:59.202 2917 11271 W AppOps : at 09-30 09:29:59.202 2917 11271 W AppOps : at 09-30 09:29:59.202 2917 11271 W AppOps : at$Stub.onTransact( 09-30 09:29:59.202 2917 11271 W AppOps : at android.os.Binder.execTransact( 09-30 09:29:59.204 2917 11271 W AppOps : Bad call: specified package under uid 10171 but it is really 10016 09-30 09:29:59.204 2917 11271 W AppOps : java.lang.RuntimeException: here 09-30 09:29:59.204 2917 11271 W AppOps : at 09-30 09:29:59.204 2917 11271 W AppOps : at 09-30 09:29:59.204 2917 11271 W AppOps : at$Stub.onTransact( 09-30 09:29:59.204 2917 11271 W AppOps : at android.os.Binder.execTransact( 09-30 09:29:59.206 2917 3860 W AppOps : Bad call: specified package under uid 10171 but it is really 10016 09-30 09:29:59.206 2917 3860 W AppOps : java.lang.RuntimeException: here 09-30 09:29:59.206 2917 3860 W AppOps : at 09-30 09:29:59.206 2917 3860 W AppOps : at 09-30 09:29:59.206 2917 3860 W AppOps : at$Stub.onTransact( 09-30 09:29:59.206 2917 3860 W AppOps : at android.os.Binder.execTransact( 09-30 09:29:59.456 31399 31399 E SensorManager: sensor or listener is null 09-30 09:29:59.897 31399 31592 E flutter : [ERROR:flutter/lib/ui/] Unhandled Exception: SocketException: Reading from a closed socket 09-30 09:29:59.897 31399 31592 E flutter : #0 (dart:io/secure_socket.dart:662:7) 09-30 09:29:59.897 31399 31592 E flutter : #1 _Socket._onData (dart:io-patch/socket_patch.dart:2165:28) 09-30 09:29:59.897 31399 31592 E flutter : #2 _rootRunUnary (dart:async/zone.dart:1436:47) 09-30 09:29:59.897 31399 31592 E flutter : #3 _CustomZone.runUnary (dart:async/zone.dart:1335:19) 09-30 09:29:59.897 31399 31592 E flutter : #4 _CustomZone.runUnaryGuarded (dart:async/zone.dart:1244:7) 09-30 09:29:59.897 31399 31592 E flutter : #5 _BufferingStreamSubscription._sendData (dart:async/stream_impl.dart:341:11) 09-30 09:29:59.897 31399 31592 E flutter : #6 _BufferingStreamSubscription._add (dart:async/stream_impl.dart:271:7) 09-30 09:29:59.897 31399 31592 E flutter : #7 _SyncStreamControllerDispatch._sendData (dart:async/stream_controller.dart:733:19) 09-30 09:29:59.897 31399 31592 E flutter : #8 _StreamController._add (dart:async/stream_controller.dart:607:7) 09-30 09:29:59.897 31399 31592 E flutter : #9 _StreamController.add (dart:async/stream_controller.dart:554:5) 09-30 09:29:59.897 31399 31592 E flutter : #10 _RawSecureSocket._sendReadEvent (dart:io/secure_socket.dart:991:19) 09-30 09:29:59.897 31399 31592 E flutter : #11 _rootRun (dart:async/zone.dart:1420:47) 09-30 09:29:59.897 31399 31592 E flutter : #12 (dart:async/zone.dart:1328:19) 09-30 09:29:59.897 31399 31592 E flutter : #13 _CustomZone.runGuarded (dart:async/zone.dart:1236:7) 09-30 09:29:59.897 31399 31592 E flutter : #14 _CustomZone.bindCallbackGuarded. (dart:async/zone.dart:1276:23) 09-30 09:29:59.897 31399 31592 E flutter : #15 _rootRun (dart:async/zone.dart:1428:13) 09-30 09:29:59.897 31399 31592 E flutter : #16 (dart:async/zone.dart:1328:19) 09-30 09:29:59.897 31399 31592 E flutter : #17 _CustomZone.bindCallback. (dart:async/zone.dart:1260:23) 09-30 09:29:59.897 31399 31592 E flutter : #18 Timer._createTimer. (dart:async-patch/timer_patch.dart:18:15) 09-30 09:29:59.897 31399 31592 E flutter : #19 _Timer._runTimers (dart:isolate-patch/timer_impl.dart:395:19) 09-30 09:29:59.897 31399 31592 E flutter : #20 _Timer._handleMessage (dart:isolate-patch/timer_impl.dart:426:5) 09-30 09:29:59.897 31399 31592 E flutter : #21 _RawReceivePortImpl._handleMessage (dart:isolate-patch/isolate_patch.dart:184:12) 09-30 09:29:59.897 31399 31592 E flutter : 09-30 09:29:59.900 31399 31592 E flutter : [ERROR:flutter/lib/ui/] Unhandled Exception: SocketException: Reading from a closed socket 09-30 09:29:59.900 31399 31592 E flutter : #0 (dart:io/secure_socket.dart:662:7) 09-30 09:29:59.900 31399 31592 E flutter : #1 _Socket._onData (dart:io-patch/socket_patch.dart:2165:28) 09-30 09:29:59.900 31399 31592 E flutter : #2 _rootRunUnary (dart:async/zone.dart:1436:47) 09-30 09:29:59.900 31399 31592 E flutter : #3 _CustomZone.runUnary (dart:async/zone.dart:1335:19) 09-30 09:29:59.900 31399 31592 E flutter : #4 _CustomZone.runUnaryGuarded (dart:async/zone.dart:1244:7) 09-30 09:29:59.900 31399 31592 E flutter : #5 _BufferingStreamSubscription._sendData (dart:async/stream_impl.dart:341:11) 09-30 09:29:59.900 31399 31592 E flutter : #6 _BufferingStreamSubscription._add (dart:async/stream_impl.dart:271:7) 09-30 09:29:59.900 31399 31592 E flutter : #7 _SyncStreamControllerDispatch._sendData (dart:async/stream_controller.dart:733:19) 09-30 09:29:59.900 31399 31592 E flutter : #8 _StreamController._add (dart:async/stream_controller.dart:607:7) 09-30 09:29:59.900 31399 31592 E flutter : #9 _StreamController.add (dart:async/stream_controller.dart:554:5) 09-30 09:29:59.900 31399 31592 E flutter : #10 _RawSecureSocket._sendReadEvent (dart:io/secure_socket.dart:991:19) 09-30 09:29:59.900 31399 31592 E flutter : #11 _rootRun (dart:async/zone.dart:1420:47) 09-30 09:29:59.900 31399 31592 E flutter : #12 (dart:async/zone.dart:1328:19) 09-30 09:29:59.900 31399 31592 E flutter : #13 _CustomZone.runGuarded (dart:async/zone.dart:1236:7) 09-30 09:29:59.900 31399 31592 E flutter : #14 _CustomZone.bindCallbackGuarded. (dart:async/zone.dart:1276:23) 09-30 09:29:59.900 31399 31592 E flutter : #15 _rootRun (dart:async/zone.dart:1428:13) 09-30 09:29:59.900 31399 31592 E flutter : #16 (dart:async/zone.dart:1328:19) 09-30 09:29:59.900 31399 31592 E flutter : #17 _CustomZone.bindCallback. (dart:async/zone.dart:1260:23) 09-30 09:29:59.900 31399 31592 E flutter : #18 Timer._createTimer. (dart:async-patch/timer_patch.dart:18:15) 09-30 09:29:59.900 31399 31592 E flutter : #19 _Timer._runTimers (dart:isolate-patch/timer_impl.dart:395:19) 09-30 09:29:59.900 31399 31592 E flutter : #20 _Timer._handleMessage (dart:isolate-patch/timer_impl.dart:426:5) 09-30 09:29:59.900 31399 31592 E flutter : #21 _RawReceivePortImpl._handleMessage (dart:isolate-patch/isolate_patch.dart:184:12) 09-30 09:29:59.900 31399 31592 E flutter : 09-30 09:29:59.211 2917 3860 W AppOps : Bad call: specified package under uid 10171 but it is really 10016 09-30 09:29:59.211 2917 3860 W AppOps : java.lang.RuntimeException: here 09-30 09:29:59.211 2917 3860 W AppOps : at 09-30 09:29:59.211 2917 3860 W AppOps : at 09-30 09:29:59.211 2917 3860 W AppOps : at$Stub.onTransact( 09-30 09:29:59.211 2917 3860 W AppOps : at android.os.Binder.execTransact( 09-30 09:30:00.366 2917 13521 W InputMethodManagerService: Window already focused, ignoring focus gain of:$Stub$Proxy@aa993b2 attribute=null, token = android.os.BinderProxy@5592f5d 09-30 09:30:02.063 3363 3406 W zygote : Checksum mismatch for dex SamsungIMEv3.2.apk 09-30 09:30:02.063 3363 3406 W zygote : Checksum mismatch for dex SamsungIMEv3.2.apk 09-30 09:30:03.279 2917 3211 W StorageManager: getStorageFullBytes DEFAULT_FULL_THRESHOLD_BYTES : 20971520, threadhold : 20971520 09-30 09:30:03.281 2917 3211 W DeviceStorageMonitorService: updateBroadcasts(/data) oldLevel:0, newLevel:0, seq:1 09-30 09:30:03.281 2917 3211 W DeviceStorageMonitorService: updateBroadcasts_filenode(/data) fn_oldLevel:0, fn_newLevel:0, seq:1 09-30 09:30:04.037 3603 3603 E wpa_supplicant: Cmd 35609 not handled 09-30 09:30:04.176 3455 3497 E RequestManager_FLP: [FusedLocationApi] Location remove 1cfbe4d from 09-30 09:30:04.185 3455 3497 E RequestManager_FLP: [FusedLocationApi] Location request 71d974e PRIORITY_HIGH_ACCURACY interval=1000 from 09-30 09:30:04.243 3455 3497 E RequestManager_FLP: [FusedLocationApi] Location remove 1457613 from 09-30 09:30:04.267 3455 3497 E RequestManager_FLP: [FusedLocationApi] Location remove 71d974e from 09-30 09:30:04.296 3455 3497 E RequestManager_FLP: [FusedLocationApi] Location request 7606f PRIORITY_HIGH_ACCURACY interval=1000 from 09-30 09:30:04.315 3455 3497 E RequestManager_FLP: [FusedLocationApi] Location remove 66f249 from 09-30 09:30:04.362 3455 3497 E RequestManager_FLP: [FusedLocationApi] Location remove 7606f from 09-30 09:30:04.375 3455 3497 E RequestManager_FLP: [FusedLocationApi] Location request 760117c PRIORITY_HIGH_ACCURACY interval=1000 from 09-30 09:30:04.384 3455 3497 E RequestManager_FLP: [FusedLocationApi] Location remove 760117c from 09-30 09:30:04.398 3455 3497 E RequestManager_FLP: [FusedLocationApi] Location request b236a05 PRIORITY_HIGH_ACCURACY interval=1000 from 09-30 09:30:04.423 2917 2932 E NotificationService: Package enqueue rate is 5.520762. Shedding 0||9942585|null|10171. 09-30 09:30:04.456 3455 3497 E RequestManager_FLP: [FusedLocationApi] Location remove b236a05 from 09-30 09:30:04.467 3455 3497 E RequestManager_FLP: [FusedLocationApi] Location request d3fda5a PRIORITY_HIGH_ACCURACY interval=1000 from 09-30 09:30:04.673 3455 3497 E RequestManager_FLP: [LocationManagerService] Location request 570ae4c gps interval=1000 from 09-30 09:30:04.692 3455 3497 E RequestManager_FLP: [LocationManagerService] Location remove 570ae4c from 09-30 09:30:04.741 3455 3497 E RequestManager_FLP: [LocationManagerService] Location request a9700c5 gps interval=1000 from 09-30 09:30:04.742 2917 4307 E PermissionMonitor: (NameNotFoundException) ApplicationInfo for ( is null! UserId: 0 09-30 09:30:04.742 2917 3443 E GnssLocationProvider_ex: mPositionMode set to GPS_POSITION_MODE_STANDALONE because of WiFi only model. 09-30 09:30:04.768 3455 3497 E RequestManager_FLP: [LocationManagerService] Location remove a9700c5 from 09-30 09:30:04.809 3455 3497 E RequestManager_FLP: [LocationManagerService] Location request 8a945d4 gps interval=1000 from 09-30 09:30:04.810 2917 13521 E PermissionMonitor: (NameNotFoundException) ApplicationInfo for ( is null! UserId: 0 09-30 09:30:04.823 2917 3443 E GnssLocationProvider_ex: mPositionMode set to GPS_POSITION_MODE_STANDALONE because of WiFi only model. 09-30 09:30:04.847 3455 3497 E RequestManager_FLP: [LocationManagerService] Location remove 8a945d4 from 09-30 09:30:04.888 3455 3497 E RequestManager_FLP: [LocationManagerService] Location request 2c77b6c gps interval=1000 from 09-30 09:30:04.888 2917 3443 E GnssLocationProvider_ex: mPositionMode set to GPS_POSITION_MODE_STANDALONE because of WiFi only model. 09-30 09:30:04.888 2917 11271 E PermissionMonitor: (NameNotFoundException) ApplicationInfo for ( is null! UserId: 0 09-30 09:30:04.998 2917 11271 W AppOps : Bad call: specified package under uid 10171 but it is really 10016 09-30 09:30:04.998 2917 11271 W AppOps : java.lang.RuntimeException: here 09-30 09:30:04.998 2917 11271 W AppOps : at 09-30 09:30:04.998 2917 11271 W AppOps : at 09-30 09:30:04.998 2917 11271 W AppOps : at$Stub.onTransact( 09-30 09:30:04.998 2917 11271 W AppOps : at android.os.Binder.execTransact( 09-30 09:30:05.000 2917 3118 W AppOps : Bad call: specified package under uid 10171 but it is really 10016 09-30 09:30:05.000 2917 3118 W AppOps : java.lang.RuntimeException: here 09-30 09:30:05.000 2917 3118 W AppOps : at 09-30 09:30:05.000 2917 3118 W AppOps : at 09-30 09:30:05.000 2917 3118 W AppOps : at$Stub.onTransact( 09-30 09:30:05.000 2917 3118 W AppOps : at android.os.Binder.execTransact( 09-30 09:30:05.004 2917 4307 W AppOps : Bad call: specified package under uid 10171 but it is really 10016 09-30 09:30:05.004 2917 4307 W AppOps : java.lang.RuntimeException: here 09-30 09:30:05.004 2917 4307 W AppOps : at 09-30 09:30:05.004 2917 4307 W AppOps : at 09-30 09:30:05.004 2917 4307 W AppOps : at$Stub.onTransact( 09-30 09:30:05.004 2917 4307 W AppOps : at android.os.Binder.execTransact( 09-30 09:30:05.007 2917 3860 W AppOps : Bad call: specified package under uid 10171 but it is really 10016 09-30 09:30:05.007 2917 3860 W AppOps : java.lang.RuntimeException: here 09-30 09:30:05.007 2917 3860 W AppOps : at 09-30 09:30:05.007 2917 3860 W AppOps : at 09-30 09:30:05.007 2917 3860 W AppOps : at$Stub.onTransact( 09-30 09:30:05.007 2917 3860 W AppOps : at android.os.Binder.execTransact( 09-30 09:30:05.009 2917 3118 W AppOps : Bad call: specified package under uid 10171 but it is really 10016 09-30 09:30:05.009 2917 3118 W AppOps : java.lang.RuntimeException: here 09-30 09:30:05.009 2917 3118 W AppOps : at 09-30 09:30:05.009 2917 3118 W AppOps : at 09-30 09:30:05.009 2917 3118 W AppOps : at$Stub.onTransact( 09-30 09:30:05.009 2917 3118 W AppOps : at android.os.Binder.execTransact( 09-30 09:30:05.012 2917 4307 W AppOps : Bad call: specified package under uid 10171 but it is really 10016 09-30 09:30:05.012 2917 4307 W AppOps : java.lang.RuntimeException: here 09-30 09:30:05.012 2917 4307 W AppOps : at 09-30 09:30:05.012 2917 4307 W AppOps : at 09-30 09:30:05.012 2917 4307 W AppOps : at$Stub.onTransact( 09-30 09:30:05.012 2917 4307 W AppOps : at android.os.Binder.execTransact( 09-30 09:30:05.014 2917 4307 W AppOps : Bad call: specified package under uid 10171 but it is really 10016 09-30 09:30:05.014 2917 4307 W AppOps : java.lang.RuntimeException: here 09-30 09:30:05.014 2917 4307 W AppOps : at 09-30 09:30:05.014 2917 4307 W AppOps : at 09-30 09:30:05.014 2917 4307 W AppOps : at$Stub.onTransact( 09-30 09:30:05.014 2917 4307 W AppOps : at android.os.Binder.execTransact( 09-30 09:30:05.016 2917 3118 W AppOps : Bad call: specified package under uid 10171 but it is really 10016 09-30 09:30:05.016 2917 3118 W AppOps : java.lang.RuntimeException: here 09-30 09:30:05.016 2917 3118 W AppOps : at 09-30 09:30:05.016 2917 3118 W AppOps : at 09-30 09:30:05.016 2917 3118 W AppOps : at$Stub.onTransact( 09-30 09:30:05.016 2917 3118 W AppOps : at android.os.Binder.execTransact( 09-30 09:30:05.019 2917 11271 W AppOps : Bad call: specified package under uid 10171 but it is really 10016 09-30 09:30:05.019 2917 11271 W AppOps : java.lang.RuntimeException: here 09-30 09:30:05.019 2917 11271 W AppOps : at 09-30 09:30:05.019 2917 11271 W AppOps : at 09-30 09:30:05.019 2917 11271 W AppOps : at$Stub.onTransact( 09-30 09:30:05.019 2917 11271 W AppOps : at android.os.Binder.execTransact( 09-30 09:30:05.021 2917 11271 W AppOps : Bad call: specified package under uid 10171 but it is really 10016 09-30 09:30:05.021 2917 11271 W AppOps : java.lang.RuntimeException: here 09-30 09:30:05.021 2917 11271 W AppOps : at 09-30 09:30:05.021 2917 11271 W AppOps : at 09-30 09:30:05.021 2917 11271 W AppOps : at$Stub.onTransact( 09-30 09:30:05.021 2917 11271 W AppOps : at android.os.Binder.execTransact( 09-30 09:30:05.023 2917 3118 W AppOps : Bad call: specified package under uid 10171 but it is really 10016 09-30 09:30:05.023 2917 3118 W AppOps : java.lang.RuntimeException: here 09-30 09:30:05.023 2917 3118 W AppOps : at 09-30 09:30:05.023 2917 3118 W AppOps : at 09-30 09:30:05.023 2917 3118 W AppOps : at$Stub.onTransact( 09-30 09:30:05.023 2917 3118 W AppOps : at android.os.Binder.execTransact( 09-30 09:30:05.025 2917 4307 W AppOps : Bad call: specified package under uid 10171 but it is really 10016 09-30 09:30:05.025 2917 4307 W AppOps : java.lang.RuntimeException: here 09-30 09:30:05.025 2917 4307 W AppOps : at 09-30 09:30:05.025 2917 4307 W AppOps : at 09-30 09:30:05.025 2917 4307 W AppOps : at$Stub.onTransact( 09-30 09:30:05.025 2917 4307 W AppOps : at android.os.Binder.execTransact( 09-30 09:30:07.855 3455 3497 E RequestManager_FLP: [FusedLocationApi] Location request d5ac968 PRIORITY_HIGH_ACCURACY interval=0 from 09-30 09:30:07.892 3455 3497 E RequestManager_FLP: [LocationManagerService] Location request 2c77b6c gps interval=0 from 09-30 09:30:08.817 2917 3067 W Choreographer: Frame time is 12.447502 ms in the future! Check that graphics HAL is generating vsync timestamps using the correct timebase. 09-30 09:30:10.742 3603 3603 E wpa_supplicant: Cmd 35609 not handled 09-30 09:30:10.791 31399 31592 E flutter : [ERROR:flutter/lib/ui/] Unhandled Exception: WebsocketClosedException: The server connection was closed 09-30 09:30:10.791 31399 31592 E flutter : 09-30 09:30:10.792 31399 31592 E flutter : [ERROR:flutter/lib/ui/] Unhandled Exception: WebsocketClosedException: The server connection was closed 09-30 09:30:10.792 31399 31592 E flutter : 09-30 09:30:10.857 31399 31592 E flutter : [ERROR:flutter/lib/ui/] Unhandled Exception: SocketException: Reading from a closed socket 09-30 09:30:10.857 31399 31592 E flutter : #0 (dart:io/secure_socket.dart:662:7) 09-30 09:30:10.857 31399 31592 E flutter : #1 _Socket._onData (dart:io-patch/socket_patch.dart:2165:28) 09-30 09:30:10.857 31399 31592 E flutter : #2 _rootRunUnary (dart:async/zone.dart:1436:47) 09-30 09:30:10.857 31399 31592 E flutter : #3 _CustomZone.runUnary (dart:async/zone.dart:1335:19) 09-30 09:30:10.857 31399 31592 E flutter : #4 _CustomZone.runUnaryGuarded (dart:async/zone.dart:1244:7) 09-30 09:30:10.857 31399 31592 E flutter : #5 _BufferingStreamSubscription._sendData (dart:async/stream_impl.dart:341:11) 09-30 09:30:10.857 31399 31592 E flutter : #6 _BufferingStreamSubscription._add (dart:async/stream_impl.dart:271:7) 09-30 09:30:10.857 31399 31592 E flutter : #7 _SyncStreamControllerDispatch._sendData (dart:async/stream_controller.dart:733:19) 09-30 09:30:10.857 31399 31592 E flutter : #8 _StreamController._add (dart:async/stream_controller.dart:607:7) 09-30 09:30:10.857 31399 31592 E flutter : #9 _StreamController.add (dart:async/stream_controller.dart:554:5) 09-30 09:30:10.857 31399 31592 E flutter : #10 _RawSecureSocket._sendReadEvent (dart:io/secure_socket.dart:991:19) 09-30 09:30:10.857 31399 31592 E flutter : #11 _rootRun (dart:async/zone.dart:1420:47) 09-30 09:30:10.857 31399 31592 E flutter : #12 (dart:async/zone.dart:1328:19) 09-30 09:30:10.857 31399 31592 E flutter : #13 _CustomZone.runGuarded (dart:async/zone.dart:1236:7) 09-30 09:30:10.857 31399 31592 E flutter : #14 _CustomZone.bindCallbackGuarded. (dart:async/zone.dart:1276:23) 09-30 09:30:10.857 31399 31592 E flutter : #15 _rootRun (dart:async/zone.dart:1428:13) 09-30 09:30:10.857 31399 31592 E flutter : #16 (dart:async/zone.dart:1328:19) 09-30 09:30:10.857 31399 31592 E flutter : #17 _CustomZone.bindCallback. (dart:async/zone.dart:1260:23) 09-30 09:30:10.857 31399 31592 E flutter : #18 Timer._createTimer. (dart:async-patch/timer_patch.dart:18:15) 09-30 09:30:10.857 31399 31592 E flutter : #19 _Timer._runTimers (dart:isolate-patch/timer_impl.dart:395:19) 09-30 09:30:10.857 31399 31592 E flutter : #20 _Timer._handleMessage (dart:isolate-patch/timer_impl.dart:426:5) 09-30 09:30:10.857 31399 31592 E flutter : #21 _RawReceivePortImpl._handleMessage (dart:isolate-patch/isolate_patch.dart:184:12) 09-30 09:30:10.857 31399 31592 E flutter : 09-30 09:30:10.926 3455 3497 E RequestManager_FLP: [FusedLocationApi] Location remove d5ac968 from 09-30 09:30:10.971 3455 3497 E RequestManager_FLP: [LocationManagerService] Location request 2c77b6c gps interval=1000 from 09-30 09:30:10.996 3455 3497 E RequestManager_FLP: [FusedLocationApi] Location request f114226 PRIORITY_HIGH_ACCURACY interval=0 from 09-30 09:30:11.071 3455 3497 E RequestManager_FLP: [LocationManagerService] Location request 2c77b6c gps interval=0 from 09-30 09:30:16.997 2917 3442 E Watchdog: !@Sync 601 [2021-09-30 09:30:16.996] 09-30 09:30:20.541 3603 3603 E wpa_supplicant: Cmd 35609 not handled 09-30 09:30:20.718 3455 3497 E RequestManager_FLP: [FusedLocationApi] Location remove f114226 from 09-30 09:30:20.750 3455 3497 E RequestManager_FLP: [FusedLocationApi] Location remove d3fda5a from 09-30 09:30:20.762 3455 3497 E RequestManager_FLP: [FusedLocationApi] Location request be4ee67 PRIORITY_HIGH_ACCURACY interval=1000 from 09-30 09:30:20.784 3455 3497 E RequestManager_FLP: [FusedLocationApi] Location remove be4ee67 from 09-30 09:30:20.795 3455 3497 E RequestManager_FLP: [LocationManagerService] Location request 2c77b6c gps interval=1000 from 09-30 09:30:20.800 3455 3497 E RequestManager_FLP: [FusedLocationApi] Location request bc71414 PRIORITY_HIGH_ACCURACY interval=1000 from 09-30 09:30:20.873 3455 3497 E RequestManager_FLP: [FusedLocationApi] Location remove bc71414 from 09-30 09:30:20.885 3455 3497 E RequestManager_FLP: [FusedLocationApi] Location request 759d4bd PRIORITY_HIGH_ACCURACY interval=1000 from 09-30 09:30:20.960 3455 3497 E RequestManager_FLP: [LocationManagerService] Location remove 2c77b6c from 09-30 09:30:21.023 2917 3443 E GnssLocationProvider_ex: mPositionMode set to GPS_POSITION_MODE_STANDALONE because of WiFi only model. 09-30 09:30:21.024 3455 3497 E RequestManager_FLP: [LocationManagerService] Location request cbfe0da gps interval=1000 from 09-30 09:30:21.025 2917 11271 E PermissionMonitor: (NameNotFoundException) ApplicationInfo for ( is null! UserId: 0 09-30 09:30:21.051 3455 3497 E RequestManager_FLP: [LocationManagerService] Location remove cbfe0da from 09-30 09:30:21.103 3455 3497 E RequestManager_FLP: [LocationManagerService] Location request cb30a6 gps interval=1000 from 09-30 09:30:21.103 2917 4307 E PermissionMonitor: (NameNotFoundException) ApplicationInfo for ( is null! UserId: 0 09-30 09:30:21.103 2917 3443 E GnssLocationProvider_ex: mPositionMode set to GPS_POSITION_MODE_STANDALONE because of WiFi only model. 09-30 09:30:21.136 3455 3497 E RequestManager_FLP: [LocationManagerService] Location remove cb30a6 from 09-30 09:30:21.195 3455 3497 E RequestManager_FLP: [LocationManagerService] Location request 7c92839 gps interval=1000 from 09-30 09:30:21.197 2917 3118 E PermissionMonitor: (NameNotFoundException) ApplicationInfo for ( is null! UserId: 0 09-30 09:30:21.197 2917 3443 E GnssLocationProvider_ex: mPositionMode set to GPS_POSITION_MODE_STANDALONE because of WiFi only model. 09-30 09:30:21.460 2917 3624 W AppOps : Bad call: specified package under uid 10171 but it is really 10016 09-30 09:30:21.460 2917 3624 W AppOps : java.lang.RuntimeException: here 09-30 09:30:21.460 2917 3624 W AppOps : at 09-30 09:30:21.460 2917 3624 W AppOps : at 09-30 09:30:21.460 2917 3624 W AppOps : at$Stub.onTransact( 09-30 09:30:21.460 2917 3624 W AppOps : at android.os.Binder.execTransact( 09-30 09:30:21.465 2917 3624 W AppOps : Bad call: specified package under uid 10171 but it is really 10016 09-30 09:30:21.465 2917 3624 W AppOps : java.lang.RuntimeException: here 09-30 09:30:21.465 2917 3624 W AppOps : at 09-30 09:30:21.465 2917 3624 W AppOps : at 09-30 09:30:21.465 2917 3624 W AppOps : at$Stub.onTransact( 09-30 09:30:21.465 2917 3624 W AppOps : at android.os.Binder.execTransact( 09-30 09:30:21.467 2917 3860 W AppOps : Bad call: specified package under uid 10171 but it is really 10016 09-30 09:30:21.467 2917 3860 W AppOps : java.lang.RuntimeException: here 09-30 09:30:21.467 2917 3860 W AppOps : at 09-30 09:30:21.467 2917 3860 W AppOps : at 09-30 09:30:21.467 2917 3860 W AppOps : at$Stub.onTransact( 09-30 09:30:21.467 2917 3860 W AppOps : at android.os.Binder.execTransact( 09-30 09:30:21.469 2917 3624 W AppOps : Bad call: specified package under uid 10171 but it is really 10016 09-30 09:30:21.469 2917 3624 W AppOps : java.lang.RuntimeException: here 09-30 09:30:21.469 2917 3624 W AppOps : at 09-30 09:30:21.469 2917 3624 W AppOps : at 09-30 09:30:21.469 2917 3624 W AppOps : at$Stub.onTransact( 09-30 09:30:21.469 2917 3624 W AppOps : at android.os.Binder.execTransact( 09-30 09:30:21.471 2917 4307 W AppOps : Bad call: specified package under uid 10171 but it is really 10016 09-30 09:30:21.471 2917 4307 W AppOps : java.lang.RuntimeException: here 09-30 09:30:21.471 2917 4307 W AppOps : at 09-30 09:30:21.471 2917 4307 W AppOps : at 09-30 09:30:21.471 2917 4307 W AppOps : at$Stub.onTransact( 09-30 09:30:21.471 2917 4307 W AppOps : at android.os.Binder.execTransact( 09-30 09:30:21.477 2917 4307 W AppOps : Bad call: specified package under uid 10171 but it is really 10016 09-30 09:30:21.477 2917 4307 W AppOps : java.lang.RuntimeException: here 09-30 09:30:21.477 2917 4307 W AppOps : at 09-30 09:30:21.477 2917 4307 W AppOps : at 09-30 09:30:21.477 2917 4307 W AppOps : at$Stub.onTransact( 09-30 09:30:21.477 2917 4307 W AppOps : at android.os.Binder.execTransact( 09-30 09:30:21.479 2917 3624 W AppOps : Bad call: specified package under uid 10171 but it is really 10016 09-30 09:30:21.479 2917 3624 W AppOps : java.lang.RuntimeException: here 09-30 09:30:21.479 2917 3624 W AppOps : at 09-30 09:30:21.479 2917 3624 W AppOps : at 09-30 09:30:21.479 2917 3624 W AppOps : at$Stub.onTransact( 09-30 09:30:21.479 2917 3624 W AppOps : at android.os.Binder.execTransact( 09-30 09:30:21.481 2917 3860 W AppOps : Bad call: specified package under uid 10171 but it is really 10016 09-30 09:30:21.481 2917 3860 W AppOps : java.lang.RuntimeException: here 09-30 09:30:21.481 2917 3860 W AppOps : at 09-30 09:30:21.481 2917 3860 W AppOps : at 09-30 09:30:21.481 2917 3860 W AppOps : at$Stub.onTransact( 09-30 09:30:21.481 2917 3860 W AppOps : at android.os.Binder.execTransact( 09-30 09:30:21.484 2917 3860 W AppOps : Bad call: specified package under uid 10171 but it is really 10016 09-30 09:30:21.484 2917 3860 W AppOps : java.lang.RuntimeException: here 09-30 09:30:21.484 2917 3860 W AppOps : at 09-30 09:30:21.484 2917 3860 W AppOps : at 09-30 09:30:21.484 2917 3860 W AppOps : at$Stub.onTransact( 09-30 09:30:21.484 2917 3860 W AppOps : at android.os.Binder.execTransact( 09-30 09:30:25.665 3603 3603 E wpa_supplicant: Cmd 35609 not handled 09-30 09:30:28.447 3363 3363 W SKBDC : TymeCore key count 48 09-30 09:30:28.549 3363 3363 W SKBDC : TymeCore key count 48 09-30 09:30:28.549 3363 3363 E SKBDC : SSTAC init()::current version is 3.01.01.U1.T1 09-30 09:30:28.549 3363 3363 E SKBDC : SSTAC [init] mLanguageCode : 589872, tempLanguageCode : 589872, getPreloadLmLoadSuccessState() : 1 09-30 09:30:28.556 3363 3363 W SKBDC : SSTAC SSTAC: 0 49 21 12 115 72 09-30 09:30:28.556 3363 3363 W SKBDC : SSTAC SSTAC: 1 50 127 12 221 72 09-30 09:30:28.556 3363 3363 W SKBDC : SSTAC SSTAC: 2 51 233 12 327 72 09-30 09:30:28.556 3363 3363 W SKBDC : SSTAC SSTAC: 3 52 339 12 433 72 09-30 09:30:28.556 3363 3363 W SKBDC : SSTAC SSTAC: 4 53 445 12 539 72 09-30 09:30:28.556 3363 3363 W SKBDC : SSTAC SSTAC: 5 54 551 12 645 72 09-30 09:30:28.556 3363 3363 W SKBDC : SSTAC SSTAC: 6 55 657 12 751 72 09-30 09:30:28.556 3363 3363 W SKBDC : SSTAC SSTAC: 7 56 763 12 857 72 09-30 09:30:28.556 3363 3363 W SKBDC : SSTAC SSTAC: 8 57 869 12 963 72 09-30 09:30:28.556 3363 3363 W SKBDC : SSTAC SSTAC: 9 48 975 12 1069 72 09-30 09:30:28.556 3363 3363 W SKBDC : SSTAC SSTAC: 10 -1003 1081 12 1179 72 09-30 09:30:28.556 3363 3363 W SKBDC : SSTAC SSTAC: 11 113 21 81 115 165 09-30 09:30:28.556 3363 3363 W SKBDC : SSTAC SSTAC: 12 119 127 81 221 165 09-30 09:30:28.556 3363 3363 W SKBDC : SSTAC SSTAC: 13 101 233 81 327 165 09-30 09:30:28.556 3363 3363 W SKBDC : SSTAC SSTAC: 14 114 339 81 433 165 09-30 09:30:28.556 3363 3363 W SKBDC : SSTAC SSTAC: 15 116 445 81 539 165 09-30 09:30:28.556 3363 3363 W SKBDC : SSTAC SSTAC: 16 121 551 81 645 165 09-30 09:30:28.556 3363 3363 W SKBDC : SSTAC SSTAC: 17 117 657 81 751 165 09-30 09:30:28.556 3363 3363 W SKBDC : SSTAC SSTAC: 18 105 763 81 857 165 09-30 09:30:28.556 3363 3363 W SKBDC : SSTAC SSTAC: 19 111 869 81 963 165 09-30 09:30:28.556 3363 3363 W SKBDC : SSTAC SSTAC: 20 112 975 81 1069 165 09-30 09:30:28.556 3363 3363 W SKBDC : SSTAC SSTAC: 21 -5 1081 81 1179 165 09-30 09:30:28.556 3363 3363 W SKBDC : SSTAC SSTAC: 22 97 75 174 169 258 09-30 09:30:28.556 3363 3363 W SKBDC : SSTAC SSTAC: 23 115 181 174 275 258 09-30 09:30:28.556 3363 3363 W SKBDC : SSTAC SSTAC: 24 100 287 174 381 258 09-30 09:30:28.556 3363 3363 W SKBDC : SSTAC SSTAC: 25 102 393 174 487 258 09-30 09:30:28.557 3363 3363 W SKBDC : SSTAC SSTAC: 26 103 499 174 593 258 09-30 09:30:28.557 3363 3363 W SKBDC : SSTAC SSTAC: 27 104 605 174 699 258 09-30 09:30:28.557 3363 3363 W SKBDC : SSTAC SSTAC: 28 106 711 174 805 258 09-30 09:30:28.557 3363 3363 W SKBDC : SSTAC SSTAC: 29 107 817 174 911 258 09-30 09:30:28.557 3363 3363 W SKBDC : SSTAC SSTAC: 30 108 923 174 1017 258 09-30 09:30:28.557 3363 3363 W SKBDC : SSTAC SSTAC: 31 10 1029 174 1179 258 09-30 09:30:28.557 3363 3363 W SKBDC : SSTAC SSTAC: 32 -400 21 267 115 351 09-30 09:30:28.557 3363 3363 W SKBDC : SSTAC SSTAC: 33 122 127 267 221 351 09-30 09:30:28.557 3363 3363 W SKBDC : SSTAC SSTAC: 34 120 233 267 327 351 09-30 09:30:28.557 3363 3363 W SKBDC : SSTAC SSTAC: 35 99 339 267 433 351 09-30 09:30:28.557 3363 3363 W SKBDC : SSTAC SSTAC: 36 118 445 267 539 351 09-30 09:30:28.557 3363 3363 W SKBDC : SSTAC SSTAC: 37 98 551 267 645 351 09-30 09:30:28.557 3363 3363 W SKBDC : SSTAC SSTAC: 38 110 657 267 751 351 09-30 09:30:28.557 3363 3363 W SKBDC : SSTAC SSTAC: 39 109 763 267 857 351 09-30 09:30:28.557 3363 3363 W SKBDC : SSTAC SSTAC: 40 -124 869 267 963 351 09-30 09:30:28.557 3363 3363 W SKBDC : SSTAC SSTAC: 41 -122 975 267 1069 351 09-30 09:30:28.557 3363 3363 W SKBDC : SSTAC SSTAC: 42 -410 1081 267 1179 351 09-30 09:30:28.557 3363 3363 W SKBDC : SSTAC SSTAC: 43 -1000 21 360 115 444 09-30 09:30:28.557 3363 3363 W SKBDC : SSTAC SSTAC: 44 -102 127 360 221 444 09-30 09:30:28.557 3363 3363 W SKBDC : SSTAC SSTAC: 45 32 233 360 965 444 09-30 09:30:28.557 3363 3363 W SKBDC : SSTAC SSTAC: 46 -1001 977 360 1071 444 09-30 09:30:28.557 3363 3363 W SKBDC : SSTAC SSTAC: 47 -1002 1083 360 1179 444 09-30 09:30:28.559 3363 3363 W SKBDC : MovAreaStore File Error while reading 1 09-30 09:30:28.559 3363 3363 E TIPLib : [setActivateKeypad] The function setActivateKeypad is deprecated! Please, use setActiveKeypad. 09-30 09:30:28.564 3363 3363 E SKBD : anw setInputMode, Cannot set Ambiguous or MultiTap with INPUT_QWERTY 09-30 09:30:28.688 3363 3363 E SKBD : bbd [USICM][getSelectedText] updated, but null is returned 09-30 09:30:29.532 3363 3363 E SKBD : bbl Dismiss keyPreviewView is null 09-30 09:30:29.803 3363 3363 E SKBD : bbl Dismiss keyPreviewView is null 09-30 09:30:30.107 3363 3363 E SKBDC : SSLanguageModelManager buildContextualCLM()::Word Probability is zero 09-30 09:30:30.275 3363 3363 E SKBD : bbl Dismiss keyPreviewView is null 09-30 09:30:30.684 3363 3363 E SKBDC : SSLanguageModelManager buildContextualCLM()::Word Probability is zero 09-30 09:30:30.872 3363 3363 E SKBD : bbl Dismiss keyPreviewView is null 09-30 09:30:31.522 3363 3363 E SKBDC : SSLanguageModelManager buildContextualCLM()::Word Probability is zero 09-30 09:30:31.638 3363 3363 E SKBD : anw processWhenPickSuggestionManually : 0 09-30 09:30:31.698 3363 3363 E SKBD : bbw getInstance start 09-30 09:30:31.698 3363 3363 E SKBD : bbw sendSIPInformation state: 6 isAbstractKeyboardView : true 09-30 09:30:31.710 3363 32069 E SKBD : bbw sending null keyboardInfo as SIP is closed 09-30 09:30:32.784 3455 3497 E RequestManager_FLP: [FusedLocationApi] Location request b480a03 PRIORITY_HIGH_ACCURACY interval=0 from 09-30 09:30:32.827 3455 3497 E RequestManager_FLP: [LocationManagerService] Location request 7c92839 gps interval=0 from 09-30 09:30:37.793 2917 3104 E MdnieScenarioControlService: Exception : /sys/class/mdnie/mdnie/scenario (No such file or directory) , in : null , value : null , length : 0 09-30 09:30:37.793 2917 3104 W System.err: /sys/class/mdnie/mdnie/scenario (No such file or directory) 09-30 09:30:37.793 2917 3104 W System.err: at Method) 09-30 09:30:37.793 2917 3104 W System.err: at 09-30 09:30:37.793 2917 3104 W System.err: at 09-30 09:30:37.793 2917 3104 W System.err: at 09-30 09:30:37.794 2917 3104 W System.err: at 09-30 09:30:37.794 2917 3104 W System.err: at Source:0) 09-30 09:30:37.794 2917 3104 W System.err: at$MSCSControlHandler.handleMessage( 09-30 09:30:37.794 2917 3104 W System.err: at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage( 09-30 09:30:37.794 2917 3104 W System.err: at android.os.Looper.loop( 09-30 09:30:37.794 2917 3104 W System.err: at 09-30 09:30:37.844 2917 3475 W InputMethodManagerService: hideSoftInput : Ignoring, uid 10053:$Stub$Proxy@2136242 09-30 09:30:37.913 4072 4072 E Launcher.Utilities:$NameNotFoundException: 09-30 09:30:37.960 4275 4275 W SearchServiceClient: Starting with NO_SESSION handoverId is deprecated. Just don't. You will break. 09-30 09:30:37.960 4275 4275 W SearchServiceClient: SearchServiceClient: Starting with NO_SESSION handoverId is deprecated. Just don't. You will break. 09-30 09:30:37.960 4275 4275 W SearchServiceClient: at 09-30 09:30:37.960 4275 4275 W SearchServiceClient: at 09-30 09:30:37.960 4275 4275 W SearchServiceClient: at 09-30 09:30:37.960 4275 4275 W SearchServiceClient: at 09-30 09:30:37.960 4275 4275 W SearchServiceClient: at 09-30 09:30:37.960 4275 4275 W SearchServiceClient: at 09-30 09:30:37.960 4275 4275 W SearchServiceClient: at 09-30 09:30:37.960 4275 4275 W SearchServiceClient: at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage( 09-30 09:30:37.960 4275 4275 W SearchServiceClient: at android.os.Looper.loop( 09-30 09:30:37.960 4275 4275 W SearchServiceClient: at 09-30 09:30:37.960 4275 4275 W SearchServiceClient: at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method) 09-30 09:30:37.960 4275 4275 W SearchServiceClient: at$ 09-30 09:30:37.960 4275 4275 W SearchServiceClient: at 09-30 09:30:38.085 4275 4451 W SessionLifecycleManager: Handover failed. Creating new session controller. 09-30 09:30:38.150 4275 4451 E PBSessionCacheImpl: sessionId[18803281777762772] not persisted. 09-30 09:30:38.180 2917 3104 E MdnieScenarioControlService: Exception : /sys/class/mdnie/mdnie/scenario (No such file or directory) , in : null , value : null , length : 0 09-30 09:30:38.180 2917 3104 W System.err: /sys/class/mdnie/mdnie/scenario (No such file or directory) 09-30 09:30:38.180 2917 3104 W System.err: at Method) 09-30 09:30:38.180 2917 3104 W System.err: at 09-30 09:30:38.180 2917 3104 W System.err: at 09-30 09:30:38.180 2917 3104 W System.err: at 09-30 09:30:38.180 2917 3104 W System.err: at 09-30 09:30:38.180 2917 3104 W System.err: at Source:0) 09-30 09:30:38.180 2917 3104 W System.err: at$MSCSControlHandler.handleMessage( 09-30 09:30:38.180 2917 3104 W System.err: at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage( 09-30 09:30:38.180 2917 3104 W System.err: at android.os.Looper.loop( 09-30 09:30:38.180 2917 3104 W System.err: at 09-30 09:30:38.181 4275 30388 W ThreadPoolDumper: Queue length for executor EventBus is now 11. Perhaps some tasks are too long, or the pool is too small. 09-30 09:30:38.363 2567 3682 W DeviceHAL: Device 0xf58d3500 open_input_stream: Invalid argument 09-30 09:30:38.394 2917 3067 E WindowManager: win=Window{255b0d2 u0 EXITING} destroySurfaces: appStopped=true win.mWindowRemovalAllowed=false win.mRemoveOnExit=false win.mViewVisibility=8, 09-30 09:30:38.428 2567 32079 W audio_hw_primary: start_input_stream echoReference effect is not supported. 09-30 09:30:38.491 4072 4466 W OpenGLRenderer: Incorrectly called buildLayer on View: WorkspaceCellLayoutChildren, destroying layer... 09-30 09:30:38.491 4072 4466 W OpenGLRenderer: Incorrectly called buildLayer on View: WorkspaceCellLayoutChildren, destroying layer... 09-30 09:30:38.752 4275 30326 W SpeechLevelGenerator: Really low audio levels detected. The audio input may have issues. 09-30 09:30:42.077 3363 3406 W zygote : Checksum mismatch for dex SamsungIMEv3.2.apk 09-30 09:30:42.078 3363 3406 W zygote : Checksum mismatch for dex SamsungIMEv3.2.apk 09-30 09:30:42.220 2917 2932 W BroadcastQueue: Permission Denial: receiving Intent { flg=0x10 (has extras) } to ProcessRecord{6829739} (pid=3660, uid=10016) requires due to sender (uid 10053) 09-30 09:30:42.221 2917 2932 W BroadcastQueue: Permission Denial: receiving Intent { flg=0x10 (has extras) } to$GmsExternalReceiver requires due to sender (uid 10053) 09-30 09:30:42.243 4275 30384 E AudioSource: Stop listening is called on already closed AudioSource 09-30 09:30:42.244 2567 3682 E audio_hw_primary: adev_close_input_stream, set jack_in to null 09-30 09:30:42.244 4275 4451 W SearchServiceCore: Abort, client detached. 09-30 09:30:42.266 32082 32082 E Zygote : isWhitelistProcess - Process is Whitelisted 09-30 09:30:42.267 32082 32082 E libpersona: scanKnoxPersonas 09-30 09:30:42.267 32082 32082 E libpersona: Couldn't open the File - /data/system/users/0/personalist.xml - No such file or directory 09-30 09:30:42.269 32082 32082 W SELinux : SELinux selinux_android_compute_policy_index : Policy Index[2], Con:u:r:zygote:s0 RAM:SEPF_SM-T580_8.1.0_0008, [-1 -1 -1 -1 0 1] 09-30 09:30:42.624 2917 3067 E WindowManager: win=Window{7f51d2a u0 EXITING} destroySurfaces: appStopped=false win.mWindowRemovalAllowed=false win.mRemoveOnExit=false win.mViewVisibility=8, 09-30 09:30:42.692 32082 32082 W TimeViewState: mediaSet is null! and mCurrentTopSetPath is /cluster/{/union/all}/smart 09-30 09:30:43.176 2917 3067 E WindowManager: win=Window{dba24d9 u0 Splash Screen EXITING} destroySurfaces: appStopped=false win.mWindowRemovalAllowed=true win.mRemoveOnExit=true win.mViewVisibility=0,$-com_android_server_wm_DisplayContent_21578:476 09-30 09:30:43.560 3603 3603 E wpa_supplicant: Cmd 35609 not handled 09-30 09:30:43.686 3455 3497 E RequestManager_FLP: [FusedLocationApi] Location remove b480a03 from 09-30 09:30:43.729 3455 3497 E RequestManager_FLP: [LocationManagerService] Location request 7c92839 gps interval=1000 from 09-30 09:30:43.819 2917 3088 E AlarmManager: No more alarm at this time. nowELAPSED=76674852 batch.start=76678899 mNextWakeup=76678899 mNextNonWakeup=76674852 mAlarmBatches.size=39 09-30 09:30:43.820 2917 3088 E AlarmManager: Batch 1 size = 2 : 76678899, Batch 2 size = 1 : 76679898, Batch 3 size = 1 : 76685593 09-30 09:30:43.820 2917 3088 E AlarmManager: No more alarm at this time. mNextWakeup will be set as zero : 76678899 09-30 09:30:44.407 32145 32145 E Zygote : isWhitelistProcess - Process is Whitelisted 09-30 09:30:44.407 32145 32145 E libpersona: scanKnoxPersonas 09-30 09:30:44.407 32145 32145 E libpersona: Couldn't open the File - /data/system/users/0/personalist.xml - No such file or directory 09-30 09:30:44.410 32145 32145 W SELinux : SELinux selinux_android_compute_policy_index : Policy Index[2], Con:u:r:zygote:s0 RAM:SEPF_SM-T580_8.1.0_0008, [-1 -1 -1 -1 0 1] 09-30 09:30:44.494 3376 3581 W Tile.CustomTile: handleUpdateState : hasPendingBind Power 09-30 09:30:44.494 3376 3581 W Tile.CustomTile: saving 09-30 09:30:44.500 3376 3581 W Tile.CustomTile: handleUpdateState : hasPendingBind Power 09-30 09:30:44.500 3376 3581 W Tile.CustomTile: saving 09-30 09:30:44.539 2917 18519 E VibratorService: vibratorOff command failed (1). 09-30 09:30:44.585 32082 32143 E AndroidBeamCmd: SbeamHelperSbeamHelper : setBeamUris > can't load nfcadapter 09-30 09:30:44.921 32145 32176 W SamsungAnalytics605036: [f] NullPointerException Attempt to invoke virtual method 'void' on a null object reference 09-30 09:30:44.969 32182 32182 E Zygote : isWhitelistProcess - Process is Whitelisted 09-30 09:30:44.970 32182 32182 E libpersona: scanKnoxPersonas 09-30 09:30:44.970 32182 32182 E libpersona: Couldn't open the File - /data/system/users/0/personalist.xml - No such file or directory 09-30 09:30:44.974 32182 32182 W SELinux : SELinux selinux_android_compute_policy_index : Policy Index[2], Con:u:r:zygote:s0 RAM:SEPF_SM-T580_8.1.0_0008, [-1 -1 -1 -1 0 1] 09-30 09:30:44.994 32082 32082 W SConnectManager: bezel error - supported : false, already registered : false 09-30 09:30:45.023 32213 32213 E Zygote : isWhitelistProcess - Process is Whitelisted 09-30 09:30:45.024 32213 32213 E libpersona: scanKnoxPersonas 09-30 09:30:45.024 32213 32213 E libpersona: Couldn't open the File - /data/system/users/0/personalist.xml - No such file or directory 09-30 09:30:45.027 32213 32213 W SELinux : SELinux selinux_android_compute_policy_index : Policy Index[2], Con:u:r:zygote:s0 RAM:SEPF_SM-T580_8.1.0_0008, [-1 -1 -1 -1 0 1] 09-30 09:30:45.061 32235 32235 E Zygote : isWhitelistProcess - Process is Whitelisted 09-30 09:30:45.062 32235 32235 E libpersona: scanKnoxPersonas 09-30 09:30:45.062 32235 32235 E libpersona: Couldn't open the File - /data/system/users/0/personalist.xml - No such file or directory 09-30 09:30:45.064 32235 32235 W SELinux : SELinux selinux_android_compute_policy_index : Policy Index[2], Con:u:r:zygote:s0 RAM:SEPF_SM-T580_8.1.0_0008, [-1 -1 -1 -1 0 1] 09-30 09:30:45.072 32145 32189 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info for 09-30 09:30:45.088 4937 5200 E FeatureClassSet: [#CMH#] SVE Package is not available !!! 09-30 09:30:45.087 32145 32189 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info for 09-30 09:30:45.107 32145 32257 E [SCSDK][C][2.0.10]: [SContext]context is null 09-30 09:30:45.107 32145 32257 E [SCSDK][C][2.0.10]: [SamsungCloud]Cloud SDK is not initialized. 09-30 09:30:45.110 32082 32242 W CMHSocialInterface: no notification! 09-30 09:30:45.125 32082 32242 E PostGallCmdBadgeUpdator: BadgeUpdateThread run 09-30 09:30:45.127 2676 2811 E IptablesRestoreController: [iptables debug]iptables-restore execute *filter 09-30 09:30:45.127 2676 2811 E IptablesRestoreController: -I bw_happy_box -m owner --uid-owner 10147 --jump RETURN 09-30 09:30:45.127 2676 2811 E IptablesRestoreController: COMMIT 09-30 09:30:45.132 4937 5200 E FeatureClassSet: [#CMH#] SVE Package is not available !!! 09-30 09:30:45.170 2676 2811 E IptablesRestoreController: [iptables debug]iptables-restore execute done *filter 09-30 09:30:45.170 2676 2811 E IptablesRestoreController: -I bw_happy_box -m owner --uid-owner 10147 --jump RETURN 09-30 09:30:45.170 2676 2811 E IptablesRestoreController: COMMIT 09-30 09:30:45.170 2676 2811 E IptablesRestoreController: , res : 0 09-30 09:30:45.246 32182 32182 E AllShare(ASF_DMC): [CP_DISCOVERY] Rescan: 498: SendMulticastPacket failed with error 1 09-30 09:30:45.247 32182 32182 E AllShare(ASF_DMC): [CP_DISCOVERY] Rescan: 498: SendMulticastPacket failed with error 1 09-30 09:30:45.280 32182 32182 E AllShare(ASF_DMC): [CP_DISCOVERY] Rescan: 498: SendMulticastPacket failed with error 1 09-30 09:30:45.280 32182 32182 E AllShare(ASF_DMC): [CP_DISCOVERY] Rescan: 498: SendMulticastPacket failed with error 1 09-30 09:30:45.281 32182 32182 E AllShare(ASF_DMC): [CP_DISCOVERY] Rescan: 498: SendMulticastPacket failed with error 1 09-30 09:30:45.289 32182 32224 E AllShare(ASF_DMC): [CP_DISCOVERY] Rescan: 498: SendMulticastPacket failed with error 1 09-30 09:30:45.291 32182 32224 W AllShare(ASF-DMC): DeviceListManagerWrapper.getDeviceList - Get device list with type[2] failed 09-30 09:30:45.292 32182 32224 W AllShare(ASF-DMC): DeviceListManagerWrapper.getDeviceList - Get device list with type[1] failed 09-30 09:30:45.340 32182 32287 E AllShare(ASF_DMC): [CP_DISCOVERY] ServiceDescriptionReceived: 513: Service description received for already notified device uuid:e4c797e0-82ce-4f84-b56d-085d9d77c8cd+wlan0 09-30 09:30:45.342 32182 32287 E AllShare(ASF_DMC): [CP_DISCOVERY] ServiceDescriptionReceived: 513: Service description received for already notified device uuid:e4c797e0-82ce-4f84-b56d-085d9d77c8cd+wlan0 09-30 09:30:45.375 32235 32235 W zygote : Opening an oat file without a class loader. Are you using the deprecated DexFile APIs? 09-30 09:30:45.485 3376 3386 W JavaBinder: BinderProxy is being destroyed but the application did not call unlinkToDeath to unlink all of its death recipients beforehand. Releasing leaked death recipient: 09-30 09:30:45.669 32235 32235 E SEMS:MobileService_10.5.0.000: [GLog][2][GroupDBHelper] Instance null 09-30 09:30:45.735 32235 32259 E SEMS:MobileService_10.5.0.000: [1564][GroupProviderUtil] /storage/emulated/0/.sems/sa_groups_img_family_grid.png (Permission denied) 09-30 09:30:45.735 32235 32259 E SEMS:MobileService_10.5.0.000: at Method) 09-30 09:30:45.735 32235 32259 E SEMS:MobileService_10.5.0.000: at 09-30 09:30:45.735 32235 32259 E SEMS:MobileService_10.5.0.000: at 09-30 09:30:45.735 32235 32259 E SEMS:MobileService_10.5.0.000: at 09-30 09:30:45.735 32235 32259 E SEMS:MobileService_10.5.0.000: at Source:46) 09-30 09:30:45.735 32235 32259 E SEMS:MobileService_10.5.0.000: at Source:20) 09-30 09:30:45.735 32235 32259 E SEMS:MobileService_10.5.0.000: at Source:3) 09-30 09:30:45.735 32235 32259 E SEMS:MobileService_10.5.0.000: at Source:181) 09-30 09:30:45.735 32235 32259 E SEMS:MobileService_10.5.0.000: at android.content.ContentProvider.query( 09-30 09:30:45.735 32235 32259 E SEMS:MobileService_10.5.0.000: at android.content.ContentProvider.query( 09-30 09:30:45.735 32235 32259 E SEMS:MobileService_10.5.0.000: at android.content.ContentProvider$Transport.query( 09-30 09:30:45.735 32235 32259 E SEMS:MobileService_10.5.0.000: at android.content.ContentProviderNative.onTransact( 09-30 09:30:45.735 32235 32259 E SEMS:MobileService_10.5.0.000: at android.os.Binder.execTransact( 09-30 09:30:46.581 32082 32082 E SemsMobileServiceImpl: Session connect failed. : Account is not authorized! you need sign-in 09-30 09:30:46.737 2917 4307 W InputMethodManagerService: Window already focused, ignoring focus gain of:$Stub$Proxy@7b53c71 attribute=null, token = android.os.BinderProxy@e8a9611 09-30 09:30:47.001 2917 3442 E Watchdog: !@Sync 602 [2021-09-30 09:30:47.001] 09-30 09:30:50.941 2917 13521 E VibratorService: vibratorOff command failed (1). 09-30 09:30:53.069 2917 13521 W InputMethodManagerService: Window already focused, ignoring focus gain of:$Stub$Proxy@eed8b8e attribute=null, token = android.os.BinderProxy@e8a9611 09-30 09:30:53.104 32082 32082 W KNOXUtil: Move to knox menu list is not exist 09-30 09:30:53.105 32082 32082 W SConnectManager: bezel error - supported : false, already registered : false 09-30 09:30:53.114 2917 18519 E ActivityManager: applyOptionsLocked: Unknown animationType=0 09-30 09:30:53.257 2587 2600 W ServiceManager: Permission failure: android.permission.ACCESS_SURFACE_FLINGER from uid=10171 pid=31399 09-30 09:30:53.257 31399 31399 E BpSurfaceComposerClient: Failed to transact (-1) 09-30 09:30:53.258 31399 31399 E BpSurfaceComposerClient: Failed to transact (-1) 09-30 09:30:53.304 2917 3104 E MdnieScenarioControlService: Exception : /sys/class/mdnie/mdnie/scenario (No such file or directory) , in : null , value : null , length : 0 09-30 09:30:53.304 2917 3104 W System.err: /sys/class/mdnie/mdnie/scenario (No such file or directory) 09-30 09:30:53.306 2917 3104 W System.err: at Method) 09-30 09:30:53.306 2917 3104 W System.err: at 09-30 09:30:53.306 2917 3104 W System.err: at 09-30 09:30:53.306 2917 3104 W System.err: at 09-30 09:30:53.306 2917 3104 W System.err: at 09-30 09:30:53.306 2917 3104 W System.err: at Source:0) 09-30 09:30:53.306 2917 3104 W System.err: at$MSCSControlHandler.handleMessage( 09-30 09:30:53.306 2917 3104 W System.err: at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage( 09-30 09:30:53.306 2917 3104 W System.err: at android.os.Looper.loop( 09-30 09:30:53.306 2917 3104 W System.err: at 09-30 09:30:53.315 3455 3497 E RequestManager_FLP: [FusedLocationApi] Location request 653ffb9 PRIORITY_HIGH_ACCURACY interval=0 from 09-30 09:30:53.368 3455 3497 E RequestManager_FLP: [LocationManagerService] Location request 7c92839 gps interval=0 from 09-30 09:30:53.417 2917 3104 E MdnieScenarioControlService: Exception : /sys/class/mdnie/mdnie/scenario (No such file or directory) , in : null , value : null , length : 0 09-30 09:30:53.417 2917 3104 W System.err: /sys/class/mdnie/mdnie/scenario (No such file or directory) 09-30 09:30:53.417 2917 3104 W System.err: at Method) 09-30 09:30:53.417 2917 3104 W System.err: at 09-30 09:30:53.417 2917 3104 W System.err: at 09-30 09:30:53.417 2917 3104 W System.err: at 09-30 09:30:53.417 2917 3104 W System.err: at 09-30 09:30:53.417 2917 3104 W System.err: at Source:0) 09-30 09:30:53.417 2917 3104 W System.err: at$MSCSControlHandler.handleMessage( 09-30 09:30:53.417 2917 3104 W System.err: at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage( 09-30 09:30:53.417 2917 3104 W System.err: at android.os.Looper.loop( 09-30 09:30:53.417 2917 3104 W System.err: at 09-30 09:30:53.492 2917 3067 E WindowManager: win=Window{5bad29a u0 SnapshotStartingWindow for taskId=513 EXITING} destroySurfaces: appStopped=false win.mWindowRemovalAllowed=true win.mRemoveOnExit=true win.mViewVisibility=0,$-com_android_server_wm_DisplayContent_21578:476 09-30 09:30:53.679 2917 3067 E WindowManager: win=Window{ce14376 u0 EXITING} destroySurfaces: appStopped=false win.mWindowRemovalAllowed=false win.mRemoveOnExit=false win.mViewVisibility=8,$-com_android_server_wm_DisplayContent_21578:476 09-30 09:30:53.942 2917 3104 E MdnieScenarioControlService: Exception : /sys/class/mdnie/mdnie/scenario (No such file or directory) , in : null , value : null , length : 0 09-30 09:30:53.942 2917 3104 W System.err: /sys/class/mdnie/mdnie/scenario (No such file or directory) 09-30 09:30:53.942 2917 3104 W System.err: at Method) 09-30 09:30:53.942 2917 3104 W System.err: at 09-30 09:30:53.942 2917 3104 W System.err: at 09-30 09:30:53.942 2917 3104 W System.err: at 09-30 09:30:53.942 2917 3104 W System.err: at 09-30 09:30:53.942 2917 3104 W System.err: at Source:0) 09-30 09:30:53.942 2917 3104 W System.err: at$MSCSControlHandler.handleMessage( 09-30 09:30:53.942 2917 3104 W System.err: at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage( 09-30 09:30:53.942 2917 3104 W System.err: at android.os.Looper.loop( 09-30 09:30:53.942 2917 3104 W System.err: at 09-30 09:30:57.307 3603 3603 E wpa_supplicant: Cmd 35609 not handled 09-30 09:30:57.505 3455 3497 E RequestManager_FLP: [FusedLocationApi] Location remove 653ffb9 from 09-30 09:30:57.585 3455 3497 E RequestManager_FLP: [LocationManagerService] Location request 7c92839 gps interval=1000 from 09-30 09:30:57.637 3455 3497 E RequestManager_FLP: [FusedLocationApi] Location request 937435f PRIORITY_HIGH_ACCURACY interval=0 from 09-30 09:30:57.694 3455 3497 E RequestManager_FLP: [LocationManagerService] Location request 7c92839 gps interval=0 from 09-30 09:30:58.274 4275 4451 W ThreadPoolDumper: Queue length for executor EventBus is now 11. Perhaps some tasks are too long, or the pool is too small. 09-30 09:31:03.379 2917 3211 W StorageManager: getStorageFullBytes DEFAULT_FULL_THRESHOLD_BYTES : 20971520, threadhold : 20971520 09-30 09:31:03.380 2917 3211 W DeviceStorageMonitorService: updateBroadcasts(/data) oldLevel:0, newLevel:0, seq:1 09-30 09:31:03.381 2917 3211 W DeviceStorageMonitorService: updateBroadcasts_filenode(/data) fn_oldLevel:0, fn_newLevel:0, seq:1 09-30 09:31:07.215 3603 3603 E wpa_supplicant: Cmd 35609 not handled 09-30 09:31:07.393 3455 3497 E RequestManager_FLP: [FusedLocationApi] Location remove 937435f from 09-30 09:31:07.433 3455 3497 E RequestManager_FLP: [FusedLocationApi] Location remove 759d4bd from 09-30 09:31:07.444 3455 3497 E RequestManager_FLP: [FusedLocationApi] Location request d88d1ac PRIORITY_HIGH_ACCURACY interval=1000 from 09-30 09:31:07.473 3455 3497 E RequestManager_FLP: [LocationManagerService] Location request 7c92839 gps interval=1000 from 09-30 09:31:07.512 3455 3497 E RequestManager_FLP: [FusedLocationApi] Location remove d88d1ac from 09-30 09:31:07.529 3455 3497 E RequestManager_FLP: [FusedLocationApi] Location request a2bde75 PRIORITY_HIGH_ACCURACY interval=1000 from 09-30 09:31:07.565 3455 3497 E RequestManager_FLP: [FusedLocationApi] Location remove a2bde75 from 09-30 09:31:07.574 3455 3497 E RequestManager_FLP: [FusedLocationApi] Location request 5f38e0a PRIORITY_HIGH_ACCURACY interval=1000 from 09-30 09:31:07.589 3455 3497 E RequestManager_FLP: [LocationManagerService] Location remove 7c92839 from 09-30 09:31:07.708 3455 3497 E RequestManager_FLP: [LocationManagerService] Location request a60764e gps interval=1000 from 09-30 09:31:07.709 2917 3443 E GnssLocationProvider_ex: mPositionMode set to GPS_POSITION_MODE_STANDALONE because of WiFi only model. 09-30 09:31:07.713 2917 18519 E PermissionMonitor: (NameNotFoundException) ApplicationInfo for ( is null! UserId: 0 09-30 09:31:07.761 3455 3497 E RequestManager_FLP: [LocationManagerService] Location remove a60764e from 09-30 09:31:07.845 3455 3497 E RequestManager_FLP: [LocationManagerService] Location request b51a95a gps interval=1000 from 09-30 09:31:07.845 2917 3443 E GnssLocationProvider_ex: mPositionMode set to GPS_POSITION_MODE_STANDALONE because of WiFi only model. 09-30 09:31:07.845 2917 4307 E PermissionMonitor: (NameNotFoundException) ApplicationInfo for ( is null! UserId: 0 09-30 09:31:07.868 3455 3497 E RequestManager_FLP: [LocationManagerService] Location remove b51a95a from 09-30 09:31:07.906 3455 3497 E RequestManager_FLP: [LocationManagerService] Location request ecfdfbd gps interval=1000 from 09-30 09:31:07.907 2917 3443 E GnssLocationProvider_ex: mPositionMode set to GPS_POSITION_MODE_STANDALONE because of WiFi only model. 09-30 09:31:07.907 2917 11271 E PermissionMonitor: (NameNotFoundException) ApplicationInfo for ( is null! UserId: 0 09-30 09:31:08.137 2917 4027 W AppOps : Bad call: specified package under uid 10171 but it is really 10016 09-30 09:31:08.137 2917 4027 W AppOps : java.lang.RuntimeException: here 09-30 09:31:08.137 2917 4027 W AppOps : at 09-30 09:31:08.137 2917 4027 W AppOps : at 09-30 09:31:08.137 2917 4027 W AppOps : at$Stub.onTransact( 09-30 09:31:08.137 2917 4027 W AppOps : at android.os.Binder.execTransact( 09-30 09:31:08.143 2917 4027 W AppOps : Bad call: specified package under uid 10171 but it is really 10016 09-30 09:31:08.143 2917 4027 W AppOps : java.lang.RuntimeException: here 09-30 09:31:08.143 2917 4027 W AppOps : at 09-30 09:31:08.143 2917 4027 W AppOps : at 09-30 09:31:08.143 2917 4027 W AppOps : at$Stub.onTransact( 09-30 09:31:08.143 2917 4027 W AppOps : at android.os.Binder.execTransact( 09-30 09:31:08.145 2917 11271 W AppOps : Bad call: specified package under uid 10171 but it is really 10016 09-30 09:31:08.145 2917 11271 W AppOps : java.lang.RuntimeException: here 09-30 09:31:08.145 2917 11271 W AppOps : at 09-30 09:31:08.145 2917 11271 W AppOps : at 09-30 09:31:08.145 2917 11271 W AppOps : at$Stub.onTransact( 09-30 09:31:08.145 2917 11271 W AppOps : at android.os.Binder.execTransact( 09-30 09:31:08.147 2917 13521 W AppOps : Bad call: specified package under uid 10171 but it is really 10016 09-30 09:31:08.147 2917 13521 W AppOps : java.lang.RuntimeException: here 09-30 09:31:08.147 2917 13521 W AppOps : at 09-30 09:31:08.147 2917 13521 W AppOps : at 09-30 09:31:08.147 2917 13521 W AppOps : at$Stub.onTransact( 09-30 09:31:08.147 2917 13521 W AppOps : at android.os.Binder.execTransact( 09-30 09:31:08.150 2917 4027 W AppOps : Bad call: specified package under uid 10171 but it is really 10016 09-30 09:31:08.150 2917 4027 W AppOps : java.lang.RuntimeException: here 09-30 09:31:08.150 2917 4027 W AppOps : at 09-30 09:31:08.150 2917 4027 W AppOps : at 09-30 09:31:08.150 2917 4027 W AppOps : at$Stub.onTransact( 09-30 09:31:08.150 2917 4027 W AppOps : at android.os.Binder.execTransact( 09-30 09:31:08.971 30931 30931 E adbd : recv: OPEN 00009a78 00000000 002a:73 68 65 6C 6C 2C 76 32 2C 72 61 77 3A 61 6D 20 66 6F 72 63 65 2D 73 74 6F 70 20 63 61 2E 6B 77 75 73 65 6E 2E 6B 63 62 6D 00 09-30 09:31:08.167 2917 4027 W AppOps : Bad call: specified package under uid 10171 but it is really 10016 09-30 09:31:08.167 2917 4027 W AppOps : java.lang.RuntimeException: here 09-30 09:31:08.167 2917 4027 W AppOps : at 09-30 09:31:08.167 2917 4027 W AppOps : at 09-30 09:31:08.167 2917 4027 W AppOps : at$Stub.onTransact( 09-30 09:31:08.167 2917 4027 W AppOps : at android.os.Binder.execTransact( 09-30 09:31:09.103 2917 4027 W ActivityManager: Scheduling restart of crashed service in 2008ms 09-30 09:31:09.104 2917 4027 W ActivityManager: Scheduling restart of crashed service in 162576ms 09-30 09:31:09.105 2917 4027 W ActivityManager: Force removing ActivityRecord{91f3a1d u0 t513}: app died, no saved state 09-30 09:31:09.171 2917 2932 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.PACKAGE_RESTARTED flg=0x10 (has extras) } to android/ 09-30 09:31:09.172 2917 2932 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.PACKAGE_RESTARTED flg=0x10 (has extras) } to 09-30 09:31:09.208 2917 13521 W ActivityManager: Permission Denial: Accessing service ComponentInfo{} from pid=4428, uid=10016 that is not exported from uid 10100 09-30 09:31:09.223 3455 3497 E RequestManager_FLP: [LocationManagerService] Location remove ecfdfbd from 09-30 09:31:09.258 2917 4027 W InputMethodManagerService: Got RemoteException sending setActive(false) notification to pid 31399 uid 10171 09-30 09:31:09.261 2917 2954 W ActivityManager: setHasOverlayUi called on unknown pid: 31399 09-30 09:31:09.314 2917 2934 E zygote : Failed to kill process cgroup uid 10171 pid 31399 in 216ms, 1 processes remain 09-30 09:31:10.333 32082 32082 W SConnectManager: bezel error - supported : false, already registered : false 09-30 09:31:10.376 32082 32364 E AndroidBeamCmd: SbeamHelperSbeamHelper : setBeamUris > can't load nfcadapter 09-30 09:31:10.396 4937 4950 E FeatureClassSet: [#CMH#] SVE Package is not available !!! 09-30 09:31:10.403 32082 32371 W CMHSocialInterface: no notification! 09-30 09:31:10.405 32082 32371 E PostGallCmdBadgeUpdator: BadgeUpdateThread run 09-30 09:31:10.414 4937 4950 E FeatureClassSet: [#CMH#] SVE Package is not available !!! ```

