translatable-exegetical-tools / Abbott-Smith

Abbott-Smith's Manual Greek Lexicon
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Kings and Chronicles References ("We three kings ... ") #107

Open jonathanrobie opened 2 years ago

jonathanrobie commented 2 years ago

It would be helpful to have someone check all the references to 1 Kings, 2 Kings, 3 Kings, and 4 Kings. The following shows how book names map from the LXX into the book names we know in the English-speaking world:

LXX 1 Kings => English 1 Samuel LXX 2 Kings => English 2 Samuel LXX 3 Kings => English 1 Kings LXX 4 Kings => English 2 Kings

Spot checking, many of these have been correctly linked. Someone "corrected" a reference from III Kings to II Kings. III Kings is the LXX way to say 1 Kings. This is now correct, I believe:

<entry n="Ἀβιά|G7">
  <note type="occurrencesNT">3</note>
  <form><orth>Ἀβιά</orth> (Heb. <foreign xml:lang="heb" n="H29">אֲבִיָּה</foreign>, <foreign xml:lang="heb" n="H29">אֲבִיָּהוּ</foreign>), <foreign xml:lang="grc">ὁ</foreign>, indecl. (in FlJ, <foreign xml:lang="grc">Ἀβίας, -α</foreign>), </form>
  <sense><gloss>Abia, Abijah</gloss>.
    <sense n="1.">Son of Rehoboam (<ref osisRef="1Kgs.14.1">III Ki 14:1</ref>): <ref osisRef="Matt.1.7">Mt 1:7</ref>. </sense>
    <sense n="2.">A priest of the line of Eleazar (<ref osisRef="1Chr.24.3">I Ch 24:3</ref>, <ref osisRef="1Chr.24.10">10</ref>): <ref osisRef="Luke.1.5">Lk 1:5</ref>.†</sense>

Some entries have been fixed correctly, here's an example where I Kings is correctly mapped onto 2 Samuel:

<entry n="ἀήρ|G109">
 <note type="occurrencesNT">7</note>
 <form><orth>ἀήρ</orth>, <foreign xml:lang="grc">ἀέρος, ὁ</foreign>, </form>
  <seg type="septuagint">[in LXX: <ref osisRef="2Sam.22.12">II Ki 22:12</ref> (= <ref osisRef="Ps.18.11">Ps 17 (18):11</ref> <foreign xml:lang="heb" n="H7833">שׁחק</foreign>), Wi<hi rend="subscript">8</hi>;]</seg>
 <sense>in Hom., Hes., the lower air which surrounds the earth, as opp. to the purer <foreign xml:lang="grc">αἰθήρ</foreign> of the higher regions; generally, <gloss>air</gloss> (MM, <emph>VGT</emph>, s.v.): <ref osisRef="Acts.22.23">Ac 22:23</ref>, <ref osisRef="1Thess.4.17">I Th 4:17</ref>, <ref osisRef="Rev.9.2">Re 9:2</ref> <ref osisRef="Rev.16.17">16:17</ref>; of the air as the realm of demons, <ref osisRef="Eph.2.2">Eph 2:2</ref>; <foreign xml:lang="grc">ἀ. δέρειν</foreign>, of striving to no purpose, <ref osisRef="1Cor.9.26">I Co 9:26</ref>; <foreign xml:lang="grc">εἰς ἀ. λαλεῖν</foreign>, of speaking without effect, not being understood, <ref osisRef="1Cor.14.9">I Co 14:9</ref>.†</sense>
destatez commented 2 years ago


I did some Perl Grep searches and uncovered some incorrect mappings. 1Sam and 2Sam references all have correct mapping. Both 1Kgs and 2Kgs references have several incorrect mappings for each. 1Kgs was incorrectly being mapped to I Ki and 2Kgs was incorrectly being mapped to II Ki. I've attached two files, one for each of the incorrect Kgs mappings. Each of these files has the lines of the mismatch, preceded by the line number in the Abbott-smith.tei.xml file. Each of these files shows the mismatches only for its book of Kings.


