transistorsoft / react-native-background-geolocation

Sophisticated, battery-conscious background-geolocation with motion-detection
MIT License
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StopTimeout not Working #2065

Open souzadeveloper opened 2 weeks ago

souzadeveloper commented 2 weeks ago

Your Environment

Expected Behavior

Expected Location Services to be turned off after entering stationary state with the application closed or in the background.

Actual Behavior

The Services are turned off only after opening the application again.

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Start walking until the plugin starts Location Services and starts recording locations.
  2. Return home and leave your cell phone at rest to avoid motion detection
  3. Wait a much longer time than the time configured in stopTimeout


Hi Chris, I'm testing the plugin every day now that I have the Android license. It's almost perfect, but I noticed some behaviors:

I set a stopTimeout of 1 minute and I go to the street to do some laps in my car with the App closed or in the background. I return home and leave my cell phone idle, but the Plugin does not deactivate Location Services. When I open the app again it identifies that I am stopped and only then does it disable Location Services. I made several attempts and nothing.

However, on my last trip, I stopped at a store, while waiting to be served, the Location Service was deactivated, but when I returned to the car, the Service did not start again, even after I had traveled a long distance from the store to my house.

Doing the same test with lokito, Location Services are turned off at the correct time configured in stopTimeout.

Any important considerations?