I am not spotting anything obvious that looks like a problem with registering and running the background process. I did spot this bit:

09-30 09:29:06.557  2646  2646 E audit   : type=1400 audit(1633019346.541:612): avc:  denied  { read } for  pid=31399 comm="" name="max_map_count" dev="proc" ino=247420 scontext=u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:proc:s0 tclass=file permissive=0 SEPF_SM-T580_8.1.0_0008 audit_filtered
09-30 09:29:06.557  2646  2646 E audit   : type=1300 audit(1633019346.541:612): arch=40000028 syscall=322 per=8 success=no exit=-13 a0=ffffff9c a1=c74603ef a2=20000 a3=0 items=0 ppid=2661 pid=31399 auid=4294967295 uid=10171 gid=10171 euid=10171 suid=10171 fsuid=10171 egid=10171 sgid=10171 fsgid=10171 tty=(none) ses=4294967295 comm="" exe="/system/bin/app_process32" subj=u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c512,c768 key=(null)
09-30 09:29:06.558  2646  2646 E audit   : type=1327 audit(1633019346.541:612): proctitle=""

but am unsure if it's significant.

christocracy commented 2 years ago

in the background the headless task receives location updates and processes them.

The headlessTask does not fire in the background -- it fires when the app is terminated. There are 3 states for an Android app:

  1. foreground
  2. background
  3. terminated.
spatialbits commented 2 years ago

Is that a change? I had been successfully using the headlessTask to write incoming locations to a text file while the app is in any of the foreground/background/terminated states.

christocracy commented 2 years ago

Is that a change?

No. This has been the case for years.

spatialbits commented 2 years ago

When I roll the version back to 1.10 I am able to set a breakpoint inside the function registered in the headless task and it will be called when app is in foreground and background, I am doubting now if it is called when terminated but am almost certain that it is.

Either way, on latest version it does not fire the headless task.

christocracy commented 2 years ago

called when app is in foreground and background

public void _onLocationChange(TSLocation location) {
        if (!isMainActivityActive()) {  // <-- Headless events are fired only when the app is terminated.
   HeadlessEvent(mContext, EVENT_LOCATION, location));


I suggest you have a close look at the plugin logs with $ adb logcat *:S TSLocationManager. See Wiki Debugging for more information about observing logs.

Headless events were never intended to be received while an app is NOT terminated. The only way that could happen is an Android configuration issue on your end causing the SDK's isMainActivityActive() method to return incorrect result.

This method is rather complex.

public Boolean isMainActivityActive() {
        Boolean isActive = false;
        if (mContext == null) {
            return isActive;
        if (Util.isRunningTest()) {
            return true;
        ActivityManager activityManager = (ActivityManager) mContext.getSystemService(Context.ACTIVITY_SERVICE);

        String launchActivityName = "";
        PackageManager pm = mContext.getPackageManager();
        Intent launchIntent = pm.getLaunchIntentForPackage(mContext.getPackageName());
        if (launchIntent != null) {
            if (launchIntent.getComponent() != null) {
                launchActivityName = launchIntent.getComponent().getClassName();
            } else {
                TSLog.logger.warn(TSLog.warn("launchIntent.getComponent() is null"));
        } else {
            TSLog.logger.warn(TSLog.warn( "isMainActivityActive received null from getLaunchIntentForPackage: " + mContext.getPackageName()));

        try {
            String packageName = mContext.getPackageName();
            String mainActivityName = TSConfig.getInstance(mContext).getMainActivityName();

            List<ActivityManager.RunningTaskInfo> tasks = activityManager.getRunningTasks(Integer.MAX_VALUE);

            for (ActivityManager.RunningTaskInfo task : tasks) {
                if (launchActivityName.equals(task.baseActivity.getClassName())) {
                    // Easy out case.
                    isActive = true;
                if ((task.baseActivity != null) && packageName.equalsIgnoreCase(task.baseActivity.getPackageName())) {
                    // If TSLocationManagerActivity is active, we're necessarily alive.
                    if (task.baseActivity.getClassName().equals(TSLocationManagerActivity.class.getName())) {
                        isActive = true;

                    // Get "flavorless" package-name (ie: if this is a flavored app, eg:, return
                    if (mainActivityName == null) {
                        String[] parts = task.baseActivity.getClassName().split("\\.");
                        mainActivityName = parts[parts.length-1];
                    String flavorlessPackageName = BuildConfigUtils.getBuildConfigPackageName(mContext);
                    String taskActivityName = flavorlessPackageName + "." + mainActivityName;

                    isActive = (task.baseActivity.getClassName().equals(taskActivityName));
                    if (isActive) break;
        } catch (java.lang.SecurityException e) {
            TSLog.logger.warn(TSLog.warn("BackgroundGeolocationService attempted to determine if Main Activity is active but was stopped due to a missing permission.  Please add the permission 'android.permission.GET_TASKS' to your AndroidManifest.  See Installation steps for more information"));
            throw e;
        if (isActive) {
            // Don't print log memssage when isActive.
        } else {

        return isActive;
christocracy commented 2 years ago

The plugin's Android Headless Mode has existed like this for about 6 years (older than Flutter). It was originally developed for the React Native and Cordova versions of the plugin and has always been designed to operate only when the app is terminated. Headless events should never be received when the app is in the foreground or background.

spatialbits commented 2 years ago

That is interesting. In that case something is definitely not right.

christocracy commented 2 years ago

There was a change some time ago to the plugin's Java method boolean isManActivityActive above. It wasn't working correctly for Android apps configured for productFlavors, eg:

If you have a configuration problem in your Android app, you should see interesting ⚠️ messages in adb logcat while using the lastest version.

android {
    flavorDimensions "app"
    productFlavors {
        qa {
            dimension "app"
            applicationIdSuffix ".qa"
            versionCode 1
            versionName "1.0"

        dev {
            dimension "app"
            applicationIdSuffix ".dev"
            versionCode 1
            versionName "1.0"
spatialbits commented 2 years ago

I am able to run the example app and the headless task does fire as expected.

If isMainActivityActive is the culprit I'm not sure how to test. The logs do not output messages regarding the GET_TASKS perm. Any suggestions there?

christocracy commented 2 years ago

Start by posting your two gradle files and AndroidManifest

spatialbits commented 2 years ago
android/app/build.gradle ``` def localProperties = new Properties() def localPropertiesFile = rootProject.file('') if (localPropertiesFile.exists()) { localPropertiesFile.withReader('UTF-8') { reader -> localProperties.load(reader) } } def flutterRoot = localProperties.getProperty('flutter.sdk') if (flutterRoot == null) { throw new GradleException("Flutter SDK not found. Define location with flutter.sdk in the file.") } def flutterVersionCode = localProperties.getProperty('flutter.versionCode') if (flutterVersionCode == null) { flutterVersionCode = '1' } def flutterVersionName = localProperties.getProperty('flutter.versionName') if (flutterVersionName == null) { flutterVersionName = '1.0' } apply plugin: '' apply plugin: 'kotlin-android' apply from: "$flutterRoot/packages/flutter_tools/gradle/flutter.gradle" Project background_geolocation = project(':flutter_background_geolocation') apply from: "${background_geolocation.projectDir}/background_geolocation.gradle" def keystoreProperties = new Properties() def keystorePropertiesFile = rootProject.file('') if (keystorePropertiesFile.exists()) { keystoreProperties.load(new FileInputStream(keystorePropertiesFile)) } android { compileSdkVersion rootProject.ext.compileSdkVersion sourceSets { += 'src/main/kotlin' } lintOptions { disable 'InvalidPackage' } defaultConfig { applicationId "" minSdkVersion rootProject.ext.minSdkVersion targetSdkVersion rootProject.ext.targetSdkVersion versionCode flutterVersionCode.toInteger() versionName flutterVersionName testInstrumentationRunner "androidx.test.runner.AndroidJUnitRunner" // possible solution to missing // // update: this breaks the regular debug/release build depoy via // vs code. When uncommented need to run apk build and install via // cli. // ndk { // abiFilters 'armeabi-v7a' // } // Enabling multidex support. multiDexEnabled true } signingConfigs { release { keyAlias keystoreProperties['keyAlias'] keyPassword keystoreProperties['keyPassword'] storeFile keystoreProperties['storeFile'] ? file(keystoreProperties['storeFile']) : null storePassword keystoreProperties['storePassword'] } } buildTypes { release { // TODO: Add your own signing config for the release build. // Signing with the debug keys for now, so `flutter run --release` works. // signingConfig signingConfigs.debug signingConfig signingConfigs.release shrinkResources false // Borrowed from the "-lt" repo of BG location. I think this // might not do anything at all; but release builds started working // when this was included. proguardFiles getDefaultProguardFile("proguard-android.txt"), "" minifyEnabled true // background_geolocation requires custom Proguard Rules with minifyEnabled // (leave existing one above untouched) proguardFiles "${background_geolocation.projectDir}/" } } } flutter { source '../..' } dependencies { // compile '' // implementation "org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-stdlib-jdk7:$kotlin_version" // testImplementation 'junit:junit:4.12' // androidTestImplementation 'androidx.test:runner:1.1.1' // androidTestImplementation 'androidx.test.espresso:espresso-core:3.1.1' implementation "androidx.appcompat:appcompat:${rootProject.ext.appCompatVersion}" } ```
android/build.gradle ``` buildscript { ext { minSdkVersion = 23 // Android 6.0 compileSdkVersion = 29 // or higher targetSdkVersion = 29 // or higher appCompatVersion = "1.3.1" // or higher playServicesLocationVersion = "17.1.0" // or higher kotlin_version = '1.3.72' } repositories { google() jcenter() } dependencies { classpath '' classpath "org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-gradle-plugin:$kotlin_version" } } allprojects { repositories { google() jcenter() maven { // [required] flutter_background_geolocation url "${project(':flutter_background_geolocation').projectDir}/libs" } maven { // [required] background_fetch url "${project(':background_fetch').projectDir}/libs" } } } rootProject.buildDir = '../build' subprojects { project.buildDir = "${rootProject.buildDir}/${}" } subprojects { project.evaluationDependsOn(':app') } task clean(type: Delete) { delete rootProject.buildDir } ```
AndroidManifest ```xml ```

I should add that I can confirm the plugin's TrackingService continues to fire events after I forcefully terminate the app, but no sign of the headless task being called.

spatialbits commented 2 years ago

Am I correct in my understanding that when I force quit the app, the headless task should begin to fire?

I notice that the headless task service is registered under the transistorsoft package name:

10-04 09:45:10.576  7061  7113 I TSLocationManager:   "headlessJobService": "com.transistorsoft.flutter.backgroundgeolocation.HeadlessTask",

I mention because I also noticed in another issue that the package name is key for the headless task to fire. Is this the correct service name?

christocracy commented 2 years ago

There's nothing more to do with headless task other than what's documented. See api docs Config.enableHeadless

spatialbits commented 2 years ago

Headless events were never intended to be received while an app is NOT terminated. The only way that could happen is an Android configuration issue on your end causing the SDK's isMainActivityActive() method to return incorrect result.

Aside from build flavours, what configuration is capable of making isMainActivityActive() return an incorrect result?

transistorsoft-pkg commented 2 years ago

While watching logcat (see wiki debugging), boot your app then terminate app.

Post your logs here

On Mon, Oct 4, 2021 at 2:53 PM Adam Valair @.***> wrote:

Headless events were never intended to be received while an app is NOT terminated. The only way that could happen is an Android configuration issue on your end causing the SDK's isMainActivityActive() method to return incorrect result.

Aside from build flavours, what configuration is capable of making isMainActivityActive() return an incorrect result?

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spatialbits commented 2 years ago
application log ``` adb logcat flutter \*:S --------- beginning of main --------- beginning of kernel --------- beginning of system 10-04 13:56:10.812 11740 11776 I flutter : Observatory listening on 10-04 13:56:11.183 11740 11767 I flutter : DB: FINE: 2021-10-04 13:56:11.177630: opening database 10-04 13:56:11.227 11740 11767 I flutter : DB: INFO: 2021-10-04 13:56:11.227215: database open 10-04 13:56:11.240 11740 11767 I flutter : MyApp: FINEST: 2021-10-04 13:56:11.240688: try to start location tracking from initState 10-04 13:56:11.243 11740 11767 I flutter : LocationMonitor: FINEST: 2021-10-04 13:56:11.242997: start requested. 10-04 13:56:11.317 11740 11767 I flutter : LocationMonitor: FINEST: 2021-10-04 13:56:11.317149: awaiting location plugin configuration 10-04 13:56:11.345 11740 11767 I flutter : World: INFO: 2021-10-04 13:56:11.345686: load user state. 10-04 13:56:11.621 11740 11767 I flutter : World: FINEST: 2021-10-04 13:56:11.620968: world requested. State is WorldState.loading 10-04 13:56:11.779 11740 11767 I flutter : MyApp: FINEST: 2021-10-04 13:56:11.779637: App state changing to AppLifecycleState.inactive 10-04 13:56:11.789 11740 11767 I flutter : LocationMonitor: FINE: 2021-10-04 13:56:11.789753: background tracking is ready. Enabled: true 10-04 13:56:11.790 11740 11767 I flutter : MyApp: FINEST: 2021-10-04 13:56:11.790363: App state changing to AppLifecycleState.resumed 10-04 13:56:11.791 11740 11767 I flutter : MyApp: FINEST: 2021-10-04 13:56:11.791380: try to start location tracking from resume 10-04 13:56:11.792 11740 11767 I flutter : LocationMonitor: FINEST: 2021-10-04 13:56:11.792732: start requested. 10-04 13:56:11.832 11740 11767 I flutter : LocationMonitor: FINEST: 2021-10-04 13:56:11.832928: start requested but BG location was already started. 10-04 13:56:11.839 11740 11767 I flutter : LocationMonitor: FINEST: 2021-10-04 13:56:11.839063: start requested but BG location was already started. 10-04 13:56:15.574 11740 11767 I flutter : LocationMonitor: FINEST: 2021-10-04 13:56:15.574923: location success: 57.01857300158494 -125.18265411734912. Accuracy: 749.0m. Speed: 0.0m/s 10-04 13:56:15.584 11740 11767 I flutter : LocationMonitor: FINEST: 2021-10-04 13:56:15.584754: Motion change: false. Activity: still 10-04 13:56:15.585 11740 11767 I flutter : LocationMonitor: FINEST: 2021-10-04 13:56:15.584859: Motion stop detected, force agressive location tracking after 30 seconds. 10-04 13:56:15.585 11740 11767 I flutter : LocationMonitor: FINEST: 2021-10-04 13:56:15.585958: Forcing on agressive location tracking 10-04 13:56:15.648 11740 11767 I flutter : LocationMonitor: FINEST: 2021-10-04 13:56:15.648808: Forcing on agressive location tracking 10-04 13:56:15.649 11740 11767 I flutter : LocationMonitor: FINEST: 2021-10-04 13:56:15.649844: location success: 57.01258040593235 -125.16650245584016. Accuracy: 59.0m. Speed: 0.0m/s 10-04 13:56:15.650 11740 11767 I flutter : LocationMonitor: FINEST: 2021-10-04 13:56:15.650781: location success: 57.021097936600306 -125.18819754030865. Accuracy: 1142.0m. Speed: 0.0m/s 10-04 13:56:16.661 11740 11767 I flutter : KMapSettings: FINEST: 2021-10-04 13:56:16.661364: saving: 57.021097936600306 -125.18819754030865 zoom: 12.448129168674303 follow: true 10-04 13:56:19.485 11740 11767 I flutter : LocationMonitor: FINEST: 2021-10-04 13:56:19.485874: location success: 57.0189 -125.143. Accuracy: 5.0m. Speed: 0.0m/s 10-04 13:56:19.486 11740 11767 I flutter : LocationMonitor: FINEST: 2021-10-04 13:56:19.486492: Motion change: true. Activity: still 10-04 13:56:19.546 11740 11767 I flutter : LocationMonitor: FINEST: 2021-10-04 13:56:19.546342: location success: 57.02609435978407 -125.12721008180696. Accuracy: 1262.0m. Speed: 0.0m/s 10-04 13:56:19.547 11740 11767 I flutter : LocationMonitor: FINEST: 2021-10-04 13:56:19.547124: Motion change: true. Activity: still 10-04 13:56:19.551 11740 11767 I flutter : MyApp: FINEST: 2021-10-04 13:56:19.551173: App state changing to AppLifecycleState.inactive 10-04 13:56:19.883 11740 11767 I flutter : MyApp: FINEST: 2021-10-04 13:56:19.883030: App state changing to AppLifecycleState.paused 10-04 13:56:20.382 11740 11767 I flutter : KMapSettings: FINEST: 2021-10-04 13:56:20.382474: saving: 57.02515366039774 -125.13866263506499 zoom: 12.448129168674303 follow: true 10-04 13:56:23.499 11740 11767 I flutter : LocationMonitor: FINEST: 2021-10-04 13:56:23.499423: location success: 57.02573619655563 -125.13762552018211. Accuracy: 955.0m. Speed: 0.0m/s 10-04 13:56:23.768 11740 11767 I flutter : MyApp: FINEST: 2021-10-04 13:56:23.768048: App state changing to AppLifecycleState.detached ```
ts manager log ``` adb logcat TSLocationManager \*:S --------- beginning of main --------- beginning of kernel --------- beginning of system 10-04 13:56:10.848 11740 11781 I TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.logger.LoggerFacade$a a] 10-04 13:56:10.848 11740 11781 I TSLocationManager: ╔═════════════════════════════════════════════ 10-04 13:56:10.848 11740 11781 I TSLocationManager: ║ TSLocationManager version: 3.1.33 (389) 10-04 13:56:10.848 11740 11781 I TSLocationManager: ╠═════════════════════════════════════════════ 10-04 13:56:10.848 11740 11781 I TSLocationManager: ╟─ Google sdk_gphone_arm64 @ 11 (flutter) 10-04 13:56:10.848 11740 11781 I TSLocationManager: { 10-04 13:56:10.848 11740 11781 I TSLocationManager: "activityRecognitionInterval": 3000, 10-04 13:56:10.848 11740 11781 I TSLocationManager: "allowIdenticalLocations": false, 10-04 13:56:10.848 11740 11781 I TSLocationManager: "authorization": {}, 10-04 13:56:10.848 11740 11781 I TSLocationManager: "autoSync": true, 10-04 13:56:10.848 11740 11781 I TSLocationManager: "autoSyncThreshold": 0, 10-04 13:56:10.848 11740 11781 I TSLocationManager: "backgroundPermissionRationale": { 10-04 13:56:10.848 11740 11781 I TSLocationManager: "title": "Allow {applicationName} to access to this device's location in the background?", 10-04 13:56:10.848 11740 11781 I TSLocationManager: "message": "When a trip is active, {applicationName} needs to be able to collect locations while running in the background, please enable {backgroundPermissionOptionLabel} location permission. ", 10-04 13:56:10.848 11740 11781 I TSLocationManager: "positiveAction": "Change to {backgroundPermissionOptionLabel}", 10-04 13:56:10.848 11740 11781 I TSLocationManager: "negativeAction": "Cancel" 10-04 13:56:10.848 11740 11781 I TSLocationManager: }, 10-04 13:56:10.848 11740 11781 I TSLocationManager: "batchSync": false, 10-04 13:56:10.848 11740 11781 I TSLocationManager: "configUrl": "", 10-04 13:56:10.848 11740 11781 I TSLocationManager: "debug": true, 10-04 13:56:10.848 11740 11781 I TSLocationManager: "deferTime": 0, 10-04 13:56:10.848 11740 11781 I TSLocationManager: "desiredAccuracy": -1, 10-04 13:56:10.848 11740 11781 I TSLocationManager: "desiredOdometerAccuracy": 100, 10-04 13:56:10.848 11740 11781 I TSLocationManager: "disableAutoSyncOnCellular": false, 10-04 13:56:10.848 11740 11781 I TSLocationManager: "disableElasticity": false, 10-04 13:56:10.848 11740 11781 I TSLocationManager: "disableLocationAuthorizationAlert": false, 10-04 13:56:10.848 11740 11781 I TSLocationManager: "disableMotionActivityUpdates": false, 10-04 13:56:10.848 11740 11781 I TSLocationManager: "disableStopDetection": false, 10-04 13:56:10.848 11740 11781 I TSLocationManager: "distanceFilter": 5, 10-04 13:56:10.848 11740 11781 I TSLocationManager: "elasticityMultiplier": 1, 10-04 13:56:10.848 11740 11781 I TSLocationManager: "enableHeadless": true, 10-04 13:56:10.848 11740 11781 I TSLocationManager: "enableTimestampMeta": false, 10-04 13:56:10.848 11740 11781 I TSLocationManager: "extras": {}, 10-04 13:56:10.848 11740 11781 I TSLocationManager: "fastestLocationUpdateInterval": -1, 10-04 13:56:10.848 11740 11781 I TSLocationManager: "foregroundService": true, 10-04 13:56:10.848 11740 11781 I TSLocationManager: "geofenceInitialTriggerEntry": true, 10-04 13:56:10.848 11740 11781 I TSLocationManager: "geofenceModeHighAccuracy": false, 10-04 13:56:10.848 11740 11781 I TSLocationManager: "geofenceProximityRadius": 1000, 10-04 13:56:10.848 11740 11781 I TSLocationManager: "geofenceTemplate": "", 10-04 13:56:10.848 11740 11781 I TSLocationManager: "headers": {}, 10-04 13:56:10.848 11740 11781 I TSLocationManager: "headlessJobService": "com.transistorsoft.flutter.backgroundgeolocation.HeadlessTask", 10-04 13:56:10.848 11740 11781 I TSLocationManager: "heartbeatInterval": -1, 10-04 13:56:10.848 11740 11781 I TSLocationManager: "httpRootProperty": "location", 10-04 13:56:10.848 11740 11781 I TSLocationManager: "httpTimeout": 60000, 10-04 13:56:10.848 11740 11781 I TSLocationManager: "isMoving": true, 10-04 13:56:10.848 11740 11781 I TSLocationManager: "locationAuthorizationRequest": "Always", 10-04 13:56:10.848 11740 11781 I TSLocationManager: "locationTemplate": "", 10-04 13:56:10.848 11740 11781 I TSLocationManager: "locationTimeout": 60, 10-04 13:56:10.848 11740 11781 I TSLocationManager: "locationUpdateInterval": 1000, 10-04 13:56:10.848 11740 11781 I TSLocationManager: "locationsOrderDirection": "ASC", 10-04 13:56:10.848 11740 11781 I TSLocationManager: "logLevel": 5, 10-04 13:56:10.848 11740 11781 I TSLocationManager: "logMaxDays": 3, 10-04 13:56:10.848 11740 11781 I TSLocationManager: "maxBatchSize": -1, 10-04 13:56:10.848 11740 11781 I TSLocationManager: "maxDaysToPersist": 1, 10-04 13:56:10.848 11740 11781 I TSLocationManager: "maxRecordsToPersist": -1, 10-04 13:56:10.848 11740 11781 I TSLocationManager: "method": "POST", 10-04 13:56:10.848 11740 11781 I TSLocationManager: "minimumActivityRecognitionConfidence": 75, 10-04 13:56:10.848 11740 11781 I TSLocationManager: "motionTriggerDelay": 0, 10-04 13:56:10.848 11740 11781 I TSLocationManager: "notification": { 10-04 13:56:10.848 11740 11781 I TSLocationManager: "layout": "", 10-04 13:56:10.848 11740 11781 I TSLocationManager: "title": "My App", 10-04 13:56:10.848 11740 11781 I TSLocationManager: "text": "Location service", 10-04 13:56:10.848 11740 11781 I TSLocationManager: "color": "", 10-04 13:56:10.848 11740 11781 I TSLocationManager: "channelName": "TSLocationManager", 10-04 13:56:10.848 11740 11781 I TSLocationManager: "smallIcon": "", 10-04 13:56:10.848 11740 11781 I TSLocationManager: "largeIcon": "", 10-04 13:56:10.848 11740 11781 I TSLocationManager: "priority": 0, 10-04 13:56:10.848 11740 11781 I TSLocationManager: "sticky": false, 10-04 13:56:10.848 11740 11781 I TSLocationManager: "strings": {}, 10-04 13:56:10.848 11740 11781 I TSLocationManager: "actions": [] 10-04 13:56:10.848 11740 11781 I TSLocationManager: }, 10-04 13:56:10.848 11740 11781 I TSLocationManager: "params": {}, 10-04 13:56:10.848 11740 11781 I TSLocationManager: "persist": true, 10-04 13:56:10.848 11740 11781 I TSLocationManager: "persistMode": 2, 10-04 13:56:10.848 11740 11781 I TSLocationManager: "schedule": [], 10-04 13:56:10.848 11740 11781 I TSLocationManager: "scheduleUseAlarmManager": false, 10-04 13:56:10.848 11740 11781 I TSLocationManager: "speedJumpFilter": 200000, 10-04 13:56:10.848 11740 11781 I TSLocationManager: "startOnBoot": false, 10-04 13:56:10.848 11740 11781 I TSLocationManager: "stationaryRadius": 25, 10-04 13:56:10.848 11740 11781 I TSLocationManager: "stopAfterElapsedMinutes": 0, 10-04 13:56:10.848 11740 11781 I TSLocationManager: "stopOnStationary": false, 10-04 13:56:10.848 11740 11781 I TSLocationManager: "stopOnTerminate": false, 10-04 13:56:10.848 11740 11781 I TSLocationManager: "stopTimeout": 5, 10-04 13:56:10.848 11740 11781 I TSLocationManager: "triggerActivities": "in_vehicle, on_bicycle, on_foot, running, walking", 10-04 13:56:10.848 11740 11781 I TSLocationManager: "url": "", 10-04 13:56:10.848 11740 11781 I TSLocationManager: "useSignificantChangesOnly": false, 10-04 13:56:10.848 11740 11781 I TSLocationManager: "enabled": true, 10-04 13:56:10.848 11740 11781 I TSLocationManager: "schedulerEnabled": false, 10-04 13:56:10.848 11740 11781 I TSLocationManager: "trackingMode": 1, 10-04 13:56:10.848 11740 11781 I TSLocationManager: "odometer": 315845.0625, 10-04 13:56:10.848 11740 11781 I TSLocationManager: "isFirstBoot": false, 10-04 13:56:10.848 11740 11781 I TSLocationManager: "didLaunchInBackground": false, 10-04 13:56:10.848 11740 11781 I TSLocationManager: "didDeviceReboot": false 10-04 13:56:10.848 11740 11781 I TSLocationManager: } 10-04 13:56:10.848 11740 11781 I TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.logger.LoggerFacade$a a] 10-04 13:56:10.848 11740 11781 I TSLocationManager: ╔═════════════════════════════════════════════ 10-04 13:56:10.848 11740 11781 I TSLocationManager: ║ DEVICE SENSORS 10-04 13:56:10.848 11740 11781 I TSLocationManager: ╠═════════════════════════════════════════════ 10-04 13:56:10.848 11740 11781 I TSLocationManager: ╟─ ✅ ACCELEROMETER: {Sensor name="Goldfish 3-axis Accelerometer", vendor="The Android Open Source Project", version=1, type=1, maxRange=39.300007, resolution=2.480159E-4, power=3.0, minDelay=10000} 10-04 13:56:10.848 11740 11781 I TSLocationManager: ╟─ ✅ GYROSCOPE: {Sensor name="Goldfish 3-axis Gyroscope", vendor="The Android Open Source Project", version=1, type=4, maxRange=16.460001, resolution=0.001, power=3.0, minDelay=10000} 10-04 13:56:10.848 11740 11781 I TSLocationManager: ╟─ ✅ MAGNETOMETER: {Sensor name="Goldfish 3-axis Magnetic field sensor", vendor="The Android Open Source Project", version=1, type=2, maxRange=2000.0, resolution=0.5, power=6.7, minDelay=10000} 10-04 13:56:10.848 11740 11781 I TSLocationManager: ╟─ ⚠️ SIGNIFICANT_MOTION: none. Motion-detection system performance will be degraded 10-04 13:56:10.848 11740 11781 I TSLocationManager: ╚═════════════════════════════════════════════ 10-04 13:56:10.849 11740 11781 I TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.logger.LoggerFacade$a a] 10-04 13:56:10.849 11740 11781 I TSLocationManager: ✅ Google Play Services: connected (version code:12451000) 10-04 13:56:10.851 11740 11786 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.l.TSLocationManager$d run] 10-04 13:56:10.851 11740 11786 D TSLocationManager: ℹ️ Load last odometer location: Location[TSLocationManager 57.164187,-125.298151 hAcc=5 t=?!? et=?!? vAcc=??? sAcc=??? bAcc=??? {Bundle[{odometer=315845.06}]}] 10-04 13:56:10.862 11740 11777 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.http.HttpService startMonitoringConnectivityChanges] 10-04 13:56:10.862 11740 11777 D TSLocationManager: 🎾 Start monitoring connectivity changes 10-04 13:56:10.866 11740 11789 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.http.HttpService a] 10-04 13:56:10.866 11740 11789 D TSLocationManager: ╔═════════════════════════════════════════════ 10-04 13:56:10.866 11740 11789 D TSLocationManager: ║ 📶 Connectivity change: connected? true 10-04 13:56:10.866 11740 11789 D TSLocationManager: ╠═════════════════════════════════════════════ 10-04 13:56:10.868 11740 11777 I TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.a.BackgroundGeolocation d] 10-04 13:56:10.868 11740 11777 I TSLocationManager: 🎾 Start monitoring location-provider changes 10-04 13:56:10.871 11740 11782 D TSLocationManager: [ prune] 10-04 13:56:10.871 11740 11782 D TSLocationManager: ℹ️ PRUNE -1 days 10-04 13:56:10.879 11740 11777 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.a.BackgroundGeolocation a] 10-04 13:56:10.879 11740 11777 D TSLocationManager: 🔴 Cleared callbacks 10-04 13:56:10.880 11740 11777 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.f.b.streams.StreamHandler register] com.transistorsoft/flutter_background_geolocation/events/location 10-04 13:56:10.881 11740 11777 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.f.b.streams.StreamHandler register] com.transistorsoft/flutter_background_geolocation/events/motionchange 10-04 13:56:10.886 11740 11777 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.f.b.streams.StreamHandler register] com.transistorsoft/flutter_background_geolocation/events/activitychange 10-04 13:56:10.886 11740 11777 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.f.b.streams.StreamHandler register] com.transistorsoft/flutter_background_geolocation/events/geofenceschange 10-04 13:56:10.887 11740 11777 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.f.b.streams.StreamHandler register] com.transistorsoft/flutter_background_geolocation/events/geofence 10-04 13:56:10.887 11740 11777 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.f.b.streams.StreamHandler register] com.transistorsoft/flutter_background_geolocation/events/heartbeat 10-04 13:56:10.887 11740 11777 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.f.b.streams.StreamHandler register] com.transistorsoft/flutter_background_geolocation/events/http 10-04 13:56:10.887 11740 11777 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.f.b.streams.StreamHandler register] com.transistorsoft/flutter_background_geolocation/events/schedule 10-04 13:56:10.888 11740 11777 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.f.b.streams.StreamHandler register] com.transistorsoft/flutter_background_geolocation/events/connectivitychange 10-04 13:56:10.888 11740 11777 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.f.b.streams.StreamHandler register] com.transistorsoft/flutter_background_geolocation/events/enabledchange 10-04 13:56:10.888 11740 11777 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.f.b.streams.StreamHandler register] com.transistorsoft/flutter_background_geolocation/events/providerchange 10-04 13:56:10.888 11740 11777 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.f.b.streams.StreamHandler register] com.transistorsoft/flutter_background_geolocation/events/powersavechange 10-04 13:56:10.888 11740 11777 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.f.b.streams.StreamHandler register] com.transistorsoft/flutter_background_geolocation/events/notificationaction 10-04 13:56:10.889 11740 11777 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.f.b.streams.StreamHandler register] com.transistorsoft/flutter_background_geolocation/events/authorization 10-04 13:56:11.319 11740 11740 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.f.b.streams.StreamHandler onListen] location 10-04 13:56:11.319 11740 11740 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.f.b.streams.StreamHandler onListen] motionchange 10-04 13:56:11.319 11740 11740 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.f.b.streams.StreamHandler onListen] connectivitychange 10-04 13:56:11.319 11740 11740 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.f.b.streams.StreamHandler onListen] enabledchange 10-04 13:56:11.328 11740 11740 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.adapter.TSConfig d] ℹ️ Persist config, dirty: [activityRecognitionInterval, backgroundPermissionRationale, backgroundPermissionRationale.title, backgroundPermissionRationale.message, backgroundPermissionRationale.positiveAction, backgroundPermissionRationale.negativeAction, debug, desiredAccuracy, distanceFilter, enableHeadless, extras, headers, headlessJobService, isMoving, logLevel, notification, notification.title, notification.text, params, schedule, speedJumpFilter, stopOnTerminate] 10-04 13:56:11.331 11740 11740 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.adapter.TSConfig d] ℹ️ Persist config, dirty: [activityRecognitionInterval, backgroundPermissionRationale, backgroundPermissionRationale.title, backgroundPermissionRationale.message, backgroundPermissionRationale.positiveAction, backgroundPermissionRationale.negativeAction, debug, desiredAccuracy, distanceFilter, enableHeadless, headlessJobService, logLevel, notification, notification.title, notification.text, speedJumpFilter, stopOnTerminate] 10-04 13:56:11.338 11740 11795 I TSLocationManager: - Enable: true → true, trackingMode: 1 ```
christocracy commented 2 years ago

