transloadit / uppy

The next open source file uploader for web browsers :dog:
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Is it possible to add reactive parameter in endpoint when uploading file on vue.js #1851

Closed subashdbc closed 4 years ago

subashdbc commented 5 years ago

Hi, I want to add a dynamic/reactive parameter value which can be added as a path parameter to my endpoint when uploading the file on uppy.

uppy.use(XHRUpload, {
    endpoint: `[DYNAMIC_API_URL]/${this.textContent}`,
    formData: true,
    bundle: true,
    headers: {
      'Authorization': `Bearer ${token}`

I do this on mounted hook. Here textContent is a reactive property that we created on Vue js. But this textContent is not being reactive property to endpoint URL that is added How can we do this?

Thanks in advance!

goto-bus-stop commented 5 years ago

In the future, there will be an official way to do this using setOptions():

At the moment, you can override options for XHRUpload specifically using setState():

const { xhrUpload } = uppy.getState()
  xhrUpload: {
    endpoint: ''

The object merge is important because other plugins may use the xhrUpload state to pass information to the plugin as well.

(Doing this when an upload is already in progress is not supported and will cause weird unknown breakage.)

subashdbc commented 5 years ago

@goto-bus-stop thanks for the reply.

In which state it is good to use setState like (file-added, upload, onBeforeUpload) Could you suggest?

goto-bus-stop commented 5 years ago

You can do it whenever the textContent property in your Vue state changes, or uppy.on('upload') would work as well!

subashdbc commented 5 years ago


subashdbc commented 5 years ago


uppy.on('upload', (data) => {
  const { xhrUpload } = uppy.getState() // it says it is undefined

this is result when I print getState() there is no xhrUpload object found


can you help me with this?

goto-bus-stop commented 5 years ago

xhrUpload may be undefined at that point, yes, but the snippet I posted should work fine with that (if you use ...xhrUpload or Object.assign).

subashdbc commented 5 years ago

@goto-bus-stop This is the code block that I use, while overwriting xhrUpload on setState not working

const uppy = Uppy({ restrictions: { allowedFileTypes: ['image/*'] } })
      .use(Dashboard, {
        trigger: '#post-opener-btn',
        inline: true,
        target: '#file-upload-area',
        showProgressDetails: true
      .use(Url, {
        target: Dashboard,
        serverUrl: '',
        locale: {}
      .use(XHRUpload, {
        endpoint: `${axios.defaults.baseURL}/gallery/add_post/`,
        formData: true,
        bundle: true,
        headers: {
          'Authorization': `Bearer ${this.userDetails.token}`
    uppy.on('upload', (data) => {
     const { xhrUpload } = uppy.getState()
        xhrUpload: {
          endpoint: `${axios.defaults.baseURL}/gallery/add_post/${self.caption}` // not getting updated


Is there anything that I miss? Can you help me here?

Teslenk0 commented 4 years ago

In the future, there will be an official way to do this using setOptions(): #1728

At the moment, you can override options for XHRUpload specifically using setState():

const { xhrUpload } = uppy.getState()
  xhrUpload: {
    endpoint: ''

The object merge is important because other plugins may use the xhrUpload state to pass information to the plugin as well.

(Doing this when an upload is already in progress is not supported and will cause weird unknown breakage.)

Thank you!!!

goto-bus-stop commented 4 years ago

For the record, in current Uppy versions you can do:

  endpoint: buildEndpointUrl()

Hopefully that should properly address this use case 🙏