Debug logs

Logs ``` 06-25 11:56:46.100 DEBUG [LifecycleManager onStart] ☯️ onStart 06-25 11:56:46.168 DEBUG [LifecycleManager onResume] ☯️ onResume 06-25 11:56:52.647 DEBUG [LocationAuthorization withBackgroundPermission] ℹ️ LocationAuthorization: Permission granted 06-25 11:56:52.650 INFO [TSGeofenceManager start] 🎾 Start monitoring geofences 06-25 11:56:52.652 DEBUG [HttpService startMonitoringConnectivityChanges] 🎾 Start monitoring connectivity changes 06-25 11:56:52.655 DEBUG [DeviceSettings startMonitoringPowerSaveChanges] 🎾 Start monitoring powersave changes 06-25 11:56:52.657 INFO [ActivityRecognitionService start] 🎾 Start motion-activity updates 06-25 11:56:52.658 DEBUG [HttpService a] ╔═════════════════════════════════════════════ ║ 📶 Connectivity change: connected? true ╠═════════════════════════════════════════════ 06-25 11:56:52.661 INFO [HeartbeatService stop] 🔴 Stop heartbeat 06-25 11:56:52.662 INFO [TrackingService changePace] 🔵 setPace: false → false 06-25 11:56:52.690 INFO [TSLocationManager a] ╔═════════════════════════════════════════════ ║ motionchange LocationResult: 7 (9748ms old) ╠═════════════════════════════════════════════ ╟─ 📍 Location[fused -23.535097,-46.557819 hAcc=20.0 et=+3d23h42m9s240ms alt=352.20001220703125 vAcc=1.6562787], time: 1719327402943 06-25 11:56:52.691 INFO [TSLocationManager onSingleLocationResult] 🔵 Acquired motionchange position, isMoving: false 06-25 11:56:52.692 DEBUG [TSLocationManager a] Median accuracy: 12.68 06-25 11:56:52.726 INFO [SQLiteLocationDAO persist] ✅ INSERT: ab3a4306-1104-446a-8c1b-340a4f1b5cd6 06-25 11:56:52.738 DEBUG [AbstractService a] 🎾 start [ActivityRecognitionService startId: 1, eventCount: 1] 06-25 11:56:52.738 DEBUG [ActivityRecognitionService a] 🚘 ️DetectedActivity [type=STILL, confidence=100] 06-25 11:56:52.740 DEBUG [AbstractService a] ⚙️︎ FINISH [ActivityRecognitionService startId: 1, eventCount: 0, sticky: false] 06-25 11:56:52.745 DEBUG [TSGeofenceManager startMonitoringStationaryRegion] 🎾 Start monitoring stationary region (radius: 150.0m -23.5350968,-46.557819 hAcc=20.0) 06-25 11:56:52.762 DEBUG [AbstractService a] 🎾 motionchange [TrackingService startId: 1, eventCount: 1] 06-25 11:56:52.763 INFO [TrackingService k] ╔═════════════════════════════════════════════ ║ TrackingService motionchange: false ╠═════════════════════════════════════════════ 06-25 11:56:52.765 DEBUG [AbstractService a] ⚙️︎ FINISH [TrackingService startId: 1, eventCount: 0, sticky: false] 06-25 11:56:52.872 INFO [TSScheduleManager oneShot] ⏰ Scheduled OneShot: TERMINATE_EVENT in 10000ms (jobID: -1708771588) 06-25 11:56:52.915 DEBUG [TSLocationManagerActivity a] locationsettings 06-25 11:56:52.916 DEBUG [TSConfig translateDesiredAccuracy] translateDesiredAccuracy (true): -1 06-25 11:56:52.947 DEBUG [TSLocationManagerActivity c] eventCount: 0 06-25 11:56:52.989 DEBUG [AbstractService f] ⚙️︎ ActivityRecognitionService.stopSelfResult(1): true 06-25 11:56:52.998 DEBUG [AbstractService f] ⚙️︎ TrackingService.stopSelfResult(1): true 06-25 11:56:53.020 DEBUG [AbstractService onDestroy] 🔴 ActivityRecognitionService stopped 06-25 11:56:53.023 DEBUG [AbstractService onDestroy] 🔴 TrackingService stopped 06-25 11:56:53.039 DEBUG [TSLocationManagerActivity onDestroy] 06-25 11:56:56.264 INFO [TSScheduleManager oneShot] ⏰ Oneshot TERMINATE_EVENT is already pending 06-25 11:57:10.670 INFO [LoggerFacade$a a] ╔═════════════════════════════════════════════ ║ ⏰ OneShot event fired: TERMINATE_EVENT ╠═════════════════════════════════════════════ 06-25 11:57:10.671 DEBUG [TSLocationManager b] ℹ️ Load last odometer location: Location[TSLocationManager -23.535097,-46.557819 hAcc=20.0 et=0 {Bundle[{odometer=1863.0608}]}] 06-25 11:57:10.672 INFO [LoggerFacade$a a] ✅ Google Play Services: connected (version code:12451000) 06-25 11:57:10.672 DEBUG [LoggerFacade$a a] ☯️ onCreate 06-25 11:57:10.673 INFO [LoggerFacade$a a] ╔═════════════════════════════════════════════ ║ TSLocationManager version: 3.5.4 (433) ╠═════════════════════════════════════════════ ╟─ motorola motorola edge 20 @ 13 (react) { "activityRecognitionInterval": 10000, "allowIdenticalLocations": false, "authorization": {}, "autoSync": true, "autoSyncThreshold": 0, "backgroundPermissionRationale": { "title": "Permitir que SitraMobile acesse a sua Localização em Segundo Plano?", "message": "Para acessar a sua Localização em Segundo Plano, ative a permissão Permitir o Tempo Todo.", "positiveAction": "Alterar para Permitir o Tempo Todo", "negativeAction": "Cancelar" }, "batchSync": false, "configUrl": "", "crashDetector": { "enabled": false, "accelerometerThresholdHigh": 20, "accelerometerThresholdLow": 4.5, "gyroscopeThresholdHigh": 20, "gyroscopeThresholdLow": 4.5 }, "debug": true, "deferTime": 0, "desiredAccuracy": -1, "desiredOdometerAccuracy": 100, "disableAutoSyncOnCellular": false, "disableElasticity": false, "disableLocationAuthorizationAlert": false, "disableMotionActivityUpdates": false, "disableProviderChangeRecord": false, "disableStopDetection": false, "distanceFilter": 100, "elasticityMultiplier": 1, "enableHeadless": true, "enableTimestampMeta": false, "extras": {}, "fastestLocationUpdateInterval": -1, "foregroundService": true, "geofenceInitialTriggerEntry": true, "geofenceModeHighAccuracy": false, "geofenceProximityRadius": 1000, "geofenceTemplate": "", "headers": {}, "headlessJobService": "com.transistorsoft.rnbackgroundgeolocation.HeadlessTask", "heartbeatInterval": -1, "httpRootProperty": "location", "httpTimeout": 60000, "isMoving": false, "locationAuthorizationRequest": "Always", "locationTemplate": "", "locationTimeout": 60, "locationUpdateInterval": 1000, "locationsOrderDirection": "ASC", "logLevel": 5, "logMaxDays": 3, "maxBatchSize": -1, "maxDaysToPersist": 1, "maxMonitoredGeofences": 97, "maxRecordsToPersist": -1, "method": "POST", "minimumActivityRecognitionConfidence": 75, "motionTriggerDelay": 0, "notification": { "layout": "", "title": "SitraMobile", "text": "Serviços de Localização em Segundo Plano em execução!", "color": "", "channelName": "TSLocationManager", "channelId": "", "smallIcon": "", "largeIcon": "", "priority": -1, "sticky": false, "strings": {}, "actions": [] }, "params": {}, "persist": true, "persistMode": 2, "schedule": [], "scheduleUseAlarmManager": false, "speedJumpFilter": 300, "startOnBoot": true, "stationaryRadius": 25, "stopAfterElapsedMinutes": 0, "stopOnStationary": false, "stopOnTerminate": false, "stopTimeout": 1, "triggerActivities": "in_vehicle, on_bicycle, on_foot, running, walking", "url": "", "useSignificantChangesOnly": false, "enabled": true, "schedulerEnabled": false, "trackingMode": 1, "odometer": 1863.060791015625, "isFirstBoot": false, "didLaunchInBackground": false, "didDeviceReboot": false } 06-25 11:57:10.673 INFO [LoggerFacade$a a] ╔═════════════════════════════════════════════ ║ DEVICE SENSORS ╠═════════════════════════════════════════════ ╟─ ✅ ACCELEROMETER: {Sensor name="lsm6dso Accelerometer Non-wakeup", vendor="STMicro", version=142889, type=1, maxRange=156.9064, resolution=0.0047856453, power=0.17, minDelay=5000} ╟─ ✅ GYROSCOPE: {Sensor name="lsm6dso Gyroscope Non-wakeup", vendor="STMicro", version=142889, type=4, maxRange=34.906036, resolution=0.0012217296, power=0.55, minDelay=5000} ╟─ ✅ MAGNETOMETER: {Sensor name="mmc5603x Magnetometer Non-wakeup", vendor="memsic", version=10220072, type=2, maxRange=3000.0288, resolution=0.0976, power=1.0, minDelay=10000} ╟─ ✅ SIGNIFICANT_MOTION: {Sensor name="sns_smd Wakeup", vendor="qualcomm", version=1, type=17, maxRange=1.0, resolution=1.0, power=0.025, minDelay=-1} ╚═════════════════════════════════════════════ 06-25 11:57:10.678 DEBUG [HttpService startMonitoringConnectivityChanges] 🎾 Start monitoring connectivity changes 06-25 11:57:10.678 DEBUG [TSSQLiteAppender$c run] ℹ️ Cleared logs older than 72 hours 06-25 11:57:10.686 DEBUG [LifecycleManager b] ╔═════════════════════════════════════════════ ║ ☯️ HeadlessMode? true ╠═════════════════════════════════════════════ 06-25 11:57:10.694 INFO [TSProviderManager startMonitoring] 🎾 Start monitoring location-provider changes 06-25 11:57:10.695 DEBUG [HttpService a] ╔═════════════════════════════════════════════ ║ 📶 Connectivity change: connected? true ╠═════════════════════════════════════════════ 06-25 11:57:10.696 DEBUG [HeadlessTask onHeadlessEvent] 💀 event: connectivitychange 06-25 11:57:10.702 DEBUG [HeadlessTask onHeadlessEvent] 💀 event: providerchange 06-25 11:57:10.703 INFO [TSGeofenceManager start] 🎾 Start monitoring geofences 06-25 11:57:10.704 DEBUG [HeadlessTask onHeadlessEvent] 💀 event: terminate 06-25 11:57:10.711 DEBUG [SQLiteLocationDAO prune] ℹ️ PRUNE -1 days 06-25 11:57:10.749 DEBUG [TSGeofenceManager startMonitoringStationaryRegion] 🎾 Start monitoring stationary region (radius: 150.0m -23.5350968,-46.557819 hAcc=20.0) 06-25 11:57:13.177 DEBUG [HttpService a] ╔═════════════════════════════════════════════ ║ 📶 Connectivity change: connected? false ╠═════════════════════════════════════════════ 06-25 11:57:13.182 DEBUG [HeadlessTask onHeadlessEvent] 💀 event: connectivitychange 06-25 11:57:15.844 DEBUG [HeadlessTask$2 onHeadlessJsTaskStart] taskId: 1 06-25 11:57:15.845 DEBUG [HeadlessTask$2 onHeadlessJsTaskStart] taskId: 2 06-25 11:57:15.846 DEBUG [HeadlessTask$2 onHeadlessJsTaskStart] taskId: 3 06-25 11:57:15.846 DEBUG [HeadlessTask$2 onHeadlessJsTaskStart] taskId: 4 06-25 11:57:15.886 DEBUG [HeadlessTask$2 onHeadlessJsTaskFinish] taskId: 1 06-25 11:57:15.887 DEBUG [HeadlessTask$2 onHeadlessJsTaskFinish] taskId: 2 06-25 11:57:15.888 DEBUG [HeadlessTask$2 onHeadlessJsTaskFinish] taskId: 3 06-25 11:57:15.888 DEBUG [HeadlessTask$2 onHeadlessJsTaskFinish] taskId: 4 06-25 11:58:28.365 DEBUG [AbstractService a] 🎾 start [ActivityRecognitionService startId: 1, eventCount: 1] 06-25 11:58:28.367 DEBUG [ActivityRecognitionService a] *** wasMoving: false, nowMoving: true, startedMoving: true, justStopped; false 06-25 11:58:28.367 DEBUG [HeadlessTask onHeadlessEvent] 💀 event: activitychange 06-25 11:58:28.369 DEBUG [HeadlessTask$2 onHeadlessJsTaskStart] taskId: 5 06-25 11:58:28.369 DEBUG [HeadlessTask$2 onHeadlessJsTaskFinish] taskId: 5 06-25 11:58:28.373 DEBUG [TSConfig e] ℹ️ Persist config, dirty: [isMoving] 06-25 11:58:28.374 INFO [HeartbeatService stop] 🔴 Stop heartbeat 06-25 11:58:28.378 DEBUG [TSGeofenceManager stopMonitoringStationaryRegion] 🔴 Stop monitoring stationary region 06-25 11:58:28.385 INFO [TrackingService changePace] 🔵 setPace: false → true 06-25 11:58:28.385 INFO [ActivityRecognitionService a] ╔═════════════════════════════════════════════ ║ Motion Transition Result ╠═════════════════════════════════════════════ ╟─ 🔴 EXIT: still ╟─ 🎾 ENTER: in_vehicle ╚═════════════════════════════════════════════ 06-25 11:58:28.385 DEBUG [AbstractService a] ⚙️︎ FINISH [ActivityRecognitionService startId: 1, eventCount: 0, sticky: false] 06-25 11:58:28.394 DEBUG [AbstractService a] 🎾 motionchange [TrackingService startId: 1, eventCount: 1] 06-25 11:58:28.395 INFO [TrackingService k] ╔═════════════════════════════════════════════ ║ TrackingService motionchange: true ╠═════════════════════════════════════════════ 06-25 11:58:28.395 DEBUG [AbstractService a] ⚙️︎ FINISH [TrackingService startId: 1, eventCount: 0, sticky: true] 06-25 11:58:28.398 INFO [TSLocationManager a] ╔═════════════════════════════════════════════ ║ motionchange LocationResult: 1 (72447ms old) ╠═════════════════════════════════════════════ ╟─ 📍 Location[fused -23.535097,-46.557819 hAcc=66.2112 