transitmatters / mbta-performance

For processing performance data for the data dashboard
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Add benchmarking columns, build out some more tests #9

Closed hamima-halim closed 3 months ago

hamima-halim commented 3 months ago

Killing a couple of birds with 1 stone here

  1. Adding the columns necessary for initial benchmarking. This just takes LAMP's values wholesale, but in the past we've completely reworked them as well. Will make those changes in a later PR as needed.
  2. Adding columns for (opposite of what I said on Slack) branch headways. For backwards-compatibility, the headways column will refer to trunk headways. scheduled_headway_branch and headway_branch_seconds will be null, usually, except when they're not.
  3. Added testing for departure/arrival collation, and tweaked the merge calculations for them accordingly.