transitland / distributed-mobility-feed-registry

a JSON-based data schema to catalog mobility/transit/transportation data feeds
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evaluate DCAT (Data Catalog Vocabulary) #1

Closed drewda closed 4 years ago

drewda commented 5 years ago

@LeoFrachet has suggested an interesting comparison: the DCAT (Data Catalog Vocabulary) spec, which is used by open data catalogs:

Rather than reinvent a new format to describe mobility-specific feeds, why not use this more general purpose format to describe datasets that are connected to each other? It's an interesting question and worth considering.

A particular follow-up question is how DCAT can be us in JSON:

drewda commented 5 years ago

Potential advantages:

Potential downsides:

drewda commented 5 years ago

Relevant example: Navitia shares their feed catalog on (which emits RDF)

LeoFrachet commented 5 years ago

When I'll have the time I'll draft a JSON-LD version of DCAT. It should be pretty straightforward, I just have to find the time to do it. Many players are already using such spec, but without clear public specification.

drewda commented 5 years ago

@LeoFrachet sounds good. How about creating a sample using @trilliumtransit's list of public feeds? (As you know, they publish very clean data, it's already in Transitland Feed Registry, and their staff are involved in Transitland data curation -- so it could be an easy example to begin with.)

drewda commented 5 years ago

Also related: from

drewda commented 4 years ago

We're having good luck with DMFR as basic JSON files, along with a JSON Schema. So will close this issue.

In the future, it could be interesting to try also transforming the contents of a DMFR file into DACT, for use by other types of consumers.

pietercolpaert commented 4 years ago
  • unclear how to best implement in JSON (vs. heavy RDF/XML)

Using JSON-LD. It’s quite straightforward.

  • would this enable associations between GTFS and GTFS Realtime feeds, MDS and GBFS feeds, etc.?

At least you would be able to filter an opendata-portal on the specification the specific dcat:Distributions comply to. An example of how we described transport datasets in DCAT during a project can be found in this whitepaper by @dachafra:

An example of this in production to describe GTFS feeds in Belgium:

Also related: from

I created that, but never actually used it in practise for discovery. Open to suggestions on how to extend that though!