et=+3d23h42m42s248ms alt=352.20001220703125 vAcc=13.209078], time: 1719327435951 06-25 11:58:28.443 DEBUG [TSLocationManager a] Median accuracy: 66.2112 06-25 11:58:28.450 DEBUG [HeadlessTask onHeadlessEvent] 💀 event: location 06-25 11:58:28.451 DEBUG [HeadlessTask$2 onHeadlessJsTaskStart] taskId: 6 06-25 11:58:28.451 DEBUG [LocationAuthorization withPermission] ℹ️ LocationAuthorization: Permission granted 06-25 11:58:28.457 DEBUG [HeadlessTask$2 onHeadlessJsTaskFinish] taskId: 6 06-25 11:58:28.462 DEBUG [AbstractService a] 🎾 start [LocationRequestService startId: 1, eventCount: 1] 06-25 11:58:28.462 INFO [SingleLocationRequest startUpdatingLocation] 🔵 [SingleLocationRequest start, action: 1, requestId: 1] 06-25 11:58:28.463 DEBUG [AbstractService a] ⚙️︎ FINISH [LocationRequestService startId: 1, eventCount: 0, sticky: true] 06-25 11:58:28.591 DEBUG [AbstractService f] ⚙️︎ ActivityRecognitionService.stopSelfResult(1): true 06-25 11:58:28.592 DEBUG [AbstractService onDestroy] 🔴 ActivityRecognitionService stopped 06-25 11:58:29.122 DEBUG [HttpService a] ╔═════════════════════════════════════════════ ║ 📶 Connectivity change: connected? false ╠═════════════════════════════════════════════ 06-25 11:58:29.123 DEBUG [HeadlessTask onHeadlessEvent] 💀 event: connectivitychange 06-25 11:58:29.124 DEBUG [HeadlessTask$2 onHeadlessJsTaskStart] taskId: 7 06-25 11:58:29.125 DEBUG [HeadlessTask$2 onHeadlessJsTaskFinish] taskId: 7 06-25 11:58:29.244 DEBUG [HttpService a] ╔═════════════════════════════════════════════ ║ 📶 Connectivity change: connected? true ╠═════════════════════════════════════════════ 06-25 11:58:29.244 DEBUG [HeadlessTask onHeadlessEvent] 💀 event: connectivitychange 06-25 11:58:29.245 DEBUG [HeadlessTask$2 onHeadlessJsTaskStart] taskId: 8 06-25 11:58:29.246 DEBUG [HeadlessTask$2 onHeadlessJsTaskFinish] taskId: 8 06-25 11:58:32.315 DEBUG [AbstractService a] 🎾 1:1 [LocationRequestService startId: 2, eventCount: 1] 06-25 11:58:32.316 INFO [TSLocationManager a] ╔═════════════════════════════════════════════ ║ motionchange LocationResult: 1 (58ms old) ╠═════════════════════════════════════════════ ╟─ 📍 Location[fused -23.536109,-46.557613 hAcc=15.479 et=+3d23h43m58s556ms alt=352.20001220703125 vAcc=2.7494397 vel=7.1407404 sAcc=3.977449 bear=144.71048 bAcc=22.215227], time: 1719327512259 06-25 11:58:32.318 INFO [TSLocationManager onSingleLocationResult] 🔵 Acquired motionchange position, isMoving: true 06-25 11:58:32.319 DEBUG [TSLocationManager a] Median accuracy: 40.8451 06-25 11:58:32.327 DEBUG [AbstractService b] 🎾 STOP [LocationRequestService startId: 3, eventCount: 2] 06-25 11:58:32.328 DEBUG [AbstractService a] ⚙️︎ FINISH [LocationRequestService startId: 3, eventCount: 1, sticky: false] 06-25 11:58:32.331 DEBUG [HeadlessTask onHeadlessEvent] 💀 event: location 06-25 11:58:32.332 DEBUG [HeadlessTask$2 onHeadlessJsTaskStart] taskId: 9 06-25 11:58:32.333 DEBUG [HeadlessTask onHeadlessEvent] 💀 event: motionchange 06-25 11:58:32.334 DEBUG [HeadlessTask$2 onHeadlessJsTaskStart] taskId: 10 06-25 11:58:32.335 DEBUG [HeadlessTask$2 onHeadlessJsTaskFinish] taskId: 10 06-25 11:58:32.352 INFO [TSLocationManager requestLocationUpdates] 🎾 Location-services: ON 06-25 11:58:32.354 DEBUG [TSConfig translateDesiredAccuracy] translateDesiredAccuracy (true): -1 06-25 11:58:32.356 INFO [ActivityRecognitionService start] 🎾 Start motion-activity updates 06-25 11:58:32.357 DEBUG [AbstractService a] ⚙️︎ FINISH [LocationRequestService startId: 2, eventCount: 0, sticky: false] 06-25 11:58:32.357 INFO [SQLiteLocationDAO persist] ✅ INSERT: a8b18c9c-8e84-4867-ad30-ba44baf2353f 06-25 11:58:32.369 DEBUG [AbstractService a] 🎾 start [TrackingService startId: 2, eventCount: 1] 06-25 11:58:32.370 DEBUG [TrackingService c] ╔═════════════════════════════════════════════ ║ TrackingService: LocationResult ╠═════════════════════════════════════════════ ╟─ 📍 Location[fused -23.536109,-46.557613 hAcc=15.479 et=+3d23h43m58s556ms alt=352.20001220703125 vAcc=2.7494397 vel=7.1407404 sAcc=3.977449 bear=144.71048 bAcc=22.215227] ╟─ Age: 111ms, time: 1719327512259 06-25 11:58:32.370 DEBUG [AbstractService a] ⚙️︎ FINISH [TrackingService startId: 2, eventCount: 0, sticky: true] 06-25 11:58:32.370 DEBUG [TSLocationManager onLocationResult] ╔═════════════════════════════════════════════ ║ Process LocationResult ╠═════════════════════════════════════════════ 06-25 11:58:32.370 INFO [TSLocationManager onLocationResult] 🔵 Re-scaled distanceFilter: 100.0->200.0) 06-25 11:58:32.371 DEBUG [TSLocationManager onLocationResult] ℹ️ IGNORED: same as last location 06-25 11:58:32.393 DEBUG [AbstractService a] 🎾 start [TrackingService startId: 3, eventCount: 1] 06-25 11:58:32.394 DEBUG [TrackingService c] ╔═════════════════════════════════════════════ ║ TrackingService: LocationResult ╠═════════════════════════════════════════════ ╟─ 📍 Location[fused -23.536109,-46.557613 hAcc=15.479 et=+3d23h43m58s556ms alt=352.20001220703125 vAcc=2.7494397 vel=7.1407404 sAcc=3.977449 bear=144.71048 bAcc=22.215227] ╟─ Age: 135ms, time: 1719327512259 06-25 11:58:32.394 DEBUG [TSLocationManager onLocationResult] ╔═════════════════════════════════════════════ ║ Process LocationResult ╠═════════════════════════════════════════════ 06-25 11:58:32.395 DEBUG [TSLocationManager onLocationResult] ℹ️ IGNORED: same as last location 06-25 11:58:32.395 INFO [TSScheduleManager oneShot] ⏰ Scheduled OneShot: MOTION_ACTIVITY_CHECK in 60000ms (jobID: -18513055) 06-25 11:58:32.397 DEBUG [AbstractService a] ⚙️︎ FINISH [TrackingService startId: 3, eventCount: 0, sticky: true] 06-25 11:58:32.560 DEBUG [AbstractService f] ⚙️︎ LocationRequestService.stopSelfResult(3): true 06-25 11:58:32.561 DEBUG [AbstractService onDestroy] 🔴 LocationRequestService stopped 06-25 11:58:32.688 DEBUG [HeadlessTask$2 onHeadlessJsTaskFinish] taskId: 9 06-25 11:58:37.428 DEBUG [AbstractService a] 🎾 start [ActivityRecognitionService startId: 1, eventCount: 1] 06-25 11:58:37.429 DEBUG [ActivityRecognitionService a] 🚘 ️DetectedActivity [type=IN_VEHICLE, confidence=97] 06-25 11:58:37.432 DEBUG [AbstractService a] ⚙️︎ FINISH [ActivityRecognitionService startId: 1, eventCount: 0, sticky: false] 06-25 11:58:37.461 DEBUG [AbstractService a] 🎾 start [ActivityRecognitionService startId: 2, eventCount: 1] 06-25 11:58:37.461 DEBUG [ActivityRecognitionService a] *** wasMoving: true, nowMoving: true, startedMoving: false, justStopped; false 06-25 11:58:37.462 INFO [ActivityRecognitionService a] ╔═════════════════════════════════════════════ ║ Motion Transition Result ╠═════════════════════════════════════════════ ╟─ 🎾 ENTER: in_vehicle ╚═════════════════════════════════════════════ 06-25 11:58:37.462 DEBUG [HeadlessTask onHeadlessEvent] 💀 event: activitychange 06-25 11:58:37.462 DEBUG [AbstractService a] ⚙️︎ FINISH [ActivityRecognitionService startId: 2, eventCount: 0, sticky: false] 06-25 11:58:37.462 DEBUG [HeadlessTask$2 onHeadlessJsTaskStart] taskId: 11 06-25 11:58:37.463 DEBUG [HeadlessTask$2 onHeadlessJsTaskFinish] taskId: 11 06-25 11:58:37.665 DEBUG [AbstractService f] ⚙️︎ ActivityRecognitionService.stopSelfResult(2): true 06-25 11:58:37.665 DEBUG [AbstractService onDestroy] 🔴 ActivityRecognitionService stopped 06-25 11:59:05.562 DEBUG [AbstractService a] 🎾 start [TrackingService startId: 4, eventCount: 1] 06-25 11:59:05.564 DEBUG [TrackingService c] ╔═════════════════════════════════════════════ ║ TrackingService: LocationResult ╠═════════════════════════════════════════════ ╟─ 📍 Location[fused -23.535197,-46.555875 hAcc=3.9 et=+3d23h44m31s803ms alt=738.4000244140625 vAcc=11.832227 vel=13.5529 sAcc=0.8021222 bear=51.000004 bAcc=3.127722] ╟─ Age: 57ms, time: 1719327545505 06-25 11:59:05.564 DEBUG [TSLocationManager onLocationResult] ╔═════════════════════════════════════════════ ║ Process LocationResult ╠═════════════════════════════════════════════ 06-25 11:59:05.565 INFO [TSLocationManager onLocationResult] 🔵 Re-scaled distanceFilter: 200.0->400.0) 06-25 11:59:05.566 INFO [TSScheduleManager cancelOneShot] ⏰ Cancel OneShot: MOTION_ACTIVITY_CHECK 06-25 11:59:05.567 DEBUG [TSLocationManager d] Distance from last location: 204.16962, apparent speed: 6.1409936 06-25 11:59:05.567 DEBUG [TSLocationManager a] Median accuracy: 15.479 06-25 11:59:05.568 DEBUG [TSLocationManager c] Odometer: 2067.2305 06-25 11:59:05.568 INFO [TSScheduleManager oneShot] ⏰ Scheduled OneShot: MOTION_ACTIVITY_CHECK in 93247ms (jobID: -18513055) 06-25 11:59:05.579 DEBUG [AbstractService a] ⚙️︎ FINISH [TrackingService startId: 4, eventCount: 0, sticky: true] 06-25 11:59:05.582 DEBUG [HeadlessTask onHeadlessEvent] 💀 event: location 06-25 11:59:05.584 DEBUG [HeadlessTask$2 onHeadlessJsTaskStart] taskId: 12 06-25 11:59:05.593 DEBUG [HeadlessTask$2 onHeadlessJsTaskFinish] taskId: 12 06-25 11:59:05.622 INFO [SQLiteLocationDAO persist] ✅ INSERT: 984fc7a2-7f1a-46ec-84a0-045b7893936e 06-25 11:59:05.625 DEBUG [AbstractService a] 🎾 start [TrackingService startId: 5, eventCount: 1] 06-25 11:59:05.626 DEBUG [TrackingService c] ╔═════════════════════════════════════════════ ║ TrackingService: LocationResult ╠═════════════════════════════════════════════ ╟─ 📍 Location[fused -23.535197,-46.555875 hAcc=3.9 et=+3d23h44m31s803ms alt=738.4000244140625 vAcc=11.832227 vel=13.5529 sAcc=0.8021222 bear=51.000004 bAcc=3.127722] ╟─ Age: 120ms, time: 1719327545505 06-25 11:59:05.626 DEBUG [TSLocationManager onLocationResult] ╔═════════════════════════════════════════════ ║ Process LocationResult ╠═════════════════════════════════════════════ 06-25 11:59:05.626 DEBUG [TSLocationManager onLocationResult] ℹ️ IGNORED: same as last location 06-25 11:59:05.627 INFO [TSScheduleManager cancelOneShot] ⏰ Cancel OneShot: MOTION_ACTIVITY_CHECK 06-25 11:59:05.628 INFO [TSScheduleManager oneShot] ⏰ Scheduled OneShot: MOTION_ACTIVITY_CHECK in 60000ms (jobID: -18513055) 06-25 11:59:05.629 DEBUG [AbstractService a] ⚙️︎ FINISH [TrackingService startId: 5, eventCount: 0, sticky: true] 06-25 11:59:52.577 DEBUG [AbstractService a] 🎾 start [TrackingService startId: 6, eventCount: 1] 06-25 11:59:52.578 DEBUG [TrackingService c] ╔═════════════════════════════════════════════ ║ TrackingService: LocationResult ╠═════════════════════════════════════════════ ╟─ 📍 Location[fused -23.532106,-46.553806 hAcc=3.9 et=+3d23h45m18s802ms alt=730.5000610351562 vAcc=11.502206 vel=3.2448573 sAcc=0.8060397 bear=1.0103741 bAcc=11.374085] ╟─ Age: 73ms, time: 1719327592505 06-25 11:59:52.579 DEBUG [TSLocationManager onLocationResult] ╔═════════════════════════════════════════════ ║ Process LocationResult ╠═════════════════════════════════════════════ 06-25 11:59:52.579 INFO [TSLocationManager onLocationResult] 🔵 Re-scaled distanceFilter: 400.0->200.0) 06-25 11:59:52.580 DEBUG [TSLocationManager d] Distance from last location: 402.2641, apparent speed: 8.559175 06-25 11:59:52.581 DEBUG [TSLocationManager a] Median accuracy: 9.6895 06-25 11:59:52.581 DEBUG [TSLocationManager c] Odometer: 2469.4946 06-25 11:59:52.588 INFO [TSScheduleManager cancelOneShot] ⏰ Cancel OneShot: MOTION_ACTIVITY_CHECK 06-25 11:59:52.592 INFO [TSScheduleManager oneShot] ⏰ Scheduled OneShot: MOTION_ACTIVITY_CHECK in 106998ms (jobID: -18513055) 06-25 11:59:52.594 DEBUG [AbstractService a] ⚙️︎ FINISH [TrackingService startId: 6, eventCount: 0, sticky: true] 06-25 11:59:52.597 DEBUG [HeadlessTask onHeadlessEvent] 💀 event: location 06-25 11:59:52.598 DEBUG [HeadlessTask$2 onHeadlessJsTaskStart] taskId: 13 06-25 11:59:52.640 INFO [SQLiteLocationDAO persist] ✅ INSERT: 0766bd48-de96-4d4c-9681-124ee98a2a93 