Boot on a real device instead of emulator.

spatialbits commented 2 years ago

Xaomi Mi A1

application log ``` adb logcat flutter \*:S --------- beginning of main --------- beginning of system 10-04 14:54:24.106 3002 3084 I flutter : Observatory listening on 10-04 14:54:28.845 3002 3063 I flutter : DB: FINE: 2021-10-04 14:54:28.825484: opening database 10-04 14:54:29.176 3002 3063 I flutter : DB: INFO: 2021-10-04 14:54:29.175429: database open 10-04 14:54:29.213 3002 3063 I flutter : World: FINEST: 2021-10-04 14:54:29.212952: world requested. State is WorldState.loading 10-04 14:54:29.319 3002 3063 I flutter : MyApp: FINEST: 2021-10-04 14:54:29.319144: try to start location tracking from initState 10-04 14:54:29.324 3002 3063 I flutter : LocationMonitor: FINEST: 2021-10-04 14:54:29.323968: start requested. 10-04 14:54:31.366 3002 3063 I flutter : MyApp: WARNING: 2021-10-04 14:54:31.366163: not able to start tracking on app initState: LocationDisclosureNotShown: Attempted to enable location tracking before user has been shown the disclosure dialog. 10-04 14:54:48.876 3002 3063 I flutter : World: FINER: 2021-10-04 14:54:48.876305: signing in user profile email: 10-04 14:54:48.880 3002 3063 I flutter : UserProfile: FINE: 2021-10-04 14:54:48.880591: writing user profile to disk /data/user/0/ 10-04 14:54:55.263 3002 3063 I flutter : LocationMonitor: FINEST: 2021-10-04 14:54:55.263552: start requested. 10-04 14:54:55.265 3002 3063 I flutter : LocationMonitor: FINEST: 2021-10-04 14:54:55.265184: awaiting location plugin configuration 10-04 14:54:55.428 3002 3063 I flutter : LocationMonitor: FINE: 2021-10-04 14:54:55.428147: background tracking is ready. Enabled: false 10-04 14:54:55.583 3002 3063 I flutter : MyApp: FINEST: 2021-10-04 14:54:55.583338: App state changing to AppLifecycleState.inactive 10-04 14:54:58.633 3002 3063 I flutter : LocationMonitor: FINE: 2021-10-04 14:54:58.632931: enabled: true 10-04 14:54:58.707 3002 3063 I flutter : LocationMonitor: FINEST: 2021-10-04 14:54:58.706904: started 10-04 14:54:59.830 3002 3063 I flutter : MyApp: FINEST: 2021-10-04 14:54:59.830401: App state changing to AppLifecycleState.resumed 10-04 14:54:59.832 3002 3063 I flutter : MyApp: FINEST: 2021-10-04 14:54:59.831988: try to start location tracking from resume 10-04 14:54:59.833 3002 3063 I flutter : LocationMonitor: FINEST: 2021-10-04 14:54:59.833401: start requested. 10-04 14:54:59.919 3002 3063 I flutter : LocationMonitor: FINEST: 2021-10-04 14:54:59.919130: location success: 48.4279033 -123.3581846. Accuracy: 28.1m. Speed: -1.0m/s 10-04 14:54:59.961 3002 3063 I flutter : LocationMonitor: FINEST: 2021-10-04 14:54:59.961251: location success: 48.43129409839549 -123.36682182577088. Accuracy: 1848.0m. Speed: -1.0m/s 10-04 14:54:59.984 3002 3063 I flutter : LocationMonitor: FINEST: 2021-10-04 14:54:59.984294: start requested but BG location was already started. 10-04 14:55:00.202 3002 3063 I flutter : LocationMonitor: FINEST: 2021-10-04 14:55:00.201911: location success: 48.43085608062846 -123.35066311686677. Accuracy: 1206.0m. Speed: -1.0m/s 10-04 14:55:01.229 3002 3063 I flutter : LocationMonitor: FINEST: 2021-10-04 14:55:01.229342: location success: 48.432764249429 -123.34572952866652. Accuracy: 566.0m. Speed: -1.0m/s 10-04 14:55:01.289 3002 3063 I flutter : LocationMonitor: FINEST: 2021-10-04 14:55:01.289073: location success: 48.420113329005176 -123.33841833990891. Accuracy: 487.0m. Speed: -1.0m/s 10-04 14:55:01.312 3002 3063 I flutter : LocationMonitor: FINEST: 2021-10-04 14:55:01.312562: location success: 48.4278739 -123.3581865. Accuracy: 50.5m. Speed: -1.0m/s 10-04 14:55:08.916 3002 3063 I flutter : LocationMonitor: FINEST: 2021-10-04 14:55:08.916243: location success: 48.4278967 -123.3581708. Accuracy: 20.0m. Speed: 0.04m/s 10-04 14:55:08.924 3002 3063 I flutter : LocationMonitor: FINEST: 2021-10-04 14:55:08.923967: Motion change: true. Activity: still 10-04 14:55:08.930 3002 3063 I flutter : LocationMonitor: FINEST: 2021-10-04 14:55:08.930314: location success: 48.4278967 -123.3581708. Accuracy: 20.0m. Speed: 0.04m/s 10-04 14:55:08.934 3002 3063 I flutter : LocationMonitor: FINEST: 2021-10-04 14:55:08.934601: Forcing on agressive location tracking 10-04 14:55:08.938 3002 3063 I flutter : LocationMonitor: FINEST: 2021-10-04 14:55:08.937731: location success: 48.4278967 -123.3581708. Accuracy: 20.0m. Speed: 0.04m/s 10-04 14:55:09.497 3002 3063 I flutter : LocationMonitor: FINEST: 2021-10-04 14:55:09.497192: location success: 48.4278967 -123.3581708. Accuracy: 20.0m. Speed: 0.04m/s 10-04 14:55:09.501 3002 3063 I flutter : LocationMonitor: FINEST: 2021-10-04 14:55:09.500878: Motion change: true. Activity: still 10-04 14:55:25.547 3002 3063 I flutter : LocationMonitor: FINEST: 2021-10-04 14:55:25.547090: location success: 48.4278999 -123.3581646. Accuracy: 14.2m. Speed: 0.02m/s 10-04 14:55:32.131 3002 3063 I flutter : MyApp: FINEST: 2021-10-04 14:55:32.131501: App state changing to AppLifecycleState.inactive 10-04 14:55:32.180 3002 3063 I flutter : MyApp: FINEST: 2021-10-04 14:55:32.179931: App state changing to AppLifecycleState.paused 10-04 14:55:37.428 3002 3063 I flutter : MyApp: FINEST: 2021-10-04 14:55:37.427958: App state changing to AppLifecycleState.detached ```
ts manager log ``` adb logcat TSLocationManager \*:S --------- beginning of main --------- beginning of system 10-04 14:54:24.057 3002 3090 I TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.logger.LoggerFacade$a a] 10-04 14:54:24.057 3002 3090 I TSLocationManager: ╔═════════════════════════════════════════════ 10-04 14:54:24.057 3002 3090 I TSLocationManager: ║ TSLocationManager version: 3.1.33 (389) 10-04 14:54:24.057 3002 3090 I TSLocationManager: ╠═════════════════════════════════════════════ 10-04 14:54:24.057 3002 3090 I TSLocationManager: ╟─ Xiaomi Mi A1 @ 9 (flutter) 10-04 14:54:24.057 3002 3090 I TSLocationManager: { 10-04 14:54:24.057 3002 3090 I TSLocationManager: "activityRecognitionInterval": 10000, 10-04 14:54:24.057 3002 3090 I TSLocationManager: "allowIdenticalLocations": false, 10-04 14:54:24.057 3002 3090 I TSLocationManager: "authorization": {}, 10-04 14:54:24.057 3002 3090 I TSLocationManager: "autoSync": true, 10-04 14:54:24.057 3002 3090 I TSLocationManager: "autoSyncThreshold": 0, 10-04 14:54:24.057 3002 3090 I TSLocationManager: "backgroundPermissionRationale": { 10-04 14:54:24.057 3002 3090 I TSLocationManager: "title": "Allow {applicationName} to access this device's location even when closed or not in use?", 10-04 14:54:24.057 3002 3090 I TSLocationManager: "message": "[CHANGEME] This app collects location data for FEATURE X and FEATURE Y.", 10-04 14:54:24.057 3002 3090 I TSLocationManager: "positiveAction": "Change to \"{backgroundPermissionOptionLabel}\"", 10-04 14:54:24.057 3002 3090 I TSLocationManager: "negativeAction": "" 10-04 14:54:24.057 3002 3090 I TSLocationManager: }, 10-04 14:54:24.057 3002 3090 I TSLocationManager: "batchSync": false, 10-04 14:54:24.057 3002 3090 I TSLocationManager: "configUrl": "", 10-04 14:54:24.057 3002 3090 I TSLocationManager: "debug": false, 10-04 14:54:24.057 3002 3090 I TSLocationManager: "deferTime": 0, 10-04 14:54:24.057 3002 3090 I TSLocationManager: "desiredAccuracy": 0, 10-04 14:54:24.057 3002 3090 I TSLocationManager: "desiredOdometerAccuracy": 100, 10-04 14:54:24.057 3002 3090 I TSLocationManager: "disableAutoSyncOnCellular": false, 10-04 14:54:24.057 3002 3090 I TSLocationManager: "disableElasticity": false, 10-04 14:54:24.057 3002 3090 I TSLocationManager: "disableLocationAuthorizationAlert": false, 10-04 14:54:24.057 3002 3090 I TSLocationManager: "disableMotionActivityUpdates": false, 10-04 14:54:24.057 3002 3090 I TSLocationManager: "disableStopDetection": false, 10-04 14:54:24.057 3002 3090 I TSLocationManager: "distanceFilter": 10, 10-04 14:54:24.057 3002 3090 I TSLocationManager: "elasticityMultiplier": 1, 10-04 14:54:24.057 3002 3090 I TSLocationManager: "enableHeadless": false, 10-04 14:54:24.057 3002 3090 I TSLocationManager: "enableTimestampMeta": false, 10-04 14:54:24.057 3002 3090 I TSLocationManager: "extras": {}, 10-04 14:54:24.057 3002 3090 I TSLocationManager: "fastestLocationUpdateInterval": -1, 10-04 14:54:24.057 3002 3090 I TSLocationManager: "foregroundService": true, 10-04 14:54:24.057 3002 3090 I TSLocationManager: "geofenceInitialTriggerEntry": true, 10-04 14:54:24.057 3002 3090 I TSLocationManager: "geofenceModeHighAccuracy": false, 10-04 14:54:24.057 3002 3090 I TSLocationManager: "geofenceProximityRadius": 1000, 10-04 14:54:24.057 3002 3090 I TSLocationManager: "geofenceTemplate": "", 10-04 14:54:24.057 3002 3090 I TSLocationManager: "headers": {}, 10-04 14:54:24.057 3002 3090 I TSLocationManager: "headlessJobService": "com.transistorsoft.flutter.backgroundgeolocation.HeadlessTask", 10-04 14:54:24.057 3002 3090 I TSLocationManager: "heartbeatInterval": -1, 10-04 14:54:24.057 3002 3090 I TSLocationManager: "httpRootProperty": "location", 10-04 14:54:24.057 3002 3090 I TSLocationManager: "httpTimeout": 60000, 10-04 14:54:24.057 3002 3090 I TSLocationManager: "isMoving": false, 10-04 14:54:24.057 3002 3090 I TSLocationManager: "locationAuthorizationRequest": "Always", 10-04 14:54:24.057 3002 3090 I TSLocationManager: "locationTemplate": "", 10-04 14:54:24.057 3002 3090 I TSLocationManager: "locationTimeout": 60, 10-04 14:54:24.057 3002 3090 I TSLocationManager: "locationUpdateInterval": 1000, 10-04 14:54:24.057 3002 3090 I TSLocationManager: "locationsOrderDirection": "ASC", 10-04 14:54:24.057 3002 3090 I TSLocationManager: "logLevel": 0, 10-04 14:54:24.057 3002 3090 I TSLocationManager: "logMaxDays": 3, 10-04 14:54:24.057 3002 3090 I TSLocationManager: "maxBatchSize": -1, 10-04 14:54:24.057 3002 3090 I TSLocationManager: "maxDaysToPersist": 1, 10-04 14:54:24.057 3002 3090 I TSLocationManager: "maxRecordsToPersist": -1, 10-04 14:54:24.057 3002 3090 I TSLocationManager: "method": "POST", 10-04 14:54:24.057 3002 3090 I TSLocationManager: "minimumActivityRecognitionConfidence": 75, 10-04 14:54:24.057 3002 3090 I TSLocationManager: "motionTriggerDelay": 0, 10-04 14:54:24.057 3002 3090 I TSLocationManager: "notification": { 10-04 14:54:24.057 3002 3090 I TSLocationManager: "layout": "", 10-04 14:54:24.057 3002 3090 I TSLocationManager: "title": "", 10-04 14:54:24.057 3002 3090 I TSLocationManager: "text": "Location Service activated", 10-04 14:54:24.057 3002 3090 I TSLocationManager: "color": "", 10-04 14:54:24.057 3002 3090 I TSLocationManager: "channelName": "TSLocationManager", 10-04 14:54:24.057 3002 3090 I TSLocationManager: "smallIcon": "", 10-04 14:54:24.057 3002 3090 I TSLocationManager: "largeIcon": "", 10-04 14:54:24.057 3002 3090 I TSLocationManager: "priority": 0, 10-04 14:54:24.057 3002 3090 I TSLocationManager: "sticky": false, 10-04 14:54:24.057 3002 3090 I TSLocationManager: "strings": {}, 10-04 14:54:24.057 3002 3090 I TSLocationManager: "actions": [] 10-04 14:54:24.057 3002 3090 I TSLocationManager: }, 10-04 14:54:24.057 3002 3090 I TSLocationManager: "params": {}, 10-04 14:54:24.057 3002 3090 I TSLocationManager: "persist": true, 10-04 14:54:24.057 3002 3090 I TSLocationManager: "persistMode": 2, 10-04 14:54:24.057 3002 3090 I TSLocationManager: "schedule": [], 10-04 14:54:24.057 3002 3090 I TSLocationManager: "scheduleUseAlarmManager": false, 10-04 14:54:24.057 3002 3090 I TSLocationManager: "speedJumpFilter": 300, 10-04 14:54:24.057 3002 3090 I TSLocationManager: "startOnBoot": false, 10-04 14:54:24.057 3002 3090 I TSLocationManager: "stationaryRadius": 25, 10-04 14:54:24.057 3002 3090 I TSLocationManager: "stopAfterElapsedMinutes": 0, 10-04 14:54:24.057 3002 3090 I TSLocationManager: "stopOnStationary": false, 10-04 14:54:24.057 3002 3090 I TSLocationManager: "stopOnTerminate": true, 10-04 14:54:24.057 3002 3090 I TSLocationManager: "stopTimeout": 5, 10-04 14:54:24.057 3002 3090 I TSLocationManager: "triggerActivities": "in_vehicle, on_bicycle, on_foot, running, walking", 10-04 14:54:24.057 3002 3090 I TSLocationManager: "url": "", 10-04 14:54:24.057 3002 3090 I TSLocationManager: "useSignificantChangesOnly": false, 10-04 14:54:24.057 3002 3090 I TSLocationManager: "enabled": false, 10-04 14:54:24.057 3002 3090 I TSLocationManager: "schedulerEnabled": false, 10-04 14:54:24.057 3002 3090 I TSLocationManager: "trackingMode": 1, 10-04 14:54:24.057 3002 3090 I TSLocationManager: "odometer": 0, 10-04 14:54:24.057 3002 3090 I TSLocationManager: "isFirstBoot": false, 10-04 14:54:24.057 3002 3090 I TSLocationManager: "didLaunchInBackground": false, 10-04 14:54:24.057 3002 3090 I TSLocationManager: "didDeviceReboot": false 10-04 14:54:24.057 3002 3090 I TSLocationManager: } 10-04 14:54:24.059 3002 3090 I TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.logger.LoggerFacade$a a] 10-04 14:54:24.059 3002 3090 I TSLocationManager: ╔═════════════════════════════════════════════ 10-04 14:54:24.059 3002 3090 I TSLocationManager: ║ DEVICE SENSORS 10-04 14:54:24.059 3002 3090 I TSLocationManager: ╠═════════════════════════════════════════════ 10-04 14:54:24.059 3002 3090 I TSLocationManager: ╟─ ✅ ACCELEROMETER: {Sensor name="BMI120 Accelerometer", vendor="BOSCH", version=2062600, type=1, maxRange=156.9064, resolution=0.0023956299, power=0.18, minDelay=5000} 10-04 14:54:24.059 3002 3090 I TSLocationManager: ╟─ ✅ GYROSCOPE: {Sensor name="BMI120 Gyroscope", vendor="BOSCH", version=2062600, type=4, maxRange=34.906586, resolution=0.0010681152, power=0.9, minDelay=5000} 10-04 14:54:24.059 3002 3090 I TSLocationManager: ╟─ ✅ MAGNETOMETER: {Sensor name="AK09918 Magnetometer", vendor="AKM", version=1, type=2, maxRange=4911.9995, resolution=0.14953613, power=1.1, minDelay=20000} 10-04 14:54:24.059 3002 3090 I TSLocationManager: ╟─ ✅ SIGNIFICANT_MOTION: {Sensor name="Significant Motion Detector", vendor="QTI", version=2, type=17, maxRange=1.0, resolution=1.0, power=0.17999268, minDelay=-1} 10-04 14:54:24.059 3002 3090 I TSLocationManager: ╚═════════════════════════════════════════════ 10-04 14:54:24.061 3002 3090 I TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.logger.LoggerFacade$a a] 10-04 14:54:24.061 3002 3090 I TSLocationManager: ✅ Google Play Services: connected (version code:12451000) 10-04 14:54:24.108 3002 3082 I TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.a.BackgroundGeolocation d] 10-04 14:54:24.108 3002 3082 I TSLocationManager: 🎾 Start monitoring location-provider changes 10-04 14:54:24.137 3002 3095 D TSLocationManager: [ prune] 10-04 14:54:24.137 3002 3095 D TSLocationManager: ℹ️ PRUNE -1 days 10-04 14:54:24.179 3002 3082 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.a.BackgroundGeolocation a] 10-04 14:54:24.179 3002 3082 D TSLocationManager: 🔴 Cleared callbacks 10-04 14:54:24.181 3002 3082 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.f.b.streams.StreamHandler register] com.transistorsoft/flutter_background_geolocation/events/location 10-04 14:54:24.182 3002 3082 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.f.b.streams.StreamHandler register] com.transistorsoft/flutter_background_geolocation/events/motionchange 10-04 14:54:24.184 3002 3082 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.f.b.streams.StreamHandler register] com.transistorsoft/flutter_background_geolocation/events/activitychange 10-04 14:54:24.185 3002 3082 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.f.b.streams.StreamHandler register] com.transistorsoft/flutter_background_geolocation/events/geofenceschange 10-04 14:54:24.187 3002 3082 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.f.b.streams.StreamHandler register] com.transistorsoft/flutter_background_geolocation/events/geofence 10-04 14:54:24.189 3002 3082 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.f.b.streams.StreamHandler register] com.transistorsoft/flutter_background_geolocation/events/heartbeat 10-04 14:54:24.193 3002 3082 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.f.b.streams.StreamHandler register] com.transistorsoft/flutter_background_geolocation/events/http 10-04 14:54:24.194 3002 3082 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.f.b.streams.StreamHandler register] com.transistorsoft/flutter_background_geolocation/events/schedule 10-04 14:54:24.201 3002 3082 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.f.b.streams.StreamHandler register] com.transistorsoft/flutter_background_geolocation/events/connectivitychange 10-04 14:54:24.210 3002 3082 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.f.b.streams.StreamHandler register] com.transistorsoft/flutter_background_geolocation/events/enabledchange 10-04 14:54:24.212 3002 3082 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.f.b.streams.StreamHandler register] com.transistorsoft/flutter_background_geolocation/events/providerchange 10-04 14:54:24.218 3002 3082 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.f.b.streams.StreamHandler register] com.transistorsoft/flutter_background_geolocation/events/powersavechange 10-04 14:54:24.219 3002 3082 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.f.b.streams.StreamHandler register] com.transistorsoft/flutter_background_geolocation/events/notificationaction 10-04 14:54:24.222 3002 3082 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.f.b.streams.StreamHandler register] com.transistorsoft/flutter_background_geolocation/events/authorization 10-04 14:54:55.281 3002 3002 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.f.b.streams.StreamHandler onListen] location 10-04 14:54:55.285 3002 3002 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.f.b.streams.StreamHandler onListen] motionchange 10-04 14:54:55.288 3002 3002 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.f.b.streams.StreamHandler onListen] connectivitychange 10-04 14:54:55.291 3002 3002 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.f.b.streams.StreamHandler onListen] enabledchange 10-04 14:54:55.359 3002 3002 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.adapter.TSConfig d] ℹ️ Persist config, dirty: [extras, headers, headlessJobService, params, schedule] 10-04 14:54:55.382 3002 3002 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.adapter.TSConfig d] ℹ️ Persist config, dirty: [activityRecognitionInterval, backgroundPermissionRationale, backgroundPermissionRationale.title, backgroundPermissionRationale.message, backgroundPermissionRationale.positiveAction, backgroundPermissionRationale.negativeAction, debug, desiredAccuracy, distanceFilter, enableHeadless, headlessJobService, logLevel, notification, notification.title, notification.text, speedJumpFilter, stopOnTerminate] 10-04 14:54:55.497 3002 3002 I TSLocationManager: [c.t.locationmanager.util.c g] 10-04 14:54:55.497 3002 3002 I TSLocationManager: 🔵 LocationAuthorization: Requesting Background permission 10-04 14:54:58.506 3002 3002 I TSLocationManager: [c.t.locationmanager.util.c$k onPermissionGranted] 10-04 14:54:58.506 3002 3002 I TSLocationManager: ✅ LocationAuthorization: Permission granted 10-04 14:54:58.512 3002 3107 I TSLocationManager: - Enable: false → true, trackingMode: 1 10-04 14:54:58.574 3002 3107 I TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.s.ActivityRecognitionService b] 10-04 14:54:58.574 3002 3107 I TSLocationManager: 🎾 Start motion-activity updates 10-04 14:54:58.603 3002 3002 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.a.TSLocationManagerActivity execute] locationsettings 10-04 14:54:58.605 3002 3002 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.adapter.TSConfig translateDesiredAccuracy] translateDesiredAccuracy (true): -1 10-04 14:54:58.642 3002 3107 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.http.HttpService startMonitoringConnectivityChanges] 10-04 14:54:58.642 3002 3107 D TSLocationManager: 🎾 Start monitoring connectivity changes 10-04 14:54:58.659 3002 3107 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.locationmanager.device.a c] 10-04 14:54:58.659 3002 3107 D TSLocationManager: 🎾 Start monitoring powersave changes 10-04 14:54:58.669 3002 3452 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.http.HttpService a] 10-04 14:54:58.669 3002 3452 D TSLocationManager: ╔═════════════════════════════════════════════ 10-04 14:54:58.669 3002 3452 D TSLocationManager: ║ 📶 Connectivity change: connected? true 10-04 14:54:58.669 3002 3452 D TSLocationManager: ╠═════════════════════════════════════════════ 10-04 14:54:58.669 3002 3107 I TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.HeartbeatService c] 10-04 14:54:58.669 3002 3107 I TSLocationManager: 🔴 Stop heartbeat 10-04 14:54:58.677 3002 3107 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.locationmanager.util.c h] 10-04 14:54:58.677 3002 3107 D TSLocationManager: ℹ️ LocationAuthorization: Permission granted 10-04 14:54:58.678 3002 3107 I TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.TrackingService a] 10-04 14:54:58.678 3002 3107 I TSLocationManager: 🔵 setPace: false → false 10-04 14:54:58.736 3002 3103 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.adapter.TSConfig d] ℹ️ Persist config, dirty: [isMoving] 10-04 14:54:58.736 3002 3105 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.locationmanager.util.c h] 10-04 14:54:58.736 3002 3105 D TSLocationManager: ℹ️ LocationAuthorization: Permission granted 10-04 14:54:58.742 3002 3103 I TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.HeartbeatService c] 10-04 14:54:58.742 3002 3103 I TSLocationManager: 🔴 Stop heartbeat 10-04 14:54:58.790 3002 3002 I TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.s.TSScheduleManager oneShot] 10-04 14:54:58.790 3002 3002 I TSLocationManager: ⏰ Scheduled OneShot: TERMINATE_EVENT in 10000ms (jobID: -1708771588) 10-04 14:54:58.797 3002 3103 I TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.s.ActivityRecognitionService b] 10-04 14:54:58.797 3002 3103 I TSLocationManager: 🎾 Start motion-activity updates 10-04 14:54:58.801 3002 3103 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.locationmanager.util.c h] 10-04 14:54:58.801 3002 3103 D TSLocationManager: ℹ️ LocationAuthorization: Permission granted 10-04 14:54:58.802 3002 3103 I TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.TrackingService a] 10-04 14:54:58.802 3002 3103 I TSLocationManager: 🔵 setPace: false → true 10-04 14:54:58.895 3002 3002 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.AbstractService a] 10-04 14:54:58.895 3002 3002 D TSLocationManager: 🎾 TrackingService [eventCount: 1] 10-04 14:54:58.896 3002 3002 I TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.TrackingService h] 10-04 14:54:58.896 3002 3002 I TSLocationManager: ╔═════════════════════════════════════════════ 10-04 14:54:58.896 3002 3002 I TSLocationManager: ║ TrackingService motionchange: true 10-04 14:54:58.896 3002 3002 I TSLocationManager: ╠═════════════════════════════════════════════ 10-04 14:54:58.898 3002 3002 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.AbstractService a] ⚙️︎ finish TrackingService [eventCount: 0, sticky: true] 10-04 14:54:58.900 3002 3002 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.a.TSLocationManagerActivity stop] eventCount: 0 10-04 14:54:58.933 3002 3002 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.AbstractService a] 10-04 14:54:58.933 3002 3002 D TSLocationManager: 🎾 ActivityRecognitionService [eventCount: 1] 10-04 14:54:58.939 3002 3103 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.s.ActivityRecognitionService a] 10-04 14:54:58.939 3002 3103 D TSLocationManager: 🚘 ️DetectedActivity [type=STILL, confidence=100] 10-04 14:54:58.955 3002 3002 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.AbstractService a] 10-04 14:54:58.955 3002 3002 D TSLocationManager: 🎾 LocationRequestService [eventCount: 1] 10-04 14:54:58.959 3002 3103 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.AbstractService a] ⚙️︎ finish ActivityRecognitionService [eventCount: 0, sticky: false] 10-04 14:54:58.972 3002 3002 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.AbstractService a] 10-04 14:54:58.972 3002 3002 D TSLocationManager: 🎾 LocationRequestService [eventCount: 2] 10-04 14:54:58.978 3002 3105 I TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.s.LocationRequestService b] 10-04 14:54:58.978 3002 3105 I TSLocationManager: ╔═════════════════════════════════════════════ 10-04 14:54:58.978 3002 3105 I TSLocationManager: ║ motionchange LocationResult: 1 10-04 14:54:58.978 3002 3105 I TSLocationManager: ╠═════════════════════════════════════════════ 10-04 14:54:58.978 3002 3105 I TSLocationManager: ╟─ 📍 Location[fused 48.427903,-123.358185 hAcc=28 et=+2d2h58m27s442ms alt=2.021206280457622 vAcc=3 sAcc=??? bAcc=??? {Bundle[mParcelledData.dataSize=156]}], age: 84301ms, time: 1633384414661 10-04 14:54:58.979 3002 3105 W TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.s.LocationRequestService b] 10-04 14:54:58.979 3002 3105 W TSLocationManager: ⚠️ Failed to find SingleLocationRequest: 1 10-04 14:54:58.979 3002 3094 I TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.s.LocationRequestService a] 10-04 14:54:58.979 3002 3094 I TSLocationManager: ℹ️ Location availability: false 10-04 14:54:58.981 3002 3094 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.AbstractService a] ⚙️︎ finish LocationRequestService [eventCount: 1, sticky: true] 10-04 14:54:59.034 3002 3105 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.AbstractService a] ⚙️︎ finish LocationRequestService [eventCount: 0, sticky: false] 10-04 14:54:59.041 3002 3002 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.AbstractService a] 10-04 14:54:59.041 3002 3002 D TSLocationManager: 🎾 LocationRequestService [eventCount: 1] 10-04 14:54:59.048 3002 3105 I TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.s.LocationRequestService b] 10-04 14:54:59.048 3002 3105 I TSLocationManager: ╔═════════════════════════════════════════════ 10-04 14:54:59.048 3002 3105 I TSLocationManager: ║ getCurrentPosition LocationResult: 2 10-04 14:54:59.048 3002 3105 I TSLocationManager: ╠═════════════════════════════════════════════ 10-04 14:54:59.048 3002 3105 I TSLocationManager: ╟─ 📍 Location[fused 48.427903,-123.358185 hAcc=28 et=+2d2h58m27s442ms alt=2.021206280457622 vAcc=3 sAcc=??? bAcc=??? {Bundle[mParcelledData.dataSize=156]}], age: 84382ms, time: 1633384414661 10-04 14:54:59.058 3002 3002 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.AbstractService a] ⚙️︎ finish LocationRequestService [eventCount: 0, sticky: false] 10-04 14:54:59.071 3002 3002 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.AbstractService a] 10-04 14:54:59.071 3002 3002 D TSLocationManager: 🎾 LocationRequestService [eventCount: 0] 10-04 14:54:59.073 3002 3095 I TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.s.LocationRequestService a] 10-04 14:54:59.073 3002 3095 I TSLocationManager: ℹ️ Location availability: false 10-04 14:54:59.074 3002 3095 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.AbstractService a] ⚙️︎ finish LocationRequestService [eventCount: 0, sticky: false] 10-04 14:54:59.079 3002 3002 I TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.s.TSScheduleManager oneShot] 10-04 14:54:59.079 3002 3002 I TSLocationManager: ⏰ Oneshot TERMINATE_EVENT is already pending 10-04 14:54:59.089 3002 3002 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.a.TSLocationManagerActivity onDestroy] 10-04 14:54:59.112 3002 3002 I TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.s.TSScheduleManager cancelOneShot] 10-04 14:54:59.112 3002 3002 I TSLocationManager: ⏰ Cancel OneShot: TERMINATE_EVENT 10-04 14:54:59.163 3002 3002 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.AbstractService a] 10-04 14:54:59.163 3002 3002 D TSLocationManager: 🎾 LocationRequestService [eventCount: 0] 10-04 14:54:59.177 3002 3101 I TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.s.LocationRequestService b] 10-04 14:54:59.177 3002 3101 I TSLocationManager: ╔═════════════════════════════════════════════ 10-04 14:54:59.177 3002 3101 I TSLocationManager: ║ motionchange LocationResult: 3 10-04 14:54:59.177 3002 3101 I TSLocationManager: ╠═════════════════════════════════════════════ 10-04 14:54:59.177 3002 3101 I TSLocationManager: ╟─ 📍 Location[fused 48.427903,-123.358185 hAcc=28 et=+2d2h58m27s442ms alt=2.021206280457622 vAcc=3 sAcc=??? bAcc=??? {Bundle[mParcelledData.dataSize=156]}], age: 84505ms, time: 1633384414661 10-04 14:54:59.180 3002 3002 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.AbstractService a] 10-04 14:54:59.180 3002 3002 D TSLocationManager: 🎾 LocationRequestService [eventCount: 1] 10-04 14:54:59.182 3002 3103 I TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.s.LocationRequestService a] 10-04 14:54:59.182 3002 3103 I TSLocationManager: ℹ️ Location availability: false 10-04 14:54:59.183 3002 3103 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.AbstractService a] ⚙️︎ finish LocationRequestService [eventCount: 0, sticky: true] 10-04 14:54:59.327 3002 3002 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.AbstractService onDestroy] 10-04 14:54:59.327 3002 3002 D TSLocationManager: 🔴 LocationRequestService destroyed 10-04 14:54:59.397 3002 3105 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.l.TSLocationManager calculateMedianAccuracy] Median accuracy: 28.1 10-04 14:54:59.479 3002 3002 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.AbstractService a] 10-04 14:54:59.479 3002 3002 D TSLocationManager: 🎾 ActivityRecognitionService [eventCount: 1] 10-04 14:54:59.491 3002 3100 I TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.s.ActivityRecognitionService a] 10-04 14:54:59.491 3002 3100 I TSLocationManager: ╔═════════════════════════════════════════════ 10-04 14:54:59.491 3002 3100 I TSLocationManager: ║ Motion Transition Result 10-04 14:54:59.491 3002 3100 I TSLocationManager: ╠═════════════════════════════════════════════ 10-04 14:54:59.491 3002 3100 I TSLocationManager: ╟─ 🔴 EXIT: in_vehicle 10-04 14:54:59.491 3002 3100 I TSLocationManager: ╟─ 🎾 ENTER: still 10-04 14:54:59.491 3002 3100 I TSLocationManager: ╚═════════════════════════════════════════════ 10-04 14:54:59.492 3002 3100 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.AbstractService a] ⚙️︎ finish ActivityRecognitionService [eventCount: 0, sticky: false] 10-04 14:54:59.589 3002 3105 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.s.LocationRequestService b] SingleLocationRequest 2 isFinished? false 10-04 14:54:59.590 3002 3105 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.AbstractService a] ⚙️︎ finish LocationRequestService [eventCount: 0, sticky: true] 10-04 14:54:59.591 3002 3101 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.l.TSLocationManager calculateMedianAccuracy] Median accuracy: 28.1 10-04 14:54:59.621 3002 3101 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.s.LocationRequestService b] SingleLocationRequest 3 isFinished? false 10-04 14:54:59.622 3002 3101 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.AbstractService a] ⚙️︎ finish LocationRequestService [eventCount: 0, sticky: true] 10-04 14:54:59.745 3002 3002 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.AbstractService onDestroy] 10-04 14:54:59.745 3002 3002 D TSLocationManager: 🔴 ActivityRecognitionService destroyed 10-04 14:54:59.993 3002 3452 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.http.HttpService a] 10-04 14:54:59.993 3002 3452 D TSLocationManager: ╔═════════════════════════════════════════════ 10-04 14:54:59.993 3002 3452 D TSLocationManager: ║ 📶 Connectivity change: connected? true 10-04 14:54:59.993 3002 3452 D TSLocationManager: ╠═════════════════════════════════════════════ 10-04 14:55:00.036 3002 3105 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.locationmanager.util.c h] 10-04 14:55:00.036 3002 3105 D TSLocationManager: ℹ️ LocationAuthorization: Permission granted 10-04 14:55:00.155 3002 3002 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.AbstractService a] 10-04 14:55:00.155 3002 3002 D TSLocationManager: 🎾 LocationRequestService [eventCount: 1] 10-04 14:55:00.162 3002 3105 I TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.s.LocationRequestService b] 10-04 14:55:00.162 3002 3105 I TSLocationManager: ╔═════════════════════════════════════════════ 10-04 14:55:00.162 3002 3105 I TSLocationManager: ║ getCurrentPosition LocationResult: 4 10-04 14:55:00.162 3002 3105 I TSLocationManager: ╠═════════════════════════════════════════════ 10-04 14:55:00.162 3002 3105 I TSLocationManager: ╟─ 📍 Location[fused 48.427903,-123.358185 hAcc=28 et=+2d2h58m27s442ms alt=2.021206280457622 vAcc=3 sAcc=??? bAcc=??? {Bundle[mParcelledData.dataSize=156]}], age: 85496ms, time: 1633384414661 10-04 14:55:00.166 3002 3105 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.l.TSLocationManager calculateMedianAccuracy] Median accuracy: 28.1 10-04 14:55:00.167 3002 3002 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.AbstractService a] 10-04 14:55:00.167 3002 3002 D TSLocationManager: 🎾 LocationRequestService [eventCount: 2] 10-04 14:55:00.169 3002 3100 I TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.s.LocationRequestService a] 10-04 14:55:00.169 3002 3100 I TSLocationManager: ℹ️ Location availability: false 10-04 14:55:00.170 3002 3100 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.AbstractService a] ⚙️︎ finish LocationRequestService [eventCount: 1, sticky: true] 10-04 14:55:00.175 3002 3105 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.s.LocationRequestService b] SingleLocationRequest 4 isFinished? false 10-04 14:55:00.176 3002 3105 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.AbstractService a] ⚙️︎ finish LocationRequestService [eventCount: 0, sticky: true] 10-04 14:55:00.723 3002 3452 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.http.HttpService a] 10-04 14:55:00.723 3002 3452 D TSLocationManager: ╔═════════════════════════════════════════════ 10-04 14:55:00.723 3002 3452 D TSLocationManager: ║ 📶 Connectivity change: connected? true 10-04 14:55:00.723 3002 3452 D TSLocationManager: ╠═════════════════════════════════════════════ 10-04 14:55:01.132 3002 3002 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.AbstractService a] 10-04 14:55:01.132 3002 3002 D TSLocationManager: 🎾 LocationRequestService [eventCount: 1] 10-04 14:55:01.145 3002 3002 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.AbstractService a] 10-04 14:55:01.145 3002 3002 D TSLocationManager: 🎾 LocationRequestService [eventCount: 2] 10-04 14:55:01.145 3002 3101 I TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.s.LocationRequestService b] 10-04 14:55:01.145 3002 3101 I TSLocationManager: ╔═════════════════════════════════════════════ 10-04 14:55:01.145 3002 3101 I TSLocationManager: ║ motionchange LocationResult: 3 10-04 14:55:01.145 3002 3101 I TSLocationManager: ╠═════════════════════════════════════════════ 10-04 14:55:01.145 3002 3101 I TSLocationManager: ╟─ 📍 Location[fused 48.427874,-123.358187 hAcc=51 et=+2d2h59m53s766ms alt=1.6266768274668761 vAcc=3 sAcc=??? bAcc=??? {Bundle[mParcelledData.dataSize=52]}], age: 149ms, time: 1633384500985 10-04 14:55:01.151 3002 3102 I TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.s.LocationRequestService b] 10-04 14:55:01.151 3002 3102 I TSLocationManager: ╔═════════════════════════════════════════════ 10-04 14:55:01.151 3002 3102 I TSLocationManager: ║ getCurrentPosition LocationResult: 2 10-04 14:55:01.151 3002 3102 I TSLocationManager: ╠═════════════════════════════════════════════ 10-04 14:55:01.151 3002 3102 I TSLocationManager: ╟─ 📍 Location[fused 48.427874,-123.358187 hAcc=51 et=+2d2h59m53s766ms alt=1.6266768274668761 vAcc=3 sAcc=??? bAcc=??? {Bundle[mParcelledData.dataSize=52]}], age: 161ms, time: 1633384500985 10-04 14:55:01.157 3002 3002 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.AbstractService a] 10-04 14:55:01.157 3002 3002 D TSLocationManager: 🎾 LocationRequestService [eventCount: 3] 10-04 14:55:01.164 3002 3094 I TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.s.LocationRequestService b] 10-04 14:55:01.164 3002 3094 I TSLocationManager: ╔═════════════════════════════════════════════ 10-04 14:55:01.164 3002 3094 I TSLocationManager: ║ getCurrentPosition LocationResult: 4 10-04 14:55:01.164 3002 3094 I TSLocationManager: ╠═════════════════════════════════════════════ 10-04 14:55:01.164 3002 3094 I TSLocationManager: ╟─ 📍 Location[fused 48.427874,-123.358187 hAcc=51 et=+2d2h59m53s766ms alt=1.6266768274668761 vAcc=3 sAcc=??? bAcc=??? {Bundle[mParcelledData.dataSize=52]}], age: 173ms, time: 1633384500985 10-04 14:55:01.195 3002 3102 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.l.TSLocationManager calculateMedianAccuracy] Median accuracy: 28.1 10-04 14:55:01.208 3002 3102 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.s.LocationRequestService b] SingleLocationRequest 2 isFinished? false 10-04 14:55:01.209 3002 3102 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.AbstractService a] ⚙️︎ finish LocationRequestService [eventCount: 2, sticky: true] 10-04 14:55:01.209 3002 3101 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.l.TSLocationManager calculateMedianAccuracy] Median accuracy: 28.1 10-04 14:55:01.218 3002 3101 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.s.LocationRequestService b] SingleLocationRequest 3 isFinished? false 10-04 14:55:01.218 3002 3094 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.l.TSLocationManager calculateMedianAccuracy] Median accuracy: 39.316 10-04 14:55:01.221 3002 3101 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.AbstractService a] ⚙️︎ finish LocationRequestService [eventCount: 1, sticky: true] 10-04 14:55:01.233 3002 3094 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.s.LocationRequestService b] SingleLocationRequest 4 isFinished? false 10-04 14:55:01.234 3002 3094 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.AbstractService a] ⚙️︎ finish LocationRequestService [eventCount: 0, sticky: true] 10-04 14:55:07.916 3002 3002 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.AbstractService a] 10-04 14:55:07.916 3002 3002 D TSLocationManager: 🎾 LocationRequestService [eventCount: 1] 10-04 14:55:07.922 3002 3102 I TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.s.LocationRequestService b] 10-04 14:55:07.922 3002 3102 I TSLocationManager: ╔═════════════════════════════════════════════ 10-04 14:55:07.922 3002 3102 I TSLocationManager: ║ motionchange LocationResult: 3 10-04 14:55:07.922 3002 3102 I TSLocationManager: ╠═════════════════════════════════════════════ 10-04 14:55:07.922 3002 3102 I TSLocationManager: ╟─ 📍 Location[fused 48.427897,-123.358171 hAcc=20 et=+2d3h0m0s645ms alt=1.6006942980413716 vel=0.03859157 bear=24.58099 vAcc=3 sAcc=??? bAcc=??? {Bundle[mParcelledData.dataSize=156]}], age: 53ms, time: 1633384507864 10-04 14:55:07.925 3002 3002 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.AbstractService a] 10-04 14:55:07.925 3002 3002 D TSLocationManager: 🎾 LocationRequestService [eventCount: 2] 10-04 14:55:07.931 3002 3095 I TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.s.LocationRequestService b] 10-04 14:55:07.931 3002 3095 I TSLocationManager: ╔═════════════════════════════════════════════ 10-04 14:55:07.931 3002 3095 I TSLocationManager: ║ getCurrentPosition LocationResult: 2 10-04 14:55:07.931 3002 3095 I TSLocationManager: ╠═════════════════════════════════════════════ 10-04 14:55:07.931 3002 3095 I TSLocationManager: ╟─ 📍 Location[fused 48.427897,-123.358171 hAcc=20 et=+2d3h0m0s645ms alt=1.6006942980413716 vel=0.03859157 bear=24.58099 vAcc=3 sAcc=??? bAcc=??? {Bundle[mParcelledData.dataSize=156]}], age: 63ms, time: 1633384507864 10-04 14:55:07.936 3002 3002 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.AbstractService a] 10-04 14:55:07.936 3002 3002 D TSLocationManager: 🎾 LocationRequestService [eventCount: 3] 10-04 14:55:07.937 3002 3102 I TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.l.TSLocationManager onSingleLocationResult] 10-04 14:55:07.937 3002 3102 I TSLocationManager: 🔵 Acquired motionchange position, isMoving: true 10-04 14:55:07.938 3002 3102 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.l.TSLocationManager calculateMedianAccuracy] Median accuracy: 28.1 10-04 14:55:07.942 3002 3100 I TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.s.LocationRequestService b] 10-04 14:55:07.942 3002 3100 I TSLocationManager: ╔═════════════════════════════════════════════ 10-04 14:55:07.942 3002 3100 I TSLocationManager: ║ getCurrentPosition LocationResult: 4 10-04 14:55:07.942 3002 3100 I TSLocationManager: ╠═════════════════════════════════════════════ 10-04 14:55:07.942 3002 3100 I TSLocationManager: ╟─ 📍 Location[fused 48.427897,-123.358171 hAcc=20 et=+2d3h0m0s645ms alt=1.6006942980413716 vel=0.03859157 bear=24.58099 vAcc=3 sAcc=??? bAcc=??? {Bundle[mParcelledData.dataSize=156]}], age: 73ms, time: 1633384507864 10-04 14:55:07.947 3002 3002 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.AbstractService a] ⚙️︎ finish LocationRequestService [eventCount: 0, sticky: false] 10-04 14:55:07.952 3002 3002 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.AbstractService onDestroy] 10-04 14:55:07.952 3002 3002 D TSLocationManager: 🔴 LocationRequestService destroyed 10-04 14:55:07.988 3002 3102 I TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.l.TSLocationManager requestLocationUpdates] 10-04 14:55:07.988 3002 3102 I TSLocationManager: 🎾 Location-services: ON 10-04 14:55:07.990 3002 3102 I TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.l.TSLocationManager requestLocationUpdates] 10-04 14:55:07.990 3002 3102 I TSLocationManager: 🎾 Location-services: ON 10-04 14:55:07.991 3002 3102 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.adapter.TSConfig translateDesiredAccuracy] translateDesiredAccuracy (true): -1 10-04 14:55:07.994 3002 3002 I TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.s.ActivityRecognitionService b] 10-04 14:55:07.994 3002 3002 I TSLocationManager: 🎾 Start motion-activity updates 10-04 14:55:07.995 3002 3102 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.s.LocationRequestService b] SingleLocationRequest 3 isFinished? true 10-04 14:55:07.996 3002 3102 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.AbstractService a] ⚙️︎ finish LocationRequestService [eventCount: 0, sticky: false] 10-04 14:55:07.999 3002 3002 I TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.l.TSLocationManager removeLocationUpdates] 10-04 14:55:07.999 3002 3002 I TSLocationManager: 🔴 Location-services: OFF 10-04 14:55:08.000 3002 3095 I TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.l.TSLocationManager onSingleLocationResult] 10-04 14:55:08.000 3002 3095 I TSLocationManager: 🔵 Acquired current position 10-04 14:55:08.001 3002 3095 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.l.TSLocationManager calculateMedianAccuracy] Median accuracy: 28.1 10-04 14:55:08.003 3002 3002 I TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.l.TSLocationManager requestLocationUpdates] 10-04 14:55:08.003 3002 3002 I TSLocationManager: 🎾 Location-services: ON 10-04 14:55:08.004 3002 3002 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.adapter.TSConfig translateDesiredAccuracy] translateDesiredAccuracy (true): -1 10-04 14:55:08.011 3002 3094 I TSLocationManager: [ persist] 10-04 14:55:08.011 3002 3094 I TSLocationManager: ✅ INSERT: 3b99054a-0063-4f81-9088-d83aab1d4530 10-04 14:55:08.013 3002 3095 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.s.LocationRequestService b] SingleLocationRequest 2 isFinished? true 10-04 14:55:08.014 3002 3095 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.AbstractService a] ⚙️︎ finish LocationRequestService [eventCount: 0, sticky: false] 10-04 14:55:08.021 3002 3100 I TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.l.TSLocationManager onSingleLocationResult] 10-04 14:55:08.021 3002 3100 I TSLocationManager: 🔵 Acquired current position 10-04 14:55:08.022 3002 3094 I TSLocationManager: [ persist] 10-04 14:55:08.022 3002 3094 I TSLocationManager: ✅ INSERT: a20881f2-854e-42cd-a39a-7d059f265147 10-04 14:55:08.022 3002 3100 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.l.TSLocationManager calculateMedianAccuracy] Median accuracy: 28.1 10-04 14:55:08.032 3002 3002 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.AbstractService a] ⚙️︎ finish LocationRequestService [eventCount: 0, sticky: false] 10-04 14:55:08.046 3002 3002 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.AbstractService onDestroy] 10-04 14:55:08.046 3002 3002 D TSLocationManager: 🔴 LocationRequestService destroyed 10-04 14:55:08.065 3002 3002 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.AbstractService a] ⚙️︎ finish LocationRequestService [eventCount: 0, sticky: false] 10-04 14:55:08.066 3002 3093 I TSLocationManager: [ persist] 10-04 14:55:08.066 3002 3093 I TSLocationManager: ✅ INSERT: b039132e-6943-407c-a205-84d88edb555f 10-04 14:55:08.067 3002 3100 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.s.LocationRequestService b] SingleLocationRequest 4 isFinished? true 10-04 14:55:08.068 3002 3002 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.AbstractService onDestroy] 10-04 14:55:08.068 3002 3002 D TSLocationManager: 🔴 LocationRequestService destroyed 10-04 14:55:08.069 3002 3100 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.AbstractService a] ⚙️︎ finish LocationRequestService [eventCount: 0, sticky: false] 10-04 14:55:08.089 3002 3002 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.AbstractService a] 10-04 14:55:08.089 3002 3002 D TSLocationManager: 🎾 TrackingService [eventCount: 1] 10-04 14:55:08.098 3002 3002 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.TrackingService b] 10-04 14:55:08.098 3002 3002 D TSLocationManager: ╔═════════════════════════════════════════════ 10-04 14:55:08.098 3002 3002 D TSLocationManager: ║ TrackingService: LocationResult 10-04 14:55:08.098 3002 3002 D TSLocationManager: ╠═════════════════════════════════════════════ 10-04 14:55:08.098 3002 3002 D TSLocationManager: ╟─ 📍 Location[fused 48.427897,-123.358171 hAcc=20 et=+2d3h0m0s645ms alt=1.6006942980413716 vel=0.03859157 bear=24.58099 vAcc=3 sAcc=??? bAcc=??? {Bundle[mParcelledData.dataSize=156]}], age: 228ms, time: 1633384507864 10-04 14:55:08.100 3002 3002 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.AbstractService a] ⚙️︎ finish TrackingService [eventCount: 0, sticky: true] 10-04 14:55:08.100 3002 3105 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.l.TSLocationManager onLocationResult] 10-04 14:55:08.100 3002 3105 D TSLocationManager: ╔═════════════════════════════════════════════ 10-04 14:55:08.100 3002 3105 D TSLocationManager: ║ Process LocationResult 10-04 14:55:08.100 3002 3105 D TSLocationManager: ╠═════════════════════════════════════════════ 10-04 14:55:08.101 3002 3105 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.l.TSLocationManager onLocationResult] 10-04 14:55:08.101 3002 3105 D TSLocationManager: ℹ️ IGNORED: same as last location 10-04 14:55:08.120 3002 3002 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.AbstractService a] 10-04 14:55:08.120 3002 3002 D TSLocationManager: 🎾 TrackingService [eventCount: 1] 10-04 14:55:08.122 3002 3002 I TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.TrackingService a] 10-04 14:55:08.122 3002 3002 I TSLocationManager: ℹ️ Location availability: false 10-04 14:55:08.123 3002 3002 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.AbstractService a] ⚙️︎ finish TrackingService [eventCount: 0, sticky: true] 10-04 14:55:08.150 3002 3002 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.AbstractService a] 10-04 14:55:08.150 3002 3002 D TSLocationManager: 🎾 ActivityRecognitionService [eventCount: 1] 10-04 14:55:08.152 3002 3634 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.s.ActivityRecognitionService a] 10-04 14:55:08.152 3002 3634 D TSLocationManager: 🚘 ️DetectedActivity [type=STILL, confidence=100] 10-04 14:55:08.167 3002 3634 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.AbstractService a] ⚙️︎ finish ActivityRecognitionService [eventCount: 0, sticky: false] 10-04 14:55:08.211 3002 3002 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.AbstractService a] 10-04 14:55:08.211 3002 3002 D TSLocationManager: 🎾 TrackingService [eventCount: 1] 10-04 14:55:08.217 3002 3002 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.TrackingService b] 10-04 14:55:08.217 3002 3002 D TSLocationManager: ╔═════════════════════════════════════════════ 10-04 14:55:08.217 3002 3002 D TSLocationManager: ║ TrackingService: LocationResult 10-04 14:55:08.217 3002 3002 D TSLocationManager: ╠═════════════════════════════════════════════ 10-04 14:55:08.217 3002 3002 D TSLocationManager: ╟─ 📍 Location[fused 48.427897,-123.358171 hAcc=20 et=+2d3h0m0s645ms alt=1.6006942980413716 vel=0.03859157 bear=24.58099 vAcc=3 sAcc=??? bAcc=??? {Bundle[mParcelledData.dataSize=156]}], age: 349ms, time: 1633384507864 10-04 14:55:08.219 3002 3101 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.l.TSLocationManager onLocationResult] 10-04 14:55:08.219 3002 3101 D TSLocationManager: ╔═════════════════════════════════════════════ 10-04 14:55:08.219 3002 3101 D TSLocationManager: ║ Process LocationResult 10-04 14:55:08.219 3002 3101 D TSLocationManager: ╠═════════════════════════════════════════════ 10-04 14:55:08.220 3002 3101 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.l.TSLocationManager onLocationResult] 10-04 14:55:08.220 3002 3101 D TSLocationManager: ℹ️ IGNORED: same as last location 10-04 14:55:08.222 3002 3002 I TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.s.TSScheduleManager oneShot] 10-04 14:55:08.222 3002 3002 I TSLocationManager: ⏰ Scheduled OneShot: STOP_TIMEOUT in 300000ms (jobID: 2059034116) 10-04 14:55:08.229 3002 3002 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.AbstractService a] ⚙️︎ finish TrackingService [eventCount: 0, sticky: true] 10-04 14:55:08.238 3002 3002 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.AbstractService a] 10-04 14:55:08.238 3002 3002 D TSLocationManager: 🎾 TrackingService [eventCount: 1] 10-04 14:55:08.243 3002 3002 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.AbstractService a] ⚙️︎ finish TrackingService [eventCount: 0, sticky: true] 10-04 14:55:08.294 3002 3002 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.AbstractService a] 10-04 14:55:08.294 3002 3002 D TSLocationManager: 🎾 ActivityRecognitionService [eventCount: 1] 10-04 14:55:08.297 3002 3101 I TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.s.ActivityRecognitionService a] 10-04 14:55:08.297 3002 3101 I TSLocationManager: ╔═════════════════════════════════════════════ 10-04 14:55:08.297 3002 3101 I TSLocationManager: ║ Motion Transition Result 10-04 14:55:08.297 3002 3101 I TSLocationManager: ╠═════════════════════════════════════════════ 10-04 14:55:08.297 3002 3101 I TSLocationManager: ╟─ 🎾 ENTER: still 10-04 14:55:08.297 3002 3101 I TSLocationManager: ╚═════════════════════════════════════════════ 10-04 14:55:08.299 3002 3101 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.AbstractService a] ⚙️︎ finish ActivityRecognitionService [eventCount: 0, sticky: false] 10-04 14:55:08.307 3002 3002 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.AbstractService a] 10-04 14:55:08.307 3002 3002 D TSLocationManager: 🎾 TrackingService [eventCount: 1] 10-04 14:55:08.309 3002 3002 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.AbstractService a] ⚙️︎ finish TrackingService [eventCount: 0, sticky: true] 10-04 14:55:08.554 3002 3002 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.AbstractService onDestroy] 10-04 14:55:08.554 3002 3002 D TSLocationManager: 🔴 ActivityRecognitionService destroyed 10-04 14:55:08.942 3002 3107 I TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.HeartbeatService c] 10-04 14:55:08.942 3002 3107 I TSLocationManager: 🔴 Stop heartbeat 10-04 14:55:08.947 3002 3107 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.locationmanager.util.c h] 10-04 14:55:08.947 3002 3107 D TSLocationManager: ℹ️ LocationAuthorization: Permission granted 10-04 14:55:08.949 3002 3107 I TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.TrackingService a] 10-04 14:55:08.949 3002 3107 I TSLocationManager: 🔵 setPace: true → true 10-04 14:55:08.956 3002 3002 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.AbstractService a] 10-04 14:55:08.956 3002 3002 D TSLocationManager: 🎾 TrackingService [eventCount: 1] 10-04 14:55:08.957 3002 3002 I TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.TrackingService h] 10-04 14:55:08.957 3002 3002 I TSLocationManager: ╔═════════════════════════════════════════════ 10-04 14:55:08.957 3002 3002 I TSLocationManager: ║ TrackingService motionchange: true 10-04 14:55:08.957 3002 3002 I TSLocationManager: ╠═════════════════════════════════════════════ 10-04 14:55:08.961 3002 3002 I TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.s.TSScheduleManager cancelOneShot] 10-04 14:55:08.961 3002 3002 I TSLocationManager: ⏰ Cancel OneShot: STOP_TIMEOUT 10-04 14:55:08.970 3002 3002 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.AbstractService a] ⚙️︎ finish TrackingService [eventCount: 0, sticky: true] 10-04 14:55:09.006 3002 3002 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.AbstractService a] 10-04 14:55:09.006 3002 3002 D TSLocationManager: 🎾 LocationRequestService [eventCount: 1] 10-04 14:55:09.016 3002 3002 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.AbstractService a] 10-04 14:55:09.016 3002 3002 D TSLocationManager: 🎾 LocationRequestService [eventCount: 2] 10-04 14:55:09.016 3002 3101 I TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.s.LocationRequestService b] 10-04 14:55:09.016 3002 3101 I TSLocationManager: ╔═════════════════════════════════════════════ 10-04 14:55:09.016 3002 3101 I TSLocationManager: ║ motionchange LocationResult: 5 10-04 14:55:09.016 3002 3101 I TSLocationManager: ╠═════════════════════════════════════════════ 10-04 14:55:09.016 3002 3101 I TSLocationManager: ╟─ 📍 Location[fused 48.427897,-123.358171 hAcc=20 et=+2d3h0m0s645ms alt=1.6006942980413716 vel=0.03859157 bear=24.58099 vAcc=3 sAcc=??? bAcc=??? {Bundle[mParcelledData.dataSize=156]}], age: 1146ms, time: 1633384507864 10-04 14:55:09.017 3002 3107 I TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.s.LocationRequestService a] 10-04 14:55:09.017 3002 3107 I TSLocationManager: ℹ️ Location availability: false 10-04 14:55:09.018 3002 3107 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.AbstractService a] ⚙️︎ finish LocationRequestService [eventCount: 1, sticky: true] 10-04 14:55:09.024 3002 3101 I TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.l.TSLocationManager onSingleLocationResult] 10-04 14:55:09.024 3002 3101 I TSLocationManager: 🔵 Acquired motionchange position, isMoving: true 10-04 14:55:09.025 3002 3101 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.l.TSLocationManager calculateMedianAccuracy] Median accuracy: 28.1 10-04 14:55:09.029 3002 3002 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.AbstractService a] ⚙️︎ finish LocationRequestService [eventCount: 0, sticky: false] 10-04 14:55:09.031 3002 3002 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.AbstractService onDestroy] 10-04 14:55:09.031 3002 3002 D TSLocationManager: 🔴 LocationRequestService destroyed 10-04 14:55:09.036 3002 3101 I TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.l.TSLocationManager removeLocationUpdates] 10-04 14:55:09.036 3002 3101 I TSLocationManager: 🔴 Location-services: OFF 10-04 14:55:09.043 3002 3101 I TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.l.TSLocationManager requestLocationUpdates] 10-04 14:55:09.043 3002 3101 I TSLocationManager: 🎾 Location-services: ON 10-04 14:55:09.044 3002 3101 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.adapter.TSConfig translateDesiredAccuracy] translateDesiredAccuracy (true): -1 10-04 14:55:09.049 3002 3002 I TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.s.ActivityRecognitionService b] 10-04 14:55:09.049 3002 3002 I TSLocationManager: 🎾 Start motion-activity updates 10-04 14:55:09.049 3002 3101 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.s.LocationRequestService b] SingleLocationRequest 5 isFinished? true 10-04 14:55:09.050 3002 3101 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.AbstractService a] ⚙️︎ finish LocationRequestService [eventCount: 0, sticky: false] 10-04 14:55:09.051 3002 3002 I TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.l.TSLocationManager removeLocationUpdates] 10-04 14:55:09.051 3002 3002 I TSLocationManager: 🔴 Location-services: OFF 10-04 14:55:09.054 3002 3002 I TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.l.TSLocationManager requestLocationUpdates] 10-04 14:55:09.054 3002 3002 I TSLocationManager: 🎾 Location-services: ON 10-04 14:55:09.055 3002 3002 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.adapter.TSConfig translateDesiredAccuracy] translateDesiredAccuracy (true): -1 10-04 14:55:09.055 3002 3105 I TSLocationManager: [ persist] 10-04 14:55:09.055 3002 3105 I TSLocationManager: ✅ INSERT: 9cf0f0f6-d0ad-40ff-a5ab-9e47979364e8 10-04 14:55:09.247 3002 3002 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.AbstractService a] 10-04 14:55:09.247 3002 3002 D TSLocationManager: 🎾 TrackingService [eventCount: 1] 10-04 14:55:09.252 3002 3002 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.TrackingService b] 10-04 14:55:09.252 3002 3002 D TSLocationManager: ╔═════════════════════════════════════════════ 10-04 14:55:09.252 3002 3002 D TSLocationManager: ║ TrackingService: LocationResult 10-04 14:55:09.252 3002 3002 D TSLocationManager: ╠═════════════════════════════════════════════ 10-04 14:55:09.252 3002 3002 D TSLocationManager: ╟─ 📍 Location[fused 48.427897,-123.358171 hAcc=20 et=+2d3h0m0s645ms alt=1.6006942980413716 vel=0.03859157 bear=24.58099 vAcc=3 sAcc=??? bAcc=??? {Bundle[mParcelledData.dataSize=156]}], age: 1384ms, time: 1633384507864 10-04 14:55:09.254 3002 3103 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.l.TSLocationManager onLocationResult] 10-04 14:55:09.254 3002 3103 D TSLocationManager: ╔═════════════════════════════════════════════ 10-04 14:55:09.254 3002 3103 D TSLocationManager: ║ Process LocationResult 10-04 14:55:09.254 3002 3103 D TSLocationManager: ╠═════════════════════════════════════════════ 10-04 14:55:09.256 3002 3103 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.l.TSLocationManager onLocationResult] 10-04 14:55:09.256 3002 3103 D TSLocationManager: ℹ️ IGNORED: same as last location 10-04 14:55:09.257 3002 3002 I TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.s.TSScheduleManager oneShot] 10-04 14:55:09.257 3002 3002 I TSLocationManager: ⏰ Scheduled OneShot: STOP_TIMEOUT in 300000ms (jobID: 2059034116) 10-04 14:55:09.265 3002 3002 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.AbstractService a] ⚙️︎ finish TrackingService [eventCount: 0, sticky: true] 10-04 14:55:09.275 3002 3002 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.AbstractService a] 10-04 14:55:09.275 3002 3002 D TSLocationManager: 🎾 TrackingService [eventCount: 1] 10-04 14:55:09.276 3002 3002 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.AbstractService a] ⚙️︎ finish TrackingService [eventCount: 0, sticky: true] 10-04 14:55:09.287 3002 3002 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.AbstractService a] 10-04 14:55:09.287 3002 3002 D TSLocationManager: 🎾 TrackingService [eventCount: 1] 10-04 14:55:09.293 3002 3002 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.TrackingService b] 10-04 14:55:09.293 3002 3002 D TSLocationManager: ╔═════════════════════════════════════════════ 10-04 14:55:09.293 3002 3002 D TSLocationManager: ║ TrackingService: LocationResult 10-04 14:55:09.293 3002 3002 D TSLocationManager: ╠═════════════════════════════════════════════ 10-04 14:55:09.293 3002 3002 D TSLocationManager: ╟─ 📍 Location[fused 48.427897,-123.358171 hAcc=20 et=+2d3h0m0s645ms alt=1.6006942980413716 vel=0.03859157 bear=24.58099 vAcc=3 sAcc=??? bAcc=??? {Bundle[mParcelledData.dataSize=156]}], age: 1424ms, time: 1633384507864 10-04 14:55:09.294 3002 3002 I TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.TrackingService b] 10-04 14:55:09.294 3002 3002 I TSLocationManager: ℹ️ Distance from stoppedAtLocation: -40.0 10-04 14:55:09.294 3002 3103 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.l.TSLocationManager onLocationResult] 10-04 14:55:09.294 3002 3103 D TSLocationManager: ╔═════════════════════════════════════════════ 10-04 14:55:09.294 3002 3103 D TSLocationManager: ║ Process LocationResult 10-04 14:55:09.294 3002 3103 D TSLocationManager: ╠═════════════════════════════════════════════ 10-04 14:55:09.295 3002 3103 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.l.TSLocationManager onLocationResult] 10-04 14:55:09.295 3002 3103 D TSLocationManager: ℹ️ IGNORED: same as last location 10-04 14:55:09.295 3002 3002 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.AbstractService a] ⚙️︎ finish TrackingService [eventCount: 0, sticky: true] 10-04 14:55:09.306 3002 3002 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.AbstractService a] 10-04 14:55:09.306 3002 3002 D TSLocationManager: 🎾 TrackingService [eventCount: 1] 10-04 14:55:09.307 3002 3002 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.AbstractService a] ⚙️︎ finish TrackingService [eventCount: 0, sticky: true] 10-04 14:55:09.324 3002 3002 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.AbstractService a] 10-04 14:55:09.324 3002 3002 D TSLocationManager: 🎾 ActivityRecognitionService [eventCount: 1] 10-04 14:55:09.326 3002 3107 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.s.ActivityRecognitionService a] 10-04 14:55:09.326 3002 3107 D TSLocationManager: 🚘 ️DetectedActivity [type=STILL, confidence=100] 10-04 14:55:09.345 3002 3107 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.AbstractService a] ⚙️︎ finish ActivityRecognitionService [eventCount: 0, sticky: false] 10-04 14:55:09.442 3002 3002 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.AbstractService a] 10-04 14:55:09.442 3002 3002 D TSLocationManager: 🎾 ActivityRecognitionService [eventCount: 1] 10-04 14:55:09.445 3002 3094 I TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.s.ActivityRecognitionService a] 10-04 14:55:09.445 3002 3094 I TSLocationManager: ╔═════════════════════════════════════════════ 10-04 14:55:09.445 3002 3094 I TSLocationManager: ║ Motion Transition Result 10-04 14:55:09.445 3002 3094 I TSLocationManager: ╠═════════════════════════════════════════════ 10-04 14:55:09.445 3002 3094 I TSLocationManager: ╟─ 🎾 ENTER: still 10-04 14:55:09.445 3002 3094 I TSLocationManager: ╚═════════════════════════════════════════════ 10-04 14:55:09.445 3002 3094 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.AbstractService a] ⚙️︎ finish ActivityRecognitionService [eventCount: 0, sticky: false] 10-04 14:55:09.456 3002 3002 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.AbstractService a] 10-04 14:55:09.456 3002 3002 D TSLocationManager: 🎾 TrackingService [eventCount: 1] 10-04 14:55:09.457 3002 3002 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.AbstractService a] ⚙️︎ finish TrackingService [eventCount: 0, sticky: true] 10-04 14:55:09.699 3002 3002 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.AbstractService onDestroy] 10-04 14:55:09.699 3002 3002 D TSLocationManager: 🔴 ActivityRecognitionService destroyed 10-04 14:55:24.825 3002 3096 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.locationmanager.util.c h] 10-04 14:55:24.825 3002 3096 D TSLocationManager: ℹ️ LocationAuthorization: Permission granted 10-04 14:55:24.866 3002 3002 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.AbstractService a] 10-04 14:55:24.866 3002 3002 D TSLocationManager: 🎾 LocationRequestService [eventCount: 1] 10-04 14:55:24.873 3002 3096 I TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.s.LocationRequestService b] 10-04 14:55:24.873 3002 3096 I TSLocationManager: ╔═════════════════════════════════════════════ 10-04 14:55:24.873 3002 3096 I TSLocationManager: ║ getCurrentPosition LocationResult: 6 10-04 14:55:24.873 3002 3096 I TSLocationManager: ╠═════════════════════════════════════════════ 10-04 14:55:24.873 3002 3096 I TSLocationManager: ╟─ 📍 Location[fused 48.427900,-123.358165 hAcc=14 et=+2d3h0m15s180ms alt=1.706636697551331 vel=0.024704032 bear=48.814785 vAcc=3 sAcc=??? bAcc=??? {Bundle[mParcelledData.dataSize=156]}], age: 2469ms, time: 1633384522399 10-04 14:55:24.876 3002 3002 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.AbstractService a] 10-04 14:55:24.876 3002 3002 D TSLocationManager: 🎾 LocationRequestService [eventCount: 2] 10-04 14:55:24.877 3002 3639 I TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.s.LocationRequestService a] 10-04 14:55:24.877 3002 3639 I TSLocationManager: ℹ️ Location availability: false 10-04 14:55:24.878 3002 3639 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.AbstractService a] ⚙️︎ finish LocationRequestService [eventCount: 1, sticky: true] 10-04 14:55:24.887 3002 3002 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.AbstractService a] ⚙️︎ finish LocationRequestService [eventCount: 0, sticky: false] 10-04 14:55:24.890 3002 3002 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.AbstractService onDestroy] 10-04 14:55:24.890 3002 3002 D TSLocationManager: 🔴 LocationRequestService destroyed 10-04 14:55:24.916 3002 3096 I TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.l.TSLocationManager onSingleLocationResult] 10-04 14:55:24.916 3002 3096 I TSLocationManager: 🔵 Acquired current position 10-04 14:55:24.917 3002 3096 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.l.TSLocationManager calculateMedianAccuracy] Median accuracy: 28.1 10-04 14:55:24.929 3002 3096 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.s.LocationRequestService b] SingleLocationRequest 6 isFinished? true 10-04 14:55:24.930 3002 3096 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.AbstractService a] ⚙️︎ finish LocationRequestService [eventCount: 0, sticky: false] 10-04 14:55:24.933 3002 3101 I TSLocationManager: [ persist] 10-04 14:55:24.933 3002 3101 I TSLocationManager: ✅ INSERT: 2d6e7d45-cefe-4bd0-9633-2044879d8acb 10-04 14:55:32.174 3002 3002 I TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.s.TSScheduleManager oneShot] 10-04 14:55:32.174 3002 3002 I TSLocationManager: ⏰ Scheduled OneShot: TERMINATE_EVENT in 10000ms (jobID: -1708771588) 10-04 14:55:37.374 3002 3002 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.a.BackgroundGeolocation removeListener] 10-04 14:55:37.374 3002 3002 D TSLocationManager: ✅ removeListener event: location 10-04 14:55:37.384 3002 3002 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.a.BackgroundGeolocation removeListener] 10-04 14:55:37.384 3002 3002 D TSLocationManager: ✅ removeListener event: motionchange 10-04 14:55:37.386 3002 3002 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.a.BackgroundGeolocation removeListener] 10-04 14:55:37.386 3002 3002 D TSLocationManager: ✅ removeListener event: activitychange 10-04 14:55:37.389 3002 3002 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.a.BackgroundGeolocation removeListener] 10-04 14:55:37.389 3002 3002 D TSLocationManager: ✅ removeListener event: geofence 10-04 14:55:37.393 3002 3002 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.a.BackgroundGeolocation removeListener] 10-04 14:55:37.393 3002 3002 D TSLocationManager: ✅ removeListener event: heartbeat 10-04 14:55:37.398 3002 3002 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.a.BackgroundGeolocation removeListener] 10-04 14:55:37.398 3002 3002 D TSLocationManager: ✅ removeListener event: http 10-04 14:55:37.402 3002 3002 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.a.BackgroundGeolocation removeListener] 10-04 14:55:37.402 3002 3002 D TSLocationManager: ✅ removeListener event: schedule 10-04 14:55:37.405 3002 3002 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.a.BackgroundGeolocation removeListener] 10-04 14:55:37.405 3002 3002 D TSLocationManager: ✅ removeListener event: connectivitychange 10-04 14:55:37.408 3002 3002 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.a.BackgroundGeolocation removeListener] 10-04 14:55:37.408 3002 3002 D TSLocationManager: ✅ removeListener event: enabledchange 10-04 14:55:37.412 3002 3002 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.a.BackgroundGeolocation removeListener] 10-04 14:55:37.412 3002 3002 D TSLocationManager: ✅ removeListener event: providerchange 10-04 14:55:37.418 3002 3002 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.a.BackgroundGeolocation removeListener] 10-04 14:55:37.418 3002 3002 D TSLocationManager: ✅ removeListener event: powersavechange 10-04 14:55:37.421 3002 3002 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.a.BackgroundGeolocation removeListener] 10-04 14:55:37.421 3002 3002 D TSLocationManager: ✅ removeListener event: notificationaction 10-04 14:55:37.423 3002 3002 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.a.BackgroundGeolocation a] 10-04 14:55:37.423 3002 3002 D TSLocationManager: 🔴 Cleared callbacks 10-04 14:55:37.434 3002 3101 I TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.a.BackgroundGeolocation$m0 run] 10-04 14:55:37.434 3002 3101 I TSLocationManager: ╔═════════════════════════════════════════════ 10-04 14:55:37.434 3002 3101 I TSLocationManager: ║ MainActivity was destroyed 10-04 14:55:37.434 3002 3101 I TSLocationManager: ╠═════════════════════════════════════════════ 10-04 14:55:37.434 3002 3101 I TSLocationManager: ╟─ stopOnTerminate: false 10-04 14:55:37.434 3002 3101 I TSLocationManager: ╟─ enabled: true 10-04 14:55:45.625 3002 3094 I TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.scheduler.ScheduleEvent onOneShot] 10-04 14:55:45.625 3002 3094 I TSLocationManager: ╔═════════════════════════════════════════════ 10-04 14:55:45.625 3002 3094 I TSLocationManager: ║ ⏰ OneShot event fired: TERMINATE_EVENT 10-04 14:55:45.625 3002 3094 I TSLocationManager: ╠═════════════════════════════════════════════ 10-04 14:55:45.626 3002 3094 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.event.TerminateEvent ] 10-04 14:55:45.626 3002 3094 D TSLocationManager: ℹ️ TERMINATE_EVENT ignored (MainActivity is still active). ```
christocracy commented 2 years ago

