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rDCM: tapas_rdcm_generate.m returns 0's for endogenous DCMs #129

Closed zenkavi closed 3 years ago

zenkavi commented 3 years ago

Hi Stefan,

I wanted to look at the predicted signal in the output of tapas_rdcm_estimate.m for resting-state data created using AR(1) processes and then inverted removing DCM.U and specifying type = 'r' as you previously suggested. I noticed output.signal.y_pred_rdcm only has zeros. I think this is because when tapas_rdcm_estimate.m specifies an empty driving input for endogenous DCM's tapas_rdcm_generate.m called by tapas_rdcm_compute_signals.m with SNR = Inf returns zeros for DCM_rDCM.Y.y(:).

Is this a bug or am I missing something? Do you have any recommendations or tricks to avoid this? I can just IFFT the output.signal.yd_pred_rdcm_fft but I wanted to see if there might be a better way.



StefanFraessle commented 3 years ago

Hi Zeynep,

This is correct. Since there is no driving input DCM.U in rDCM for resting-state data, there is also no way of generating a predicted signal in the time domain - which is what would be stored in output.signal.y_pred_rdcm.

The way to check whether your predicted signal resembles the true signal is by comparing output.signal.yd_pred_rdcm_fft with output.signal.yd_source_fft. These are the Fourier transforms of the temporal derivative of the data (i.e., what you are actually fitting in rDCM, see Frässle et al., 2017). Since these are complex valued, you could for instance compare the magnitudes or compute the power spectral densities. The latter is what is implemented in tapas_rdcm_visualize.m.

In general, it is important to keep in mind that rDCM is a model that operates in the frequency domain. Hence, even for task data, the correct quantities to compare are output.signal.yd_pred_rdcm_fft and output.signal.yd_source_fft - because these are the quantities that rDCM actually "uses" for model inversion.

The predicted signal in the time domain output.signal.y_pred_rdcm is generated by plugging the posterior estimates of rDCM into a classical DCM forward model. In most cases, this works fine and gives a good impression of the prediction in the time domain (for task data). But it is essentially a hack (which is necessary since the generative model in rDCM does not make any predictions in the time domain) and can therefore produce incorrect/misleading results. Hence, it's always best to look at signal and prediction in the frequency domain (see above).

All the best, Stefan

ghost commented 3 years ago

Hi Stefan,

same issue here. I will first describe what I did. I've generated simulated BOLD timeseries using a code given by Smith. Then, using tapas_model_specification I turned the timeseries into DCM structure (U.u was zeros(16*N,U) where N was number of timepoints in the timeseries and U was the number of nodes). Subsequently, I simply fed the DCM structure into tapas_rdcm_estimate with arguments 'r', empty option, and 2 for sparse rDCM. Finally, I used tapas_rdcm_visualize to see whether the predicted signal resembles the true signal. However, the predicted signal is flat zero.

I'm wondering where I made a mistake. Would be great if you can help this out.

Best regards, Younghyun

BPaton commented 3 years ago

Hi Younghyun,

As Stefan mentioned in the last email it looks like what you obtained is not a mistake on your part but is the expected behaviour. The predicted signal in the time domain is not a valid measure of how well your rDCM fit instead the FFT of it is.



On Thu, 18 Mar 2021 at 18:54, bio7420 @.***> wrote:

Hi Stefan,

same issue here. I will first describe what I did. I've generated simulated BOLD timeseries using a code given by Smith. Then, using tapas_model_specification I turned the timeseries into DCM structure (U.u was zeros(16*N,U) where N was number of timepoints in the timeseries and U was the number of nodes). Subsequently, I simply fed the DCM structure into tapas_rdcm_estimate with arguments 'r', empty option, and 2 for sparse rDCM. Finally, I used tapas_rdcm_visualize to see whether the predicted signal resembles the true signal. However, the predicted signal is flat zero.

I'm wondering where I made a mistake. Would be great if you can help this out.

Best regards, Younghyun

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StefanFraessle commented 3 years ago

Hi Younghyun,

Thanks a lot for the question and sorry that this is so misleading. I should probably remove the predicted BOLD signal time series from the output structure in the next release of the rDCM toolbox - at least for resting-state data. This is my bad not having done it properly in the initial release.

Bryan is absolutely correct (thanks a lot, Bryan): As I have explained in my response to Zeynep, the predicted BOLD signal time series is not the right thing to look at when comparing predicted vs true signal (see above for a more detailed explanation). Instead, you should look at the power spectral densities (PSD).

You can do that by simply calling tapas_rdcm_visualize(output, DCM, options, plot_regions) (i.e., leaving the final input argument empty) as plotting the PSD is the default visualization option. Alternatively, you can explicitly specify tapas_rdcm_visualize(output, DCM, options, plot_regions, 1).

Hope this helps.

All the best, Stefan

ghost commented 3 years ago

Thanks a lot for both of you.

I knew that the fft outputs were the ones that I had to look up. But the reason that I asked if I made any mistakes was because the outputs of both fft were very weird. For output.signal.yd_source_fft, every entry is zero and for output.signal.yd_pred_rdcm_fft only the first entry has a value and the rest are zeros again. Is this normal? If the information is not sufficient to guess as to where the possible mistakes occurred, I can share my code here.


Best regards, Younghyun

StefanFraessle commented 3 years ago

Hi Younghyun,

Thanks a lot for the clarification and my apologies for the initial misunderstanding. What you describe does indicate a mistake - this is not correct. In particular because output.signal.yd_source_fft is simply the FFT of the (derivative of the) data and is thus not a result of model inversion. So, something might be going wrong in how you input the data to tapas_rdcm_estimate.m.

Could you kindly share your code and the DCM structure that you enter into tapas_rdcm_estimate.m with me? You could send them to me via email (you can find the address in the header of the rDCM functions).

With very best wishes, Stefan

ghost commented 3 years ago

Hi Stefan,

Thanks a lot for the help. I've sent the email.

Best regards, Younghyun

zenkavi commented 3 years ago

Hi Stefan,

Thank you for your previous clarification.

I'm still trying to invert endogenous DCMs with rDCM and my connectivity estimates for simulated data look pretty bad. I'm trying to understand what I might be doing wrong. So reading your HBM paper again I wasn't clear on a few things that I hope you might be able to help with:

Sorry to keep bombarding you with questions. Thank you so much for your patience in answering them.



StefanFraessle commented 3 years ago

Hi Zeynep,

Here are my thoughts on your questions:

One additional thing that is probably worth highlighting. In the HBM paper, we only tested rDCM with fixed network architecture, but have not tested rDCM with sparsity constraints on resting-state data yet. Hence, I cannot say with certainty how well the model should behave... and, in fact, whether sparse rDCM works at all for resting-state fMRI. This is something that we still have to test ourselves in careful simulations and empirical applications. While I do not see a principled reason why it should not work, there is always the chance that the model does not perform as expected. Hence, I would advise to be cautious when working with rDCM with sparsity constraints in combination with resting-state data :-)

p.s: just for the sake of completeness: task-based fMRI data should be fine - this is what we have tested in the 2018 paper.

Hope this helps :-)

All the best, Stefan

zenkavi commented 3 years ago

Great! This is all very helpful. Thank you again for all your help!