06-25 11:59:52.654 DEBUG [AbstractService a] 🎾 start [TrackingService startId: 7, eventCount: 1] 06-25 11:59:52.655 DEBUG [TrackingService c] ╔═════════════════════════════════════════════ ║ TrackingService: LocationResult ╠═════════════════════════════════════════════ ╟─ 📍 Location[fused -23.532106,-46.553806 hAcc=3.9 et=+3d23h45m18s802ms alt=730.5000610351562 vAcc=11.502206 vel=3.2448573 sAcc=0.8060397 bear=1.0103741 bAcc=11.374085] ╟─ Age: 150ms, time: 1719327592505 06-25 11:59:52.658 DEBUG [TSLocationManager onLocationResult] ╔═════════════════════════════════════════════ ║ Process LocationResult ╠═════════════════════════════════════════════ 06-25 11:59:52.658 DEBUG [TSLocationManager onLocationResult] ℹ️ IGNORED: same as last location 06-25 11:59:52.658 INFO [TSScheduleManager cancelOneShot] ⏰ Cancel OneShot: MOTION_ACTIVITY_CHECK 06-25 11:59:52.663 INFO [TSScheduleManager oneShot] ⏰ Scheduled OneShot: MOTION_ACTIVITY_CHECK in 60000ms (jobID: -18513055) 06-25 11:59:52.676 DEBUG [AbstractService a] ⚙️︎ FINISH [TrackingService startId: 7, eventCount: 0, sticky: true] 06-25 11:59:52.738 DEBUG [HeadlessTask$2 onHeadlessJsTaskFinish] taskId: 13 06-25 12:00:52.679 INFO [ScheduleEvent a] ╔═════════════════════════════════════════════ ║ ⏰ OneShot event fired: MOTION_ACTIVITY_CHECK ╠═════════════════════════════════════════════ 06-25 12:00:52.680 INFO [ActivityRecognitionService start] 🎾 Start motion-activity updates 06-25 12:00:57.092 DEBUG [AbstractService a] 🎾 start [ActivityRecognitionService startId: 1, eventCount: 1] 06-25 12:00:57.094 DEBUG [ActivityRecognitionService a] 🚘 ️DetectedActivity [type=STILL, confidence=100] 06-25 12:00:57.095 DEBUG [AbstractService a] ⚙️︎ FINISH [ActivityRecognitionService startId: 1, eventCount: 0, sticky: false] 06-25 12:00:57.124 DEBUG [AbstractService a] 🎾 start [ActivityRecognitionService startId: 2, eventCount: 1] 06-25 12:00:57.125 DEBUG [ActivityRecognitionService a] *** wasMoving: true, nowMoving: true, startedMoving: false, justStopped; false 06-25 12:00:57.125 DEBUG [HeadlessTask onHeadlessEvent] 💀 event: activitychange 06-25 12:00:57.125 INFO [ActivityRecognitionService a] ╔═════════════════════════════════════════════ ║ Motion Transition Result ╠═════════════════════════════════════════════ ╟─ 🎾 ENTER: in_vehicle ╚═════════════════════════════════════════════ 06-25 12:00:57.125 DEBUG [AbstractService a] ⚙️︎ FINISH [ActivityRecognitionService startId: 2, eventCount: 0, sticky: false] 06-25 12:00:57.125 DEBUG [HeadlessTask$2 onHeadlessJsTaskStart] taskId: 14 06-25 12:00:57.126 DEBUG [HeadlessTask$2 onHeadlessJsTaskFinish] taskId: 14 06-25 12:00:57.329 DEBUG [AbstractService f] ⚙️︎ ActivityRecognitionService.stopSelfResult(2): true 06-25 12:00:57.330 DEBUG [AbstractService onDestroy] 🔴 ActivityRecognitionService stopped 06-25 12:01:30.563 DEBUG [AbstractService a] 🎾 start [TrackingService startId: 8, eventCount: 1] 06-25 12:01:30.565 DEBUG [TrackingService c] ╔═════════════════════════════════════════════ ║ TrackingService: LocationResult ╠═════════════════════════════════════════════ ╟─ 📍 Location[fused -23.530232,-46.553764 hAcc=3.9 et=+3d23h46m56s803ms alt=731.7000122070312 vAcc=9.65607 vel=11.62753 sAcc=0.796304 bear=3.8969803 bAcc=3.6359868] ╟─ Age: 59ms, time: 1719327690506 06-25 12:01:30.565 DEBUG [TSLocationManager onLocationResult] ╔═════════════════════════════════════════════ ║ Process LocationResult ╠═════════════════════════════════════════════ 06-25 12:01:30.566 INFO [TSLocationManager onLocationResult] 🔵 Re-scaled distanceFilter: 200.0->300.0) 06-25 12:01:30.567 INFO [TSScheduleManager oneShot] ⏰ Scheduled OneShot: MOTION_ACTIVITY_CHECK in 158001ms (jobID: -18513055) 06-25 12:01:30.567 DEBUG [TSLocationManager d] Distance from last location: 207.62437, apparent speed: 2.1185944 06-25 12:01:30.568 DEBUG [TSLocationManager a] Median accuracy: 3.9 06-25 12:01:30.568 DEBUG [TSLocationManager c] Odometer: 2677.119 06-25 12:01:30.575 DEBUG [AbstractService a] ⚙️︎ FINISH [TrackingService startId: 8, eventCount: 0, sticky: true] 06-25 12:01:30.578 DEBUG [HeadlessTask onHeadlessEvent] 💀 event: location 06-25 12:01:30.579 DEBUG [HeadlessTask$2 onHeadlessJsTaskStart] taskId: 15 06-25 12:01:30.625 INFO [SQLiteLocationDAO persist] ✅ INSERT: 00b01f40-6fa0-4b49-a3af-398ae361c2b3 06-25 12:01:30.642 DEBUG [AbstractService a] 🎾 start [TrackingService startId: 9, eventCount: 1] 06-25 12:01:30.643 DEBUG [TrackingService c] ╔═════════════════════════════════════════════ ║ TrackingService: LocationResult ╠═════════════════════════════════════════════ ╟─ 📍 Location[fused -23.530232,-46.553764 hAcc=3.9 et=+3d23h46m56s803ms alt=731.7000122070312 vAcc=9.65607 vel=11.62753 sAcc=0.796304 bear=3.8969803 bAcc=3.6359868] ╟─ Age: 137ms, time: 1719327690506 06-25 12:01:30.643 DEBUG [TSLocationManager onLocationResult] ╔═════════════════════════════════════════════ ║ Process LocationResult ╠═════════════════════════════════════════════ 06-25 12:01:30.644 DEBUG [TSLocationManager onLocationResult] ℹ️ IGNORED: same as last location 06-25 12:01:30.644 INFO [TSScheduleManager cancelOneShot] ⏰ Cancel OneShot: MOTION_ACTIVITY_CHECK 06-25 12:01:30.647 INFO [TSScheduleManager oneShot] ⏰ Scheduled OneShot: MOTION_ACTIVITY_CHECK in 60000ms (jobID: -18513055) 06-25 12:01:30.649 DEBUG [AbstractService a] ⚙️︎ FINISH [TrackingService startId: 9, eventCount: 0, sticky: true] 06-25 12:01:30.725 DEBUG [HeadlessTask$2 onHeadlessJsTaskFinish] taskId: 15 06-25 12:02:26.554 DEBUG [AbstractService a] 🎾 start [TrackingService startId: 10, eventCount: 1] 06-25 12:02:26.555 DEBUG [TrackingService c] ╔═════════════════════════════════════════════ ║ TrackingService: LocationResult ╠═════════════════════════════════════════════ ╟─ 📍 Location[fused -23.528120,-46.551773 hAcc=3.9 et=+3d23h47m52s801ms alt=732.0000610351562 vAcc=14.298869 vel=13.716551 sAcc=0.83006024 bear=48.00015 bAcc=3.1666503] ╟─ Age: 50ms, time: 1719327746503 06-25 12:02:26.556 DEBUG [TSLocationManager onLocationResult] ╔═════════════════════════════════════════════ ║ Process LocationResult ╠═════════════════════════════════════════════ 06-25 12:02:26.556 INFO [TSLocationManager onLocationResult] 🔵 Re-scaled distanceFilter: 300.0->400.0) 06-25 12:02:26.557 INFO [TSScheduleManager cancelOneShot] ⏰ Cancel OneShot: MOTION_ACTIVITY_CHECK 06-25 12:02:26.557 DEBUG [TSLocationManager d] Distance from last location: 309.91724, apparent speed: 5.5344343 06-25 12:02:26.558 DEBUG [TSLocationManager a] Median accuracy: 3.9 06-25 12:02:26.558 DEBUG [TSLocationManager c] Odometer: 2987.0361 06-25 12:02:26.559 INFO [TSScheduleManager oneShot] ⏰ Scheduled OneShot: MOTION_ACTIVITY_CHECK in 115998ms (jobID: -18513055) 06-25 12:02:26.567 DEBUG [AbstractService a] ⚙️︎ FINISH [TrackingService startId: 10, eventCount: 0, sticky: true] 06-25 12:02:26.571 DEBUG [HeadlessTask onHeadlessEvent] 💀 event: location 06-25 12:02:26.573 DEBUG [HeadlessTask$2 onHeadlessJsTaskStart] taskId: 16 06-25 12:02:26.586 DEBUG [HeadlessTask$2 onHeadlessJsTaskFinish] taskId: 16 06-25 12:02:26.601 INFO [SQLiteLocationDAO persist] ✅ INSERT: 42fb32bf-478d-4394-9bb0-d89d09221680 06-25 12:02:26.607 DEBUG [AbstractService a] 🎾 start [TrackingService startId: 11, eventCount: 1] 06-25 12:02:26.607 DEBUG [TrackingService c] ╔═════════════════════════════════════════════ ║ TrackingService: LocationResult ╠═════════════════════════════════════════════ ╟─ 📍 Location[fused -23.528120,-46.551773 hAcc=3.9 et=+3d23h47m52s801ms alt=732.0000610351562 vAcc=14.298869 vel=13.716551 sAcc=0.83006024 bear=48.00015 bAcc=3.1666503] ╟─ Age: 103ms, time: 1719327746503 06-25 12:02:26.607 DEBUG [TSLocationManager onLocationResult] ╔═════════════════════════════════════════════ ║ Process LocationResult ╠═════════════════════════════════════════════ 06-25 12:02:26.608 DEBUG [TSLocationManager onLocationResult] ℹ️ IGNORED: same as last location 06-25 12:02:26.608 INFO [TSScheduleManager cancelOneShot] ⏰ Cancel OneShot: MOTION_ACTIVITY_CHECK 06-25 12:02:26.610 INFO [TSScheduleManager oneShot] ⏰ Scheduled OneShot: MOTION_ACTIVITY_CHECK in 60000ms (jobID: -18513055) 06-25 12:02:26.611 DEBUG [AbstractService a] ⚙️︎ FINISH [TrackingService startId: 11, eventCount: 0, sticky: true] 06-25 12:03:26.624 INFO [ScheduleEvent a] ╔═════════════════════════════════════════════ ║ ⏰ OneShot event fired: MOTION_ACTIVITY_CHECK ╠═════════════════════════════════════════════ 06-25 12:03:26.625 INFO [ActivityRecognitionService start] 🎾 Start motion-activity updates 06-25 12:03:31.719 DEBUG [AbstractService a] 🎾 start [ActivityRecognitionService startId: 1, eventCount: 1] 06-25 12:03:31.720 DEBUG [ActivityRecognitionService a] 🚘 ️DetectedActivity [type=IN_VEHICLE, confidence=97] 06-25 12:03:31.721 DEBUG [AbstractService a] ⚙️︎ FINISH [ActivityRecognitionService startId: 1, eventCount: 0, sticky: false] 06-25 12:03:31.747 DEBUG [AbstractService a] 🎾 start [ActivityRecognitionService startId: 2, eventCount: 1] 06-25 12:03:31.748 DEBUG [ActivityRecognitionService a] *** wasMoving: true, nowMoving: true, startedMoving: false, justStopped; false 06-25 12:03:31.748 DEBUG [HeadlessTask onHeadlessEvent] 💀 event: activitychange 06-25 12:03:31.748 INFO [ActivityRecognitionService a] ╔═════════════════════════════════════════════ ║ Motion Transition Result ╠═════════════════════════════════════════════ ╟─ 🎾 ENTER: in_vehicle ╚═════════════════════════════════════════════ 06-25 12:03:31.748 DEBUG [AbstractService a] ⚙️︎ FINISH [ActivityRecognitionService startId: 2, eventCount: 0, sticky: false] 06-25 12:03:31.748 DEBUG [HeadlessTask$2 onHeadlessJsTaskStart] taskId: 17 06-25 12:03:31.749 DEBUG [HeadlessTask$2 onHeadlessJsTaskFinish] taskId: 17 06-25 12:03:31.956 DEBUG [AbstractService f] ⚙️︎ ActivityRecognitionService.stopSelfResult(2): true 06-25 12:03:31.957 DEBUG [AbstractService onDestroy] 🔴 ActivityRecognitionService stopped 06-25 12:03:38.545 DEBUG [AbstractService a] 🎾 start [TrackingService startId: 12, eventCount: 1] 06-25 12:03:38.546 DEBUG [TrackingService c] ╔═════════════════════════════════════════════ ║ TrackingService: LocationResult ╠═════════════════════════════════════════════ ╟─ 📍 Location[fused -23.525743,-46.548805 hAcc=3.9 et=+3d23h49m4s802ms alt=770.6000366210938 vAcc=4.989244 vel=5.541265 sAcc=0.74060786 bear=31.005901 bAcc=5.845935] ╟─ Age: 40ms, time: 1719327818505 06-25 12:03:38.547 DEBUG [TSLocationManager onLocationResult] ╔═════════════════════════════════════════════ ║ Process LocationResult ╠═════════════════════════════════════════════ 06-25 12:03:38.547 INFO [TSLocationManager onLocationResult] 🔵 Re-scaled distanceFilter: 400.0->200.0) 06-25 12:03:38.548 INFO [TSScheduleManager oneShot] ⏰ Scheduled OneShot: MOTION_ACTIVITY_CHECK in 132000ms (jobID: -18513055) 06-25 12:03:38.549 DEBUG [TSLocationManager d] Distance from last location: 401.55588, apparent speed: 5.577165 06-25 12:03:38.549 DEBUG [TSLocationManager a] Median accuracy: 3.9 06-25 12:03:38.549 DEBUG [TSLocationManager c] Odometer: 3388.592 06-25 12:03:38.552 DEBUG [AbstractService a] ⚙️︎ FINISH [TrackingService startId: 12, eventCount: 0, sticky: true] 06-25 12:03:38.557 DEBUG [HeadlessTask onHeadlessEvent] 💀 event: location 06-25 12:03:38.558 DEBUG [HeadlessTask$2 onHeadlessJsTaskStart] taskId: 18 06-25 12:03:38.591 DEBUG [AbstractService a] 🎾 start [TrackingService startId: 13, eventCount: 1] 06-25 12:03:38.591 DEBUG [TrackingService c] ╔═════════════════════════════════════════════ ║ TrackingService: LocationResult ╠═════════════════════════════════════════════ ╟─ 📍 Location[fused -23.525743,-46.548805 hAcc=3.9 et=+3d23h49m4s802ms alt=770.6000366210938 vAcc=4.989244 vel=5.541265 sAcc=0.74060786 bear=31.005901 bAcc=5.845935] ╟─ Age: 86ms, time: 1719327818505 06-25 12:03:38.592 INFO [TSScheduleManager cancelOneShot] ⏰ Cancel OneShot: MOTION_ACTIVITY_CHECK 06-25 12:03:38.593 INFO [TSScheduleManager oneShot] ⏰ Scheduled OneShot: MOTION_ACTIVITY_CHECK in 60000ms (jobID: -18513055) 06-25 12:03:38.595 DEBUG [AbstractService a] ⚙️︎ FINISH [TrackingService startId: 13, eventCount: 0, sticky: true] 06-25 12:03:38.600 DEBUG [TSLocationManager onLocationResult] ╔═════════════════════════════════════════════ ║ Process LocationResult ╠═════════════════════════════════════════════ 06-25 12:03:38.600 DEBUG [TSLocationManager onLocationResult] ℹ️ IGNORED: same as last location 06-25 12:03:38.601 INFO [SQLiteLocationDAO persist] ✅ INSERT: a8b2e992-9ce1-493c-99ad-b4e1fd4151fa 06-25 12:03:38.922 DEBUG [HeadlessTask$2 onHeadlessJsTaskFinish] taskId: 18 06-25 12:04:38.605 INFO [ScheduleEvent a] ╔═════════════════════════════════════════════ ║ ⏰ OneShot event fired: MOTION_ACTIVITY_CHECK ╠═════════════════════════════════════════════ 06-25 12:04:38.607 INFO [ActivityRecognitionService start] 🎾 Start motion-activity updates 06-25 12:04:39.614 DEBUG [AbstractService a] 🎾 start [ActivityRecognitionService startId: 1, eventCount: 1] 06-25 12:04:39.615 DEBUG [ActivityRecognitionService a] 🚘 ️DetectedActivity [type=IN_VEHICLE, confidence=96] 06-25 12:04:39.616 DEBUG [AbstractService a] ⚙️︎ FINISH [ActivityRecognitionService startId: 1, eventCount: 0, sticky: false] 06-25 12:04:39.643 DEBUG [AbstractService a] 🎾 start [ActivityRecognitionService startId: 2, eventCount: 1] 06-25 12:04:39.643 DEBUG [ActivityRecognitionService a] *** wasMoving: true, nowMoving: true, startedMoving: false, justStopped; false 06-25 12:04:39.643 INFO [ActivityRecognitionService a] ╔═════════════════════════════════════════════ ║ Motion Transition Result ╠═════════════════════════════════════════════ ╟─ 🎾 ENTER: in_vehicle ╚═════════════════════════════════════════════ 06-25 12:04:39.643 DEBUG [HeadlessTask onHeadlessEvent] 💀 event: activitychange 06-25 12:04:39.644 DEBUG [AbstractService a] ⚙️︎ FINISH [ActivityRecognitionService startId: 2, eventCount: 0, sticky: false] 06-25 12:04:39.645 DEBUG [HeadlessTask$2 onHeadlessJsTaskStart] taskId: 19 06-25 12:04:39.645 DEBUG [HeadlessTask$2 onHeadlessJsTaskFinish] taskId: 19 06-25 12:04:39.848 DEBUG [AbstractService f] ⚙️︎ ActivityRecognitionService.stopSelfResult(2): true 06-25 12:04:39.849 DEBUG [AbstractService onDestroy] 🔴 ActivityRecognitionService stopped 06-25 12:07:49.549 DEBUG [AbstractService a] 🎾 start [ActivityRecognitionService startId: 1, eventCount: 1] 06-25 12:07:49.550 DEBUG [ActivityRecognitionService a] *** wasMoving: true, nowMoving: true, startedMoving: false, justStopped; false 06-25 12:07:49.550 INFO [ActivityRecognitionService a] ╔═════════════════════════════════════════════ ║ Motion Transition Result ╠═════════════════════════════════════════════ ╟─ 🔴 EXIT: in_vehicle ╟─ 🎾 ENTER: walking ╚═════════════════════════════════════════════ 06-25 12:07:49.550 DEBUG [HeadlessTask onHeadlessEvent] 💀 event: activitychange 06-25 12:07:49.550 DEBUG [AbstractService a] ⚙️︎ FINISH [ActivityRecognitionService startId: 1, eventCount: 0, sticky: false] 06-25 12:07:49.550 DEBUG [HeadlessTask$2 onHeadlessJsTaskStart] taskId: 20 06-25 12:07:49.551 DEBUG [HeadlessTask$2 onHeadlessJsTaskFinish] taskId: 20 06-25 12:07:49.754 DEBUG [AbstractService f] ⚙️︎ ActivityRecognitionService.stopSelfResult(1): true 06-25 12:07:49.755 DEBUG [AbstractService onDestroy] 🔴 ActivityRecognitionService stopped 06-25 12:08:44.932 DEBUG [AbstractService a] 🎾 start [ActivityRecognitionService startId: 1, eventCount: 1] 06-25 12:08:44.933 DEBUG [ActivityRecognitionService a] *** wasMoving: true, nowMoving: false, startedMoving: false, justStopped; true 06-25 12:08:44.936 DEBUG [HeadlessTask onHeadlessEvent] 💀 event: activitychange 06-25 12:08:44.937 DEBUG [HeadlessTask$2 onHeadlessJsTaskStart] taskId: 21 06-25 12:08:44.938 DEBUG [HeadlessTask$2 onHeadlessJsTaskFinish] taskId: 21 06-25 12:08:44.942 INFO [ActivityRecognitionService a] ╔═════════════════════════════════════════════ ║ Motion Transition Result ╠═════════════════════════════════════════════ ╟─ 🔴 EXIT: walking ╟─ 🎾 ENTER: still ╚═════════════════════════════════════════════ 06-25 12:08:44.942 DEBUG [AbstractService a] ⚙️︎ FINISH [ActivityRecognitionService startId: 1, eventCount: 0, sticky: false] 06-25 12:08:44.946 DEBUG [AbstractService a] 🎾 STOP_TIMEOUT [TrackingService startId: 14, eventCount: 1] 06-25 12:08:44.977 INFO [TSScheduleManager oneShot] ⏰ Scheduled OneShot: STOP_TIMEOUT in 60000ms (jobID: 2059034116) 06-25 12:08:44.980 DEBUG [AbstractService a] ⚙️︎ FINISH [TrackingService startId: 14, eventCount: 0, sticky: true] 06-25 12:08:45.148 DEBUG [AbstractService f] ⚙️︎ ActivityRecognitionService.stopSelfResult(1): true 06-25 12:08:45.149 DEBUG [AbstractService onDestroy] 🔴 ActivityRecognitionService stopped 06-25 12:09:15.039 DEBUG [AbstractService a] 🎾 start [ActivityRecognitionService startId: 1, eventCount: 1] 06-25 12:09:15.040 DEBUG [ActivityRecognitionService a] *** wasMoving: true, nowMoving: true, startedMoving: false, justStopped; false 06-25 12:09:15.041 INFO [ActivityRecognitionService a] ╔═════════════════════════════════════════════ ║ Motion Transition Result ╠═════════════════════════════════════════════ ╟─ 🔴 EXIT: still ╟─ 🎾 ENTER: in_vehicle ╚═════════════════════════════════════════════ 06-25 12:09:15.041 DEBUG [AbstractService a] ⚙️︎ FINISH [ActivityRecognitionService startId: 1, eventCount: 0, sticky: false] 06-25 12:09:15.041 DEBUG [HeadlessTask onHeadlessEvent] 💀 event: activitychange 06-25 12:09:15.042 DEBUG [HeadlessTask$2 onHeadlessJsTaskStart] taskId: 22 06-25 12:09:15.044 INFO [TSScheduleManager cancelOneShot] ⏰ Cancel OneShot: STOP_TIMEOUT 06-25 12:09:15.078 DEBUG [HeadlessTask$2 onHeadlessJsTaskFinish] taskId: 22 06-25 12:09:15.245 DEBUG [AbstractService f] ⚙️︎ ActivityRecognitionService.stopSelfResult(1): true 06-25 12:09:15.246 DEBUG [AbstractService onDestroy] 🔴 ActivityRecognitionService stopped 06-25 12:11:26.544 DEBUG [AbstractService a] 🎾 start [TrackingService startId: 15, eventCount: 1] 06-25 12:11:26.546 DEBUG [TrackingService c] ╔═════════════════════════════════════════════ ║ TrackingService: LocationResult ╠═════════════════════════════════════════════ ╟─ 📍 Location[fused -23.527494,-46.549384 hAcc=3.9 et=+3d23h56m52s801ms alt=769.4000244140625 vAcc=3.5789654 vel=9.328817 sAcc=0.7488658 bear=137.0003 bAcc=3.5353425] ╟─ Age: 42ms, time: 1719328286503 06-25 12:11:26.547 DEBUG [TSLocationManager onLocationResult] ╔═════════════════════════════════════════════ ║ Process LocationResult ╠═════════════════════════════════════════════ 06-25 12:11:26.548 INFO [TSLocationManager onLocationResult] 🔵 Re-scaled distanceFilter: 200.0->300.0) 06-25 12:11:26.549 INFO [TSScheduleManager oneShot] ⏰ Scheduled OneShot: MOTION_ACTIVITY_CHECK in 300000ms (jobID: -18513055) 06-25 12:11:26.549 DEBUG [TSLocationManager d] Distance from last location: 202.79674, apparent speed: 0.4333282 06-25 12:11:26.550 DEBUG [TSLocationManager a] Median accuracy: 3.9 06-25 12:11:26.550 DEBUG [TSLocationManager c] Odometer: 3591.3887 06-25 12:11:26.551 DEBUG [AbstractService a] ⚙️︎ FINISH [TrackingService startId: 15, eventCount: 0, sticky: true] 06-25 12:11:26.558 DEBUG [HeadlessTask onHeadlessEvent] 💀 event: location 06-25 12:11:26.559 DEBUG [HeadlessTask$2 onHeadlessJsTaskStart] taskId: 23 06-25 12:11:26.594 DEBUG [AbstractService a] 🎾 start [TrackingService startId: 16, eventCount: 1] 06-25 12:11:26.594 DEBUG [TrackingService c] ╔═════════════════════════════════════════════ ║ TrackingService: LocationResult ╠═════════════════════════════════════════════ ╟─ 📍 Location[fused -23.527494,-46.549384 hAcc=3.9 et=+3d23h56m52s801ms alt=769.4000244140625 vAcc=3.5789654 vel=9.328817 sAcc=0.7488658 bear=137.0003 bAcc=3.5353425] ╟─ Age: 90ms, time: 1719328286503 06-25 12:11:26.595 INFO [TSScheduleManager cancelOneShot] ⏰ Cancel OneShot: MOTION_ACTIVITY_CHECK 06-25 12:11:26.597 DEBUG [TSLocationManager onLocationResult] ╔═════════════════════════════════════════════ ║ Process LocationResult ╠═════════════════════════════════════════════ 06-25 12:11:26.598 DEBUG [TSLocationManager onLocationResult] ℹ️ IGNORED: same as last location 06-25 12:11:26.599 INFO [TSScheduleManager oneShot] ⏰ Scheduled OneShot: MOTION_ACTIVITY_CHECK in 60000ms (jobID: -18513055) 06-25 12:11:26.599 INFO [SQLiteLocationDAO persist] ✅ INSERT: e42190ab-cb6f-4a71-a6b4-7dbebac44ef6 06-25 12:11:26.603 DEBUG [AbstractService a] ⚙️︎ FINISH [TrackingService startId: 16, eventCount: 0, sticky: true] 06-25 12:11:26.987 DEBUG [HeadlessTask$2 onHeadlessJsTaskFinish] taskId: 23 06-25 12:11:49.310 DEBUG [HttpService a] ╔═════════════════════════════════════════════ ║ 📶 Connectivity change: connected? false ╠═════════════════════════════════════════════ 06-25 12:11:49.310 DEBUG [HeadlessTask onHeadlessEvent] 💀 event: connectivitychange 06-25 12:11:49.311 DEBUG [HeadlessTask$2 onHeadlessJsTaskStart] taskId: 24 06-25 12:11:49.312 DEBUG [HeadlessTask$2 onHeadlessJsTaskFinish] taskId: 24 06-25 12:11:52.717 DEBUG [HttpService a] ╔═════════════════════════════════════════════ ║ 📶 Connectivity change: connected? true ╠═════════════════════════════════════════════ 06-25 12:11:52.717 DEBUG [HeadlessTask onHeadlessEvent] 💀 event: connectivitychange 06-25 12:11:52.718 DEBUG [HeadlessTask$2 onHeadlessJsTaskStart] taskId: 25 06-25 12:11:52.719 DEBUG [HeadlessTask$2 onHeadlessJsTaskFinish] taskId: 25 06-25 12:12:26.618 INFO [ScheduleEvent a] ╔═════════════════════════════════════════════ ║ ⏰ OneShot event fired: MOTION_ACTIVITY_CHECK ╠═════════════════════════════════════════════ 06-25 12:12:26.620 INFO [ActivityRecognitionService start] 🎾 Start motion-activity updates 06-25 12:12:30.173 DEBUG [AbstractService a] 🎾 start [TrackingService startId: 17, eventCount: 1] 06-25 12:12:30.174 DEBUG [TrackingService c] ╔═════════════════════════════════════════════ ║ TrackingService: LocationResult ╠═════════════════════════════════════════════ ╟─ 📍 Location[fused -23.529788,-46.551056 hAcc=3.9 et=+3d23h57m55s801ms alt=752.1000366210938 vAcc=5.841904 vel=6.9897766 sAcc=0.74060786 bear=216.00008 bAcc=4.680135] ╟─ Age: 670ms, time: 1719328349503 06-25 12:12:30.175 DEBUG [TSLocationManager onLocationResult] ╔═════════════════════════════════════════════ ║ Process LocationResult ╠═════════════════════════════════════════════ 06-25 12:12:30.175 INFO [TSLocationManager onLocationResult] 🔵 Re-scaled distanceFilter: 300.0->200.0) 06-25 12:12:30.176 DEBUG [TSLocationManager d] Distance from last location: 306.1347, apparent speed: 4.859281 06-25 12:12:30.177 DEBUG [TSLocationManager a] Median accuracy: 3.9 06-25 12:12:30.177 INFO [TSScheduleManager oneShot] ⏰ Scheduled OneShot: MOTION_ACTIVITY_CHECK in 123000ms (jobID: -18513055) 06-25 12:12:30.177 DEBUG [TSLocationManager c] Odometer: 3897.5234 06-25 12:12:30.180 DEBUG [AbstractService a] ⚙️︎ FINISH [TrackingService startId: 17, eventCount: 0, sticky: true] 06-25 12:12:30.185 DEBUG [HeadlessTask onHeadlessEvent] 💀 event: location 06-25 12:12:30.187 DEBUG [HeadlessTask$2 onHeadlessJsTaskStart] taskId: 26 06-25 12:12:30.211 DEBUG [AbstractService a] 🎾 start [TrackingService startId: 18, eventCount: 1] 06-25 12:12:30.212 DEBUG [TrackingService