TERMINATE_EVENT ignored (MainActivity is still active).

Are you sure you terminated the app, not just sent it to background?

spatialbits commented 2 years ago

I went to the app switcher, then swipe up to dismiss the app.

christocracy commented 2 years ago

In your AndroidManifest, why have you done this to your MainActivity?


spatialbits commented 2 years ago

I'm unsure what the rationale for that was, but I assume it would be from an older flutter create template. If I set it to standard there is no change in behaviour.

christocracy commented 2 years ago

I've added some extra log messages to method isMainActivityActive which should illuminate the issue. Install the plugin from git as follows. Then perform the same terminate sequence and provide corresponding logs as above.

      ref: issue-644
spatialbits commented 2 years ago
app log ``` --------- beginning of main --------- beginning of system 10-05 09:17:07.775 6334 6556 I flutter : Observatory listening on 10-05 09:17:13.756 6334 6517 I flutter : MyApp: FINEST: 2021-10-05 09:17:13.755690: try to start location tracking from initState 10-05 09:17:13.767 6334 6517 I flutter : LocationMonitor: FINEST: 2021-10-05 09:17:13.767482: start requested. 10-05 09:17:14.545 6334 6517 I flutter : LocationMonitor: FINEST: 2021-10-05 09:17:14.545540: awaiting location plugin configuration 10-05 09:17:14.891 6334 6517 I flutter : MyApp: FINEST: 2021-10-05 09:17:14.891448: App state changing to AppLifecycleState.inactive 10-05 09:17:18.621 6334 6517 I flutter : LocationMonitor: FINE: 2021-10-05 09:17:18.620690: background tracking is ready. Enabled: true 10-05 09:17:18.625 6334 6517 I flutter : MyApp: FINEST: 2021-10-05 09:17:18.625307: App state changing to AppLifecycleState.resumed 10-05 09:17:18.627 6334 6517 I flutter : MyApp: FINEST: 2021-10-05 09:17:18.627425: try to start location tracking from resume 10-05 09:17:18.629 6334 6517 I flutter : LocationMonitor: FINEST: 2021-10-05 09:17:18.628654: start requested. 10-05 09:17:18.629 6334 6517 I flutter : LocationMonitor: FINEST: 2021-10-05 09:17:18.628654: start requested. 10-05 09:17:19.075 6334 6517 I flutter : LocationMonitor: FINEST: 2021-10-05 09:17:19.075260: start requested but BG location was already started. 10-05 09:17:19.094 6334 6517 I flutter : LocationMonitor: FINEST: 2021-10-05 09:17:19.093902: start requested but BG location was already started. 10-05 09:17:20.716 6334 6517 I flutter : LocationMonitor: FINEST: 2021-10-05 09:17:20.716570: location success: 48.43187680686271 -123.41161636920103. Accuracy: 1394.0m. Speed: -1.0m/s 10-05 09:17:20.757 6334 6517 I flutter : LocationMonitor: FINEST: 2021-10-05 09:17:20.756544: location success: 48.4284831 -123.4029687. Accuracy: 20.0m. Speed: -1.0m/s 10-05 09:17:20.762 6334 6517 I flutter : LocationMonitor: FINEST: 2021-10-05 09:17:20.762511: location success: 48.4284831 -123.4029687. Accuracy: 20.0m. Speed: -1.0m/s 10-05 09:17:20.773 6334 6517 I flutter : LocationMonitor: FINEST: 2021-10-05 09:17:20.772655: Motion change: false. Activity: still 10-05 09:17:26.300 6334 6517 I flutter : LocationMonitor: FINEST: 2021-10-05 09:17:26.300401: location success: 48.4284823 -123.4029694. Accuracy: 20.0m. Speed: 0.01m/s 10-05 09:17:26.332 6334 6517 I flutter : LocationMonitor: FINEST: 2021-10-05 09:17:26.331881: Motion change: true. Activity: still 10-05 09:17:26.476 6334 6517 I flutter : LocationMonitor: FINEST: 2021-10-05 09:17:26.476186: location success: 48.4284823 -123.4029694. Accuracy: 20.0m. Speed: 0.01m/s 10-05 09:17:26.484 6334 6517 I flutter : LocationMonitor: FINEST: 2021-10-05 09:17:26.484485: Motion change: true. Activity: still 10-05 09:17:31.475 6334 6517 I flutter : LocationMonitor: FINEST: 2021-10-05 09:17:31.475190: location success: 48.43782916297014 -123.42678760562158. Accuracy: 308.0m. Speed: 0.01m/s 10-05 09:17:49.664 6334 6517 I flutter : MyApp: FINEST: 2021-10-05 09:17:49.663993: App state changing to AppLifecycleState.inactive 10-05 09:17:49.766 6334 6517 I flutter : MyApp: FINEST: 2021-10-05 09:17:49.765783: App state changing to AppLifecycleState.paused 10-05 09:17:50.780 6334 6517 I flutter : LocationMonitor: FINEST: 2021-10-05 09:17:50.779872: Forcing on agressive location tracking 10-05 09:17:51.644 6334 6517 I flutter : LocationMonitor: FINEST: 2021-10-05 09:17:51.644532: location success: 48.4284827 -123.4029671. Accuracy: 20.0m. Speed: 0.02m/s 10-05 09:17:51.648 6334 6517 I flutter : LocationMonitor: FINEST: 2021-10-05 09:17:51.648691: Motion change: true. Activity: still 10-05 09:17:56.981 6334 6517 I flutter : LocationMonitor: FINEST: 2021-10-05 09:17:56.981165: location success: 48.42208026611681 -123.38665265714084. Accuracy: 1914.0m. Speed: 0.01m/s 10-05 09:18:00.495 6334 6517 I flutter : MyApp: FINEST: 2021-10-05 09:18:00.495183: App state changing to AppLifecycleState.detached ```
ts location manager ``` --------- beginning of main --------- beginning of system 10-05 09:17:07.830 6334 6559 I TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.logger.LoggerFacade$a a] 10-05 09:17:07.830 6334 6559 I TSLocationManager: ╔═════════════════════════════════════════════ 10-05 09:17:07.830 6334 6559 I TSLocationManager: ║ TSLocationManager version: 3.1.34 (390) 10-05 09:17:07.830 6334 6559 I TSLocationManager: ╠═════════════════════════════════════════════ 10-05 09:17:07.830 6334 6559 I TSLocationManager: ╟─ samsung SM-T580 @ 8.1.0 (flutter) 10-05 09:17:07.830 6334 6559 I TSLocationManager: { 10-05 09:17:07.830 6334 6559 I TSLocationManager: "activityRecognitionInterval": 3000, 10-05 09:17:07.830 6334 6559 I TSLocationManager: "allowIdenticalLocations": false, 10-05 09:17:07.830 6334 6559 I TSLocationManager: "authorization": {}, 10-05 09:17:07.830 6334 6559 I TSLocationManager: "autoSync": true, 10-05 09:17:07.830 6334 6559 I TSLocationManager: "autoSyncThreshold": 0, 10-05 09:17:07.830 6334 6559 I TSLocationManager: "backgroundPermissionRationale": { 10-05 09:17:07.830 6334 6559 I TSLocationManager: "title": "Allow {applicationName} to access to this device's location in the background?", 10-05 09:17:07.830 6334 6559 I TSLocationManager: "message": "When a trip is active, {applicationName} needs to be able to collect locations while running in the background, please enable {backgroundPermissionOptionLabel} location permission. ", 10-05 09:17:07.830 6334 6559 I TSLocationManager: "positiveAction": "Change to {backgroundPermissionOptionLabel}", 10-05 09:17:07.830 6334 6559 I TSLocationManager: "negativeAction": "Cancel" 10-05 09:17:07.830 6334 6559 I TSLocationManager: }, 10-05 09:17:07.830 6334 6559 I TSLocationManager: "batchSync": false, 10-05 09:17:07.830 6334 6559 I TSLocationManager: "configUrl": "", 10-05 09:17:07.830 6334 6559 I TSLocationManager: "debug": true, 10-05 09:17:07.830 6334 6559 I TSLocationManager: "deferTime": 0, 10-05 09:17:07.830 6334 6559 I TSLocationManager: "desiredAccuracy": -1, 10-05 09:17:07.830 6334 6559 I TSLocationManager: "desiredOdometerAccuracy": 100, 10-05 09:17:07.830 6334 6559 I TSLocationManager: "disableAutoSyncOnCellular": false, 10-05 09:17:07.830 6334 6559 I TSLocationManager: "disableElasticity": false, 10-05 09:17:07.830 6334 6559 I TSLocationManager: "disableLocationAuthorizationAlert": false, 10-05 09:17:07.830 6334 6559 I TSLocationManager: "disableMotionActivityUpdates": false, 10-05 09:17:07.830 6334 6559 I TSLocationManager: "disableStopDetection": false, 10-05 09:17:07.830 6334 6559 I TSLocationManager: "distanceFilter": 5, 10-05 09:17:07.830 6334 6559 I TSLocationManager: "elasticityMultiplier": 1, 10-05 09:17:07.830 6334 6559 I TSLocationManager: "enableHeadless": true, 10-05 09:17:07.830 6334 6559 I TSLocationManager: "enableTimestampMeta": false, 10-05 09:17:07.830 6334 6559 I TSLocationManager: "extras": {}, 10-05 09:17:07.830 6334 6559 I TSLocationManager: "fastestLocationUpdateInterval": -1, 10-05 09:17:07.830 6334 6559 I TSLocationManager: "foregroundService": true, 10-05 09:17:07.830 6334 6559 I TSLocationManager: "geofenceInitialTriggerEntry": true, 10-05 09:17:07.830 6334 6559 I TSLocationManager: "geofenceModeHighAccuracy": false, 10-05 09:17:07.830 6334 6559 I TSLocationManager: "geofenceProximityRadius": 1000, 10-05 09:17:07.830 6334 6559 I TSLocationManager: "geofenceTemplate": "", 10-05 09:17:07.830 6334 6559 I TSLocationManager: "headers": {}, 10-05 09:17:07.830 6334 6559 I TSLocationManager: "headlessJobService": "com.transistorsoft.flutter.backgroundgeolocation.HeadlessTask", 10-05 09:17:07.830 6334 6559 I TSLocationManager: "heartbeatInterval": -1, 10-05 09:17:07.830 6334 6559 I TSLocationManager: "httpRootProperty": "location", 10-05 09:17:07.830 6334 6559 I TSLocationManager: "httpTimeout": 60000, 10-05 09:17:07.830 6334 6559 I TSLocationManager: "isMoving": true, 10-05 09:17:07.830 6334 6559 I TSLocationManager: "locationAuthorizationRequest": "Always", 10-05 09:17:07.830 6334 6559 I TSLocationManager: "locationTemplate": "", 10-05 09:17:07.830 6334 6559 I TSLocationManager: "locationTimeout": 60, 10-05 09:17:07.830 6334 6559 I TSLocationManager: "locationUpdateInterval": 1000, 10-05 09:17:07.830 6334 6559 I TSLocationManager: "locationsOrderDirection": "ASC", 10-05 09:17:07.830 6334 6559 I TSLocationManager: "logLevel": 5, 10-05 09:17:07.830 6334 6559 I TSLocationManager: "logMaxDays": 3, 10-05 09:17:07.830 6334 6559 I TSLocationManager: "maxBatchSize": -1, 10-05 09:17:07.830 6334 6559 I TSLocationManager: "maxDaysToPersist": 1, 10-05 09:17:07.830 6334 6559 I TSLocationManager: "maxRecordsToPersist": -1, 10-05 09:17:07.830 6334 6559 I TSLocationManager: "method": "POST", 10-05 09:17:07.830 6334 6559 I TSLocationManager: "minimumActivityRecognitionConfidence": 75, 10-05 09:17:07.830 6334 6559 I TSLocationManager: "motionTriggerDelay": 0, 10-05 09:17:07.830 6334 6559 I TSLocationManager: "notification": { 10-05 09:17:07.830 6334 6559 I TSLocationManager: "layout": "", 10-05 09:17:07.830 6334 6559 I TSLocationManager: "title": "My App", 10-05 09:17:07.830 6334 6559 I TSLocationManager: "text": "Location service", 10-05 09:17:07.830 6334 6559 I TSLocationManager: "color": "", 10-05 09:17:07.830 6334 6559 I TSLocationManager: "channelName": "TSLocationManager", 10-05 09:17:07.830 6334 6559 I TSLocationManager: "smallIcon": "", 10-05 09:17:07.830 6334 6559 I TSLocationManager: "largeIcon": "", 10-05 09:17:07.830 6334 6559 I TSLocationManager: "priority": 0, 10-05 09:17:07.830 6334 6559 I TSLocationManager: "sticky": false, 10-05 09:17:07.830 6334 6559 I TSLocationManager: "strings": {}, 10-05 09:17:07.830 6334 6559 I TSLocationManager: "actions": [] 10-05 09:17:07.830 6334 6559 I TSLocationManager: }, 10-05 09:17:07.830 6334 6559 I TSLocationManager: "params": {}, 10-05 09:17:07.830 6334 6559 I TSLocationManager: "persist": true, 10-05 09:17:07.830 6334 6559 I TSLocationManager: "persistMode": 2, 10-05 09:17:07.830 6334 6559 I TSLocationManager: "schedule": [], 10-05 09:17:07.830 6334 6559 I TSLocationManager: "scheduleUseAlarmManager": false, 10-05 09:17:07.830 6334 6559 I TSLocationManager: "speedJumpFilter": 200000, 10-05 09:17:07.830 6334 6559 I TSLocationManager: "startOnBoot": false, 10-05 09:17:07.830 6334 6559 I TSLocationManager: "stationaryRadius": 25, 10-05 09:17:07.830 6334 6559 I TSLocationManager: "stopAfterElapsedMinutes": 0, 10-05 09:17:07.830 6334 6559 I TSLocationManager: "stopOnStationary": false, 10-05 09:17:07.830 6334 6559 I TSLocationManager: "stopOnTerminate": false, 10-05 09:17:07.830 6334 6559 I TSLocationManager: "stopTimeout": 5, 10-05 09:17:07.830 6334 6559 I TSLocationManager: "triggerActivities": "in_vehicle, on_bicycle, on_foot, running, walking", 10-05 09:17:07.830 6334 6559 I TSLocationManager: "url": "", 10-05 09:17:07.830 6334 6559 I TSLocationManager: "useSignificantChangesOnly": false, 10-05 09:17:07.830 6334 6559 I TSLocationManager: "enabled": true, 10-05 09:17:07.830 6334 6559 I TSLocationManager: "schedulerEnabled": false, 10-05 09:17:07.830 6334 6559 I TSLocationManager: "trackingMode": 1, 10-05 09:17:07.830 6334 6559 I TSLocationManager: "odometer": 117.72360229492188, 10-05 09:17:07.830 6334 6559 I TSLocationManager: "isFirstBoot": false, 10-05 09:17:07.830 6334 6559 I TSLocationManager: "didLaunchInBackground": false, 10-05 09:17:07.830 6334 6559 I TSLocationManager: "didDeviceReboot": false 10-05 09:17:07.830 6334 6559 I TSLocationManager: } 10-05 09:17:07.833 6334 6559 I TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.logger.LoggerFacade$a a] 10-05 09:17:07.833 6334 6559 I TSLocationManager: ╔═════════════════════════════════════════════ 10-05 09:17:07.833 6334 6559 I TSLocationManager: ║ DEVICE SENSORS 10-05 09:17:07.833 6334 6559 I TSLocationManager: ╠═════════════════════════════════════════════ 10-05 09:17:07.833 6334 6559 I TSLocationManager: ╟─ ✅ ACCELEROMETER: {Sensor name="K2HH Accelerometer", vendor="STM", version=1, type=1, maxRange=39.2266, resolution=0.0011971008, power=0.13, minDelay=10000} 10-05 09:17:07.833 6334 6559 I TSLocationManager: ╟─ ⚠️ GYROSCOPE: none. Motion-detection system performance will be degraded 10-05 09:17:07.833 6334 6559 I TSLocationManager: ╟─ ⚠️ MAGNETOMETER: none. Motion-detection system performance will be degraded 10-05 09:17:07.833 6334 6559 I TSLocationManager: ╟─ ⚠️ SIGNIFICANT_MOTION: none. Motion-detection system performance will be degraded 10-05 09:17:07.833 6334 6559 I TSLocationManager: ╚═════════════════════════════════════════════ 10-05 09:17:07.835 6334 6559 I TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.logger.LoggerFacade$a a] 10-05 09:17:07.835 6334 6559 I TSLocationManager: ✅ Google Play Services: connected (version code:12451000) 10-05 09:17:07.836 6334 6553 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.a.BackgroundGeolocation a] 10-05 09:17:07.836 6334 6553 D TSLocationManager: 🔴 Cleared callbacks 10-05 09:17:07.837 6334 6559 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.logger.LoggerFacade$a a] 10-05 09:17:07.837 6334 6559 D TSLocationManager: ℹ️ Load last odometer location: Location[TSLocationManager 48.428479,-123.402966 hAcc=23 t=?!? et=?!? vAcc=??? sAcc=??? bAcc=??? {Bundle[{odometer=117.7236}]}] 10-05 09:17:07.837 6334 6561 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.a.BackgroundGeolocation isMainActivityActive] *** isRunningTest: true 10-05 09:17:07.838 6334 6553 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.f.b.streams.StreamHandler register] com.transistorsoft/flutter_background_geolocation/events/location 10-05 09:17:07.839 6334 6559 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.logger.LoggerFacade$a a] 10-05 09:17:07.839 6334 6559 D TSLocationManager: 🎾 Start monitoring connectivity changes 10-05 09:17:07.840 6334 6553 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.f.b.streams.StreamHandler register] com.transistorsoft/flutter_background_geolocation/events/motionchange 10-05 09:17:07.841 6334 6559 I TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.logger.LoggerFacade$a a] 10-05 09:17:07.841 6334 6559 I TSLocationManager: 🎾 Start monitoring location-provider changes 10-05 09:17:07.843 6334 6559 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.logger.LoggerFacade$a a] 10-05 09:17:07.843 6334 6559 D TSLocationManager: ╔═════════════════════════════════════════════ 10-05 09:17:07.843 6334 6559 D TSLocationManager: ║ 📶 Connectivity change: connected? true 10-05 09:17:07.843 6334 6559 D TSLocationManager: ╠═════════════════════════════════════════════ 10-05 09:17:07.843 6334 6553 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.f.b.streams.StreamHandler register] com.transistorsoft/flutter_background_geolocation/events/activitychange 10-05 09:17:07.845 6334 6553 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.f.b.streams.StreamHandler register] com.transistorsoft/flutter_background_geolocation/events/geofenceschange 10-05 09:17:07.845 6334 6559 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.logger.LoggerFacade$a a] *** isRunningTest: true 10-05 09:17:07.847 6334 6553 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.f.b.streams.StreamHandler register] com.transistorsoft/flutter_background_geolocation/events/geofence 10-05 09:17:07.850 6334 6553 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.f.b.streams.StreamHandler register] com.transistorsoft/flutter_background_geolocation/events/heartbeat 10-05 09:17:07.852 6334 6553 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.f.b.streams.StreamHandler register] com.transistorsoft/flutter_background_geolocation/events/http 10-05 09:17:07.855 6334 6553 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.f.b.streams.StreamHandler register] com.transistorsoft/flutter_background_geolocation/events/schedule 10-05 09:17:07.857 6334 6553 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.f.b.streams.StreamHandler register] com.transistorsoft/flutter_background_geolocation/events/connectivitychange 10-05 09:17:07.859 6334 6553 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.f.b.streams.StreamHandler register] com.transistorsoft/flutter_background_geolocation/events/enabledchange 10-05 09:17:07.862 6334 6553 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.f.b.streams.StreamHandler register] com.transistorsoft/flutter_background_geolocation/events/providerchange 10-05 09:17:07.865 6334 6553 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.f.b.streams.StreamHandler register] com.transistorsoft/flutter_background_geolocation/events/powersavechange 10-05 09:17:07.867 6334 6553 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.f.b.streams.StreamHandler register] com.transistorsoft/flutter_background_geolocation/events/notificationaction 10-05 09:17:07.869 6334 6553 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.f.b.streams.StreamHandler register] com.transistorsoft/flutter_background_geolocation/events/authorization 10-05 09:17:07.922 6334 6334 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.a.BackgroundGeolocation isMainActivityActive] *** isRunningTest: true 10-05 09:17:08.098 6334 6562 D TSLocationManager: [ prune] 10-05 09:17:08.098 6334 6562 D TSLocationManager: ℹ️ PRUNE -1 days 10-05 09:17:08.132 6334 6562 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.a.BackgroundGeolocation isMainActivityActive] *** isRunningTest: true 10-05 09:17:14.563 6334 6334 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.f.b.streams.StreamHandler onListen] location 10-05 09:17:14.567 6334 6334 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.f.b.streams.StreamHandler onListen] motionchange 10-05 09:17:14.569 6334 6334 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.f.b.streams.StreamHandler onListen] connectivitychange 10-05 09:17:14.571 6334 6334 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.f.b.streams.StreamHandler onListen] enabledchange 10-05 09:17:14.696 6334 6334 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.adapter.TSConfig d] ℹ️ Persist config, dirty: [activityRecognitionInterval, backgroundPermissionRationale, backgroundPermissionRationale.title, backgroundPermissionRationale.message, backgroundPermissionRationale.positiveAction, backgroundPermissionRationale.negativeAction, debug, desiredAccuracy, distanceFilter, enableHeadless, headlessJobService, logLevel, notification, notification.title, notification.text, speedJumpFilter, stopOnTerminate] 10-05 09:17:14.721 6334 6334 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.locationmanager.util.c g] 10-05 09:17:14.721 6334 6334 D TSLocationManager: ℹ️ LocationAuthorization: Permission granted 10-05 09:17:14.731 6334 6334 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.a.BackgroundGeolocation isMainActivityActive] *** isRunningTest: true 10-05 09:17:14.736 6334 6591 I TSLocationManager: - Enable: true → true, trackingMode: 1 10-05 09:17:14.757 6334 6591 I TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.s.ActivityRecognitionService b] 10-05 09:17:14.757 6334 6591 I TSLocationManager: 🎾 Start motion-activity updates 10-05 09:17:14.772 6334 6591 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.http.HttpService startMonitoringConnectivityChanges] 10-05 09:17:14.772 6334 6591 D TSLocationManager: 🎾 Start monitoring connectivity changes 10-05 09:17:14.782 6334 6591 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.locationmanager.device.a c] 10-05 09:17:14.782 6334 6591 D TSLocationManager: 🎾 Start monitoring powersave changes 10-05 09:17:14.791 6334 6591 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.locationmanager.util.c h] 10-05 09:17:14.791 6334 6591 D TSLocationManager: ℹ️ LocationAuthorization: Permission granted 10-05 09:17:14.794 6334 6591 I TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.HeartbeatService c] 10-05 09:17:14.794 6334 6591 I TSLocationManager: 🔴 Stop heartbeat 10-05 09:17:14.832 6334 6334 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.a.TSLocationManagerActivity execute] locationsettings 10-05 09:17:14.834 6334 6334 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.adapter.TSConfig translateDesiredAccuracy] translateDesiredAccuracy (true): -1 10-05 09:17:15.067 6334 6334 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.a.TSLocationManagerActivity stop] eventCount: 0 10-05 09:17:15.322 6334 6334 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.AbstractService a] 10-05 09:17:15.322 6334 6334 D TSLocationManager: 🎾 LocationRequestService [eventCount: 1] 10-05 09:17:15.326 6334 6589 I TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.s.LocationRequestService a] 10-05 09:17:15.326 6334 6589 I TSLocationManager: ℹ️ Location availability: true 10-05 09:17:15.331 6334 6589 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.AbstractService a] ⚙️︎ finish LocationRequestService [eventCount: 0, sticky: false] 10-05 09:17:15.596 6334 6334 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.AbstractService a] 10-05 09:17:15.596 6334 6334 D TSLocationManager: 🎾 ActivityRecognitionService [eventCount: 1] 10-05 09:17:15.599 6334 6591 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.s.ActivityRecognitionService a] 10-05 09:17:15.599 6334 6591 D TSLocationManager: 🚘 ️DetectedActivity [type=STILL, confidence=100] 10-05 09:17:15.608 6334 6334 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.AbstractService onDestroy] 10-05 09:17:15.608 6334 6334 D TSLocationManager: 🔴 LocationRequestService destroyed 10-05 09:17:15.621 6334 6591 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.AbstractService a] ⚙️︎ finish ActivityRecognitionService [eventCount: 0, sticky: false] 10-05 09:17:16.640 6334 6334 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.AbstractService onDestroy] 10-05 09:17:16.640 6334 6334 D TSLocationManager: 🔴 ActivityRecognitionService destroyed 10-05 09:17:18.754 6334 6334 I TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.s.TSScheduleManager oneShot] 10-05 09:17:18.754 6334 6334 I TSLocationManager: ⏰ Scheduled OneShot: TERMINATE_EVENT in 10000ms (jobID: -1708771588) 10-05 09:17:18.774 6334 6334 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.a.TSLocationManagerActivity onDestroy] 10-05 09:17:19.092 6334 6589 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.locationmanager.util.c h] 10-05 09:17:19.092 6334 6589 D TSLocationManager: ℹ️ LocationAuthorization: Permission granted 10-05 09:17:19.104 6334 6589 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.locationmanager.util.c h] 10-05 09:17:19.104 6334 6589 D TSLocationManager: ℹ️ LocationAuthorization: Permission granted 10-05 09:17:19.265 6334 6334 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.AbstractService a] 10-05 09:17:19.265 6334 6334 D TSLocationManager: 🎾 LocationRequestService [eventCount: 1] 10-05 09:17:19.267 6334 6588 I TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.s.LocationRequestService a] 10-05 09:17:19.267 6334 6588 I TSLocationManager: ℹ️ Location availability: true 10-05 09:17:19.269 6334 6588 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.AbstractService a] ⚙️︎ finish LocationRequestService [eventCount: 0, sticky: false] 10-05 09:17:19.281 6334 6334 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.AbstractService a] 10-05 09:17:19.281 6334 6334 D TSLocationManager: 🎾 LocationRequestService [eventCount: 1] 10-05 09:17:19.287 6334 6588 I TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.s.LocationRequestService a] 10-05 09:17:19.287 6334 6588 I TSLocationManager: ℹ️ Location availability: true 10-05 09:17:19.289 6334 6588 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.AbstractService a] ⚙️︎ finish LocationRequestService [eventCount: 0, sticky: false] 10-05 09:17:19.543 6334 6334 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.AbstractService onDestroy] 10-05 09:17:19.543 6334 6334 D TSLocationManager: 🔴 LocationRequestService destroyed 10-05 09:17:20.100 6334 6334 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.AbstractService a] 10-05 09:17:20.100 6334 6334 D TSLocationManager: 🎾 LocationRequestService [eventCount: 1] 10-05 09:17:20.121 6334 6334 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.AbstractService a] 10-05 09:17:20.121 6334 6334 D TSLocationManager: 🎾 LocationRequestService [eventCount: 2] 10-05 09:17:20.135 6334 6334 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.AbstractService a] 10-05 09:17:20.135 6334 6334 D TSLocationManager: 🎾 LocationRequestService [eventCount: 3] 10-05 09:17:20.162 6334 6587 I TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.s.LocationRequestService b] 10-05 09:17:20.162 6334 6587 I TSLocationManager: ╔═════════════════════════════════════════════ 10-05 09:17:20.162 6334 6587 I TSLocationManager: ║ getCurrentPosition LocationResult: 1 10-05 09:17:20.162 6334 6587 I TSLocationManager: ╠═════════════════════════════════════════════ 10-05 09:17:20.162 6334 6587 I TSLocationManager: ╟─ 📍 Location[fused 48.428483,-123.402969 hAcc=20 et=+5d21h4m30s888ms alt=-1.1999999284744263 vAcc=3 sAcc=??? bAcc=??? {Bundle[mParcelledData.dataSize=52]}], age: 248ms, time: 1633450639856 10-05 09:17:20.162 6334 6588 I TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.s.LocationRequestService b] 10-05 09:17:20.162 6334 6588 I TSLocationManager: ╔═════════════════════════════════════════════ 10-05 09:17:20.162 6334 6588 I TSLocationManager: ║ getCurrentPosition LocationResult: 2 10-05 09:17:20.162 6334 6588 I TSLocationManager: ╠═════════════════════════════════════════════ 10-05 09:17:20.162 6334 6588 I TSLocationManager: ╟─ 📍 Location[fused 48.428483,-123.402969 hAcc=20 et=+5d21h4m30s888ms alt=-1.1999999284744263 vAcc=3 sAcc=??? bAcc=??? {Bundle[mParcelledData.dataSize=52]}], age: 282ms, time: 1633450639856 10-05 09:17:20.162 6334 6593 I TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.s.LocationRequestService b] 10-05 09:17:20.162 6334 6593 I TSLocationManager: ╔═════════════════════════════════════════════ 10-05 09:17:20.162 6334 6593 I TSLocationManager: ║ getCurrentPosition LocationResult: 3 10-05 09:17:20.162 6334 6593 I TSLocationManager: ╠═════════════════════════════════════════════ 10-05 09:17:20.162 6334 6593 I TSLocationManager: ╟─ 📍 Location[fused 48.428483,-123.402969 hAcc=20 et=+5d21h4m30s888ms alt=-1.1999999284744263 vAcc=3 sAcc=??? bAcc=??? {Bundle[mParcelledData.dataSize=52]}], age: 268ms, time: 1633450639856 10-05 09:17:20.191 6334 6334 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.AbstractService a] ⚙️︎ finish LocationRequestService [eventCount: 0, sticky: false] 10-05 09:17:20.195 6334 6334 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.AbstractService onDestroy] 10-05 09:17:20.195 6334 6334 D TSLocationManager: 🔴 LocationRequestService destroyed 10-05 09:17:20.416 6334 6588 I TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.l.TSLocationManager onSingleLocationResult] 10-05 09:17:20.416 6334 6588 I TSLocationManager: 🔵 Acquired current position 10-05 09:17:20.417 6334 6588 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.l.TSLocationManager calculateMedianAccuracy] Median accuracy: 20.0 10-05 09:17:20.539 6334 6334 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.a.BackgroundGeolocation isMainActivityActive] *** isRunningTest: true 10-05 09:17:20.539 6334 6588 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.s.LocationRequestService b] SingleLocationRequest 2 isFinished? true 10-05 09:17:20.540 6334 6588 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.AbstractService a] ⚙️︎ finish LocationRequestService [eventCount: 0, sticky: false] 10-05 09:17:20.545 6334 6587 I TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.l.TSLocationManager onSingleLocationResult] 10-05 09:17:20.545 6334 6587 I TSLocationManager: 🔵 Acquired current position 10-05 09:17:20.547 6334 6587 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.l.TSLocationManager calculateMedianAccuracy] Median accuracy: 20.0 10-05 09:17:20.559 6334 6584 I TSLocationManager: [ persist] 10-05 09:17:20.559 6334 6584 I TSLocationManager: ✅ INSERT: f14aa439-b4ed-4748-a5cb-6eb81c3df369 10-05 09:17:20.575 6334 6587 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.s.LocationRequestService b] SingleLocationRequest 1 isFinished? true 10-05 09:17:20.577 6334 6587 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.AbstractService a] ⚙️︎ finish LocationRequestService [eventCount: 0, sticky: false] 10-05 09:17:20.581 6334 6593 I TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.l.TSLocationManager onSingleLocationResult] 10-05 09:17:20.581 6334 6593 I TSLocationManager: 🔵 Acquired current position 10-05 09:17:20.583 6334 6593 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.l.TSLocationManager calculateMedianAccuracy] Median accuracy: 20.0 10-05 09:17:20.603 6334 6334 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.AbstractService a] ⚙️︎ finish LocationRequestService [eventCount: 0, sticky: false] 10-05 09:17:20.604 6334 6593 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.s.LocationRequestService b] SingleLocationRequest 3 isFinished? true 10-05 09:17:20.607 6334 6334 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.a.BackgroundGeolocation isMainActivityActive] *** isRunningTest: true 10-05 09:17:20.609 6334 6334 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.a.BackgroundGeolocation isMainActivityActive] *** isRunningTest: true 10-05 09:17:20.611 6334 6334 I TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.s.ActivityRecognitionService b] 10-05 09:17:20.611 6334 6334 I TSLocationManager: 🎾 Start motion-activity updates 10-05 09:17:20.612 6334 6586 I TSLocationManager: [ persist] 10-05 09:17:20.612 6334 6586 I TSLocationManager: ✅ INSERT: d8371f79-8dca-4e5f-9a2d-012c631726db 10-05 09:17:20.614 6334 6593 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.AbstractService a] ⚙️︎ finish LocationRequestService [eventCount: 0, sticky: false] 10-05 09:17:20.621 6334 6334 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.g.TSGeofenceManager startMonitoringStationaryRegion] 10-05 09:17:20.621 6334 6334 D TSLocationManager: 🎾 Start monitoring stationary region (radius: 150.0m 48.4284831,-123.4029687 hAcc=20.0) 10-05 09:17:20.653 6334 6334 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.AbstractService onDestroy] 10-05 09:17:20.653 6334 6334 D TSLocationManager: 🔴 LocationRequestService destroyed 10-05 09:17:20.695 6334 6334 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.AbstractService a] ⚙️︎ finish LocationRequestService [eventCount: 0, sticky: false] 10-05 09:17:20.713 6334 6592 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.adapter.TSConfig d] ℹ️ Persist config, dirty: [isMoving] 10-05 09:17:20.724 6334 6592 I TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.HeartbeatService c] 10-05 09:17:20.724 6334 6592 I TSLocationManager: 🔴 Stop heartbeat 10-05 09:17:20.734 6334 6592 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.g.TSGeofenceManager stopMonitoringStationaryRegion] 10-05 09:17:20.734 6334 6592 D TSLocationManager: 🔴 Stop monitoring stationary region 10-05 09:17:20.741 6334 6334 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.AbstractService a] 10-05 09:17:20.741 6334 6334 D TSLocationManager: 🎾 TrackingService [eventCount: 1] 10-05 09:17:20.750 6334 6592 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.locationmanager.util.c h] 10-05 09:17:20.750 6334 6592 D TSLocationManager: ℹ️ LocationAuthorization: Permission granted 10-05 09:17:20.751 6334 6592 I TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.TrackingService a] 10-05 09:17:20.751 6334 6592 I TSLocationManager: 🔵 setPace: false → true 10-05 09:17:20.754 6334 6334 I TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.TrackingService h] 10-05 09:17:20.754 6334 6334 I TSLocationManager: ╔═════════════════════════════════════════════ 10-05 09:17:20.754 6334 6334 I TSLocationManager: ║ TrackingService motionchange: true 10-05 09:17:20.754 6334 6334 I TSLocationManager: ╠═════════════════════════════════════════════ 10-05 09:17:20.756 6334 6334 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.AbstractService a] ⚙️︎ finish TrackingService [eventCount: 0, sticky: true] 10-05 09:17:20.777 6334 6334 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.AbstractService onDestroy] 10-05 09:17:20.777 6334 6334 D TSLocationManager: 🔴 LocationRequestService destroyed 10-05 09:17:20.783 6334 6583 I TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.HeartbeatService c] 10-05 09:17:20.783 6334 6583 I TSLocationManager: 🔴 Stop heartbeat 10-05 09:17:20.796 6334 6583 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.locationmanager.util.c h] 10-05 09:17:20.796 6334 6583 D TSLocationManager: ℹ️ LocationAuthorization: Permission granted 10-05 09:17:20.797 6334 6583 I TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.TrackingService a] 10-05 09:17:20.797 6334 6583 I TSLocationManager: 🔵 setPace: true → true 10-05 09:17:20.809 6334 6334 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.AbstractService a] 10-05 09:17:20.809 6334 6334 D TSLocationManager: 🎾 TrackingService [eventCount: 1] 10-05 09:17:20.811 6334 6334 I TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.TrackingService h] 10-05 09:17:20.811 6334 6334 I TSLocationManager: ╔═════════════════════════════════════════════ 10-05 09:17:20.811 6334 6334 I TSLocationManager: ║ TrackingService motionchange: true 10-05 09:17:20.811 6334 6334 I TSLocationManager: ╠═════════════════════════════════════════════ 10-05 09:17:20.813 6334 6334 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.AbstractService a] ⚙️︎ finish TrackingService [eventCount: 0, sticky: true] 10-05 09:17:20.842 6334 6334 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.AbstractService a] 10-05 09:17:20.842 6334 6334 D TSLocationManager: 🎾 TrackingService [eventCount: 1] 10-05 09:17:20.844 6334 6334 I TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.TrackingService h] 10-05 09:17:20.844 6334 6334 I TSLocationManager: ╔═════════════════════════════════════════════ 10-05 09:17:20.844 6334 6334 I TSLocationManager: ║ TrackingService motionchange: true 10-05 09:17:20.844 6334 6334 I TSLocationManager: ╠═════════════════════════════════════════════ 10-05 09:17:20.846 6334 6334 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.AbstractService a] ⚙️︎ finish TrackingService [eventCount: 0, sticky: true] 10-05 09:17:21.132 6334 6334 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.AbstractService a] 10-05 09:17:21.132 6334 6334 D TSLocationManager: 🎾 LocationRequestService [eventCount: 1] 10-05 09:17:21.135 6334 6588 I TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.s.LocationRequestService a] 10-05 09:17:21.135 6334 6588 I TSLocationManager: ℹ️ Location availability: true 10-05 09:17:21.137 6334 6588 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.AbstractService a] ⚙️︎ finish LocationRequestService [eventCount: 0, sticky: false] 10-05 09:17:21.150 6334 6334 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.AbstractService a] 10-05 09:17:21.150 6334 6334 D TSLocationManager: 🎾 LocationRequestService [eventCount: 