translationalneuromodeling / tapas

TAPAS - Translational Algorithms for Psychiatry-Advancing Science
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Error in tapas_physio_filter_respiratory with Siemens_Tics data #272

Open Jhcprep opened 2 days ago

Jhcprep commented 2 days ago

Dear Lars,

Thanks a lot for the toolbox! Now I would like to use PhysIO by MATLAB scripts to create physiological regressors with Siemens_Tics data acquired using CMRR multiband sequence. I use the "extractCMRRphysio.m" to get .log files from physiological data saved in DICOM format. The script worked well previously, but when I switched to some new data, an error occurred:

Unable to perform assignment because the left and right sides have a different number of elements.

Error in tapas_physio_filter_respiratory (line 134)
rpulset_padded(1:n_pad) = padding_window(1:n_pad) .* rpulset_padded(1:n_pad);

Error in tapas_physio_main_create_regressors (line 225)
                [, verbose] = tapas_physio_filter_respiratory( ...

Error in physio_regression_jh (line 96)
physio = tapas_physio_main_create_regressors(physio); 

My script and data is attached. Could you please provide some guidance on how to resolve this issue? Thank you!

Best regards, Jinhan