c] ╔═════════════════════════════════════════════ ║ TrackingService: LocationResult ╠═════════════════════════════════════════════ ╟─ 📍 Location[fused -23.529788,-46.551056 hAcc=3.9 et=+3d23h57m55s801ms alt=752.1000366210938 vAcc=5.841904 vel=6.9897766 sAcc=0.74060786 bear=216.00008 bAcc=4.680135] ╟─ Age: 707ms, time: 1719328349503 06-25 12:12:30.213 INFO [TSScheduleManager cancelOneShot] ⏰ Cancel OneShot: MOTION_ACTIVITY_CHECK 06-25 12:12:30.215 INFO [TSScheduleManager oneShot] ⏰ Scheduled OneShot: MOTION_ACTIVITY_CHECK in 60000ms (jobID: -18513055) 06-25 12:12:30.219 DEBUG [AbstractService a] ⚙️︎ FINISH [TrackingService startId: 18, eventCount: 0, sticky: true] 06-25 12:12:30.227 DEBUG [TSLocationManager onLocationResult] ╔═════════════════════════════════════════════ ║ Process LocationResult ╠═════════════════════════════════════════════ 06-25 12:12:30.227 DEBUG [TSLocationManager onLocationResult] ℹ️ IGNORED: same as last location 06-25 12:12:30.227 INFO [SQLiteLocationDAO persist] ✅ INSERT: 68694332-a7c7-4867-8073-9023676a6d83 06-25 12:12:30.707 DEBUG [HeadlessTask$2 onHeadlessJsTaskFinish] taskId: 26 06-25 12:12:31.713 DEBUG [AbstractService a] 🎾 start [ActivityRecognitionService startId: 1, eventCount: 1] 06-25 12:12:31.714 DEBUG [ActivityRecognitionService a] 🚘 ️DetectedActivity [type=IN_VEHICLE, confidence=97] 06-25 12:12:31.717 DEBUG [AbstractService a] ⚙️︎ FINISH [ActivityRecognitionService startId: 1, eventCount: 0, sticky: false] 06-25 12:12:31.749 DEBUG [AbstractService a] 🎾 start [ActivityRecognitionService startId: 2, eventCount: 1] 06-25 12:12:31.750 DEBUG [ActivityRecognitionService a] *** wasMoving: true, nowMoving: true, startedMoving: false, justStopped; false 06-25 12:12:31.750 DEBUG [HeadlessTask onHeadlessEvent] 💀 event: activitychange 06-25 12:12:31.750 INFO [ActivityRecognitionService a] ╔═════════════════════════════════════════════ ║ Motion Transition Result ╠═════════════════════════════════════════════ ╟─ 🎾 ENTER: in_vehicle ╚═════════════════════════════════════════════ 06-25 12:12:31.750 DEBUG [AbstractService a] ⚙️︎ FINISH [ActivityRecognitionService startId: 2, eventCount: 0, sticky: false] 06-25 12:12:31.751 DEBUG [HeadlessTask$2 onHeadlessJsTaskStart] taskId: 27 06-25 12:12:31.751 DEBUG [HeadlessTask$2 onHeadlessJsTaskFinish] taskId: 27 06-25 12:12:31.954 DEBUG [AbstractService f] ⚙️︎ ActivityRecognitionService.stopSelfResult(2): true 06-25 12:12:31.955 DEBUG [AbstractService onDestroy] 🔴 ActivityRecognitionService stopped 06-25 12:12:53.550 DEBUG [AbstractService a] 🎾 start [TrackingService startId: 19, eventCount: 1] 06-25 12:12:53.551 DEBUG [TrackingService c] ╔═════════════════════════════════════════════ ║ TrackingService: LocationResult ╠═════════════════════════════════════════════ ╟─ 📍 Location[fused -23.531241,-46.552249 hAcc=3.9 et=+3d23h58m19s803ms alt=752.1000366210938 vAcc=6.081916 vel=6.942196 sAcc=0.90210867 bear=233.98405 bAcc=5.007053] ╟─ Age: 45ms, time: 1719328373505 06-25 12:12:53.551 DEBUG [TSLocationManager onLocationResult] ╔═════════════════════════════════════════════ ║ Process LocationResult ╠═════════════════════════════════════════════ 06-25 12:12:53.551 DEBUG [TSLocationManager d] Distance from last location: 201.87143, apparent speed: 8.410959 06-25 12:12:53.551 DEBUG [TSLocationManager a] Median accuracy: 3.9 06-25 12:12:53.552 INFO [TSScheduleManager cancelOneShot] ⏰ Cancel OneShot: MOTION_ACTIVITY_CHECK 06-25 12:12:53.552 DEBUG [TSLocationManager c] Odometer: 4099.395 06-25 12:12:53.553 INFO [TSScheduleManager oneShot] ⏰ Scheduled OneShot: MOTION_ACTIVITY_CHECK in 84001ms (jobID: -18513055) 06-25 12:12:53.554 DEBUG [AbstractService a] ⚙️︎ FINISH [TrackingService startId: 19, eventCount: 0, sticky: true] 06-25 12:12:53.558 DEBUG [HeadlessTask onHeadlessEvent] 💀 event: location 06-25 12:12:53.559 DEBUG [HeadlessTask$2 onHeadlessJsTaskStart] taskId: 28 06-25 12:12:53.567 DEBUG [HeadlessTask$2 onHeadlessJsTaskFinish] taskId: 28 06-25 12:12:53.578 INFO [SQLiteLocationDAO persist] ✅ INSERT: 54c53063-01a0-4920-b717-66a57e6fb650 06-25 12:13:58.549 DEBUG [AbstractService a] 🎾 start [TrackingService startId: 20, eventCount: 1] 06-25 12:13:58.551 DEBUG [TrackingService c] ╔═════════════════════════════════════════════ ║ TrackingService: LocationResult ╠═════════════════════════════════════════════ ╟─ 📍 Location[fused -23.531825,-46.554173 hAcc=3.9 et=+3d23h59m24s801ms alt=731.7000122070312 vAcc=10.722726 vel=9.696437 sAcc=0.90686274 bear=232.8986 bAcc=3.6935747] ╟─ Age: 47ms, time: 1719328438503 06-25 12:13:58.552 DEBUG [TSLocationManager onLocationResult] ╔═════════════════════════════════════════════ ║ Process LocationResult ╠═════════════════════════════════════════════ 06-25 12:13:58.552 INFO [TSLocationManager onLocationResult] 🔵 Re-scaled distanceFilter: 200.0->300.0) 06-25 12:13:58.553 INFO [TSScheduleManager cancelOneShot] ⏰ Cancel OneShot: MOTION_ACTIVITY_CHECK 06-25 12:13:58.554 DEBUG [TSLocationManager d] Distance from last location: 206.79506, apparent speed: 3.1815605 06-25 12:13:58.554 DEBUG [TSLocationManager a] Median accuracy: 3.9 06-25 12:13:58.555 DEBUG [TSLocationManager c] Odometer: 4306.19 06-25 12:13:58.557 INFO [TSScheduleManager oneShot] ⏰ Scheduled OneShot: MOTION_ACTIVITY_CHECK in 124998ms (jobID: -18513055) 06-25 12:13:58.558 DEBUG [AbstractService a] ⚙️︎ FINISH [TrackingService startId: 20, eventCount: 0, sticky: true] 06-25 12:13:58.564 DEBUG [HeadlessTask onHeadlessEvent] 💀 event: location 06-25 12:13:58.565 DEBUG [HeadlessTask$2 onHeadlessJsTaskStart] taskId: 29 06-25 12:13:58.596 INFO [SQLiteLocationDAO persist] ✅ INSERT: acb152ea-71ea-46c9-a33d-f06db07f4f0c 06-25 12:13:58.604 DEBUG [AbstractService a] 🎾 start [TrackingService startId: 21, eventCount: 1] 06-25 12:13:58.605 DEBUG [TrackingService c] ╔═════════════════════════════════════════════ ║ TrackingService: LocationResult ╠═════════════════════════════════════════════ ╟─ 📍 Location[fused -23.531825,-46.554173 hAcc=3.9 et=+3d23h59m24s801ms alt=731.7000122070312 vAcc=10.722726 vel=9.696437 sAcc=0.90686274 bear=232.8986 bAcc=3.6935747] ╟─ Age: 101ms, time: 1719328438503 06-25 12:13:58.605 DEBUG [TSLocationManager onLocationResult] ╔═════════════════════════════════════════════ ║ Process LocationResult ╠═════════════════════════════════════════════ 06-25 12:13:58.605 DEBUG [TSLocationManager onLocationResult] ℹ️ IGNORED: same as last location 06-25 12:13:58.606 INFO [TSScheduleManager cancelOneShot] ⏰ Cancel OneShot: MOTION_ACTIVITY_CHECK 06-25 12:13:58.608 INFO [TSScheduleManager oneShot] ⏰ Scheduled OneShot: MOTION_ACTIVITY_CHECK in 60000ms (jobID: -18513055) 06-25 12:13:58.609 DEBUG [AbstractService a] ⚙️︎ FINISH [TrackingService startId: 21, eventCount: 0, sticky: true] 06-25 12:13:58.675 DEBUG [HeadlessTask$2 onHeadlessJsTaskFinish] taskId: 29 06-25 12:14:35.551 DEBUG [AbstractService a] 🎾 start [TrackingService startId: 22, eventCount: 1] 06-25 12:14:35.552 DEBUG [TrackingService c] ╔═════════════════════════════════════════════ ║ TrackingService: LocationResult ╠═════════════════════════════════════════════ ╟─ 📍 Location[fused -23.534450,-46.554911 hAcc=3.9 et=+4d0h0m1s801ms alt=731.7000122070312 vAcc=11.092724 vel=13.090804 sAcc=0.7545197 bear=230.00905 bAcc=3.1009998] ╟─ Age: 48ms, time: 1719328475503 06-25 12:14:35.553 DEBUG [TSLocationManager onLocationResult] ╔═════════════════════════════════════════════ ║ Process LocationResult ╠═════════════════════════════════════════════ 06-25 12:14:35.554 INFO [TSLocationManager onLocationResult] 🔵 Re-scaled distanceFilter: 300.0->400.0) 06-25 12:14:35.554 INFO [TSScheduleManager cancelOneShot] ⏰ Cancel OneShot: MOTION_ACTIVITY_CHECK 06-25 12:14:35.555 DEBUG [TSLocationManager d] Distance from last location: 300.3642, apparent speed: 8.118171 06-25 12:14:35.556 DEBUG [TSLocationManager a] Median accuracy: 3.9 06-25 12:14:35.556 DEBUG [TSLocationManager c] Odometer: 4606.554 06-25 12:14:35.558 INFO [TSScheduleManager oneShot] ⏰ Scheduled OneShot: MOTION_ACTIVITY_CHECK in 96999ms (jobID: -18513055) 06-25 12:14:35.568 DEBUG [AbstractService a] ⚙️︎ FINISH [TrackingService startId: 22, eventCount: 0, sticky: true] 06-25 12:14:35.577 DEBUG [HeadlessTask onHeadlessEvent] 💀 event: location 06-25 12:14:35.578 DEBUG [HeadlessTask$2 onHeadlessJsTaskStart] taskId: 30 06-25 12:14:35.588 DEBUG [HeadlessTask$2 onHeadlessJsTaskFinish] taskId: 30 06-25 12:14:35.605 INFO [SQLiteLocationDAO persist] ✅ INSERT: 13ad297e-3b21-4763-82cf-633725f84299 06-25 12:14:35.610 DEBUG [AbstractService a] 🎾 start [TrackingService startId: 23, eventCount: 1] 06-25 12:14:35.610 DEBUG [TrackingService c] ╔═════════════════════════════════════════════ ║ TrackingService: LocationResult ╠═════════════════════════════════════════════ ╟─ 📍 Location[fused -23.534450,-46.554911 hAcc=3.9 et=+4d0h0m1s801ms alt=731.7000122070312 vAcc=11.092724 vel=13.090804 sAcc=0.7545197 bear=230.00905 bAcc=3.1009998] ╟─ Age: 106ms, time: 1719328475503 06-25 12:14:35.610 DEBUG [TSLocationManager onLocationResult] ╔═════════════════════════════════════════════ ║ Process LocationResult ╠═════════════════════════════════════════════ 06-25 12:14:35.611 DEBUG [TSLocationManager onLocationResult] ℹ️ IGNORED: same as last location 06-25 12:14:35.611 INFO [TSScheduleManager cancelOneShot] ⏰ Cancel OneShot: MOTION_ACTIVITY_CHECK 06-25 12:14:35.612 INFO [TSScheduleManager oneShot] ⏰ Scheduled OneShot: MOTION_ACTIVITY_CHECK in 60000ms (jobID: -18513055) 06-25 12:14:35.614 DEBUG [AbstractService a] ⚙️︎ FINISH [TrackingService startId: 23, eventCount: 0, sticky: true] 06-25 12:15:35.627 INFO [ScheduleEvent a] ╔═════════════════════════════════════════════ ║ ⏰ OneShot event fired: MOTION_ACTIVITY_CHECK ╠═════════════════════════════════════════════ 06-25 12:15:35.628 INFO [ActivityRecognitionService start] 🎾 Start motion-activity updates 06-25 12:15:40.725 DEBUG [AbstractService a] 🎾 start [ActivityRecognitionService startId: 1, eventCount: 1] 06-25 12:15:40.726 DEBUG [ActivityRecognitionService a] 🚘 ️DetectedActivity [type=IN_VEHICLE, confidence=97] 06-25 12:15:40.727 DEBUG [AbstractService a] ⚙️︎ FINISH [ActivityRecognitionService startId: 1, eventCount: 0, sticky: false] 06-25 12:15:40.756 DEBUG [AbstractService a] 🎾 start [ActivityRecognitionService startId: 2, eventCount: 1] 06-25 12:15:40.757 DEBUG [ActivityRecognitionService a] *** wasMoving: true, nowMoving: true, startedMoving: false, justStopped; false 06-25 12:15:40.757 DEBUG [HeadlessTask onHeadlessEvent] 💀 event: activitychange 06-25 12:15:40.757 INFO [ActivityRecognitionService a] ╔═════════════════════════════════════════════ ║ Motion Transition Result ╠═════════════════════════════════════════════ ╟─ 🎾 ENTER: in_vehicle ╚═════════════════════════════════════════════ 06-25 12:15:40.757 DEBUG [AbstractService a] ⚙️︎ FINISH [ActivityRecognitionService startId: 2, eventCount: 0, sticky: false] 06-25 12:15:40.757 DEBUG [HeadlessTask$2 onHeadlessJsTaskStart] taskId: 31 06-25 12:15:40.758 DEBUG [HeadlessTask$2 onHeadlessJsTaskFinish] taskId: 31 06-25 12:15:40.963 DEBUG [AbstractService f] ⚙️︎ ActivityRecognitionService.stopSelfResult(2): true 06-25 12:15:40.964 DEBUG [AbstractService onDestroy] 🔴 ActivityRecognitionService stopped 06-25 12:15:58.045 DEBUG [HttpService a] ╔═════════════════════════════════════════════ ║ 📶 Connectivity change: connected? true ╠═════════════════════════════════════════════ 06-25 12:15:58.046 DEBUG [HeadlessTask onHeadlessEvent] 💀 event: connectivitychange 06-25 12:15:58.047 DEBUG [HeadlessTask$2 onHeadlessJsTaskStart] taskId: 