1] 10-05 09:17:21.152 6334 6593 I TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.s.LocationRequestService a] 10-05 09:17:21.152 6334 6593 I TSLocationManager: ℹ️ Location availability: true 10-05 09:17:21.153 6334 6593 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.AbstractService a] ⚙️︎ finish LocationRequestService [eventCount: 0, sticky: false] 10-05 09:17:21.299 6334 6334 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.AbstractService a] 10-05 09:17:21.299 6334 6334 D TSLocationManager: 🎾 ActivityRecognitionService [eventCount: 1] 10-05 09:17:21.301 6334 6592 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.s.ActivityRecognitionService a] 10-05 09:17:21.301 6334 6592 D TSLocationManager: 🚘 ️DetectedActivity [type=STILL, confidence=100] 10-05 09:17:21.322 6334 6592 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.AbstractService a] ⚙️︎ finish ActivityRecognitionService [eventCount: 0, sticky: false] 10-05 09:17:21.406 6334 6334 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.AbstractService onDestroy] 10-05 09:17:21.406 6334 6334 D TSLocationManager: 🔴 LocationRequestService destroyed 10-05 09:17:22.325 6334 6334 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.AbstractService onDestroy] 10-05 09:17:22.325 6334 6334 D TSLocationManager: 🔴 ActivityRecognitionService destroyed 10-05 09:17:26.038 6334 6334 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.AbstractService a] 10-05 09:17:26.038 6334 6334 D TSLocationManager: 🎾 LocationRequestService [eventCount: 1] 10-05 09:17:26.056 6334 6334 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.AbstractService a] 10-05 09:17:26.056 6334 6334 D TSLocationManager: 🎾 LocationRequestService [eventCount: 2] 10-05 09:17:26.059 6334 6571 I TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.s.LocationRequestService b] 10-05 09:17:26.059 6334 6571 I TSLocationManager: ╔═════════════════════════════════════════════ 10-05 09:17:26.059 6334 6571 I TSLocationManager: ║ motionchange LocationResult: 5 10-05 09:17:26.059 6334 6571 I TSLocationManager: ╠═════════════════════════════════════════════ 10-05 09:17:26.059 6334 6571 I TSLocationManager: ╟─ 📍 Location[fused 48.428482,-123.402969 hAcc=20 et=+5d21h4m36s913ms alt=-1.1999999284744263 vel=0.011386223 bear=210.84561 vAcc=3 sAcc=??? bAcc=??? {Bundle[mParcelledData.dataSize=52]}], age: 161ms, time: 1633450645881 10-05 09:17:26.075 6334 6572 I TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.s.LocationRequestService b] 10-05 09:17:26.075 6334 6572 I TSLocationManager: ╔═════════════════════════════════════════════ 10-05 09:17:26.075 6334 6572 I TSLocationManager: ║ motionchange LocationResult: 4 10-05 09:17:26.075 6334 6572 I TSLocationManager: ╠═════════════════════════════════════════════ 10-05 09:17:26.075 6334 6572 I TSLocationManager: ╟─ 📍 Location[fused 48.428482,-123.402969 hAcc=20 et=+5d21h4m36s913ms alt=-1.1999999284744263 vel=0.011386223 bear=210.84561 vAcc=3 sAcc=??? bAcc=??? {Bundle[mParcelledData.dataSize=52]}], age: 184ms, time: 1633450645881 10-05 09:17:26.092 6334 6571 I TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.l.TSLocationManager onSingleLocationResult] 10-05 09:17:26.092 6334 6571 I TSLocationManager: 🔵 Acquired motionchange position, isMoving: true 10-05 09:17:26.104 6334 6571 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.l.TSLocationManager calculateMedianAccuracy] Median accuracy: 20.0 10-05 09:17:26.107 6334 6334 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.AbstractService a] ⚙️︎ finish LocationRequestService [eventCount: 0, sticky: false] 10-05 09:17:26.110 6334 6334 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.AbstractService onDestroy] 10-05 09:17:26.110 6334 6334 D TSLocationManager: 🔴 LocationRequestService destroyed 10-05 09:17:26.137 6334 6334 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.a.BackgroundGeolocation isMainActivityActive] *** isRunningTest: true 10-05 09:17:26.139 6334 6334 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.a.BackgroundGeolocation isMainActivityActive] *** isRunningTest: true 10-05 09:17:26.180 6334 6571 I TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.l.TSLocationManager requestLocationUpdates] 10-05 09:17:26.180 6334 6571 I TSLocationManager: 🎾 Location-services: ON 10-05 09:17:26.186 6334 6571 I TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.l.TSLocationManager requestLocationUpdates] 10-05 09:17:26.186 6334 6571 I TSLocationManager: 🎾 Location-services: ON 10-05 09:17:26.188 6334 6571 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.adapter.TSConfig translateDesiredAccuracy] translateDesiredAccuracy (true): -1 10-05 09:17:26.194 6334 6334 I TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.s.ActivityRecognitionService b] 10-05 09:17:26.194 6334 6334 I TSLocationManager: 🎾 Start motion-activity updates 10-05 09:17:26.197 6334 6572 I TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.l.TSLocationManager onSingleLocationResult] 10-05 09:17:26.197 6334 6572 I TSLocationManager: 🔵 Acquired motionchange position, isMoving: true 10-05 09:17:26.197 6334 6591 I TSLocationManager: [ persist] 10-05 09:17:26.197 6334 6591 I TSLocationManager: ✅ INSERT: 2f34b7ff-1f28-4079-9f02-6329f82b2d21 10-05 09:17:26.199 6334 6572 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.l.TSLocationManager calculateMedianAccuracy] Median accuracy: 20.0 10-05 09:17:26.201 6334 6571 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.s.LocationRequestService b] SingleLocationRequest 5 isFinished? true 10-05 09:17:26.201 6334 6334 I TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.l.TSLocationManager removeLocationUpdates] 10-05 09:17:26.201 6334 6334 I TSLocationManager: 🔴 Location-services: OFF 10-05 09:17:26.202 6334 6571 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.AbstractService a] ⚙️︎ finish LocationRequestService [eventCount: 0, sticky: false] 10-05 09:17:26.206 6334 6334 I TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.l.TSLocationManager requestLocationUpdates] 10-05 09:17:26.206 6334 6334 I TSLocationManager: 🎾 Location-services: ON 10-05 09:17:26.208 6334 6334 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.adapter.TSConfig translateDesiredAccuracy] translateDesiredAccuracy (true): -1 10-05 09:17:26.219 6334 6572 I TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.l.TSLocationManager removeLocationUpdates] 10-05 09:17:26.219 6334 6572 I TSLocationManager: 🔴 Location-services: OFF 10-05 09:17:26.226 6334 6572 I TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.l.TSLocationManager requestLocationUpdates] 10-05 09:17:26.226 6334 6572 I TSLocationManager: 🎾 Location-services: ON 10-05 09:17:26.228 6334 6572 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.adapter.TSConfig translateDesiredAccuracy] translateDesiredAccuracy (true): -1 10-05 09:17:26.231 6334 6572 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.s.LocationRequestService b] SingleLocationRequest 4 isFinished? true 10-05 09:17:26.234 6334 6572 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.AbstractService a] ⚙️︎ finish LocationRequestService [eventCount: 0, sticky: false] 10-05 09:17:26.241 6334 6570 I TSLocationManager: [ persist] 10-05 09:17:26.241 6334 6570 I TSLocationManager: ✅ INSERT: 5397d14d-8e9c-41d7-a4d3-89f0404a2ab0 10-05 09:17:26.252 6334 6334 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.AbstractService a] ⚙️︎ finish LocationRequestService [eventCount: 0, sticky: false] 10-05 09:17:26.259 6334 6334 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.a.BackgroundGeolocation isMainActivityActive] *** isRunningTest: true 10-05 09:17:26.264 6334 6334 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.a.BackgroundGeolocation isMainActivityActive] *** isRunningTest: true 10-05 09:17:26.266 6334 6334 I TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.s.ActivityRecognitionService b] 10-05 09:17:26.266 6334 6334 I TSLocationManager: 🎾 Start motion-activity updates 10-05 09:17:26.269 6334 6334 I TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.l.TSLocationManager removeLocationUpdates] 10-05 09:17:26.269 6334 6334 I TSLocationManager: 🔴 Location-services: OFF 10-05 09:17:26.275 6334 6334 I TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.l.TSLocationManager requestLocationUpdates] 10-05 09:17:26.275 6334 6334 I TSLocationManager: 🎾 Location-services: ON 10-05 09:17:26.277 6334 6334 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.adapter.TSConfig translateDesiredAccuracy] translateDesiredAccuracy (true): -1 10-05 09:17:26.284 6334 6334 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.AbstractService onDestroy] 10-05 09:17:26.284 6334 6334 D TSLocationManager: 🔴 LocationRequestService destroyed 10-05 09:17:26.320 6334 6334 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.AbstractService a] 10-05 09:17:26.320 6334 6334 D TSLocationManager: 🎾 TrackingService [eventCount: 1] 10-05 09:17:26.332 6334 6334 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.TrackingService b] 10-05 09:17:26.332 6334 6334 D TSLocationManager: ╔═════════════════════════════════════════════ 10-05 09:17:26.332 6334 6334 D TSLocationManager: ║ TrackingService: LocationResult 10-05 09:17:26.332 6334 6334 D TSLocationManager: ╠═════════════════════════════════════════════ 10-05 09:17:26.332 6334 6334 D TSLocationManager: ╟─ 📍 Location[fused 48.428482,-123.402969 hAcc=20 et=+5d21h4m36s913ms alt=-1.1999999284744263 vel=0.011386223 bear=210.84561 vAcc=3 sAcc=??? bAcc=??? {Bundle[mParcelledData.dataSize=52]}], age: 443ms, time: 1633450645881 10-05 09:17:26.337 6334 6584 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.l.TSLocationManager onLocationResult] 10-05 09:17:26.337 6334 6584 D TSLocationManager: ╔═════════════════════════════════════════════ 10-05 09:17:26.337 6334 6584 D TSLocationManager: ║ Process LocationResult 10-05 09:17:26.337 6334 6584 D TSLocationManager: ╠═════════════════════════════════════════════ 10-05 09:17:26.338 6334 6584 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.l.TSLocationManager onLocationResult] 10-05 09:17:26.338 6334 6584 D TSLocationManager: ℹ️ IGNORED: same as last location 10-05 09:17:26.339 6334 6334 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.AbstractService a] ⚙️︎ finish TrackingService [eventCount: 0, sticky: true] 10-05 09:17:26.365 6334 6334 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.AbstractService a] 10-05 09:17:26.365 6334 6334 D TSLocationManager: 🎾 TrackingService [eventCount: 1] 10-05 09:17:26.367 6334 6334 I TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.TrackingService a] 10-05 09:17:26.367 6334 6334 I TSLocationManager: ℹ️ Location availability: true 10-05 09:17:26.373 6334 6334 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.AbstractService a] ⚙️︎ finish TrackingService [eventCount: 0, sticky: true] 10-05 09:17:26.854 6334 6334 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.AbstractService a] 10-05 09:17:26.854 6334 6334 D TSLocationManager: 🎾 TrackingService [eventCount: 1] 10-05 09:17:26.857 6334 6334 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.AbstractService a] ⚙️︎ finish TrackingService [eventCount: 0, sticky: true] 10-05 09:17:26.951 6334 6334 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.AbstractService a] 10-05 09:17:26.951 6334 6334 D TSLocationManager: 🎾 ActivityRecognitionService [eventCount: 1] 10-05 09:17:26.953 6334 6584 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.s.ActivityRecognitionService a] 10-05 09:17:26.953 6334 6584 D TSLocationManager: 🚘 ️DetectedActivity [type=STILL, confidence=100] 10-05 09:17:26.970 6334 6584 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.AbstractService a] ⚙️︎ finish ActivityRecognitionService [eventCount: 0, sticky: false] 10-05 09:17:27.975 6334 6334 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.AbstractService onDestroy] 10-05 09:17:27.975 6334 6334 D TSLocationManager: 🔴 ActivityRecognitionService destroyed 10-05 09:17:31.320 6334 6334 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.AbstractService a] 10-05 09:17:31.320 6334 6334 D TSLocationManager: 🎾 TrackingService [eventCount: 1] 10-05 09:17:31.328 6334 6334 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.TrackingService b] 10-05 09:17:31.328 6334 6334 D TSLocationManager: ╔═════════════════════════════════════════════ 10-05 09:17:31.328 6334 6334 D TSLocationManager: ║ TrackingService: LocationResult 10-05 09:17:31.328 6334 6334 D TSLocationManager: ╠═════════════════════════════════════════════ 10-05 09:17:31.328 6334 6334 D TSLocationManager: ╟─ 📍 Location[fused 48.428482,-123.402970 hAcc=20 et=+5d21h4m42s233ms alt=-3.8000001907348633 vel=0.008714663 bear=228.71527 vAcc=2 sAcc=??? bAcc=??? {Bundle[mParcelledData.dataSize=52]}], age: 122ms, time: 1633450651201 10-05 09:17:31.330 6334 6589 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.l.TSLocationManager onLocationResult] 10-05 09:17:31.330 6334 6589 D TSLocationManager: ╔═════════════════════════════════════════════ 10-05 09:17:31.330 6334 6589 D TSLocationManager: ║ Process LocationResult 10-05 09:17:31.330 6334 6589 D TSLocationManager: ╠═════════════════════════════════════════════ 10-05 09:17:31.332 6334 6589 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.l.TSLocationManager calculateMedianAccuracy] Median accuracy: 20.0 10-05 09:17:31.358 6334 6788 I TSLocationManager: [ persist] 10-05 09:17:31.358 6334 6788 I TSLocationManager: ✅ INSERT: dc20cced-b82a-4d77-8627-cdee87c1b5c3 10-05 09:17:31.368 6334 6334 I TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.s.TSScheduleManager oneShot] 10-05 09:17:31.368 6334 6334 I TSLocationManager: ⏰ Scheduled OneShot: STOP_TIMEOUT in 300000ms (jobID: 2059034116) 10-05 09:17:31.379 6334 6334 I TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.l.TSLocationManager removeLocationUpdates] 10-05 09:17:31.379 6334 6334 I TSLocationManager: 🔴 Location-services: OFF 10-05 09:17:31.384 6334 6334 I TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.l.TSLocationManager requestLocationUpdates] 10-05 09:17:31.384 6334 6334 I TSLocationManager: 🎾 Location-services: ON 10-05 09:17:31.386 6334 6334 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.adapter.TSConfig translateDesiredAccuracy] translateDesiredAccuracy (true): -1 10-05 09:17:31.392 6334 6334 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.AbstractService a] ⚙️︎ finish TrackingService [eventCount: 0, sticky: true] 10-05 09:17:31.403 6334 6334 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.a.BackgroundGeolocation isMainActivityActive] *** isRunningTest: true 10-05 09:17:31.474 6334 6334 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.AbstractService a] 10-05 09:17:31.474 6334 6334 D TSLocationManager: 🎾 TrackingService [eventCount: 1] 10-05 09:17:31.482 6334 6334 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.TrackingService b] 10-05 09:17:31.482 6334 6334 D TSLocationManager: ╔═════════════════════════════════════════════ 10-05 09:17:31.482 6334 6334 D TSLocationManager: ║ TrackingService: LocationResult 10-05 09:17:31.482 6334 6334 D TSLocationManager: ╠═════════════════════════════════════════════ 10-05 09:17:31.482 6334 6334 D TSLocationManager: ╟─ 📍 Location[fused 48.428482,-123.402970 hAcc=20 et=+5d21h4m42s233ms alt=-3.8000001907348633 vel=0.008714663 bear=228.71527 vAcc=2 sAcc=??? bAcc=??? {Bundle[mParcelledData.dataSize=52]}], age: 275ms, time: 1633450651201 10-05 09:17:31.483 6334 6334 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.TrackingService b] Received stoppedAt location 10-05 09:17:31.484 6334 6788 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.l.TSLocationManager onLocationResult] 10-05 09:17:31.484 6334 6788 D TSLocationManager: ╔═════════════════════════════════════════════ 10-05 09:17:31.484 6334 6788 D TSLocationManager: ║ Process LocationResult 10-05 09:17:31.484 6334 6788 D TSLocationManager: ╠═════════════════════════════════════════════ 10-05 09:17:31.485 6334 6788 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.l.TSLocationManager onLocationResult] 10-05 09:17:31.485 6334 6788 D TSLocationManager: ℹ️ IGNORED: same as last location 10-05 09:17:31.485 6334 6334 I TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.TrackingService b] 10-05 09:17:31.485 6334 6334 I TSLocationManager: ℹ️ Distance from stoppedAtLocation: -40.0 10-05 09:17:31.486 6334 6334 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.AbstractService a] ⚙️︎ finish TrackingService [eventCount: 0, sticky: true] 10-05 09:17:31.513 6334 6334 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.AbstractService a] 10-05 09:17:31.513 6334 6334 D TSLocationManager: 🎾 TrackingService [eventCount: 1] 10-05 09:17:31.515 6334 6334 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.AbstractService a] ⚙️︎ finish TrackingService [eventCount: 0, sticky: true] 10-05 09:17:31.993 6334 6577 I TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.scheduler.ScheduleEvent onOneShot] 10-05 09:17:31.993 6334 6577 I TSLocationManager: ╔═════════════════════════════════════════════ 10-05 09:17:31.993 6334 6577 I TSLocationManager: ║ ⏰ OneShot event fired: TERMINATE_EVENT 10-05 09:17:31.993 6334 6577 I TSLocationManager: ╠═════════════════════════════════════════════ 10-05 09:17:32.002 6334 6577 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.a.BackgroundGeolocation isMainActivityActive] *** isRunningTest: true 10-05 09:17:32.004 6334 6577 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.event.TerminateEvent ] 10-05 09:17:32.004 6334 6577 D TSLocationManager: ℹ️ TERMINATE_EVENT ignored (MainActivity is still active). 10-05 09:17:49.756 6334 6334 I TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.s.TSScheduleManager oneShot] 10-05 09:17:49.756 6334 6334 I TSLocationManager: ⏰ Scheduled OneShot: TERMINATE_EVENT in 10000ms (jobID: -1708771588) 10-05 09:17:50.803 6334 6570 I TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.HeartbeatService c] 10-05 09:17:50.803 6334 6570 I TSLocationManager: 🔴 Stop heartbeat 10-05 09:17:50.822 6334 6570 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.locationmanager.util.c h] 10-05 09:17:50.822 6334 6570 D TSLocationManager: ℹ️ LocationAuthorization: Permission granted 10-05 09:17:50.824 6334 6570 I TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.TrackingService a] 10-05 09:17:50.824 6334 6570 I TSLocationManager: 🔵 setPace: true → true 10-05 09:17:50.845 6334 6334 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.AbstractService a] 10-05 09:17:50.845 6334 6334 D TSLocationManager: 🎾 TrackingService [eventCount: 1] 10-05 09:17:50.848 6334 6334 I TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.TrackingService h] 10-05 09:17:50.848 6334 6334 I TSLocationManager: ╔═════════════════════════════════════════════ 10-05 09:17:50.848 6334 6334 I TSLocationManager: ║ TrackingService motionchange: true 10-05 09:17:50.848 6334 6334 I TSLocationManager: ╠═════════════════════════════════════════════ 10-05 09:17:50.874 6334 6334 I TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.s.TSScheduleManager cancelOneShot] 10-05 09:17:50.874 6334 6334 I TSLocationManager: ⏰ Cancel OneShot: STOP_TIMEOUT 10-05 09:17:50.933 6334 6334 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.AbstractService a] ⚙️︎ finish TrackingService [eventCount: 0, sticky: true] 10-05 09:17:51.051 6334 6334 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.AbstractService a] 10-05 09:17:51.051 6334 6334 D TSLocationManager: 🎾 LocationRequestService [eventCount: 1] 10-05 09:17:51.056 6334 6570 I TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.s.LocationRequestService a] 10-05 09:17:51.056 6334 6570 I TSLocationManager: ℹ️ Location availability: true 10-05 09:17:51.057 6334 6570 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.AbstractService a] ⚙️︎ finish LocationRequestService [eventCount: 0, sticky: false] 10-05 09:17:51.310 6334 6334 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.AbstractService onDestroy] 10-05 09:17:51.310 6334 6334 D TSLocationManager: 🔴 LocationRequestService destroyed 10-05 09:17:51.557 6334 6334 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.AbstractService a] 10-05 09:17:51.557 6334 6334 D TSLocationManager: 🎾 LocationRequestService [eventCount: 1] 10-05 09:17:51.571 6334 6788 I TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.s.LocationRequestService b] 10-05 09:17:51.571 6334 6788 I TSLocationManager: ╔═════════════════════════════════════════════ 10-05 09:17:51.571 6334 6788 I TSLocationManager: ║ motionchange LocationResult: 6 10-05 09:17:51.571 6334 6788 I TSLocationManager: ╠═════════════════════════════════════════════ 10-05 09:17:51.571 6334 6788 I TSLocationManager: ╟─ 📍 Location[fused 48.428483,-123.402967 hAcc=20 et=+5d21h5m2s399ms alt=-3.8000001907348633 vel=0.017632455 bear=105.34771 vAcc=2 sAcc=??? bAcc=??? {Bundle[mParcelledData.dataSize=52]}], age: 192ms, time: 1633450671366 10-05 09:17:51.582 6334 6788 I TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.l.TSLocationManager onSingleLocationResult] 10-05 09:17:51.582 6334 6788 I TSLocationManager: 🔵 Acquired motionchange position, isMoving: true 10-05 09:17:51.584 6334 6788 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.l.TSLocationManager calculateMedianAccuracy] Median accuracy: 20.0 10-05 09:17:51.612 6334 6334 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.AbstractService a] ⚙️︎ finish LocationRequestService [eventCount: 0, sticky: false] 10-05 09:17:51.619 6334 6334 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.AbstractService onDestroy] 10-05 09:17:51.619 6334 6334 D TSLocationManager: 🔴 LocationRequestService destroyed 10-05 09:17:51.630 6334 6788 I TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.l.TSLocationManager removeLocationUpdates] 10-05 09:17:51.630 6334 6788 I TSLocationManager: 🔴 Location-services: OFF 10-05 09:17:51.631 6334 6334 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.a.BackgroundGeolocation isMainActivityActive] *** isRunningTest: true 10-05 09:17:51.634 6334 6334 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.a.BackgroundGeolocation isMainActivityActive] *** isRunningTest: true 10-05 09:17:51.638 6334 6788 I TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.l.TSLocationManager requestLocationUpdates] 10-05 09:17:51.638 6334 6788 I TSLocationManager: 🎾 Location-services: ON 10-05 09:17:51.653 6334 6788 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.adapter.TSConfig translateDesiredAccuracy] translateDesiredAccuracy (true): -1 10-05 09:17:51.659 6334 6334 I TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.s.ActivityRecognitionService b] 10-05 09:17:51.659 6334 6334 I TSLocationManager: 🎾 Start motion-activity updates 10-05 09:17:51.662 6334 6334 I TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.l.TSLocationManager removeLocationUpdates] 10-05 09:17:51.662 6334 6334 I TSLocationManager: 🔴 Location-services: OFF 10-05 09:17:51.665 6334 6584 I TSLocationManager: [ persist] 10-05 09:17:51.665 6334 6584 I TSLocationManager: ✅ INSERT: dfdbcb38-a859-453a-a640-a2c14eb5493b 10-05 09:17:51.665 6334 6788 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.s.LocationRequestService b] SingleLocationRequest 6 isFinished? true 10-05 09:17:51.666 6334 6788 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.AbstractService a] ⚙️︎ finish LocationRequestService [eventCount: 0, sticky: false] 10-05 09:17:51.668 6334 6334 I TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.l.TSLocationManager requestLocationUpdates] 10-05 09:17:51.668 6334 6334 I TSLocationManager: 🎾 Location-services: ON 10-05 09:17:51.669 6334 6334 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.adapter.TSConfig translateDesiredAccuracy] translateDesiredAccuracy (true): -1 10-05 09:17:51.763 6334 6334 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.AbstractService a] 10-05 09:17:51.763 6334 6334 D TSLocationManager: 🎾 TrackingService [eventCount: 1] 10-05 09:17:51.775 6334 6334 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.TrackingService b] 10-05 09:17:51.775 6334 6334 D TSLocationManager: ╔═════════════════════════════════════════════ 10-05 09:17:51.775 6334 6334 D TSLocationManager: ║ TrackingService: LocationResult 10-05 09:17:51.775 6334 6334 D TSLocationManager: ╠═════════════════════════════════════════════ 10-05 09:17:51.775 6334 6334 D TSLocationManager: ╟─ 📍 Location[fused 48.428483,-123.402967 hAcc=20 et=+5d21h5m2s399ms alt=-3.8000001907348633 vel=0.017632455 bear=105.34771 vAcc=2 sAcc=??? bAcc=??? {Bundle[mParcelledData.dataSize=52]}], age: 399ms, time: 1633450671366 10-05 09:17:51.777 6334 6589 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.l.TSLocationManager onLocationResult] 10-05 09:17:51.777 6334 6589 D TSLocationManager: ╔═════════════════════════════════════════════ 10-05 09:17:51.777 6334 6589 D TSLocationManager: ║ Process LocationResult 10-05 09:17:51.777 6334 6589 D TSLocationManager: ╠═════════════════════════════════════════════ 10-05 09:17:51.778 6334 6589 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.l.TSLocationManager onLocationResult] 10-05 09:17:51.778 6334 6589 D TSLocationManager: ℹ️ IGNORED: same as last location 10-05 09:17:51.784 6334 6334 I TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.s.TSScheduleManager oneShot] 10-05 09:17:51.784 6334 6334 I TSLocationManager: ⏰ Scheduled OneShot: STOP_TIMEOUT in 300000ms (jobID: 2059034116) 10-05 09:17:51.801 6334 6334 I TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.l.TSLocationManager removeLocationUpdates] 10-05 09:17:51.801 6334 6334 I TSLocationManager: 🔴 Location-services: OFF 10-05 09:17:51.805 6334 6334 I TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.l.TSLocationManager requestLocationUpdates] 10-05 09:17:51.805 6334 6334 I TSLocationManager: 🎾 Location-services: ON 10-05 09:17:51.807 6334 6334 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.adapter.TSConfig translateDesiredAccuracy] translateDesiredAccuracy (true): -1 10-05 09:17:51.810 6334 6334 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.AbstractService a] ⚙️︎ finish TrackingService [eventCount: 0, sticky: true] 10-05 09:17:51.826 6334 6334 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.AbstractService a] 10-05 09:17:51.826 6334 6334 D TSLocationManager: 🎾 TrackingService [eventCount: 1] 10-05 09:17:51.829 6334 6334 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.AbstractService a] ⚙️︎ finish TrackingService [eventCount: 0, sticky: true] 10-05 09:17:51.898 6334 6334 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.AbstractService a] 10-05 09:17:51.898 6334 6334 D TSLocationManager: 🎾 TrackingService [eventCount: 1] 10-05 09:17:51.905 6334 6334 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.TrackingService b] 10-05 09:17:51.905 6334 6334 D TSLocationManager: ╔═════════════════════════════════════════════ 10-05 09:17:51.905 6334 6334 D TSLocationManager: ║ TrackingService: LocationResult 10-05 09:17:51.905 6334 6334 D TSLocationManager: ╠═════════════════════════════════════════════ 10-05 09:17:51.905 6334 6334 D TSLocationManager: ╟─ 📍 Location[fused 48.428483,-123.402967 hAcc=20 et=+5d21h5m2s399ms alt=-3.8000001907348633 vel=0.017632455 bear=105.34771 vAcc=2 sAcc=??? bAcc=??? {Bundle[mParcelledData.dataSize=52]}], age: 534ms, time: 1633450671366 10-05 09:17:51.907 6334 6334 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.TrackingService b] Received stoppedAt location 10-05 09:17:51.907 6334 6580 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.l.TSLocationManager onLocationResult] 10-05 09:17:51.907 6334 6580 D TSLocationManager: ╔═════════════════════════════════════════════ 10-05 09:17:51.907 6334 6580 D TSLocationManager: ║ Process LocationResult 10-05 09:17:51.907 6334 6580 D TSLocationManager: ╠═════════════════════════════════════════════ 10-05 09:17:51.908 6334 6580 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.l.TSLocationManager onLocationResult] 10-05 09:17:51.908 6334 6580 D TSLocationManager: ℹ️ IGNORED: same as last location 10-05 09:17:51.908 6334 6334 I TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.TrackingService b] 10-05 09:17:51.908 6334 6334 I TSLocationManager: ℹ️ Distance from stoppedAtLocation: -40.0 10-05 09:17:51.909 6334 6334 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.AbstractService a] ⚙️︎ finish TrackingService [eventCount: 0, sticky: true] 10-05 09:17:51.924 6334 6334 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.AbstractService a] 10-05 09:17:51.924 6334 6334 D TSLocationManager: 🎾 TrackingService [eventCount: 1] 10-05 09:17:51.925 6334 6334 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.AbstractService a] ⚙️︎ finish TrackingService [eventCount: 0, sticky: true] 10-05 09:17:52.060 6334 6334 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.AbstractService a] 10-05 09:17:52.060 6334 6334 D TSLocationManager: 🎾 TrackingService [eventCount: 1] 10-05 09:17:52.062 6334 6334 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.AbstractService a] ⚙️︎ finish TrackingService [eventCount: 0, sticky: true] 10-05 09:17:52.407 6334 6334 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.AbstractService a] 10-05 09:17:52.407 6334 6334 D TSLocationManager: 🎾 ActivityRecognitionService [eventCount: 1] 10-05 09:17:52.411 6334 6788 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.s.ActivityRecognitionService a] 10-05 09:17:52.411 6334 6788 D TSLocationManager: 🚘 ️DetectedActivity [type=STILL, confidence=100] 10-05 09:17:52.437 6334 6788 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.AbstractService a] ⚙️︎ finish ActivityRecognitionService [eventCount: 0, sticky: false] 10-05 09:17:53.494 6334 6334 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.AbstractService onDestroy] 10-05 09:17:53.494 6334 6334 D TSLocationManager: 🔴 ActivityRecognitionService destroyed 10-05 09:17:56.950 6334 6334 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.AbstractService a] 10-05 09:17:56.950 6334 6334 D TSLocationManager: 🎾 TrackingService [eventCount: 1] 10-05 09:17:56.958 6334 6334 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.TrackingService b] 10-05 09:17:56.958 6334 6334 D TSLocationManager: ╔═════════════════════════════════════════════ 10-05 09:17:56.958 6334 6334 D TSLocationManager: ║ TrackingService: LocationResult 10-05 09:17:56.958 6334 6334 D TSLocationManager: ╠═════════════════════════════════════════════ 10-05 09:17:56.958 6334 6334 D TSLocationManager: ╟─ 📍 Location[fused 48.428483,-123.402967 hAcc=20 et=+5d21h5m7s805ms alt=-3.8000001907348633 vel=0.009444948 bear=110.74078 vAcc=2 sAcc=??? bAcc=??? {Bundle[mParcelledData.dataSize=52]}], age: 179ms, time: 1633450676773 10-05 09:17:56.960 6334 6788 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.l.TSLocationManager onLocationResult] 10-05 09:17:56.960 6334 6788 D TSLocationManager: ╔═════════════════════════════════════════════ 10-05 09:17:56.960 6334 6788 D TSLocationManager: ║ Process LocationResult 10-05 09:17:56.960 6334 6788 D TSLocationManager: ╠═════════════════════════════════════════════ 10-05 09:17:56.960 6334 6334 I TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.TrackingService b] 10-05 09:17:56.960 6334 6334 I TSLocationManager: ℹ️ Distance from stoppedAtLocation: -39.95034 10-05 09:17:56.961 6334 6334 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.AbstractService a] ⚙️︎ finish TrackingService [eventCount: 0, sticky: true] 10-05 09:17:56.961 6334 6788 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.l.TSLocationManager calculateMedianAccuracy] Median accuracy: 20.0 10-05 09:17:56.974 6334 6334 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.a.BackgroundGeolocation isMainActivityActive] *** isRunningTest: true 10-05 09:17:57.006 6334 6565 I TSLocationManager: [ persist] 10-05 09:17:57.006 6334 6565 I TSLocationManager: ✅ INSERT: 2bf49924-55dc-4e3b-a9d3-7a36abc30c2f 10-05 09:17:59.768 6334 6592 I TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.scheduler.ScheduleEvent onOneShot] 10-05 09:17:59.768 6334 6592 I TSLocationManager: ╔═════════════════════════════════════════════ 10-05 09:17:59.768 6334 6592 I TSLocationManager: ║ ⏰ OneShot event fired: TERMINATE_EVENT 10-05 09:17:59.768 6334 6592 I TSLocationManager: ╠═════════════════════════════════════════════ 10-05 09:17:59.771 6334 6592 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.a.BackgroundGeolocation isMainActivityActive] *** isRunningTest: true 10-05 09:17:59.772 6334 6592 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.event.TerminateEvent ] 10-05 09:17:59.772 6334 6592 D TSLocationManager: ℹ️ TERMINATE_EVENT ignored (MainActivity is still active). 10-05 09:18:00.439 6334 6334 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.a.BackgroundGeolocation removeListener] 10-05 09:18:00.439 6334 6334 D TSLocationManager: ✅ removeListener event: location 10-05 09:18:00.444 6334 6334 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.a.BackgroundGeolocation removeListener] 10-05 09:18:00.444 6334 6334 D TSLocationManager: ✅ removeListener event: motionchange 10-05 09:18:00.450 6334 6334 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.a.BackgroundGeolocation removeListener] 10-05 09:18:00.450 6334 6334 D TSLocationManager: ✅ removeListener event: activitychange 10-05 09:18:00.453 6334 6334 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.a.BackgroundGeolocation removeListener] 10-05 09:18:00.453 6334 6334 D TSLocationManager: ✅ removeListener event: geofence 10-05 09:18:00.457 6334 6334 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.a.BackgroundGeolocation removeListener] 10-05 09:18:00.457 6334 6334 D TSLocationManager: ✅ removeListener event: heartbeat 10-05 09:18:00.460 6334 6334 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.a.BackgroundGeolocation removeListener] 10-05 09:18:00.460 6334 6334 D TSLocationManager: ✅ removeListener event: http 10-05 09:18:00.464 6334 6334 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.a.BackgroundGeolocation removeListener] 10-05 09:18:00.464 6334 6334 D TSLocationManager: ✅ removeListener event: schedule 10-05 09:18:00.467 6334 6334 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.a.BackgroundGeolocation removeListener] 10-05 09:18:00.467 6334 6334 D TSLocationManager: ✅ removeListener event: connectivitychange 10-05 09:18:00.472 6334 6334 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.a.BackgroundGeolocation removeListener] 10-05 09:18:00.472 6334 6334 D TSLocationManager: ✅ removeListener event: enabledchange 10-05 09:18:00.475 6334 6334 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.a.BackgroundGeolocation removeListener] 10-05 09:18:00.475 6334 6334 D TSLocationManager: ✅ removeListener event: providerchange 10-05 09:18:00.479 6334 6334 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.a.BackgroundGeolocation removeListener] 10-05 09:18:00.479 6334 6334 D TSLocationManager: ✅ removeListener event: powersavechange 10-05 09:18:00.483 6334 6334 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.a.BackgroundGeolocation removeListener] 10-05 09:18:00.483 6334 6334 D TSLocationManager: ✅ removeListener event: notificationaction 10-05 09:18:00.487 6334 6334 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.a.BackgroundGeolocation a] 10-05 09:18:00.487 6334 6334 D TSLocationManager: 🔴 Cleared callbacks 10-05 09:18:00.492 6334 6575 I TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.a.BackgroundGeolocation$m0 run] 10-05 09:18:00.492 6334 6575 I TSLocationManager: ╔═════════════════════════════════════════════ 10-05 09:18:00.492 6334 6575 I TSLocationManager: ║ MainActivity was destroyed 10-05 09:18:00.492 6334 6575 I TSLocationManager: ╠═════════════════════════════════════════════ 10-05 09:18:00.492 6334 6575 I TSLocationManager: ╟─ stopOnTerminate: false 10-05 09:18:00.492 6334 6575 I TSLocationManager: ╟─ enabled: true ```
christocracy commented 2 years ago