On Thu, Sep 2, 2021 at 3:35 PM Jonathan Robie @.***> wrote:

It would be helpful to have someone check all the references to 1 Kings, 2 Kings, 3 Kings, and 4 Kings. The following shows how book names map from the LXX into the book names we know in the English-speaking world:

LXX 1 Kings => English 1 Samuel LXX 2 Kings => English 2 Samuel LXX 3 Kings => English 1 Kings LXX 4 Kings => English 2 Kings

Spot checking, many of these have been correctly linked. Someone "corrected" a reference from III Kings to II Kings. III Kings is the LXX way to say 1 Kings. This is now correct, I believe:

Ἀβιά (Heb. אֲבִיָּה, אֲבִיָּהוּ), , indecl. (in FlJ, Ἀβίας, -α),
Abia, Abijah. Son of Rehoboam (III Ki 14:1): Mt 1:7. A priest of the line of Eleazar (I Ch 24:3, 10): Lk 1:5.†

Some entries have been fixed correctly, here's an example where I Kings is correctly mapped onto 2 Samuel:

ἀήρ, ἀέρος, ὁ,
[in LXX: II Ki 22:12 (= Ps 17 (18):11 שׁחק), Wi8;] in Hom., Hes., the lower air which surrounds the earth, as opp. to the purer αἰθήρ of the higher regions; generally, air (MM, VGT, s.v.): Ac 22:23, I Th 4:17, Re 9:2 16:17; of the air as the realm of demons, Eph 2:2; ἀ. δέρειν, of striving to no purpose, I Co 9:26; εἰς ἀ. λαλεῖν, of speaking without effect, not being understood, I Co 14:9.†

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ἐκ-χέω also Hellenistic, ἐκχύνω (in Th.: II Ki 14:14 ), and ἐκχύννω (q.v.) 20957: [in LXX for מְעִיל Le 8:7 A (Aq. ἐπένδυμα), I Ki 18:4 A, II Ki 13:18
;] 49961: [in LXX: Ge 43:32, Ex 18:12 (אכל), II Ki 12:17 (בּרה), Ps 100 (101):5 * ;] 52312: As adv.: = διὰ τι (τί ὅτι), why, Mt 6:28, Mk 4:40, Lk 6:46, Jo 18:23, al.; in rhet. questions, = a negation, Mt 27:4, Jo 21:22, 23 I Co 5:12 7:16, al. in exclamations (like Heb. מָה), how (II Ki 6:20, Ps 3:2, al.), Lk 12:49.

1390: Abiathar (I Ki 21:1): Mk 2:26.† 16576: The nom. is usually emphatic, when expressed as subjc, as in Mt 3:11, Mk 1:8, Lk 3:16, al. But often there is no apparent emphasis, as Mt 10:16, Jo 10:17; ἰδοὺ ἐ. (= Heb. הִנֵּנִי, cf. I Ki 3:8), Ac 9:10; ἐ. (like Heb. אֲנִי), I am, Jo 1:23 (LXX), Ac 7:32 (LXX). 16968: state of security and safety: Jo 16:33, Ro 2:10, I Th 5:3,́ whence the formulae, ὕπαγε (πορεύου) εἰς εἰ, Mk 5:34, Lk 7:50 (cf. I Ki 1:17, al.; לְכִי לְשָׁלוֹם); εἰ. ὑμῖν (שָׁלוֹם לָכֶם), Jo 20:19, 21, 26; ἀπολύειν ἐν εἰ., Lk 2:29, cf. I Co 16:11; ἡ εἰ. ὑμῶν, Mt 10:13, Lk 10:6; υἱὸς εἰρήνης, ib. 19496: [in LXX: (to renew) I Ki 11:14, II Ch 15:8, Ps 50(51):10 (חדשׁ pi.); (to dedicate) De 20:5, II Ch 7:5 (חנךְ); Is 16:11 41:1 45:16 (aliter in Heb.), Si 33(36):6, I Mac 4:36, 54, 57 5:1, II Mac 2:29 ;] 20957: [in LXX for מְעִיל Le 8:7 A (Aq. ἐπένδυμα), I Ki 18:4 A, II Ki 13:18 ;] 21297: [in LXX chiefly for דָּרַשׁ, IV Ki 8:8, Is 62:12, al.; also for בָּקַשׁ, I Ki 20:1, Ec 7:29(28)), Ho 3:5; פָּקַד, IV Ki 3:8 ;]

cbearden commented 2 years ago

Thanks, Dave! I'll see about making these changes in my repo and publishing a pull request. Unless you prefer to do that?