32 06-25 12:15:58.047 DEBUG [HeadlessTask$2 onHeadlessJsTaskFinish] taskId: 32 06-25 12:28:54.585 DEBUG [AbstractService a] 🎾 start [ActivityRecognitionService startId: 1, eventCount: 1] 06-25 12:28:54.605 DEBUG [ActivityRecognitionService a] *** wasMoving: true, nowMoving: false, startedMoving: false, justStopped; true 06-25 12:28:54.605 DEBUG [HeadlessTask onHeadlessEvent] 💀 event: activitychange 06-25 12:28:54.608 INFO [ActivityRecognitionService a] ╔═════════════════════════════════════════════ ║ Motion Transition Result ╠═════════════════════════════════════════════ ╟─ 🔴 EXIT: in_vehicle ╟─ 🎾 ENTER: still ╚═════════════════════════════════════════════ 06-25 12:28:54.608 DEBUG [AbstractService a] ⚙️︎ FINISH [ActivityRecognitionService startId: 1, eventCount: 0, sticky: false] 06-25 12:28:54.617 DEBUG [HeadlessTask$2 onHeadlessJsTaskStart] taskId: 33 06-25 12:28:54.619 DEBUG [AbstractService a] 🎾 STOP_TIMEOUT [TrackingService startId: 24, eventCount: 1] 06-25 12:28:54.646 INFO [TSScheduleManager oneShot] ⏰ Scheduled OneShot: STOP_TIMEOUT in 60000ms (jobID: 2059034116) 06-25 12:28:54.647 DEBUG [AbstractService a] ⚙️︎ FINISH [TrackingService startId: 24, eventCount: 0, sticky: true] 06-25 12:28:54.648 DEBUG [HeadlessTask$2 onHeadlessJsTaskFinish] taskId: 33 06-25 12:28:54.812 DEBUG [AbstractService f] ⚙️︎ ActivityRecognitionService.stopSelfResult(1): true 06-25 12:28:54.816 DEBUG [AbstractService onDestroy] 🔴 ActivityRecognitionService stopped 06-25 12:29:54.656 INFO [ScheduleEvent a] ╔═════════════════════════════════════════════ ║ ⏰ OneShot event fired: STOP_TIMEOUT ╠═════════════════════════════════════════════ 06-25 12:29:54.671 DEBUG [TSConfig e] ℹ️ Persist config, dirty: [isMoving] 06-25 12:29:54.673 INFO [HeartbeatService stop] 🔴 Stop heartbeat 06-25 12:29:54.675 INFO [TSLocationManager d] 🔴 Location-services: OFF 06-25 12:29:54.676 INFO [TrackingService changePace] 🔵 setPace: true → false 06-25 12:29:54.685 INFO [TSLocationManager a] ╔═════════════════════════════════════════════ ║ motionchange LocationResult: 2 (182ms old) ╠═════════════════════════════════════════════ ╟─ 📍 Location[fused -23.535090,-46.557926 hAcc=10.22 et=+4d0h15m20s800ms alt=739.32861328125 vAcc=3.3888776 vel=0.0020742011 sAcc=0.21633308], time: 1719329394502 06-25 12:29:54.688 INFO [TSLocationManager onSingleLocationResult] 🔵 Acquired motionchange position, isMoving: false 06-25 12:29:54.688 DEBUG [TSLocationManager a] Median accuracy: 3.9 06-25 12:29:54.688 DEBUG [TSLocationManager c] Odometer: 4922.5073 06-25 12:29:54.691 DEBUG [HeadlessTask onHeadlessEvent] 💀 event: location 06-25 12:29:54.694 DEBUG [HeadlessTask$2 onHeadlessJsTaskStart] taskId: 34 06-25 12:29:54.694 DEBUG [HeadlessTask onHeadlessEvent] 💀 event: motionchange 06-25 12:29:54.696 DEBUG [HeadlessTask$2 onHeadlessJsTaskStart] taskId: 35 06-25 12:29:54.726 DEBUG [HeadlessTask$2 onHeadlessJsTaskFinish] taskId: 35 06-25 12:29:54.727 DEBUG [TSGeofenceManager startMonitoringStationaryRegion] 🎾 Start monitoring stationary region (radius: 150.0m -23.5350904,-46.5579258 hAcc=10.22) 06-25 12:29:54.732 DEBUG [AbstractService a] 🎾 motionchange [TrackingService startId: 25, eventCount: 1] 06-25 12:29:54.732 INFO [TrackingService k] ╔═════════════════════════════════════════════ ║ TrackingService motionchange: false ╠═════════════════════════════════════════════ 06-25 12:29:54.734 DEBUG [AbstractService a] ⚙️︎ FINISH [TrackingService startId: 25, eventCount: 0, sticky: false] 06-25 12:29:54.735 INFO [SQLiteLocationDAO persist] ✅ INSERT: ae0721b6-8104-4d10-a90b-8f7d13244985 06-25 12:29:54.941 DEBUG [AbstractService f] ⚙️︎ TrackingService.stopSelfResult(25): true 06-25 12:29:54.941 DEBUG [AbstractService onDestroy] 🔴 TrackingService stopped 06-25 12:29:54.975 DEBUG [HeadlessTask$2 onHeadlessJsTaskFinish] taskId: 34 06-25 12:32:59.039 DEBUG [LifecycleManager onStart] ☯️ onStart 06-25 12:32:59.052 DEBUG [LifecycleManager onResume] ☯️ onResume 06-25 12:32:59.265 DEBUG [TSConfig e] ℹ️ Persist config, dirty: [backgroundPermissionRationale, backgroundPermissionRationale.title, backgroundPermissionRationale.message, backgroundPermissionRationale.positiveAction, backgroundPermissionRationale.negativeAction, debug, desiredAccuracy, distanceFilter, enableHeadless, extras, headers, headlessJobService, logLevel, notification, notification.title, notification.text, params, schedule, startOnBoot, stopOnTerminate, stopTimeout] 06-25 12:32:59.268 DEBUG [TSConfig e] ℹ️ Persist config, dirty: [backgroundPermissionRationale, backgroundPermissionRationale.title, backgroundPermissionRationale.message, backgroundPermissionRationale.positiveAction, backgroundPermissionRationale.negativeAction, debug, desiredAccuracy, distanceFilter, enableHeadless, headlessJobService, locationAuthorizationRequest, logLevel, notification, notification.title, notification.text, startOnBoot, stopOnTerminate, stopTimeout] 06-25 12:32:59.273 DEBUG [LocationAuthorization withBackgroundPermission] ℹ️ LocationAuthorization: Permission granted 06-25 12:32:59.280 DEBUG [TSGeofenceManager$e run] ╔═════════════════════════════════════════════ ║ TSGeofenceManager monitoring 0/0 ╠═════════════════════════════════════════════ ╚═════════════════════════════════════════════ 06-25 12:32:59.319 DEBUG [HttpService startMonitoringConnectivityChanges] 🎾 Start monitoring connectivity changes 06-25 12:32:59.319 DEBUG [DeviceSettings startMonitoringPowerSaveChanges] 🎾 Start monitoring powersave changes 06-25 12:32:59.327 INFO [ActivityRecognitionService start] 🎾 Start motion-activity updates 06-25 12:32:59.331 INFO [HeartbeatService stop] 🔴 Stop heartbeat 06-25 12:32:59.365 INFO [TSLocationManager a] ╔═════════════════════════════════════════════ ║ motionchange LocationResult: 3 (184757ms old) ╠═════════════════════════════════════════════ ╟─ 📍 Location[fused -23.535090,-46.557926 hAcc=10.604 et=+4d0h15m20s905ms alt=739.32861328125 vAcc=3.3888776 vel=0.0017419325 sAcc=1.5], time: 1719329394608 06-25 12:32:59.410 DEBUG [TSLocationManager a] Median accuracy: 3.9 06-25 12:32:59.424 DEBUG [LocationAuthorization withPermission] ℹ️ LocationAuthorization: Permission granted 06-25 12:32:59.440 DEBUG [TSConfig e] ℹ️ Persist config, dirty: [locationAuthorizationRequest] 06-25 12:32:59.442 DEBUG [LocationAuthorization withBackgroundPermission] ℹ️ LocationAuthorization: Permission granted 06-25 12:32:59.461 INFO [TSScheduleManager oneShot] ⏰ Scheduled OneShot: TERMINATE_EVENT in 10000ms (jobID: -1708771588) 06-25 12:32:59.490 DEBUG [AbstractService a] 🎾 start [ActivityRecognitionService startId: 1, eventCount: 1] 06-25 12:32:59.492 DEBUG [ActivityRecognitionService a] 🚘 ️DetectedActivity [type=STILL, confidence=100] 06-25 12:32:59.493 DEBUG [AbstractService a] ⚙️︎ FINISH [ActivityRecognitionService startId: 1, eventCount: 0, sticky: false] 06-25 12:32:59.523 DEBUG [AbstractService a] 🎾 start [LocationRequestService startId: 1, eventCount: 1] 06-25 12:32:59.524 INFO [SingleLocationRequest startUpdatingLocation] 🔵 [SingleLocationRequest start, action: 1, requestId: 3] 06-25 12:32:59.525 DEBUG [AbstractService a] ⚙️︎ FINISH [LocationRequestService startId: 1, eventCount: 0, sticky: true] 06-25 12:32:59.528 DEBUG [TSGeofenceManager$d run] evaluation buffer timer elapsed 06-25 12:32:59.578 DEBUG [TSGeofenceManager$e run] ╔═════════════════════════════════════════════ ║ TSGeofenceManager monitoring 0/0 ╠═════════════════════════════════════════════ ╚═════════════════════════════════════════════ 06-25 12:32:59.597 DEBUG [AbstractService a] 🎾 start [ActivityRecognitionService startId: 2, eventCount: 1] 06-25 12:32:59.599 DEBUG [ActivityRecognitionService a] *** wasMoving: false, nowMoving: false, startedMoving: false, justStopped; false 06-25 12:32:59.599 INFO [ActivityRecognitionService a] ╔═════════════════════════════════════════════ ║ Motion Transition Result ╠═════════════════════════════════════════════ ╟─ 🎾 ENTER: still ╚═════════════════════════════════════════════ 06-25 12:32:59.599 DEBUG [AbstractService a] ⚙️︎ FINISH [ActivityRecognitionService startId: 2, eventCount: 0, sticky: false] 06-25 12:32:59.694 DEBUG [TSLocationManagerActivity a] locationsettings 06-25 12:32:59.694 DEBUG [TSConfig translateDesiredAccuracy] translateDesiredAccuracy (true): -1 06-25 12:32:59.733 DEBUG [TSLocationManagerActivity c] eventCount: 0 06-25 12:32:59.810 INFO [TSScheduleManager oneShot] ⏰ Oneshot TERMINATE_EVENT is already pending 06-25 12:32:59.833 DEBUG [AbstractService f] ⚙️︎ ActivityRecognitionService.stopSelfResult(2): true 06-25 12:32:59.875 DEBUG [AbstractService onDestroy] 🔴 ActivityRecognitionService stopped 06-25 12:32:59.905 DEBUG [TSLocationManagerActivity onDestroy] 06-25 12:33:01.677 DEBUG [AbstractService a] 🎾 1:3 [LocationRequestService startId: 2, eventCount: 1] 06-25 12:33:01.678 INFO [TSLocationManager a] ╔═════════════════════════════════════════════ ║ motionchange LocationResult: 3 (2030ms old) ╠═════════════════════════════════════════════ ╟─ 📍 Location[fused -23.535085,-46.557901 hAcc=16.515 et=+4d0h18m25s945ms alt=739.32861328125 vAcc=5.240326], time: 1719329579648 06-25 12:33:01.680 INFO [TSLocationManager onSingleLocationResult] 🔵 Acquired motionchange position, isMoving: false 06-25 12:33:01.680 DEBUG [TSLocationManager a] Median accuracy: 3.9 06-25 12:33:01.684 DEBUG [AbstractService b] 🎾 STOP [LocationRequestService startId: 3, eventCount: 2] 06-25 12:33:01.685 DEBUG [AbstractService a] ⚙️︎ FINISH [LocationRequestService startId: 3, eventCount: 1, sticky: false] 06-25 12:33:01.703 DEBUG [TSGeofenceManager startMonitoringStationaryRegion] 🎾 Start monitoring stationary region (radius: 150.0m -23.5350845,-46.5579006 hAcc=16.515) 06-25 12:33:01.703 DEBUG [AbstractService a] ⚙️︎ FINISH [LocationRequestService startId: 2, eventCount: 0, sticky: false] 06-25 12:33:01.710 DEBUG [AbstractService a] 🎾 motionchange [TrackingService startId: 1, eventCount: 1] 06-25 12:33:01.710 INFO [TrackingService k] ╔═════════════════════════════════════════════ ║ TrackingService motionchange: false ╠═════════════════════════════════════════════ 06-25 12:33:01.711 DEBUG [AbstractService a] ⚙️︎ FINISH [TrackingService startId: 1, eventCount: 0, sticky: false] 06-25 12:33:01.906 DEBUG [AbstractService f] ⚙️︎ LocationRequestService.stopSelfResult(3): true 06-25 12:33:01.907 DEBUG [AbstractService onDestroy] 🔴 LocationRequestService stopped 06-25 12:33:01.914 DEBUG [AbstractService f] ⚙️︎ TrackingService.stopSelfResult(1): true 06-25 12:33:01.914 DEBUG [AbstractService onDestroy] 🔴 TrackingService stopped 06-25 12:33:09.483 INFO [ScheduleEvent a] ╔═════════════════════════════════════════════ ║ ⏰ OneShot event fired: TERMINATE_EVENT ╠═════════════════════════════════════════════ 06-25 12:33:09.484 DEBUG [TerminateEvent$a onChange] ℹ️ TERMINATE_EVENT ignored (MainActivity is still active). 06-25 12:33:20.468 INFO [TSScheduleManager oneShot] ⏰ Scheduled OneShot: TERMINATE_EVENT in 10000ms (jobID: -1708771588) 06-25 12:33:21.158 DEBUG [LifecycleManager onPause] ☯️ onPause 06-25 12:33:21.159 DEBUG [LifecycleManager onStop] ☯️ onStop 06-25 12:33:30.485 INFO [ScheduleEvent a] ╔═════════════════════════════════════════════ ║ ⏰ OneShot event fired: TERMINATE_EVENT ╠═════════════════════════════════════════════ 06-25 12:33:30.487 DEBUG [TerminateEvent$a onChange] ℹ️ TERMINATE_EVENT ignored (MainActivity is still active). 06-25 12:39:45.767 DEBUG [LifecycleManager onStart] ☯️ onStart 06-25 12:39:45.769 DEBUG [LifecycleManager onResume] ☯️ onResume ```
dev-guardiant commented 2 weeks ago