I pushed another commit. Do a flutter pub get and re-do the test and logs.

spatialbits commented 2 years ago
app log ``` --------- beginning of system --------- beginning of main 10-05 10:38:46.421 10338 10467 I flutter : Observatory listening on 10-05 10:38:52.372 10338 10417 I flutter : MyApp: FINEST: 2021-10-05 10:38:52.372237: try to start location tracking from initState 10-05 10:38:52.384 10338 10417 I flutter : LocationMonitor: FINEST: 2021-10-05 10:38:52.383819: start requested. 10-05 10:38:53.208 10338 10417 I flutter : MyApp: WARNING: 2021-10-05 10:38:53.208296: not able to start tracking on app initState: LocationDisclosureNotShown: Attempted to enable location tracking before user has been shown the disclosure dialog. 10-05 10:40:22.592 10338 10417 I flutter : MapScreen: INFO: 2021-10-05 10:40:22.592360: Location disclosure done. Start location monitor 10-05 10:40:22.593 10338 10417 I flutter : LocationMonitor: FINEST: 2021-10-05 10:40:22.593473: start requested. 10-05 10:40:22.595 10338 10417 I flutter : LocationMonitor: FINEST: 2021-10-05 10:40:22.595634: awaiting location plugin configuration 10-05 10:40:22.800 10338 10417 I flutter : LocationMonitor: FINE: 2021-10-05 10:40:22.800519: background tracking is ready. Enabled: false 10-05 10:40:22.972 10338 10417 I flutter : MyApp: FINEST: 2021-10-05 10:40:22.971717: App state changing to AppLifecycleState.inactive 10-05 10:40:25.235 10338 10417 I flutter : LocationMonitor: FINE: 2021-10-05 10:40:25.235173: enabled: true 10-05 10:40:25.254 10338 10417 I flutter : MyApp: FINEST: 2021-10-05 10:40:25.254611: App state changing to AppLifecycleState.resumed 10-05 10:40:25.256 10338 10417 I flutter : MyApp: FINEST: 2021-10-05 10:40:25.256024: try to start location tracking from resume 10-05 10:40:25.257 10338 10417 I flutter : LocationMonitor: FINEST: 2021-10-05 10:40:25.257425: start requested. 10-05 10:40:25.259 10338 10417 I flutter : MyApp: FINE: 2021-10-05 10:40:25.259203: syncEverything requested after app resumed. 10-05 10:40:25.276 10338 10417 I flutter : MyApp: FINEST: 2021-10-05 10:40:25.275944: App state changing to AppLifecycleState.inactive 10-05 10:40:25.319 10338 10417 I flutter : LocationMonitor: FINEST: 2021-10-05 10:40:25.319492: start requested but BG location was already started. 10-05 10:40:25.492 10338 10417 I flutter : LocationMonitor: FINEST: 2021-10-05 10:40:25.492355: started 10-05 10:40:25.636 10338 10417 I flutter : MyApp: FINEST: 2021-10-05 10:40:25.636178: App state changing to AppLifecycleState.resumed 10-05 10:40:25.637 10338 10417 I flutter : MyApp: FINEST: 2021-10-05 10:40:25.637318: try to start location tracking from resume 10-05 10:40:25.638 10338 10417 I flutter : LocationMonitor: FINEST: 2021-10-05 10:40:25.638353: start requested. 10-05 10:40:25.639 10338 10417 I flutter : MyApp: FINE: 2021-10-05 10:40:25.639465: syncEverything requested after app resumed. 10-05 10:40:25.665 10338 10417 I flutter : LocationMonitor: FINEST: 2021-10-05 10:40:25.665198: start requested but BG location was already started. 10-05 10:40:31.931 10338 10417 I flutter : LocationMonitor: FINEST: 2021-10-05 10:40:31.931427: Forcing on agressive location tracking 10-05 10:40:31.942 10338 10417 I flutter : LocationMonitor: FINEST: 2021-10-05 10:40:31.941824: location success: 48.428482 -123.4029699. Accuracy: 20.0m. Speed: -1.0m/s 10-05 10:40:31.979 10338 10417 I flutter : LocationMonitor: FINEST: 2021-10-05 10:40:31.978846: Forcing on agressive location tracking 10-05 10:40:31.981 10338 10417 I flutter : LocationMonitor: FINEST: 2021-10-05 10:40:31.981641: location success: 48.428482 -123.4029699. Accuracy: 20.0m. Speed: -1.0m/s 10-05 10:40:31.992 10338 10417 I flutter : LocationMonitor: FINEST: 2021-10-05 10:40:31.991947: location success: 48.428482 -123.4029699. Accuracy: 20.0m. Speed: -1.0m/s 10-05 10:40:32.023 10338 10417 I flutter : LocationMonitor: FINEST: 2021-10-05 10:40:32.022760: Motion change: true. Activity: still 10-05 10:40:32.028 10338 10417 I flutter : LocationMonitor: FINEST: 2021-10-05 10:40:32.028131: location success: 48.428482 -123.4029699. Accuracy: 20.0m. Speed: -1.0m/s 10-05 10:40:32.830 10338 10417 I flutter : LocationMonitor: WARNING: 2021-10-05 10:40:32.829662: Unable to force on agressive location tracking: [Error code: 0, message: 499]. Failing silently. 10-05 10:40:36.828 10338 10417 I flutter : LocationMonitor: FINEST: 2021-10-05 10:40:36.828214: location success: 48.4284825 -123.402967. Accuracy: 20.0m. Speed: 0.0m/s 10-05 10:40:37.056 10338 10417 I flutter : LocationMonitor: FINEST: 2021-10-05 10:40:37.056265: location success: 48.4284825 -123.402967. Accuracy: 20.0m. Speed: 0.0m/s 10-05 10:40:37.161 10338 10417 I flutter : LocationMonitor: FINEST: 2021-10-05 10:40:37.161332: Motion change: true. Activity: still 10-05 10:40:42.988 10338 10417 I flutter : LocationMonitor: FINEST: 2021-10-05 10:40:42.988239: location success: 48.4284825 -123.4029688. Accuracy: 20.0m. Speed: 0.02m/s 10-05 10:40:59.767 10338 10417 I flutter : LocationMonitor: FINEST: 2021-10-05 10:40:59.767331: location success: 48.4284841 -123.40297. Accuracy: 20.0m. Speed: 0.01m/s 10-05 10:41:10.956 10338 10417 I flutter : MyApp: FINEST: 2021-10-05 10:41:10.955996: App state changing to AppLifecycleState.inactive 10-05 10:41:11.064 10338 10417 I flutter : MyApp: FINEST: 2021-10-05 10:41:11.064540: App state changing to AppLifecycleState.paused 10-05 10:41:26.096 10338 10417 I flutter : MyApp: FINEST: 2021-10-05 10:41:26.095873: App state changing to AppLifecycleState.detached ```
Logs ``` --------- beginning of system --------- beginning of main 10-05 10:38:46.185 10338 10463 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.logger.LoggerFacade$a a] ℹ️ Persist config, dirty: [] 10-05 10:38:46.185 10338 10445 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.f.b.streams.StreamHandler register] com.transistorsoft/flutter_background_geolocation/events/location 10-05 10:38:46.186 10338 10445 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.f.b.streams.StreamHandler register] com.transistorsoft/flutter_background_geolocation/events/motionchange 10-05 10:38:46.191 10338 10463 I TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.logger.LoggerFacade$a a] 10-05 10:38:46.191 10338 10463 I TSLocationManager: ✅ Google Play Services: connected (version code:12451000) 10-05 10:38:46.193 10338 10463 I TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.logger.LoggerFacade$a a] 10-05 10:38:46.193 10338 10463 I TSLocationManager: 🎾 Start monitoring location-provider changes 10-05 10:38:46.198 10338 10463 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.logger.LoggerFacade$a a] *** isRunningTest: true 10-05 10:38:46.207 10338 10473 D TSLocationManager: [ prune] 10-05 10:38:46.207 10338 10473 D TSLocationManager: ℹ️ PRUNE -1 days 10-05 10:38:46.211 10338 10463 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.logger.LoggerFacade$a a] CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS locations (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, uuid TEXT NOT NULL DEFAULT '', timestamp TEXT, json TEXT, data BLOB, encrypted BOOLEAN NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, locked BOOLEAN NOT NULL DEFAULT 0); 10-05 10:38:46.215 10338 10445 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.f.b.streams.StreamHandler register] com.transistorsoft/flutter_background_geolocation/events/activitychange 10-05 10:38:46.216 10338 10473 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.a.BackgroundGeolocation isMainActivityActive] *** isRunningTest: true 10-05 10:38:46.220 10338 10463 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.logger.LoggerFacade$a a] CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS geofences (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, identifier TEXT NOT NULL UNIQUE, latitude DOUBLE NOT NULL, sin_latitude DOUBLE NOT NULL, cos_latitude DOUBLE NOT NULL, longitude DOUBLE NOT NULL, sin_longitude DOUBLE NOT NULL, cos_longitude DOUBLE NOT NULL, radius DOUBLE NOT NULL, notifyOnEntry BOOLEAN NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, notifyOnExit BOOLEAN NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, notifyOnDwell BOOLEAN NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, loiteringDelay INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, extras TEXT); 10-05 10:38:46.221 10338 10445 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.f.b.streams.StreamHandler register] com.transistorsoft/flutter_background_geolocation/events/geofenceschange 10-05 10:38:46.228 10338 10445 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.f.b.streams.StreamHandler register] com.transistorsoft/flutter_background_geolocation/events/geofence 10-05 10:38:46.230 10338 10445 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.f.b.streams.StreamHandler register] com.transistorsoft/flutter_background_geolocation/events/heartbeat 10-05 10:38:46.234 10338 10445 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.f.b.streams.StreamHandler register] com.transistorsoft/flutter_background_geolocation/events/http 10-05 10:38:46.246 10338 10445 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.f.b.streams.StreamHandler register] com.transistorsoft/flutter_background_geolocation/events/schedule 10-05 10:38:46.249 10338 10445 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.f.b.streams.StreamHandler register] com.transistorsoft/flutter_background_geolocation/events/connectivitychange 10-05 10:38:46.256 10338 10445 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.f.b.streams.StreamHandler register] com.transistorsoft/flutter_background_geolocation/events/enabledchange 10-05 10:38:46.259 10338 10445 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.f.b.streams.StreamHandler register] com.transistorsoft/flutter_background_geolocation/events/providerchange 10-05 10:38:46.271 10338 10445 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.f.b.streams.StreamHandler register] com.transistorsoft/flutter_background_geolocation/events/powersavechange 10-05 10:38:46.275 10338 10445 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.f.b.streams.StreamHandler register] com.transistorsoft/flutter_background_geolocation/events/notificationaction 10-05 10:38:46.281 10338 10445 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.f.b.streams.StreamHandler register] com.transistorsoft/flutter_background_geolocation/events/authorization 10-05 10:38:46.296 10338 10445 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.adapter.TSConfig d] ℹ️ Persist config, dirty: [headlessJobService] 10-05 10:40:22.615 10338 10338 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.f.b.streams.StreamHandler onListen] location 10-05 10:40:22.620 10338 10338 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.f.b.streams.StreamHandler onListen] motionchange 10-05 10:40:22.627 10338 10338 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.f.b.streams.StreamHandler onListen] connectivitychange 10-05 10:40:22.629 10338 10338 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.f.b.streams.StreamHandler onListen] enabledchange 10-05 10:40:22.703 10338 10338 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.adapter.TSConfig d] ℹ️ Persist config, dirty: [activityRecognitionInterval, backgroundPermissionRationale, backgroundPermissionRationale.title, backgroundPermissionRationale.message, backgroundPermissionRationale.positiveAction, backgroundPermissionRationale.negativeAction, debug, desiredAccuracy, distanceFilter, enableHeadless, logLevel, notification, notification.title, notification.text, speedJumpFilter, stopOnTerminate] 10-05 10:40:22.762 10338 10338 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.a.BackgroundGeolocation isMainActivityActive] *** isRunningTest: true 10-05 10:40:22.897 10338 10338 I TSLocationManager: [c.t.locationmanager.util.c g] 10-05 10:40:22.897 10338 10338 I TSLocationManager: 🔵 LocationAuthorization: Requesting Background permission 10-05 10:40:25.157 10338 10338 I TSLocationManager: [c.t.locationmanager.util.c$k onPermissionGranted] 10-05 10:40:25.157 10338 10338 I TSLocationManager: ✅ LocationAuthorization: Permission granted 10-05 10:40:25.160 10338 10699 I TSLocationManager: - Enable: false → true, trackingMode: 1 10-05 10:40:25.167 10338 10338 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.a.BackgroundGeolocation isMainActivityActive] *** isRunningTest: true 10-05 10:40:25.200 10338 10338 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.a.BackgroundGeolocation isMainActivityActive] *** isRunningTest: true 10-05 10:40:25.219 10338 10699 I TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.s.ActivityRecognitionService b] 10-05 10:40:25.219 10338 10699 I TSLocationManager: 🎾 Start motion-activity updates 10-05 10:40:25.250 10338 10699 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.http.HttpService startMonitoringConnectivityChanges] 10-05 10:40:25.250 10338 10699 D TSLocationManager: 🎾 Start monitoring connectivity changes 10-05 10:40:25.293 10338 10699 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.locationmanager.device.a c] 10-05 10:40:25.293 10338 10699 D TSLocationManager: 🎾 Start monitoring powersave changes 10-05 10:40:25.306 10338 10763 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.http.HttpService a] 10-05 10:40:25.306 10338 10763 D TSLocationManager: ╔═════════════════════════════════════════════ 10-05 10:40:25.306 10338 10763 D TSLocationManager: ║ 📶 Connectivity change: connected? true 10-05 10:40:25.306 10338 10763 D TSLocationManager: ╠═════════════════════════════════════════════ 10-05 10:40:25.317 10338 10699 I TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.HeartbeatService c] 10-05 10:40:25.317 10338 10699 I TSLocationManager: 🔴 Stop heartbeat 10-05 10:40:25.326 10338 10699 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.locationmanager.util.c h] 10-05 10:40:25.326 10338 10699 D TSLocationManager: ℹ️ LocationAuthorization: Permission granted 10-05 10:40:25.329 10338 10699 I TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.TrackingService a] 10-05 10:40:25.329 10338 10699 I TSLocationManager: 🔵 setPace: false → false 10-05 10:40:25.354 10338 10338 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.a.TSLocationManagerActivity execute] locationsettings 10-05 10:40:25.357 10338 10338 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.adapter.TSConfig translateDesiredAccuracy] translateDesiredAccuracy (true): -1 10-05 10:40:25.466 10338 10338 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.a.BackgroundGeolocation isMainActivityActive] *** isRunningTest: true 10-05 10:40:25.466 10338 10767 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.locationmanager.util.c h] 10-05 10:40:25.466 10338 10767 D TSLocationManager: ℹ️ LocationAuthorization: Permission granted 10-05 10:40:25.484 10338 10338 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.a.TSLocationManagerActivity stop] eventCount: 0 10-05 10:40:25.540 10338 10766 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.locationmanager.util.c h] 10-05 10:40:25.540 10338 10766 D TSLocationManager: ℹ️ LocationAuthorization: Permission granted 10-05 10:40:25.542 10338 10697 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.adapter.TSConfig d] ℹ️ Persist config, dirty: [isMoving] 10-05 10:40:25.565 10338 10697 I TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.HeartbeatService c] 10-05 10:40:25.565 10338 10697 I TSLocationManager: 🔴 Stop heartbeat 10-05 10:40:25.603 10338 10697 I TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.s.ActivityRecognitionService b] 10-05 10:40:25.603 10338 10697 I TSLocationManager: 🎾 Start motion-activity updates 10-05 10:40:25.630 10338 10697 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.locationmanager.util.c h] 10-05 10:40:25.630 10338 10697 D TSLocationManager: ℹ️ LocationAuthorization: Permission granted 10-05 10:40:25.631 10338 10697 I TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.TrackingService a] 10-05 10:40:25.631 10338 10697 I TSLocationManager: 🔵 setPace: false → true 10-05 10:40:25.673 10338 10698 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.locationmanager.util.c h] 10-05 10:40:25.673 10338 10698 D TSLocationManager: ℹ️ LocationAuthorization: Permission granted 10-05 10:40:25.789 10338 10338 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.AbstractService a] 10-05 10:40:25.789 10338 10338 D TSLocationManager: 🎾 TrackingService [eventCount: 1] 10-05 10:40:25.799 10338 10338 I TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.TrackingService h] 10-05 10:40:25.799 10338 10338 I TSLocationManager: ╔═════════════════════════════════════════════ 10-05 10:40:25.799 10338 10338 I TSLocationManager: ║ TrackingService motionchange: true 10-05 10:40:25.799 10338 10338 I TSLocationManager: ╠═════════════════════════════════════════════ 10-05 10:40:25.802 10338 10338 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.AbstractService a] ⚙️︎ finish TrackingService [eventCount: 0, sticky: true] 10-05 10:40:25.832 10338 10338 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.AbstractService a] ⚙️︎ finish LocationRequestService [eventCount: 0, sticky: false] 10-05 10:40:25.862 10338 10338 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.AbstractService a] 10-05 10:40:25.862 10338 10338 D TSLocationManager: 🎾 LocationRequestService [eventCount: 0] 10-05 10:40:25.865 10338 10766 I TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.s.LocationRequestService a] 10-05 10:40:25.865 10338 10766 I TSLocationManager: ℹ️ Location availability: true 10-05 10:40:25.866 10338 10766 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.AbstractService a] ⚙️︎ finish LocationRequestService [eventCount: 0, sticky: false] 10-05 10:40:25.881 10338 10338 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.AbstractService a] 10-05 10:40:25.881 10338 10338 D TSLocationManager: 🎾 LocationRequestService [eventCount: 0] 10-05 10:40:25.883 10338 10766 I TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.s.LocationRequestService a] 10-05 10:40:25.883 10338 10766 I TSLocationManager: ℹ️ Location availability: true 10-05 10:40:25.883 10338 10338 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.AbstractService onDestroy] 10-05 10:40:25.883 10338 10338 D TSLocationManager: 🔴 LocationRequestService destroyed 10-05 10:40:25.884 10338 10766 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.AbstractService a] ⚙️︎ finish LocationRequestService [eventCount: 0, sticky: false] 10-05 10:40:25.897 10338 10338 I TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.s.TSScheduleManager oneShot] 10-05 10:40:25.897 10338 10338 I TSLocationManager: ⏰ Scheduled OneShot: TERMINATE_EVENT in 10000ms (jobID: -1708771588) 10-05 10:40:25.930 10338 10338 I TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.s.TSScheduleManager oneShot] 10-05 10:40:25.930 10338 10338 I TSLocationManager: ⏰ Oneshot TERMINATE_EVENT is already pending 10-05 10:40:25.941 10338 10338 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.a.TSLocationManagerActivity onDestroy] 10-05 10:40:25.985 10338 10338 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.AbstractService a] 10-05 10:40:25.985 10338 10338 D TSLocationManager: 🎾 LocationRequestService [eventCount: 1] 10-05 10:40:25.986 10338 10700 I TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.s.LocationRequestService a] 10-05 10:40:25.986 10338 10700 I TSLocationManager: ℹ️ Location availability: true 10-05 10:40:25.987 10338 10700 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.AbstractService a] ⚙️︎ finish LocationRequestService [eventCount: 0, sticky: false] 10-05 10:40:26.032 10338 10338 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.AbstractService a] 10-05 10:40:26.032 10338 10338 D TSLocationManager: 🎾 LocationRequestService [eventCount: 1] 10-05 10:40:26.033 10338 10700 I TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.s.LocationRequestService a] 10-05 10:40:26.033 10338 10700 I TSLocationManager: ℹ️ Location availability: true 10-05 10:40:26.034 10338 10700 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.AbstractService a] ⚙️︎ finish LocationRequestService [eventCount: 0, sticky: false] 10-05 10:40:26.091 10338 10338 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.AbstractService a] 10-05 10:40:26.091 10338 10338 D TSLocationManager: 🎾 ActivityRecognitionService [eventCount: 1] 10-05 10:40:26.095 10338 10697 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.s.ActivityRecognitionService a] 10-05 10:40:26.095 10338 10697 D TSLocationManager: 🚘 ️DetectedActivity [type=STILL, confidence=100] 10-05 10:40:26.110 10338 10697 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.AbstractService a] ⚙️︎ finish ActivityRecognitionService [eventCount: 0, sticky: false] 10-05 10:40:26.288 10338 10338 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.AbstractService onDestroy] 10-05 10:40:26.288 10338 10338 D TSLocationManager: 🔴 LocationRequestService destroyed 10-05 10:40:27.112 10338 10338 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.AbstractService onDestroy] 10-05 10:40:27.112 10338 10338 D TSLocationManager: 🔴 ActivityRecognitionService destroyed 10-05 10:40:31.198 10338 10338 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.AbstractService a] 10-05 10:40:31.198 10338 10338 D TSLocationManager: 🎾 LocationRequestService [eventCount: 1] 10-05 10:40:31.218 10338 10338 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.AbstractService a] 10-05 10:40:31.218 10338 10338 D TSLocationManager: 🎾 LocationRequestService [eventCount: 2] 10-05 10:40:31.242 10338 10338 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.AbstractService a] 10-05 10:40:31.242 10338 10338 D TSLocationManager: 🎾 LocationRequestService [eventCount: 3] 10-05 10:40:31.255 10338 10700 I TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.s.LocationRequestService b] 10-05 10:40:31.255 10338 10700 I TSLocationManager: ╔═════════════════════════════════════════════ 10-05 10:40:31.255 10338 10700 I TSLocationManager: ║ getCurrentPosition LocationResult: 2 10-05 10:40:31.255 10338 10700 I TSLocationManager: ╠═════════════════════════════════════════════ 10-05 10:40:31.255 10338 10700 I TSLocationManager: ╟─ 📍 Location[fused 48.428482,-123.402970 hAcc=20 et=+5d22h27m42s18ms alt=-3.8000001907348633 vAcc=2 sAcc=??? bAcc=??? {Bundle[mParcelledData.dataSize=52]}], age: 262ms, time: 1633455630985 10-05 10:40:31.255 10338 10767 I TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.s.LocationRequestService b] 10-05 10:40:31.255 10338 10767 I TSLocationManager: ╔═════════════════════════════════════════════ 10-05 10:40:31.255 10338 10767 I TSLocationManager: ║ getCurrentPosition LocationResult: 5 10-05 10:40:31.255 10338 10767 I TSLocationManager: ╠═════════════════════════════════════════════ 10-05 10:40:31.255 10338 10767 I TSLocationManager: ╟─ 📍 Location[fused 48.428482,-123.402970 hAcc=20 et=+5d22h27m42s18ms alt=-3.8000001907348633 vAcc=2 sAcc=??? bAcc=??? {Bundle[mParcelledData.dataSize=52]}], age: 236ms, time: 1633455630985 10-05 10:40:31.255 10338 10698 I TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.s.LocationRequestService b] 10-05 10:40:31.255 10338 10698 I TSLocationManager: ╔═════════════════════════════════════════════ 10-05 10:40:31.255 10338 10698 I TSLocationManager: ║ motionchange LocationResult: 4 10-05 10:40:31.255 10338 10698 I TSLocationManager: ╠═════════════════════════════════════════════ 10-05 10:40:31.255 10338 10698 I TSLocationManager: ╟─ 📍 Location[fused 48.428482,-123.402970 hAcc=20 et=+5d22h27m42s18ms alt=-3.8000001907348633 vAcc=2 sAcc=??? bAcc=??? {Bundle[mParcelledData.dataSize=52]}], age: 220ms, time: 1633455630985 10-05 10:40:31.260 10338 10338 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.AbstractService a] 10-05 10:40:31.260 10338 10338 D TSLocationManager: 🎾 LocationRequestService [eventCount: 4] 10-05 10:40:31.275 10338 10779 I TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.s.LocationRequestService b] 10-05 10:40:31.275 10338 10779 I TSLocationManager: ╔═════════════════════════════════════════════ 10-05 10:40:31.275 10338 10779 I TSLocationManager: ║ getCurrentPosition LocationResult: 3 10-05 10:40:31.275 10338 10779 I TSLocationManager: ╠═════════════════════════════════════════════ 10-05 10:40:31.275 10338 10779 I TSLocationManager: ╟─ 📍 Location[fused 48.428482,-123.402970 hAcc=20 et=+5d22h27m42s18ms alt=-3.8000001907348633 vAcc=2 sAcc=??? bAcc=??? {Bundle[mParcelledData.dataSize=52]}], age: 282ms, time: 1633455630985 10-05 10:40:31.286 10338 10338 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.AbstractService a] ⚙️︎ finish LocationRequestService [eventCount: 0, sticky: false] 10-05 10:40:31.290 10338 10338 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.AbstractService onDestroy] 10-05 10:40:31.290 10338 10338 D TSLocationManager: 🔴 LocationRequestService destroyed 10-05 10:40:31.444 10338 10700 I TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.l.TSLocationManager onSingleLocationResult] 10-05 10:40:31.444 10338 10700 I TSLocationManager: 🔵 Acquired current position 10-05 10:40:31.448 10338 10700 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.l.TSLocationManager calculateMedianAccuracy] Median accuracy: 20.0 10-05 10:40:31.552 10338 10700 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.s.LocationRequestService b] SingleLocationRequest 2 isFinished? true 10-05 10:40:31.552 10338 10338 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.a.BackgroundGeolocation isMainActivityActive] *** isRunningTest: true 10-05 10:40:31.553 10338 10700 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.AbstractService a] ⚙️︎ finish LocationRequestService [eventCount: 0, sticky: false] 10-05 10:40:31.559 10338 10780 I TSLocationManager: [ persist] 10-05 10:40:31.559 10338 10780 I TSLocationManager: ✅ INSERT: 9c48d107-81b6-426d-b8c9-d45f49dbd618 10-05 10:40:31.560 10338 10767 I TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.l.TSLocationManager onSingleLocationResult] 10-05 10:40:31.560 10338 10767 I TSLocationManager: 🔵 Acquired current position 10-05 10:40:31.562 10338 10767 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.l.TSLocationManager calculateMedianAccuracy] Median accuracy: 20.0 10-05 10:40:31.578 10338 10767 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.s.LocationRequestService b] SingleLocationRequest 5 isFinished? true 10-05 10:40:31.580 10338 10767 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.AbstractService a] ⚙️︎ finish LocationRequestService [eventCount: 0, sticky: false] 10-05 10:40:31.592 10338 10698 I TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.l.TSLocationManager onSingleLocationResult] 10-05 10:40:31.592 10338 10698 I TSLocationManager: 🔵 Acquired motionchange position, isMoving: true 10-05 10:40:31.592 10338 10780 I TSLocationManager: [ persist] 10-05 10:40:31.592 10338 10780 I TSLocationManager: ✅ INSERT: 7957aae7-17ca-4424-a787-079c7249b5d6 10-05 10:40:31.593 10338 10698 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.l.TSLocationManager calculateMedianAccuracy] Median accuracy: 20.0 10-05 10:40:31.599 10338 10338 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.AbstractService a] ⚙️︎ finish LocationRequestService [eventCount: 0, sticky: false] 10-05 10:40:31.606 10338 10338 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.a.BackgroundGeolocation isMainActivityActive] *** isRunningTest: true 10-05 10:40:31.615 10338 10338 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.AbstractService onDestroy] 10-05 10:40:31.615 10338 10338 D TSLocationManager: 🔴 LocationRequestService destroyed 10-05 10:40:31.620 10338 10698 I TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.l.TSLocationManager requestLocationUpdates] 10-05 10:40:31.620 10338 10698 I TSLocationManager: 🎾 Location-services: ON 10-05 10:40:31.622 10338 10698 I TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.l.TSLocationManager requestLocationUpdates] 10-05 10:40:31.622 10338 10698 I TSLocationManager: 🎾 Location-services: ON 10-05 10:40:31.627 10338 10698 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.adapter.TSConfig translateDesiredAccuracy] translateDesiredAccuracy (true): -1 10-05 10:40:31.630 10338 10698 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.s.LocationRequestService b] SingleLocationRequest 4 isFinished? true 10-05 10:40:31.633 10338 10698 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.AbstractService a] ⚙️︎ finish LocationRequestService [eventCount: 0, sticky: false] 10-05 10:40:31.641 10338 10779 I TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.l.TSLocationManager onSingleLocationResult] 10-05 10:40:31.641 10338 10779 I TSLocationManager: 🔵 Acquired current position 10-05 10:40:31.643 10338 10779 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.l.TSLocationManager calculateMedianAccuracy] Median accuracy: 20.0 10-05 10:40:31.649 10338 10809 I TSLocationManager: [ persist] 10-05 10:40:31.649 10338 10809 I TSLocationManager: ✅ INSERT: c1e27b79-0ea1-459f-9645-f9f6a1e823ca 10-05 10:40:31.649 10338 10338 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.AbstractService a] ⚙️︎ finish LocationRequestService [eventCount: 0, sticky: false] 10-05 10:40:31.653 10338 10338 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.a.BackgroundGeolocation isMainActivityActive] *** isRunningTest: true 10-05 10:40:31.656 10338 10338 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.a.BackgroundGeolocation isMainActivityActive] *** isRunningTest: true 10-05 10:40:31.658 10338 10338 I TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.s.ActivityRecognitionService b] 10-05 10:40:31.658 10338 10338 I TSLocationManager: 🎾 Start motion-activity updates 10-05 10:40:31.662 10338 10338 I TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.l.TSLocationManager removeLocationUpdates] 10-05 10:40:31.662 10338 10338 I TSLocationManager: 🔴 Location-services: OFF 10-05 10:40:31.667 10338 10338 I TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.l.TSLocationManager requestLocationUpdates] 10-05 10:40:31.667 10338 10338 I TSLocationManager: 🎾 Location-services: ON 10-05 10:40:31.669 10338 10338 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.adapter.TSConfig translateDesiredAccuracy] translateDesiredAccuracy (true): -1 10-05 10:40:31.678 10338 10338 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.AbstractService onDestroy] 10-05 10:40:31.678 10338 10338 D TSLocationManager: 🔴 LocationRequestService destroyed 10-05 10:40:31.682 10338 10779 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.s.LocationRequestService b] SingleLocationRequest 3 isFinished? true 10-05 10:40:31.687 10338 10699 I TSLocationManager: [ persist] 10-05 10:40:31.687 10338 10699 I TSLocationManager: ✅ INSERT: 541f206c-935e-4a0a-833a-d43e3c8527d4 10-05 10:40:31.689 10338 10779 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.AbstractService a] ⚙️︎ finish LocationRequestService [eventCount: 0, sticky: false] 10-05 10:40:31.710 10338 10338 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.AbstractService a] ⚙️︎ finish LocationRequestService [eventCount: 0, sticky: false] 10-05 10:40:31.713 10338 10338 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.a.BackgroundGeolocation isMainActivityActive] *** isRunningTest: true 10-05 10:40:31.716 10338 10338 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.AbstractService onDestroy] 10-05 10:40:31.716 10338 10338 D TSLocationManager: 🔴 LocationRequestService destroyed 10-05 10:40:31.889 10338 10338 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.AbstractService a] 10-05 10:40:31.889 10338 10338 D TSLocationManager: 🎾 TrackingService [eventCount: 1] 10-05 10:40:31.892 10338 10338 I TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.TrackingService a] 10-05 10:40:31.892 10338 10338 I TSLocationManager: ℹ️ Location availability: true 10-05 10:40:31.894 10338 10338 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.AbstractService a] ⚙️︎ finish TrackingService [eventCount: 0, sticky: true] 10-05 10:40:31.941 10338 10808 I TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.HeartbeatService c] 10-05 10:40:31.941 10338 10808 I TSLocationManager: 🔴 Stop heartbeat 10-05 10:40:31.948 10338 10808 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.locationmanager.util.c h] 10-05 10:40:31.948 10338 10808 D TSLocationManager: ℹ️ LocationAuthorization: Permission granted 10-05 10:40:31.950 10338 10808 I TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.TrackingService a] 10-05 10:40:31.950 10338 10808 I TSLocationManager: 🔵 setPace: true → true 10-05 10:40:31.961 10338 10338 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.AbstractService a] 10-05 10:40:31.961 10338 10338 D TSLocationManager: 🎾 TrackingService [eventCount: 1] 10-05 10:40:31.963 10338 10338 I TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.TrackingService h] 10-05 10:40:31.963 10338 10338 I TSLocationManager: ╔═════════════════════════════════════════════ 10-05 10:40:31.963 10338 10338 I TSLocationManager: ║ TrackingService motionchange: true 10-05 10:40:31.963 10338 10338 I TSLocationManager: ╠═════════════════════════════════════════════ 10-05 10:40:31.966 10338 10338 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.AbstractService a] ⚙️︎ finish TrackingService [eventCount: 0, sticky: true] 10-05 10:40:31.988 10338 10813 I TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.HeartbeatService c] 10-05 10:40:31.988 10338 10813 I TSLocationManager: 🔴 Stop heartbeat 10-05 10:40:31.996 10338 10813 I TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.l.TSLocationManager removeLocationUpdates] 10-05 10:40:31.996 10338 10813 I TSLocationManager: 🔴 Location-services: OFF 10-05 10:40:32.005 10338 10813 I TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.l.TSLocationManager requestLocationUpdates] 10-05 10:40:32.005 10338 10813 I TSLocationManager: 🎾 Location-services: ON 10-05 10:40:32.007 10338 10813 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.adapter.TSConfig translateDesiredAccuracy] translateDesiredAccuracy (true): -1 10-05 10:40:32.013 10338 10813 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.locationmanager.util.c h] 10-05 10:40:32.013 10338 10813 D TSLocationManager: ℹ️ LocationAuthorization: Permission granted 10-05 10:40:32.015 10338 10813 I TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.TrackingService a] 10-05 10:40:32.015 10338 10813 I TSLocationManager: 🔵 setPace: true → true 10-05 10:40:32.020 10338 10338 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.AbstractService a] 10-05 10:40:32.020 10338 10338 D TSLocationManager: 🎾 TrackingService [eventCount: 1] 10-05 10:40:32.022 10338 10338 I TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.TrackingService h] 10-05 10:40:32.022 10338 10338 I TSLocationManager: ╔═════════════════════════════════════════════ 10-05 10:40:32.022 10338 10338 I TSLocationManager: ║ TrackingService motionchange: true 10-05 10:40:32.022 10338 10338 I TSLocationManager: ╠═════════════════════════════════════════════ 10-05 10:40:32.024 10338 10338 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.AbstractService a] ⚙️︎ finish TrackingService [eventCount: 0, sticky: true] 10-05 10:40:32.057 10338 10338 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.AbstractService a] ⚙️︎ finish LocationRequestService [eventCount: 0, sticky: false] 10-05 10:40:32.069 10338 10338 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.AbstractService onDestroy] 10-05 10:40:32.069 10338 10338 D TSLocationManager: 🔴 LocationRequestService destroyed 10-05 10:40:32.302 10338 10338 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.AbstractService a] 10-05 10:40:32.302 10338 10338 D TSLocationManager: 🎾 TrackingService [eventCount: 1] 10-05 10:40:32.304 10338 10338 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.AbstractService a] ⚙️︎ finish TrackingService [eventCount: 0, sticky: true] 10-05 10:40:32.342 10338 10338 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.AbstractService a] 10-05 10:40:32.342 10338 10338 D TSLocationManager: 🎾 LocationRequestService [eventCount: 1] 10-05 10:40:32.344 10338 10815 I TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.s.LocationRequestService a] 10-05 10:40:32.344 10338 10815 I TSLocationManager: ℹ️ Location availability: true 10-05 10:40:32.345 10338 10815 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.AbstractService a] ⚙️︎ finish LocationRequestService [eventCount: 0, sticky: false] 10-05 10:40:32.414 10338 10338 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.AbstractService a] 10-05 10:40:32.414 10338 10338 D TSLocationManager: 🎾 ActivityRecognitionService [eventCount: 1] 10-05 10:40:32.417 10338 10805 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.s.ActivityRecognitionService a] 10-05 10:40:32.417 10338 10805 D TSLocationManager: 🚘 ️DetectedActivity [type=STILL, confidence=100] 10-05 10:40:32.441 10338 10805 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.AbstractService a] ⚙️︎ finish ActivityRecognitionService [eventCount: 0, sticky: false] 10-05 10:40:32.599 10338 10338 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.AbstractService onDestroy] 10-05 10:40:32.599 10338 10338 D TSLocationManager: 🔴 LocationRequestService destroyed 10-05 10:40:33.446 10338 10338 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.AbstractService onDestroy] 10-05 10:40:33.446 10338 10338 D TSLocationManager: 🔴 ActivityRecognitionService destroyed 10-05 10:40:35.916 10338 10803 I TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.scheduler.ScheduleEvent onOneShot] 10-05 10:40:35.916 10338 10803 I TSLocationManager: ╔═════════════════════════════════════════════ 10-05 10:40:35.916 10338 10803 I TSLocationManager: ║ ⏰ OneShot event fired: TERMINATE_EVENT 10-05 10:40:35.916 10338 10803 I TSLocationManager: ╠═════════════════════════════════════════════ 10-05 10:40:35.917 10338 10803 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.a.BackgroundGeolocation isMainActivityActive] *** isRunningTest: true 10-05 10:40:35.920 10338 10803 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.event.TerminateEvent ] 10-05 10:40:35.920 10338 10803 D TSLocationManager: ℹ️ TERMINATE_EVENT ignored (MainActivity is still active). 10-05 10:40:36.665 10338 10338 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.AbstractService a] 10-05 10:40:36.665 10338 10338 D TSLocationManager: 🎾 TrackingService [eventCount: 1] 10-05 10:40:36.683 10338 10338 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.TrackingService b] 10-05 10:40:36.683 10338 10338 D TSLocationManager: ╔═════════════════════════════════════════════ 10-05 10:40:36.683 10338 10338 D TSLocationManager: ║ TrackingService: LocationResult 10-05 10:40:36.683 10338 10338 D TSLocationManager: ╠═════════════════════════════════════════════ 10-05 10:40:36.683 10338 10338 D TSLocationManager: ╟─ 📍 Location[fused 48.428483,-123.402967 hAcc=20 et=+5d22h27m47s496ms alt=-3.8000001907348633 vel=7.3513726E-4 bear=75.43471 vAcc=2 sAcc=??? bAcc=??? {Bundle[mParcelledData.dataSize=52]}], age: 205ms, time: 1633455636464 10-05 10:40:36.686 10338 10338 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.AbstractService a] ⚙️︎ finish TrackingService [eventCount: 0, sticky: true] 10-05 10:40:36.686 10338 10780 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.l.TSLocationManager onLocationResult] 10-05 10:40:36.686 10338 10780 D TSLocationManager: ╔═════════════════════════════════════════════ 10-05 10:40:36.686 10338 10780 D TSLocationManager: ║ Process LocationResult 10-05 10:40:36.686 10338 10780 D TSLocationManager: ╠═════════════════════════════════════════════ 10-05 10:40:36.690 10338 10780 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.l.TSLocationManager calculateMedianAccuracy] Median accuracy: 20.0 10-05 10:40:36.765 10338 10338 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.AbstractService a] 10-05 10:40:36.765 10338 10338 D TSLocationManager: 🎾 LocationRequestService [eventCount: 1] 10-05 10:40:36.807 10338 10338 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.a.BackgroundGeolocation isMainActivityActive] *** isRunningTest: true 10-05 10:40:36.807 10338 10813 I TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.s.LocationRequestService b] 10-05 10:40:36.807 10338 10813 I TSLocationManager: ╔═════════════════════════════════════════════ 10-05 10:40:36.807 10338 10813 I TSLocationManager: ║ motionchange LocationResult: 7 10-05 10:40:36.807 10338 10813 I TSLocationManager: ╠═════════════════════════════════════════════ 10-05 10:40:36.807 10338 10813 I TSLocationManager: ╟─ 📍 Location[fused 48.428483,-123.402967 hAcc=20 et=+5d22h27m47s496ms alt=-3.8000001907348633 vel=7.3513726E-4 bear=75.43471 vAcc=2 sAcc=??? bAcc=??? {Bundle[mParcelledData.dataSize=52]}], age: 313ms, time: 1633455636464 10-05 10:40:36.911 10338 10816 I TSLocationManager: [ persist] 10-05 10:40:36.911 10338 10816 I TSLocationManager: ✅ INSERT: 61c07bd0-1d07-4de2-aca4-5dd91a6a5723 10-05 10:40:36.938 10338 10813 I TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.l.TSLocationManager onSingleLocationResult] 10-05 10:40:36.938 10338 10813 I TSLocationManager: 🔵 Acquired motionchange position, isMoving: true 10-05 10:40:36.940 10338 10813 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.l.TSLocationManager calculateMedianAccuracy] Median accuracy: 20.0 10-05 10:40:36.972 10338 10338 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.AbstractService a] ⚙️︎ finish LocationRequestService [eventCount: 0, sticky: false] 10-05 10:40:36.989 10338 10813 I TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.l.TSLocationManager removeLocationUpdates] 10-05 10:40:36.989 10338 10813 I TSLocationManager: 🔴 Location-services: OFF 10-05 10:40:37.004 10338 10813 I TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.l.TSLocationManager requestLocationUpdates] 10-05 10:40:37.004 10338 10813 I TSLocationManager: 🎾 Location-services: ON 10-05 10:40:37.008 10338 10813 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.adapter.TSConfig translateDesiredAccuracy] translateDesiredAccuracy (true): -1 10-05 10:40:37.012 10338 10338 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.a.BackgroundGeolocation isMainActivityActive] *** isRunningTest: true 10-05 10:40:37.014 10338 10338 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.a.BackgroundGeolocation isMainActivityActive] *** isRunningTest: true 10-05 10:40:37.023 10338 10767 I TSLocationManager: [ persist] 10-05 10:40:37.023 10338 10767 I TSLocationManager: ✅ INSERT: b59457ea-b656-4bbd-ac08-5dc7ff800d8a 10-05 10:40:37.027 10338 10813 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.s.LocationRequestService b] SingleLocationRequest 7 isFinished? true 10-05 10:40:37.042 10338 10338 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.AbstractService onDestroy] 10-05 10:40:37.042 10338 10338 D TSLocationManager: 🔴 LocationRequestService destroyed 10-05 10:40:37.042 10338 10813 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.AbstractService a] ⚙️︎ finish LocationRequestService [eventCount: 0, sticky: false] 10-05 10:40:37.049 10338 10338 I TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.s.ActivityRecognitionService b] 10-05 10:40:37.049 10338 10338 I TSLocationManager: 🎾 Start motion-activity updates 10-05 10:40:37.070 10338 10338 I TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.l.TSLocationManager removeLocationUpdates] 10-05 10:40:37.070 10338 10338 I TSLocationManager: 🔴 Location-services: OFF 10-05 10:40:37.097 10338 10338 I TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.l.TSLocationManager requestLocationUpdates] 10-05 10:40:37.097 10338 10338 I TSLocationManager: 🎾 Location-services: ON 10-05 10:40:37.100 10338 10338 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.adapter.TSConfig translateDesiredAccuracy] translateDesiredAccuracy (true): -1 10-05 10:40:37.181 10338 10338 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.AbstractService a] 10-05 10:40:37.181 10338 10338 D TSLocationManager: 🎾 TrackingService [eventCount: 1] 10-05 10:40:37.184 10338 10338 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.AbstractService a] ⚙️︎ finish TrackingService [eventCount: 0, sticky: true] 10-05 10:40:37.323 10338 10338 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.AbstractService a] 10-05 10:40:37.323 10338 10338 D TSLocationManager: 🎾 TrackingService [eventCount: 1] 10-05 10:40:37.325 10338 10338 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.AbstractService a] ⚙️︎ finish TrackingService [eventCount: 0, sticky: true] 10-05 10:40:37.698 10338 10338 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.AbstractService a] 10-05 10:40:37.698 10338 10338 D TSLocationManager: 🎾 ActivityRecognitionService [eventCount: 1] 10-05 10:40:37.706 10338 10815 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.s.ActivityRecognitionService a] 10-05 10:40:37.706 10338 10815 D TSLocationManager: 🚘 ️DetectedActivity [type=STILL, confidence=100] 10-05 10:40:37.724 10338 10815 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.AbstractService a] ⚙️︎ finish ActivityRecognitionService [eventCount: 0, sticky: false] 10-05 10:40:38.726 10338 10338 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.AbstractService onDestroy] 10-05 10:40:38.726 10338 10338 D TSLocationManager: 🔴 ActivityRecognitionService destroyed 10-05 10:40:42.640 10338 10338 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.AbstractService a] 10-05 10:40:42.640 10338 10338 D TSLocationManager: 🎾 TrackingService [eventCount: 1] 10-05 10:40:42.668 10338 10338 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.TrackingService b] 10-05 10:40:42.668 10338 10338 D TSLocationManager: ╔═════════════════════════════════════════════ 10-05 10:40:42.668 10338 10338 D TSLocationManager: ║ TrackingService: LocationResult 10-05 10:40:42.668 10338 10338 D TSLocationManager: ╠═════════════════════════════════════════════ 10-05 10:40:42.668 10338 10338 D TSLocationManager: ╟─ 📍 Location[fused 48.428483,-123.402969 hAcc=20 et=+5d22h27m53s537ms alt=-3.8000001907348633 vel=0.017248163 bear=270.39502 vAcc=2 sAcc=??? bAcc=??? {Bundle[mParcelledData.dataSize=52]}], age: 137ms, time: 1633455642505 10-05 10:40:42.670 10338 10767 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.l.TSLocationManager onLocationResult] 10-05 10:40:42.670 10338 10767 D TSLocationManager: ╔═════════════════════════════════════════════ 10-05 10:40:42.670 10338 10767 D TSLocationManager: ║ Process LocationResult 10-05 10:40:42.670 10338 10767 D TSLocationManager: ╠═════════════════════════════════════════════ 10-05 10:40:42.675 10338 10767 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.l.TSLocationManager calculateMedianAccuracy] Median accuracy: 20.0 10-05 10:40:42.705 10338 10806 I TSLocationManager: [ persist] 10-05 10:40:42.705 10338 10806 I TSLocationManager: ✅ INSERT: 5e2b8c69-5e9c-4444-af87-a0d2bbc7c24d 10-05 10:40:42.729 10338 10338 I TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.s.TSScheduleManager oneShot] 10-05 10:40:42.729 10338 10338 I TSLocationManager: ⏰ Scheduled OneShot: STOP_TIMEOUT in 300000ms (jobID: 2059034116) 10-05 10:40:42.743 10338 10338 I TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.l.TSLocationManager removeLocationUpdates] 10-05 10:40:42.743 10338 10338 I TSLocationManager: 🔴 Location-services: OFF 10-05 10:40:42.748 10338 10338 I TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.l.TSLocationManager requestLocationUpdates] 10-05 10:40:42.748 10338 10338 I TSLocationManager: 🎾 Location-services: ON 10-05 10:40:42.749 10338 10338 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.adapter.TSConfig translateDesiredAccuracy] translateDesiredAccuracy (true): -1 10-05 10:40:42.753 10338 10338 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.AbstractService a] ⚙️︎ finish TrackingService [eventCount: 0, sticky: true] 10-05 10:40:42.755 10338 10338 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.a.BackgroundGeolocation isMainActivityActive] *** isRunningTest: true 10-05 10:40:42.816 10338 10338 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.AbstractService a] 10-05 10:40:42.816 10338 10338 D TSLocationManager: 🎾 TrackingService [eventCount: 1] 10-05 10:40:42.825 10338 10338 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.TrackingService b] 10-05 10:40:42.825 10338 10338 D TSLocationManager: ╔═════════════════════════════════════════════ 10-05 10:40:42.825 10338 10338 D TSLocationManager: ║ TrackingService: LocationResult 10-05 10:40:42.825 10338 10338 D TSLocationManager: ╠═════════════════════════════════════════════ 10-05 10:40:42.825 10338 10338 D TSLocationManager: ╟─ 📍 Location[fused 48.428483,-123.402969 hAcc=20 et=+5d22h27m53s537ms alt=-3.8000001907348633 vel=0.017248163 bear=270.39502 vAcc=2 sAcc=??? bAcc=??? {Bundle[mParcelledData.dataSize=52]}], age: 314ms, time: 1633455642505 10-05 10:40:42.827 10338 10806 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.l.TSLocationManager onLocationResult] 10-05 10:40:42.827 10338 10806 D TSLocationManager: ╔═════════════════════════════════════════════ 10-05 10:40:42.827 10338 10806 D TSLocationManager: ║ Process LocationResult 10-05 10:40:42.827 10338 10806 D TSLocationManager: ╠═════════════════════════════════════════════ 10-05 10:40:42.828 10338 10338 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.TrackingService b] Received stoppedAt location 10-05 10:40:42.829 10338 10806 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.l.TSLocationManager onLocationResult] 10-05 10:40:42.829 10338 10806 D TSLocationManager: ℹ️ IGNORED: same as last location 10-05 10:40:42.830 10338 10338 I TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.TrackingService b] 10-05 10:40:42.830 10338 10338 I TSLocationManager: ℹ️ Distance from stoppedAtLocation: -40.0 10-05 10:40:42.831 10338 10338 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.AbstractService a] ⚙️︎ finish TrackingService [eventCount: 0, sticky: true] 10-05 10:40:42.846 10338 10338 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.AbstractService a] 10-05 10:40:42.846 10338 10338 D TSLocationManager: 🎾 TrackingService [eventCount: 1] 10-05 10:40:42.848 10338 10338 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.AbstractService a] ⚙️︎ finish TrackingService [eventCount: 0, sticky: true] 10-05 10:40:49.654 10338 10813 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.locationmanager.util.c h] 10-05 10:40:49.654 10338 10813 D TSLocationManager: ℹ️ LocationAuthorization: Permission granted 10-05 10:40:49.783 10338 10338 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.AbstractService a] 10-05 10:40:49.783 10338 10338 D TSLocationManager: 🎾 LocationRequestService [eventCount: 1] 10-05 10:40:49.789 10338 10813 I TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.s.LocationRequestService a] 10-05 10:40:49.789 10338 10813 I TSLocationManager: ℹ️ Location availability: true 10-05 10:40:49.790 10338 10813 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.AbstractService a] ⚙️︎ finish LocationRequestService [eventCount: 0, sticky: false] 10-05 10:40:50.044 10338 10338 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.AbstractService onDestroy] 10-05 10:40:50.044 10338 10338 D TSLocationManager: 🔴 LocationRequestService destroyed 10-05 10:40:59.618 10338 10338 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.AbstractService a] 10-05 10:40:59.618 10338 10338 D TSLocationManager: 🎾 LocationRequestService [eventCount: 1] 10-05 10:40:59.629 10338 10806 I TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.s.LocationRequestService b] 10-05 10:40:59.629 10338 10806 I TSLocationManager: ╔═════════════════════════════════════════════ 10-05 10:40:59.629 10338 10806 I TSLocationManager: ║ getCurrentPosition LocationResult: 8 10-05 10:40:59.629 10338 10806 I TSLocationManager: ╠═════════════════════════════════════════════ 10-05 10:40:59.629 10338 10806 I TSLocationManager: ╟─ 📍 Location[fused 48.428484,-123.402970 hAcc=20 et=+5d22h28m10s514ms alt=-1.1999999284744263 vel=0.010613014 bear=339.45544 vAcc=3 sAcc=??? bAcc=??? {Bundle[mParcelledData.dataSize=52]}], age: 142ms, time: 1633455659481 10-05 10:40:59.653 10338 10338 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.AbstractService a] ⚙️︎ finish LocationRequestService [eventCount: 0, sticky: false] 10-05 10:40:59.656 10338 10338 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.AbstractService onDestroy] 10-05 10:40:59.656 10338 10338 D TSLocationManager: 🔴 LocationRequestService destroyed 10-05 10:40:59.706 10338 10806 I TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.l.TSLocationManager onSingleLocationResult] 10-05 10:40:59.706 10338 10806 I TSLocationManager: 🔵 Acquired current position 10-05 10:40:59.722 10338 10806 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.l.TSLocationManager calculateMedianAccuracy] Median accuracy: 20.0 10-05 10:40:59.751 10338 10806 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.s.LocationRequestService b] SingleLocationRequest 8 isFinished? true 10-05 10:40:59.751 10338 10338 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.a.BackgroundGeolocation isMainActivityActive] *** isRunningTest: true 10-05 10:40:59.753 10338 10806 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.AbstractService a] ⚙️︎ finish LocationRequestService [eventCount: 0, sticky: false] 10-05 10:40:59.759 10338 10813 I TSLocationManager: [ persist] 10-05 10:40:59.759 10338 10813 I TSLocationManager: ✅ INSERT: 7498b852-0834-40aa-817c-77c730640d1b 10-05 10:41:11.055 10338 10338 I TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.s.TSScheduleManager oneShot] 10-05 10:41:11.055 10338 10338 I TSLocationManager: ⏰ Scheduled OneShot: TERMINATE_EVENT in 10000ms (jobID: -1708771588) 10-05 10:41:20.406 10338 10338 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.AbstractService a] 10-05 10:41:20.406 10338 10338 D TSLocationManager: 🎾 TrackingService [eventCount: 1] 10-05 10:41:20.408 10338 10338 I TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.TrackingService a] 10-05 10:41:20.408 10338 10338 I TSLocationManager: ℹ️ Location availability: false 10-05 10:41:20.409 10338 10338 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.AbstractService a] ⚙️︎ finish TrackingService [eventCount: 0, sticky: true] 10-05 10:41:21.069 10338 10803 I TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.scheduler.ScheduleEvent onOneShot] 10-05 10:41:21.069 10338 10803 I TSLocationManager: ╔═════════════════════════════════════════════ 10-05 10:41:21.069 10338 10803 I TSLocationManager: ║ ⏰ OneShot event fired: TERMINATE_EVENT 10-05 10:41:21.069 10338 10803 I TSLocationManager: ╠═════════════════════════════════════════════ 10-05 10:41:21.070 10338 10803 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.a.BackgroundGeolocation isMainActivityActive] *** isRunningTest: true 10-05 10:41:21.071 10338 10803 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.event.TerminateEvent ] 10-05 10:41:21.071 10338 10803 D TSLocationManager: ℹ️ TERMINATE_EVENT ignored (MainActivity is still active). 10-05 10:41:26.035 10338 10338 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.a.BackgroundGeolocation removeListener] 10-05 10:41:26.035 10338 10338 D TSLocationManager: ✅ removeListener event: location 10-05 10:41:26.041 10338 10338 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.a.BackgroundGeolocation removeListener] 10-05 10:41:26.041 10338 10338 D TSLocationManager: ✅ removeListener event: motionchange 10-05 10:41:26.043 10338 10338 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.a.BackgroundGeolocation removeListener] 10-05 10:41:26.043 10338 10338 D TSLocationManager: ✅ removeListener event: activitychange 10-05 10:41:26.046 10338 10338 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.a.BackgroundGeolocation removeListener] 10-05 10:41:26.046 10338 10338 D TSLocationManager: ✅ removeListener event: geofence 10-05 10:41:26.049 10338 10338 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.a.BackgroundGeolocation removeListener] 10-05 10:41:26.049 10338 10338 D TSLocationManager: ✅ removeListener event: heartbeat 10-05 10:41:26.060 10338 10338 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.a.BackgroundGeolocation removeListener] 10-05 10:41:26.060 10338 10338 D TSLocationManager: ✅ removeListener event: http 10-05 10:41:26.064 10338 10338 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.a.BackgroundGeolocation removeListener] 10-05 10:41:26.064 10338 10338 D TSLocationManager: ✅ removeListener event: schedule 10-05 10:41:26.068 10338 10338 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.a.BackgroundGeolocation removeListener] 10-05 10:41:26.068 10338 10338 D TSLocationManager: ✅ removeListener event: connectivitychange 10-05 10:41:26.073 10338 10338 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.a.BackgroundGeolocation removeListener] 10-05 10:41:26.073 10338 10338 D TSLocationManager: ✅ removeListener event: enabledchange 10-05 10:41:26.076 10338 10338 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.a.BackgroundGeolocation removeListener] 10-05 10:41:26.076 10338 10338 D TSLocationManager: ✅ removeListener event: providerchange 10-05 10:41:26.080 10338 10338 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.a.BackgroundGeolocation removeListener] 10-05 10:41:26.080 10338 10338 D TSLocationManager: ✅ removeListener event: powersavechange 10-05 10:41:26.084 10338 10338 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.a.BackgroundGeolocation removeListener] 10-05 10:41:26.084 10338 10338 D TSLocationManager: ✅ removeListener event: notificationaction 10-05 10:41:26.087 10338 10338 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.a.BackgroundGeolocation a] 10-05 10:41:26.087 10338 10338 D TSLocationManager: 🔴 Cleared callbacks 10-05 10:41:26.091 10338 10809 I TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.a.BackgroundGeolocation$m0 run] 10-05 10:41:26.091 10338 10809 I TSLocationManager: ╔═════════════════════════════════════════════ 10-05 10:41:26.091 10338 10809 I TSLocationManager: ║ MainActivity was destroyed 10-05 10:41:26.091 10338 10809 I TSLocationManager: ╠═════════════════════════════════════════════ 10-05 10:41:26.091 10338 10809 I TSLocationManager: ╟─ stopOnTerminate: false 10-05 10:41:26.091 10338 10809 I TSLocationManager: ╟─ enabled: true 10-05 10:41:29.430 10338 10338 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.AbstractService a] 10-05 10:41:29.430 10338 10338 D TSLocationManager: 🎾 TrackingService [eventCount: 1] 10-05 10:41:29.434 10338 10338 I TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.TrackingService a] 10-05 10:41:29.434 10338 10338 I TSLocationManager: ℹ️ Location availability: true 10-05 10:41:29.435 10338 10338 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.AbstractService a] ⚙️︎ finish TrackingService [eventCount: 0, sticky: true] ```
christocracy commented 2 years ago