I think I have opened a can of worms. With a view to reviewing references more systematically, I created mappings both ways between the Abbott-Smith abbreviations and the OSIS ID abbreviations, and the first thing I did was to look for transcribed references that didn't match the A-S abbreviations, which means either we transcribed incorrectly or the original Abbott-Smith was inconsistent. Here are the results:

(venv3) cbearden@melanchthon:~/projects/Abbott-Smith-mine/scratch$ python | sort | uniq -c | sort -nr
    131 I Jn
     21 Mac
     10 Jn
      4 Ha
      3 Phi
      2 Luke
      1 Su
      1 Lu
      1 Isa
      1 II Tim
      1 II Jn
      1 Heb
      1 Gal
      1 Act

The great majority are 1 Jn, which should be 1 Jo. But until these are corrected, a comparison between the OSIS book abbrev & the A-S book abbrev will not give reliable results. I think this will belong an a new issue, since it goes beyond the scope of I-IV Kings.

destatez commented 2 years ago


You go ahead and do the mods and pr. You’ve open up a question for me and our UGL syntax checker that I wrote. Is it verifying the correct spellings on both sides of the references? I am pretty certain that it does, since our syntax requirements doc has a table that specifies the forms of both terms.


On Mon, Sep 6, 2021 at 5:21 PM Charles Bearden @.***> wrote:

Thanks, Dave! I'll see about making these changes in my repo and publishing a pull request. Unless you prefer to do that?

I think I have opened a can of worms. With a view to reviewing references more systematically, I created mappings both ways between the Abbott-Smith abbreviations and the OSIS ID abbreviations, and the first thing I did was to look for transcribed references that didn't match the A-S abbreviations, which means either we transcribed incorrectly or the original Abbott-Smith was inconsistent. Here are the results:

(venv3) @.***:~/projects/Abbott-Smith-mine/scratch$ python | sort | uniq -c | sort -nr 131 I Jn 21 Mac 10 Jn 4 Ha 3 Phi 2 Luke 1 Su 1 Lu 1 Isa 1 II Tim 1 II Jn 1 Heb 1 Gal 1 Act

The great majority are 1 Jn, which should be 1 Jo. But until these are corrected, a comparison between the OSIS book abbrev & the A-S book abbrev will not give reliable results. I think this will belong an a new issue, since it goes beyond the scope of I-IV Kings.

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cbearden commented 2 years ago

Hi Dave,

You go ahead and do the mods and pr.

Will do.

As for the abbreviations of the book names I used for checking, I have attached the mapping that I constructed in YAML syntax. The AS_to_OSIS mapping is from the Abbott-Smith abbreviations as specified on p. xii of the lexicon. I took the OSIS abbreviations from Appendix C of the OSIS 2.1 User Manual which can be found here. The OSIS_to_AS maps the OSIS abbreviations back to the Abbott-Smith ones. Just in case those are useful to you.

All the best, Chuck


destatez commented 2 years ago


The reference below points to our UGL requirements document and the section on name mapping. There are two sections, regular form and then LXX.


On Mon, Sep 6, 2021 at 8:12 PM Charles Bearden @.***> wrote:

Hi Dave,

You go ahead and do the mods and pr.

Will do.

As for the abbreviations of the book names I used for checking, I have attached the mapping that I constructed in YAML syntax. The AS_to_OSIS mapping is from the Abbott-Smith abbreviations as specified on p. xii of the lexicon. I took the OSIS abbreviations from Appendix C of the OSIS 2.1 User Manual which can be found here'Donnell_edits.PDF. The OSIS_to_AS maps the OSIS abbreviations back to the Abbott-Smith ones. Just in case those are useful to you.

All the best, Chuck


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