We have the same issue. The STILL activity gets triggered only after 10 minutes since stopped moving though we have configured the stopTImeout as 1 minute

souzadeveloper commented 2 weeks ago

That's right, in my case, not even after 10 minutes does the service shut down. And when it turns off it doesn't work again. However, when I do simulated tests with lockito it works.

christocracy commented 2 weeks ago

Saying “me too” without providing all the info in original post, is not helpful (device model, OS, Config, etc).

the Motion api is completely managed by the OS. The plug-in has no control over when the “still” activity is reported.

also see

souzadeveloper commented 2 weeks ago

Good morning Chris, how are you? Based on the information I provided above, can you make an analysis? Because the plugin is not respecting the number of minutes configured in stopTimeout!

christocracy commented 2 weeks ago

Provide logs form $ adb logcat. See wiki “Debugging”.

dev-guardiant commented 2 weeks ago

I have created an issue by providing logs here -

souzadeveloper commented 2 weeks ago

Chris, the tests are being carried out on the street with the release version... I believe that in this case I cannot get these logs, correct?

souzadeveloper commented 2 weeks ago

Chris, I'll do a test later on the street and use the emailLog feature to collect the logs and update the issue for better analysis.

souzadeveloper commented 2 weeks ago

Hi Chris, I updated the Issue with the logs obtained by email. In practice, I got home at 12:17 and left my cell phone on the table at 12:19. StopTimout started to be identified only at 12:28 and turned off the services only at 12:29, so in fact the problem is in the time between the stop and the start of stopTimeout starts and not after the start of the count. What could be causing this problem since the cell phone had already been stopped for 10 minutes?


dev-guardiant commented 2 weeks ago

Hi Chris, I updated the Issue with the logs obtained by email. In practice, I got home at 12:17 and left my cell phone on the table at 12:19. StopTimout started to be identified only at 12:28 and turned off the services only at 12:29, so in fact the problem is in the time between the stop and the start of stopTimeout starts and not after the start of the count. What could be causing this problem since the cell phone had already been stopped for 10 minutes?


We got the same issue in our implementation as well. Did a couple of trips and outcomes were all the same. STILL activity is detected after a very long time since stopped.

Is there a way to identify the still activity as soon as it's stopped ?


christocracy commented 2 weeks ago

The Motion api is provided by Google’s closed-source Play Services api. It is a black box with nothing more than an ON/OFF switch. The plug-in has no control over the accuracy or frequency of the results delivered by that API. There is no guarantee of the quality of results, which will vary from device to device.

souzadeveloper commented 2 weeks ago

Chris, isn't there a way to resolve this? Because if the plugin is not recording locations in this period, doesn't it mean it is in a stationary state?

christocracy commented 2 weeks ago

Chris, isn't there a way to resolve this?

The plug-in relies upon two APIs to detect when the plug-in is moving:

  1. Motion API
  2. Geofencing API (a geofence around the last known position)

both these APIs are monitored by the OS. When the os fires an event from any of those APIs, the plug-in turns on location-services and begins tracking.

I do not have any issues using the devices I test with daily. It’s well known that certain device manufacturers modify their version of the Android OS to prevent these APIs from properly operating as documented.