this is the same version as last time.

The latest commit doesn't have this log message anymore.

10-05 10:41:21.070 10338 10803 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.a.BackgroundGeolocation isMainActivityActive] *** isRunningTest: true

Remove your pubspec.lock and flutter pub get again.

spatialbits commented 2 years ago

Some headless activity there now.

app log ``` I/flutter (11727): MyApp: FINEST: 2021-10-05 11:08:34.858289: try to start location tracking from initState I/flutter (11727): LocationMonitor: FINEST: 2021-10-05 11:08:34.870309: start requested. I/flutter (11727): LocationMonitor: FINEST: 2021-10-05 11:08:35.649679: awaiting location plugin configuration I/flutter (11727): MyApp: FINEST: 2021-10-05 11:08:36.410804: App state changing to AppLifecycleState.inactive I/flutter (11727): LocationMonitor: FINE: 2021-10-05 11:08:39.651070: background tracking is ready. Enabled: true I/flutter (11727): MyApp: FINEST: 2021-10-05 11:08:39.657410: App state changing to AppLifecycleState.resumed I/flutter (11727): MyApp: FINEST: 2021-10-05 11:08:39.659595: try to start location tracking from resume I/flutter (11727): LocationMonitor: FINEST: 2021-10-05 11:08:39.660962: start requested. I/flutter (11727): LocationMonitor: FINEST: 2021-10-05 11:08:39.804791: start requested but BG location was already started. I/flutter (11727): LocationMonitor: FINEST: 2021-10-05 11:08:39.846963: start requested but BG location was already started. I/flutter (11727): LocationMonitor: FINEST: 2021-10-05 11:08:41.459082: location success: 48.4284825 -123.402967. Accuracy: 20.0m. Speed: -1.0m/s I/flutter (11727): LocationMonitor: FINEST: 2021-10-05 11:08:41.599828: location success: 48.4284825 -123.402967. Accuracy: 20.0m. Speed: -1.0m/s I/flutter (11727): LocationMonitor: FINEST: 2021-10-05 11:08:41.604088: location success: 48.4284825 -123.402967. Accuracy: 20.0m. Speed: -1.0m/s I/flutter (11727): LocationMonitor: FINEST: 2021-10-05 11:08:41.615773: Motion change: false. Activity: still I/flutter (11727): LocationMonitor: FINEST: 2021-10-05 11:08:41.618339: Motion stop detected, force agressive location tracking after 30 seconds. I/flutter (11727): LocationMonitor: WARNING: 2021-10-05 11:08:41.655228: Unable to force on agressive location tracking: [Error code: 0, message: 499]. Failing silently. I/flutter (11727): LocationMonitor: FINEST: 2021-10-05 11:08:46.898932: location success: 48.4284825 -123.402967. Accuracy: 20.0m. Speed: 0.0m/s I/flutter (11727): LocationMonitor: FINEST: 2021-10-05 11:08:46.925862: Motion change: true. Activity: still I/flutter (11727): LocationMonitor: FINEST: 2021-10-05 11:09:12.616970: location success: 48.4284833 -123.4029699. Accuracy: 20.0m. Speed: 0.02m/s I/flutter (11727): LocationMonitor: FINEST: 2021-10-05 11:09:12.622039: Motion change: true. Activity: still I/flutter (11727): LocationMonitor: FINEST: 2021-10-05 11:09:17.287651: location success: 48.4284823 -123.4029693. Accuracy: 20.0m. Speed: 0.01m/s I/flutter (11727): MyApp: FINEST: 2021-10-05 11:09:26.474857: App state changing to AppLifecycleState.inactive I/flutter (11727): MyApp: FINEST: 2021-10-05 11:09:26.587147: App state changing to AppLifecycleState.paused I/flutter (11727): LocationMonitor: FINEST: 2021-10-05 11:09:27.071313: location success: 48.4284845 -123.4029699. Accuracy: 20.0m. Speed: 0.02m/s I/flutter (11727): LocationMonitor: FINEST: 2021-10-05 11:09:27.090521: Motion change: true. Activity: still I/flutter (11727): LocationMonitor: FINEST: 2021-10-05 11:09:32.029777: location success: 48.43407087361274 -123.38873550017395. Accuracy: 1934.0m. Speed: 0.01m/s I/flutter (11727): MyApp: FINEST: 2021-10-05 11:09:33.293176: App state changing to AppLifecycleState.detached ```
ts location manager ``` --------- beginning of system --------- beginning of main 10-05 11:08:28.670 11727 11925 I TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.logger.LoggerFacade$a a] 10-05 11:08:28.670 11727 11925 I TSLocationManager: ╔═════════════════════════════════════════════ 10-05 11:08:28.670 11727 11925 I TSLocationManager: ║ TSLocationManager version: 3.1.34 (390) 10-05 11:08:28.670 11727 11925 I TSLocationManager: ╠═════════════════════════════════════════════ 10-05 11:08:28.670 11727 11925 I TSLocationManager: ╟─ samsung SM-T580 @ 8.1.0 (flutter) 10-05 11:08:28.670 11727 11925 I TSLocationManager: { 10-05 11:08:28.670 11727 11925 I TSLocationManager: "activityRecognitionInterval": 3000, 10-05 11:08:28.670 11727 11925 I TSLocationManager: "allowIdenticalLocations": false, 10-05 11:08:28.670 11727 11925 I TSLocationManager: "authorization": {}, 10-05 11:08:28.670 11727 11925 I TSLocationManager: "autoSync": true, 10-05 11:08:28.670 11727 11925 I TSLocationManager: "autoSyncThreshold": 0, 10-05 11:08:28.670 11727 11925 I TSLocationManager: "backgroundPermissionRationale": { 10-05 11:08:28.670 11727 11925 I TSLocationManager: "title": "Allow {applicationName} to access to this device's location in the background?", 10-05 11:08:28.670 11727 11925 I TSLocationManager: "message": "When a trip is active, {applicationName} needs to be able to collect locations while running in the background, please enable {backgroundPermissionOptionLabel} location permission. ", 10-05 11:08:28.670 11727 11925 I TSLocationManager: "positiveAction": "Change to {backgroundPermissionOptionLabel}", 10-05 11:08:28.670 11727 11925 I TSLocationManager: "negativeAction": "Cancel" 10-05 11:08:28.670 11727 11925 I TSLocationManager: }, 10-05 11:08:28.670 11727 11925 I TSLocationManager: "batchSync": false, 10-05 11:08:28.670 11727 11925 I TSLocationManager: "configUrl": "", 10-05 11:08:28.670 11727 11925 I TSLocationManager: "debug": true, 10-05 11:08:28.670 11727 11925 I TSLocationManager: "deferTime": 0, 10-05 11:08:28.670 11727 11925 I TSLocationManager: "desiredAccuracy": -1, 10-05 11:08:28.670 11727 11925 I TSLocationManager: "desiredOdometerAccuracy": 100, 10-05 11:08:28.670 11727 11925 I TSLocationManager: "disableAutoSyncOnCellular": false, 10-05 11:08:28.670 11727 11925 I TSLocationManager: "disableElasticity": false, 10-05 11:08:28.670 11727 11925 I TSLocationManager: "disableLocationAuthorizationAlert": false, 10-05 11:08:28.670 11727 11925 I TSLocationManager: "disableMotionActivityUpdates": false, 10-05 11:08:28.670 11727 11925 I TSLocationManager: "disableStopDetection": false, 10-05 11:08:28.670 11727 11925 I TSLocationManager: "distanceFilter": 5, 10-05 11:08:28.670 11727 11925 I TSLocationManager: "elasticityMultiplier": 1, 10-05 11:08:28.670 11727 11925 I TSLocationManager: "enableHeadless": true, 10-05 11:08:28.670 11727 11925 I TSLocationManager: "enableTimestampMeta": false, 10-05 11:08:28.670 11727 11925 I TSLocationManager: "extras": {}, 10-05 11:08:28.670 11727 11925 I TSLocationManager: "fastestLocationUpdateInterval": -1, 10-05 11:08:28.670 11727 11925 I TSLocationManager: "foregroundService": true, 10-05 11:08:28.670 11727 11925 I TSLocationManager: "geofenceInitialTriggerEntry": true, 10-05 11:08:28.670 11727 11925 I TSLocationManager: "geofenceModeHighAccuracy": false, 10-05 11:08:28.670 11727 11925 I TSLocationManager: "geofenceProximityRadius": 1000, 10-05 11:08:28.670 11727 11925 I TSLocationManager: "geofenceTemplate": "", 10-05 11:08:28.670 11727 11925 I TSLocationManager: "headers": {}, 10-05 11:08:28.670 11727 11925 I TSLocationManager: "headlessJobService": "com.transistorsoft.flutter.backgroundgeolocation.HeadlessTask", 10-05 11:08:28.670 11727 11925 I TSLocationManager: "heartbeatInterval": -1, 10-05 11:08:28.670 11727 11925 I TSLocationManager: "httpRootProperty": "location", 10-05 11:08:28.670 11727 11925 I TSLocationManager: "httpTimeout": 60000, 10-05 11:08:28.670 11727 11925 I TSLocationManager: "isMoving": true, 10-05 11:08:28.670 11727 11925 I TSLocationManager: "locationAuthorizationRequest": "Always", 10-05 11:08:28.670 11727 11925 I TSLocationManager: "locationTemplate": "", 10-05 11:08:28.670 11727 11925 I TSLocationManager: "locationTimeout": 60, 10-05 11:08:28.670 11727 11925 I TSLocationManager: "locationUpdateInterval": 1000, 10-05 11:08:28.670 11727 11925 I TSLocationManager: "locationsOrderDirection": "ASC", 10-05 11:08:28.670 11727 11925 I TSLocationManager: "logLevel": 5, 10-05 11:08:28.670 11727 11925 I TSLocationManager: "logMaxDays": 3, 10-05 11:08:28.670 11727 11925 I TSLocationManager: "maxBatchSize": -1, 10-05 11:08:28.670 11727 11925 I TSLocationManager: "maxDaysToPersist": 1, 10-05 11:08:28.670 11727 11925 I TSLocationManager: "maxRecordsToPersist": -1, 10-05 11:08:28.670 11727 11925 I TSLocationManager: "method": "POST", 10-05 11:08:28.670 11727 11925 I TSLocationManager: "minimumActivityRecognitionConfidence": 75, 10-05 11:08:28.670 11727 11925 I TSLocationManager: "motionTriggerDelay": 0, 10-05 11:08:28.670 11727 11925 I TSLocationManager: "notification": { 10-05 11:08:28.670 11727 11925 I TSLocationManager: "layout": "", 10-05 11:08:28.670 11727 11925 I TSLocationManager: "title": "MyApp", 10-05 11:08:28.670 11727 11925 I TSLocationManager: "text": "Location service", 10-05 11:08:28.670 11727 11925 I TSLocationManager: "color": "", 10-05 11:08:28.670 11727 11925 I TSLocationManager: "channelName": "TSLocationManager", 10-05 11:08:28.670 11727 11925 I TSLocationManager: "smallIcon": "", 10-05 11:08:28.670 11727 11925 I TSLocationManager: "largeIcon": "", 10-05 11:08:28.670 11727 11925 I TSLocationManager: "priority": 0, 10-05 11:08:28.670 11727 11925 I TSLocationManager: "sticky": false, 10-05 11:08:28.670 11727 11925 I TSLocationManager: "strings": {}, 10-05 11:08:28.670 11727 11925 I TSLocationManager: "actions": [] 10-05 11:08:28.670 11727 11925 I TSLocationManager: }, 10-05 11:08:28.670 11727 11925 I TSLocationManager: "params": {}, 10-05 11:08:28.670 11727 11925 I TSLocationManager: "persist": true, 10-05 11:08:28.670 11727 11925 I TSLocationManager: "persistMode": 2, 10-05 11:08:28.670 11727 11925 I TSLocationManager: "schedule": [], 10-05 11:08:28.670 11727 11925 I TSLocationManager: "scheduleUseAlarmManager": false, 10-05 11:08:28.670 11727 11925 I TSLocationManager: "speedJumpFilter": 200000, 10-05 11:08:28.670 11727 11925 I TSLocationManager: "startOnBoot": false, 10-05 11:08:28.670 11727 11925 I TSLocationManager: "stationaryRadius": 25, 10-05 11:08:28.670 11727 11925 I TSLocationManager: "stopAfterElapsedMinutes": 0, 10-05 11:08:28.670 11727 11925 I TSLocationManager: "stopOnStationary": false, 10-05 11:08:28.670 11727 11925 I TSLocationManager: "stopOnTerminate": false, 10-05 11:08:28.670 11727 11925 I TSLocationManager: "stopTimeout": 5, 10-05 11:08:28.670 11727 11925 I TSLocationManager: "triggerActivities": "in_vehicle, on_bicycle, on_foot, running, walking", 10-05 11:08:28.670 11727 11925 I TSLocationManager: "url": "", 10-05 11:08:28.670 11727 11925 I TSLocationManager: "useSignificantChangesOnly": false, 10-05 11:08:28.670 11727 11925 I TSLocationManager: "enabled": true, 10-05 11:08:28.670 11727 11925 I TSLocationManager: "schedulerEnabled": false, 10-05 11:08:28.670 11727 11925 I TSLocationManager: "trackingMode": 1, 10-05 11:08:28.670 11727 11925 I TSLocationManager: "odometer": 0, 10-05 11:08:28.670 11727 11925 I TSLocationManager: "isFirstBoot": false, 10-05 11:08:28.670 11727 11925 I TSLocationManager: "didLaunchInBackground": false, 10-05 11:08:28.670 11727 11925 I TSLocationManager: "didDeviceReboot": false 10-05 11:08:28.670 11727 11925 I TSLocationManager: } 10-05 11:08:28.675 11727 11925 I TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.logger.LoggerFacade$a a] 10-05 11:08:28.675 11727 11925 I TSLocationManager: ╔═════════════════════════════════════════════ 10-05 11:08:28.675 11727 11925 I TSLocationManager: ║ DEVICE SENSORS 10-05 11:08:28.675 11727 11925 I TSLocationManager: ╠═════════════════════════════════════════════ 10-05 11:08:28.675 11727 11925 I TSLocationManager: ╟─ ✅ ACCELEROMETER: {Sensor name="K2HH Accelerometer", vendor="STM", version=1, type=1, maxRange=39.2266, resolution=0.0011971008, power=0.13, minDelay=10000} 10-05 11:08:28.675 11727 11925 I TSLocationManager: ╟─ ⚠️ GYROSCOPE: none. Motion-detection system performance will be degraded 10-05 11:08:28.675 11727 11925 I TSLocationManager: ╟─ ⚠️ MAGNETOMETER: none. Motion-detection system performance will be degraded 10-05 11:08:28.675 11727 11925 I TSLocationManager: ╟─ ⚠️ SIGNIFICANT_MOTION: none. Motion-detection system performance will be degraded 10-05 11:08:28.675 11727 11925 I TSLocationManager: ╚═════════════════════════════════════════════ 10-05 11:08:28.676 11727 11925 I TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.logger.LoggerFacade$a a] 10-05 11:08:28.676 11727 11925 I TSLocationManager: ✅ Google Play Services: connected (version code:12451000) 10-05 11:08:28.684 11727 11925 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.logger.LoggerFacade$a a] 10-05 11:08:28.684 11727 11925 D TSLocationManager: ℹ️ Load last odometer location: Location[TSLocationManager 48.428482,-123.402970 hAcc=20 t=?!? et=?!? vAcc=??? sAcc=??? bAcc=??? {Bundle[{odometer=0.0}]}] 10-05 11:08:28.686 11727 11925 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.logger.LoggerFacade$a a] 10-05 11:08:28.686 11727 11925 D TSLocationManager: 🎾 Start monitoring connectivity changes 10-05 11:08:28.693 11727 11932 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.http.HttpService a] 10-05 11:08:28.693 11727 11932 D TSLocationManager: ╔═════════════════════════════════════════════ 10-05 11:08:28.693 11727 11932 D TSLocationManager: ║ 📶 Connectivity change: connected? true 10-05 11:08:28.693 11727 11932 D TSLocationManager: ╠═════════════════════════════════════════════ 10-05 11:08:28.696 11727 11906 I TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.a.BackgroundGeolocation d] 10-05 11:08:28.696 11727 11906 I TSLocationManager: 🎾 Start monitoring location-provider changes 10-05 11:08:28.715 11727 11939 D TSLocationManager: [ prune] 10-05 11:08:28.715 11727 11939 D TSLocationManager: ℹ️ PRUNE -1 days 10-05 11:08:28.741 11727 11906 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.a.BackgroundGeolocation a] 10-05 11:08:28.741 11727 11906 D TSLocationManager: 🔴 Cleared callbacks 10-05 11:08:28.743 11727 11906 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.f.b.streams.StreamHandler register] com.transistorsoft/flutter_background_geolocation/events/location 10-05 11:08:28.744 11727 11906 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.f.b.streams.StreamHandler register] com.transistorsoft/flutter_background_geolocation/events/motionchange 10-05 11:08:28.746 11727 11906 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.f.b.streams.StreamHandler register] com.transistorsoft/flutter_background_geolocation/events/activitychange 10-05 11:08:28.748 11727 11906 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.f.b.streams.StreamHandler register] com.transistorsoft/flutter_background_geolocation/events/geofenceschange 10-05 11:08:28.752 11727 11906 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.f.b.streams.StreamHandler register] com.transistorsoft/flutter_background_geolocation/events/geofence 10-05 11:08:28.762 11727 11906 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.f.b.streams.StreamHandler register] com.transistorsoft/flutter_background_geolocation/events/heartbeat 10-05 11:08:28.765 11727 11906 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.f.b.streams.StreamHandler register] com.transistorsoft/flutter_background_geolocation/events/http 10-05 11:08:28.769 11727 11906 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.f.b.streams.StreamHandler register] com.transistorsoft/flutter_background_geolocation/events/schedule 10-05 11:08:28.771 11727 11906 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.f.b.streams.StreamHandler register] com.transistorsoft/flutter_background_geolocation/events/connectivitychange 10-05 11:08:28.773 11727 11906 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.f.b.streams.StreamHandler register] com.transistorsoft/flutter_background_geolocation/events/enabledchange 10-05 11:08:28.775 11727 11906 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.f.b.streams.StreamHandler register] com.transistorsoft/flutter_background_geolocation/events/providerchange 10-05 11:08:28.778 11727 11906 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.f.b.streams.StreamHandler register] com.transistorsoft/flutter_background_geolocation/events/powersavechange 10-05 11:08:28.780 11727 11906 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.f.b.streams.StreamHandler register] com.transistorsoft/flutter_background_geolocation/events/notificationaction 10-05 11:08:28.783 11727 11906 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.f.b.streams.StreamHandler register] com.transistorsoft/flutter_background_geolocation/events/authorization 10-05 11:08:35.667 11727 11727 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.f.b.streams.StreamHandler onListen] location 10-05 11:08:35.672 11727 11727 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.f.b.streams.StreamHandler onListen] motionchange 10-05 11:08:35.675 11727 11727 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.f.b.streams.StreamHandler onListen] connectivitychange 10-05 11:08:35.678 11727 11727 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.f.b.streams.StreamHandler onListen] enabledchange 10-05 11:08:35.807 11727 11727 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.adapter.TSConfig d] ℹ️ Persist config, dirty: [activityRecognitionInterval, backgroundPermissionRationale, backgroundPermissionRationale.title, backgroundPermissionRationale.message, backgroundPermissionRationale.positiveAction, backgroundPermissionRationale.negativeAction, debug, desiredAccuracy, distanceFilter, enableHeadless, headlessJobService, logLevel, notification, notification.title, notification.text, speedJumpFilter, stopOnTerminate] 10-05 11:08:35.831 11727 11727 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.locationmanager.util.c g] 10-05 11:08:35.831 11727 11727 D TSLocationManager: ℹ️ LocationAuthorization: Permission granted 10-05 11:08:35.849 11727 11947 I TSLocationManager: - Enable: true → true, trackingMode: 1 10-05 11:08:35.871 11727 11947 I TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.s.ActivityRecognitionService b] 10-05 11:08:35.871 11727 11947 I TSLocationManager: 🎾 Start motion-activity updates 10-05 11:08:35.906 11727 11947 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.http.HttpService startMonitoringConnectivityChanges] 10-05 11:08:35.906 11727 11947 D TSLocationManager: 🎾 Start monitoring connectivity changes 10-05 11:08:35.911 11727 11947 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.locationmanager.device.a c] 10-05 11:08:35.911 11727 11947 D TSLocationManager: 🎾 Start monitoring powersave changes 10-05 11:08:35.922 11727 11947 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.locationmanager.util.c h] 10-05 11:08:35.922 11727 11947 D TSLocationManager: ℹ️ LocationAuthorization: Permission granted 10-05 11:08:35.925 11727 11947 I TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.HeartbeatService c] 10-05 11:08:35.925 11727 11947 I TSLocationManager: 🔴 Stop heartbeat 10-05 11:08:35.945 11727 11727 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.a.TSLocationManagerActivity execute] locationsettings 10-05 11:08:35.947 11727 11727 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.adapter.TSConfig translateDesiredAccuracy] translateDesiredAccuracy (true): -1 10-05 11:08:36.173 11727 11727 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.a.TSLocationManagerActivity stop] eventCount: 0 10-05 11:08:36.345 11727 11727 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.AbstractService a] 10-05 11:08:36.345 11727 11727 D TSLocationManager: 🎾 LocationRequestService [eventCount: 1] 10-05 11:08:36.349 11727 11948 I TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.s.LocationRequestService a] 10-05 11:08:36.349 11727 11948 I TSLocationManager: ℹ️ Location availability: true 10-05 11:08:36.351 11727 11948 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.AbstractService a] ⚙️︎ finish LocationRequestService [eventCount: 0, sticky: false] 10-05 11:08:36.626 11727 11727 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.AbstractService onDestroy] 10-05 11:08:36.626 11727 11727 D TSLocationManager: 🔴 LocationRequestService destroyed 10-05 11:08:36.718 11727 11727 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.AbstractService a] 10-05 11:08:36.718 11727 11727 D TSLocationManager: 🎾 ActivityRecognitionService [eventCount: 1] 10-05 11:08:36.721 11727 11951 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.s.ActivityRecognitionService a] 10-05 11:08:36.721 11727 11951 D TSLocationManager: 🚘 ️DetectedActivity [type=STILL, confidence=100] 10-05 11:08:36.754 11727 11951 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.AbstractService a] ⚙️︎ finish ActivityRecognitionService [eventCount: 0, sticky: false] 10-05 11:08:37.779 11727 11727 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.AbstractService onDestroy] 10-05 11:08:37.779 11727 11727 D TSLocationManager: 🔴 ActivityRecognitionService destroyed 10-05 11:08:39.800 11727 11727 I TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.s.TSScheduleManager oneShot] 10-05 11:08:39.800 11727 11727 I TSLocationManager: ⏰ Scheduled OneShot: TERMINATE_EVENT in 10000ms (jobID: -1708771588) 10-05 11:08:39.821 11727 11727 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.a.TSLocationManagerActivity onDestroy] 10-05 11:08:39.837 11727 11950 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.locationmanager.util.c h] 10-05 11:08:39.837 11727 11950 D TSLocationManager: ℹ️ LocationAuthorization: Permission granted 10-05 11:08:39.854 11727 11950 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.locationmanager.util.c h] 10-05 11:08:39.854 11727 11950 D TSLocationManager: ℹ️ LocationAuthorization: Permission granted 10-05 11:08:40.006 11727 11727 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.AbstractService a] 10-05 11:08:40.006 11727 11727 D TSLocationManager: 🎾 LocationRequestService [eventCount: 1] 10-05 11:08:40.011 11727 11950 I TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.s.LocationRequestService a] 10-05 11:08:40.011 11727 11950 I TSLocationManager: ℹ️ Location availability: true 10-05 11:08:40.012 11727 11950 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.AbstractService a] ⚙️︎ finish LocationRequestService [eventCount: 0, sticky: false] 10-05 11:08:40.022 11727 11727 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.AbstractService a] 10-05 11:08:40.022 11727 11727 D TSLocationManager: 🎾 LocationRequestService [eventCount: 1] 10-05 11:08:40.024 11727 11950 I TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.s.LocationRequestService a] 10-05 11:08:40.024 11727 11950 I TSLocationManager: ℹ️ Location availability: true 10-05 11:08:40.026 11727 11950 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.AbstractService a] ⚙️︎ finish LocationRequestService [eventCount: 0, sticky: false] 10-05 11:08:40.280 11727 11727 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.AbstractService onDestroy] 10-05 11:08:40.280 11727 11727 D TSLocationManager: 🔴 LocationRequestService destroyed 10-05 11:08:41.076 11727 11727 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.AbstractService a] 10-05 11:08:41.076 11727 11727 D TSLocationManager: 🎾 LocationRequestService [eventCount: 1] 10-05 11:08:41.095 11727 11727 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.AbstractService a] 10-05 11:08:41.095 11727 11727 D TSLocationManager: 🎾 LocationRequestService [eventCount: 2] 10-05 11:08:41.111 11727 11727 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.AbstractService a] 10-05 11:08:41.111 11727 11727 D TSLocationManager: 🎾 LocationRequestService [eventCount: 3] 10-05 11:08:41.115 11727 11946 I TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.s.LocationRequestService b] 10-05 11:08:41.115 11727 11946 I TSLocationManager: ╔═════════════════════════════════════════════ 10-05 11:08:41.115 11727 11946 I TSLocationManager: ║ getCurrentPosition LocationResult: 2 10-05 11:08:41.115 11727 11946 I TSLocationManager: ╠═════════════════════════════════════════════ 10-05 11:08:41.115 11727 11946 I TSLocationManager: ╟─ 📍 Location[fused 48.428483,-123.402967 hAcc=20 et=+5d22h55m51s955ms alt=-3.8000001907348633 vAcc=2 sAcc=??? bAcc=??? {Bundle[mParcelledData.dataSize=52]}], age: 157ms, time: 1633457320922 10-05 11:08:41.118 11727 11948 I TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.s.LocationRequestService b] 10-05 11:08:41.118 11727 11948 I TSLocationManager: ╔═════════════════════════════════════════════ 10-05 11:08:41.118 11727 11948 I TSLocationManager: ║ getCurrentPosition LocationResult: 1 10-05 11:08:41.118 11727 11948 I TSLocationManager: ╠═════════════════════════════════════════════ 10-05 11:08:41.118 11727 11948 I TSLocationManager: ╟─ 📍 Location[fused 48.428483,-123.402967 hAcc=20 et=+5d22h55m51s955ms alt=-3.8000001907348633 vAcc=2 sAcc=??? bAcc=??? {Bundle[mParcelledData.dataSize=52]}], age: 175ms, time: 1633457320922 10-05 11:08:41.124 11727 11951 I TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.s.LocationRequestService b] 10-05 11:08:41.124 11727 11951 I TSLocationManager: ╔═════════════════════════════════════════════ 10-05 11:08:41.124 11727 11951 I TSLocationManager: ║ getCurrentPosition LocationResult: 3 10-05 11:08:41.124 11727 11951 I TSLocationManager: ╠═════════════════════════════════════════════ 10-05 11:08:41.124 11727 11951 I TSLocationManager: ╟─ 📍 Location[fused 48.428483,-123.402967 hAcc=20 et=+5d22h55m51s955ms alt=-3.8000001907348633 vAcc=2 sAcc=??? bAcc=??? {Bundle[mParcelledData.dataSize=52]}], age: 191ms, time: 1633457320922 10-05 11:08:41.137 11727 11727 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.AbstractService a] ⚙️︎ finish LocationRequestService [eventCount: 0, sticky: false] 10-05 11:08:41.140 11727 11727 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.AbstractService onDestroy] 10-05 11:08:41.140 11727 11727 D TSLocationManager: 🔴 LocationRequestService destroyed 10-05 11:08:41.181 11727 11946 I TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.l.TSLocationManager onSingleLocationResult] 10-05 11:08:41.181 11727 11946 I TSLocationManager: 🔵 Acquired current position 10-05 11:08:41.183 11727 11946 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.l.TSLocationManager calculateMedianAccuracy] Median accuracy: 20.0 10-05 11:08:41.272 11727 11946 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.s.LocationRequestService b] SingleLocationRequest 2 isFinished? true 10-05 11:08:41.273 11727 11946 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.AbstractService a] ⚙️︎ finish LocationRequestService [eventCount: 0, sticky: false] 10-05 11:08:41.275 11727 11948 I TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.l.TSLocationManager onSingleLocationResult] 10-05 11:08:41.275 11727 11948 I TSLocationManager: 🔵 Acquired current position 10-05 11:08:41.278 11727 11948 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.l.TSLocationManager calculateMedianAccuracy] Median accuracy: 20.0 10-05 11:08:41.288 11727 11944 I TSLocationManager: [ persist] 10-05 11:08:41.288 11727 11944 I TSLocationManager: ✅ INSERT: d6f4d40e-610d-4112-ac6a-3655b4b1395e 10-05 11:08:41.306 11727 11948 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.s.LocationRequestService b] SingleLocationRequest 1 isFinished? true 10-05 11:08:41.308 11727 11948 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.AbstractService a] ⚙️︎ finish LocationRequestService [eventCount: 0, sticky: false] 10-05 11:08:41.311 11727 11951 I TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.l.TSLocationManager onSingleLocationResult] 10-05 11:08:41.311 11727 11951 I TSLocationManager: 🔵 Acquired current position 10-05 11:08:41.313 11727 11951 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.l.TSLocationManager calculateMedianAccuracy] Median accuracy: 20.0 10-05 11:08:41.320 11727 11727 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.AbstractService a] ⚙️︎ finish LocationRequestService [eventCount: 0, sticky: false] 10-05 11:08:41.332 11727 11951 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.s.LocationRequestService b] SingleLocationRequest 3 isFinished? true 10-05 11:08:41.334 11727 11951 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.AbstractService a] ⚙️︎ finish LocationRequestService [eventCount: 0, sticky: false] 10-05 11:08:41.339 11727 11950 I TSLocationManager: [ persist] 10-05 11:08:41.339 11727 11950 I TSLocationManager: ✅ INSERT: b1d35e76-b145-40e0-bfea-7a30580a7e54 10-05 11:08:41.348 11727 11727 I TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.s.ActivityRecognitionService b] 10-05 11:08:41.348 11727 11727 I TSLocationManager: 🎾 Start motion-activity updates 10-05 11:08:41.354 11727 11727 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.g.TSGeofenceManager startMonitoringStationaryRegion] 10-05 11:08:41.354 11727 11727 D TSLocationManager: 🎾 Start monitoring stationary region (radius: 150.0m 48.4284825,-123.402967 hAcc=20.0) 10-05 11:08:41.365 11727 11727 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.AbstractService onDestroy] 10-05 11:08:41.365 11727 11727 D TSLocationManager: 🔴 LocationRequestService destroyed 10-05 11:08:41.411 11727 11727 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.AbstractService a] ⚙️︎ finish LocationRequestService [eventCount: 0, sticky: false] 10-05 11:08:41.446 11727 11727 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.AbstractService a] 10-05 11:08:41.446 11727 11727 D TSLocationManager: 🎾 TrackingService [eventCount: 1] 10-05 11:08:41.456 11727 11727 I TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.TrackingService h] 10-05 11:08:41.456 11727 11727 I TSLocationManager: ╔═════════════════════════════════════════════ 10-05 11:08:41.456 11727 11727 I TSLocationManager: ║ TrackingService motionchange: false 10-05 11:08:41.456 11727 11727 I TSLocationManager: ╠═════════════════════════════════════════════ 10-05 11:08:41.459 11727 11727 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.AbstractService a] ⚙️︎ finish TrackingService [eventCount: 0, sticky: false] 10-05 11:08:41.466 11727 11727 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.AbstractService onDestroy] 10-05 11:08:41.466 11727 11727 D TSLocationManager: 🔴 LocationRequestService destroyed 10-05 11:08:41.472 11727 11947 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.adapter.TSConfig d] ℹ️ Persist config, dirty: [isMoving] 10-05 11:08:41.486 11727 11947 I TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.HeartbeatService c] 10-05 11:08:41.486 11727 11947 I TSLocationManager: 🔴 Stop heartbeat 10-05 11:08:41.494 11727 11947 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.g.TSGeofenceManager stopMonitoringStationaryRegion] 10-05 11:08:41.494 11727 11947 D TSLocationManager: 🔴 Stop monitoring stationary region 10-05 11:08:41.504 11727 11947 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.locationmanager.util.c h] 10-05 11:08:41.504 11727 11947 D TSLocationManager: ℹ️ LocationAuthorization: Permission granted 10-05 11:08:41.506 11727 11947 I TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.TrackingService a] 10-05 11:08:41.506 11727 11947 I TSLocationManager: 🔵 setPace: false → true 10-05 11:08:41.516 11727 11727 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.AbstractService a] 10-05 11:08:41.516 11727 11727 D TSLocationManager: 🎾 TrackingService [eventCount: 1] 10-05 11:08:41.518 11727 11727 I TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.TrackingService h] 10-05 11:08:41.518 11727 11727 I TSLocationManager: ╔═════════════════════════════════════════════ 10-05 11:08:41.518 11727 11727 I TSLocationManager: ║ TrackingService motionchange: true 10-05 11:08:41.518 11727 11727 I TSLocationManager: ╠═════════════════════════════════════════════ 10-05 11:08:41.520 11727 11727 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.AbstractService a] ⚙️︎ finish TrackingService [eventCount: 0, sticky: true] 10-05 11:08:41.555 11727 11951 I TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.HeartbeatService c] 10-05 11:08:41.555 11727 11951 I TSLocationManager: 🔴 Stop heartbeat 10-05 11:08:41.580 11727 11727 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.AbstractService a] 10-05 11:08:41.580 11727 11727 D TSLocationManager: 🎾 TrackingService [eventCount: 1] 10-05 11:08:41.582 11727 11727 I TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.TrackingService h] 10-05 11:08:41.582 11727 11727 I TSLocationManager: ╔═════════════════════════════════════════════ 10-05 11:08:41.582 11727 11727 I TSLocationManager: ║ TrackingService motionchange: true 10-05 11:08:41.582 11727 11727 I TSLocationManager: ╠═════════════════════════════════════════════ 10-05 11:08:41.583 11727 11951 I TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.l.TSLocationManager requestLocationUpdates] 10-05 11:08:41.583 11727 11951 I TSLocationManager: 🎾 Location-services: ON 10-05 11:08:41.584 11727 11727 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.AbstractService a] ⚙️︎ finish TrackingService [eventCount: 0, sticky: true] 10-05 11:08:41.588 11727 11951 I TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.l.TSLocationManager requestLocationUpdates] 10-05 11:08:41.588 11727 11951 I TSLocationManager: 🎾 Location-services: ON 10-05 11:08:41.597 11727 11951 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.adapter.TSConfig translateDesiredAccuracy] translateDesiredAccuracy (true): -1 10-05 11:08:41.616 11727 11951 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.locationmanager.util.c h] 10-05 11:08:41.616 11727 11951 D TSLocationManager: ℹ️ LocationAuthorization: Permission granted 10-05 11:08:41.617 11727 11951 I TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.TrackingService a] 10-05 11:08:41.617 11727 11951 I TSLocationManager: 🔵 setPace: true → true 10-05 11:08:41.633 11727 11727 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.AbstractService a] ⚙️︎ finish LocationRequestService [eventCount: 0, sticky: false] 10-05 11:08:41.643 11727 11727 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.AbstractService onDestroy] 10-05 11:08:41.643 11727 11727 D TSLocationManager: 🔴 LocationRequestService destroyed 10-05 11:08:41.715 11727 11727 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.AbstractService onDestroy] 10-05 11:08:41.715 11727 11727 D TSLocationManager: 🔴 TrackingService destroyed 10-05 11:08:42.019 11727 11727 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.AbstractService a] 10-05 11:08:42.019 11727 11727 D TSLocationManager: 🎾 ActivityRecognitionService [eventCount: 1] 10-05 11:08:42.021 11727 12015 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.s.ActivityRecognitionService a] 10-05 11:08:42.021 11727 12015 D TSLocationManager: 🚘 ️DetectedActivity [type=STILL, confidence=100] 10-05 11:08:42.044 11727 12015 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.AbstractService a] ⚙️︎ finish ActivityRecognitionService [eventCount: 0, sticky: false] 10-05 11:08:42.065 11727 11727 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.AbstractService a] 10-05 11:08:42.065 11727 11727 D TSLocationManager: 🎾 LocationRequestService [eventCount: 1] 10-05 11:08:42.067 11727 11946 I TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.s.LocationRequestService a] 10-05 11:08:42.067 11727 11946 I TSLocationManager: ℹ️ Location availability: true 10-05 11:08:42.068 11727 11946 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.AbstractService a] ⚙️︎ finish LocationRequestService [eventCount: 0, sticky: false] 10-05 11:08:42.093 11727 11727 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.AbstractService a] 10-05 11:08:42.093 11727 11727 D TSLocationManager: 🎾 TrackingService [eventCount: 1] 10-05 11:08:42.095 11727 11727 I TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.TrackingService a] 10-05 11:08:42.095 11727 11727 I TSLocationManager: ℹ️ Location availability: true 10-05 11:08:42.097 11727 11727 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.AbstractService a] ⚙️︎ finish TrackingService [eventCount: 0, sticky: false] 10-05 11:08:42.322 11727 11727 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.AbstractService onDestroy] 10-05 11:08:42.322 11727 11727 D TSLocationManager: 🔴 LocationRequestService destroyed 10-05 11:08:42.350 11727 11727 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.AbstractService onDestroy] 10-05 11:08:42.350 11727 11727 D TSLocationManager: 🔴 TrackingService destroyed 10-05 11:08:43.049 11727 11727 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.AbstractService onDestroy] 10-05 11:08:43.049 11727 11727 D TSLocationManager: 🔴 ActivityRecognitionService destroyed 10-05 11:08:46.704 11727 11727 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.AbstractService a] 10-05 11:08:46.704 11727 11727 D TSLocationManager: 🎾 LocationRequestService [eventCount: 1] 10-05 11:08:46.728 11727 11951 I TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.s.LocationRequestService b] 10-05 11:08:46.728 11727 11951 I TSLocationManager: ╔═════════════════════════════════════════════ 10-05 11:08:46.728 11727 11951 I TSLocationManager: ║ motionchange LocationResult: 5 10-05 11:08:46.728 11727 11951 I TSLocationManager: ╠═════════════════════════════════════════════ 10-05 11:08:46.728 11727 11951 I TSLocationManager: ╟─ 📍 Location[fused 48.428483,-123.402967 hAcc=20 et=+5d22h55m57s587ms alt=-3.8000001907348633 vel=0.0 bear=90.0 vAcc=2 sAcc=??? bAcc=??? {Bundle[mParcelledData.dataSize=52]}], age: 153ms, time: 1633457326555 10-05 11:08:46.732 11727 11727 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.AbstractService a] 10-05 11:08:46.732 11727 11727 D TSLocationManager: 🎾 TrackingService [eventCount: 1] 10-05 11:08:46.742 11727 11727 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.TrackingService b] 10-05 11:08:46.742 11727 11727 D TSLocationManager: ╔═════════════════════════════════════════════ 10-05 11:08:46.742 11727 11727 D TSLocationManager: ║ TrackingService: LocationResult 10-05 11:08:46.742 11727 11727 D TSLocationManager: ╠═════════════════════════════════════════════ 10-05 11:08:46.742 11727 11727 D TSLocationManager: ╟─ 📍 Location[fused 48.428483,-123.402967 hAcc=20 et=+5d22h55m57s587ms alt=-3.8000001907348633 vel=0.0 bear=90.0 vAcc=2 sAcc=??? bAcc=??? {Bundle[mParcelledData.dataSize=52]}], age: 180ms, time: 1633457326555 10-05 11:08:46.744 11727 11727 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.AbstractService a] ⚙️︎ finish TrackingService [eventCount: 0, sticky: true] 10-05 11:08:46.751 11727 11951 I TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.l.TSLocationManager onSingleLocationResult] 10-05 11:08:46.751 11727 11951 I TSLocationManager: 🔵 Acquired motionchange position, isMoving: true 10-05 11:08:46.752 11727 11951 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.l.TSLocationManager calculateMedianAccuracy] Median accuracy: 20.0 10-05 11:08:46.761 11727 11727 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.AbstractService a] ⚙️︎ finish LocationRequestService [eventCount: 0, sticky: false] 10-05 11:08:46.769 11727 11727 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.AbstractService onDestroy] 10-05 11:08:46.769 11727 11727 D TSLocationManager: 🔴 LocationRequestService destroyed 10-05 11:08:46.815 11727 11951 I TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.l.TSLocationManager removeLocationUpdates] 10-05 11:08:46.815 11727 11951 I TSLocationManager: 🔴 Location-services: OFF 10-05 11:08:46.841 11727 11951 I TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.l.TSLocationManager requestLocationUpdates] 10-05 11:08:46.841 11727 11951 I TSLocationManager: 🎾 Location-services: ON 10-05 11:08:46.843 11727 11951 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.adapter.TSConfig translateDesiredAccuracy] translateDesiredAccuracy (true): -1 10-05 11:08:46.847 11727 11951 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.s.LocationRequestService b] SingleLocationRequest 5 isFinished? true 10-05 11:08:46.847 11727 12015 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.l.TSLocationManager onLocationResult] 10-05 11:08:46.847 11727 12015 D TSLocationManager: ╔═════════════════════════════════════════════ 10-05 11:08:46.847 11727 12015 D TSLocationManager: ║ Process LocationResult 10-05 11:08:46.847 11727 12015 D TSLocationManager: ╠═════════════════════════════════════════════ 10-05 11:08:46.847 11727 11727 I TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.s.ActivityRecognitionService b] 10-05 11:08:46.847 11727 11727 I TSLocationManager: 🎾 Start motion-activity updates 10-05 11:08:46.848 11727 12015 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.l.TSLocationManager onLocationResult] 10-05 11:08:46.848 11727 12015 D TSLocationManager: ℹ️ IGNORED: same as last location 10-05 11:08:46.848 11727 11951 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.AbstractService a] ⚙️︎ finish LocationRequestService [eventCount: 0, sticky: false] 10-05 11:08:46.850 11727 11727 I TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.l.TSLocationManager removeLocationUpdates] 10-05 11:08:46.850 11727 11727 I TSLocationManager: 🔴 Location-services: OFF 10-05 11:08:46.852 11727 11939 I TSLocationManager: [ persist] 10-05 11:08:46.852 11727 11939 I TSLocationManager: ✅ INSERT: 2573ed6a-773c-42fc-b1e2-7e8d9cca005f 10-05 11:08:46.855 11727 11727 I TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.l.TSLocationManager requestLocationUpdates] 10-05 11:08:46.855 11727 11727 I TSLocationManager: 🎾 Location-services: ON 10-05 11:08:46.857 11727 11727 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.adapter.TSConfig translateDesiredAccuracy] translateDesiredAccuracy (true): -1 10-05 11:08:46.960 11727 11727 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.AbstractService a] 10-05 11:08:46.960 11727 11727 D TSLocationManager: 🎾 TrackingService [eventCount: 1] 10-05 11:08:46.973 11727 11727 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.TrackingService b] 10-05 11:08:46.973 11727 11727 D TSLocationManager: ╔═════════════════════════════════════════════ 10-05 11:08:46.973 11727 11727 D TSLocationManager: ║ TrackingService: LocationResult 10-05 11:08:46.973 11727 11727 D TSLocationManager: ╠═════════════════════════════════════════════ 10-05 11:08:46.973 11727 11727 D TSLocationManager: ╟─ 📍 Location[fused 48.428483,-123.402967 hAcc=20 et=+5d22h55m57s587ms alt=-3.8000001907348633 vel=0.0 bear=90.0 vAcc=2 sAcc=??? bAcc=??? {Bundle[mParcelledData.dataSize=52]}], age: 409ms, time: 1633457326555 10-05 11:08:46.977 11727 12013 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.l.TSLocationManager onLocationResult] 10-05 11:08:46.977 11727 12013 D TSLocationManager: ╔═════════════════════════════════════════════ 10-05 11:08:46.977 11727 12013 D TSLocationManager: ║ Process LocationResult 10-05 11:08:46.977 11727 12013 D TSLocationManager: ╠═════════════════════════════════════════════ 10-05 11:08:46.979 11727 12013 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.l.TSLocationManager onLocationResult] 10-05 11:08:46.979 11727 12013 D TSLocationManager: ℹ️ IGNORED: same as last location 10-05 11:08:46.986 11727 11727 I TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.s.TSScheduleManager oneShot] 10-05 11:08:46.986 11727 11727 I TSLocationManager: ⏰ Scheduled OneShot: STOP_TIMEOUT in 300000ms (jobID: 2059034116) 10-05 11:08:46.999 11727 11727 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.AbstractService a] ⚙️︎ finish TrackingService [eventCount: 0, sticky: true] 10-05 11:08:47.014 11727 11727 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.AbstractService a] 10-05 11:08:47.014 11727 11727 D TSLocationManager: 🎾 TrackingService [eventCount: 1] 10-05 11:08:47.019 11727 11727 I TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.TrackingService a] 10-05 11:08:47.019 11727 11727 I TSLocationManager: ℹ️ Location availability: true 10-05 11:08:47.021 11727 11727 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.AbstractService a] ⚙️︎ finish TrackingService [eventCount: 0, sticky: true] 10-05 11:08:47.079 11727 11727 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.AbstractService a] 10-05 11:08:47.079 11727 11727 D TSLocationManager: 🎾 TrackingService [eventCount: 1] 10-05 11:08:47.097 11727 11727 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.TrackingService b] 10-05 11:08:47.097 11727 11727 D TSLocationManager: ╔═════════════════════════════════════════════ 10-05 11:08:47.097 11727 11727 D TSLocationManager: ║ TrackingService: LocationResult 10-05 11:08:47.097 11727 11727 D TSLocationManager: ╠═════════════════════════════════════════════ 10-05 11:08:47.097 11727 11727 D TSLocationManager: ╟─ 📍 Location[fused 48.428483,-123.402967 hAcc=20 et=+5d22h55m57s587ms alt=-3.8000001907348633 vel=0.0 bear=90.0 vAcc=2 sAcc=??? bAcc=??? {Bundle[mParcelledData.dataSize=52]}], age: 531ms, time: 1633457326555 10-05 11:08:47.099 11727 11930 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.l.TSLocationManager onLocationResult] 10-05 11:08:47.099 11727 11930 D TSLocationManager: ╔═════════════════════════════════════════════ 10-05 11:08:47.099 11727 11930 D TSLocationManager: ║ Process LocationResult 10-05 11:08:47.099 11727 11930 D TSLocationManager: ╠═════════════════════════════════════════════ 10-05 11:08:47.099 11727 11727 I TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.TrackingService b] 10-05 11:08:47.099 11727 11727 I TSLocationManager: ℹ️ Distance from stoppedAtLocation: -40.0 10-05 11:08:47.100 11727 11930 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.l.TSLocationManager onLocationResult] 10-05 11:08:47.100 11727 11930 D TSLocationManager: ℹ️ IGNORED: same as last location 10-05 11:08:47.101 11727 11727 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.AbstractService a] ⚙️︎ finish TrackingService [eventCount: 0, sticky: true] 10-05 11:08:47.133 11727 11727 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.AbstractService a] 10-05 11:08:47.133 11727 11727 D TSLocationManager: 🎾 TrackingService [eventCount: 1] 10-05 11:08:47.136 11727 11727 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.AbstractService a] ⚙️︎ finish TrackingService [eventCount: 0, sticky: true] 10-05 11:08:47.565 11727 11727 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.AbstractService a] 10-05 11:08:47.565 11727 11727 D TSLocationManager: 🎾 ActivityRecognitionService [eventCount: 1] 10-05 11:08:47.567 11727 12014 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.s.ActivityRecognitionService a] 10-05 11:08:47.567 11727 12014 D TSLocationManager: 🚘 ️DetectedActivity [type=STILL, confidence=100] 10-05 11:08:47.588 11727 12014 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.AbstractService a] ⚙️︎ finish ActivityRecognitionService [eventCount: 0, sticky: false] 10-05 11:08:48.593 11727 11727 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.AbstractService onDestroy] 10-05 11:08:48.593 11727 11727 D TSLocationManager: 🔴 ActivityRecognitionService destroyed 10-05 11:08:49.816 11727 11930 I TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.scheduler.ScheduleEvent onOneShot] 10-05 11:08:49.816 11727 11930 I TSLocationManager: ╔═════════════════════════════════════════════ 10-05 11:08:49.816 11727 11930 I TSLocationManager: ║ ⏰ OneShot event fired: TERMINATE_EVENT 10-05 11:08:49.816 11727 11930 I TSLocationManager: ╠═════════════════════════════════════════════ 10-05 11:08:49.825 11727 11930 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.event.TerminateEvent ] 10-05 11:08:49.825 11727 11930 D TSLocationManager: ℹ️ TERMINATE_EVENT ignored (MainActivity is still active). 10-05 11:09:11.640 11727 12014 I TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.HeartbeatService c] 10-05 11:09:11.640 11727 12014 I TSLocationManager: 🔴 Stop heartbeat 10-05 11:09:11.651 11727 12014 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.locationmanager.util.c h] 10-05 11:09:11.651 11727 12014 D TSLocationManager: ℹ️ LocationAuthorization: Permission granted 10-05 11:09:11.652 11727 12014 I TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.TrackingService a] 10-05 11:09:11.652 11727 12014 I TSLocationManager: 🔵 setPace: true → true 10-05 11:09:11.665 11727 11727 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.AbstractService a] 10-05 11:09:11.665 11727 11727 D TSLocationManager: 🎾 TrackingService [eventCount: 1] 10-05 11:09:11.667 11727 11727 I TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.TrackingService h] 10-05 11:09:11.667 11727 11727 I TSLocationManager: ╔═════════════════════════════════════════════ 10-05 11:09:11.667 11727 11727 I TSLocationManager: ║ TrackingService motionchange: true 10-05 11:09:11.667 11727 11727 I TSLocationManager: ╠═════════════════════════════════════════════ 10-05 11:09:11.677 11727 11727 I TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.s.TSScheduleManager cancelOneShot] 10-05 11:09:11.677 11727 11727 I TSLocationManager: ⏰ Cancel OneShot: STOP_TIMEOUT 10-05 11:09:11.725 11727 11727 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.AbstractService a] ⚙️︎ finish TrackingService [eventCount: 0, sticky: true] 10-05 11:09:11.891 11727 11727 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.AbstractService a] 10-05 11:09:11.891 11727 11727 D TSLocationManager: 🎾 LocationRequestService [eventCount: 1] 10-05 11:09:11.892 11727 11950 I TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.s.LocationRequestService a] 10-05 11:09:11.892 11727 11950 I TSLocationManager: ℹ️ Location availability: true 10-05 11:09:11.893 11727 11950 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.AbstractService a] ⚙️︎ finish LocationRequestService [eventCount: 0, sticky: false] 10-05 11:09:12.009 11727 11727 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.AbstractService a] 10-05 11:09:12.009 11727 11727 D TSLocationManager: 🎾 LocationRequestService [eventCount: 1] 10-05 11:09:12.020 11727 12011 I TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.s.LocationRequestService b] 10-05 11:09:12.020 11727 12011 I TSLocationManager: ╔═════════════════════════════════════════════ 10-05 11:09:12.020 11727 12011 I TSLocationManager: ║ motionchange LocationResult: 6 10-05 11:09:12.020 11727 12011 I TSLocationManager: ╠═════════════════════════════════════════════ 10-05 11:09:12.020 11727 12011 I TSLocationManager: ╟─ 📍 Location[fused 48.428483,-123.402970 hAcc=20 et=+5d22h56m22s813ms alt=-1.1999999284744263 vel=0.01980787 bear=344.6815 vAcc=3 sAcc=??? bAcc=??? {Bundle[mParcelledData.dataSize=52]}], age: 231ms, time: 1633457351781 10-05 11:09:12.036 11727 12011 I TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.l.TSLocationManager onSingleLocationResult] 10-05 11:09:12.036 11727 12011 I TSLocationManager: 🔵 Acquired motionchange position, isMoving: true 10-05 11:09:12.039 11727 12011 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.l.TSLocationManager calculateMedianAccuracy] Median accuracy: 20.0 10-05 11:09:12.040 11727 11727 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.AbstractService a] ⚙️︎ finish LocationRequestService [eventCount: 0, sticky: false] 10-05 11:09:12.057 11727 12011 I TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.l.TSLocationManager removeLocationUpdates] 10-05 11:09:12.057 11727 12011 I TSLocationManager: 🔴 Location-services: OFF 10-05 11:09:12.061 11727 12011 I TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.l.TSLocationManager requestLocationUpdates] 10-05 11:09:12.061 11727 12011 I TSLocationManager: 🎾 Location-services: ON 10-05 11:09:12.062 11727 12011 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.adapter.TSConfig translateDesiredAccuracy] translateDesiredAccuracy (true): -1 10-05 11:09:12.065 11727 12011 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.s.LocationRequestService b] SingleLocationRequest 6 isFinished? true 10-05 11:09:12.077 11727 12011 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.AbstractService a] ⚙️︎ finish LocationRequestService [eventCount: 0, sticky: false] 10-05 11:09:12.082 11727 11727 I TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.s.ActivityRecognitionService b] 10-05 11:09:12.082 11727 11727 I TSLocationManager: 🎾 Start motion-activity updates 10-05 11:09:12.083 11727 12015 I TSLocationManager: [ persist] 10-05 11:09:12.083 11727 12015 I TSLocationManager: ✅ INSERT: f8bd64e8-93ff-4dba-ad65-ab1b9f44f075 10-05 11:09:12.086 11727 11727 I TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.l.TSLocationManager removeLocationUpdates] 10-05 11:09:12.086 11727 11727 I TSLocationManager: 🔴 Location-services: OFF 10-05 11:09:12.091 11727 11727 I TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.l.TSLocationManager requestLocationUpdates] 10-05 11:09:12.091 11727 11727 I TSLocationManager: 🎾 Location-services: ON 10-05 11:09:12.093 11727 11727 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.adapter.TSConfig translateDesiredAccuracy] translateDesiredAccuracy (true): -1 10-05 11:09:12.157 11727 11727 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.AbstractService a] 10-05 11:09:12.157 11727 11727 D TSLocationManager: 🎾 TrackingService [eventCount: 1] 10-05 11:09:12.166 11727 11727 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.TrackingService b] 10-05 11:09:12.166 11727 11727 D TSLocationManager: ╔═════════════════════════════════════════════ 10-05 11:09:12.166 11727 11727 D TSLocationManager: ║ TrackingService: LocationResult 10-05 11:09:12.166 11727 11727 D TSLocationManager: ╠═════════════════════════════════════════════ 10-05 11:09:12.166 11727 11727 D TSLocationManager: ╟─ 📍 Location[fused 48.428483,-123.402970 hAcc=20 et=+5d22h56m22s813ms alt=-1.1999999284744263 vel=0.01980787 bear=344.6815 vAcc=3 sAcc=??? bAcc=??? {Bundle[mParcelledData.dataSize=52]}], age: 379ms, time: 1633457351781 10-05 11:09:12.168 11727 11930 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.l.TSLocationManager onLocationResult] 10-05 11:09:12.168 11727 11930 D TSLocationManager: ╔═════════════════════════════════════════════ 10-05 11:09:12.168 11727 11930 D TSLocationManager: ║ Process LocationResult 10-05 11:09:12.168 11727 11930 D TSLocationManager: ╠═════════════════════════════════════════════ 10-05 11:09:12.169 11727 11930 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.l.TSLocationManager onLocationResult] 10-05 11:09:12.169 11727 11930 D TSLocationManager: ℹ️ IGNORED: same as last location 10-05 11:09:12.174 11727 11727 I TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.s.TSScheduleManager oneShot] 10-05 11:09:12.174 11727 11727 I TSLocationManager: ⏰ Scheduled OneShot: STOP_TIMEOUT in 300000ms (jobID: 2059034116) 10-05 11:09:12.189 11727 11727 I TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.l.TSLocationManager removeLocationUpdates] 10-05 11:09:12.189 11727 11727 I TSLocationManager: 🔴 Location-services: OFF 10-05 11:09:12.193 11727 11727 I TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.l.TSLocationManager requestLocationUpdates] 10-05 11:09:12.193 11727 11727 I TSLocationManager: 🎾 Location-services: ON 10-05 11:09:12.198 11727 11727 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.adapter.TSConfig translateDesiredAccuracy] translateDesiredAccuracy (true): -1 10-05 11:09:12.204 11727 11727 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.AbstractService a] ⚙️︎ finish TrackingService [eventCount: 0, sticky: true] 10-05 11:09:12.231 11727 11727 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.AbstractService a] 10-05 11:09:12.231 11727 11727 D TSLocationManager: 🎾 TrackingService [eventCount: 1] 10-05 11:09:12.234 11727 11727 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.AbstractService a] ⚙️︎ finish TrackingService [eventCount: 0, sticky: true] 10-05 11:09:12.311 11727 11727 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.AbstractService a] 10-05 11:09:12.311 11727 11727 D TSLocationManager: 🎾 TrackingService [eventCount: 1] 10-05 11:09:12.319 11727 11727 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.TrackingService b] 10-05 11:09:12.319 11727 11727 D TSLocationManager: ╔═════════════════════════════════════════════ 10-05 11:09:12.319 11727 11727 D TSLocationManager: ║ TrackingService: LocationResult 10-05 11:09:12.319 11727 11727 D TSLocationManager: ╠═════════════════════════════════════════════ 10-05 11:09:12.319 11727 11727 D TSLocationManager: ╟─ 📍 Location[fused 48.428483,-123.402970 hAcc=20 et=+5d22h56m22s813ms alt=-1.1999999284744263 vel=0.01980787 bear=344.6815 vAcc=3 sAcc=??? bAcc=??? {Bundle[mParcelledData.dataSize=52]}], age: 532ms, time: 1633457351781 10-05 11:09:12.320 11727 11727 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.TrackingService b] Received stoppedAt location 10-05 11:09:12.320 11727 12015 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.l.TSLocationManager onLocationResult] 10-05 11:09:12.320 11727 12015 D TSLocationManager: ╔═════════════════════════════════════════════ 10-05 11:09:12.320 11727 12015 D TSLocationManager: ║ Process LocationResult 10-05 11:09:12.320 11727 12015 D TSLocationManager: ╠═════════════════════════════════════════════ 10-05 11:09:12.321 11727 12015 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.l.TSLocationManager onLocationResult] 10-05 11:09:12.321 11727 12015 D TSLocationManager: ℹ️ IGNORED: same as last location 10-05 11:09:12.322 11727 11727 I TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.TrackingService b] 10-05 11:09:12.322 11727 11727 I TSLocationManager: ℹ️ Distance from stoppedAtLocation: -40.0 10-05 11:09:12.323 11727 11727 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.AbstractService a] ⚙️︎ finish TrackingService [eventCount: 0, sticky: true] 10-05 11:09:12.340 11727 11727 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.AbstractService a] 10-05 11:09:12.340 11727 11727 D TSLocationManager: 🎾 TrackingService [eventCount: 1] 10-05 11:09:12.342 11727 11727 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.AbstractService a] ⚙️︎ finish TrackingService [eventCount: 0, sticky: true] 10-05 11:09:12.348 11727 11727 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.AbstractService onDestroy] 10-05 11:09:12.348 11727 11727 D TSLocationManager: 🔴 LocationRequestService destroyed 10-05 11:09:12.469 11727 11727 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.AbstractService a] 10-05 11:09:12.469 11727 11727 D TSLocationManager: 🎾 TrackingService [eventCount: 1] 10-05 11:09:12.475 11727 11727 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.AbstractService a] ⚙️︎ finish TrackingService [eventCount: 0, sticky: true] 10-05 11:09:12.738 11727 11727 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.AbstractService a] 10-05 11:09:12.738 11727 11727 D TSLocationManager: 🎾 ActivityRecognitionService [eventCount: 1] 10-05 11:09:12.741 11727 12013 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.s.ActivityRecognitionService a] 10-05 11:09:12.741 11727 12013 D TSLocationManager: 🚘 ️DetectedActivity [type=STILL, confidence=100] 10-05 11:09:12.757 11727 12013 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.AbstractService a] ⚙️︎ finish ActivityRecognitionService [eventCount: 0, sticky: false] 10-05 11:09:13.760 11727 11727 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.AbstractService onDestroy] 10-05 11:09:13.760 11727 11727 D TSLocationManager: 🔴 ActivityRecognitionService destroyed 10-05 11:09:14.396 11727 12015 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.locationmanager.util.c h] 10-05 11:09:14.396 11727 12015 D TSLocationManager: ℹ️ LocationAuthorization: Permission granted 10-05 11:09:14.492 11727 11727 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.AbstractService a] 10-05 11:09:14.492 11727 11727 D TSLocationManager: 🎾 LocationRequestService [eventCount: 1] 10-05 11:09:14.494 11727 12015 I TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.s.LocationRequestService a] 10-05 11:09:14.494 11727 12015 I TSLocationManager: ℹ️ Location availability: true 10-05 11:09:14.495 11727 12015 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.AbstractService a] ⚙️︎ finish LocationRequestService [eventCount: 0, sticky: false] 10-05 11:09:14.748 11727 11727 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.AbstractService onDestroy] 10-05 11:09:14.748 11727 11727 D TSLocationManager: 🔴 LocationRequestService destroyed 10-05 11:09:17.161 11727 11727 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.AbstractService a] 10-05 11:09:17.161 11727 11727 D TSLocationManager: 🎾 LocationRequestService [eventCount: 1] 10-05 11:09:17.174 11727 12016 I TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.s.LocationRequestService b] 10-05 11:09:17.174 11727 12016 I TSLocationManager: ╔═════════════════════════════════════════════ 10-05 11:09:17.174 11727 12016 I TSLocationManager: ║ getCurrentPosition LocationResult: 7 10-05 11:09:17.174 11727 12016 I TSLocationManager: ╠═════════════════════════════════════════════ 10-05 11:09:17.174 11727 12016 I TSLocationManager: ╟─ 📍 Location[fused 48.428482,-123.402969 hAcc=20 et=+5d22h56m28s36ms alt=-1.1999999284744263 vel=0.007871672 bear=158.2554 vAcc=3 sAcc=??? bAcc=??? {Bundle[mParcelledData.dataSize=52]}], age: 160ms, time: 1633457357003 10-05 11:09:17.175 11727 11727 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.AbstractService a] 10-05 11:09:17.175 11727 11727 D TSLocationManager: 🎾 TrackingService [eventCount: 1] 10-05 11:09:17.184 11727 11727 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.TrackingService b] 10-05 11:09:17.184 11727 11727 D TSLocationManager: ╔═════════════════════════════════════════════ 10-05 11:09:17.184 11727 11727 D TSLocationManager: ║ TrackingService: LocationResult 10-05 11:09:17.184 11727 11727 D TSLocationManager: ╠═════════════════════════════════════════════ 10-05 11:09:17.184 11727 11727 D TSLocationManager: ╟─ 📍 Location[fused 48.428482,-123.402969 hAcc=20 et=+5d22h56m28s36ms alt=-1.1999999284744263 vel=0.007871672 bear=158.2554 vAcc=3 sAcc=??? bAcc=??? {Bundle[mParcelledData.dataSize=52]}], age: 173ms, time: 1633457357003 10-05 11:09:17.186 11727 11727 I TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.TrackingService b] 10-05 11:09:17.186 11727 11727 I TSLocationManager: ℹ️ Distance from stoppedAtLocation: -39.880264 10-05 11:09:17.187 11727 11727 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.AbstractService a] ⚙️︎ finish TrackingService [eventCount: 0, sticky: true] 10-05 11:09:17.207 11727 11727 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.AbstractService a] ⚙️︎ finish LocationRequestService [eventCount: 0, sticky: false] 10-05 11:09:17.209 11727 11727 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.AbstractService onDestroy] 10-05 11:09:17.209 11727 11727 D TSLocationManager: 🔴 LocationRequestService destroyed 10-05 11:09:17.232 11727 12016 I TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.l.TSLocationManager onSingleLocationResult] 10-05 11:09:17.232 11727 12016 I TSLocationManager: 🔵 Acquired current position 10-05 11:09:17.235 11727 12016 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.l.TSLocationManager calculateMedianAccuracy] Median accuracy: 20.0 10-05 11:09:17.254 11727 11937 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.l.TSLocationManager onLocationResult] 10-05 11:09:17.254 11727 11937 D TSLocationManager: ╔═════════════════════════════════════════════ 10-05 11:09:17.254 11727 11937 D TSLocationManager: ║ Process LocationResult 10-05 11:09:17.254 11727 11937 D TSLocationManager: ╠═════════════════════════════════════════════ 10-05 11:09:17.255 11727 11937 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.l.TSLocationManager onLocationResult] 10-05 11:09:17.255 11727 11937 D TSLocationManager: ℹ️ IGNORED: same as last location 10-05 11:09:17.257 11727 12016 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.s.LocationRequestService b] SingleLocationRequest 7 isFinished? true 10-05 11:09:17.258 11727 12016 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.AbstractService a] ⚙️︎ finish LocationRequestService [eventCount: 0, sticky: false] 10-05 11:09:17.263 11727 12015 I TSLocationManager: [ persist] 10-05 11:09:17.263 11727 12015 I TSLocationManager: ✅ INSERT: bf96dd4d-b4ae-4063-b158-aa7bba760067 10-05 11:09:17.278 11727 11951 I TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.HeartbeatService c] 10-05 11:09:17.278 11727 11951 I TSLocationManager: 🔴 Stop heartbeat 10-05 11:09:17.290 11727 11951 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.locationmanager.util.c h] 10-05 11:09:17.290 11727 11951 D TSLocationManager: ℹ️ LocationAuthorization: Permission granted 10-05 11:09:17.291 11727 11951 I TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.TrackingService a] 10-05 11:09:17.291 11727 11951 I TSLocationManager: 🔵 setPace: true → true 10-05 11:09:17.296 11727 11727 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.AbstractService a] 10-05 11:09:17.296 11727 11727 D TSLocationManager: 🎾 TrackingService [eventCount: 1] 10-05 11:09:17.298 11727 11727 I TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.TrackingService h] 10-05 11:09:17.298 11727 11727 I TSLocationManager: ╔═════════════════════════════════════════════ 10-05 11:09:17.298 11727 11727 I TSLocationManager: ║ TrackingService motionchange: true 10-05 11:09:17.298 11727 11727 I TSLocationManager: ╠═════════════════════════════════════════════ 10-05 11:09:17.303 11727 11727 I TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.s.TSScheduleManager cancelOneShot] 10-05 11:09:17.303 11727 11727 I TSLocationManager: ⏰ Cancel OneShot: STOP_TIMEOUT 10-05 11:09:17.311 11727 11727 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.AbstractService a] ⚙️︎ finish TrackingService [eventCount: 0, sticky: true] 10-05 11:09:17.404 11727 11727 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.AbstractService a] 10-05 11:09:17.404 11727 11727 D TSLocationManager: 🎾 LocationRequestService [eventCount: 1] 10-05 11:09:17.406 11727 11940 I TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.s.LocationRequestService a] 10-05 11:09:17.406 11727 11940 I TSLocationManager: ℹ️ Location availability: true 10-05 11:09:17.407 11727 11940 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.AbstractService a] ⚙️︎ finish LocationRequestService [eventCount: 0, sticky: false] 10-05 11:09:17.659 11727 11727 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.AbstractService onDestroy] 10-05 11:09:17.659 11727 11727 D TSLocationManager: 🔴 LocationRequestService destroyed 10-05 11:09:26.569 11727 11727 I TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.s.TSScheduleManager oneShot] 10-05 11:09:26.569 11727 11727 I TSLocationManager: ⏰ Scheduled OneShot: TERMINATE_EVENT in 10000ms (jobID: -1708771588) 10-05 11:09:26.961 11727 11727 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.AbstractService a] 10-05 11:09:26.961 11727 11727 D TSLocationManager: 🎾 LocationRequestService [eventCount: 1] 10-05 11:09:26.982 11727 12013 I TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.s.LocationRequestService b] 10-05 11:09:26.982 11727 12013 I TSLocationManager: ╔═════════════════════════════════════════════ 10-05 11:09:26.982 11727 12013 I TSLocationManager: ║ motionchange LocationResult: 8 10-05 11:09:26.982 11727 12013 I TSLocationManager: ╠═════════════════════════════════════════════ 10-05 11:09:26.982 11727 12013 I TSLocationManager: ╟─ 📍 Location[fused 48.428485,-123.402970 hAcc=20 et=+5d22h56m37s654ms alt=-3.8000001907348633 vel=0.02382724 bear=350.22665 vAcc=2 sAcc=??? bAcc=??? {Bundle[mParcelledData.dataSize=52]}], age: 353ms, time: 1633457366622 10-05 11:09:26.989 11727 12013 I TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.l.TSLocationManager onSingleLocationResult] 10-05 11:09:26.989 11727 12013 I TSLocationManager: 🔵 Acquired motionchange position, isMoving: true 10-05 11:09:26.990 11727 12013 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.l.TSLocationManager calculateMedianAccuracy] Median accuracy: 20.0 10-05 11:09:27.042 11727 11727 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.AbstractService a] ⚙️︎ finish LocationRequestService [eventCount: 0, sticky: false] 10-05 11:09:27.055 11727 11727 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.AbstractService onDestroy] 10-05 11:09:27.055 11727 11727 D TSLocationManager: 🔴 LocationRequestService destroyed 10-05 11:09:27.133 11727 12013 I TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.l.TSLocationManager removeLocationUpdates] 10-05 11:09:27.133 11727 12013 I TSLocationManager: 🔴 Location-services: OFF 10-05 11:09:27.153 11727 12013 I TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.l.TSLocationManager requestLocationUpdates] 10-05 11:09:27.153 11727 12013 I TSLocationManager: 🎾 Location-services: ON 10-05 11:09:27.155 11727 12013 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.adapter.TSConfig translateDesiredAccuracy] translateDesiredAccuracy (true): -1 10-05 11:09:27.180 11727 11727 I TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.s.ActivityRecognitionService b] 10-05 11:09:27.180 11727 11727 I TSLocationManager: 🎾 Start motion-activity updates 10-05 11:09:27.181 11727 12013 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.s.LocationRequestService b] SingleLocationRequest 8 isFinished? true 10-05 11:09:27.183 11727 12013 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.AbstractService a] ⚙️︎ finish LocationRequestService [eventCount: 0, sticky: false] 10-05 11:09:27.186 11727 11727 I TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.l.TSLocationManager removeLocationUpdates] 10-05 11:09:27.186 11727 11727 I TSLocationManager: 🔴 Location-services: OFF 10-05 11:09:27.199 11727 11950 I TSLocationManager: [ persist] 10-05 11:09:27.199 11727 11950 I TSLocationManager: ✅ INSERT: cfd3d218-2f0f-4a8b-85e5-efcb2d581415 10-05 11:09:27.221 11727 11727 I TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.l.TSLocationManager requestLocationUpdates] 10-05 11:09:27.221 11727 11727 I TSLocationManager: 🎾 Location-services: ON 10-05 11:09:27.223 11727 11727 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.adapter.TSConfig translateDesiredAccuracy] translateDesiredAccuracy (true): -1 10-05 11:09:27.307 11727 11727 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.AbstractService a] 10-05 11:09:27.307 11727 11727 D TSLocationManager: 🎾 TrackingService [eventCount: 1] 10-05 11:09:27.316 11727 11727 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.TrackingService b] 10-05 11:09:27.316 11727 11727 D TSLocationManager: ╔═════════════════════════════════════════════ 10-05 11:09:27.316 11727 11727 D TSLocationManager: ║ TrackingService: LocationResult 10-05 11:09:27.316 11727 11727 D TSLocationManager: ╠═════════════════════════════════════════════ 10-05 11:09:27.316 11727 11727 D TSLocationManager: ╟─ 📍 Location[fused 48.428485,-123.402970 hAcc=20 et=+5d22h56m37s654ms alt=-3.8000001907348633 vel=0.02382724 bear=350.22665 vAcc=2 sAcc=??? bAcc=??? {Bundle[mParcelledData.dataSize=52]}], age: 688ms, time: 1633457366622 10-05 11:09:27.318 11727 11947 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.l.TSLocationManager onLocationResult] 10-05 11:09:27.318 11727 11947 D TSLocationManager: ╔═════════════════════════════════════════════ 10-05 11:09:27.318 11727 11947 D TSLocationManager: ║ Process LocationResult 10-05 11:09:27.318 11727 11947 D TSLocationManager: ╠═════════════════════════════════════════════ 10-05 11:09:27.319 11727 11947 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.l.TSLocationManager onLocationResult] 10-05 11:09:27.319 11727 11947 D TSLocationManager: ℹ️ IGNORED: same as last location 10-05 11:09:27.324 11727 11727 I TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.s.TSScheduleManager oneShot] 10-05 11:09:27.324 11727 11727 I TSLocationManager: ⏰ Scheduled OneShot: STOP_TIMEOUT in 300000ms (jobID: 2059034116) 10-05 11:09:27.334 11727 11727 I TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.l.TSLocationManager removeLocationUpdates] 10-05 11:09:27.334 11727 11727 I TSLocationManager: 🔴 Location-services: OFF 10-05 11:09:27.340 11727 11727 I TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.l.TSLocationManager requestLocationUpdates] 10-05 11:09:27.340 11727 11727 I TSLocationManager: 🎾 Location-services: ON 10-05 11:09:27.342 11727 11727 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.adapter.TSConfig translateDesiredAccuracy] translateDesiredAccuracy (true): -1 10-05 11:09:27.345 11727 11727 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.AbstractService a] ⚙️︎ finish TrackingService [eventCount: 0, sticky: true] 10-05 11:09:27.364 11727 11727 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.AbstractService a] 10-05 11:09:27.364 11727 11727 D TSLocationManager: 🎾 TrackingService [eventCount: 1] 10-05 11:09:27.367 11727 11727 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.AbstractService a] ⚙️︎ finish TrackingService [eventCount: 0, sticky: true] 10-05 11:09:27.387 11727 11727 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.AbstractService a] 10-05 11:09:27.387 11727 11727 D TSLocationManager: 🎾 TrackingService [eventCount: 1] 10-05 11:09:27.390 11727 11727 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.AbstractService a] ⚙️︎ finish TrackingService [eventCount: 0, sticky: true] 10-05 11:09:27.528 11727 11727 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.AbstractService a] 10-05 11:09:27.528 11727 11727 D TSLocationManager: 🎾 TrackingService [eventCount: 1] 10-05 11:09:27.530 11727 11727 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.AbstractService a] ⚙️︎ finish TrackingService [eventCount: 0, sticky: true] 10-05 11:09:27.888 11727 11727 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.AbstractService a] 10-05 11:09:27.888 11727 11727 D TSLocationManager: 🎾 ActivityRecognitionService [eventCount: 1] 10-05 11:09:27.891 11727 12011 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.s.ActivityRecognitionService a] 10-05 11:09:27.891 11727 12011 D TSLocationManager: 🚘 ️DetectedActivity [type=STILL, confidence=100] 10-05 11:09:27.917 11727 12011 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.AbstractService a] ⚙️︎ finish ActivityRecognitionService [eventCount: 0, sticky: false] 10-05 11:09:28.922 11727 11727 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.AbstractService onDestroy] 10-05 11:09:28.922 11727 11727 D TSLocationManager: 🔴 ActivityRecognitionService destroyed 10-05 11:09:31.969 11727 11727 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.AbstractService a] 10-05 11:09:31.969 11727 11727 D TSLocationManager: 🎾 TrackingService [eventCount: 1] 10-05 11:09:31.985 11727 11727 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.TrackingService b] 10-05 11:09:31.985 11727 11727 D TSLocationManager: ╔═════════════════════════════════════════════ 10-05 11:09:31.985 11727 11727 D TSLocationManager: ║ TrackingService: LocationResult 10-05 11:09:31.985 11727 11727 D TSLocationManager: ╠═════════════════════════════════════════════ 10-05 11:09:31.985 11727 11727 D TSLocationManager: ╟─ 📍 Location[fused 48.428485,-123.402970 hAcc=20 et=+5d22h56m42s849ms alt=-1.1999999284744263 vel=0.012117767 bear=353.2625 vAcc=3 sAcc=??? bAcc=??? {Bundle[mParcelledData.dataSize=52]}], age: 157ms, time: 1633457371817 10-05 11:09:31.986 11727 11727 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.TrackingService b] Received stoppedAt location 10-05 11:09:31.987 11727 12015 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.l.TSLocationManager onLocationResult] 10-05 11:09:31.987 11727 12015 D TSLocationManager: ╔═════════════════════════════════════════════ 10-05 11:09:31.987 11727 12015 D TSLocationManager: ║ Process LocationResult 10-05 11:09:31.987 11727 12015 D TSLocationManager: ╠═════════════════════════════════════════════ 10-05 11:09:31.988 11727 11727 I TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.TrackingService b] 10-05 11:09:31.988 11727 11727 I TSLocationManager: ℹ️ Distance from stoppedAtLocation: -40.0 10-05 11:09:31.991 11727 11727 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.service.AbstractService a] ⚙️︎ finish TrackingService [eventCount: 0, sticky: true] 10-05 11:09:31.992 11727 12015 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.l.TSLocationManager calculateMedianAccuracy] Median accuracy: 20.0 10-05 11:09:32.053 11727 12013 I TSLocationManager: [ persist] 10-05 11:09:32.053 11727 12013 I TSLocationManager: ✅ INSERT: 0149b2b7-b3e3-437c-a473-b341379bb4bd 10-05 11:09:33.242 11727 11727 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.a.BackgroundGeolocation removeListener] 10-05 11:09:33.242 11727 11727 D TSLocationManager: ✅ removeListener event: location 10-05 11:09:33.244 11727 11727 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.a.BackgroundGeolocation removeListener] 10-05 11:09:33.244 11727 11727 D TSLocationManager: ✅ removeListener event: motionchange 10-05 11:09:33.248 11727 11727 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.a.BackgroundGeolocation removeListener] 10-05 11:09:33.248 11727 11727 D TSLocationManager: ✅ removeListener event: activitychange 10-05 11:09:33.251 11727 11727 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.a.BackgroundGeolocation removeListener] 10-05 11:09:33.251 11727 11727 D TSLocationManager: ✅ removeListener event: geofence 10-05 11:09:33.254 11727 11727 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.a.BackgroundGeolocation removeListener] 10-05 11:09:33.254 11727 11727 D TSLocationManager: ✅ removeListener event: heartbeat 10-05 11:09:33.257 11727 11727 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.a.BackgroundGeolocation removeListener] 10-05 11:09:33.257 11727 11727 D TSLocationManager: ✅ removeListener event: http 10-05 11:09:33.261 11727 11727 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.a.BackgroundGeolocation removeListener] 10-05 11:09:33.261 11727 11727 D TSLocationManager: ✅ removeListener event: schedule 10-05 11:09:33.264 11727 11727 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.a.BackgroundGeolocation removeListener] 10-05 11:09:33.264 11727 11727 D TSLocationManager: ✅ removeListener event: connectivitychange 10-05 11:09:33.268 11727 11727 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.a.BackgroundGeolocation removeListener] 10-05 11:09:33.268 11727 11727 D TSLocationManager: ✅ removeListener event: enabledchange 10-05 11:09:33.271 11727 11727 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.a.BackgroundGeolocation removeListener] 10-05 11:09:33.271 11727 11727 D TSLocationManager: ✅ removeListener event: providerchange 10-05 11:09:33.277 11727 11727 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.a.BackgroundGeolocation removeListener] 10-05 11:09:33.277 11727 11727 D TSLocationManager: ✅ removeListener event: powersavechange 10-05 11:09:33.281 11727 11727 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.a.BackgroundGeolocation removeListener] 10-05 11:09:33.281 11727 11727 D TSLocationManager: ✅ removeListener event: notificationaction 10-05 11:09:33.284 11727 11727 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.a.BackgroundGeolocation a] 10-05 11:09:33.284 11727 11727 D TSLocationManager: 🔴 Cleared callbacks 10-05 11:09:33.286 11727 11951 I TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.a.BackgroundGeolocation$m0 run] 10-05 11:09:33.286 11727 11951 I TSLocationManager: ╔═════════════════════════════════════════════ 10-05 11:09:33.286 11727 11951 I TSLocationManager: ║ MainActivity was destroyed 10-05 11:09:33.286 11727 11951 I TSLocationManager: ╠═════════════════════════════════════════════ 10-05 11:09:33.286 11727 11951 I TSLocationManager: ╟─ stopOnTerminate: false 10-05 11:09:33.286 11727 11951 I TSLocationManager: ╟─ enabled: true 10-05 11:09:36.591 11727 11946 I TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.scheduler.ScheduleEvent onOneShot] 10-05 11:09:36.591 11727 11946 I TSLocationManager: ╔═════════════════════════════════════════════ 10-05 11:09:36.591 11727 11946 I TSLocationManager: ║ ⏰ OneShot event fired: TERMINATE_EVENT 10-05 11:09:36.591 11727 11946 I TSLocationManager: ╠═════════════════════════════════════════════ 10-05 11:09:36.601 11727 11946 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.a.BackgroundGeolocation isMainActivityActive] NO 10-05 11:09:36.620 11727 11727 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.f.b.HeadlessTask onHeadlessEvent] 💀 [HeadlessTask terminate] 10-05 11:09:36.667 11727 11727 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.f.b.HeadlessTask dispatch] [HeadlessTask] waiting for client to initialize 10-05 11:09:39.751 11727 11727 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.f.b.HeadlessTask onMethodCall] $ initialized ```
christocracy commented 2 years ago

Ok, there was a problem in my isMainActivityActive. I added a small bit of code recently to detect if the plugin was running in a test environment. The premise for detecting test environment was flawed.

spatialbits commented 2 years ago

OK. Do you have an idea when a fix might work its way into

christocracy commented 2 years ago

It will be published soon. In the meantime, you can use this branch. This branch is the next version.

spatialbits commented 2 years ago


stale[bot] commented 2 years ago

This issue has been automatically marked as stale because it has not had recent activity. It will be closed if no further activity occurs. Thank you for your contributions. You may also mark this issue as a "discussion" and I will leave this open.

stale[bot] commented 2 years ago

Closing this issue after a prolonged period of inactivity. Fell free to reopen this issue, if this still affecting you.